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/builders/ - Hero and Nation Builders!

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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1447481369850.jpg (954.71 KB,1350x1350,1:1,Milky_Way_2005.jpg)

49e851 No.14198 [View All]

Welcome to the Milky way. Home of humans and so many other races. In the rise and fall of galactic empires now is an interesting time. Old fallen empires rise again, new empires discover FTL travel for the first time, and revolutions form new empires. Now a great era in the timeline of the galaxy begins, what part will you play?

Fill this out where it says to:


Race: If not human be creative, if you make a race of humans with makeup or pointy ears without a very good reason I will slap you.

Color: Single solid colors

Fluff: One or two paragraphs please. You may be rewarded for genuine effort.

Government Type: Get political, please.

Economy Type: Get political. Command, cooperative, etc.

Religion/Ideology: What do your people believe in?

FTL Method: How do your people get around?

To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Naval Units: (Generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Technology: (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)


- You have 3 actions, a research slot, and a random nation event slot. The 3 actions can be used for anything but research. You can research one thing at a time and rolled to progress. The random nation event slot is rolled every turn and something may happen to your nation, good or bad. Put fluff in to add direction to the result.

- It takes an action from a player to give a resource to another and it may take time to reach them depending on distance and travel technology. Giving technology is the same.

- Over-extension happens when you have more planets than you do culture. People will be unhappy and might revolt. Can also be used to peacefully take over border planets.

- Remember to build up your planets or your people may complain. Build up, Expand out, or build satellites to house more people.

- Fluff up your actions and slots with how your people go about doing something and you may get different results. This is especially important for special resources and ancient artifacts.

- No nation is truly good or truly evil, and no one believes themselves to be evil, get cultural and have fun. Your not playing angels and demons here.

- Expansion is just the claiming of more space, relatively easy. You may find planets during these actions but most will be found through exploration.

-I have the right to add more rules if I damn please.

8 postsand3 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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49e851 No.14291

File: 1447557227721-0.png (5.9 MB,1900x1908,475:477,BigMTTeam (1).png)

File: 1447557227722-1.png (105.87 KB,574x617,574:617,ConsensusFlowChart.png)

Name: Utobitha

Race: Humans

Color: Light Blue


>Basically hivemind humans to who want to uncover the secrets of the universe and shit out research and culture.

Once but long ago a group of scientists and engineers gathered together as the world faced itself on the brink of War. Chaos and conflict ruled the nations, and it seemed like mankind's destructive tendencies would lead to their inevitable downfall.

These scientists got together to solve the problem before it destroyed their world, but where unsure how, until they came up with a vast plan.

They would build a device, a device capable of altering the very structure of the human mind, a device which would transmit the thoughts and information of not only themselves but of everyone else on the planet at once.

So all people see things from the other's perspective.

And upon activation. . .it worked! Once the whole planet realized the severity of the destruction that would be wrought, and how completely pointless it would be, the great nuclear war that would have otherwise engulfed the planet stood down.

With the seeds planeted by these few scientists, they also inadvertantly changed another aspect of their species culture. A strong desire for knowledge, understanding, and to explore the cosmos! Thus, unitied at last on every front, they set to work building roadways into the stars

Government Type: Hivemind Consensus Network

>Basically everyone votes on everything

Everyone retains their individual personality, desires, and wishes, yet is part of the vast hivemind. All decisions are made by a unanimous and total direct vote after a series of telepathic debates which are resolved in mere moments.

The process is relatively simple. A problem or issue presents itself, and is brought to the masses. The collect sum of the information of the planet is brought forth from everyone on the planet, as all sides are able to not only present their case, but recieve the same accurate information from the other side, and thus all sides of any debate see things from "the other's perspective" as well as their own.

Within moments, since all sides share the exact same information and perspective, a unified opinion is formed after much philosophical and analytical discussion, one which is, literally, unanimously chosen by all persons since any dissent have been resolved.

And all of this happening at the speed of thought for every decision ranging from whether we should engage in an international trade deal, or whether that chair ought to be closer or father away from the door.

How an individual handle such vast volumes of information and debate from the entire planet you may ask? Easy. The low level processes are almost entirely handled by the subconscious, rather than conscious thought, thus freeing up the individual to make his own choices for his own tastes. It's the major big things which affect the species as a whole, that require conscious debate.

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49e851 No.14292


Economy Type: Hivemind Command Economy

>Basically everyone knows where everything is supposed to go

Thanks to everyone knowing everything anyone else knows, all economic decisions are made in a way that ensures maximum efficiency, and satisfies those involved.

A person who enjoys being a doctor and able-bodied for the task not only has access to the brains and minds of all doctors on the planet, but also gets to make his case that he should perform these actions as he is the most interested and capable of not only performing it, but also advancing the science. Those with the strongest desire tend to get the job, while those who would act lackluster often get introspected for what job they would find the most satisfying, and are given that instead.

Resources are distributed to exactly where needed, when needed, and with no waste with the exception of luxury goods or cultural goods.


>Basically believe in whatever you want to believe, there are various religions

Varied and diverse, religion, along with food, sex, and other certain aspects, are one of the things not governed or heavily influenced by hivemindism. Although, generally speaking, there is a strong pressure to create a unified sense of morals and goodwill towards all persons.

FTL Method: Absolute Position Intangibility Drive (APID)

>Basically become intangible and stand still while the universe moves around you, then become solid again

Did you know, the Universe is constantly in motion? Not only do planets, solar systems, and the Galaxy itself move but even space expands just as it has ever since the Big Bang. Space itself is expanding and moving.

The Absolute Position Intangibility Drive is by far our proudest scientific achievement. When activated, it does two things at once, it pulls the ship out of real space, not into any pocket dimension or warp space, but by altering the "frequency" of the atomic and subatomic structure of the ship, renders it otherwise "intangible" to the known universe. This allows the ship to pass through solid objects, everything from planets to stars.

Next, with the ship existing in a state "technically" outside the universe, another thing happens. Since the ship is pulled out of the universe, this means the normal forces which affect it are also taken away. Everything from gravity, to heat, and most of all, inertia.

The Ship no longer moves in tandem with the rest of the universe, and slowly starts to lose relative momentum, as it starts to "slow down" until it sits in "Absolute position". Believe it or not, the universe is expanding at an astonishing rate, and pending on your absolute position, expands faster than the speed of light.

Thus, by staying in absolute position while the universe expands and moves around you, the ship is able to "move" at incredible speed (though technically it's the universe moving, not the ship).

As always, no two objects can exist in the same place at the same time, so before deactivating the intangibility drive ship must be located in empty space.

There is no way to properly stress how important that fact is.

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49e851 No.14295

Name: Darkek Empire

Race: Darkek(9ft birdmen who live on a world of extreme wind and heavy gravity, causing them to have great endurance and their wings being powerful enough to let them fly at surprising speeds in lighter atmospheres. They glow very bright in the dark, as the unending gales of their homeworld make it hard to see even with nightvision)

Color: Purple

Fluff: The Darkek are a race of large avians hailing from Darkon, a planet of unending rain with winds reaching up to 500 mph. The Darkek were one of the very few races to live above ground, and due to the extreme nature of their homeworld grew to be naturally strong and fast. Eventually the Darkek managed to form a planetary government, their buildings barely standing on the harsh planet. In time they left their world, a race hardened by a harsh home, and proceeded to thrive in environments considered too dangerous to live in.

Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

Economy Type: Total command

Religion/Ideology: The Darkek praise their god the windmaker, and view the plant Darkon as his home, while lightwind is the sheer wind left in his wake as he flies around the cosmos, only stopping to gift his people strength and speed.

FTL Method: The Darkek ships match their makers, and use extreme speeds to naturally reach FTL speeds before piercing into a area of space known as lightwind that they ride to the next destination.

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49e851 No.14350

File: 1447573628458-0.jpg (56.35 KB,442x682,221:341,image.jpg)

File: 1447573628458-1.jpg (126.61 KB,560x640,7:8,image.jpg)

Name: A fungi for you.

Or the collective.

Race: Fungi people

Color: Green and black

Fluff: From a world with multiple suns and a lush landscape a unified fungus has taken over the hearts and souls ( and minds) with there peaceful, infectious presence. The collective fungus has spread rapidly and now has compleat control over our home. After the hive minds rebellious teenage years of pollinating and mutating with all the pretty mind controlled subspecies it realized that there are other species out in the Galaxy yet to feel it's love. Developments and discovers where made in a floating gas filled plant species and now it's set out to share its love with the universe.

Government Type: A fungus people and their infected subspecies are controlled and driven from a collective intelligence. All infected species are given needed resources needed to survive without discrimination [total socialism]

Economy Type: Cooperative, all plants share Resources equally because that's what brothers do man.

Religion/Ideology: Peace love and hippy beads are cool man and you should think there cool too. Intolerance will not be tolerated!

FTL Method: Biological super gliders from a subspecies of gaseous transport plants riding off of space wind (fuck yea)

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49e851 No.14353

File: 1447575770853.jpg (1.2 MB,1513x999,1513:999,Crisis-Suits.jpg)


Enlightenment of Fahnu


Fahnu, Fahnu's allies they have giften FTL travel




The Enlightenment of Fahnu has always expanded through a clinical methodology of cultural suppression, insurgency, and propaganda. Skilled logicians, anthropologists, and linguists study Xenosocieties and figure out the best way to dismember their ideology while casting the Enlightenment as the next logical step for their civilization in every manner possible in the context of their pre-existing culture. This began with the Great Fahnu itself, and spread across their industrial civilizations with a strong and unifying force. Of course, Fahnu was never above the use of military force–rather, he considered it to go hand-in-hand with cultural domination, par for the course.

Fahnuvians, biologically, have three genders. Egg layers, egg carriers, and egg fertilizers. They correlate to roughly females, a-gender, and males. Fahnu was the 2nd, referred to as "it" in the closest English equivalent.

Fahnuvians are more known for their intellects than their physical prowess, so extensive use of pneumatic armor and mechanized battle suits are relied upon to spread the Enlightenment across the stars, and maintain it against barbarians who have yet to be Enlightened.

Government Type:

Meritocracy, Test-Based

Economy Type:

Socialist, the most cunning\economically inclined are granted Writs of Free Enterprise however


The Enlightenment of Fahnu is a self-contained way of life, to the point the Jakthi people renamed themselves after its founder. The Fahnuvian ideology is a mixture of quasi-religious reverence for design and aesthetics and ancestor worship, with a dash of asceticism thrown in for the most devout.

FTL Method:

Light-hugging drives, Wormhole Generators

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49e851 No.14355


Amend Colour to



>Light Tan

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49e851 No.14361

File: 1447579563194.jpg (17.11 KB,350x483,50:69,ASimpleMachine.jpg)

Name: A Simple Game. (Officially known as "Deep Dream")

Race: Robotic Beings forcefully constricted to a single body.

Color: Teal



To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Naval Units: (Generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Technology: (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

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49e851 No.14362

File: 1447588282017.jpeg (137.87 KB,640x905,128:181,45438_91e48ecb52742aea9ff….jpeg)

Name: Elder Remnant

Race: Eldarin - Artificial life based on the Elder Race structure.

Color: Yellow

Fluff: The Elder Beings were of an unknown origin, probably from a time where the galaxy was still hot and dense. During that primordial era they forged empires across the stars and once ruled over all aspects of reality; electromagnetism, movement, gravity and relativism. So great was their power that their downfall was nigh impossible. And yet it came. No one is really sure what happened to them and few of their mighty constructions remained behind to tell any story, but sure as the galaxies cooled the Elder Ones disappeared.

Among their many and awesome creations that dotted the cosmos at its infancy lies the construct people known as the Remnant Race. They were forged in the irradiated elliptical core of the galaxy, a place bursting with energies other races consider lethal and offensive. To the Remnant prolonged exposure to stellar radiation does then no ill or harm, being able to sustain terribly high temperatures as well as having amazing robust genetics. Their entire genome is composed of strong links of crystalline micro-formations of silicone molecules, much different than carbon based life. It’s almost a stretch to call the Remnant alive. They are not more than self-contained and perfectly attuned organic machines built in the image of their creators.

Their planet of origin rotates around the galactic core instead of a star, making it both terribly cold and bombarded by scorching stellar radiation.

Government Type: Autocratic Merito-Gerontocracy - Where the leaders are those self-appointed among the oldest strata of society. Since they will often span millennia or more they have had an entire lifetime of accumulated knowledge, wealth and power and because of their robust genetics have not withered one single bit aside from outside intervention. These Old Ones lead the Remnant unopposed.

Economy Type: The only coins in which the Remnant deal is value and rarity. That which is highly valuable will be sought after and hoarded, the rare will be catalogued and preserved. This is a direct sidestep from their main source of economic interest; the shards of the Elder Race, the artifacts and ruins of their ancient creators.

Religion/Ideology: Albeit many of the Remnant worship the Elder Things they are the fervorous minority. The true creed of the race is called the Song, or Universal Song. It’s their understanding of string theory, chaos theory and quantum mechanics given will.

Even possessing many replication-organs (systems in their bodies that are aesthetically similar to the Elder Ones anatomy) - like ears, respiratory system and skin - they are actually a very long sequence of interconnect synapse nerves and mechanical tendon power-houses. This allows the Remnant to not only “feel” the Universal Song, but also sing it, to a certain degree. They don’t simply observe the effects of the micro-universe, they hear its call and give it divine providence.

FTL Method: Relative-Correspondence Drive - accelerates by harnessing the correspondence of information between strings. By reaching relativistic hyper-speed, it then stops perceiving space-time as a line and instead shortens it to a quantifiable energy debt that, when paid, fulfills a distance and time-frame.

To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Naval Units: (Generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Technology: (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

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49e851 No.14446



Race: A heavily augmented race of sharp fanged reptiallian creatures, The Lagiacrux have a roughly humanoid shape and are bipedal clawed falcon like feat, they sport raptor like arms and are heavily scaled similar to a crocodile with the inside of their mouths being similar to a sharks. Their eyes are completely red with no visible pupils.

Color: Green or tan scales depending on sex.

Fluff: The lagiacrux are highly technologically advanced,but adopt more primitive forms of weaponry such as swords,spears and other primitive weapons forged from the various indigenous materials found throughout their solar system .

Government Type: The Lagiacrux empire operates under various factions of kings and queens following the commands of the nobles of the species and is largely dominated by one house in particular it's basically a political scape similar to game of thrones

Economy Type: The economy of the lagiacrux is built around primitive trade similar to the human dark ages

Religion/Ideology: The lagiacrux are a warlike species that value power and honor, they fight to eradicate evil in the galaxy and have a code of honor similar to a knights code of chivalry

FTL Method: The lagiacrux travel in massive fleets with ships that are similar in appearance to a stone castle. The primary means of FTL travel for them consists of a fuel made from an indigenous ore that powers a massive power core located near the bottom of the ship that serves as the primary means of FTL travel.

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49e851 No.14447


amend Colour to dark bronze

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49e851 No.14460

File: 1447642369216-0.jpg (40.04 KB,580x232,5:2,viking.jpg)

File: 1447642369217-1.jpg (266.52 KB,1600x887,1600:887,space_viking_homeplanet_by….jpg)









Long ago, an ancient, noble, and ultimately dying race was, well, dying out. To preserve their legacy as a species, they decided to offer their knowledge to a younger race.

Unfortunately, they chose to give a very easy to use FTL drive to Vikings. The old race passed away, and thousands of Vikings flew off to raid the stars.

…Without any real understanding of Interstellar Navigation. Or knowledge of where Earth was.

After they'd taken their fill of wealth and mysterious alien tech, they sought out their old home to no avail. So they searched the stars for a new one! Many worlds were found. Fjordheim, Definately-has-an-atmosphereland, Eriksland, and many other were found…but one shone above the others.

A world of bizarrely earthlike flora and fauna, one rich in the metal used in the FTL drive, A worthy land, (which an Old Norse to English site tells me would be) Gildrland.

The ages passed, and eventually the Gildrlanders began to build a true society, advancing to the point they could understand the old technologies that landed them here.

They take to the stars once more.

>Government Type:



Over the years, the Norse Faith and Christianity blended together, creating a strange syncretic faith. Jesus became a figure of luck and vigor, Valkyries became angelic 'Choosers of the Saints', and Hel became particularly associated with Hell. It promotes kindness and mercy, but also personal strength in battle.

>FTL Method:

There exists a strange metal, more common on certain worlds and in certain systems. When enough energy is dumped into it, it drags the ship around it "up" into Hyperspace. Conversely, it can drag a ship "down" into Subspace. It requires a trivial amount of energy to go "down" into Subspace, but a considerable amount to "rise" back into reality. Conversely, "rising" into Hyperspace is resource-intensive, while it takes very little to "fall" back into reality. Both have strange and seemingly unrelated properties, and both allow for FTL travel.

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49e851 No.15381

File: 1447982974853.jpg (128.35 KB,1024x679,1024:679,breach__by_duster132-d753o….jpg)


Name: T.C.E

Race: Robots (usually Androidish)

Color: Grey-Blue


Originating from a planet plagued by civil war the T.C.E was created by an intergalactic entrepreneur trying to get the warring parties to seize hostilities by creating a common foe.

Initially the T.C.E, an AI tasked with posing a threat to biological species in order to ensure their goodwill and cooperation amongst each other, began with a number of terrorist attacks on all warring parties, quickly expanding operations by seizing productive facilities, eventually forming a military force formidable enough to challenge any of the planetary factions.

Faced with an enemy of unknown origin and malicious intent the planet banded together. Fighting was harsh and many died in the years of urban warfare, however eventually the T.C.E was crushed by the planetary Coalition, its remnants scattered few units escaped by their creator's order. He was later arrested and executed for treason as the extend of his involvement in the crisis became known, almost sparking yet another series of civil wars.

With only their Order to guide them the remainder of the T.C.E continue to roam the galaxy, seeking to gather resources and pose a threat once more, this time not to a country or a planet, but towards the entire galaxy.

For all their strengths the T.C.E has a decisive weakness as their success inevitably lies in their defeat, never truly able to rid the galaxy of the biological species they set out to fight, even if this eventually means the end of their own existance.

Government Type: Militaristic Communism

Economy Type: Government Controlled

Religion/Ideology: The Order - The need to constantly pose a threat to biological species in order to ensure their goodwill and cooperation amongst each other.

FTL Method:

Very slow heavily armored transport ships with big damn thrusters. Once they have actually arrived the construction of Jump Gates for more rapid transportation.

To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Naval Units: (Generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Technology: (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

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49e851 No.15490

File: 1448036503112.jpg (862.96 KB,1500x566,750:283,space ship 2.jpg)

Name: The Olympian Corporate Hegemon

Race: Human through and through, though cyborgs are reasonably common and g-mods are known amongst the elite.

Color: What's left? Neon Yellow

Fluff: The Olympian colonies started out as an experiment in corporate space travel - 12 large conglomerates pooled their resources into the creation of a single massive transporter for a one-way long distance jump to their "ideal world". Each corp had their own landing vessel with which to then establish their colony. A universal government was established primarily to adjudicate between the megacorps after the second corpwar, as well as a way of handling the rising populations of the colonies. It was assigned ownership over certain resources, populations and privileges (that no-one could agree who "owned"), on the condition that exploitation of said resources would be farmed out to the corps - offering contracts is a large portion of the government's job. The competitive nature of Olympian society has meant that various branches have deep rivalries and funding wars, and purely corp forces (though limited by treaty) also exist alongside government ones. After almost a century the corps looked to the stars once again, and corporate dominions expanded to include entire planets, though most major populations are multi-corp.

There are 9 remaining corps.

Government Type: Corporate Hegemony, ruled by a Parliament, mostly dominated by the representatives of the Megacorps. Most services are privatised, with the government acting as oversight.

Economy Type: Megacorp-based Crony Capitalism

Religion/Ideology: Highly varied in personal beliefs, but the general consensus is that competition breeds strength, and the strongest survive - Olympian society is highly competitive, a state fostered by many megacorp ideologies.

FTL Method: "Jump" teleport drive - a direct near-instantaneous point-to-point teleport, with 3 key governing factors: Position, Distance and Mass.

Position must be calculated beforehand - it cannot be changed in transit, as there is no experienced time during transit. The calculations are complex, and precision is important - a rushed calculation could leave you well off course, or teleported into the heart of a star.

Distance of the jump determines the energy requirements, and the scale is not linear - on-planet and in-system jumps tend to be a bit excessive when conventional travel would work (though they're still feasible), interstellar is the most practical, and longer journeys see the energy-per-distance start to climb again.

The mass of the object being teleported determines how long the phase-in time is - particularly important, as while an object is phasing in it cannot interact with a point in space, but it can have its phasing frequency blocked. The ability to be blocked (and for ships to move out the way) is why tele-munitions have largely fallen out of favour with the _.

Jumps can be made by ship equipment (jump drives) and by external equipment (teleporters).

The Jump principle is also used for FLT communication - as photons have almost no mass this means that messages will almost always get to and from shielded locations.

To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Naval Units: (Generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Technology: (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

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49e851 No.15688


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Ring Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - The Ring Drive uses metaphysics that still arn't fully understood. Low rolls for any action that involves travel could be disastrous.

Clans - infighting between the clans is common as well as the clans just doing their own thing. Roll a d100 every 3 turns to see what the clans are doing.

Pack Hunters - Your people work well in small teams which is how most fights are fought now. Get a +1 to all planet side combat and boarding combat.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Star Link Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your method of travel is fast but takes a lot of set up between star systems.

Humanity Fuck Yeah! - You have a +1 to combat dice when fighting aliens.

Can't trust the greys - Your people may have trouble not wanting to kill an alien species, roll a d100 when meeting a new species to judge population reaction.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low), Exotic Matter (tiny)

Technology: Alcubierre Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your Drive is relatively safe and fast but costly, you need a supply of Exotic matter to make more ships.

This shit again - You know how to fight hive minded enemies +2 to combating them.

Gene Seed - Your gene implants make you faster and stronger but it takes more time to make, meaning it is harder to recruit.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

49e851 No.15694


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Grav Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your ships require a gravity well to operate, if they accidentally come out in open space they are fucked.

Capitalism Ho! - Every other turn roll a d100 to see what the corporations are up to.

The Struggle - Units gain more experience from actual combat, but less from training.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

49e851 No.15701


Population: 5 (+?/turn)

Food: N/A

Raw Currency: 5 (+?/turn)

Legitimacy: N/A

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Forms/Abilities: Infested [Basic], Gundi-Complex [Special]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


It Hungers - You are do not need food or legitimacy as Salmagundi has complete control. Your population and currency growth are based on capturing of new planets or ships unless new facilities are grown.

Beings of flesh and horror - You can not research normal technology but instead can research new forms and abilities. These forms are made from combining the biomatter of your zombie population.

He comes - Every 5 turns roll a d100, you will then be compelled to fulfill an objective for unknown reasons. First roll for this will be turn 5.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Bioforms/Abilities: Worker Drones [Basic], (Insert one combat bioform) [Basic], (Insert one ship bioform) [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your ship bioforms have the power to great wormholes to other planets but it takes a long time to charge.

The Swarm - You can not create traditional technology but can instead capture genetic sequences from native lifeforms or forcfully have your bioforms adapt by putting them in situations they must adapt to.

I am the swarm - If your capital falls the Great Mother will be killed, if this is done the swarm will shatter.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings:


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship], 1 City Ship

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Improbability Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 0


FTL - Yes, this drive is perfect! Except for the fact something strange always happens when you use it, like your weapon systems turning into whales.

Nomads - You do not hold down planets but instead strip them for resources. You do not need to expand, and need to build more ships to expand your population.

Void Born - You get a +2 to naval combat but a -2 to ground combat.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

49e851 No.15703


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: N/A

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: APID [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - The universe moves fast, and knowing when to shut off the drive is important. Low rolls on actions that require FTL movement could end with your ship in a star.

Hivemind - It is hard to lose faith in those in charge when you are part of those in charge. However the human mind was not meant to be a hive mind, so things may get weird when stability should be lost.

One Big Computer - The Human mind is more complex than any computer, and now you have access to many of them to compute with. +10 to research rolls but rolls under 10 will cause a forceful change in research direction as the majority want that researched.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Shield Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your drives are fast but require good shields or the ship will be destroyed.

Stronk - Your people are strong, +1 in environment that need close combat.

Uplifted - Your people were uplifted by another species, you have an easier time researching ruins but a harder time reverse engineering tech from other species.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Ring Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL method is slow as shit. It will take multiple turns to complete actions that require movement between stars.

Shrooms - Your people can create slaves through their spores.

Collective - Low rolls on actions may mean the project will be abandoned in favor of another by the people.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Wormhole Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Wormholes are dangerous and unpredictable. Low rolls could mean appearing in the wrong place.

Meritocracy - Everyone is in their appropriate places and know what they are doing. It is harder to lose

Aliens are our friends - It is hard not to help other species, even if they might kill you afterwards.

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49e851 No.15739


Addendum - remove Ring Drive tech


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: N/A

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Move Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL capabilities are short and vary by ship. Make sure you have the right ship type to go the right direction.

Robotic - Your people are robots and thus do not need to eat or breath.

Hates losing - The Deep Dream system hates losing. After losing a battle you have a +10 to all rolls involving an action to better yourself until you win a battle against the same foe or until the war with said foe ends.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: RC Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL method gets you there fast enough, just don't aim for planets.

I can hear the song - Your people can hear the song of the universe. Feel every movement before it happens. This means that some can see the future, or possible futures, and guide away from them. You may reroll one roll, this action has a two turn cool down.

Dealing in art - Your people hold great value in the ruins of your creators. If you know another race has one such ruin you may be called by your people to declare war and take it.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low), (Insert FTL fuel name here) (low)

Technology: (insert name here) Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL is quick and precise, but requires fuel to be used.

Honor - Your people will not abide anything they deem evil or dishonorable and may call for war against them. You have a +1 for fighting these foes.

And Blood - Your people do not like ranged weapons and prefer melee. This has its advantages in some situations, and disadvantages in others.

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49e851 No.15751


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: N/A

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low), (Insert FTL fuel name here) (low)

Technology: (Insert name here) Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your people's FTL capabilities are reliable and fast, but require fuel.

Lost Home - Many of your people still wish to find their ancestral home. You get a bonus to exploring thanks to this.

Mother fucking Techno-Vikings - The old ways are still strong. You get a bonus to raiding and pillaging.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Jump Gate [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL method is slow as shit until you get a jump gate up. Once you do it is the fastest and most reliable method. You do need to make sure your ships can fit though.

The Order - You must always be at war with at least one biological species that is seemingly sentient. This does not count if you do not know of any.

Robots - You don't need food, or air.


Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Player fluffed unit] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Jump Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL is variable and reliable, but miscalculations and tampering can cause disastrous results.

Megacorps - The corps hold massive sway in the Hegemon. They will go against any policy or action that they think may impact their profits. As well roll a d100 every 3 turns to see what they are up to.

Corp born - Your people can usually get better deals out of trade routes.

You may now post.

I will make the map before next turn after the people still playing post. All Humans and human made will be put next to each other so be prepared.

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49e851 No.15753


>Note: Humans should decide among themselves who has earth.

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49e851 No.15754

Dice rollRolled 47, 32, 72, 1, 37 = 189 (5d100)


Name: The Yiyatun Commonwealth

Race: The Yiyatun - visually a hybrid between timberwolves and raccoons, with dexterous paws. Carnivorous and fairly pack orientated, with clans comprising of multiple packs, and Great Clans comprising of multiple clans.

Color: Red

Fluff: The Yiyatun Commonwealth was formed after the Great Clan War; sick of the constant warring of the planetbound clans, the minority spacefaring clans dropped rocks until the groundling clans submitted. They formed a council of all the Yiyatun clans and Great Clans, to work for the Common Wealth of all Yiyatunkind.

Government Type: Clan Council with Speaker. Every Clan has a seat and vote in the Council, as well as the Great Clans. The Speaker is the Commonwealth Pack Leader, chosen by majority council vote, and may be subject to challenge at any time - or removal by 3/4ths vote.

Economy Type: Open Membership Guild based Societies. There is often, but not always, an overlap between clans and guilds. Clans may be entered to by marriage or adoption, but Guilds can have members from multiple clans.

Religion/Ideology: Manifest Destiny. According to Yiyatun legends and myths, the Gods came from the Heavens with the Yiyatun were young, and taught them the secrets of civilization. The command, "Conquer the World and the Stars", comes from the very gods themselves, and even the most secular of clans believe that it is right that the Yiyatun rule everything.

FTL - The Ring Drive uses metaphysics that still arn't fully understood. Low rolls for any action that involves travel could be disastrous.

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: Yiyayu[Homeworld, Commonwealth House[Capital]]


Military Units: 1 [Commonwealth Militia][x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Lightning-class][x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Ring Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - The Ring Drive uses metaphysics that still arn't fully understood. Low rolls for any action that involves travel could be disastrous.

Clans - infighting between the clans is common as well as the clans just doing their own thing. Roll a d100 every 3 turns to see what the clans are doing.

Pack Hunters - Your people work well in small teams which is how most fights are fought now. Get a +1 to all planet side combat and boarding combat.

In Progress:



1: Construct Orbital Industries

2: Scout nearby systems [Lighting-class]x1

3: Scout nearby systems [Lighting-class]x1

Research: Ring Drive Tech

Random: A new fad has broken out amongst the martial-inclined younger crowd: Throwbacks to ancient melee weapons dueling with heavy armor, but with modern technology and with electronic scoring instead of bloodshed.

Clan Roll: 1/3

Action Fluff:

1: "The Commonwealth speaker today announced a new program of orbital industrial production. Citing costs to boost out of Yiyatu's gravity well, the Speaker laid out the case for the plans. A majority of the Clans and Great Clans have agreed to the plan, which includes lifting more Groundling clans into Orbital assets, but a solid faction of Groundling clans have protested the expendenture, citing economic damage from the Unification war."



Research: "Lab Notes, Doctor Koreh. Ring Drive Physics continue to elude a unified theory, although there are a few interesting avenues of approach towards a better understanding. We've got the equivalent of a catapult without knowing the laws of motion, although being slightly more advanced than that era, we should be able to bridge the gaps of our knowledge slightly faster."

Random: Email Exchange, Ripahyi Family: "I understand your frustration, but the Clan Leader has okayed these games. Unless you're willing to go against the clan head, we can't keep our cubs from participating. At least it's not a blood sport, and for goodness sakes, have you looked at Rike lately? He shouldn't still be as round as he was when he was a young pup! Exercise is good for him."

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49e851 No.15755

Dice rollRolled 85, 57, 51, 77 = 270 (4d100)

1. Build vast agricultural fields across our homeworld, Phanu. Let none know hunger.

2. Produce mechanized soldiers.

3. Send our scout ships to nearby systems in search of life, intelligent or otherwise.

4. Research methods of propagating our ideology such that others are naturally inclined to follow.


Enlightenment of Fahnu


Fahnu, Fahnu's allies they have giften FTL travel




Meritocracy, Test-Based

Economy Type:

Socialist, the most cunning\economically inclined are granted Writs of Free Enterprise however


The Enlightenment of Fahnu is a self-contained way of life, to the point the Jakthi people renamed themselves after its founder. The Fahnuvian ideology is a mixture of quasi-religious reverence for design and aesthetics and ancestor worship, with a dash of asceticism thrown in for the most devout.

FTL Method:

Light-hugging drives, Wormhole Generators


Population: 6 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Grand Palatial Bureaucratic Redoubt] (Phanu)


Military Units: 1 Fahnuvian Brigade [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 Cultural Harbinger [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Wormhole Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Wormholes are dangerous and unpredictable. Low rolls could mean appearing in the wrong place.

Meritocracy - Everyone is in their appropriate places and know what they are doing. It is harder to lose

Aliens are our friends - It is hard not to help other species, even if they might kill you afterwards.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

49e851 No.15758

Dice rollRolled 42 (1d100)

>Raouling for random nation event

The Ministry of Harmony is beginning to experiment with virtual reality for relieving some of the population's less savory sexual desires…

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49e851 No.15760

Dice rollRolled 33, 53, 74, 10, 5 = 175 (5d100)


Name: Delgani Kingdoms

Race: Delgan (4 legged 2 armed vertebrates analogues with 3 eyes and a mouth. Have smooth skin like scales, and spines running along the back)

Color: Blue

Fluff: The Delgan are from a warm tropical planet covered with loose plants and drifting seas. The are hierarchical in nature, and pack based. They have for millennia fought each other in wars and ideological conflicts. This had slowed their rate of growth greatly, but allowed them to create a strong industrial base from what they have.

They started solar system colonization a hundred years ago, delganforming 2 other planets and mining several hundred asteroids. The competition is pace is fierce, as it is a free market and little in the way of regulating it. Thus there are myriads fighter craft, corvettes and frigates and freighters flying around the system and more pumped out each day to fuel the booming growth in the system.

Government Type: Hegemony, a representative for life is elected and rules from Delgan.

Economy Type: Free market very little regulation.

Religion/Ideology: Struggle makes the individual and pack stronger, the strongest smartest and toughest survive and grow, while the others do not. We struggle as one people, pulling in a thousand directions, and thus we grow.

FTL Method: Gravitic correspondence. The ftl drive uses a sufficiently dense gravity well to open a hyperspace rift that puts the ship through a large a mount of space in short time. The distance covered is dependent on the gravity well used, and how close the ship skirts it.

Population: 6 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Hegemon's Palace] (Delgan)


Military Units: 1 [Delgan Infantry Corps] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Delgan Scout Corvettes] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Grav Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your ships require a gravity well to operate, if they accidentally come out in open space they are fucked.

Capitalism Ho! - Every other turn roll a d100 to see what the corporations are up to.

The Struggle - Units gain more experience from actual combat, but less from training.

Capitol roll 1/2

1. Expand our metal production facilities in system. The asteroid and planets should be more than able to sustain this.

2.Scout out nearby systems with our 2 Delgani scout corvettes.

3.Start construction on a shipyard.

4. Research Basic trans spatial missile technology. Our ships need better armaments.

5. A new ship design is passed around, is it for humor or for gain?

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49e851 No.15841

File: 1448174602534.jpg (120.58 KB,600x424,75:53,1447517737730.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 33, 37, 30, 54, 83 = 237 (5d100)


Population: 5 (+?/turn)

Food: N/A

Raw Currency: 5 (+?/turn)

Legitimacy: N/A

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Nerve Nexus] (Salmundi Prime)


Military Units: 1 Salmgundi Bits [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 Salmagundi Fragments [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Forms/Abilities: Infested [Basic], Gundi-Complex [Special]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


It Hungers - You are do not need food or legitimacy as Salmagundi has complete control. Your population and currency growth are based on capturing of new planets or ships unless new facilities are grown.

Beings of flesh and horror - You can not research normal technology but instead can research new forms and abilities. These forms are made from combining the biomatter of your zombie population.

He comes - Every 5 turns roll a d100, you will then be compelled to fulfill an objective for unknown reasons. First roll for this will be turn 5.

Actions [expand, expand, pop/turn]

1. Salmagundi attempts to bait nearby civilian space travel with distress signals, sexual enticements, and other tricks. It waits until the vessels arrive at their home systems before moving carefully to civilian infrastructure. [Expand]

2. Salmagundi also attempts to expand through more violent means – it crafts crude wrecks into carriers which it rams into any vessel it can find. [Expand]

3. Salmagundi is trying to expand the mass available on Salmagundi prime by drinking the oceans and developing massive arrays to leech energy from the sun. [increase pop/turn]

[Research – Infection Beams]

4. [Research] Salmagundi attempts to develop sophisticated methods to infect ships, making expansion easier. Salmagundi invisions a pulse weapon that carries itself. Salmagundi can then ride onto a vessel to consume it. [research infection-beams]

[Random Event]

5. [Random Event] Some of Salmagundi's scouts encounter a vessel. The vessel's status is unclear…

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49e851 No.15896

Dice rollRolled 32, 83, 37, 1, 46 = 199 (5d100)

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [UJD Republic Command] Earth


Military Units: 1 [Terran Marines] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [X-32 Recon Ship] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Star Link Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your method of travel is fast but takes a lot of set up between star systems.

Humanity Fuck Yeah! - You have a +1 to combat dice when fighting aliens.

Can't trust the greys - Your people may have trouble not wanting to kill an alien species, roll a d100 when meeting a new species to judge population reaction.

1. Send the scout ships out through the first of the Star Nodes. Let's see where they wind up.

2. Construction of orbital docks above Earth is labeled as paramount to the security and survival of the UJD.

3. Strengthen the economy

4. Our ships are some of the best in the galaxy, but they could be better. Begin researching [Neutronium Armor] for our ships to use instead of titanium composites.

5. The Republican Congress hold session to determine the new laws on the agenda. [26-50 Inter-Dominion trade law][51-75 Star Node Defense stratagems] [75-100 Colonial policy]

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49e851 No.15897

Dice rollRolled 74, 62, 79, 32, 30 = 277 (5d88)









Long ago, an ancient, noble, and ultimately dying race was, well, dying out. To preserve their legacy as a species, they decided to offer their knowledge to a younger race.

Unfortunately, they chose to give a very easy to use FTL drive to Vikings. The old race passed away, and thousands of Vikings flew off to raid the stars.

…Without any real understanding of Interstellar Navigation. Or knowledge of where Earth was.

After they'd taken their fill of wealth and mysterious alien tech, they sought out their old home to no avail. So they searched the stars for a new one! Many worlds were found. Fjordheim, Definately-has-an-atmosphereland, Eriksland, and many other were found…but one shone above the others.

A world of bizarrely earthlike flora and fauna, one rich in the metal used in the FTL drive, A worthy land, (which an Old Norse to English site tells me would be) Gildrland.

The ages passed, and eventually the Gildrlanders began to build a true society, advancing to the point they could understand the old technologies that landed them here.

They take to the stars once more.

>Government Type:



Over the years, the Norse Faith and Christianity blended together, creating a strange syncretic faith. Jesus became a figure of luck and vigor, Valkyries became angelic 'Choosers of the Saints', and Hel became particularly associated with Hell. It promotes kindness and mercy, but also personal strength in battle.

>FTL Method:

There exists a strange metal, more common on certain worlds and in certain systems. When enough energy is dumped into it, it drags the ship around it "up" into Hyperspace. Conversely, it can drag a ship "down" into Subspace. It requires a trivial amount of energy to go "down" into Subspace, but a considerable amount to "rise" back into reality. Conversely, "rising" into Hyperspace is resource-intensive, while it takes very little to "fall" back into reality. Both have strange and seemingly unrelated properties, and both allow for FTL travel.

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: N/A

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Hall of the Gildrland Thing] (Gildrland)


Military Units: 1 [Space Vikings] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Light Dragonship] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low), Skinafl (low)

Technology: Himinioðurr Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your people's FTL capabilities are reliable and fast, but require fuel.

Lost Home - Many of your people still wish to find their ancestral home. You get a bonus to exploring thanks to this.

Mother fucking Techno-Vikings - The old ways are still strong. You get a bonus to raiding and pillaging.

>1 Lands beyond our own

In the Homelands, our people were known to embark on great journeys, seeking new lands to settle and conquer.

We shall do much the same

[Use the one ship]


>2 The High Factories

To explore and prosper, we must have ships.

To have greater ships, we must have a greater presence in Space.

To that end, we will construct orbital industries, forges unbound by gravity's cold grip.

>3 Closer to home

Gildrland is the best world of men save for the Old World, this is true.

But even the dead worlds have value, and the rest of this system is strange to us.

Let us survey it.

[Use the other ship for this]

>RESEARCH: Stellar Navigation

You know what's nice?

Being able to go home after a nice voyage of discovery and pillage.

Unfortunately, our ancestors did not have this great pleasure. Let us take measures to ensure this does not happen again.


Many worlds were found and settled by the wave of Norsemen that found themselves far from home,

All were abandoned in favor of Gildrland.

But with our return to the stars, some scholars have uncovered some stereotypical musty ol' tomes on the lands once settled.

Most have misleading names.

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49e851 No.15898

Dice rollRolled 67, 4, 55, 75, 13 = 214 (5d100)

1. Various corps sponsor the voyages of the scout ships, and they set out to explore, eager to expand their holdings off-planet

2. The corps may dominate on-planet, but now they look to the stars - begin work on orbital industry

3. Foreseeing great expenditure in future, the corps ramp up resource gathering

Research: To look to the stars we must be able to thrive there - research into construction for space abounds in corporate labs

Random: All things SPACE! - The recent launches and pushes from corporate ideology have sparked a craze for all things space.

Name: The Olympian Corporate Hegemon

Race: Human through and through, though cyborgs are reasonably common and g-mods are known amongst the elite.

Color: What's left? Neon Yellow

Fluff: The Olympian colonies started out as an experiment in corporate space travel - 12 large conglomerates pooled their resources into the creation of a single massive transporter for a one-way long distance jump to their "ideal world". Each corp had their own landing vessel with which to then establish their colony. A universal government was established primarily to adjudicate between the megacorps after the second corpwar, as well as a way of handling the rising populations of the colonies. It was assigned ownership over certain resources, populations and privileges (that no-one could agree who "owned"), on the condition that exploitation of said resources would be farmed out to the corps - offering contracts is a large portion of the government's job. The competitive nature of Olympian society has meant that various branches have deep rivalries and funding wars, and purely corp forces (though limited by treaty) also exist alongside government ones. After almost a century the corps looked to the stars once again, and corporate dominions expanded to include entire planets, though most major populations are multi-corp.

There are 9 remaining corps.

Government Type: Corporate Hegemony, ruled by a Parliament, mostly dominated by the representatives of the Megacorps. Most services are privatised, with the government acting as oversight.

Economy Type: Megacorp-based Crony Capitalism

Religion/Ideology: Highly varied in personal beliefs, but the general consensus is that competition breeds strength, and the strongest survive - Olympian society is highly competitive, a state fostered by many megacorp ideologies.

FTL Method: "Jump" teleport drive - a direct near-instantaneous point-to-point teleport, with 3 key governing factors: Position, Distance and Mass.

Position must be calculated beforehand - it cannot be changed in transit, as there is no experienced time during transit. The calculations are complex, and precision is important - a rushed calculation could leave you well off course, or teleported into the heart of a star.

Distance of the jump determines the energy requirements, and the scale is not linear - on-planet and in-system jumps tend to be a bit excessive when conventional travel would work (though they're still feasible), interstellar is the most practical, and longer journeys see the energy-per-distance start to climb again.

The mass of the object being teleported determines how long the phase-in time is - particularly important, as while an object is phasing in it cannot interact with a point in space, but it can have its phasing frequency blocked. The ability to be blocked (and for ships to move out the way) is why tele-munitions have largely fallen out of favour with the _.

Jumps can be made by ship equipment (jump drives) and by external equipment (teleporters).

The Jump principle is also used for FLT communication - as photons have almost no mass this means that messages will almost always get to and from shielded locations.

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [The Corporate Court] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units:

1 [Adjudicator Battalion] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units:

2 [Baden Class] [x1][Scout Spaceship]


Metals (low)

Fuel (low)


Jump Drive [Basic]

Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL is variable and reliable, but miscalculations and tampering can cause disastrous results.

Megacorps - The corps hold massive sway in the Hegemon. They will go against any policy or action that they think may impact their profits. As well roll a d100 every 3 turns to see what they are up to.


Corp born - Your people can usually get better deals out of trade routes.

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49e851 No.15988

Dice rollRolled 16, 18, 87, 10, 23 = 154 (5d100)

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 [Spore action force] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Floating mushroom] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology:Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your FTL method is slow as shit. It will take multiple turns to complete actions that require movement between stars.

Shrooms - Your people can create slaves through their spores.

Collective - Low rolls on actions may mean the project will be abandoned in favor of another by the people.

1-3. Build a ridiculous amount defensive structures around my capital.

4.faster FTL travlng method!

5. We put our heads together and try to figure out what we all need most right now. After many hours of collective thinking we relize …..

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49e851 No.15996


Post your fluff and stuff with your posts, or a link to your fluff and stuff. It could get you some situational bonuses.

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49e851 No.15999

File: 1448222501461.jpg (57.39 KB,1920x1200,8:5,1438901362035.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 80, 20, 20, 62, 98 = 280 (5d100)



Defunctorum hominum Imperii

Race: Human-ish

Color: Orange

Fluff: The dis-assembly of the Terrej Hegemony at the end of the Trixlian Hive Wars saw a massive influx of Terrans to many of the border worlds as their own were torn apart by the Marauding Collector Fleets of Hive G'thagn, who refused to acknowledge the Accord of Janus, and were far to powerful and influential for the Hive-Queen Solidarity to openly oppose. And so many a newly independent world burned to the orbital plasma Casters of the Hivers. In these dying days, the remnants of the Intelligence branch of the Hegemony, ONI, worked day in and day out on the completion of a secret project to make these grub bastards pay for what they had done to the pinnacle of Human power in the Galaxy. A new breed of human, or rather, what was once humans, altered with various genes and other genetic material from the various species mankind encountered among the void. These new humanoids, dubbed "Dominus" were very special creatures indeed. They were green, as they had chloroplast in their skin to absorb energy from sunlight; also tall, with an average height of around seven feet to be exact. These wear a few of their special features, all owed to a 22 new organs implanted into the human genome which gave them super human abilities, and utterly made them alien to base-line humans as well. They were the machinations of men doomed to die, and as such, they were cruel mockeries of the once elegant human form, built only for war. The were brutes, and had another odd feature about them. They were only male, and "reproduced" though the genetic manipulation of baseline human teenage males. One by one, ONI's secret bases were uncovered and destroyed, the men and women working their tortured and vivisected to reveal details to the new plan humanity had seemingly formulated to strike back, but none relented and doomed it to failure. Still, the bugs marched on, determined to stop this new unknown that seemed poised to provide them with even more simian-related trouble. As they neared the last ONI base, confident that the last bastion that held out against the swarm, an odd thing occurred; From the wreckage of the bombarded asteroid base, a craft emerged. Decorated in the Gothic style of Old Terra, it burst forth from the molten slag drifting from the refuse. Guns blazing, it charged into the Hiver line, a massive volley of boarding torpedos slamming into the cluster of Grub Ships. In less then a half hour it was over; The Bug fleet destroyed. The jamming equipment in the station was kept intact, so the damned bugs only received one last quip of information from their now destroyed fleet. It was a video from inside the command vessel of the splinter fleet, detailing a massive explosion in the outer hull in time with the impact of the boarding torpedo's launched by the human vessel. Several massive humanoid forms strolled out from the inferno, a possible leader's quote the last thing the video captured. It was transcribed as "…..-emption of ou-….- orfathers. We are man reborn…." A brief pause in the video as the figures level weapons on the charging Hiver crew, a call goes up from the Figures "OUR ARMOR IS CONTEMPT, OUR SHIELD IS DISGUST, OUR SWORD IS HATRED. IN THE NAME OF THE PROGENITORS, LET NONE SURVIVE!" The feed cuts to black….

Government Type: Military Command Structure

Economy Type: Command

Religion/Ideology: Ancestor Worship. GLORY TO THE PROGENITORS

FTL Method: Alcubierre drive

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [The Mantle] - A piece of old Terran fortifications, more akin to a fort then a government building; marble columns are replaced with orbital laser batteries, and senators with space marines. (Terra Nova)


Military Units: 1 [Space Marine] - 7ft tall transhuman giants, wearing armor that is more fitting on a tank. Fear me, for I am the progenitors wrath incarnate [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Strike Cruisers] - Hard and fast ships, costly to make, but often able to hold their own against many ships of the same class [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low), Exotic Matter (tiny)

Technology: Alcubierre Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your Drive is relatively safe and fast but costly, you need a supply of Exotic matter to make more ships.

This shit again - You know how to fight hive minded enemies +2 to combating them.

Gene Seed - Your gene implants make you faster and stronger but it takes more time to make, meaning it is harder to recruit.

1. Glory to the God-Progenitor, may his light cleanse the universe of the Xeno Taint. Scout forth for worlds to which we can bring his light.

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49e851 No.16000

Dice rollRolled 88, 35, 25, 74, 13 = 235 (5d100)


second half of post

2. Current forces are lacking, we must train additional troops with which to carry the light of the Progenitors forth.

3. Our current fleet it hampered by the lack of exotic matter in our stratiegic reserves, we must rectify this at once. Scout the local systems for a source of exotic matter.

4. The current methods of Gene seed implantation are hindering the production of more Space marines. Have a team of Genealogist research ways to speed up the process.

5. Randomperson event roll

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49e851 No.16001



Name: A fungi for you.

Or the collective.

Race: Fungi people

Color: Green and black

Fluff: From a world with multiple suns and a lush landscape a unified fungus has taken over the hearts and souls ( and minds) with there peaceful, infectious presence. The collective fungus has spread rapidly and now has compleat control over our home. After the hive minds rebellious teenage years of pollinating and mutating with all the pretty mind controlled subspecies it realized that there are other species out in the Galaxy yet to feel it's love. Developments and discovers where made in a floating gas filled plant species and now it's set out to share its love with the universe.

Government Type: A fungus people and their infected subspecies are controlled and driven from a collective intelligence. All infected species are given needed resources needed to survive without discrimination [total socialism]

Economy Type: Cooperative, all plants share Resources equally because that's what brothers do man.

Religion/Ideology: Peace love and hippy beads are cool man and you should think there cool too. Intolerance will not be tolerated!

FTL Method: Biological super gliders from a subspecies of gaseous transport plants riding off of space wind (fuck yea)

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49e851 No.16422

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49e851 No.17140

File: 1448743697625.png (2.04 MB,1350x1350,1:1,Milky_Way_map.png)



You are now purple

>All: Post or link fluff with actions, failure to do so will result in a penalty to all rolls!

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49e851 No.17310

Name: Utobitha

Race: Humans

Color: Light Blue

Fluff: >Basically hivemind humans to who want to uncover the secrets of the universe and shit out research and culture.

Government Type: Hivemind Consensus Network

>Basically everyone votes on everything

Economy Type: Hivemind Command Economy

>Basically everyone knows where everything is supposed to go


>Basically believe in whatever you want to believe, there are various religions

FTL Method: Absolute Position Intangibility Drive (APID)

>Basically become intangible and stand still while the universe moves around you, then become solid again

Population: 6 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: N/A

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 Pacification Squads [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 Voyager Exploratory Vessels [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: APID [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - The universe moves fast, and knowing when to shut off the drive is important. Low rolls on actions that require FTL movement could end with your ship in a star.

Hivemind - It is hard to lose faith in those in charge when you are part of those in charge. However the human mind was not meant to be a hive mind, so things may get weird when stability should be lost.

One Big Computer - The Human mind is more complex than any computer, and now you have access to many of them to compute with. +10 to research rolls but rolls under 10 will cause a forceful change in research direction as the majority want that researched.

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49e851 No.17317

Dice rollRolled 7, 88, 94, 11 = 200 (4d100)


1-2. SPACE!

The final frontier. These are the journeys of our two Voyager Exploratory Ships.

In search of new life on other worlds.

To boldly go where no Utobithan has gone before!

3. [Research]

Our engineers work hard on creating a new device, the brainchild of one of our top scientists.

The Neuropathic Transponder.

A device capable of detecting potential brainwave patterns or signs of energetic intelligence from any kind of lifeforms, even hypothetical ones like silicon or even pure energy beings.

It would come a long way to helping us find other life in the universe, and maybe even be used as a universal translator by sending brainwave signals back!

4. Random Event

While scientists work on the neuropathic Transponder, once scientist in particular comes up with an extraordinary discovery.

He claims to have invented, in his words, a "happy ray". One which activates the centers of the brain concerning joy, love, calmness, and even pleasure.

This could prove useful in meeting and getting friendly with other alien races!

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49e851 No.17371

Dice rollRolled 25 (1d100)



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49e851 No.17378


Orbital industries 1/3

Scouts are sent out, they find a system with a lot of asteroids but no planets.

A disaster in the lab! An experimental drive is activated and took a good chunk of the planet with it! It is believed that Yiyayu may become inhospitable in [10 turns] due to the vast climate change. -1 pop, roll a d100 every turn for planet condition.

The fad breaks out fast, and then is quickly crushed as the origin was in the part of the planet that got sent off.


Agri-Fields 2/3

You begin to produce some mechanized infantry units. 1/3

No life is found, a system with some mineral rich asteroids are found though.

Propaganda research 2/5

Research found that this method only really makes them want to do it in real life.


It seems all metal nodes in the system are already being mined, you will need to head out of the system.

Luckily a system with many a gas giant and many moons is found nearby.

Shipyard construction begins, the corps helping out. 2/3

Research is stalled due to a minor explosion in the lab. -0.2 pop.

Many people like the idea, and a prototype is built! The massive explosion tells you how well it went. -0.5 pop.


It seems you are isolated, no civilian ships come, nor do you think any will.

Again, no ships are nearby, no matter how you look.

You stop after the first few creatures start dying from drinking salt water.

Physical contact will still be needed, but you begin to create a form that can launch itself like a missile. 1/5

What was once thought a wreck seems to be more like a massive part of a planet! It is unknown how it got here, but you grab what you can. +3 pop, +5 Currency.


The scouts don't find much, a system with some lava planets and thats it.

Orbital docks begin construction 2/3

The economy is not strengthened.

The collective facepalm by the board when the idea to create armor from a material that doesn't exist was so hard they needed to cut the departments funding to pay medical bills. +Bonus: Slashed budget - You have a -10 penalty to all space ship based research

The congress never decided an agenda and nothing got done.


Your scouts find a system with a dead planet on it, no life but plenty of resources if you can make a base.

High Factory construction begins 1/3

You don't find much you haven't already found, but you do find some more Skinafl nodes.

Your scientists begin making a star map before realizing it isn't as useful as they thought.

You find a promising one called Greenland, and in a nearby system! It was actually a volcanic world.


Many are in luck, finding asteroid belts in nearby system full of resources.

With the rush to spread to new systems orbital industry does not see many investors.

Mining platforms are being constructed within the newly found asteroid belts. 1/3

Void Habitation research 2/5

A rumor begins circulating that only select few will be able to see space, which disheartens many.


Orbital defenses construction begins. Equipped with a lot of missiles. 2/3

With a lack of direction the research team does nothing.

The collective thinking reveals nothing, maybe faster FTL methods? But how would you go about getting those?


A dead world is found in a nearby system!

You begin training more space marines, but they seem to be a disappointing bunch.

After few looks from the research team it is revealed that exotic matter is not something that can be mined, but must be created.

Gene seed production research 2/5

A meteorite falls from the sky and strikes a statue of the God-Progenitor. What could this mean!?


No life is found but you do find a star that almost went super nova on your ships and a dead world.

You begin to make some robots, but very little progress is made.

Interest is high and much is done on the NT device. 3/5

The device is banned when the scientists son was found dead after a few days. It seems he did nothing but use the 'happy ray' for his own pleasure. It seems he did not eat, sleep, or drink anything, just use the happy ray on himself.

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49e851 No.17381

Dice rollRolled 47, 21, 59, 23, 15, 28 = 193 (6d100)


Name: Delgani Kingdoms

Race: Delgan (4 legged 2 armed vertebrates analogues with 3 eyes and a mouth. Have smooth skin like scales, and spines running along the back)

Color: Blue

Fluff: The Delgan are from a warm tropical planet covered with loose plants and drifting seas. The are hierarchical in nature, and pack based. They have for millennia fought each other in wars and ideological conflicts. This had slowed their rate of growth greatly, but allowed them to create a strong industrial base from what they have.

They started solar system colonization a hundred years ago, delganforming 2 other planets and mining several hundred asteroids. The competition is pace is fierce, as it is a free market and little in the way of regulating it. Thus there are myriads fighter craft, corvettes and frigates and freighters flying around the system and more pumped out each day to fuel the booming growth in the system.

Government Type: Hegemony, a representative for life is elected and rules from Delgan.

Economy Type: Free market very little regulation.

Religion/Ideology: Struggle makes the individual and pack stronger, the strongest smartest and toughest survive and grow, while the others do not. We struggle as one people, pulling in a thousand directions, and thus we grow.

FTL Method: Gravitic correspondence. The ftl drive uses a sufficiently dense gravity well to open a hyperspace rift that puts the ship through a large a mount of space in short time. The distance covered is dependent on the gravity well used, and how close the ship skirts it.

Population: 6.3 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 7 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Hegemon's Palace] (Delgan);(Shipyard 2/3)


Military Units: 1 [Delgan Infantry Corps] [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Delgan Scout Corvettes] [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Grav Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your ships require a gravity well to operate, if they accidentally come out in open space they are fucked.

Capitalism Ho! - Every other turn roll a d100 to see what the corporations are up to.

The Struggle - Units gain more experience from actual combat, but less from training.

Capitol roll 2/2

1. Continue working on the shipyards


2. Colonize the neighboring system on a suitable moon.

3.Construct a Trade market

4. Research Colonization

5. A minor Gravitic Anomaly occurs near Delgan.

6. Capitalist roll

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49e851 No.17391

File: 1448838268969.jpg (120.58 KB,600x424,75:53,Salmagundi.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 82, 61, 72, 59, 48 = 322 (5d100)


Population: 8 (+?/turn)

Food: N/A

Raw Currency: 10 (+?/turn)

Legitimacy: N/A

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Nerve Nexus] (Salmundi Prime)


Military Units: 1 Salmgundi Bits [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 Salmagundi Fragments [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Forms/Abilities: Infested [Basic], Gundi-Complex [Special]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


It Hungers - You are do not need food or legitimacy as Salmagundi has complete control. Your population and currency growth are based on capturing of new planets or ships unless new facilities are grown.

Beings of flesh and horror - You can not research normal technology but instead can research new forms and abilities. These forms are made from combining the biomatter of your zombie population.

He comes - Every 5 turns roll a d100, you will then be compelled to fulfill an objective for unknown reasons. First roll for this will be turn 5.

Actions [scout, build shipyards, scout, infection weapons, random event]

1. Salmagundi attempts to utilize the scouts to find anything worthy of consumption. It is trying to find ANYTHING. [scout]

2. Frustrated, Salmgundi attempts to construct a series of orbital docks that will produce additional bits and fragments. [construct ship production facilities]

3. Salmagundi starts still another round of scouting, as civilian traffic will apparently never pass by the system. [scouting II]

[Research – Infection Beams]

4. [Research] Salmagundi continues to make modifications to the infection device. A missile or a beam, it doesn't matter to it. [research infection-missiles][1/5]

[Random Event]

5. [Random Event] Salmdagundi's scouts continue to search for anything of value, when…

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49e851 No.17393



Defunctorum hominum Imperii

Race: Human-ish

Color: Orange

Fluff: The dis-assembly of the Terrej Hegemony at the end of the Trixlian Hive Wars saw a massive influx of Terrans to many of the border worlds as their own were torn apart by the Marauding Collector Fleets of Hive G'thagn, who refused to acknowledge the Accord of Janus, and were far to powerful and influential for the Hive-Queen Solidarity to openly oppose. And so many a newly independent world burned to the orbital plasma Casters of the Hivers. In these dying days, the remnants of the Intelligence branch of the Hegemony, ONI, worked day in and day out on the completion of a secret project to make these grub bastards pay for what they had done to the pinnacle of Human power in the Galaxy. A new breed of human, or rather, what was once humans, altered with various genes and other genetic material from the various species mankind encountered among the void. These new humanoids, dubbed "Dominus" were very special creatures indeed. They were green, as they had chloroplast in their skin to absorb energy from sunlight; also tall, with an average height of around seven feet to be exact. These wear a few of their special features, all owed to a 22 new organs implanted into the human genome which gave them super human abilities, and utterly made them alien to base-line humans as well. They were the machinations of men doomed to die, and as such, they were cruel mockeries of the once elegant human form, built only for war. The were brutes, and had another odd feature about them. They were only male, and "reproduced" though the genetic manipulation of baseline human teenage males. One by one, ONI's secret bases were uncovered and destroyed, the men and women working their tortured and vivisected to reveal details to the new plan humanity had seemingly formulated to strike back, but none relented and doomed it to failure. Still, the bugs marched on, determined to stop this new unknown that seemed poised to provide them with even more simian-related trouble. As they neared the last ONI base, confident that the last bastion that held out against the swarm, an odd thing occurred; From the wreckage of the bombarded asteroid base, a craft emerged. Decorated in the Gothic style of Old Terra, it burst forth from the molten slag drifting from the refuse. Guns blazing, it charged into the Hiver line, a massive volley of boarding torpedos slamming into the cluster of Grub Ships. In less then a half hour it was over; The Bug fleet destroyed. The jamming equipment in the station was kept intact, so the damned bugs only received one last quip of information from their now destroyed fleet. It was a video from inside the command vessel of the splinter fleet, detailing a massive explosion in the outer hull in time with the impact of the boarding torpedo's launched by the human vessel. Several massive humanoid forms strolled out from the inferno, a possible leader's quote the last thing the video captured. It was transcribed as "…..-emption of ou-….- orfathers. We are man reborn…." A brief pause in the video as the figures level weapons on the charging Hiver crew, a call goes up from the Figures "OUR ARMOR IS CONTEMPT, OUR SHIELD IS DISGUST, OUR SWORD IS HATRED. IN THE NAME OF THE PROGENITORS, LET NONE SURVIVE!" The feed cuts to black….

Government Type: Military Command Structure

Economy Type: Command

Religion/Ideology: Ancestor Worship. GLORY TO THE PROGENITORS

FTL Method: Alcubierre drive

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [The Mantle] - A piece of old Terran fortifications, more akin to a fort then a government building; marble columns are replaced with orbital laser batteries, and senators with space marines. (Terra Nova)


Military Units: 1 [Space Marine] - 7ft tall transhuman giants, wearing armor that is more fitting on a tank. Fear me, for I am the progenitors wrath incarnate [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Strike Cruisers] - Hard and fast ships, costly to make, but often able to hold their own against many ships of the same class [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low), Exotic Matter (tiny)

Technology: Alcubierre Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Your Drive is relatively safe and fast but costly, you need a supply of Exotic matter to make more ships.

This shit again - You know how to fight hive minded enemies +2 to combating them.

Gene Seed - Your gene implants make you faster and stronger but it takes more time to make, meaning it is harder to recruit.

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49e851 No.17394

File: 1448839035772.jpg (1.33 MB,2048x1272,256:159,you-amp-039-ll-never-be-th….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 77, 84, 74, 68, 10 = 313 (5d100)



1. Dispatch a scouting team to the dead world. give us reports on it's mineral wealth, any anomalies, and possibility of terraformation.

2. Weakness will not be allowed, the recruits that fall below standards are ordered to become better or be forced on a 100 year penitent crusade.

3. Oh, well then. Begin work on a Exotic matter synthesizer.

4. Continue gene-seed research

5. event roll

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49e851 No.17395


Name: Salmagundi

Race: Salmagundi has unknown physical properties. The original composition of Salmagundi has been lost.

Color: Black and White or Orange and Blue.

Fluff: Salmagundi has many names, but is generally agreed by scientists and philosophers to be a massive quasi-eldritch bio-organic space parasite. Like other plagues, Salmagundi spreads across the vaccum aboard ships like a disease and mutilates the crew into forms that are more effective intermediaries; when planets are encountered Salmagundi can rework entire worlds into nightmarish organic factories. Indeed, Salmagundi is a galactic threat par-excellence: it gains intelligence as it moves, consumes, and devours anything that it makes contact with. The initial race that made contact with Salmagundi has been lost to history, but have subsequently been reviled as villains for whatever they have done to introduce Salmagundi to the universe.

With that said, Salmagundi's ultimate purpose in this universe is unknown. It seems to have hidden political objectives that it keeps hidden – some speculate it only attempts to blight other realms of existence in order to prevent itself from being exterminated entirely. It is therefore easily said that Salmagundi is a menace and respects no race or people; it is both clever and vicious, and works feverishly to pursue whatever goals it has. This of course does not flag Salmagundi as a stupid warmonger: it can and does barter, negotiate, and respect contract – for a time. For Salmagundi, only survival and growth are a priority: notions such as honor, pity, mercy, and justice are lacking in substance to it.

Salmagundi typically expands itself by infecting new ships by coating their hulls, gaseous dispersal, or delivery by other means. It generally eschews fighting in preference to infection.

Salmagundi can also maintain autonomy for certain individuals if so required.

Government Type: Hive-Mind [Semi-Plural]

Economy Type: Unlimited Command

Religion/Ideology: Everything is Salmagundi.

FTL Method: Salmagundi travels by whatever drive system it can steal, barter, or imitate. If given enough time Salmagundi can fashion what has been understood as a "Gundi-Complex"; an advanced organic drive system of unknown properties.

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49e851 No.17397

Dice rollRolled 73, 82, 68, 93, 19 = 335 (5d100)

1. Agri-Fields


2. Mech-inf


3. Establish an outpost on the mineral rich asteroids–tap dat mineralogical goodness..

4. Propaganda


5. Everyone decides that finding alien life would be really cool.



Enlightenment of Fahnu


Fahnu, Fahnu's allies they have gifted FTL travel




Meritocracy, Test-Based

Economy Type:

Socialist, the most cunning\economically inclined are granted Writs of Free Enterprise however


The Enlightenment of Fahnu is a self-contained way of life, to the point the Jakthi people renamed themselves after its founder. The Fahnuvian ideology is a mixture of quasi-religious reverence for design and aesthetics and ancestor worship, with a dash of asceticism thrown in for the most devout.

FTL Method:

Light-hugging drives, Wormhole Generators


Population: 6 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Grand Palatial Bureaucratic Redoubt] (Phanu)


Military Units: 1 Fahnuvian Brigade [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 Cultural Harbinger [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Wormhole Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - Wormholes are dangerous and unpredictable. Low rolls could mean appearing in the wrong place.

Meritocracy - Everyone is in their appropriate places and know what they are doing. It is harder to lose

Aliens are our friends - It is hard not to help other species, even if they might kill you afterwards.

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49e851 No.17398


Population: 7 (+1/turn)

Raw Currency: 7 (+1/turn)

//4got updatez

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49e851 No.17408

Dice rollRolled 18, 74, 19, 97, 41, 18 = 267 (6d100)


Name: The Yiyatun Commonwealth

Race: The Yiyatun - visually a hybrid between timberwolves and raccoons, with dexterous paws.

Carnivorous and fairly pack orientated, with clans comprising of multiple packs, and Great Clans

comprising of multiple clans.

Color: Red

Fluff: The Yiyatun Commonwealth was formed after the Great Clan War; sick of the constant

warring of the planetbound clans, the minority spacefaring clans dropped rocks until the

groundling clans submitted. They formed a council of all the Yiyatun clans and Great Clans, to

work for the Common Wealth of all Yiyatunkind.

Government Type: Clan Council with Speaker. Every Clan has a seat and vote in the Council, as

well as the Great Clans. The Speaker is the Commonwealth Pack Leader, chosen by majority council

vote, and may be subject to challenge at any time - or removal by 3/4ths vote.

Economy Type: Open Membership Guild based Societies. There is often, but not always, an overlap

between clans and guilds. Clans may be entered to by marriage or adoption, but Guilds can have

members from multiple clans.

Religion/Ideology: Manifest Destiny. According to Yiyatun legends and myths, the Gods came from

the Heavens with the Yiyatun were young, and taught them the secrets of civilization. The

command, "Conquer the World and the Stars", comes from the very gods themselves, and even the

most secular of clans believe that it is right that the Yiyatun rule everything.

FTL - The Ring Drive uses metaphysics that still arn't fully understood. Low rolls for any

action that involves travel could be disastrous.

Population: 5 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: Yiyayu[Homeworld, Commonwealth House[Capital]]


Military Units: 1 [Commonwealth Militia][x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 [Lightning-class][x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: Ring Drive [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - The Ring Drive uses metaphysics that still arn't fully understood. Low rolls for any

action that involves travel could be disastrous.

Clans - infighting between the clans is common as well as the clans just doing their own thing.

Roll a d100 every 3 turns to see what the clans are doing.

Pack Hunters - Your people work well in small teams which is how most fights are fought now. Get

a +1 to all planet side combat and boarding combat.

In Progress:



1: Construct Space Habitats

2: Scout nearby systems [Lighting-class]x1

3: Scout nearby systems [Lighting-class]x1

Research: Space Habitation

Random: An apocolyptic faith has arisen, although if its in favor of oblivion or working against it, the government does not yet know.

Planet Condition Roll

–no rolls–

Clan Roll: 2/3

"Yes, there was a major disaster. We're working on it. Our estimates is that Yiyayu might become

unhabitable. We're working on getting as many people as possible out into space, and we're

looking into better habitation in space, as well as possible new planets. We're putting our full

resources into this."

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49e851 No.17608

Name: United Duchies of Zeon

Race: 'Spacenoid' Psychic Humans, possibly called newtypes.

Color: Crimson (Hex# FFDC143C)

Fluff: An uncountable number of generations ago, when humanity first left the Earth, people were still needing to get used to new ways of communication, of dealing with the deep, dark black between worlds. Soon, according to the records and stories, people started actively feeling the thoughts of others, and found themselves cut apart from the others. They soon formed their own faction, Zeon. They volunteered for the furthest out missions, for the missions that would allow them to get far enough away to break off without worry of retaliation. They slowly designed new ways of fighting in space, using large mobile suits and technology made to play off of and harness their growing psychic power. Generations on generations later Earth is but a forgotten, mythical place, only referenced to as how Zeon got to where they were, but not a goal to go back to.

Government Type: A mix of royalty, military control, and meritocracy

Economy Type:. Cooperative

Religion/Ideology: Everyone has their place. The aristocracy must show honor in battle, and only retreat when necessary to protect the people, and the people help support the aristocracy, and may be allowed to oust any who turn their backs on the Ideals of Char.

FTL Method: Exotic particle driven hyperdrives and 'lanes'

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49e851 No.18476

Name: The Ayelordasi Matriarchy

Race: The Ayelordasi - Technical life forms, the Ayelordasi resemble beautiful female mannequins that are clear, featureless and hairless, see through, and have fully mobile arms and legs as well as a turn-capable head. Their clear outer shells are filled with psychedelic light produced by the technical devices inside them's activities. They wear attire, jewelry, and have recognizable personalities.

Color: White

Fluff: A long time before the start of the game, the original 27 Ayelordasi were found by an exploratory team exploring the extinct world "Saemundr's Find". It was an unusual encounter because the Ayelordasi were still going on their old resort staff program when they were found. Josiah Tiberio Kirkhoffer, a human captain who discovered the life form, freed it from the dead world's mainframe control, after which they began to replicate themselves and became a society of their own overnight. All existing Ayelordasi are clone copies of these original 27, being exact copies at their technical-process "birth", and maturing into their own individual person over time.

Government Type: oligarchy - The original 27 Ayelordasi hold all authority and power in the Ayelordasi Matriarchy, with their chosen personal representatives holding temporary authority delegated to them. There has never been a civil war in Ayelordasi history, and they have been ruled by Miranda-21-27 for most of their history. These original 27 consider all existing Ayelordasi their offspring, and mother/child is the intended nature of the relationship between the originals and the copies.

Economy Type: Voluntary co-op, Internal economy non-existent, as fellow ayelordasi are simply given whatever they need for free. External trade is vigorous and money & resources are sought after however.

Religion/Ideology: Highly in-group oriented, Ayelordasi and the needs of the Matriarchy take absolute preference & importance. But they also have traditions of hospitality, friendship, truthfulness, and candid expression of their feelings among themselves and others.

FTL Method: Exotic particle drives.

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49e851 No.18477


Name: Utobitha

Race: Humans

Color: Light Blue

Fluff: >Basically hivemind humans to who want to uncover the secrets of the universe and shit out research and culture.

Government Type: Hivemind Consensus Network

>Basically everyone votes on everything

Economy Type: Hivemind Command Economy

>Basically everyone knows where everything is supposed to go


>Basically believe in whatever you want to believe, there are various religions

FTL Method: Absolute Position Intangibility Drive (APID)

>Basically become intangible and stand still while the universe moves around you, then become solid again

Population: 7 (+1/turn)

Food: Adequate

Raw Currency: 7 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: N/A

Culture: 10

Industry: 10

Policies: None

Unique Buildings: [Player fluffed capital building] (Insert Home Planet here)


Military Units: 1 Pacification Squads [x1][Infantry]

Naval Units: 2 Voyager Exploratory Vessels [x1][Scout Spaceship]

Resources/Quantity: Metals (low), Fuel (low)

Technology: APID [Basic], Spaceship construction [Basic]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Planets: 1


FTL - The universe moves fast, and knowing when to shut off the drive is important. Low rolls on actions that require FTL movement could end with your ship in a star.

Hivemind - It is hard to lose faith in those in charge when you are part of those in charge. However the human mind was not meant to be a hive mind, so things may get weird when stability should be lost.

One Big Computer - The Human mind is more complex than any computer, and now you have access to many of them to compute with. +10 to research rolls but rolls under 10 will cause a forceful change in research direction as the majority want that researched.

NT device. 3/5


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