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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1446087008367.png (3.33 MB,2229x2066,2229:2066,Soren5.png)

fa19bf No.12460 [View All]

Welcome to Søren, the World of Clouds! It's the latest magical nation building game from me, red_philosophy.

This is the third (!) thread, as the first as reached a post limit.

Søren is the latest world and probably my most advanced map; it lives alongside Moco and Baader. It's going for "ultra-high" fantasy, which I'm admittedly not sure about conceptually, but we're going to give it a try. Think first age Lord of the Rings with politics similar to Victoria 2. Conceptually the game goes for an aesthetic of "huge".

Rules: http://pastebin.com/Y2GzvhQa

Chat: https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23Nation&server=irc.mibbit.net

Previous Thread: https://8ch.net/builders/res/11428.html

528 postsand45 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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fa19bf No.13423

test post

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fa19bf No.13425

Dice rollRolled 52, 40, 73 = 165 (3d100)


>FluffnStuff: >>10350

Population: 58.2 (2.4/turn)

Raw Currency: 146 (19/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (14)

Industry: (16)

Unique Buildings:

>Patchwork City: [Council Headquarters], Aeroport [Large], [Temple of the Traveler], [Gobtown], [Bogart] [Patchwork City Marketplace]

>New Patchwork: [Patchwork Heritage Museum], [Trade Port] [Patchwork Magic Academy] [Elton]

Professional Military (Unit Cap:8): Patchwork Warbird Corps (Epic), Patchwork Flagship Mk. II (Epicx8)[Armored][Bombard x2], Patchwork Republican Guard (Epicx8)[Brave], Patchwork Battlemage Squad (Very Strong), The G-Unit[Epicx7][Infiltrate][Sapper]

Resources/Quantity: [Stone, Sustainable], [Wood, Sustainable], [Iron, Sustainable] [Rubicite, Sustainable x3] [Steel, Sustainable] [Magicite, Sustainable] [Iron, Unmined] [Strange Ooze, Trace] [Dark Iron, Unmined] [Odium, Scarce]

Magic/Spells: (Air, Basic) (spells: Summon Tseyarian Birds, Good; Tornado, Simple; Haste, Simple; Summon Air Elemental, Simple)

Technology: (Stone, Wood, Iron, Steel) [Airships, Average] [Aerial Navigation, Average] [Civil Defense, Basic] [Bureaucracy, Simple] [Diplomacy, Simple] [Standardization, Simple] [Rationalization, Simple] [Coinage, Simple] [Unit Upgrade, Improvised] [Economics, Primitive] [Equipment, Simple] [Standing Armies, Average]

1) Continue our expansion towards Elton.

2) With the Academy done, it should be easier for us to train mages. Do so, pulling from all over the Republic, and feed them into the Battlemage Squad. (Pluralism)

3) Improve our spells. (Tseyarian Birds, Tornado, Haste, Air Elemental)>>13405

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fa19bf No.13429

Dice rollRolled 2, 34, 78 = 114 (3d100)


Name: Kingdom of Suniria

Race (Determines bonuses): Humans

Color: (Determined map color): Orange

Fluff (Determines bonuses): The Suniri were once a disparate and scattered people, living in tribes or small family group on Gul until they were united. Granix, the Bear King. Granix had solved the riddles inherent in making metal weapons, and even more the magic of mastering the body.

Hundreds of competing warlords fell to his blade, until one day he was betrayed by his best friend. Silvgar the Rat. Granix was taken into the home of his foremost rival, and despite the rescue party being mustered and sent forth, presumed to be dead. It was not so. When the party arrived, the rivals fortress was burning and his head on a pike in Granix's hands.The people were amazed because except for minor nicks and cuts, Granix was unharmed. When asked how he survived without armor or weapons Granix answered, "Is it the sword, or the hand the wields it that has true power?"

Government Type (Determines some stats): merit based Monarchy. The strongest, smartest and most powerful rules, period.

Economy Type (Determines some stats): For the most part people buy what they want and build what they want. The king let's them pursue their own ends until someone does something wrong or a pressing need must be met.

Religion (Determines magic):The Gods are distant and capricious, they rarely answer prayers and mostly look upon the world for entertainment. Life should be lived by the strength of your steel and the strength of you arm. If you do well the Gods will notice you, whether you want them too or not.


Population: (25) (+1.2/turn)

Food: Good

Raw Currency: (21) (+6/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (13)

Industry: (12)

Unique Buildings: Hall of the Kings; Great Forge(+3 Industry); (Arena); +1 industry +2 culture.)(Grand Armory +3 Industry)

Defenses: Stone Walls [Large]

Military Units:

2 Sunnirian Linebreaker Formation [Epic][x5][Raging]

1 Sunniria Shieldwall Formation [Epic][x14][Brave]

2 Ballistas [Very Strong][Bombard]

Morrigan's Cohort [Epic][4x][Granix]

Wulfgar's Cohort [Epic][11x][Granix]


3 Mobilized Sunnirian Warband [Epic][x8]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Steel [Sustainable]; Dark Iron [Sustainable};Feywood [Sustainable];

Magic/Spells: (The Way of Granix) (spells: Strengthen Unit[Simple])(Amplified Jump [Very Simple])

Technology: Metallurgy [Good]; Professional Armies [Simple]; Drill [Average]; Equipment [Average];Reorganization [Simple];Ranged Weapons [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (11)

>>You are mobilized: 2 turn.

>>Your industrial efficiency is 100%.


1. The Riddle of Steel: You get +1 to all combat rolls to everything – except aerial combat. The penalty is waved if actually manage to engage your ground units with aerial opposition somehow (such as jumping).

2. This You Can Trust: You may reroll unit recruitment once if it below 50.


1. States Can't Climb Hills: You have trouble with 'civilized' life. You suffer a general penalty to any technology relating to nation building or statecraft.

1. Begin adding towers, murder holes and oil cauldrons to the wall. We shall make our home a fortress against any enemy! We shall apply our new ballistae in places where the enemy will be shot from the sky or hit upon the earth. Let our home never be unready for battle!

+12 Industry

+Stone [Sustainable];

+Copper [Sustainable];

+Iron [Sustainable];

+Steel [Sustainable];

+Dark Iron [Sustainable};

+Feywood [Sustainable];

+Ranged Weapons [Simple]

2.Have the Shamans study to tales and the scrolls of Granix. His blessings strengthen their bearers, but not nearly to the extent they strengthened him. Research and learn, and then spread the tales. For the Sunniri people!

+13 culture

3. It is time for us to march. Too long have they sat at our doorstep, raiding our settlements and hunting our people. Too long have we dealt with their insanity and madness, only hunting the problems, not the cause. Too long have we dealt with these honorless abominations. Today that ends now. We march not to war, but to extermination! For these are not more than animals, without honor or reason. We will stop their spread today! FOR SUNNIRIA!

>Troops sent

2 Sunnirian Linebreaker Formation [Epic][x5][Raging]

1 Sunniria Shieldwall Formation [Epic][x14][Brave]

2 Ballistas [Very Strong][Bombard]

Morrigan's Cohort [Epic][4x][Granix]

Wulfgar's Cohort [Epic][11x][Granix]


3 Mobilized Sunnirian Warband [Epic][x8]

+Professional Armies [Simple];

+Drill [Average]

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fa19bf No.13430

Dice rollRolled 58, 30, 84 = 172 (3d100)


Name: The Vulmer

Race: Magically Uplifted foxes

Color: Red with Black Trim

Fluff: Centuries ago, there was a race of Elves who were very skilled at magically altering living beings. Towards the end, there was a fad about pet foxes, and liked to breed and show them - but were not above magically enhancing the vulpines, bringing them up to nearly as intelligent as baseline humans, and giving them grasping paws and longer lifespans - although not as long as the Elves.

However, disaster struck as a plague - a magically enhanced cold that only impacted the Elves - burned through the community. Within only a few days, 99% of the elves had died, and the remainder were not enough to sustain their people. The remainders fully uplifted the Vulmer, who took on the Elvish society.

Government Type: High Kingdom, with a council of 'High Nobles'. There is a strong code of laws, but Code Duello is active. The Noble titles are held for life and are not passed on, with the exception of the High King.

Economy Type: Heavily Craftsman-based, with specialized Guilds. Uses precious-metal currency.

Religion: Officially, the Vulmer worship the Creator God of the Elves. unofficially, they worship their Elvish Ancestors.

Location: Southern Gul

Population: (16) (+1.2/turn)

Food: (Good)

Raw Currency: (43) (+8/turn,)

Legitimacy: (Good)

Culture: (6)

Industry: (6)

Unique Buildings: High King's Palace, Magic Research Academy

Defenses: Vulmerian Walls [Large]

Military Units: 4 Legio Culpes Consularius[Very Strong]; 2 Legio Vulpes [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainble]; Stone [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable]; Silver [Sustainable,+3 currency/turn]

Magic/Spells: [Vulmerian](spells: Invisibility [Good]; Body Alteration [Good], Death-Ray [Simple])

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; Arcane Theory [Good];

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 3

Aware of: Dragon Den, the Patchwork, Kaldor, Clownbrood, Mycon, Unidentified Fae Enclave


1. Like A Fox: Generally, very clever tactics don't work on you in combat. You're just super clever.

2. Clever: You know a thing or two about most things. You get +5 to all rolls.


1. What's That Smell?: You are vulnerable to fire. If the opposition uses fire against you, you are penalized by -1 in combat rolls. Generally the opposition must make an actual effort to use flame.

–In Progress–

-Magical Industrial Production [6/10]


All Roles get +5 from Clever [Not put in to modifier field]

Action 1: Send Scouts to the ruins to the East. [+Invisibility spells]

Action 2: Industrial Production Improvement [With MAGIC!] [6/10]

Action 3: Research Illusion Magic. Spend 20 currency.

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fa19bf No.13431


spend 10 currency to mitigate anything bad or dishonorable in action 1

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fa19bf No.13432

Dice rollRolled 29 (1d100)


Intrepid reroll on #1

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fa19bf No.13435


Pay 30 gold to keep that fucking Hospital moving.

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fa19bf No.13437

Dice rollRolled 98, 62 = 160 (2d100)

Name: Angle Confederation

Race: Primarily human (Living)

Color: Pink A on Black

Fluff: The Angle Confederation was founded by a group of merchant crews turned smugglers and later, pirates. Seeking a life with less of the more troublesome decrees of those that would call themselves the masters of others, the Confederation vanished into the wilderness. In time, the Confederation was forced to turn to smuggling and piracy for hire to survive, though they often produce a healthy variety of alcoholic brews that are almost a form of defacto currency. The Confederation is highly dependent upon outside sources for technology to keep their air ships in working order, and is often forced to improvise during military situations.

Elves are often considered to be the main foe of the Angle Confederation, as most view them as stuck up Imperialists that seek to enslave their kin, though a small number of elves have come to live among the Confederation. Most are eventually broken of their superior attitude by a seemingly coordinated series of pranks or quickly say a number of rude things as they leave.

Best described by outsiders as 'a bunch of drunken smugglers, pirates, farmers and moonshiners', the Confederation still holds to a rough code of internal and external conduct. One must serve the Confederation to earn the right to vote or own land. One must own land to seek office in the Republic.

Government Type: Militaristic Confederate Republic.

Economy Type: Semi-cooperative Free Market. Food is often shared, but most barter services in return.

Religion: The Angle Confederation often recognizes the Four Winds as dieties, but above them worships a great bird (exact bird is a matter of a number of honor duels) known as Maliel the Wise. She is said to have been a source of wisdom and knowledge to the first Captain of the Angle Confederation. A number of lesser superstitions are known to exist among different families.

Location: Orgul

[Courtier of Necro Imperialis]

Necro's Stats: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BCa5hJHfN0I9_XSkYqusYJRgRoBED49vqmVuqBKgFRA/edit

Angle-specific Things:

>>Population: 17.6 (+1.3/turn)

>>Unique Buildings

Oakwell, Orgul [Town][Lightly Fortified]

Azazis Town, Orgul Major [Town]

Night Reach, Ribwall [Town]

[Trade Port] (in Necro Capitol)


+ 2 Confederate Irregulars Companies [Epic][4x]

+ 1 Zepplin 'CAS Night Phoenix' [Epic][Quick]


Sky Turtle Nest [Sustainable]

Rubicite [Unmined]


Urban Pacification [Primitive]

Zepplins [Average]

Fixed-wing Aircraft


1. Piratical: Every time you destroy enemy units or units generally, roll a d100 to see what kind of things you pull from their stupid corpses. [This occurs once following combat and works on NPCs.]


Captain Northwind's expedition is the toast of the Confederacy! Let the men continue their excavation of the second site!

[Excavation 1/2]


After the second site is complete, Northwind's expedition continues to search the massive ruins for another site to locate treasures of the past!

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fa19bf No.13440

File: 1446871057038.jpg (462.02 KB,960x1280,3:4,Halnaker_Windmill_2.JPG)

Dice rollRolled 4, 90, 25 = 119 (3d100)




>FluffnStuff: >>12010

Population: 58.2 (2.4/turn)

Raw Currency: 146 (19/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (14)

Industry: (16)

Cities: Patchwork City, New Patchwork

Towns: Gobtown, Bogart, Starkegrob, Elton

Master Buildings:

[Council Headquarters], Aeroport [Large], [Temple of the Traveler], [Patchwork City Marketplace], [Patchwork Heritage Museum], [Trade Port], [Patchwork Magic Academy]

Defenses: Tower/Wall Defense Network (Large), Starkegrob Citadel [Fortress]

Master Military:

Patchwork Warbird Corps (Epic), Patchwork Flagship Mk. II (Epic++++++++)[Armored][Bombard++], Patchwork Republican Guard Company (Epic++++++++)[Brave], Starkengrober Riesengarde (Very Strong+)[Brave], Starkegian Infantry Brigade (Epic++++)[Brave], Patchwork Battlemage Squad (Very Strong), The "G-Crew" (Epic+++++++)[Infiltrate][Sapper]

Resources/Quantity:[Stone, Sustainable], [Wood, Sustainable], [Iron, Sustainable, Unmined] [Rubicite, Sustainable (x3)] [Steel, Sustainable][Odium, Scarce][Magicite, Sustainable] [Strange Ooze, Trace] [Dark Iron, Unmined]

Magic/Spells: (Air, Basic) (spells: Summon Tseyarian Birds, Good; Tornado, Simple; Haste, Simple; Summon Air Elemental, Simple)

Technology: [Airships, Average] [Aerial Navigation, Average] [Civil Defense, Basic][Compressed Air Cannons, Simple][Bureaucracy, Simple] [Diplomacy, Simple] [Drill, Simple] [Standardization, Simple] [Rationalization, Simple] [Coinage, Simple] [Unit Upgrade, Improvised] [Economics, Primitive] [Equipment, Simple] [Firearms, Average] [Infantry Tactics, Very Simple] [Metallurgy, Good][Standing Armies, Average][Zepplins, Average]

Territories: (30*)


Courier Specific Buildings:[Starkegrob]

Defenses: Starkegrob Citadel [Fortress]

Courier Specific Military:

1 Starkengrober Riesengarde [Very Strong+][Brave], 1 Starkegian Infantry Brigade [Epic++++][Brave]:

(1 Starkengrober Riesengarde [Very Strong+][Brave]):

-2nd Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Stark Town Giants"

(1 Starkegian Infantry Brigade [Epic++++][Brave]):

-1st Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Retrievers"

-3rd Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Kleins"

-4th Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Neue Kerls"

Bonus: [Strategic]


1+2.) Yes, by Master Zepplin's decree, the factory shall be done! This building shall be of a new kind never seen before in Loen, and a new flexing of our industrial muscles! For the Empire! Also, might do good dragging those goblins from Gobtown over to work on it some: they seem to know a thing or two about machinery. [10/15]

3.) Though the factory nears competion, what we lack is a way to adequately keep the machinery running. Rummors abound that by using certain methods, one can harness mechanical energies in order to have tools power themselves. We shall research using what else but AIR to accomplish our own power needs, utilizing windmills as a base for power generation!

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fa19bf No.13444

Dice rollRolled 94, 31, 1, 29 = 155 (4d100)



1 Infantry Training 5/15. Training with the Khazan monarchist troops progresses well, new weapons that appeal to their nature and solid tactics with communication exercises next to avatars fulfilling duties that allow them to immerse themselves fully into soldiery. Throwing in a few war stories and lessons about Mass Combat [Average], a good organized assault by determined and experienced forces can even bring down a monster.

2 Overfell City Construction 7/15. Make Overfell an industrious force in Shezeb, a center for creation of goods and arms for people that understand how to produce and contribute to the Khazan war front. Specialized avatars meant to facilitate trade, production and transportation will gather here. Our first City.

3 Runed Core Avatar Hero, use Raw Magic [Trace]. Summon the raw magic into a solid form. A pile of the raw magic dust moved or 'summoned' and given solid form so that it can be inscribed with spells that can let it act as a core and engine of magic for an avatar. This runed solid piece of raw magic will have spells connecting it to The Throne so that the power of its summons does not wear down the core itself but acts as a device that allows the summons to come directly to the field of battle from the sphere of the Throne. Able to summon avatars and weapons in great waves if needed though such an action may push the tolerance of the spells, as an extension of the Throne by way of its connection the stability and power of avatars in proximity may experience an increase. Finally to avoid capture of precious research, a spell to bring the it back to the Throne if the core suffers damage and needs to be repaired, the way it will work is as soon as damage to the core is detected by a separate object inscribed with a spell to summon the avatar hero and its core and take its place on the field of battle to then activate Summon Detonation.

4 Continue to send supplies, arms and avatars to Khazan's Monarchists. The avatars who have developed considerable speed and a sense of familiarity with Soren to bring the supplies and their fellow avatars. Progress and a few good steps towards victory is the kind of good news I want to hear, send 7 gold.

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fa19bf No.13449

Dice rollRolled 66, 81, 13, 15 = 175 (4d100) Operation K is a go.

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fa19bf No.13450

Dice rollRolled 47, 99 = 146 (2d100)



perfectionist 3.4. Reroll

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fa19bf No.13451

File: 1446902572186.jpg (87.28 KB,636x900,53:75,a7d99a6b01eee391958cf3c515….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 36, 7, 52, 7 = 102 (4d100)


1. Gather up the destroyed clockworks, cannons, and any other steel and iron scraps from the Khazan Civil war.

And use them to manufacture yet more Clockworkmen to be shipped and sold directly to the Khazan Government.

"We have the advantage gentlemen. While the other powers can only support the dwarves through equipment, methods, and skill, we are the only faction capable of repleneshing and supplementing their forces.

Every dwarf lost is a dwarf gone forever, for them or us. But they cannot send their angels or dragon armies.

We will bolster the Khazan government through entirely legal means and ensure that at every opportunity a clockworkman spares the life of a dwarf. Every death of the enemy caused by a single clockworkmen is another step closer to victory. And at the end of this it will be the constitutionliailsts with the last man, or machine, standing and their fists held high in the ring."


Salvage [Simple]

Recycling [Average]

Rationalization [Good]

Standardization [Average]

Steam [Simple]

Clockwork Fabrication [Simple]

Dwarf-Clockwork Integration [Very Simple]

Tooling [Very Simple]

Electricity [Primitive]

2. Whether we win or lose this war we will benefit from it. In the least, we can improve our empirical methods via observation of the physics of this war as a neutral party, and observing our robots performance in the fights.

Empirical will still continue.

Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences

Large Santarian Academy

3. It is good that we have found defects in our cannons. This gives us opportunities to correct faults in our cannon production lines and improve our [bombadment] technology.

And the BEST part is we can use the civil war to test out improved prototypes in a true combat scenario. Start producing improved cannon prototypes and ship them to the Khazan government for "live fire testing"

Tooling [Very Simple]

Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences

Large Santarian Academy

4. Where can we be at war while at peace?

And where can there be peace while a war takes place?

That is Khazan. Our ultimate playing ground where we can refine and improve our ability to supply a nation for war. Our industries will grow and adapt to meet the ever increasing demands of the Khazan civil war, and we in turn will improve our own methods.

Continue to ship more supplies to the Khazan government.

Total Mobilization/Industry: 1/20

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fa19bf No.13452


Spend 6 Gold on action #4

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fa19bf No.13457


1. The urbanization slows more, but the amount of money being applied is mitigating the issue. (Urbanization 12/20)(-20 currency)(set stone to: Buckling)

2. The second swarm proves to be much better than the first and is read for combat. (Add unit: player's name choice [Epic][4x][Swarm])

3. You begin work on basic commodities, but this will also feed into general economic theory. (Economics 5/7)


1) The expansion moves forward but there's some bad terrain. (Expansion 7/8)

2) The squad soon balloons to a much larger size. (Revise: Patchwork Battlemage Squad (Very Strong) to Patchwork Battlemage Company [Epic][Mage]

3) The efforts to improve the spells meets with some complications – apparently someone had improperly allocated research space and the general bureaucratic SNAFU stymies the effort.


1. Efforts to increase the overall effectiveness of projection weapons starts. (Projection 5/10)

2. You start revising professional armies. (Standing armies: 7/10)

3. You begin to try to merge what you know about projection weapons and spitter guns. It might lead to a new type of weapon. (??? Weapons 4/10)

4. There are some complications at the ranch. (lose 1 pop)


>>Data from the civil war arrives: Revise Magi-Storm Omni Cannons to [Good] and Stratos Missiles to [Above Average]

1. The hospital construction continue to stall due to some last minute zoning problems. (2/6)(-30 currency)

2. You begin selling the furniture on the markets. It seems to sell pretty well. (+1 industry, +2/currency/turn)

3&4. The retrofitting is completed. The foreman says that the old-model airships will need more work to bring them up to modern standards, but some good progress has been made.

Revise: "DMV Imperator"[Epic][x8][Bombard][4x][Resilient] to DMV Imperator to: [Epic][x14][Bombard][6x][Resilient]

Revise: 3 Vyriah'n Airships [Strong] to [Very Strong+][Bombard][x1]


>>You are mobilized: 3 turn.

>>Your industrial efficiency is 100%.

You gained the following units from mobilization: 2 Mobilized Sunnirian Warband [Epic][x8]

1. The efforts to make defenses, while well intentioned, are simply ignored in favor of the more exciting war effort. Bah!

2. You continue work on the sales of Granix. This helps you develop your culture. (+2 culture)

>>Add eccentricity: 2. My Culture Is War: Culture now generally handles the amount of your standing unit slots.

>>Your effective standing army cap is 7 slots

3. You moved your units. (Advantage: Average)

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fa19bf No.13458


1. The ruins are empty, but could be excavated. It's what remains of a small town apparently ruined in the first epoch: it has a ruined alchemy lab, a ruined wizard tower, and an armory. On the way back, you find a supply of rubicite. (Add resource: Rubicite [unmined])

2. You seem to have a basic understanding of magical production. Now you just need to get a power source of some sort. (Add technology: Magical Industry [Very Simple])

3. You work on illusion magic. Without much direction, the researchers begin to work on more elaborate hidden traps. (Revise: Vulmerian Walls to Vulmerian Walls and Traps [Large]) (Illusions 7/8)(-20 currency)


1. The second vault is cracked open. This one has blueprints for some sort of gun? It seems to fire beams and it runs on rubicite or magicite as a fuel.. (Add technology: Persuader Theory [Simple])(Add technology: Persuader Weapons [Primitive])

2. The excavation continues. The value door is thick. You keep trying to blow it open, but it needs more time. Your forces think that the ruins will be exhausted after this. (1/2)


1+2.) The factory is finished! Great. (add player named unique building) (revise: Zepplins to [Good]); (revise: Standardization to [Average])

3.) You start working on electrical power. (Electricity 2/10)


1. You develop more progress in infantry combat with the dwarves. (Revise technology: Infantry Combat to [Good])

2. The overfell consturction continues onward. (Overfell 10/15).

3. There is a massive explosion and a dimensional tear opens. It closes quickly, but the ramifications play out on the other side of the world. (Lose 2 pop)

4. You sent more supplies to the Monarchists.

[Necro] You raise masses of undead. It exhausts vast amounts of corpses and strains the capacities of the nation. You aren't sure how many of these you can maintain without more standing army technology. Your status as a total state seems to help, somewhat. (revise spell: Mass Raise Undead to [Good])

Revise: NIA 1st Shock Trooper Division [Titanic][x38]


1. You continue to pour resources into the war. (set recycling to: Good)

2. You continue working on empiricism. It's just not going very well. (1/15)

3. You manage to get a better handle on bombardment. (GM Addendum: You can rename the Santareian buildings)(Revise Bombardment to: [Average])

4. Your efforts to refine your methods continue, slowly. Your technicians are of such caliber that even periodic defeats are actually useful – progress moves ahead. (Total Mobilization/Industry: 5/20)(-10 currency)

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fa19bf No.13459

>>World Event – The Device:

With a catastrophic tampering in raw magic by the Dominion, a distortion has developed. As has been the case before, Morgaz's device attempts to stabilize the plane, but it soon begins to stress as the breach closes. However, this time is different: the device only manages to generate a sympathic reaction: it begins to warp and deform space time. Morgaz and his engineers try to frantically fix the device while it is operational, as they have no clear way to shut it down when it is absorbing and dispersing such volumes of energy.

The device soon begins to melt and panic begins to set in as the engineers attempt to do something they have never done: shut down the device while it is fully powered. The attempt is heroic: Morgaz himself loses three fingers on his left arm after he attempts to depress the emergency shutoff lever and a good deal of his engineering team die maintaining the cooling system as it buckles. For many of the engineers and Morgaz himself, it has been the sole project of most of their lives. They do not give up even when most of the team is dead.

It is too late, even with such drive.

The device explodes with tremendous plane-shattering force. Most of the people of Morgaz's nation die instantly as a pressure wave from the explosion topples mountains and causes the fabric of reality to warp and bend in awful ways. What remains is an incoherent abstract mass of rock, distortion, and slag. The atrocity only takes a minute to transpire before the shaking stops. The rift has been sealed and disaster has been adverted – for now.

Morgaz lies fatally injured in a field after being thrown nearly 20 kilometers from the detonation. He is near death with only a few days remaining at best. You could send individuals to talk to him, but he is beyond recovery and help. His injuries are beyond what anyone has ever seen. A few of his honor guard stand by to give him last rites.

>>World Event – The Civil War in Khazan:

The civil war continues. With the disaster, Morgaz's supplies have dried up and his soldiers have returned home, and the gnomish supply of arms seems to slow. This allows the Monarchists to capitalize on several major victories with only the consitutionalists managing to hold some ground.

- The Monarchists are winning the civil war conclusively. Victory seems imminent.

- The Constitutionalists are barely holding on.

- The Jacobins are effectively defeated; only a major commitment would help them.

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fa19bf No.13464


Bill is dispatched immediately to the realm of morgaz. Whatever is happening must be catastrophic. He arrives on the scene and finds the body of morgaz and asks what the hell happened and what can be done to help him.

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fa19bf No.13465

Dice rollRolled 17, 18, 27, 89, 59, 14 = 224 (6d100)



Lore: http://pastebin.com/CSSxQsH9

Nation: Plains Fairy Kingdom of Flowers in the Sky

Population: (18) (+1/turn)

Food: (N/A)

Raw Currency: (74) (+12/turn)

Legitimacy: Very Good

Culture: 14

Industry: 8

Buildings: The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky [Huge], Leprechaun Hall

Defenses: Feytraps [Good]

Military Units: 4 Pikechaun Platoons [Very Strong], 2 Spring Herald Squads [Strong], 2 Soren Armadillo Packs [Strong][Armored]

Resources/Quantity: Copper [Sustainable]; Bronze [Sustainable]; Tin [Sustainable]; Feywood [Sustainable]; Gold [Sustainable][x2]; Sunflowers [Sustainable][x2]

Magic/Spells: [Sunflower-Chaun] (spells: Taint Currency [Simple]; Disorient [Simple]; Query Rainbow [Simple])

Technology: (Stone, Feywood, Bronze, Copper); Feywar [Simple]; Economics [Simple]; Exotic Animal Training [Simple]; Scaled Building [Primitive]; Air War [Simple]

Trade Routes: Flowers [Small: +2 currency/turn, Gold [Market]

Territory: (7)


1. Feywild: Fey territories are a total nightmare to attack or occupy because it's basically a weaponized hedgemaze. As such, Fey units can act as infiltrators and guerillas to bog down opposition armies in movement inside your territory.

2. Fey-Blooded: As fey, you have certain advantages - you do not typically eat and are resistant to most forms of blight. You are also effectively immortal barring getting killed by something (or someone). You also do not pay upkeep for units, but large standing armies are problematic.


1. You Eat WHAT?: Reproduction and population expansion is tied to gold and sunflowers.

2.The Riddle of Steel Sucks: You suffer a general penalty if enemy units deploy iron (or derivations) as a weapon. Given that pretty much everything is made of iron, it must be a good portion of their army using it.


>Make Up Turn:

1/2/3.) Now that we ave' an actual look intah' the market, by th' King's decree, we need to further refine our knowledge of economics to reflect it! This is the theory of makin' GOLD lads, we can' let him down!

>Current Turn

1.) Well that was a ruckus? Back to gardening giant sunflowers everyone, and take care to water the sunflowers using the mineral-filled watering cans to promote healthy growth! [2/6]

2.) Research more into the general manipulation of light using our magics! I know that there's a way to make it "hard", I've seen it happen before! But what causes it? Lets find out!

3.) Expand westward! The closer we get to claiming the Fellscape, the sooner we can fix it!

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fa19bf No.13467

Bill is dispatched immediately to find out what the fuck happened and if aid can be rendered. Upon finding morgaz he try to find out.

What happened? Who is responsible?

What should be done now.

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fa19bf No.13468

Dice rollRolled 12, 4, 92, 35 = 143 (4d100)


Name: Vyriah

Race (Determines bonuses): Gnome

Color: (Determined map color): Blue

Fluff (Determines bonuses): Long ago, actually not that long ago, a group of merchants found a ruined city upon the edge of the isles. Curious they began to explore the ruined city seemingly floating on the edge of the world. What they saw amazed them, even if they couldn't understand 90% of what they saw. They believed that this city could actually be self sufficient even on the open air! Well one thing led to another and with a mix of mistakes and terrible decisions the city took off into the open air! Now then, how do you fly this thing?

Government Type (Determines some stats): Merchant Republic

Economy Type (Determines some stats): Free Market

Religion (Determines magic): Worship god of the Open sky, Mercantilism, and knowledge.

Location: The Open Sky

Population: (39.6) (1.5/turn)

Food: (Very Stable)

Raw Currency: (139) (43/turn)

Legitimacy: (Stable)

Culture: (21)

Industry: (28)

Unique Buildings: Vyriah [Floating], [Farming platform], [Mercantile Dock Platform] [Shipyard Platform] [GnomU] Embassy [Morgaz], [Foundry Platform], [Factory Platform], [The Iron Bank of Vyriah], [Vyriah'n Institute of Natural Science], [Grand Central Park]

Defenses: Tower Network [Very Large]

Military Units: 3 Vyriah'n Airships [Very Strong+][Bombardment][x1]; 1 Vyriah'n Guard Platoons [Medium], Vyrian Mad Scientist Cohort [Very Strong+][Clever], 2 Storm Guard Platoons [Epic+][Resist], 1 Stromtide Class Battleship "DMV Imperator"[Epic][x14][Bombard][6x][Resilient]

Resources/Quantity: Strato-Birds [Sustainable]; Stone [Lots]; Iron [Sustainable][Market]; Dirt [Massive], Coal [Sustainable][Market], Gems [Sustainable][Market], Ioun [Sustainable][Market], Flux [Sustainable][Market], Steel [Sustainable], Darksteel [A little], Rare Metals [Market],

Magic/Spells: (Gnomish Stratocasting) (Spell: Summon Food) (Spell: Storm [Simple], Rain [Good])

Technology: (Stone, Wood, Gems) Aerial Warfare [Average], Aerial Defense [Basic], Proprietary Airships [Average]], Empiricism [Above Average], Advanced Hulls [Average], Gravity Construction [Basic], Magi-Storm Propulsion [Average], Magi-Storm Theory [Excellent], Counter-Espionage [Simple], Morgazian Air-War [Average], Civil Defense [Primitive], Magi-Storm Omni-Cannons [Average], Rationalization [Average], Standardization [Average], Magi-Storm Effect Weaponry [Above Average], Bureaucracy [Primitive], Bombardment [Above Average], Metallurgy [Good], Scaled Construction [Simple], Trading [Simple], Economics [Average], Air-Ground War [Very Simple], Stratos Missiles [Simple], Communication [Simple], Urban Pacification [Primitive], Commodities [Simple], Tooling [Simple]

Trade route: Air Dwarves [Medium; +3 industry / +3/currency/turn] Dominion [Mediocre; +1 industry; +3 currency/turn] Patchwork Republic. [Medium; +1 industry / +4/currency/turn; +.1/pop/turn], Morgaz [Massive; +4 industry; +4 currency/turn], Necro Imperialis [Medium; +2 culture; +.2/pop turn], Advent [Large; +1 industry +3 currency/turn; +.1/pop/turn], Skyrates [Medium; +2 culture; +.1pop/turn], Flowers [Large: +4 culture, Feywood [Market]

Territory: (1)


1. Mobile: Your base of operations is effectively modular without end. You can continue to add additions and revisions to it so long as resources exist. You can also move your your capital to make it slightly harder to find, but trade may be impacted.

2. Merchant-Nomads: You can buy most things relatively easy, so long as you have the money. It is also easier for you to make money, generally.


1. Everyone Hates Gnomes: Gnomes are physically weak in combat, and are easily kicked, punched, or abused. All of your combat rolls in melee suffer a -1 penalty.

1&2. Hospital 2/6

3&4. Build two more Stormtide class battleships and create a Stromtide pack with the two new ones and the Imperator.

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fa19bf No.13470


Meli is sent to meet with the weakened Morgaz. He crouches beside the weakened dragon in the field. Meli speaks in his softspoken tone, "I'm sorry the morphs could do nothing to help you. I'm sorry I could do nothing to help you. We… wish to assist you and your people in this time of need. I understand there is a level of mistrust in our people, but we… no I, can assure you that our wants for peace are genuine. Please, is there anything I can do?"

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fa19bf No.13472


Meli, the most softspoken and peaceful of the morphs is sent to meet with the weakened Morgaz. He crouches beside the weakened dragon in the field. Meli speaks in his softspoken tone, "I'm sorry the morphs could do nothing to help you. I'm sorry I could do nothing to help you. We… wish to assist you and your people in this time of need. I understand there is a level of mistrust in our people, but we… no I, can assure you that our wants for peace are genuine. Please, is there anything I can do?"

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fa19bf No.13476

Dice rollRolled 65, 88, 47 = 200 (3d100)


1. Urbanization moves ahead, despite our dwindling supply of stone. We should have enough to complete the next phase at the least. The outlying urbs have been completed, and at the half-way stretch towns and small cities are being built toward the center of Moco itself. In order to help make up for the lack of stone supplies some builders have taken to using specialized bones from industrial beasts in place of stone supports, giving the outlying towns a stranger, organic look than the inner ring. In fact the use of bone and preserved skinbeast flesh in the construction of some civic buildings becomes rather popular due to it's interesting appearance.

Now that development has moved past the half-way point the defense stratagem of over-lapping urbs begins to take shape. Like a burst of stars radiating out every urbs is constructed in a star pattern, with roads leading toward the urbs center. The city radiates outwards along the eight lines that lead to eight urbs which lead to another eight urbs. The connections between settlements makes transportation and communication simple between urbs. The precise city planning puts stress on the builders and the foremen, but the Dominators are very particular about the construction of their new cities and it is carried out despite the difficulty. (-15 Drachma)

2. The Batholisk Brood, Karalith Swarm, and Mutalith Swarms are all merged into a singular Swarm.

3. Continue working on economic theorems.

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fa19bf No.13479


Meli, the most softspoken and peaceful of the morphs is sent to meet with the weakened Morgaz. He crouches beside the weakened dragon in the field. "I'm sorry the morphs could do nothing to help you. I'm sorry I could do nothing to help you. We… wish to assist you and your people in this time of need. I understand there is a level of mistrust in our people, but we… no I, can assure you that our wants for peace are genuine. Please, is there anything I can do?"

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fa19bf No.13483

What is there to say? What can be said is that Morgaz was almost boundless in his pursuit of his nation's future. A leader who had more strengths then weaknesses which is more precious then all the rubicite this plane had to offer in return for the effort he put towards saving it.

Yet, this story is one of tragedy. One reaching tower, one insatiable drive for sanity against the tide. I had tried to shoulder the politics of Soren with others, and for a time it was fruitful and felt content that the plane was in good hands. All Soren is lessened, fare well on the other side. We will build a statue in his honor on top of the embassy.

These feelings are conveyed to Morgaz "What is there to say. Heroes pass on to meet their loved ones and the rest fall to squalor. You will find your loved one on the other side Morgaz. Find peace in that far away place, in the valley of heaven. Farewell."

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fa19bf No.13484

Dice rollRolled 7, 1, 5, 5, 5, 4, 1, 4, 6, 4, 7, 10 = 59 (12d10)


2 Sunnirian Linebreaker Formation [Epic][x5][Raging]

1 Sunniria Shieldwall Formation [Epic][x14][Brave]

2 Ballistas [Very Strong][Bombard]

Morrigan's Cohort [Epic][4x][Granix]

Wulfgar's Cohort [Epic][11x][Granix]


3 Mobilized Sunnirian Warband [Epic][x8]

(Advantage: Average)

The Sunniri army marches on the lair of the clownbrood. They make no efforts to hide themselves or their weapons. This is extermination pure and simple. Their tunnels would prove troublesome, especially with their ambushing nature. Thus Wulfgar comes with an idea. The ballistae will bombard the tunnels and brood structures to draw them out. The shield wall will be the center with 1 mobilized formation on either side, and the ballistae behind guarded by the last mobilized formation. The Linebreaker formations will be even further in the flanks and move to cut off escape and be the hammer to the sheildwall's anvil. Morrigan and her Cohort will track and destroy the largest of the brood's monstrosities as will Wulfgar's cohort . Of course both cohorts will being using [the blessing of Granix on themselves like [Leap] to move around the battle faster and [Strengthen Unit] to cause even more damage to the enemy. The ballistae will shoot at flying units and break enemy swarms up once the battle commences.

First 2 rolls for bombard then the rest for units in order.

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fa19bf No.13485


What is there to say? What can be said is that Morgaz was almost boundless in his pursuit of his nation's future. A leader who had more strengths then weaknesses which is more precious then all the rubicite this plane had to offer in return for the effort he put towards saving it.

Yet, this story is one of tragedy. One reaching tower, one insatiable drive for sanity against the tide. I had tried to shoulder the politics of Soren with others, and for a time it was fruitful and felt content that the plane was in good hands. All Soren is lessened, fare well on the other side. We will build a statue in his honor on top of the embassy.

These feelings are conveyed to Morgaz "What is there to say. Heroes pass on to meet their loved ones and the rest fall to squalor. You will find your loved one on the other side Morgaz. Find peace in that far away place, in the valley of heaven. Farewell."

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fa19bf No.13486

Dice rollRolled 39, 83, 76, 64 = 262 (4d100)


Name: Rattlehavoc's Company, Courtier of the Order of the Advent

Race: Morphs (Tainted)

Color: Blue with dark purple trim.

Fluff: A small cadre of Tainted Morphs that are led by an old, well-traveled individual that goes by the name of Rattlehavoc. Formerly a splinter group, these Tainted have recently returned to the Council, asking to serve in whatever capacity is needed. They say that they have returned due to unease over the changing political landscape and a desire for security, but in truth their reentry into the Advent is the result of religious worry– that the divergent testaments they follow are inaccurate. They have rejoined the Advent to ease their own doubts and to bring more Tainted into the fold.

Government Type: Meritocracy. Rattlehavoc is the fifth leader of the Band, and leaders are quietly, bloodlessly replaced when they are no longer felt as fit to lead. The exact guidelines for this process, and the process by which the Tainted rise up the social ladder (only by proving that they can greatly benefit the community) are outlined in the Sardonyx Tablet.

Economy Type: Planned. Since their return to the Advent, they have adopted their economic measures to better fit in, leaving behind the more socialist system they had previously used.

Religion: Sardonyxism - The Band strictly adhere to the tenets, laws and religious practices outlined in the Sardonyx Tablet, rumored to have been carved by the First Tainted, whose legendary deeds are responsible for the glowing opinion many morph cultures have of their kind. The Tablet emphasizes a focus on venerating the Tainted that have come and gone, implying that the Tainted are actually closer to what the Morphs are supposed to truly be, and suggesting that the Grimoire Advent was composed entirely of tainted as well. There are several divergences in terms of dictates, holidays and worship practices, but otherwise Sardonyxism is very similar to the Church of Remembrance, and the Band is starting to more closely realign the Sardonyx Tablet's teaching with the Church's own.

Location: Haven, [Fortified City] +.3 Pop/turn for host nation

Unique Traits

Military: [Rattlehavoc's Company] [Epic] [16x]

Buildings: Trading Post, +2 Currency/Turn For Host Nation

1. Arguing gets us nowhere. We must be of one mind– focus, and work on developing that spell!

2. Begin building a stone-carving complex within Haven, so that tablets, and stone crafts, can be produced. Hopefully this will boost our economy and our culture. Use [Stone].


3. Further fortify the city. Use [Stone] and [Iron].

4. Recruit more Tainted morphs.

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fa19bf No.13489

Dice rollRolled 79, 34, 80, 91, 32, 77 = 393 (6d100)


It..works. Finally.

1. Send Raw Chaos to Advent. I don't need it, and he's the one I have the best trade route with.

2. Condense my 4 SkyGalleons into one unit.

3. Continue expansion efforts.

(Catchup actions)

4. Research more raiding options.

5. Invest in upgrading rum production without having to create a new still

6. Further expansion from action 3.


Race: Assorted

Color: Pink

Fluff: Every world has that group of people that just don't fit in. Some of them want to shake things up, others want to

strike at what they see as a hidden injustice, and others just want to watch the world burn. Sky pirates are an eclectic

mix of people who gathered together under common desires and goals. The Skyrate Nation is the closest thing to a over

arching government for these various crews. Held together by tradition and ages old treaties, the Council of Captains

represents the crews with the most ships, the most pull with other nations, and other proofs of cunning or strength. The

Council's main goal is to avoid over piracy of any one group, to prevent the entire thing falling apart, or drawing any

one other country to their home city. Every generation or so the Council elects a single Pirate Lord, a person charismatic

enough to be able to bind all pirates together should there be a crisis, or a threat that could dismantle the careful

balance they have worked to set up.

To this effect they have created Port of Call currently known as Skytuga, a mess of trade, airship docks, airship repairs,

airship sellers, and more, the crowning piece being a large building that houses the Council and the Pirate Lord and their

assorted functions.

Government Type: Kratocracy based "Council of Captains" with one overcaptain referred to as the Pirate Lord.

Economy Type: Pirate Free Market

Religion: Worship the God of The Sky and Storms, The Goddess of Luck, and the Goddess of Wealth.

Location: Ribwall

Population: (32.8) (1.2/turn)

Food: (Good)

Raw Currency: (27) (+9/turn) (-8/turn unit upkeep)

Legitimacy: (Average)

Culture: (7)

Industry: (11)

Unique Buildings: [1 Pirate Council Hall] [1 DreadDock Super Dock] [1 Black Market Goods Trade Emporium] [1 PYU Pirate Univerity] [Technocracy Embassy]

Defenses: Aerial Patrols [Large]

Military Units: {Unit Cap 7} 4 [SkyGalleon][Very Strong]; 2 [Pirate Marines][Epic/x6][Amphib]; 1 [SkyCutter*][Very Strong+++][Quick]; 3 [Grand SkyCutters][Very Strong++][Bombardx1][Quick]; 3 [Machine Men Marksmen*][Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Rum [Sustainable][x2][Market]; Iron [Sustainable][x2]; Copper [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable][x3]; Magicite [A Lot]; Oil/Gas [Sustainable]; Raw Chaos [Trace]; Flux [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (Aero-Piratical [Average]) (spells: Summon Ghost Pirates [Simple]) (War Magic [Primitive])

Technology: (Iron, Stone, Wood, Copper) Airships [Average]; Air-War [Good]; Scaled Building [Simple]; Economics

[Primitive]; Bombardment[Average]; Pioneering [Primitive]; Standing Army [Simple]; Raiding [Simple]; Magi-tek Engines [Very Simple]

Trade Routes: Advent[large, +3 Industry, +4 Currency/turn]; Patchwork [Small, +2 Currency/turn]

Territory: (15)


1. Boarding Action: You may board enemy craft and seize them. Every time you engage enemy convoys, trade routes, or

opposition airships, you can roll 1d10 after defeating the craft to see if you captured some them. (If routes

undefended/non-military, roll 1d10. This does not apply to creatures.)

2. Sketchy Gentlemen: Every time you recruit land units, you can reroll if you roll below 50 (once). This includes

traditionally shipboard marines and boarding parties.


1. Rascals: Pirates are notorious for a variety of sketchy outright outlandish acts of villain, vice, heroism, bravery,

disruption, and general scandal. Roll a 1d100 every 3rd round to see what's going on.

2. Why Is Rum Gone?: If your rum supply is damaged, you lose legitimacy.

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fa19bf No.13492


test post

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fa19bf No.13493


What is there to say? What can be said is that Morgaz was almost boundless in his pursuit of his nation's future. A leader who had more strengths then weaknesses which is more precious then all the rubicite this plane had to offer in return for the effort he put towards saving it.

Yet, this story is one of tragedy. One reaching tower, one insatiable drive for sanity against the tide. I had tried to shoulder the politics of Soren with others, and for a time it was fruitful and felt content that the plane was in good hands. All Soren is lessened, fare well on the other side. We will build a statue in his honor on top of the embassy.

These feelings are conveyed to Morgaz "What is there to say. Heroes pass on to meet their loved ones and the rest fall to squalor. You will find your loved one on the other side Morgaz. Find peace in that far away place, in the valley of heaven. Farewell."

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fa19bf No.13494

>>GM Addendum: All players with trade routes to Morgaz lose trade routes. Disband Morgazian embassies, if present.

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fa19bf No.13495

Dice rollRolled 23, 86, 7, 70 = 186 (4d100)


Nation Fluff:



Population: (21.2) (1/turn)

Food: (wobbly)

Raw Currency: (24) (8/turn)

Legitimacy: (Good)

Culture: (23)

Industry: (13)

Unique Buildings: [Temple, Hunter's Calling]

[Government building, Warrior's Hall]

[Northern Fell Chain Fortress, Huge, Imposing]

Defenses: (Elaborate Wooden Fortifications, Strong)

Military Units:

Huntmaster Hunting Pack [Epic][14x]

[Deathgaze]* Very Strong, Clever

Verana, Priestess of Galgoroth [Epic]

Juvenile Roc Flock [Epic][8x]

1 Skyships [Very Strong]


Copper [Sustainable][x3]

[Pelts, Sustainable]

[Stone, Sustainable]

[Wood, Sustainable][x2]

[Beetlechitin, some]

Star Metal [Average]

Elemental Slaves [Overflowing; 10]

[Wurms, some]

[Prisoners, some]

[Iron, Sustainable][x3]

Mildly-Burnt Freak-troll hide [some]

Freak Troll Minors [Some]

Wurmscale [Strained]

Fruit [Some]

Gems [Sustainable] 2x

Magic/Spells: (Elemental, Average) [Spells: Pillar of Fire, Simple; Summon Earth Sprites, Simple, scry Animal [Simple]]







+Exotic Creature Training[Average],

+War Drums [Average]

+War Animal Training, Average)

+Drum Amplifiers [simple]

+Composite-Material Armors [Simple]

+War Magic [Simple]

+Air Transport [Simple]

+Professional Armies [Simple]

+Airships [Average]

+ Night-Fighting [Primitive]

+ Spitter-Guns [Simple]

+Re-organization [primitive]

+Urban Pacification [Primitive]

+Sieging [Simple]

+Total Mobilization [Primitive]

+Logistics [Average]

+Scaled Construction [Very Simple]

+Bureaucracy [Simple]

+Projection Weapons [Very Simple]

Territory: (36)


1. Chosen: You have an extremely affinity for elemental magic. Your people can pursue elemental magic within the usual realm of the natural elements without much issue.

2. Predatory: During combat, roll an extra dice to determine what additional efforts your military has taken to ambush the enemy or lure them into traps. This works offensively and defensively.


1. Your people are not terribly good at civil construction projects and will suffer a -15 to construction project rolls generally. Defensive construction and religious constructions are not impacted

The Explosion is none of our concern, we have other things we need to focus on

1. Keep working on this projection weapon tech (Projection 5/10)

2. continue revising professional armies. (Standing armies: 7/10)

3. Continue to merge what we know about projection weapons and spitter guns. (??? Weapons 4/10)

4. Continue to attempt to create the ranch at Mare, these Freak-trolls shall not best us 4/8

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fa19bf No.13501

Dice rollRolled 6, 65, 52, 5 = 128 (4d100)



1 Overfell City Construction 10/15. The First City of Shezeb. The new center of population in the Dominion where peoples and avatars can gather to continue production of goods and arts. The town was built to commemorate out victory over the Honk and now it will be grander then ever.

2 Morgazian Memorial. This tragic loss, we won't forget his drive and heroics in pursuit of a better realm. That we won't be able to have chats about politics anymore is sad. Convert the embassy into a memorial.

34 Send supplies and arms to Khazan the show must go on, and victory is close at hand. More fire weapons and avatars for the final push. Spend 45 gold

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fa19bf No.13503

Dice rollRolled 100, 60, 33, 12, 8, 33 = 246 (6d100)

[Morph][Order of the Advent]


Population: (40.1) (1.8/turn)

Food: (Very Stable)

Raw Currency: (87) (+17/turn)

Legitimacy: (Very Stable)

Culture: 9

Industry: 6

Unique Buildings: [Council Hall of the Advent][Government];[Tinyburg][Town];[Northpoint Fortress][Fortress];[First National Port of Ethos][Port];[Haven][Fortified Town];[Sanctum Minor][Town]

Defenses: Wooden Walls [Simple]

Military Units: [Vincent][Epic][x2][Resilient]; 2 [Meli, Dez][Very Strong]; 6 [Xenon, Tinsel, Cain, Regent, Lem, Fitzgerald][Medium]

Resources/Quantity: Copper [Sustainable][x2]; Gems [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable][x1]; Wood [Strained]; Gold [Some]; Rubies [Some]; Steel [Sustainable]; Stone [Sustainable][x2]; Silver [Sustainable]; Coal [Unmined]; Gas [Unmined][x2]

Magic/Spells: [Morph Pluralist: Average][Summoning: Simple] (Arche's Fist [Simple])(General Summoning [Simple])

Technology: [Steel];[Metallurgy, Good];[Diplomacy, Average];[Communication, Simple];[Electricity, Primitive];[Walkers, Very Good];[Mechanized Warfare, Primitive];[Coinage, Good];[Sealed Construction, Primitive];[CMBatteries, Simple];[Projection Theory, Simple];[Projection Weapons, Primitive];[Advanced Hulls, Simple];[Cloaking, Simple];[Shielding, Very Simple]

Trade Routes: [none]

Territory: (19)


1. Resources can work differently for you. You may absorb their properties easily without a roll; this can be used to upgrade or change units in some way. This consumes the resources.

2. Adaptable: Generally, most technology can be adopted by you without penalty. Size and other considerations do not bear, and the Morph are clever enough to make modifications.


1. Ice is Bad: The Morph aren't a big fan of ice, as it causes them to die. (If ice is deployed in some way in combat, you suffer -2 to combat rolls.)



-Magic Leech (5/15)

-Gas Engine (7/12)



1. We're receiving a shipment of a rare and strange material soon. Raw chaos. We certainly need to get some containers ready for proper transport or handling. After that unsightly explosion the Order is more than a little hesitant about handling the stuff.

2,3. Continue construction of the Gas Engine. We're about to have a large sum of gas, after all. Hopefully this will be enough to run our machine, but we can't be certain. (7/12)

4. A general summoning fixture has been arranged in full. It is time to test it out. (Summon Something)

5,6. Our walker design could be better. Weight could be better balanced and it could be built to utilize more weapons. What if we gave them GIANT SWORDS. Also it needs to be fast. LOTS OF WORK TO BE DONE.

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fa19bf No.13504

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fa19bf No.13507

Dice rollRolled 75, 70, 5 = 150 (3d100)

Name: The Vulmer

Race: Magically Uplifted foxes

Color: Red with Black Trim

Fluff: Centuries ago, there was a race of Elves who were very skilled at magically altering living beings. Towards the end, there was a fad about pet foxes, and liked to breed and show them - but were not above magically enhancing the vulpines, bringing them up to nearly as intelligent as baseline humans, and giving them grasping paws and longer lifespans - although not as long as the Elves.

However, disaster struck as a plague - a magically enhanced cold that only impacted the Elves - burned through the community. Within only a few days, 99% of the elves had died, and the remainder were not enough to sustain their people. The remainders fully uplifted the Vulmer, who took on the Elvish society.

Government Type: High Kingdom, with a council of 'High Nobles'. There is a strong code of laws, but Code Duello is active. The Noble titles are held for life and are not passed on, with the exception of the High King.

Economy Type: Heavily Craftsman-based, with specialized Guilds. Uses precious-metal currency.

Religion: Officially, the Vulmer worship the Creator God of the Elves. unofficially, they worship their Elvish Ancestors.

Location: Southern Gul

Population: (17.2) (+1.2/turn)

Food: (Good)

Raw Currency: (31) (+8/turn,)

Legitimacy: (Good)

Culture: (6)

Industry: (6)

Unique Buildings: High King's Palace, Magic Research Academy

Defenses: Vulmerian Walls and Traps [Large]

Military Units: 4 Legio Culpes Consularius[Very Strong]; 2 Legio Vulpes [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Sustainble]; Stone [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable]; Silver [Sustainable,+3 currency/turn], Rubicite [unmined]

Magic/Spells: [Vulmerian](spells: Invisibility [Good]; Body Alteration [Good], Death-Ray [Simple])

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; General Magic Theory [Good]; Magical Industry [Very Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 3

Aware of: Dragon Den, the Patchwork, Kaldor, Clownbrood, Mycon, Unidentified Fae Enclave


1. Like A Fox: Generally, very clever tactics don't work on you in combat. You're just super clever.

2. Clever: You know a thing or two about most things. You get +5 to all rolls.


1. What's That Smell?: You are vulnerable to fire. If the opposition uses fire against you, you are penalized by -1 in combat rolls. Generally the opposition must make an actual effort to use flame.

–In Progress–

-Illusions [7/8]


All Roles get +5 from Clever [Not put in to modifier field]

Action 1: Continue Researching Illusion Magic. Do not stop. Ongoing project. [7/8]

Action 2: Rearch into Magical Power Sources to fuel our Magical Industry.

Action 3: Expansion - Goal is to get the ruins within our borders.

Note: After discussion with red, "Arcane Theory" has been renamed "General Magic Theory" to better reflect intent.

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fa19bf No.13508


Dropping 10 cold to mitigate any bad stuff from the 5

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fa19bf No.13509


The event to the West was more than enough to draw the attention of Captain Northwind. Something terrible had happened, but just what?

"A map! Get a map!"

'Night Phoenix' sets down upon the edge of the field where Morgaz lies, the banner of Necro Imperialis flying above that of the Angle Confederation. Captain Northwind and an aid approach what remains of Morgaz and his honor guard.

"I am Captain Northwind of the Angle Confederacy, Courtier to the Necro Imperialis. What, what has happened here?"

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fa19bf No.13510


Let's mitigate that 8 with 10 currency.

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fa19bf No.13511

Dice rollRolled 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7 = 46 (11d10)

[Combat: Clownbrood by GM]

The Ringleader [Epic++][Raging][Bushwacker][Unstable];

1 Clownbrood Abominations [Very Strong+];

4 Clownbrood Nightmares [Very Strong+][Bushwacker]

5 Brood Throwback Swarms [Very Strong+]

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fa19bf No.13512

[Combat Report: Sunniria v. Brood]

[Result: Sunnirian Victory]


7+1x13, 1+1x13, 5+1x22, 5+1x4, 5+1x4, 4+1x12, 1+1x19, 4+1x16, 6+1x17, 4+1x16, 7+1[b], 10+1[b]

104 26 132 24 24 60 38 80 80 [568][Advantage: 1.1]

2 Sunnirian Linebreaker Formation [Epic][x5][Raging]

1 Sunniria Shieldwall Formation [Epic][x14][Brave]

2 Ballistas [Very Strong][Bombard]

Morrigan's Cohort [Epic][4x][Granix]

Wulfgar's Cohort [Epic][11x][Granix]

3 Mobilized Sunnirian Warband [Epic][x8]

9 8

[Clownbrood] 45 30 15 45 15 10 10 5 30 35

2x10, 5x5, 6x5, 3x5, 9x5, 3x5, 2x5, 2x5, 1x5, 6x5, 7x5 [180][1.2 Traps][Last Stand 1.5] = [324]

The Ringleader [Epic++][Raging][Bushwacker][Unstable];

1 Clownbrood Abominations [Very Strong+];

4 Clownbrood Nightmares [Very Strong+][Bushwacker]

5 Brood Throwback Swarms [Very Strong+]


Sunniria: [624.8]

Clownbrood: [300]


Combat Report

The Sunnirian forces make their assault with a slight advantage and manage to assault the clownbrood with relatively good surprise. The Sunnirian forces manage to burn vast portions of the clownbrood nest and then retreat to the outer caverns to wait for the enemy to fleet into their prepared formations – which they do. Casualities ensue on both sides, but the clownbrood lose entirely – they are unable to rally their forces and are effectively leaderless when the final Sunirian warbands breach the inner hive and douse the entirety of the nest with flammable oil. The nest burns for several days, and the Sunnirians have their victory.


Sunniria gets the following items:

Currency: 31

Hexes: 15

Industry: 3

Silk [1x]; Copper [1x]; Healing Grass [Scarce]; Gems [Lots]; Silver [Some]; Gold [Some]; Iron [Sustainable x2]; Wood [1x]]; Coal [ [1x]; Slaves [Lots]; Captured Brood Drones [Massive:20]


2 Mobilized Sunnirian Warband [Epic][x8]


Your nation has been destroyed.

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fa19bf No.13513

>>Nation Event – Skyrates : An airship carrying [Raw Magic] from Skyrates was destroyed during a routine shipment. The material appears to have been destroyed. [Skyrates: remove Raw Magic [Trace]]

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fa19bf No.13514

The Immortal Technocratic Republic

Race: Dwarves

Color: Brown

Fluff :

Once, a monarchy of Kings and Nobles of living breathing dwarves, with dreams of building ships, fighting for cause of justice and the Coalition and of the freedom of Oppressed people.

After the massacre of the 2nd Coalition War which ended in a stalemate, underwent an even greater and darker revolution than the capitalist surge that came before it, and twisted into the new Immortal Technocratic Republic. One nation in eternal unlife with the goal of power in mind.

Government Type: Totalitarian Technocracy

Economy Type: Capitalism

Religion: The Dreaming Forge God. The Dwarves believe that the reason the world floats through the sky, is that a great god of forgework is alseep and dreaming of islands flying through the sky. We dwarves are in the image of the forge god, and are the ones to construct the designs and inventions he dreams up with.

Location: Orgul Major

Population: (20.6) (1/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: (6) Income: (10/turn) [-4 Vhyrian Iron Bank]

Legitimacy: Stable [Active Pacification]

Culture: (12)

Industry: (33)

Unique Buildings: 1 King's Palace, 1 National Bank, 1 Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences (Of the Orders of Merit), [Coalition Research Facility], [Grand Iron Forge], Santerian Black Ziggurat, Large Santarian Academy, Embassy [Necro Imperialis], Embassy [Morph]

Defenses: (Stone Traps, Good), Nightcrag Tunnel Defenses [Elaborate, Segmented]

Military Units:

1 Eastwinds .Co Destroyer [Very Strong]

1 Dwarven Frigates (damaged)

1 Super Sky Dreadnought "Absolute Unity" Epic++++][Bombard][x2][Massive]

>0 Royal Navy Destroyer's

>Mobilized Forces on the Field

[New Santoria]

[New Machina]

>Mobilized Forces at home



Iron [Shortfall], Copper [Shortfall], Stone [Sustainable], Gems [Low], Rubicite [Tiny Sample], Flux[Sustainable], (Iron [x1]; Copper [x1]; Stone [x1]; Flux [x1]


[New Dwarvia] [Town]: Iron [Strained]; Gems [Low]

[New Machina] [Fortress] Odd Scroll[Single], Silver [Unmined]; Dark Iron, Rubicite [Some]; 1x Iron, Wood, Copper; Ioun [Some]; Gems [Lots]

>Market Gifts:

Steel [Average]; Coal [rationing]

Magic/Spells: (Geo-Aero, Simple) (spells: Scry Sky-Ores, Simple; Shape Rock; Simple) (Rain [Good]) (Mass Raise Undead [Very Simple])


>Resource Tech

(Copper, Iron, Stone, Steel) [Steel Mill Blueprints]


Bureaucracy [Primitive]

Rationalization [Good]

Standardization [Average]

Steam [Simple]

Clockwork Fabrication [Simple]

Dwarf-Clockwork Integration [Very Simple]

Recycling [Good]

Tooling [Very Simple]

Electricity [Primitive]


[Airships, Basic]

[Aerial Warfare, Simple]

[Air War] [Average]

[Civil Defense [Average]

Total Mobilization [Simple] (Total Mobilization/Industry: 5/20)

Mobilization [Average]

Large Scale Construction [Very Simple]

Bombardment [Average]

Command Crowns [Some]

Combat Clockworks [Simple]

Salvage [Simple]

Tooling [Average]

Holy Weapons [Simple]

Logistics [Good]

Terrorism [Simple]


Undead-Living Diplomacy [Simple]

Counter-Espionage [Good]

Counter-Espionage [Simple]

Secret Police [Simple]

The Total State [Simple]

Territory: (30)


1. Aerial Fabricators: Sky Dwarves are keen on airship construction, and gain a bonus to rolls to construct airships or other large aerial constructions (+15).

2. Industrial: Sky Dwarves are keen on industry. For every industrial point gained, add half a point.

Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

3. Undead

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fa19bf No.13515

The Immortal Technocratic Republic

Race: Dwarves

Color: Brown

Fluff :

Once, a monarchy of Kings and Nobles of living breathing dwarves, with dreams of building ships, fighting for cause of justice and the Coalition and of the freedom of Oppressed people.

After the massacre of the 2nd Coalition War which ended in a stalemate, underwent an even greater and darker revolution than the capitalist surge that came before it, and twisted into the new Immortal Technocratic Republic. One nation in eternal unlife with the goal of power in mind.

Government Type: Totalitarian Technocracy

Economy Type: Capitalism

Religion: The Dreaming Forge God. The Dwarves believe that the reason the world floats through the sky, is that a great god of forgework is alseep and dreaming of islands flying through the sky. We dwarves are in the image of the forge god, and are the ones to construct the designs and inventions he dreams up with.

Location: Orgul Major

Population: (20.6) (1/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: (6) Income: (10/turn) [-4 Vhyrian Iron Bank]

Legitimacy: Stable [Active Pacification]

Culture: (12)

Industry: (33)

Unique Buildings: 1 King's Palace, 1 National Bank, 1 Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences (Of the Orders of Merit), [Coalition Research Facility], [Grand Iron Forge], Santerian Black Ziggurat, Large Santarian Academy, Embassy [Necro Imperialis], Embassy [Morph]

Defenses: (Stone Traps, Good), Nightcrag Tunnel Defenses [Elaborate, Segmented]

Military Units:

1 Eastwinds .Co Destroyer [Very Strong]

1 Dwarven Frigates (damaged)

1 Super Sky Dreadnought "Absolute Unity" Epic++++][Bombard][x2][Massive]

>0 Royal Navy Destroyer's

>Mobilized Forces on the Field

[New Santoria]

[New Machina]

>Mobilized Forces at home



Iron [Shortfall], Copper [Shortfall], Stone [Sustainable], Gems [Low], Rubicite [Tiny Sample], Flux[Sustainable], (Iron [x1]; Copper [x1]; Stone [x1]; Flux [x1]


[New Dwarvia] [Town]: Iron [Strained]; Gems [Low]

[New Machina] [Fortress] Odd Scroll[Single], Silver [Unmined]; Dark Iron, Rubicite [Some]; 1x Iron, Wood, Copper; Ioun [Some]; Gems [Lots]

>Market Gifts:

Steel [Average]; Coal [rationing]

Magic/Spells: (Geo-Aero, Simple) (spells: Scry Sky-Ores, Simple; Shape Rock; Simple) (Rain [Good]) (Mass Raise Undead [Very Simple])


>Resource Tech

(Copper, Iron, Stone, Steel) [Steel Mill Blueprints]


Bureaucracy [Primitive]

Rationalization [Good]

Standardization [Average]

Steam [Simple]

Clockwork Fabrication [Simple]

Dwarf-Clockwork Integration [Very Simple]

Recycling [Good]

Tooling [Very Simple]

Electricity [Primitive]


[Airships, Basic]

[Aerial Warfare, Simple]

[Air War] [Average]

[Civil Defense [Average]

Total Mobilization [Simple] (Total Mobilization/Industry: 5/20)

Mobilization [Average]

Large Scale Construction [Very Simple]

Bombardment [Average]

Command Crowns [Some]

Combat Clockworks [Simple]

Salvage [Simple]

Tooling [Average]

Holy Weapons [Simple]

Logistics [Good]

Terrorism [Simple]


Undead-Living Diplomacy [Simple]

Counter-Espionage [Good]

Counter-Espionage [Simple]

Secret Police [Simple]

The Total State [Simple]

Territory: (30)


1. Aerial Fabricators: Sky Dwarves are keen on airship construction, and gain a bonus to rolls to construct airships or other large aerial constructions (+15).

2. Industrial: Sky Dwarves are keen on industry. For every industrial point gained, add half a point.

Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

3. Undead

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fa19bf No.13569

Dice rollRolled 8, 94, 29 = 131 (3d100)


>FluffnStuff: >>10350

Population: 60.6 (2.4/turn)

Raw Currency: 165 (19/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (14)

Industry: (16)

Unique Buildings:

>Patchwork City: [Council Headquarters], Aeroport [Large], [Temple of the Traveler], [Gobtown], [Bogart] [Patchwork City Marketplace]

>New Patchwork: [Patchwork Heritage Museum], [Trade Port] [Patchwork Magic Academy] [Elton]

Professional Military (Unit Cap:8): Patchwork Warbird Corps (Epic), Patchwork Flagship Mk. II (Epicx8)[Armored][Bombard x2], Patchwork Republican Guard (Epicx8)[Brave], Patchwork Battlemage Company (Epic)(Mage) The G-Unit[Epicx7][Infiltrate][Sapper]

Resources/Quantity: [Stone, Sustainable], [Wood, Sustainable], [Iron, Sustainable] [Rubicite, Sustainable x3] [Steel, Sustainable] [Magicite, Sustainable] [Iron, Unmined] [Strange Ooze, Trace] [Dark Iron, Unmined] [Odium, Scarce]

Magic/Spells: (Air, Basic) (spells: Summon Tseyarian Birds, Good; Tornado, Simple; Haste, Simple; Summon Air Elemental, Simple)

Technology: (Stone, Wood, Iron, Steel) [Airships, Average] [Aerial Navigation, Average] [Civil Defense, Basic] [Bureaucracy, Simple] [Diplomacy, Simple] [Standardization, Simple] [Rationalization, Simple] [Coinage, Simple] [Unit Upgrade, Improvised] [Economics, Primitive] [Equipment, Simple] [Standing Armies, Average]

1) Finish the expansion to Elton.

2) Take some of our vassal's factory technology. Create an industry that manufactures rubicite talons and beaks for our Warbirds. (10 Gold)

3) Try to get to more of that Odium our vassal found on Loen. (5 gold)

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fa19bf No.13570

Dice rollRolled 30 (1d100)


[Intrepid] reroll on roll #1

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fa19bf No.13571

File: 1446974791508.jpeg (310.82 KB,2100x2400,7:8,lightning-bolt-clipart-dc….jpeg)

Dice rollRolled 80, 47, 55 = 182 (3d100)



>FluffnStuff: >>12010

Population: 60.6 (2.4/turn)

Raw Currency: 165 (19/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (14)

Industry: (16)

Cities: Patchwork City, New Patchwork

Towns: Gobtown, Bogart, Starkegrob, Elton

Master Buildings:

[Council Headquarters], Aeroport [Large], [Temple of the Traveler], [Patchwork City Marketplace], [Patchwork Heritage Museum], [Trade Port], [Patchwork Magic Academy], Dirigible Factory

Defenses: Tower/Wall Defense Network (Large), Starkegrob Citadel [Fortress]

Master Military:

Patchwork Warbird Corps (Epic), Patchwork Flagship Mk. II (Epic++++++++)[Armored][Bombard++], Patchwork Republican Guard Company (Epic++++++++)[Brave], Starkengrober Riesengarde (Very Strong+)[Brave], Starkegian Infantry Brigade (Epic++++)[Brave], Patchwork Battlemage Company (Epic)[Mage], The "G-Crew" (Epic+++++++)[Infiltrate][Sapper]

Resources/Quantity:[Stone, Sustainable], [Wood, Sustainable], [Iron, Sustainable, Unmined] [Rubicite, Sustainable (x3)] [Steel, Sustainable][Odium, Scarce][Magicite, Sustainable] [Strange Ooze, Trace] [Dark Iron, Unmined]

Magic/Spells: (Air, Basic) (spells: Summon Tseyarian Birds, Good; Tornado, Simple; Haste, Simple; Summon Air Elemental, Simple)

Technology: [Airships, Average] [Aerial Navigation, Average] [Bureaucracy, Simple] [Civil Defense, Basic] [Coinage, Simple] [Compressed Air Cannons, Simple] [Diplomacy, Simple] [Drill, Simple] [Economics, Primitive] [Equipment, Simple] [Firearms, Average] [Metallurgy, Good] [Rationalization, Simple] [Standardization, Average] [Unit Upgrade, Improvised] [Infantry Tactics, Very Simple] [Standing Armies, Average] [Zepplins, Good]

Territories: (30*)


Courier Specific Buildings:[Starkegrob], Dirigible Factory

Defenses: Starkegrob Citadel [Fortress]

Courier Specific Military:

1 Starkengrober Riesengarde [Very Strong+][Brave], 1 Starkegian Infantry Brigade [Epic++++][Brave]:

(1 Starkengrober Riesengarde [Very Strong+][Brave]):

-2nd Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Stark Town Giants"

(1 Starkegian Infantry Brigade [Epic++++][Brave]):

-1st Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Retrievers"

-3rd Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Kleins"

-4th Starkegian Infantry Regiment, "The Neue Kerls"

Bonus: [Strategic]


1+2.) This factory is of little use if we have no means to drive its great machines other than simple manpower! Continue working lads, and continue urging the goblins to do their science thing with wind to make lightning! (Electricity 2/10)

3.) Lay out the wirework so that the factory is actually connected to the new power-generating windmills! A machine that can turn itself; I've heard of stories that the dwarves have accomplished something similar, in spite of their recent…troubles. Hopefully, we do not go mad with machinery and turn down a similar road: no, I order you to not go down that road!

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fa19bf No.13661


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