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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1445988373876.jpg (16.68 KB,600x254,300:127,magi.jpg)

1b7a13 No.12217 [View All]

Once upon a time, as any story begins, there was a young Magical Apprentice, or two, or five…. ten…. ok you know what, I'm not reading this story for each of you. Better idea, write your own story, wont that be fun?


You! You are a young magical apprentice, under the teachings of one of the great masters. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, (And you already have) is to learn all that you can about magic, and endear yourself to your master enough that he will declare you his heir, or if you so desire you can set out on your own and quest to become a Wizard/Warlock/Witch/Magician/Fishmonger of legend!

But, watch out, for there are other apprentices that are looking to do the same thing as you, and not all of them are as nice as the local constabulary. And then you also need to worry about the monsters outside of the tower, the monsters inside the tower, the failed experiments, the successful experiments, bad potion ingredients, week old fish. Truly an Apprentice's life is fraught with peril, but if you can make it through, power and Glory are yours for the taking, until someone comes along and knocks you over the head for it anyways.

15 postsand3 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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1b7a13 No.12242


cutting off applications here for now, will start writing spells/teacher now

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1b7a13 No.12243

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d10)

Name: Amelia Ridthene

Level 1

Magic Branch: Mage

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1b7a13 No.12257

File: 1445996178732.jpg (94.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,Magicka_loading_screen.jpg)


>Teacher: Nikolai "Summon Beergolem" Dragunov [+10 to learning summoning spells] the Magician

>Teacher's likes: Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Trees

>Teacher's Dislikes: Bringing up Alchoholism, dogs, cats, small children.

>Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]




+Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Staff

+Beer Mug


>Teacher: Tim the Firestorm

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Pyrotechnic spells]

Likes: Quests, Practical Jokes, apples

Dislikes: Rabbits, knights, nuns

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Minor Heal]




+Minor Burn care


+Sooty Apprentice Robe

+Burnt Apprentice Staff

+Burn Salve


Teacher: Nivala Sinderal the Warcaster

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Tactics and Strategy rolls]

Likes: Planned out strategies, History, Discipline

Dislikes: Laziness, Idiots, Soliciters

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Magic]



+[Basic Potions]

+[Basic Tactics]


+Padded Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Sword


>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Minor Heal]


+[Undead repair]


+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Baking Apron


>Teacher: Carson Abraham Michelangelo Desmond Winchestershire IV the Stormcaller

Teaching bonus: [+10 to political/trading rolls]

Likes: Gold, jewels, The Sea

Dislikes: Apprentices, poverty, beggars

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Summon elemental]

+[Detect Lies]


+[Basic Trade]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff


>Teacher: Carl The Lifewalker

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to healing skills+spells]

Likes: lazing about, food, cats

Dislikes: Apprentices, do-gooders, the church

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Summon Elemental]

+[Shocking Grasp]


+[Basic Healing]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff


>teacher: Carl The Lifewalker

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to healing skills+spells]

Likes: lazing about, food, cats

Dislikes: Apprentices, do-gooders, the church

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]




+[Basic Healing]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask


>Teacher: Nikolai "Summon Beergolem" Dragunov [+10 to learning summoning spells] the Magician

>Teacher's likes: Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Trees

>Teacher's Dislikes: Bringing up Alchoholism, dogs, cats, small children.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]





+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+Beer Mug


>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]




+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+Baking Apron


>Teacher: Vlad "Not a vampire" ….Not a vampire

Likes: Cheese, Sausages, Blood

Dislikes: accusing him of being a vampire, goblins.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100






+[Average Running Away]


+Pink Apprentice Robes

+Sausage on a Stick

+Apprentice Sword


>Teacher: Ferdinand Smith the Seer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Divination spells]

Likes: Ham Sandwiches, Old tomes, Secrets

Dislikes: Violence, Interruptions, Soliciters

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Minor Heal]


+[Purify Water]



+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Old Tome [The Tales of Veltheron the Just]


>Teacher: Sir Cuthbert the Paladin

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Weapon skill rolls]

Likes: Justice, Apprentices, Devout prayer

Dislikes: Undead, Heretics, Demons, the Occult

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Summon Elemental]



+[Basic Healing]


+Padded Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Sword

+Leather Helmet

+Wooden Shield


>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]

+[Undead Repair]


+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Staff

+Baking Apron

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1b7a13 No.12259


>Teaching Bonus: [+5 to magic using one of the 5 elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Cheese]

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1b7a13 No.12267


dice is 2d100

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1b7a13 No.12268

Dice rollRolled 85, 95 = 180 (2d100)


>Name: Isaac Ersthenth

Level: 1Magical

Branch: Mage

>Teacher: Nikolai "Summon Beergolem" Dragunov [+10 to learning summoning spells] the Magician

>Teacher's likes: Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Trees

>Teacher's Dislikes: Bringing up Alchoholism, dogs, cats, small children.

>Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]




+Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Staff

+Beer Mug

1. Learn ice bolt

2. Learn a shield spell

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1b7a13 No.12269

Dice rollRolled 20, 47 = 67 (2d100)


>Teacher: Nikolai "Summon Beergolem" Dragunov [+10 to learning summoning spells] the Magician

>Teacher's likes: Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Trees

>Teacher's Dislikes: Bringing up Alchoholism, dogs, cats, small children.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]





+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+Beer Mug

1.Ask the master if he has any tasks for me

2.Look through the library and see what books are available for personal study

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1b7a13 No.12270

Dice rollRolled 96, 96 = 192 (2d100)

1/2 - Gaishee makes sure all her coursework for the semester is in order, double-checks her talismans and scrolls, and makes sure her coat is nice and wet for the day. It was tough learning under a land-based Caster, but there was a nice river she could hydrate in if necessary. But such thoughts are behind her. Her only interest today is absorbing as much new learning as possible, and impressing her teacher with her timeliness, preparedness, and attention to detail (even if not her actual knowledge on the matter…)


>Name: Gaishee

>Level: 1

>Magical Branch: Hedge-Witch

>Teacher: Nivala Sinderal the Warcaster

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Tactics and Strategy rolls]

Likes: Planned out strategies, History, Discipline

Dislikes: Laziness, Idiots, Solicitors

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Magic]



+[Basic Potions]

+[Basic Tactics]


+Padded Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Sword

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1b7a13 No.12271

File: 1445999939055.png (18.28 KB,390x381,130:127,check em.png)

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1b7a13 No.12272

Dice rollRolled 81, 96 = 177 (2d100)

1. Take lessons from Vlad, be diligent and do my best to learn everything I can.

2. Do any chores he might have for me around the place. That is sure to get me some favor right?

Name: Jane 'I am not an escaped experiment' Pots

Level: 1

Magical Branch : [Hedge Witch]

>Teacher: Vlad "Not a vampire" ….Not a vampire

Teaching Bonus: [+5 to magic using one of the 5 elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Cheese]

Likes: Cheese, Sausages, Blood

Dislikes: accusing him of being a vampire, goblins.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100






+[Average Running Away]


+Pink Apprentice Robes

+Sausage on a Stick

+Apprentice Sword

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1b7a13 No.12274

Dice rollRolled 85, 43 = 128 (2d100)



>Level: 1

>Magical Branch: Healer

>Teacher: Ferdinand Smith the Seer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Divination spells]

Likes: Ham Sandwiches, Old tomes, Secrets

Dislikes: Violence, Interruptions, Soliciters

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Minor Heal]


+[Purify Water]



+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Old Tome [The Tales of Veltheron the Just]

1:Bianca cleans the silent study as her master is in the room over meditating or what ever it is he does when he puts up his "NO INTERRUPTING! SEERING GOING ON!" sign. Taking breaks from sweeping to read a book titled "Broken Bones and You, Beginners Guide to Healing Magic."


"Why sir"


"Yes sir."

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1b7a13 No.12275

Dice rollRolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d100)

Name: Amelia Ridthene

Level 1

Magic Branch: Mage

>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]

+[Undead Repair]


+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Staff

+Baking Apron


Amelia seeks out her teacher. Perhaps there is a task to be done, or Biddlethump simply has a a spell on her mind that will turn into a lesson?


When that is complete, Amelia will head into the nearby town to see if any adventurers are passing through! Information is valuable, and the odd free drink from a victorious adventurer is rarely a bad thing.

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1b7a13 No.12276

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1b7a13 No.12277

Dice rollRolled 75, 82 = 157 (2d100)


Name: Nikolayev Temsel

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Elementalist

>Teacher: Carl The Lifewalker

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to healing skills+spells]

Likes: lazing about, food, cats

Dislikes: Apprentices, do-gooders, the church

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Summon Elemental]

+[Shocking Grasp]


+[Basic Healing]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

1. Find some scraps of metal, specifically copper wires. I like watching how the sparks tend to fly when I apply shocking grasp to them.

2. Learn more lightning based spells.

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1b7a13 No.12278

Dice rollRolled 44, 43 = 87 (2d100)


Name: Jamison Seaheart

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Elementalist

>Teacher: Carson Abraham Michelangelo Desmond Winchestershire IV the Stormcaller

Teaching bonus: [+10 to political/trading rolls]

Likes: Gold, jewels, The Sea

Dislikes: Apprentices, poverty, beggars

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Summon elemental]

+[Detect Lies]


+[Basic Trade]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

1. Take a few odd jobs around town or other places. See if I can get a bit of money. Water elementals can be used to water plants. Earth elementals to move earth. ect. ect. +10?

2. Talk to my teacher, see if he can point me in a good direction to learn. Doubt he will actually teach me.

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1b7a13 No.12279

Dice rollRolled 6, 91 = 97 (2d100)


Name: Javmoj

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Cultist

>teacher: Carl The Lifewalker

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to healing skills+spells]

Likes: lazing about, food, cats

Dislikes: Apprentices, do-gooders, the church

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]




+[Basic Healing]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

1) Find a cat to take as my familiar

2) Learn a healing spell from Carl

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1b7a13 No.12280

Dice rollRolled 35, 26 = 61 (2d100)

Name: Ultherion Lightborn

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Healer

>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Minor Heal]


+[Undead repair]


+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Baking Apron

Go to school they said, learn to help the sick and make your family proud they said. Well how is baking muffins and cleaning skeletons helping people.

1. In an act of Defiance Ultherion casts lightbolt at the skeleton he is currently scrubbing.

2. Ultherion abandons his task and heads to the local church in search of guidance

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1b7a13 No.12283

Dice rollRolled 53, 23 = 76 (2d100)


>Name: Whi'li Akhenis

>Level 1


>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]




+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+Baking Apron

1/2) Take the initiative and visit a nearby graveyard. Practice my spells while I'm there; [Detect Undead] to find undead, and [Daemonbolt] to make them dead again.

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1b7a13 No.12284


And +10 I guess cause necromancy spells.

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1b7a13 No.12306

Dice rollRolled 11, 75 = 86 (2d100)


Name: Billy Bob Palpatine

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Elementalist

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Weapon skill rolls]

Likes: Justice, Apprentices, Devout prayer

Dislikes: Undead, Heretics, Demons, the Occult

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100+


+[Minor Summon Elemental]



+[Basic Healing]


+Padded Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Sword

+Leather Helmet

+Wooden Shield

1 Shield Bash, Another morning with Sir Cuthbert comes with a kingly breakfast, princely amounts of prayer and a criminology report detailing the faults of Justice system and how we work to correct it. Then we bash each other.

2 Elemental Weapon. Though a base weapon would probably be preferred as empowerment is easier then manifesting a sword made of lightning, either would be pretty powerful.

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1b7a13 No.12369

Dice rollRolled 71, 35, 72, 40, 45, 30, 70, 74, 19, 13, 16, 8, 19, 72, 20, 8, 27, 67, 62, 71, 78, 27, 9, 81 = 1034 (24d100)


1 2


3 4


5 6


7 8


9 10


11 12


13 14


15 16


17 18


19 20


21 22


23 24


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1b7a13 No.12383

Dice rollRolled 39, 65 = 104 (2d100)


Name: Elliot Vatki

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Healer


>Teacher: Tim the Firestorm

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Pyrotechnic spells]

Likes: Quests, Practical Jokes, apples

Dislikes: Rabbits, knights, nuns

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]




+Minor Burn care


+Sooty Apprentice Robe

+Burnt Apprentice Staff

+Burn Salve


1. Ask if the teacher has any quests.

2. Attempt to upgrade [Minor Heal]

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1b7a13 No.12390

Dice rollRolled 97, 51 = 148 (2d100)


1 2

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1b7a13 No.12446

Dice rollRolled 7, 14 = 21 (2d100)


You learn Spells:

+[Basic Icebolt]

+[Basic Shield]


Nikolai wants you to go pull weeds from his potato garden, with your bare hands, says it'll build character.

Nikolai's library is lacking at the moment, mostly detailing books on brewing methods.


You triple checked everything, unfortunately when you get there she tells you to pack your bags, you will be joining her and her squad on a survival mission into the nearby desert, she says pack provisions for a week.


After the daily affirmation between the two of you of not being a vampire/escaped experiment, class begins and Vlad teaches you about mixing elements together teaching you a simple Flaming boulder spell.

As for chores he laments that the kitchen is out of cheese and wishes for you to go fetch some from the market, and pick up some sausages while you're at it.


1. You are dusting the study but the dust causes Ferdinand to sneeze violently, knocking him out of his trance, he proceeds to throw the Beginners Guide to Healing Magic at you as he chases you out of the study, good news you can read it to your heart's content now, better news, you can test it out firsthand on your aching head, bad news Ferdinand is kind of irritated at you.


+[Broken Bones and You, Beginner's Guide to Healing Magic]


+Aching Head


You find Miss Biddlethump, unfortunately she was in a delicate stage of a potion and your interruption ruined it. She's not angry, just, dissapointed, which is worse. As punishment she wants you to go get a bone from the local mausoleum to repair the gardener's leg, it broke when the zombie stepped into a gopher hole and only another bone will fix it.

Problem is the mausoleum is about half a day away and has wild undead inhabiting it.

Teacher's Opinon: -15


You can't find any scraps of metal that Carl has lying around, except for a silver dagger that Carl uses in some rituals. You try to use shocking grasp on it but end up shocking yourself instead.

You ask Carl for lightning based spells and manage to catch him in a generous mood, he hands you a book of lightning spells.


+Book: [Lightning Spells 101]


{the bonus doesn't work on that just fyi}

You look around the upper parts of the city but everyone you ask has their tasks taken care of by servants

When you ask Carson he seems insulted that you think he can't teach you something, he proceeds to prove his magical might by sending you out the door of his study with a gale of wind, and slamming the door behind you.

Teacher's Opinion: -10


You look around the town but can't seem to find a cat.

Meanwhile Carl is in a generous mood and hands you a book on First aid and says to read it and practice on any scratches you might have.


+[Broken Bones and You, Beginners Guide to Healing Magic.]


62 71

Miss Biddlethump merely sighs when she finds you standing over the dusted remains of one of the skeletons. When you head to the local church you are greeted by the priest who listens to your woes, before saying, that perhaps your mission in life is to guide those who have strayed from the path of light back onto it, or you may need some of Miss Biddlethump's knowledge in your quest.


You visit the local graveyard and look around but there doesn't seem to be any wandering undead, most undead are either under direct necromancer control or wandering in large mausoleums. The Purifiers and Paladins usually keep graveyards clear of undead.


You awaken to what you hope is another dull day of practice in the art of combat, unfortunately it seems that today is going to be one of the… exciting, days. He pulls you out of your room with joyful exuberance and says that you're both going on a quest, "Come Squire! There is evil afoot!" He tells you to pack your bags you're both going to the canyon of despair to clear it of goblins.


You speak with Tim asking him for a quest, where he tells you that there is something for you to do. The Mists of time have revealed the Goblet of Lightning, your quest is to find the one chosen to retrieve the goblet, they shall be marked with the sign of thunder.

Meanwhile you attempt to increase your healing power but as it turns out simply willing it is not enough.

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1b7a13 No.12458

Dice rollRolled 77, 22 = 99 (2d100)


>Name: Isaac Ersthenth

Level: 1

Branch: Mage

>Teacher: Nikolai "Summon Beergolem" Dragunov the Magician

>Teaching Bonus: [+10 to learning summoning spells]

>Teacher's likes: Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Trees

>Teacher's Dislikes: Bringing up Alchoholism, dogs, cats, small children.

>Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]


+[Basic Ice Bolt]

+[Basic Shield]



+Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Staff

+Beer Mug

1. Learn to summon something minor like an imp or Cherub ask Master Dragunov's help. Also if he has a better summoning idea I am more than welcome it. I'm just not good enough for whiskey golems yet.

2.Learn an anti-weed spell to deal with master's garden, test it on the outskirts of town before I try it on his garden. Avoid using it on trees, master likes them.

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1b7a13 No.12459

Dice rollRolled 70, 76 = 146 (2d100)


Name: Jamison Seaheart

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Elementalist

>Teacher: Carson Abraham Michelangelo Desmond Winchestershire IV the Stormcaller

Teaching bonus: [+10 to political/trading rolls]

Likes: Gold, jewels, The Sea

Dislikes: Apprentices, poverty, beggars

Teacher's Opinion: 40/100



+[Minor Summon elemental]

+[Detect Lies]


+[Basic Trade]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

1&2. Well then. Guess I should go check out the library for some books on the elements. Not going to get anything out of him for a while.

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1b7a13 No.12464

Dice rollRolled 87, 67 = 154 (2d100)


Name: Amelia Ridthene

Level 1

Magic Branch: Mage

>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 35/100



+[Minor Heal]

+[Undead Repair]


+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Staff

+Baking Apron

Damn it!


Gather my bedroll and some provisions, in case I am forced to camp, and then head out to the Mausoleum. Even if my teacher is a necromancer, I can't allow myself to disappoint her!


If I've reached the Mausoleum, I'll carefully attempt to locate a suitable replacement for the gardener's leg bone. The weak undead there won't be able to withstand more than a few [Firebolt] spells, right?

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1b7a13 No.12469

Dice rollRolled 48, 52 = 100 (2d100)


Name: Billy Bob Palpatine

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Elementalist

>Teacher: Sir Cuthbert the Paladin

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Weapon skill rolls]

Likes: Justice, Apprentices, Devout prayer

Dislikes: Undead, Heretics, Demons, the Occult

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100+


+[Minor Summon Elemental]



+[Basic Healing]


+Padded Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Sword

+Leather Helmet

+Wooden Shield

"Yes Sir Cuthbert, the canyon of despair hasn't had a good clearing in some time now so it should be just overflowing with goblins."

1 Elemental Weapon Charge. If I can learn to fill my sword with fire or lightning then maybe I can really deal some damage in close range and maybe even enhance this to where I can charge weapons to the point of breaking and make them into bombs.

2 Elemental Resistance. If I can master my defenses then I can even blast things point blank and not die. A real skill.

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1b7a13 No.12471

Dice rollRolled 22, 93 = 115 (2d100)

1. To the Marketplace! Wait. Do I have enough money for cheese and sausage? Better ask for funds first. Then I go!

2. I am a Hedge Witch, so while on my way there perhaps I should keep a look out for interesting herbs along the way.

Name: Jane 'I am not an escaped experiment' Pots

Level: 1

Magical Branch : [Hedge Witch]

>Teacher: Vlad "Not a vampire" ….Not a vampire

Teaching Bonus: [+5 to magic using one of the 5 elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Cheese]

Likes: Cheese, Sausages, Blood

Dislikes: accusing him of being a vampire, goblins.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100




+[Flaming boulder spell]



+[Average Running Away]


+Pink Apprentice Robes

+Sausage on a Stick

+Apprentice Sword

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1b7a13 No.12475

Dice rollRolled 49, 16, 92, 18, 85, 71, 69, 99, 73, 46 = 618 (10d100)


1 2


3 4


5 6


7 8


9 10

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1b7a13 No.12503

Dice rollRolled 22, 70 = 92 (2d100)


Name: Nikolayev Temsel

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Elementalist

>Teacher: Carl The Lifewalker

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to healing skills+spells]

Likes: lazing about, food, cats

Dislikes: Apprentices, do-gooders, the church

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Summon Elemental]

+[Shocking Grasp]


+[Basic Healing]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Book: [Lightning Spells 101]

1. Use the beak to learn how to cast lightning!

2. After I shocked myself with the knife, I noticed something. The iron hilt of the silver knife wanted to stick to Carl's iron oven.

There's a little tid-bit in this lightning book about how metals can be made to "fly" to other metals after they are shocked, allowing one to fling metal at enemies. I attempt to see if I can do it again.

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1b7a13 No.12507

Dice rollRolled 98, 27 = 125 (2d100)

1/2 - T-the… the desert? I can't survive there, I'm a selkie! I'll dry out! What kind of teacher is this, work so hard to impress her and she sends me out there to die?!

Calm yourself Gaishee. If you were wanted dead, they wouldn't go about it in such a roundabout way. This is merely another challenge to conquer. And just as I masterfully prepared myself before, I shall do so again. Pack extra provisions for the trip, and as a necessity for my kind, a LOT of water to stay hydrated in the arid desert.


>Name: Gaishee

>Level: 1

>Magical Branch: Hedge-Witch

>Teacher: Nivala Sinderal the Warcaster

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Tactics and Strategy rolls]

Likes: Planned out strategies, History, Discipline

Dislikes: Laziness, Idiots, Solicitors

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Magic]



+[Basic Potions]

+[Basic Tactics]


+Padded Apprentice Robe

+Apprentice Sword

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1b7a13 No.12508

Dice rollRolled 33, 25 = 58 (2d100)


Name: Javmoj

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Cultist

>teacher: Carl The Lifewalker

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to healing skills+spells]

Likes: lazing about, food, cats

Dislikes: Apprentices, do-gooders, the church

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]




+[Basic Healing]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+[Broken Bones and You, Beginners Guide to Healing Magic.]

Such generosity is not to be wasted, after thanking Carl it's time to put everything into learning the secrets of this book! Hmm… scratches huh? Guess looking for a animal with claws wasn't such a bad idea after all

1) Find a cat to take as my familiar, and for assistance in healing training

2) Learn from the book on Healing Magic

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1b7a13 No.12554

Dice rollRolled 36, 97 = 133 (2d100)



>Teacher: Nikolai "Summon Beergolem" Dragunov the Magician

Bonus:+10 to learning summoning spells]

>Teacher's likes: Beer, Vodka, Whiskey, Trees

>Teacher's Dislikes: Bringing up Alchoholism, dogs, cats, small children.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]





+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+Beer Mug

>Nikolai wants you to go pull weeds from his potato garden, with your bare hands, says it'll build character.

1.Well then pull weeds it is. He may be a dick but he is teacher so for now we obey.


>Nikolai's library is lacking at the moment, mostly detailing books on brewing methods.

2……..master mage huh? Right then Lets study some spells on our own. Basic reanimation should be a good thing to attempt. Go to the graveyard find the pet section and do our thing.

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1b7a13 No.12561

Dice rollRolled 64, 33 = 97 (2d100)


>Name: Whi'li Akhenis

>Level 1


>Teacher: Mariah Biddlethump The Necromancer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Necromancy Spells]

Likes: Visitors, cooking, Graveyards

Dislikes: Rowdiness, untidyness, peaches

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Detect Undead]




+[Basic Baking]


+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Apprentice Mask

+Baking Apron

1) Visit Miss Biddlethump, see if she has any tasks for me.

2) Hit the books. Study, study study!

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1b7a13 No.12599

Dice rollRolled 25, 15, 58, 80, 52, 49, 28, 61, 86, 3 = 457 (10d100)


1 2


3 4


5 6


7 8


9 10

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1b7a13 No.12600

Dice rollRolled 50, 87 = 137 (2d100)


Name: Elliot Vatki

Level: 1

Magical Branch: Healer


>Teacher: Tim the Firestorm

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Pyrotechnic spells]

Likes: Quests, Practical Jokes, apples

Dislikes: Rabbits, knights, nuns

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100



+[Minor Heal]




+Minor Burn care


+Sooty Apprentice Robe

+Burnt Apprentice Staff

+Burn Salve


1. Begin my search to find the marked one… Where do I start? Ask for more information.

2. Go to master's garden to gather some apples after receiving information.

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1b7a13 No.12603

Dice rollRolled 1, 10 = 11 (2d10)


1 2

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1b7a13 No.12604

Dice rollRolled 10, 94 = 104 (2d100)


wrong dice

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1b7a13 No.12802

Dice rollRolled 84, 89 = 173 (2d100)



>Level: 1

>Magical Branch: Healer

>Teacher: Ferdinand Smith the Seer

Teaching Bonus: [+10 to Divination spells]

Likes: Ham Sandwiches, Old tomes, Secrets

Dislikes: Violence, Interruptions, Soliciters

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100


+[Minor Heal]


+[Purify Water]



+Apprentice Robes

+Apprentice Staff

+Old Tome [The Tales of Veltheron the Just]

+[Broken Bones and You, Beginner's Guide to Healing Magic]

1: Get to work reading the new book trying to heal my head.

2:Leave a plate of sandwiches out for Ferdinand, with a note sayings "Sorry" on it.

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1b7a13 No.17910













I will continue this builder, but the number of players is too damn high for me to deal with

Therefore I'm cutting some of you out, decided by luck/chance and actually participating in this

Roll 1d20, the 6 highest numbers get to stay, if there's a tie that would cause #6 to be in doubt both people get in, other ties simply take the next 2 spots, I.E. two people roll 20 they get spots 1&2, after spots 3-5 are taken the next two people tie, they will both get in at spots #6 & #7

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1b7a13 No.17911


If I find out you deleted a roll and re-rolled you will be permanently banned from any game I run

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1b7a13 No.17912

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)



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1b7a13 No.17916

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d20)


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1b7a13 No.17917

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d20)


Name: Jane 'I am not an escaped experiment' Pots

Level: 1

Magical Branch : [Hedge Witch]

>Teacher: Vlad "Not a vampire" ….Not a vampire

Teaching Bonus: [+5 to magic using one of the 5 elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Cheese]

Likes: Cheese, Sausages, Blood

Dislikes: accusing him of being a vampire, goblins.

Teacher's Opinion: 50/100




+[Flaming boulder spell]



+[Average Running Away]


+Pink Apprentice Robes

+Sausage on a Stick

+Apprentice Sword

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1b7a13 No.17918

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)



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1b7a13 No.17965

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)



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1b7a13 No.18011

Dice rollRolled 6 (1d20)



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1b7a13 No.18025

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


>rolling, for great justice

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1b7a13 No.18876

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)


Oh shit dice

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