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/builders/ - Hero and Nation Builders!

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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1447024311084.jpg (1.45 MB,1902x1644,317:274,Baader-- Latest4.jpg)

c86c94 No.13602 [View All]

Welcome to Baader, the World of Buried things! It's a magical nation game where you survive, grow your nation, and generally try to have fun. ** The game can't handle more players, but the GM might be able to let you in. ** [[games reoccur every week at 6PM EST]]

The theme of the game is mid-power fantasy with political themes.

>>GM Note: There have been several adjustments to the rules.

Rules: http://pastebin.com/Y2GzvhQa

Chat: https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23Nation&server=irc.mibbit.net

Previous Thread: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/43414253/

18 postsand5 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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c86c94 No.13623


>Revised Statistics:

Raw Currency: (50) (7/turn)

Military Units: Artist Adventurer (Very Strong+++)[Mage], 3 Artist Initiates (V. Strong),2 Static Utility Doodle Squads (Strong), 1 Doodlepawn Cohort (Strong++)

Resources/Quantity: Wood. Stone, Good. Water-Resistant Paint, Sustainable. Polygons, Sustainable. Magicite, A Lot. Nice Canvas, Some. Strange Machine, One.

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c86c94 No.13624


Name: Scions of Morgaz

Race: Dragonkin

Color: Black with Gold trim

Fluff: A flash of light and smoldering heat, then nothing, but a clear sky. The Dragonkin pulled themselves from their ruined structures and gazed out at a place most certainly not their home. The air heavier, bereft of an ambient magic they felt all their lives, the earth firmer and more mundane. They felt a distinct weakness in their limbs and fog in their minds. Almost like a blind had been raised, but most startling of all was water, water everywhere, all across this new land.

The dragonkin were proud sevants of morgaz, but they were few, and this land strange. There were no dragons with them, their magic and technology either malfunctioned or straight up failed. Home was lost to them, for even if they could find returning would destroy it utterly.They would need to adapt to this new place and survive.

Government Type: Militaristic Meritocaracy

Economy Type:Command

Religion: None. There are no gods, just creatures that posture as them. Any such being can be explained by magic or sufficiently advanced technology.

Location: No Preference.

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c86c94 No.13625


>>You are a courtier.

>>You have been allocated 2 dice.

>>You must follow the directions of your host nation, The War Wizard.

>>Add units: 3 player named units [Strong]

>>Add player named goverment building, player's choice

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c86c94 No.13626


Population: (7) (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: (10) (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: (5)

Industry: (1)

Unique Buildings: (player's name government building)

Defenses: Morgazian Fortifications [Small]

Military Units: 3 player's name units [Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (type: generated by GM) (spells: abstracted; generated by GM)

Technology: Metallurgy [Simple]; Morgazian Air-War [Simple];

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1


1. Natural Fliers: Though not as powerful as proper dragons, you still gain +1 to all rolls with flying units.

2. Hardened: Your people have survived a good deal, and is not easily rattled. Stability rarely goes down.

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c86c94 No.13627

File: 1447031804359.jpg (12.02 KB,400x300,4:3,dieselpunk_nazi.jpg)


The Goblin Council is approached by a large, demonic troll general. His chest the size of a dinner table is adorned with both skulls and medals, and his feet shakes ground and the councilroom as he walks and stares down at the council of tiny goblins, who would be expected to stand at attention upon his arrival.

In his large palm are a small paper detailing orders, which he hands to the council. It's signed directly by the War Wizard.

"The Führer is pleased to see you have finally reorganized yourselves into something useful." says the demon troll in a deep, hellish voice that resounds with a dark commanding air.

"You are to assist in the organizing of both [Pioneering 5/8] and [Logistics] methods. This you are expected to do at your earliest. If you believe you have more pressing affairs or requests, you may send them.

They will go directly to the Führer."

Having said what he needed to, the demon general stood straight and raised his hand in salute.

"Hail the Wizard!"

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c86c94 No.13629

Dice rollRolled 37, 15, 84 = 136 (3d100)


Name: Scions of Morgaz

Race: Dragonkin

Color: Black with Gold trim

Fluff: A flash of light and smoldering heat, then nothing, but a clear sky. The Dragonkin pulled themselves from their ruined structures and gazed out at a place most certainly not their home. The air heavier, bereft of an ambient magic they felt all their lives, the earth firmer and more mundane. They felt a distinct weakness in their limbs and fog in their minds. Almost like a blind had been raised, but most startling of all was water, water everywhere, all across this new land.

The dragonkin were proud sevants of morgaz, but they were few, and this land strange. There were no dragons with them, their magic and technology either malfunctioned or straight up failed. Home was lost to them, for even if they could find returning would destroy it utterly. They would need to adapt to this new place and survive.

Government Type: Militaristic Meritocaracy

Economy Type:Command

Religion: None. There are no gods, just creatures that posture as them. Any such being can be explained by magic or sufficiently advanced technology.

Location: No Preference.

Population: (7.7) (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: (15) (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: (5)

Industry: (1)

Unique Buildings:(Command Tower Alpha)

Defenses: Morgazian Fortifications [Small]

Military Units: 3 Dragonkin Infantry[Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (type: Eclectic) (spells: Deflect Missile(simple)

Technology: Metallurgy [Simple]; Morgazian Air-War [Simple];

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1


1. Natural Fliers: Though not as powerful as proper dragons, you still gain +1 to all rolls with flying units.

2. Hardened: Your people have survived a good deal, and is not easily rattled. Stability rarely goes down.

1. Scout out the area, we have no idea what is around us. Take wing and fix that.

2. Start setting up a forge to make tolls, implements and weapons. We have the raw resources, time to make use of them.

3. Start figuring out how to cast magical bolts of energy at targets. We lack the means to produce en masse, so magic will have to fill the gap.

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c86c94 No.13630

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d3)



Rolling for this (missed) expansion too

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c86c94 No.13631

Dice rollRolled 94, 66, 39 = 199 (3d100)

1. Tyranna goes to the frontier, hopefully to cleanse the lawless from her borders. Stupid criminals. It's all their fault she's so mad! [Expansion]

2. With Tyranna out of the city we can make repairs to the Palace.

3. The school of law trains a new class of Lawyers to do the goddess's will.

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c86c94 No.13633

Dice rollRolled 38, 56, 79, 79 = 252 (4d100)



1 Blood Golems, 6/15. Let the Golems be powerful beings of blood magic that can be raised to help us bring blood along with us on campaign.

234 Prepare food and goods for a feast of our own with the roving clans, we may arrive after their party has finished but from what I have heard they are wonderful at making merry.

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c86c94 No.13634

File: 1447033363631.jpg (39.13 KB,584x343,584:343,german_mech_inf.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 68, 70, 81 = 219 (3d100)



1. More expansion, as the army moves onward and onward, in a trademark style of every pushing movement the War Wizard calls a "Blitzkrieg"

Now that we have better infantry tactics, our soldiers are more prepared for even grater conquest.

3. Reorganize some of our units into the first [Mechanized Infantry Regiment], increasing both our infantries speed and combat effectiveness. We are an army on the move!

The Mechanized Regiment will include scouting units of Cavern Spiders.

All infantry will be armed with our latest rifles.

Units to reorganize.

Speedy Chariot [Very Strong+++] [Armored][Quick]

2 Cavern Spider Swams (Weak)

2 Tribal Hordes [Very Strong]

1 Abyssal Goblin Squads (Weak) [Brave]

2. He also orders the construction of a [Military Research Facility], to help increase our ability to acquire the technological advancements and strategist we need.

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c86c94 No.13636

[War Wizard]

>>You gained the following items from expansion: Iron [unmined]; Magicite [unmined]; Flux [unmined]; +.2/pop/turn; Baaderian Spitebirds [Sustainable]

1. You continue expansion. (Expansion 5/10)

2. You reorganized the following units:

1 Speedy Chariot [Very Strong+++] [Armored][Quick]

2 Cavern Spider Swams (Weak)

2 Tribal Hordes [Very Strong]

1 Abyssal Goblin Squads (Weak) [Brave]


1st Shock Mechanized Infantry Regiment [Epic][8x]

3. Work on the facility goes swimmingly. (Military Facility 8/10)


1. There is some minor rioting after a few of the drinks are found to be a bit too much. (Set legitimacy to: Wobbly)(-1 pop)

2. You have no clue about the gems, so you hire a seer. The seer states that they can give a single spellcaster tremendous power – but cannot be removed. It also allows you to cast a new spell. (Add spell: Aero-Bolt [Simple]) (-40 currency)

3. Everyone is simply too drunk from the party to function. It's sort of depressing.

[Lupine Republic]

1. You manage to find a deposit of platinum. (Add resource: Platinum [unmined])

2. You start working on a barracks. (Barracks 3/6)

3. The combat training doesn't go as well as you'd hoped. By that I mean it turns into a disaster. No progress.


1+2.) You manage to complete some basic technique. This should help you in combat. (Add technology: Combat Art [Simple]))(+1 culture)

3.) The magicite generates extremely powerful figures after you paint them. You aren't sure how much magicite you can use, though. (Add 2 player named units [Strong+][Resilient])(set Magicite to [Low])


1. The local area is quiet. There is a small town and some ruins, but little else.

2. You start on the forge. It's….just not what you were hoping for. (Forge 1/6)

3. You start on a basic magical attack. Pretty soon you've managed to figure out a good attack that isn't taxing to use in the air. (Add spell: Scion Missiles [Simple])


1. The research moves forward. (Blood Golems, 9/15.)

234. You prepare the food.


1. Tyranna just basically kills everything. It..works? Huh? (Add 4 hex, roll 1d3)(lose 1 pop)

2. You manage to make some repairs to the palace. Whew. (reset palace, add technology: Civil Defense [Simple])

3. One of the lawyers says something wrong and the result is not good. (lose 1 pop)(revise technology: Terrorism to [Good])

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c86c94 No.13638

>>GM: I am going to wrap it up for this session, as my head is killing me again.

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c86c94 No.13639

Dice rollRolled 99, 35, 2 = 136 (3d100)


>Name: The Lupine Republic

Race: Wolfmen

Color: Light Grey, White Trim

Fluff: The City of Lupine was founded by Lupus after defeating his brother Canis for leadership of the Seven Great Packs. Ruled until recently by the descendents of Lupus, after an incident of forcing himself upon the daughter of a popular Great Pack Leader, the Lupus King was thrown out, and a Republic instated to govern in it's stead. [As of first post, this was last month in-game]

Government Type: Open Noble Republic. Any Pack Member can in theory join the senate; in practice only Pack Leaders and Great Pack Leaders, or those they assent in their place, are part of the Republic. The Senate appoints all government officials, and has an elected Consul. In addition, there is the popularly-elected Tribune to represent the will of the majority.

Economy Type: Private Property and Taxation. Minting coins is privledge of the Senate. Naescant Mercantalism/Capitalism.

Religion: Polytheistic Syncrenticsm. "Our Gods are really everyone's gods by different names and different stories."

Location: No preference

Population: 11 (+1/turn)

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: 15 (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: (5)

Industry: (3)

Unique Buildings: Lupin Senate House [Government Buildings],

Defenses: Lupine Patrols [Small]

Military Units: Legio Wilkas [Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Platinum[Unmined]

Magic/Spells: Lupine (spells: Haste [Simple])

Technology: (Stone, Wood) Metallurgy [Simple]; Raiding [Simple]; Infantry Combat [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1


1. Resilient: Your units are very tough. Losses from combat are reduced by half, effectively.

2. Nightvision: You are not impacted by low light conditions. You can try to exploit this to your advantage in combat or otherwise.

–In Progress–

-Barracks [3/6]


-Continue construction on Barracks! Pray to Minerva

-Start Mining the Platinum! Prayers to Pluto.

-Begin Expanding our territory - Prayers to Juno!

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c86c94 No.13641

Dice rollRolled 85, 10, 90 = 185 (3d100)


Name: Scions of Morgaz

Race: Dragonkin

Color: Black with Gold trim

Fluff: A flash of light and smoldering heat, then nothing, but a clear sky. The Dragonkin pulled themselves from their ruined structures and gazed out at a place most certainly not their home. The air heavier, bereft of an ambient magic they felt all their lives, the earth firmer and more mundane. They felt a distinct weakness in their limbs and fog in their minds. Almost like a blind had been raised, but most startling of all was water, water everywhere, all across this new land.

The dragonkin were proud sevants of morgaz, but they were few, and this land strange. There were no dragons with them, their magic and technology either malfunctioned or straight up failed. Home was lost to them, for even if they could find returning would destroy it utterly. They would need to adapt to this new place and survive.

Government Type: Militaristic Meritocaracy

Economy Type:Command

Religion: None. There are no gods, just creatures that posture as them. Any such being can be explained by magic or sufficiently advanced technology.

Location: No Preference.

Population: (8.4) (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: (20) (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: (5)

Industry: (1)

Unique Buildings:(Command Tower Alpha);(Forge 1/6)

Defenses: Morgazian Fortifications [Small]

Military Units: 3 Dragonkin Infantry[Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (type: Eclectic) (spells: Deflect Missile [simple];Scion Missiles [Simple])

Technology: Metallurgy [Simple]; Morgazian Air-War [Simple];

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1


1. Natural Fliers: Though not as powerful as proper dragons, you still gain +1 to all rolls with flying units.

2. Hardened: Your people have survived a good deal, and is not easily rattled. Stability rarely goes down.

1. Continue work on the forge. It is more or less essential to industry and we need it. (1/6)

2. Send and expeditionary force to the ruins, attempt to recover anything of use. Whether it's supplies, writings or anything else, we could use the help.

3.Continue to improve upon and refine the scion bolt spell. We lack weaponry in a major way, and that will not change until the forge is operational.

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c86c94 No.13642

Dice rollRolled 92, 37 = 129 (2d100)



Orders received and obeyed.

>>You are a courtier.

>>You have been allocated 2 dice.

>>You must follow the directions of your host nation, The War Wizard.


3 goblin clerks [Strong]

>>the cave of limitless bravery (gov building)

1. The master orders we work on [Pioneering 5/8]. So we will get the scouts in here and detail what they do normally see what we can do to improve our current methods. Preferably without actually leaving the cave.

2. The logistics situation for this army is absolutely terrible. Brave goblins can not battle if supplies are not had. We need to refine the process and make more paperwork. Busy goblins are goblins not sent to front lines.

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c86c94 No.13792

File: 1447207888225.jpg (113.76 KB,323x454,323:454,ForWhatPurpose.jpg)

Hi, guys. I'm genuinely curious. I don't want to intrude on anything here, but can someone tell me where there's a new thread made every week? It's not like on 4chan where there's any real time restrictions. You can just leave it however long you like before you get back to it. The whole thing's kind of clogging up the front page. Of course, if you guys are having fun, then that's what matters, but why do you have to have a new thread every two seconds?

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c86c94 No.13830


They started imposing more extreme post limitations.

First it was forcibly ending all threads at 750 posts.

NOW they reduced that number to 350 posts.

Which means all threads that are now over 350 posts need an entirely new thread.

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c86c94 No.13877


Thanks, man. That's moronic as all fuck, but I'm glad you guys are able to keep up with it.

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c86c94 No.14396

File: 1447627416320.png (1.93 MB,1902x1644,317:274,latest-baader.png)

>>Latest map. All players have been allocated 4 hexes.

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c86c94 No.14404

Dice rollRolled 62, 2, 75 = 139 (3d100)



1. Now reorganized as a fully fledged Mechanized regiment, our army is even more capable of incredible speed and pace as we expand our dominion ever forward, the Fuhrer himself at the helm of this army!

A song of joy in conquest fills the sky as his great projector and sound heralds his coming force to the monsters and vagabonds who lie in the way of the War Host.


Expansion 5/10

Professional: The War Wizard has one job, and he knows what he is about.

2. The War Wizard sets about developing additional tactics and methods, not just for infantry but also for vehicles.

Develop [Mechanized Warfare]

Professional: The War Wizard has one job, and he knows what he is about.

3. Meanwhile, at home, the Goblins work gathering all the books and tools accumulated in the great march, and creating a single, unified building where the War Wizards devices and knowledge can be accelerated

Military Facility 8/10

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c86c94 No.14407

Dice rollRolled 33, 42, 50, 43 = 168 (4d100)

[blood warp 3/6; make troops; raise population]

1. Tyranna's had a good while of killing people. Maybe now she'll be more calm.

2. Tyranna continues working on the teleportation.

3. New lawyers are needed in the great legal crusade!

4. Tyranna demands that all families have at least four cihldren by decree of LAW.

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c86c94 No.14409

Dice rollRolled 22, 31, 23, 85 = 161 (4d100)



1 Blood Golems 9/15. The blood golems will improve our tactical powers on a battlefield and grant powerful houses the majesty of a colossal butler.

2 Lunar Manipulation 3/10. To learn how to use the raw lucent and make use of the moon's powers that have been invested in stone for our own ends.

3 Expansion. With out pioneers ready to take advantage of the shorter days and longer nights that have come to Baader we can expand even more.

4 Blood Magic, Simple. Spreading and teaching blood magic to new vampires to that they can reach the knowledge and wisdom of a true vampire. Expand our knowledge of blood magic.

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c86c94 No.14411

Dice rollRolled 13, 38, 70 = 121 (3d100)


>Nation: Studious Studios (Painter Fairies)

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/U2gpL0DL

Population: (27.1) (+1.5/turn)

Raw Currency: (77) (7/turn)

Legitimacy: (Stable)

Culture: (29)

Industry: (5)

Unique Buildings: Painter's Palace, Art Studio, Grand Gallery

Defenses: Polygon Walls (Medium)

Military Units: Artist Adventurer (Very Strong+++)[Mage], 3 Artist Initiates (V. Strong), 2 Static Utility Doodle Squads (Strong), 1 Doodlepawn Cohort [Strong++], 2 <Undetermined Doodle Squads> [Strong+][Resilient]

Resources/Quantity: Wood. Stone, Good. Water-Resistant Paint, Sustainable. Polygons, Sustainable. Magicite, A lot. Nice Canvas, Some. Strange machine, one.

Magic/Spells: (Fae) [Sketching, Average] [Paint Food, Very Simple] [Doodle, Mediocre] [Sketch-Wards, Primitive]

Technology: (Copper, Wood) [Thinners/Thickeners, Primitive][Exotic Paints, Primitive][Festivals, Primitive][Combat Art, Simple]

Territory: (24)



1. Faeblooded: Culture comes extremely easy to you, and you may deploy it in strange ways – you may spend culture as you would spend currency.

2. Dada-ist: You may spend culture to assist you in combat. More cultural investment yields stronger results.


1. Weaklings: Faeries are not very good in combat. Fae you deploy in combat suffer a penalty of -1 to every roll in combat.


1.) Consolidate the Adventurer and her initiates into a single quartet of master artists: they shall be the ones to command the doodle forces!

2.) Inspect the strange machine and attempt to deduct its purpose.

3.) Expand! The Queen has a good feeling about this!

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c86c94 No.14412


Spend 27 units of currency to make sure the consolidation actually goes through! What's the holdup?

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c86c94 No.14413


1. You finished the barracks! (Add player named unique building) (Add technology: Standing Armies [Simple])

2. You established a platinum mine. (set resource: Platinum to [Sustainable]; +3/currency /turn)

3. The expansion goes worse than expected; a few people are killed by falling rocks. (lose 1 pop)


1. You completed a very basic forge. (Add player's name unique building) (set Metallurg to [Average])

2. Your forces arrive at the ruin and are attacked by large spiders. They retreat before any real harm occurs.

3. You make a major breakthrough! (set spell: Scion Missiles to [Average])

[Goblin Council]

1. The goblins finish up the pioneering research. (add technology: Pioneering [Simple])

2. The goblins start work on logistics. It's actually sort of adorable. (Logistics 3/10)

[War Wizard]

1. You expanded! (Add 4 hex; roll 1d3)

2. The tactics aren't taken very well – a few goblins are killed and run over. The goblin council isn't going to like this. (lose 1 pop)

3. You built a gob-pentagon. Or something. It's really very military oriented and helps you with military research. (Add unique building: player's name choice)(Add technology: Thinktanks [Simple])


1. Tyranna feels slightly moody, but she's better than previously. Whew. [Mood: Glum]

2. Tyranna makes some headway on blood warp. It's looking good so far. (Blood Warp: 5/6)

3. A few new lawyers are trained up. They seem to be benefitting from legal training and are resilient against spies, too. (Add 2 units, player's name choice [Strong][Police])

4. Tyranna's decree goes out. Some waiting is required. (Birth Rates 3/8)


1 The golem research starts and stops, but moves ahead. (Blood Golems 11/15)

2 Lunar manipulation research makes some progress. So far so good. (Lunar Manipulation 5/10. )

3 Your expansion moves ahead. There's been some heavy snows, and so progress is minor. (Expansion 1/8)

4. You work on refining your knowledge of blood magic. (Blood Magic:7/8)


1.) You consolidated your units - Artist Adventurer (Very Strong+++)[Mage], 3 Artist Initiates (V. Strong), to Painter Cohort [Epic][Mage][x7] (-27 currency)

2.) The machine appears to be an engine of some sort? (Engine/???)

3.) You start expanding. Things are looking good so far. (Expansion 5/10)

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c86c94 No.14415

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d3)


Rolling 1d3 for expansion resources

Current territory is at 41

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c86c94 No.14416

Dice rollRolled 98, 55, 100 = 253 (3d100)


Name: The Lupine Republic

Race: Wolfmen

Color: Light Grey, White Trim

Fluff: The City of Lupine was founded by Lupus after defeating his brother Canis for leadership of the Seven Great Packs. Ruled until recently by the descendents of Lupus, after an incident of forcing himself upon the daughter of a popular Great Pack Leader, the Lupus King was thrown out, and a Republic instated to govern in it's stead. [As of first post, this was last month in-game]

Government Type: Open Noble Republic. Any Pack Member can in theory join the senate; in practice only Pack Leaders and Great Pack Leaders, or those they assent in their place, are part of the Republic. The Senate appoints all government officials, and has an elected Consul. In addition, there is the popularly-elected Tribune to represent the will of the majority.

Economy Type: Private Property and Taxation. Minting coins is privledge of the Senate. Naescant Mercantalism/Capitalism.

Religion: Polytheistic Syncrenticsm. "Our Gods are really everyone's gods by different names and different stories."

Location: No preference

Population: 11 (+1/turn)

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: 20 (+8/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: (5)

Industry: (3)

Unique Buildings: Lupin Senate House [Government Buildings], Legion Barracks

Defenses: Lupine Patrols [Small]

Military Units: Legio Wilkas [Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Platinum[Sustainable, +3cur/turn]

Magic/Spells: Lupine (spells: Haste [Simple])

Technology: (Stone, Wood) Metallurgy [Simple]; Raiding [Simple]; Infantry Combat [Simple]; Standing Armies [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1


1. Resilient: Your units are very tough. Losses from combat are reduced by half, effectively.

2. Nightvision: You are not impacted by low light conditions. You can try to exploit this to your advantage in combat or otherwise.

–In Progress–



- Raise another Legio Wilkas! Praise to Mars!

- Push the Frontiers, Expand! Sacrifice to Juno!

- Send our Wise men to expand our knowledge of Haste! Howl in the Night for Trivia!

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c86c94 No.14417


Name: Scions of Morgaz

Race: Dragonkin

Color: Black with Gold trim

Fluff: A flash of light and smoldering heat, then nothing, but a clear sky. The Dragonkin pulled themselves from their ruined structures and gazed out at a place most certainly not their home. The air heavier, bereft of an ambient magic they felt all their lives, the earth firmer and more mundane. They felt a distinct weakness in their limbs and fog in their minds. Almost like a blind had been raised, but most startling of all was water, water everywhere, all across this new land.

The dragonkin were proud sevants of morgaz, but they were few, and this land strange. There were no dragons with them, their magic and technology either malfunctioned or straight up failed. Home was lost to them, for even if they could find returning would destroy it utterly. They would need to adapt to this new place and survive.

Government Type: Militaristic Meritocaracy

Economy Type:Command

Religion: None. There are no gods, just creatures that posture as them. Any such being can be explained by magic or sufficiently advanced technology.

Location: Mountains off the Rolling seas

Population: (9.1) (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: (25) (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: (5)

Industry: (1)

Unique Buildings:(Command Tower Alpha);(Dragonfire Forge)

Defenses: Morgazian Fortifications [Small]

Military Units: 3 Dragonkin Infantry[Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (type: Eclectic) (spells: Deflect Missile [simple];Scion Missiles [Average])

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; Morgazian Air-War [Simple];

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 5


1. Natural Fliers: Though not as powerful as proper dragons, you still gain +1 to all rolls with flying units.

2. Hardened: Your people have survived a good deal, and is not easily rattled. Stability rarely goes down.

1. Start a farm to increase our food supply. With that forge active we can make the tools for it.

2.Improve the fortifications. If giant spiders are this close we need better defenses less we find surprises in the night.

3. Set up a research lab. We need to be able to research and document the differences between world so we may adapt and thrive properly.

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c86c94 No.14418

Dice rollRolled 44, 68, 24 = 136 (3d100)




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c86c94 No.14420

Dice rollRolled 7, 54, 26 = 87 (3d100)



1. Population growth will continue! By the law! You must have 4 children by the end of eight years or you will be punished!

2. Speaking of all this birth rate stuff maybe we should have the bureaucracy enact a census so we can accurately keep track of the number of people here!

3. Courtrooms all over will soon be the domain of Tyranna the Just Tyranna the Lawbringer Tyranna the Most Lawful!

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c86c94 No.14421

Dice rollRolled 71, 32, 90, 3 = 196 (4d100)



1 Blood Golems 11/15. Move forward with blood golem production techniques with barbers and intermediate surgeons made available to sew flesh and help prepare blood.

2 Lunar Manipulation 5/10. From lights for Thrall Halls to new powers to make vampire women fertile again, Lucent is promised to be a powerful tool.

3 Expansion. 1/8. Bring out the mule serfs and prepare to expand and look for new land suitable to our estates. The more land we bring the more lords we can convert to vampirism and so we have a great desire to expand.

4 Blood Magic 7/8. So many blood magic spells to be found, so little daylight to stop me. Blood Prophet has the time and resources to find new magics.

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c86c94 No.14422


15 gold on 4th action

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c86c94 No.14423

Dice rollRolled 58, 99, 14 = 171 (3d100)


1. Expand once more, until we cover this entire peninsula from each fringe of The Limit!

2. We have numerous resources untapped which we should get to work mining.

Pay the Goblins 20 Gold to work overtime to dig up these resources.

Copper [Unmined]x2

Iron [unmined]x2

Gold [unmined]

Flux [unmined]

Magicite [unmined]

Flux [unmined]

3. We are reaching the limits of our ability to expand on land, without facing the frozen wastes.

We shall need to construct a Dry-Dock with which we can produce ships.

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c86c94 No.14427


1. You raise more military units. They seem to be of very good quality, but you're not sure why? (Add 2 player named military units [Very Strong+++][Brave][Resilient]

2. You expand somewhat. (Expansion 4/10)

3. You make a major advancement in your knowlege of haste! You even get a spellcaster out of it! (Add 1 unit [Very Strong][Mage]; revise spell: Haste to [Average])


1. You start working on a farm. (Farm 3/6)

2. You improve the fortifications. They're not as good as the old days, but they work. (Revise defenses to [Medium]

3. You begin working on a lab. It seems sort of complicated, but it moves ahead. (Lab 2/12)


1. The laws encounter a hiccup…but your heroic bureaucrats save the day! (Birth Rates 5/6)

2. The bureaucrats have begun to take a census of the territories. (Census 3/6)

3. The courtiers agree, certainly but they aren't sure what to do with your orders. They spend the remainder of their time playing a game that is similar to (but isn't) chess.


1. The blood golem research is done. The first golems are small in size, but more research can allow for bigger ones. (Add technology: Blood Golems [Simple])

2. You continue working on lunar manipulation. Sex must have a purpose besides amusement, bonding, and stress relief! (Lunar Manipulation 8/10).

3. You expanded! Wow! (Add 4 hex, roll 1d3)

4. Research halts after a few spirits break free from their containers and destroy the lab. You throw money at it and it somehow gets done. (Revise: Blood Magic to [Average] (-15 currency))

[War Wizard]

>>You gained an additional dice. (Total: 4d100)

>>You gained the following from expansion: Magicite [unmined]; Dark Iron [unmined]

1. You continue expansion. (Expansion 4/10)

2. The goblins establish an automated mining rig that seems to handle digging for resources at double the rate! It completed: Copper [x2]; Iron [x2] this turn. As a bonus action, you can allocate the rig to dig for the other unmined materials. (Add unique building: [Goblin Mining Contraption] (Add technology: Scaled Mining [Simple])

3. The first dock isn't very well constructed. The goblins are working on the situation.

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c86c94 No.14429

Dice rollRolled 11, 39, 57 = 107 (3d100)


Name: Scions of Morgaz

Race: Dragonkin

Color: Black with Gold trim

Fluff: A flash of light and smoldering heat, then nothing, but a clear sky. The Dragonkin pulled themselves from their ruined structures and gazed out at a place most certainly not their home. The air heavier, bereft of an ambient magic they felt all their lives, the earth firmer and more mundane. They felt a distinct weakness in their limbs and fog in their minds. Almost like a blind had been raised, but most startling of all was water, water everywhere, all across this new land.

The dragonkin were proud sevants of morgaz, but they were few, and this land strange. There were no dragons with them, their magic and technology either malfunctioned or straight up failed. Home was lost to them, for even if they could find returning would destroy it utterly. They would need to adapt to this new place and survive.

Government Type: Militaristic Meritocaracy

Economy Type:Command

Religion: None. There are no gods, just creatures that posture as them. Any such being can be explained by magic or sufficiently advanced technology.

Location: Mountains off the Rolling seas

Population: (9.8) (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: (30) (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: (5)

Industry: (1)

Unique Buildings:(Command Tower Alpha);(Dragonfire Forge) (Farm 3/6) (Research Lab 2/12)

Defenses: Morgazian Fortifications [Medium]

Military Units: 3 Dragonkin Infantry[Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (type: Eclectic) (spells: Deflect Missile [simple];Scion Missiles [Average])

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; Morgazian Air-War [Simple];

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 5


1. Natural Fliers: Though not as powerful as proper dragons, you still gain +1 to all rolls with flying units.

2. Hardened: Your people have survived a good deal, and is not easily rattled. Stability rarely goes down.

1. Continue building the farm.

2. Continue building the research lab

3.Start plotting the best way to increase our industry. Proper planning will help a great deal in allowing us to build fast and well.

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c86c94 No.14430

Dice rollRolled 22, 76, 88 = 186 (3d100)


Name: The Lupine Republic

Race: Wolfmen

Color: Light Grey, White Trim

Fluff: The City of Lupine was founded by Lupus after defeating his brother Canis for leadership of the Seven Great Packs. Ruled until recently by the descendents of Lupus, after an incident of forcing himself upon the daughter of a popular Great Pack Leader, the Lupus King was thrown out, and a Republic instated to govern in it's stead. [As of first post, this was last month in-game]

Government Type: Open Noble Republic. Any Pack Member can in theory join the senate; in practice only Pack Leaders and Great Pack Leaders, or those they assent in their place, are part of the Republic. The Senate appoints all government officials, and has an elected Consul. In addition, there is the popularly-elected Tribune to represent the will of the majority.

Economy Type: Private Property and Taxation. Minting coins is privledge of the Senate. Naescant Mercantalism/Capitalism.

Religion: Polytheistic Syncrenticsm. "Our Gods are really everyone's gods by different names and different stories."

Location: No preference

Population: 12 (+1/turn)

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: 28 (+8/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: (5)

Industry: (3)

Unique Buildings: Lupin Senate House [Government Buildings], Legion Barracks

Defenses: Lupine Patrols [Small]

Military Units: Legio Wilkas [Very Strong], 2x Legio Wilkas Martius [Very Strong+++][Brave][Resilient], Sacerdos Triviani [Very Strong][Mage]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Platinum[Sustainable, +3cur/turn]

Magic/Spells: Lupine (spells: Haste [Average])

Technology: (Stone, Wood) Metallurgy [Simple]; Raiding [Simple]; Infantry Combat [Simple]; Standing Armies [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1


1. Resilient: Your units are very tough. Losses from combat are reduced by half, effectively.

2. Nightvision: You are not impacted by low light conditions. You can try to exploit this to your advantage in combat or otherwise.

–In Progress–

- Expansion 4/10


- Run beyond the Borders! We shall see what is around us. Prayer to Mercury to aid our scouts!

- Begin construction of a Temple Complex. Sacrifice to Vulcan in this endevour!

- Continue our expansion, praise to Juno, wife of Jupiter!

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c86c94 No.14435

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d3)


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c86c94 No.14439

Dice rollRolled 40, 85, 46 = 171 (3d100)



>Population: (10) (1/turn)

>Food: (Good)

>Raw Currency: (64) (19/turn)

>Legitimacy: (wobbly)

>Culture: (8)

>Industry: (3)

>Unique Buildings: [Council Tent][Trading Tent]


+Ballistas and Patrols [Large]

>Military Units: 2 [Clan Guards][Very Strong] 3 [Horse-scouts][Medium]

Wind Dervish 1 [Very Strong][Infiltrate]

>Resources/Quantity: Copper [Sustainable];

Gems [Lots];

Tin [Sustainable];

Flux [Sustainable];

Wood [Sustainable];

Water [Sustainable]

Mild Toxin [Simple]

+Statuettes [A few, Creepy]

+Odd gems [Some]

>Magic/Spells: (Aero, Mediocre) (spells: Air-scrying [Average] Aero-Bolt [Simple])

>Technology: (Copper, Bronze, Flux)

Diplomacy [Simple]

Irregular warfare [simple]

War Mages [Primitive]

Guerilla Warfare [Very Simple]

+Trading [Average]

+Commodities [Simple]

>Territory: (1)

>Trade Routes:

Sanguinon [Medium; +2 currency/turn;+2 culture]


>1. Greased Palm: You generally find that trade deals and expeditions go very well. You may reroll trade or currency related actions once. This does not include paying for things with currency.


>1. Who Runs Bartertown: Occasionally, the merchant-clan heads will cause problems for you because of stupid petty reasons. Roll a d100 every 5 turns to see what stupid thing they do

1.2. Well then let's see about training up our wizards some more, you know the whole, whip up a sandstorm thing

3. Set up a trade route to the next closest neighbour, trading for everyone ha-hah!

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c86c94 No.14440

Dice rollRolled 31, 84, 43, 62 = 220 (4d100)




1 Lunar Manipulation 8/10. As it glows in the moonlight, veins of silvery white that give it a look making it finer then marble its a material that only the most beautiful people can appreciate. The sparkles make some very pretty jewelry

2 Expansion. Sanguinon reaches ever and ever farther across Baader to find the places that will usher in an age of the Vampire.

3 Thrall Halls, Rationalization. More vampires must build thrall halls and start producing goods to meet the needs of new estates and the development of Sanguinon.

4 Raise Vampires. Vampires to protect the holdings of Sanguinon armed with long swords and daggers.

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c86c94 No.14441

File: 1447638559725.jpg (80.91 KB,640x461,640:461,USA-E-Breakout-p654.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 61, 29, 98, 64 = 252 (4d100)


1. The last bits of our great Peninsula are cleared by the ever charging Mechanized Infantry Regiment, blazing forward and determined to reach the western coast which meets the frozen borders of the Limit! 4/10 Expansion

2. The War Wizard gazes upon the crashing waves of the oceans which descend upon his shores, and how they will carry the will of the Warhost yet further than ever before.

Visions of ships and vessels sailing the waves, heralding the warhost and bringing troops.


We will construct our Dry Dock to rule these waves!

4. We have yet more minerals unmined, and will continue to mine them until we have accessed them all.

Focus on the untapped Flux. We shall need it for Steel.

Flux [unmined] [x2]

Scaled Mining [Simple]

[Goblin Mining Contraption]

3. We shall also need to learn the methods and means to produce steel, as we are going to need them for ships very soon.

The Great Pentragram of Knowledge (Research Facility)

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c86c94 No.14442


The War Wizard, proud of the achievement crafted by his Goblins, pays them an additional 10 Gold, seeking to reward innovation and competence.

He proclaims he shall personally decorate the goblins who devise even superior methods and technologies than have already been displayed.

>spend 10 gold on rewarding the hardworking Goblins for their efforts on the mining rig

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c86c94 No.14444

Dice rollRolled 13, 64, 64 = 141 (3d100)



>Nation: Studious Studios (Painter Fairies)

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/U2gpL0DL

Population: (27.1) (+1.5/turn)

Raw Currency: (77) (7/turn)

Legitimacy: (Stable)

Culture: (29)

Industry: (5)

Unique Buildings: Painter's Palace, Art Studio, Grand Gallery

Defenses: Polygon Walls (Medium)

Military Units: Painter Cohort [Epic][Mage][x7], 2 Static Utility Doodle Squads (Strong), 1 Doodlepawn Cohort [Strong++], 2 <Undetermined Doodle Squads> [Strong+][Resilient]

Resources/Quantity: Wood. Stone, Good. Water-Resistant Paint, Sustainable. Polygons, Sustainable. Magicite, A lot. Nice Canvas, Some. Strange machine, one.

Magic/Spells: (Fae) [Sketching, Average] [Paint Food, Very Simple] [Doodle, Mediocre] [Sketch-Wards, Primitive]

Technology: (Copper, Wood) [Thinners/Thickeners, Primitive][Exotic Paints, Primitive][Festivals, Primitive][Combat Art, Simple]

Territory: (24)



1. Faeblooded: Culture comes extremely easy to you, and you may deploy it in strange ways – you may spend culture as you would spend currency.

2. Dada-ist: You may spend culture to assist you in combat. More cultural investment yields stronger results.


1. Weaklings: Faeries are not very good in combat. Fae you deploy in combat suffer a penalty of -1 to every roll in combat.


1.) Continue the inspection process! This might be very useful, somehow, I guess? (Engine/???)

2+3.) Oh, and continue the expansion too, please!~

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c86c94 No.14445


Actual Stats:

>Population: (28.6) (+1.5/turn)

>Raw Currency: (84) (7/turn)

Wait! Don't stick your fingers in there! Spend 14 currency to avert disaster! No, get the /pawns/ to do all this dangerous stuff so we don't lose any more fairies!

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c86c94 No.14448

[War Wizard]

1. Your forces continue to conquer new territory on the frontier. ( 9/10 Expansion )

2. You start working on a dry dock. (Dry Dock 1/10)

4. You mined the flux. (revise resource: Flux to [x2]

3. You manage to develop steelworking methods. (revise current metals knowledge to: Metallurgy [Average])


>>You gained the following from expansion: Dark Iron [unmined]; Lava [Sustainable]; Iron [unmined]

1 You finished Lunar Manipulation! You can now utilize all sorts of weird variations of vampires. (Add technology: Lunar Manipulation [Simple])

2 Expansion. Sanguinon reaches ever and ever farther across Baader to find the places that will usher in an age of the Vampire.

3 Thrall Halls, Rationalization. More vampires must build thrall halls and start producing goods to meet the needs of new estates and the development of Sanguinon.

4 Raise Vampires. Vampires to protect the holdings of Sanguinon armed with long swords and daggers.


>>Some of your units were poisoned and then reanimated as zombies! There is some fighting as you destroy the abominations. (Lose 2 pop; lose 1 Clan Guard)

1.2. You make some progress in Air magic and get a new spell! (Revise Aero to [Average])(add spell: Cyclone [Primitive])

3 You establish a trade route with the Jillians. (Add trade route: Jillians [Small; +2 currency/turn]


1. The farm is…sort of complete, but it's just not very good. (Revise food to [Semi-Stable])(Add technology: Farming [Simple])

2. The lab construction advances. Some of the frame can be sighted, now. (Lab 7/12)

3.You start work on industrial research. The initial gains are somewhat mediocre, but if you put more effort in… (+2 industry)


1.) You keep looking at the engine. It's….uh..pretty complicated… (Mystery Engine 4/10) (-14 currency)

2+3.) You expanded! (Add 4 hex, roll 1d3)

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c86c94 No.14449

>>GM: This effectively concludes the turns for this week. Spitehall and others may make their missed turns up for processing.

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c86c94 No.14451


[Lupine catch up]

1. The scouts don't find anything of interest.

2. You start working on a temple complex. (Temple complex 5/8)

3. Your expansion completes! (Add 4 hex, roll 1d3)

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c86c94 No.14452

Dice rollRolled 19, 64, 4 = 87 (3d100)


Name: Scions of Morgaz

Race: Dragonkin

Color: Black with Gold trim

Fluff: A flash of light and smoldering heat, then nothing, but a clear sky. The Dragonkin pulled themselves from their ruined structures and gazed out at a place most certainly not their home. The air heavier, bereft of an ambient magic they felt all their lives, the earth firmer and more mundane. They felt a distinct weakness in their limbs and fog in their minds. Almost like a blind had been raised, but most startling of all was water, water everywhere, all across this new land.

The dragonkin were proud sevants of morgaz, but they were few, and this land strange. There were no dragons with them, their magic and technology either malfunctioned or straight up failed. Home was lost to them, for even if they could find returning would destroy it utterly. They would need to adapt to this new place and survive.

Government Type: Militaristic Meritocaracy

Economy Type:Command

Religion: None. There are no gods, just creatures that posture as them. Any such being can be explained by magic or sufficiently advanced technology.

Location: Mountains off the Rolling seas

Population: (10.5) (+.7/turn)

Food: (Semi-stable)

Raw Currency: (35) (+5/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: (5)

Industry: (3)

Unique Buildings:(Command Tower Alpha);(Dragonfire Forge) (Research Lab 7/12)

Defenses: Morgazian Fortifications [Medium]

Military Units: 3 Dragonkin Infantry[Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (type: Eclectic) (spells: Deflect Missile [simple];Scion Missiles [Average])

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; Morgazian Air-War [Simple]; Farming [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 5


1. Natural Fliers: Though not as powerful as proper dragons, you still gain +1 to all rolls with flying units.

2. Hardened: Your people have survived a good deal, and is not easily rattled. Stability rarely goes down.

1. Keep working on the research lab. (7/12)

2. Continue research into industrial planning and work.

3. Start expansion and territory acquisition protocols. We need more land and resources.

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c86c94 No.14455



[Sanguinon correction]

3. You work on rationalization further. (Rationalization 4/12)

4. You raise two middling vampires

. (Add 2 units, player's name vampire [Strong])

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c86c94 No.14456

Dice rollRolled 52, 89, 53 = 194 (3d100)


Name: The Lupine Republic

Race: Wolfmen

Color: Light Grey, White Trim

Fluff: The City of Lupine was founded by Lupus after defeating his brother Canis for leadership of the Seven Great Packs. Ruled until recently by the descendents of Lupus, after an incident of forcing himself upon the daughter of a popular Great Pack Leader, the Lupus King was thrown out, and a Republic instated to govern in it's stead. [As of first post, this was last month in-game]

Government Type: Open Noble Republic. Any Pack Member can in theory join the senate; in practice only Pack Leaders and Great Pack Leaders, or those they assent in their place, are part of the Republic. The Senate appoints all government officials, and has an elected Consul. In addition, there is the popularly-elected Tribune to represent the will of the majority.

Economy Type: Private Property and Taxation. Minting coins is privledge of the Senate. Naescant Mercantalism/Capitalism.

Religion: Polytheistic Syncrenticsm. "Our Gods are really everyone's gods by different names and different stories."

Location: No preference

Population: 13 (+1/turn)

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: 36 (+8/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: (5)

Industry: (3)

Unique Buildings: Lupin Senate House [Government Buildings], Legion Barracks

Defenses: Lupine Patrols [Small]

Military Units: Legio Wilkas [Very Strong], 2x Legio Wilkas Martius [Very Strong+++][Brave][Resilient], Sacerdos Triviani [Very Strong][Mage]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Platinum[Sustainable, +3cur/turn]

Magic/Spells: Lupine (spells: Haste [Average])

Technology: (Stone, Wood) Metallurgy [Simple]; Raiding [Simple]; Infantry Combat [Simple]; Standing Armies [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 5


1. Resilient: Your units are very tough. Losses from combat are reduced by half, effectively.

2. Nightvision: You are not impacted by low light conditions. You can try to exploit this to your advantage in combat or otherwise.

–In Progress–

- Temple Complex 5/8


- Research ways to improve our Infantry. Minerva, Guide us with your Wisdom!

- Continue construction of a Temple Complex. Praise to Vulcan!

- Send our scouts to explore our new territory in depth - annoint them with water from Mercury's Well!

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c86c94 No.14461

Dice rollRolled 2, 80, 66, 73, 48, 1, 69, 6 = 345 (8d100)

>>You are a courtier.

>>You have been allocated 2 dice.

>>You must follow the directions of your host nation, The War Wizard.


3 goblin clerks [Strong]

>>the cave of limitless bravery (gov building)

1.2. Keep working logistics master needs supplies. (Logistics 3/10)

3.4. Research amphibious landing and assault. We think masters needs to be able to attack from ocean. Why he goes ocean we dunno ocean dangerous cave better.

5.6. Build an oil refinery. Boats need fuel. Fuel need oil. Oil need goblins.

7.8. Build steel works. Master needs more weapons and armor which means he needs the best metals and everyone knows goblins steel best steel. Dwarf steel suck.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]