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/builders/ - Hero and Nation Builders!

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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1445909861067.png (5.47 MB,4000x2000,2:1,562ecb9b48c9675a.png)

bdd794 No.12088 [View All]

The Empires have fallen to the corruption at their core and the enemies at their borders. It was a long time in coming and many new nations have taken up the mantle of ruling their small territories carved by blade or by politics from the husk of the old world. It's time for the New World to be born.

There are two options for generating your civilization. You can roll http://chaoticshiny.com/civgen.php and post it or you can fill out the chart below. Just ignore the magic portion that you pull. People who just fill out the chart are lame and should be shunned.


Race: (Purely magical races are not allowed. It must be mundane. IE no snoopytons, no golems, no ethereal creatures of the mist etc.)

Color: See the map key for available colors. (IE: Red with white trim)

Fluff: One or two paragraphs please. You may be rewarded for genuine effort.

Government Type: Get political, please.

Economy Type: Get political. Command, cooperative, etc.


Location: Where you are on the map. The GM has the final say on location.

To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: (generated by GM)

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Magic/Spells: (type: generated by GM) (spells: abstracted; generated by GM)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (generated by GM)

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

General Rules

- Territory provides .1 currency and .1 population per hex. Building up a hex doubles bonus. Towns turn into .2/.2, large towns .4/.4 etc. Losing towns will take an additional portion of currency, population, and resources.

- Every unit costs both resources, currency, and population. Unit upkeep and cost will be reflected in the recruitment result. For this reason keep all units tracked separately.

- Magic is based around the use of magical resources which can be found through trade, research, or expansion.

- You have 3 actions, a research slot, and a random nation event slot. The 3 actions can be used for anything but research. You can research one thing at a time and rolled to progress. The random nation event slot is rolled every turn and something may happen to your nation, good or bad. Put fluff in to add direction to the result.

- It takes an action from a player to give a resource to another and it may take time to reach them depending on distance and travel technology. Giving technology is the same.

- Baseline Technologies automatically spread after 5 turns to your neighbors, then to their neighbors after 5 more turns etc.

- Over-extension happens when you have more settlements than you do culture. People will be unhappy and might revolt.

- Building cities, towns, and villages can be beneficial. Especially since your capital can become overcrowded or your people will wonder why they're all living in villages in the middle of nowhere. Then you get angry and hungry peasants.

- Fluff up your actions and slots with how your people go about doing something and you may get different results. This is especially important for special resources and the rediscovery of magic.

- No nation is truly good or truly evil, and no one believes themselves to be evil, get cultural and have fun. You're not playing angels and demons here.

-I have the right to add more rules if I damn please.

51 postsand14 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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bdd794 No.13019

Dice rollRolled 22, 18, 56, 53, 51 = 200 (5d100)


>Name: Cyril Sovereignity

Color: Pale blue

Race Entirely human

Political Structure: oligarchy - theocracy

Economy: Command

Religion: Monotheistic prayer with a side of worrying over you ancestors(Think Catholicism or eastern orthodoxy)

Population: 8.8 (+.2/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: 17.8 (2/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 6

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Court of the Lord, Shipyard [Inactive],[Farm on Fertile Land]; [Temple(+3 Culture)]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Wandslingers [Very Strong], 2 Skiffs [Medium, Sea, Fast; Upkeep; Free]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Good), Iron (Poor),[Food surplus]: [Magic swords from cave]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

[Military: Ship Building II][Ballista(1/3)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1

Things around us: [Magical Glade], [Cave], [Harpy Village]


The Wands of Power - Your nation has two units equipped with strange wands no one can replicate. They explode when tinkered with. They're extraordinarily powerful though. These two units have incredible influence over the government. So long as a Wandslinger unit is left alive you cannot lose stability.

Patriotism - Your nation resists well. You gain additional units when defending.

Elected Officers - You gain a +10 on coordnation rolls.

Religious Fervor - You gain +1 on all combat rolls against a nation not following your religion but -1 against nations that are of your religion.

Seaworthy - You build one free additional naval vessel on rolls of 80+ for building ships.

1. [Annex] the [Harpy Village], They will do well in the sovereignty, and it is better to have allies than enemies.

+6 culture

2. Start building a Harbor. We need it to have strong trade and a strong economy. Plus we can keep our ships safe in it during storms.



+4 Industry


3. Identify the Magic sword's we found.

4. Continue Ballista Research(1/3)

5. Hey Crazy Bob came up with a new ship design! Bet it will sink like the last one!

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bdd794 No.13020

Dice rollRolled 51, 99, 13, 45, 83 = 291 (5d100)


Daz'Kodan - Purple

Population: 8.5 (+.7/turn)

Food: Very Good

Raw Currency: 7.2 (0.2/turn)

Legitimacy: Extremely Stable

Culture: 1

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: The Grand Hall of Law, Farms [Active - Plentiful]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Kodan Triremes [Strong, Sea]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Average), Timber (Low)

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I, Shipbuilding I] [Civil: Germ Theory]

Trade Routes: 1 [Synderil]

Territory: 1


Pick up That Can - Repression is the name of the game. So long as you maintain an active military presence in your territory stability is significantly harder to decrease, but you take additional damage from espionage by "free people". Fuckers.

Sea Dwarves - Your gain +2 on all naval combat rolls, but your land legs suck and you recieve -1 combat rolls on land.

Equality in Misery - Your nation doesn't have problems with accepting other races into the political body - provided they don't love freedom. You also gain a +10 bonus to all rolls to subjugate another nation or NPC town.

Rodents of Unusual Size - Low random event rolls may end up with you having to deal with some rather large and advanced rats. Some think they're people. Everyone thinks those people are crazy. They tend to disappear at night.

1&2. Set up a mine in that cave for that ore!

3. Explore, mermaids can't continue to bother us.

Research: Architectual theories 1/4

Random: The High Priest of the god of life is having a crisis of faith, and prays for a sign.

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bdd794 No.13021

Dice rollRolled 41, 9, 37, 9 = 96 (4d100)


A lack of resources. That is what this desert presented. Miles and miles of empty sand. If the Caliphate where to get their hands on a great number of things, they would not be present in this desert.

The focus once more, shifts to trade, to bring to the Caliphate what the desert lacks in its barren hostility.

1. It is said that to the north of us lies the kingdom of Brigg Nought. They are a people of a different faith, and these heathens are at least strong in their conviction.

It was hoped that if we can reach them through trade and exchange, the door might be open to reach them through the words of the prophet. For now, we shall let the merchants open the door for us.

Great caravans and camels go forth to meet them and offer goods.

>Set up a Trade Route to Brigg-Nought

2. In addition, another trade route was sought to be opened to the Amazons. Through some short and simple conversations, we were able to get a basic idea of the things they found valuable.

Trade is the universal language, maybe we could use it to grow closer to these amazons

>Set up a Trade Route to the Amazons

3. We will have to rebuild our outposts, but let this be a future lesson for us to always respect the power of nature, and prepare to survive her wrath.

Colonization to 1/4


4. The scientists continue to search for any source of available sulfur for the flame weapons. Obviously the desert would not have anything, but of key interest was this "Mountain of Fire".

When the molten rock bursts from the top and cools as it flowed from the mountain side and into the rivers, explorers report a very strong smell of sulfur. Would this be the key to the weapons of fire they so sought?

Military Focus - Your research and development of military matters receives +5 to the roll

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bdd794 No.13022

File: 1446519303097.jpg (262.79 KB,1171x1155,1171:1155,8667110_1.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 90 (1d100)


Spend 5 gold to mitigate actions #2

Spend 5 gold to mitigate action #4


5. Random Event

"Theif! Theif!"

This was the cry that permeated throughout the city ever since the recent wave of sandstorms blew in. With the dust in the air preventing anyone from seeing any further, thieves would rush in very close to grab coin-pouches, or rob homes in the night, running away into the sand. Guards would be frustrated trying to catch them, and the people began to complain.

How are we supposed to protect ourselves from this wanton thievery and crime? We cannot just provide a bodyguard for every man and every home.

If only there was some kind of safe place we could protect our wealth, and station guards to secure it.

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bdd794 No.13035

File: 1446521181933.jpg (65.2 KB,1024x600,128:75,anarcho_communist_flag_by_….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 95, 31, 55, 94, 68 = 343 (5d100)


>>Gulag active.

[Prole-Goblin Syndicates]

Actions [recruitment, resource-gathering, expansion]


1. It's revolution day! The day of the revolution is generally considered a fantastic time for syndicate recruiters to make the case to prole-goblins about the value of public service for the syndicates in the fight for freedom against total economic slavery and debasement. As such, recruiters have set up little adorable booths with pamphlets introducing the new goblontov during the many paradest that occur all day. The recruiters think they will be able to reel in all sorts of goblins interested in final and total emancipation – they even have a pamphlet that says “read this to learn more about total emancipation”. Brilliant. [recruit][Better Red Than Dead]

2. More effort is spent trying to find enough resources to make incendaries. This time some squads of infantry are sent with the scouts to counter the roader mermaid scum. [locate pitch/incendiary materials]

3. Expansion kicks off again! Several goblins have devised relatively sophisticated “wagons” to settle new areas. It is unclear how effective these “wagon” will be or if the individuals involved will die of snakebites or otherwise. In any event, good luck comrades! Don't drown in a river! [expansion]

4. Research [guerilla tactics]

Several of the comrades have gotten it into their head that standard fighting against extremely large and vicious capitalist tyrants is not the way to go. Instead, they suggest a new methodology: hit and run attacks, quick movements, and strategic application of force that benefit from the cleverness of our kind! Indeed, it generally agreed the capitalists are ponderous and slow because of the enormous volume of money they carry and so this methodology was agreed to have at least some merit. While the combined military think the reasoning offered is somewhat stupid, they still think the idea has some merit. [research tactics: Guerilla]

Random Event

5. It's the revolution day parade! The parade seems …

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bdd794 No.13063

Dice rollRolled 96, 83, 99, 80, 58 = 416 (5d100)


Ironvale - Green

Population: 9.7 (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: 8 (1/turn)

Legitimacy: Poor

Stability?: Stable

Culture: 5

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: Hall of the Singing Winds, Zepplin-yard

Defenses: None

Military Units: 3 Galemounted Ships [Medium, Air]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Average), Floatwood (Low)

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Government Centralization II][Military: Airships 0]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 2


The Draft - High rolls on mobilization will yield increased benefits. Low rolls will damage stability.

Never Conquered - Your "Nation" is a bunch of fracticious cocks. You find it hard to raise stability above [Average] but you also don't take any penalty from Stability until it drops into [Active Rebellion] - which you're about two steps from right now. You also gain a bonus to veterancy due to your warring nature.

Peace and Love, Man - God forbid another nation find drugs. That would fuck your draft system three ways to Tuesday.

JOYOUS SACRIFICE - You may sacrifice pop to your Gods for a bonus equal to 5 per pop slain in such a manner. Shit's pretty cash, yo.

>1 Bad Bandits

If these bandits think they're going to get away with inconveniencing THIS King, they have another thing coming.

He didn't use terrifying new weapons of war to unite the squabbling tribes just to have some backwater fools who didn't get the memo screw it up.


>2 Mysterious Stones

How interesting… continue study.

>3 The Prize

Besides being an extremely fertile land… what was there to fight over here?

Too mountainous for Trade Routes, no great deposits of minerals, nothing anyone would really want.

What would cause so many to charge into unfavorable terrain?

We should try and find out WHY.

…It might just be the fertility.

>4 RESEARCH: Airships I (2/3)

Be careful not to hit a mountain!

>5 RANDOM EVENT: Secret Herbs and Spices

A relatively minor hunting settlement has gained fame of late for their newly delicious food.

Seems something in the forest tastes amazing.

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bdd794 No.13067


>forgot to update pop and currency for two turns

Ironvale - Green

Population: 11.1 (+.7/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency: 10 (1/turn)

Legitimacy: Poor

Stability?: Stable

Culture: 5

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: Hall of the Singing Winds, Zepplin-yard

Defenses: None

Military Units: 3 Galemounted Ships [Medium, Air]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Average), Floatwood (Low)

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Government Centralization II][Military: Airships 0]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 2


The Draft - High rolls on mobilization will yield increased benefits. Low rolls will damage stability.

Never Conquered - Your "Nation" is a bunch of fracticious cocks. You find it hard to raise stability above [Average] but you also don't take any penalty from Stability until it drops into [Active Rebellion] - which you're about two steps from right now. You also gain a bonus to veterancy due to your warring nature.

Peace and Love, Man - God forbid another nation find drugs. That would fuck your draft system three ways to Tuesday.

JOYOUS SACRIFICE - You may sacrifice pop to your Gods for a bonus equal to 5 per pop slain in such a manner. Shit's pretty cash, yo.

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bdd794 No.13131


[Goblin Fluff 3]

The Revolution Day parade had started and it was largest iteration seen in years; the main drag of the syndicate of Ooglewelp teemed with goblins eating, laughing, and watching the parade go by. The parade itself was typical of prole-goblin parades generally: it had crudely manufactured floats containing historical information about the revolution, cute cartoony figures for the younger goblins, and, the occasionally bawdy display for the remainder portions of the crowd. Overall the organizers had underestimated the amount of goblins to be present this year – when pressed they suggested that “the recent successes of the syndicates have really put the fire into people.”

At a rather unassuming booth two recruiters for the militias for self-defense had massively underestimated the required stock of crude buttons and brochures they would need. By early in the morning they had run out, and more had to be hastily fabricated at a nearby printer and handed out while the ink was still partially wet with the buttons being reduced to crude lettered lumps of metal.

The recruiters – a goblin named Bizz and his comrade Jobby – frantically worked the crowd with their practiced and well conducted methods. The methods, mostly intellectual but sometimes rhetorical, seemed to win over vast crowds from the parade. Bizz himself constantly stood on top of the booth while shouting, flailing with his free hand, and waving a small red and black flag emblazoned with a molotov and a hammer. In contrast, Jobby took the 'straight' approach and simply tried to provide a measured responses. Above them sat a large banner that said: “COMRADES! DO YOUR DUTY FOR A FREE WORLD!”

The well-organized line to the booth snaked from the booth down the street as the noise of the parade trundled by. Many of the goblins lined up were veterans from the revolution demobilized after the war and offered a chance to settle and have families. For them, the quiet life of family and peace would never be enough: the call to liberate the world drowned out the petty average amusements that constitute the simple provincial life. To a goblin – male, female, or otherwise – they eagerly smile as the recuiters take their names.

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bdd794 No.13377

World Event: There is a rumbling and a shaking throughout the forests of the land. Has something woken up?

Rules Addendum - Resources such as [Magic swords] [Laser guns] whatever can be given to a unit or used in construction depending on what it is. Use your head. Bonuses will apply to said endeavors but the resource may be lost or consumed in the process.


1. The air war against the bandits is extremely effective. [Military: Air War I]

2. Your researchers discover that it is in fact possibly all three of those things. They kidnap a random girl from a village and sacrifice her. The response they get seems to come from the forest itself. A great booming voice asks, "What do you want from the Wyld Hunt?" "Power!" Snaps one researcher, and the group is inudated with the power of NATURE. Some researchers feel that this may have an unintended cost. This sie may have been lost for a reason after all. Set Magic: Nature [Basic]

3. The land is in fact fertile. Very fertile. Extremely fertile. Farms on the soil profit immensely in yield. Food [Good]

4. The carrying capacity of your airships has increased. [Airships II]

5. The secret spice turns out to be cinnamon. It is extremely popular and the hunting lodge refuses to share the secret behind this fine powder but do caution against dumping it into a spoon and trying to swallow it.

Prole-Goblin Syndicates

1. Goblins sign up by the cart-load and are shipped off to the training fields where they emerge as true Red Guards! 1 Fluff [Very Strong, Brave, Ideological; UK -.4cur], Better Dead applies Set Food to [Good]

2. Mermaids seem to be gathering up pitch for something, and your party stumbles across them after a resource gathering mission. A fight breaks out but the Revolution is always victorious and your party returns with several buckets of pitch. Resource: Pitch [Low]

3. Expansion occurs! Wagons West!

4. The goblin's naturally small size and quickness leads them to take to guerilla tactics like white to rice. The innovative use of incidiaries, booby traps, and ambushes make them into a frightening force in familiar terrain. [Guerilla Tactics I]

5. The Parade goes well, many young prole-goblins are instantly in love with the crude but lovingly made cut outs. The constant parades and meetings shape prole-blin culture into something that is actually seen as rather community-oriented and desirable. +2 culture

Golden Caliphate

1. The trade route to Brigg-nought is set up but it is clear that you profit from it the most. +.6 currency

2. The trade caravan attempts to make its way back to the first outpost that the priest has found but months go by without word or return.

3. Some of the outposts are rebuilt, but not many. 2/4

4. The scientists have no luck in their search.

5. Several scholars, merchants, and computers set to work to figuring out how to safeguard and profit from the protection of other people's money. [Currency: Banking I] +1 currency


1-2. The mine isn't just set up, it also refines the ore. While you're not entirely certain how to use it you do know that you'll have a metric ton of this stuff by the end of the month. Resource: Mithril [Very Good;Sustainable]

3. The mermaids do continue to bother you, and eat yet another ship's worth of explorers. Fucking mermaids. Not even once. Some people are beginning to suspect that they're farming you.

4. Architectural theory moves ahead with speed and strength. [Construction: Architecture I] 2/3

5. The priest prays for a sign, prays for something! Anything! He gets nothing. Depressed he wanders outside into the warm night and finds a rather pretty woman with wings sitting on a bench. She looks at him, smiles, and disappears. Magic: Bless [Simple]

Cyril Sovereignty

1. While the harpies are willing to join, some of the leading oligarchs of the Sovereignty oppose the measure and it stalls.

2. The political fight over the harpies has spread to a freeze on building supplies in the captiol and the harbour construction never gets off the ground.

3. You manage to identify one of the magical swords; it seems to be linked to fire. The person holding it felt themselves growing very hot - uncomfortably so but not harmfully. With the sword in hand they were given limited control over nearby flames and fire wreaths the blade. Resource: Fluff [Flaming Sword]

4. Ballista research continues 2/3

5. Crazy Bob hasn't quite come up with a whole new ship, but he's got some neat ideas. Military: Shipbuilding III 2/7

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bdd794 No.13378

Dice rollRolled 84, 7, 11, 21, 77 = 200 (5d100)


>Name: Cyril Sovereignity

Color: Pale blue

Race Entirely human

Political Structure: oligarchy - theocracy

Economy: Command

Religion: Monotheistic prayer with a side of worrying over you ancestors(Think Catholicism or eastern orthodoxy)

Population: 9 (+.2/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: 19.8 (2/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 6

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Court of the Lord, Shipyard [Inactive],[Farm on Fertile Land]; [Temple(+3 Culture)]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Wandslingers [Very Strong], 2 Skiffs [Medium, Sea, Fast; Upkeep; Free]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Good), Iron (Poor),[Food surplus]: [9 Magic swords from cave]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II] [Flaming Sword]

[Military: Ship Building II](III 2/7)[Ballista(2/3)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1

Things around us: [Magical Glade], [Cave], [Harpy Village]


The Wands of Power - Your nation has two units equipped with strange wands no one can replicate. They explode when tinkered with. They're extraordinarily powerful though. These two units have incredible influence over the government. So long as a Wandslinger unit is left alive you cannot lose stability.

Patriotism - Your nation resists well. You gain additional units when defending.

Elected Officers - You gain a +10 on coordnation rolls.

Religious Fervor - You gain +1 on all combat rolls against a nation not following your religion but -1 against nations that are of your religion.

Seaworthy - You build one free additional naval vessel on rolls of 80+ for building ships.

1. Annex the harpy village. Pay 5 currency to grease palms and shut up naysayers. Seriously, don't make problems guys.

+6 Culture

+5 currency.

2.Start work on the harbor again. Crazy Bob has a good ideas and we'll need a bigger dock for them.

+[Construction: Wood, Stone]

+Industry 4

3.Continue to examine and identify the swords, no handing them out until we have an idea of what they all do and how they interact. We do not need another wet chandelier incident.

4. Continue the Ballista research, we're almost done!(2/3)

5. A young man and young woman frolic in the glade, nothing can go wrong right?

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bdd794 No.13397

Dice rollRolled 46, 73, 74, 42, 6 = 241 (5d100)


Daz'Kodan - Purple

Population: 9.2 (+.7/turn)

Food: Very Good

Raw Currency: 7.4 (0.2/turn)

Legitimacy: Extremely Stable

Culture: 1

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: The Grand Hall of Law, Farms [Active - Plentiful]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Kodan Triremes [Strong, Sea]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Average), Timber (Low), Mithril [Very Good;Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: () (spells: Bless [Simple])

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I, Shipbuilding I] [Civil: Germ Theory]

Trade Routes: 1 [Synderil]

Territory: 1


Pick up That Can - Repression is the name of the game. So long as you maintain an active military presence in your territory stability is significantly harder to decrease, but you take additional damage from espionage by "free people". Fuckers.

Sea Dwarves - Your gain +2 on all naval combat rolls, but your land legs suck and you recieve -1 combat rolls on land.

Equality in Misery - Your nation doesn't have problems with accepting other races into the political body - provided they don't love freedom. You also gain a +10 bonus to all rolls to subjugate another nation or NPC town.

Rodents of Unusual Size - Low random event rolls may end up with you having to deal with some rather large and advanced rats. Some think they're people. Everyone thinks those people are crazy. They tend to disappear at night.

1. Just explore the island, stay away for the coast for now.

2. Begin building a wood mill for a sustainable source of wood.

3. Begin building a forge for tools.

Research: Architecture I 2/3

Random: A farmer hears a strange sound coming from the woods near her village, and goes to investigate.

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bdd794 No.13438

Dice rollRolled 99, 97, 14, 53, 62 = 325 (5d100)


[The Prole-Goblin Syndicates - Red]

Actions [expansion, resource gathering: metals, industrial base]


1. Several new wagons have been developed, and they roll out. The new wagons are twice as large as the previous wagons and benefit from special new technology – rounder wheels – that are easily towed! It's incredible comrades, you wouldn't believe it. The syndicates general planning council is thrilled and there are posters about the new "mega-wagon" everywhere. Time will tell if the new wagon is actually good, or if it was just posturing. [expand]

2. Several more squads set out to find any minerals they can. Metals, specifically. After all, how can we have weapons without metals? Obviously, the answer is not very good weapons! Clearly. [search for metals]

3. The syndicates have been trying to increase their production recently, as they think that their industrial strength is underrated when compared to the other nations. After some debate, the decision is made to increase the industrial base in both size quality. Perhaps it will lead to a factory? Who knows. [expand industrial base]

4. Research [research ranged weapons]

Not content with their explosives, several goblins have been working on ranged weapons – crude ones – in order to mitigate their size disadvantage. The prole-goblin military theorists – it's really just one goblin – thinks that all of the detriments that prole-goblins feel in combat could be mitigated by simply attacking from afar! Amazing! [research: Ranged Weapons][currently 0]

Random Event

5. Some of the pioneers on the frontier encounter…

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bdd794 No.13592

Name: The Golden Caliphate


Population: 15.3 (+1.3/turn)

Food: (Good)

Raw Currency: 14.6(3/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 5

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: The Golden Palace, Horse Breeder [Active, Plentiful], [Caravanserai], [College of the Sciences +3 culture], [Cacti Farms], [Temple of Tash]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Mamluk's [Strong, Fast], 1 Temple Defenders [Very Strong, Resilient, Immobile]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Average), Horses (Plentiful), Religious Texts


[Tash's Peak] [Town]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Military: Cavalry Tactics I], [Cultural: Missionary Work I], [Currency: Banking I] +1 currency

Trade Routes:

Brigg-nought +.6 currency

Territory: 1


Military Focus - Your research and development of military matters receives +5 to the roll. Your focus on veterancy also yields increased bonuses after combat.

Educated - You receive a bonus to rolls for culture, and may use an action to steal hexes from other players with lower culture stats.

Desert dwellers - It is difficult to increase your food stat, and a food stat of [Poor] or lower will result in stability penalties.

Scientific Focus - Your people excel in engineering. Your fortifications are stronger than normal.

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bdd794 No.13744

Dice rollRolled 90, 51, 20, 38, 20 = 219 (5d100)


1. A new plan is decided, rather than build a colony in a random location, we would build one close to Brigg-Nought! This would facilitate even better trade and allow for better cultural relations as well 2/4

2. These lands are dangerous and frought with peril, sometimes caravans have a habit of being lost. We will just have to send another one better equipped to protect themselves, and try to re-establish trade.

3. Our people are requesting additional sources of gold for the creation of currency. I suppose we will need to start mining the nearby mountains in search of more.


Turning affairs to expanding our influence, our engineers work on more adequate road systems. This would improve the yield of trade routes, as well as allow for more secure troop movement.

[Random event]

There is just so much more to be learned of these Amazons and more we do not know, their jungle kingdom has many resources, and their fighting spirit is strong. They take slaves, just as we do, and they have their own laws and customs, and they are believers in tribal honor and a code, such as our own warriors do. They would make fine servants of Tash, and it would be well to bring them to our side.

Save for one thing, and this is by far no small thing.

They are a people completely alien to us. Our women are taught to remain humble, and to serve the husband at home with obedience. And yet this is how they treat their men, to watch over the young ones at home. Our warriors are strong men, and theirs are women.

This incredible discord may be source of future conflict if we cannot begin to understand each other. I am sure our amazement at them likely translates to their confusion while viewing us.

It is wondered if some sort of cultural exchange could be made, where we would exchange people to live between us, among the other nation, and come to understand each other. This could end up good or it could be disastrous, but the chance at gaining understanding and laying the foundations for a future alliance is worth the risk.

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bdd794 No.13750

Dice rollRolled 88, 69, 7, 50, 75, 12, 87, 24, 53, 96 = 561 (10d100)


Nation Stats:


Population: 9.9 (+.6/turn)

Food: [Excellent

Raw Currency: 13.9 (2/turn)

Legitimacy: [Very Stable]

Culture: 4

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Cathedral of The Many Faced Pantheon

Absolut Distillery

Defenses: None

Military Units:

Conscript [Medium]

1 Commissar [Strong]

1 Commissar [Strong +]

+Counter-Agent [Weak, Counter-espionage Upkeep -.2 currency]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Very Good),

Iron (Good)

+Vodka [Excellent]

+Food Surplus

+Copper [Good]

+Lightning in a Vodka Bottle [3]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 3


Neopotism - Your army is rife with neopotism. This provides a +1 benefit to combat rolls when stability is [Stable] but provides a -1 penalty when stability is [Poor] or lower.

VODKA - Your people have major issues with alcoholism. This makes stability harder to decrease, but also harder to raise.

All The Resources - You find more resources than usual.

Le Merchant Hands - You love them, but you also hate them. You gain no wealth from trade routes.

Draftees - Draftees suck. Roll 1d100 after lost battles to see if you lose additional troops to desertion. You gain increased benefits from mobilization.

Will roll combat after this post

1.2.3. Train up more Conscripts

5. Work on seeing if we can't find another source of iron or some other metal

6. Fish, we need fish, build fishing boats to go get us some fish


7.8. Archery get 2/3

Random Event

9. A bright plumaged bird landed on the tree that a logger was about to cut down.

10. Shouts fill the mine as a miner has found something, it is too far away to tell yet if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

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bdd794 No.13751


make the mine rolls 4 and 5 forgot to add one in there woops

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bdd794 No.13752

Dice rollRolled 3, 2, 1 = 6 (3d10)


Combat tactics

The Conscripts will be driven in first followed by the Commissars, the conscripts are there to clear out as many spiders as they can and act as cannon fodder so the commissars have a better chance of not dying.

Conscript [Medium]

Commissar [Strong]

Commissar (with better weapons)[Strong +]

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bdd794 No.13978

Dice rollRolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d10)


[2 Spiders [Medium; Stealthy]

The spiders seem to be primallu intelligent, and wait to attempt to ambush the conscripts as they're driven into the breach.

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bdd794 No.13979



[Spiders vs Conscripts of the Holy See]

The Spiders have little issues consuming the conscripts driven into their caves. While a few of the large beasts are felled through sheer numbers the end result is clear as the majority of the conscripts are dragged screaming into the caves or lie dead from venomous bites. The majority of conscripts flee once their Commissars are consumed.

Holy See - Disband Commissar [Strong], modify Conscripts to [Weak]

Spiders lose 1 [Spiders]

The Army of the Holy See has been defeated by a nest of spiders.

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bdd794 No.13986

File: 1447376065668.png (5.67 MB,4000x2000,2:1,Orlais 3.png)


1-3. For once conscription doesn't seem to be entirely necessary. Many are itching at the chance to take it to the Spiders, and the fact that there is a daily stipend of vodka doesn't hurt either. Add 2 units [Strong Upkeep -.6 currency]

4-5. Some prospectors find a suitable place for an iron mine. They suspect that it will provide enough iron to power industry for quite some time. They get to work on it immediately and it is operational in no time. Resource: Iron [Excellent]

6. Of all the people who had tried to fish only one remains. He claims that most of his compatriots were fished by some manner of monstrous fish that tossed a jug of vodka onto land and when the fishermen grabbed it dragged them into the water. Terrifying.

7-8. Add Technology [Ranged Weapons I] Resource: Simple Bows

9. The logger decides to keep the bird. He brings it back to town with him and the bird sings a truly lovely tune. People come from other villages to hear it sing, but it sounds so sad and lonely kept in a cage. +1 culture

10. As the Miners gathered around the object they find that it seems to be the skeleton of a person, but it is coated in some odd black metal. There's no rust, but some of them ore experienced miners say there's no way it could've gotten down this deep in over a thousand years. Clutched in the hand of their individual is a tattered book. The tatters don't seem to be from age or even the wear of time, but from something different entirely. The large red gem in the center is shaped like an eye, and the Miners can't shake the feeling that it is looking at them. Add Resource: Spellbook

Revision: Add .2 population growth


1. The first post is built nearby Brigg-nought. While this isn't a town, it serves as a messenger post, watch tower, and resting point for travelers. It is from these that news comes, news goes, and your missionaries take the word of Tash to the world. Add Tech [Colonization I] Add Defense: Name [Weak, Cultural] Revision: You have been granted one additional roll. It must be used on a culture roll. of 75+ will colonize unowned hexes. Educated remains unchanged otherwise.

2. Trade is established this time around. +.5 currency

3. No gold has been found. Lots of sand though.

4. Making roads in an area notorious for haboobs is tough, but they manages to work out an interesting system that will function regardless. [Civil: Infrastructure I]

5. The first bout of cultural exchange goes poorly. Your men overstep their bounds, and what few women were brought along to ease things don't make matters any better with their submissive demeanor. It is far from unsalvagable, but this was not a successful day.

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bdd794 No.13987



This new wagon isn't just good, it is astounding. It nearly doubles the amount of goblins and goods that can be moved, and the strengthened wheels and axles prevents many goblins from breaking down trying to get over streams and rivers and thus not die of dysentery! Development made by these pioneers filter slowly back to the motherland and inspire some new ideas. Add 10 hexes, +1 pop/curr, Technology [Infrastructure I] 2/3

2. Intrepid goblins searching the countryside stumble across a strange black metal. They follow the node down and take some for sampling. It isn't hard to figure out what this is for. It is heavy but very -very- hard. Add Resource [Adamantium: some] They assume that a mine can be built here to gather a decent amount of the stuff.

3. If there's one thing the goblins are good at it's meetings. If there's one thing they're bad at it's productive meetings. They can't seem to come to a consensus on a good plan to increase industry. Some say that they should simply use political prisoners, others advocate for five-year plans, and others say that home industry is best. Nothing gets done.

4. The goblins make some progress on ranged weapons. They figure that combining slingshots with gobbotov cocktails is a pretty good way to ruin someone's day. Ranged Weapons I 1/3

5. Some goblins on the frontier encounter friendly centaurs. They seem interested in trade but most of all in feasts, hunts, and sharing stories with your settlers. The concept of the proletariat, gobbunism, money, and cities seems alien to them and they eagerly listen as if you were telling myths.


1. Some of the explorers have stumbled on a buried chest of gold coins. Lucky you! +3 currency for this turn

2. The lumber mill construction moves ahead quickly. [Lumber Mill] 2/3

3. Construction of the forge moves ahead. You suspect you'll be able to make substantially better tools with this and possibly even weapons and armor. [Forge] 2/3

4. Architectural advancements provide benefits to new buildings! [Construction: Architecture I]

5. The Farmer disappears, that night her home is burnt and the farm raided. Her neighbors find the foot prints of very large rodents leading into the forest but that doesn't make any sense! Rodents can't set fires or steal crops.


1. The Harpies are happy to join your nation. Add .4 pop/curr add Technology [Military: Aerial Warfare I] You may now recruit harpies.

2. The only thing Crazy Bob was right about was being crazy. This idea is stupid. No progress on the dock is made.

3. The researchers stall on figuring out the swords. They're just not getting it today.

4. Ballista research completes. Add Technology [Military: Bombardment I]

5. The young man and woman return with a new friend. She called herself a Dryad and the half-woman half-deer is exceedingly friendly and popular with the other townsfolk, but she won't say where she's from or how she met this pair.

Revision: Add .2 to your population growth

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bdd794 No.13991

Dice rollRolled 92, 83, 2, 95, 59 = 331 (5d100)


>Name: Cyril Sovereignity

Color: Pale blue

Race Entirely human

Political Structure: oligarchy - theocracy

Economy: Command

Religion: Monotheistic prayer with a side of worrying over you ancestors(Think Catholicism or eastern orthodoxy)

Population: 9.8 (+.8/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: 17.2 (2.4/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 6

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Court of the Lord, Shipyard [Inactive],[Farm on Fertile Land]; [Temple(+3 Culture)]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Wandslingers [Very Strong], 2 Skiffs [Medium, Sea, Fast; Upkeep; Free]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Good), Iron (Poor),[Food surplus]: [8 Magic swords from cave]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II] [Flaming Sword]

[Military: Ship Building II(III 2/7); Bombardment I;Aerial Warfare I ]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 2 [Harpy Village]

Things around us: [Magical Glade], [Cave],


The Wands of Power - Your nation has two units equipped with strange wands no one can replicate. They explode when tinkered with. They're extraordinarily powerful though. These two units have incredible influence over the government. So long as a Wandslinger unit is left alive you cannot lose stability.

Patriotism - Your nation resists well. You gain additional units when defending.

Elected Officers - You gain a +10 on coordnation rolls.

Religious Fervor - You gain +1 on all combat rolls against a nation not following your religion but -1 against nations that are of your religion.

Seaworthy - You build one free additional naval vessel on rolls of 80+ for building ships.

1. Continue to study those magic swords.

2. Build a workshop to create Ballista to equip our ships with.

+4 industry

3.Keep trying to get that shipyard started.

+4 industry

4. Research the concept of research. We need to be better and faster about. We shall apply logic to both science and building!

5.Captain BIlligans sets forth on a grand adventure!

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bdd794 No.14008

Dice rollRolled 98 (1d100)


1d100 for Deserters

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bdd794 No.14010

Dice rollRolled 70, 4, 97, 42, 41 = 254 (5d100)


Nation Stats:


Population: 10.5 (+.6/turn)

Food: [Excellent]

Raw Currency: 14.6 (2/turn)

Legitimacy: [Very Stable]

Culture: 5

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Cathedral of The Many Faced Pantheon

Absolut Distillery

Defenses: None

Military Units:

Conscript [weak]

1 Commissar [Strong +]

+Counter-Agent [Weak, Counter-espionage Upkeep -.2 currency]

+ 2 Infantrymen [Strong Upkeep -.6 currency]


Timber (Very Good)

+Vodka [Excellent]

+Food Surplus

+Copper [Good]

+Lightning in a Vodka Bottle [3]

+Iron [Excellent]

+Simple Bows

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 3


Neopotism - Your army is rife with neopotism. This provides a +1 benefit to combat rolls when stability is [Stable] but provides a -1 penalty when stability is [Poor] or lower.

VODKA - Your people have major issues with alcoholism. This makes stability harder to decrease, but also harder to raise.

All The Resources - You find more resources than usual.

Le Merchant Hands - You love them, but you also hate them. You gain no wealth from trade routes.

Draftees - Draftees suck. Roll 1d100 after lost battles to see if you lose additional troops to desertion. You gain increased benefits from mobilization.

1. Send more men at the spiders, send the infantry men!

2. The Commissars want YOU! to join the Imperial Army!

3. Let's do more trading with the Bears, also find out what they call themselves, don't want to be completely rude.

Research Event

4. This tome, how strange, let us have one of the priests investigate it

Random Event:

5. Whispers course through the Chapel, it is hard to make out exactly what they're saying.

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bdd794 No.14012

Dice rollRolled 10, 9, 10, 5 = 34 (4d10)


Combat Rolls:

1. Conscripts [weak]

2.3. Infantrymen [Strong]

4. Commissar [Strong +]

Neopotism - +1 to all combat rolls because Stability is [Very Stable]


Second verse same as the first, the conscripts will rush in and attempt to flush out the spiders, into the waiting infantrymen and commissar, if they end up dying before we can get them out then wait a while and see if they'll come out on their own.

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bdd794 No.14014

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d10)


The Spider tries to resist! Skitter!

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bdd794 No.14016

File: 1447382780787.jpeg (733.9 KB,587x426,587:426,new.jpeg)

Name: the Vanu Matriarchy

Race: Drow (raptor-riding jungle kind, not underdarkies)

Color: Light purple with deep purple trim


The Vanu are a proud and noble nation. A coalition of houses banded together to raise up new glories to Vanu through mastery of all those who would oppose her. Originally formed by the clergy to fight off apostates and barbarians, the coalition formed into a more permanent alliance as the houses saw the power they could attain through unity–allowing each house to further specialize.

In-fighting is kept to religiously sanctioned duels and debates, with temporary exile more common than political murder. Maneuvering is an important aspect of Vanu culture, but destruction of useful life for personal gain is deemed negligent at best and narcissism, or even treason, at worst. Temporary exile usually sees itself played out as captaincy on extended voyages, as maritime power and authority are key to the Vanu Matriarchy.

Government Type: Caste System based on bureaucratic exams and physical trails–the best AND brightest men become generals who hold theoretical power, and best and brightest females become their Mistresses who hold de facto power due to gender norms + tradition.

Noble Houses are only quasi-bloodline based–the Matriarch is the most adept member of the family, and dumb\weak members are disowned whereas talented children of peasants are adopted into the families with great regularity.

Economy Type: Command Slave-Based Economy, Great Houses allocate their slaves however they so please–art, trade, industry, etc.

Religion: Mother Scorpion Goddess, Vanu Herself

Location: See appended image. If unacceptable, somewhere else along the coast of that bay.

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bdd794 No.14017


It's worth noting the all-female clergy has a monopoly on the only legal forms of magick (assuming I have access to magick atm).

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bdd794 No.14020


Population: 8 (+.3)

Food: Average

Raw Currency: 10 (+.5)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: 1 Fluff


Military Units: 2 Fluff [Strong; Deadly]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Low] Timber [Average] Exotic Wood [Average]

Magic/Spells: (type: generated by GM) (spells: abstracted; generated by GM)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Military: Raptor Taming I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (generated by GM)


Arrogant - The Drow are arrogrant and believe themselves to be the master race. You have difficulty in dealing with NPCs

Slave Trade - You can sacrifice population to construct buildings at a rate of +5 per sacrifice

Sealovers - You gain an additional +1 on sea combat rolls

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bdd794 No.14034

Dice rollRolled 43, 72, 6, 86, 33 = 240 (5d100)

1. Produce raptor stables for breeding superior war mounts and training their riders.

2. Expand towards the mainland to the North West.

3. Produce fisheries and many fishing boats, gather the bountiful harvest of our shores.

4. Research Shipbuilding.

5. The Vanu Matriarchy is holding a "Month of Fertility"

Name: the Vanu Matriarchy

Race: Drow (raptor-riding jungle kind, not underdarkies)

Color: Light purple with deep purple trim


The Vanu are a proud and noble nation. A coalition of houses banded together to raise up new glories to Vanu through mastery of all those who would oppose her. Originally formed by the clergy to fight off apostates and barbarians, the coalition formed into a more permanent alliance as the houses saw the power they could attain through unity–allowing each house to further specialize.

In-fighting is kept to religiously sanctioned duels and debates, with temporary exile more common than political murder. Maneuvering is an important aspect of Vanu culture, but destruction of useful life for personal gain is deemed negligent at best and narcissism, or even treason, at worst. Temporary exile usually sees itself played out as captaincy on extended voyages, as maritime power and authority are key to the Vanu Matriarchy.

Government Type: Caste System based on bureaucratic exams and physical trails–the best AND brightest men become generals who hold theoretical power, and best and brightest females become their Mistresses who hold de facto power due to gender norms + tradition.

Noble Houses are only quasi-bloodline based–the Matriarch is the most adept member of the family, and dumb\weak members are disowned whereas talented children of peasants are adopted into the families with great regularity.

Economy Type: Command Slave-Based Economy, Great Houses allocate their slaves however they so please–art, trade, industry, etc.

Religion: Mother Scorpion Goddess, Vanu Herself

Location: See appended image. If unacceptable, somewhere else along the coast of that bay.

Population: 8 (+.3)

Food: Average

Raw Currency: 10 (+.5)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: 1 Fluff


Military Units: 2 Fluff [Strong; Deadly]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Low] Timber [Average] Exotic Wood [Average]

Magic/Spells: (type: generated by GM) (spells: abstracted; generated by GM)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Military: Raptor Taming I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (generated by GM)


Arrogant - The Drow are arrogrant and believe themselves to be the master race. You have difficulty in dealing with NPCs

Slave Trade - You can sacrifice population to construct buildings at a rate of +5 per sacrifice

Sealovers - You gain an additional +1 on sea combat rolls

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bdd794 No.14037

File: 1447387434837.jpg (65.2 KB,1024x600,128:75,1446169847154.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 41, 79, 33, 25, 44 = 222 (5d100)


[The Prole-Goblin Syndicates - Red]

Population: 18.5 (+3.2/turn)

Food: [Good]

Raw Currency: 7.5 (2.1/turn)

Legitimacy: [Da Comrade, is stable +5]

Culture: 17

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Supreme Syndicate Council Building, Gulag [Active; Defense Tech]; Collective Farm; School of Insurrectionary Dancing

Defenses: None

Military Units:

1 Prole-Goblin Crack Brigade [Very Strong, Brave, Ideological][-.4cur]

4 Crack Prol-Goblin Squads [Weak, Brave]

1 Prole-Goblin Infantry Platoon [Medium Upkeep -.1cur]

1 Prol-Goblin Anarchist Squad [Weak]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Low), Timber (Low); Pitch [Low]; Adamantium [Some]

[Mipa The Black-Hearted, Strong, Espionage Upkeep -.2 curr]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)




Tools: [Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron]

Construction: [Wood, Stone]

Food: [Agriculture I] [Domestication I]

Espionage: [Revolution II]

Military: [Incendiaries I][Guerilla Tactics I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 28 hex


The Red Plague - Your nation gains a bonus on espionage rolls to reduce stability.

Better Red Than Dead - On rolls of 80 or better for military recruitment you gain two units instead of one. The second unit is free.

Da Comrade, Is Fine - Your nation has issues with accurate reporting. Probably because no one wants to be gulag'd. On rolls of 24 or lower you have a chance to lose stats instead of gain them. On the positive side you're immune to stability effects above [Active Rebellion] which only occurs once your Stability hits the -2 point.

In Progress: [Infrastructure I] 2/3

Actions [expansion, mine, forges]


1. More wagons begin to roll out to the frontier. The supreme syndicate council is so overjoyed that they have allocated pretty much every penny of the latest economic ledger to the effort. [Expansion]

2. While the new metal is interesting, many of the comrades note – quite correctly – that it must be mined! As such they begin to build a mine and set up a cooperative to handle general administration. [mine adamantium]

3. The remainder of the comrades note that once the metal is mined, it will need to be forged. The metal is also reputed to be extremely dense, and so this will require a forge! [build a forge]

4. Research [Ranged Weapons I 1/3]

After several very interesting meetings about weapon designs, several of the comrades decide upon a very elegant slingshot and bow combination. It is generally agreed that a combined approach is best to deal with the enemies of the workers (because they are clever capitalists they adapt). [Ranged Weapons I 1/3]

Random Event

As it turns out, the prole-goblins occasionally drink. During this night at the workerbar….

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bdd794 No.14304


More expansion occurs! +.2 pop/curr

Adamantium Mining begins! 2/3

The forging process will be difficult and you have many steps to go to get there. [Military: Adamantium Forging I] 1/6

Research into the ranged weapons stalls when a debate breaks out over the merits of power against accuracy.

The proles gather together and begin to puzzle out new methods of motivating other workers to do work. [Construction: Labor Unions I] 1/5


Raptor Stables are being constructed and raptors rounded up from the nearby jungles. Building [Raptor Stables] 1/4

Expansion occurs. Add 5 territory +.5 pop/curr

Too many materials are swindled out of the project due to the leading houses on the project squabbling.

However one House has its shit together and makes good progress on a new type of ship. [Military: Ship Building I] 1/3


Your soldiers defeat the remaining spiders with few casualties. Roll 1d3

1. The caves are cleared of skitterskrees. Your deserters do come back though. They come back with a grou pof bandits, brigands, and other outcast folk. They play a pivotal role in the battle. What you do with them is up to you.

2. But evidently no more men want to be sent to far away places to die. A riot breaks out at a draft station and it is burned to the ground. The fire spreads for a bit before it is contained. Lose 2 currency, -15 to the next recruitment action.

3. The Bears notice your people off in the distance. After a lot of tense pantomining and attempted negotiation eventually both sides come to an accord. They call themselves Santiagans from a land far away across the sea in a place they call Sunset. They have some neat items to trade but you get a sinking suspcion that these bears aren't just here to trade. Still, they carry word back to their ship and nominal trade occurs. As a token of good will they give you a gift of some odd sticks. Add trade route [Santiagan Bears] +1 currency. Add Resource [Firesticks: 1]

4. The priest examines the book and while the script is truly anicent and difficult to understand some light experimentation reveals the magic held within. The priest reads a page and learns Chaos Magic I Add Spell: Corruption III

5. The whispers tell the Priest to continue reading no further. By now though it is too late. The book is open, the tendrils of power reaching into the mind of this man. He turns from the Book and casts his new found powers on the Altar itself. Within moments the voice disappears, replaced by the succulently sweet voice of another. It tells the Priest to go forth and do the same to other holy places. Add Unit: Prophet of Achreia [Epic, Spellcaster Upkeep: free]


Two more of the swords are researched. One of them grants power over Air. The man wielding it find himself able to float lightly on air current and call down bolts of lightning. The other sword controls water, moving it, shaping it, turning it to ice or steam at will. Add Magic Elemental [Air I] [Water I] [Fire I] Add spell [Lightning Bolt I] [Shape Water I]

A workshop is built for arming your ships. Add building [Ballista Workshop]

Unfortunately construction on the shipyard goes disasterously. Several issues compound on each other, eventually collapsing the entire dock and filling the harbor with clutter that makes it impossible to make ships until it is cleared out.

Methods of thinking are developed by robes ponces sitting about eating grapes and being poncey. Add technology [Research: Scientific Method I]

Captain Billigan goes where no one has gone before because mermaids have eaten everyone. He strikes south and runs into the Holy See of Novagon. He also discovers a town of humans on the coast.

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bdd794 No.14310

Dice rollRolled 63, 10, 56, 42, 18 = 189 (5d100)


>Name: Cyril Sovereignity

Color: Pale blue

Race Entirely human

Political Structure: oligarchy - theocracy

Economy: Command

Religion: Monotheistic prayer with a side of worrying over you ancestors(Think Catholicism or eastern orthodoxy)

Population: 10.6 (+.8/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: 19.6 (2.4/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 6

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Court of the Lord, Shipyard [Inactive],[Farm on Fertile Land]; [Temple(+3 Culture)][Ballista Workshop]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Wandslingers [Very Strong], 2 Skiffs [Medium, Sea, Fast; Upkeep; Free]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Good), Iron (Poor),[Food surplus]: [6 Magic swords from cave]

Magic/Spells: (Elemental [Air I] [Water I] [Fire I]) (spells:)[Lightning Bolt I] [Shape Water I]

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II] [Flaming Sword][Air sword][Water sword]

[Scientific Method I]

[Military: Ship Building II(III 2/7); Bombardment I;Aerial Warfare I ]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 2 [Harpy Village]

Things around us: [Magical Glade], [Cave],


The Wands of Power - Your nation has two units equipped with strange wands no one can replicate. They explode when tinkered with. They're extraordinarily powerful though. These two units have incredible influence over the government. So long as a Wandslinger unit is left alive you cannot lose stability.

Patriotism - Your nation resists well. You gain additional units when defending.

Elected Officers - You gain a +10 on coordnation rolls.

Religious Fervor - You gain +1 on all combat rolls against a nation not following your religion but -1 against nations that are of your religion.

Seaworthy - You build one free additional naval vessel on rolls of 80+ for building ships.

1. Clear the harbor of this wretched mess.

2.Build a new ship with a ballistae on it for large creature interdiction.

3. Continue to identify those swords.

4. Research the Swords we've identified.

5. There is a festival now that magic has been rediscovered by our people.

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bdd794 No.14311

File: 1447561210867.jpg (490.24 KB,1024x724,256:181,120621ridinglizard.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 53, 56, 32, 42, 88 = 271 (5d100)

1. Continue work on the [Raptor Stables] 1/4

2. Sacrifice 1 population in the production of a Temple to Vanu from whence his glory may be preached.

3. Expand.

4. Continue research on [Military: Ship Building I] 1/3

5. A lot of construction's going on these days…

Name: the Vanu Matriarchy

Race: Drow (raptor-riding jungle kind, not underdarkies)

Color: Light purple with deep purple trim


The Vanu are a proud and noble nation. A coalition of houses banded together to raise up new glories to Vanu through mastery of all those who would oppose her. Originally formed by the clergy to fight off apostates and barbarians, the coalition formed into a more permanent alliance as the houses saw the power they could attain through unity–allowing each house to further specialize.

In-fighting is kept to religiously sanctioned duels and debates, with temporary exile more common than political murder. Maneuvering is an important aspect of Vanu culture, but destruction of useful life for personal gain is deemed negligent at best and narcissism, or even treason, at worst. Temporary exile usually sees itself played out as captaincy on extended voyages, as maritime power and authority are key to the Vanu Matriarchy.

Government Type: Caste System based on bureaucratic exams and physical trails–the best AND brightest men become generals who hold theoretical power, and best and brightest females become their Mistresses who hold de facto power due to gender norms + tradition.

Noble Houses are only quasi-bloodline based–the Matriarch is the most adept member of the family, and dumb\weak members are disowned whereas talented children of peasants are adopted into the families with great regularity.

Economy Type: Command Slave-Based Economy, Great Houses allocate their slaves however they so please–art, trade, industry, etc.

Religion: Mother Scorpion Goddess, Vanu Herself

Location: See appended image. If unacceptable, somewhere else along the coast of that bay.

Population: 7.3 (+.3)

Food: Average

Raw Currency: 10.5 (+.5)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: 1 Fluff


Military Units: 2 Fluff [Strong; Deadly]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Low] Timber [Average] Exotic Wood [Average]

Magic/Spells: (type: generated by GM) (spells: abstracted; generated by GM)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Military: Raptor Taming I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (generated by GM) + 4


Arrogant - The Drow are arrogrant and believe themselves to be the master race. You have difficulty in dealing with NPCs

Slave Trade - You can sacrifice population to construct buildings at a rate of +5 per sacrifice

Sealovers - You gain an additional +1 on sea combat rolls

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bdd794 No.14312



Military Units:

2 Drow Jungle Warriors [Strong; Deadly]

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bdd794 No.14314

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d3)


rolling 1d3

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bdd794 No.14315


revise territory to


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bdd794 No.14321

Dice rollRolled 60, 65, 88, 85, 77 = 375 (5d100)


Nation Stats:


Population: 11.1 (+.6/turn)

Food: [Excellent]

Raw Currency: 14.8 (2/turn)

Legitimacy: [Very Stable]

Culture: 5

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Cathedral of The Many Faced Pantheon

Absolut Distillery

Defenses: None

Military Units:

Conscript [weak]

1 Commissar [Strong +]

+Counter-Agent [Weak, Counter-espionage Upkeep -.2 currency]

+ 2 Infantrymen [Strong Upkeep -.6 currency]

+ Prophet of Achreia [Epic, Spellcaster Upkeep: free]


Timber (Very Good)

+Vodka [Excellent]

+Food Surplus

+Copper [Good]

+Lightning in a Vodka Bottle [3]

+Iron [Excellent]

+[Simple Bows]

+[Firesticks: 1]

Magic/Spells: (Chaos Magic I) (spells:Corruption III)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

Trade Routes: [Santiagan Bears]

Territory: 3


Neopotism - Your army is rife with neopotism. This provides a +1 benefit to combat rolls when stability is [Stable] but provides a -1 penalty when stability is [Poor] or lower.

VODKA - Your people have major issues with alcoholism. This makes stability harder to decrease, but also harder to raise.

All The Resources - You find more resources than usual.

Le Merchant Hands - You love them, but you also hate them. You gain no wealth from trade routes.

Draftees - Draftees suck. Roll 1d100 after lost battles to see if you lose additional troops to desertion. You gain increased benefits from mobilization.

1. Of course they are welcome in the army, all shall be pardoned in the service of the gods

[Accept the bandits, brigands, and other outcast folk]

2. Corrupt the other Holy places in the Chapel of the Many faced Pantheon

3. Send the Prophet of Achreia to the Town we traded to original and begin preaching the virtues of the gods to them, use the corruption spell on anyone that is hostile and on the town officials.


4. Research more on this book and on the chaos within

Random Event

5. A loud commotion on the edge of the marketplace bringing guards to see what is wrong.

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bdd794 No.14322

File: 1447564280453-0.jpg (46.34 KB,468x306,26:17,image.jpg)

File: 1447564280453-1.jpg (84.57 KB,620x387,620:387,image.jpg)

Name: The expanding Horde

Race: mostly human with a mix of natives

Color: Orange with black trim

Fluff: After centuries of warring tribes fighting for control, a victor finally emerges in the form of the of a group who calls themselves "the horde" lead by their commander Big Beard. They grasped control over the region by occupying, relocating and eventually drafting natives into there ever expanding kingdom. The people of The Horde having lost their old culture now cling to the the ideology of expansion, new pastures, new people, and new civilizations and ultimately the pursuit of "newness" brings them peace. Big Beard has made it his duty to provide this feeling of peace to his people by growing there Territory.

Government Type: Loose monarchy centered around a war-chief

Economy Type: Barter system focused around spices

Religion: Mixed; conquered lands are encouraged to keep there current faiths as a result no single faith has emerged.

Location: top left, away from other civ's leaving me plenty of room to expand.

To be filled in by GM:

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bdd794 No.14341

File: 1447568290957.jpg (65.2 KB,1024x600,128:75,1446169847154.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 4, 49, 39, 58, 65 = 215 (5d100)


[The Prole-Goblin Syndicates - Red]

Population: 21.7 (+3.4/turn)

Food: [Good]

Raw Currency: 9.6 (2.3/turn)

Legitimacy: [Da Comrade, is stable +5]

Culture: 17

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Supreme Syndicate Council Building, Gulag [Active; Defense Tech]; Collective Farm; School of Insurrectionary Dancing

Defenses: None

Military Units:

1 Prole-Goblin Crack Brigade [Very Strong, Brave, Ideological][-.4cur]

4 Crack Prol-Goblin Squads [Weak, Brave]

1 Prole-Goblin Infantry Platoon [Medium Upkeep -.1cur]

1 Prol-Goblin Anarchist Squad [Weak]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Low), Timber (Low); Pitch [Low]; Adamantium [Some]

[Mipa The Black-Hearted, Strong, Espionage Upkeep -.2 curr]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)




Tools: [Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron]

Construction: [Wood, Stone]

Food: [Agriculture I] [Domestication I]

Espionage: [Revolution II]

Military: [Incendiaries I][Guerilla Tactics I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 30 hex


The Red Plague - Your nation gains a bonus on espionage rolls to reduce stability.

Better Red Than Dead - On rolls of 80 or better for military recruitment you gain two units instead of one. The second unit is free.

Da Comrade, Is Fine - Your nation has issues with accurate reporting. Probably because no one wants to be gulag'd. On rolls of 24 or lower you have a chance to lose stats instead of gain them. On the positive side you're immune to stability effects above [Active Rebellion] which only occurs once your Stability hits the -2 point.

In Progress:

[Infrastructure I] 2/3

[Labor Unions I] 1/5

Actions [expansion, mine adamantium 2/3;

Adamantium Forging I; 1/6]


1. Still more wagons are seen rolling out west. Good luck comrades, be sure to find lots of metals for the workers! [expand]

2. The proles continue their work on the mine. It is a lot of work but surely worth the effort! [mine adamantium 2/3]

3. Another group of comrades continue on the forge. It will be a good forge worthy of the revolution. [Military: Adamantium Forging I] 1/6

4. Research [Ranged Weapons I 1/3]

The debates on weapons are well taken. Eventually some agreement of some baseline requirements are established and the facilitator manages to keep the conversation going – progress soon starts again! [Ranged Weapons I 1/3]

Random Event

It is yet another night at the bar when a discussion about worker organization breaks out. While this might be strange, after a few drinks pretty much anything can happen, like …

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bdd794 No.14377

Dice rollRolled 80, 87, 13, 89, 93 = 362 (5d100)


Name: The Golden Caliphate


Population: 16.6 (+1.3/turn)

Food: (Good)

Raw Currency: 18.1(3.5/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 5

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: The Golden Palace, Horse Breeder [Active, Plentiful], [Caravanserai], [College of the Sciences +3 culture], [Cacti Farms], [Temple of Tash]

Defenses: [Weak, Cultural]

Military Units: 2 Mamluk's [Strong, Fast], 1 Temple Defenders [Very Strong, Resilient, Immobile]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Average), Horses (Plentiful), Religious Texts


[Tash's Peak] [Town]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Military: Cavalry Tactics I], [Cultural: Missionary Work I], [Currency: Banking I] +1 currency, [Colonization I] , [Civil: Infrastructure I]

Trade Routes:

Brigg-nought +.6 currency

Territory: 1


Military Focus - Your research and development of military matters receives +5 to the roll. Your focus on veterancy also yields increased bonuses after combat.

Educated - You receive a bonus to rolls for culture, and may use an action to steal hexes from other players with lower culture stats.

Desert dwellers - It is difficult to increase your food stat, and a food stat of [Poor] or lower will result in stability penalties.

Scientific Focus - Your people excel in engineering. Your fortifications are stronger than normal.

Additional Culture Roll - 75+ will colonize unowned hexes

1. Continue to search for Gold!

2. Start stockpiling some [Trade Commodities], items of value from tools, pottery, equipment, and the likes from our Caravanersari. We will be able to start exchanging and trading these things at our own prices, increasing the potency of our own caravans.

3. On our recently gained river territory, start up farms for silk worms and cotton for linens and other fine fabrics,

[Research] Despite recent hiccups and issues, our Missionaries believe we are making good progress not only in learning about the Amazons, but how to approach other cultures in general.

They believe we can develop a series of codified methods and strategies for greeting, learning, and understanding the etiquette and mannerism of any culture from the most barbaric of savages to other civilized nations. Improving our ability to make diplomatic manuevers.

[Random Event]

While the cultural exchange of Caliphate citizens in the Amazonian territory goes on, with some difficult but not impossible issues, the Amazonian women and men now find themselves in the vast and sprawling urban landscape of the Caliphate, where they can learn about us, just as we are learning about them.

[Culture Roll] The territory around our river outpost near Brigg-nought is sought after, not through force but through convincing the locals about our ways and faith.

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bdd794 No.14378

Dice rollRolled 30 (1d100)


Actually I just realized that is 6 rolls.

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bdd794 No.14999


1.The harbor is cleaned up, but there's been no progress on actual construction yet.

2. There was a serious mix up in the orders and the ballistae are too big to fit on the ships you have.

3-4. You identify the third sword. This one controls earth. Add Spells [Earth I] [Shape Rock I]

5. The festivals has poor attendance. Most people are simply interested in doing other things and it largely passes by uneventfully.


1. Work moves ahead at a good clip on the stables. 3/4

2. Temple construction begins and makes good progress. Some say that it is built on the bones of its worker. No one cares. Temple 2/4

3. Some expansion occurs. +.1 po/cur

4. Progress on ship building is made. 2/3

5. All that ongoing construction has led to some advancements in design. Add Technology Construction: Architecture I


>You've discovered 3 currency worth of treasure in the spider cave

Add Units 2 Fluff [x1, Infiltrator; Upkeep -.2 currency]

2. The Prophet finds little resistance in corrupting the Chapel, but there are many levels and this is a big building. 1/2

3. The town has little defenses against corruption of this kind and the town swiftly falls under the prophet's influence. Add Town +.2 pop/cur

4. The Prophet has gained strength and power from the corruption of the Chapel and of the town. His influence has begun to warp people's bodies, turning them into living weapons in the cases of some. With some practice he has learned how to control its effects. Add Spell [Chaos Mutation I]

5. The Prophet has used such a gathering to corrupt a large number of people. Many fall under his sway. Add Units 3 Chaos Fanatics [x1, Fearless, Corrupting; upkeep 0]


Your population has seriously burgeoned. Revise Food to [II] Pop/turn 2.4

1. This expansion effort does not go well. Many goblins are drowned when the river suddenly floods and the remainder are dead by week's end of disease. -1 pop

2. The Adamantium mine is complete! Add Resource Adamantium: Good

3. Progress on the forge is slow. Adamantium is tough to work with. 2/6

4. Research into ranged weapons goes progress ahead now that the debates have been settled. 2/3

5. You hear rumors about some strange ideological plague spreading in the west. It comes from a reputable goblin not known for lies or outlandish tales. What he says scares some of the goblins, and word makes it way to the top who strengthen their own rhetoric to counter. Revolution II 1/5


1. Some prospectors strike gold and a rush for it begins! The government is left with two options. [Take the Gold for the treasury] or [Let it flow into the private markets].

2. You've stockpiled trade goods. Add resource: [Trade Goods VIII]

3. Water is a rare commodity in the desert and your farmers are not used to having such supplies. The first crop is drowned due to poor management.

4. Through intense effort and scholarly discussion your people have learned many secrets of diplomatic resolution. Add Technology Civil: [Diplomacy I]

5. With aid from your experience with diplomacy and the number of things you have to offer you manage to win over many of the Amazons who have come to visit. Their men ache longingly for the freedom your men do, led as they are about the neck with leather thongs. Your women on the otherh and look up to the Amazons. They have begun to whisper of earning a more equal place in society but the Amazons return home with a good opinion of your wares and civil structure.

6. The locals are not interested it seems.

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bdd794 No.15000


You are now pink.

Population: 7 (+.2/turn)

Food: (Poor)

Raw Currency: 20 (3/turn)

Legitimacy: [Poor]

Culture: 1

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Fluff Building

Defenses: None

Military Units: 4 Fluff Units [x2]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [II]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Military: [Horseback Riding I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 5

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bdd794 No.15004

Dice rollRolled 73, 60, 60, 84, 7 = 284 (5d100)


>Name: Cyril Sovereignity

Color: Pale blue

Race Entirely human

Political Structure: oligarchy - theocracy

Economy: Command

Religion: Monotheistic prayer with a side of worrying over you ancestors(Think Catholicism or eastern orthodoxy)

Population: 11.4 (+.8/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: 22 (2.4/turn)

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: 6

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Court of the Lord, Shipyard [Inactive],[Farm on Fertile Land]; [Temple(+3 Culture)][Ballista Workshop]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Wandslingers [Very Strong], 2 Skiffs [Medium, Sea, Fast; Upkeep; Free]

Resources/Quantity: Timber (Good), Iron (Poor),[Food surplus]: [5 Magic swords from cave]

Magic/Spells: (Elemental [Air I] [Water I] [Fire I] [Earth I]) (spells:)[Lightning Bolt I] [Shape Water I] [Shape Rock I]

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II] [Flaming Sword][Air sword][Water sword][Earth Sword]

[Scientific Method I]

[Military: Ship Building II(III 2/7); Bombardment I;Aerial Warfare I ]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 2 [Harpy Village]

Things around us: [Magical Glade], [Cave],


The Wands of Power - Your nation has two units equipped with strange wands no one can replicate. They explode when tinkered with. They're extraordinarily powerful though. These two units have incredible influence over the government. So long as a Wandslinger unit is left alive you cannot lose stability.

Patriotism - Your nation resists well. You gain additional units when defending.

Elected Officers - You gain a +10 on coordnation rolls.

Religious Fervor - You gain +1 on all combat rolls against a nation not following your religion but -1 against nations that are of your religion.

Seaworthy - You build one free additional naval vessel on rolls of 80+ for building ships.

1. Alright NOW build that shipyard

2.Get some proper ballistas for our ships. The mis-orders can be put towards town defense.

3.Continue study on the swords.

4. We had made some progress on building even betting ships, let's resume that research.

5. More storms on the horizon, crap.

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bdd794 No.15005

Dice rollRolled 7, 42, 4, 80, 50 = 183 (5d100)

1. Finish up those stables. 3/4

2. Continue work on the Temple. Temple 2/4

3. Expand further around the bay.

4. Continue researching ship building. 2/3

5. Fertility celebrations are ongoing to mark the coming consecration of the new Temple of Vanu.

Name: the Vanu Matriarchy

Race: Drow (raptor-riding jungle kind, not underdarkies)

Color: Light purple with deep purple trim


The Vanu are a proud and noble nation. A coalition of houses banded together to raise up new glories to Vanu through mastery of all those who would oppose her. Originally formed by the clergy to fight off apostates and barbarians, the coalition formed into a more permanent alliance as the houses saw the power they could attain through unity–allowing each house to further specialize.

In-fighting is kept to religiously sanctioned duels and debates, with temporary exile more common than political murder. Maneuvering is an important aspect of Vanu culture, but destruction of useful life for personal gain is deemed negligent at best and narcissism, or even treason, at worst. Temporary exile usually sees itself played out as captaincy on extended voyages, as maritime power and authority are key to the Vanu Matriarchy.

Government Type: Caste System based on bureaucratic exams and physical trails–the best AND brightest men become generals who hold theoretical power, and best and brightest females become their Mistresses who hold de facto power due to gender norms + tradition.

Noble Houses are only quasi-bloodline based–the Matriarch is the most adept member of the family, and dumb\weak members are disowned whereas talented children of peasants are adopted into the families with great regularity.

Economy Type: Command Slave-Based Economy, Great Houses allocate their slaves however they so please–art, trade, industry, etc.

Religion: Mother Scorpion Goddess, Vanu Herself

Location: See appended image. If unacceptable, somewhere else along the coast of that bay.

Population: 7.7 (+.4)

Food: Average

Raw Currency: 11.1 (+.6)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: 1 Fluff


Military Units: 2 Fluff [Strong; Deadly]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Low] Timber [Average] Exotic Wood [Average]

Magic/Spells: (type: generated by GM) (spells: abstracted; generated by GM)

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] [Military: Raptor Taming I] [Architecture I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 1(?)+ 4


Arrogant - The Drow are arrogrant and believe themselves to be the master race. You have difficulty in dealing with NPCs

Slave Trade - You can sacrifice population to construct buildings at a rate of +5 per sacrifice

Sealovers - You gain an additional +1 on sea combat rolls

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bdd794 No.15007



Forgot your bonuses, derp

1. The Horde So long as stability is [Average] or lower you gain an additional unit on recruitment actions on a roll of 50 or better.

2. Conquerors - You have a difficult time assimilating conquered peoples due to your lifestyle. You take a -20 penalty to diplomatically recruiting towns or new territory

3. Blood for the Blood God - Your people revel in combat, plunder, and destruction. You gain +1 combat rolls in wars of aggression.

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bdd794 No.15019

Dice rollRolled 85, 22, 34, 27, 85 = 253 (5d100)


Daz'Kodan - Purple

Population: 9.9 (+.7/turn)

Food: Very Good

Raw Currency: 10.6 (0.2/turn)

Legitimacy: Extremely Stable

Culture: 1

Industry: 1

Unique Buildings: The Grand Hall of Law, Farms [Active - Plentiful]

Defenses: None

Military Units: 2 Kodan Triremes [Strong, Sea]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Average), Timber (Low), Mithril [Very Good;Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: () (spells: Bless [Simple])

Technology: Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone, Architecture I] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I, Shipbuilding I] [Civil: Germ Theory]

Trade Routes: 1 [Synderil]

Territory: 1


Pick up That Can - Repression is the name of the game. So long as you maintain an active military presence in your territory stability is significantly harder to decrease, but you take additional damage from espionage by "free people". Fuckers.

Sea Dwarves - Your gain +2 on all naval combat rolls, but your land legs suck and you recieve -1 combat rolls on land.

Equality in Misery - Your nation doesn't have problems with accepting other races into the political body - provided they don't love freedom. You also gain a +10 bonus to all rolls to subjugate another nation or NPC town.

Rodents of Unusual Size - Low random event rolls may end up with you having to deal with some rather large and advanced rats. Some think they're people. Everyone thinks those people are crazy. They tend to disappear at night.

1&2. Lumber mill 2/3

3. Forge 2/3

Research: The ability to create mythril tools

Random: A boy, now a man, goes to avenge his father's death at the hands of the evil mermaids.

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bdd794 No.15063

File: 1447826619580-0.jpg (187.17 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image.jpg)

File: 1447826619690-1.jpg (68.08 KB,550x367,550:367,image.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 89, 38, 41, 31, 5, 9, 50, 14, 49, 27 = 353 (10d100)

1-2. Make a mine for my iron [2]. My people will need tools in the future and we need to set the foundations now

3-4.Erect a mighty capital and a national flag, it will be a central meeting place for all my people. [build what will be capital]

5-6. I have horse back riders but no stables ! Who taught you these things. How did these men learn! No really that's impresive [make stables at capital]

7-8. There are lands out there men. Lands of milk and honey. Of women and kittens. I hear kittens have the power to turn even the most burial man into a child! What kind of magic is that!

[reseach Pironeering]

+10 currency for the kittens !

9-10. Host a harvest festival! The horde is hungry!

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bdd794 No.15074

Dice rollRolled 60, 53, 88, 46, 36 = 283 (5d100)


[The Prole-Goblin Syndicates - Red]

Population: 24.1 (+2.4/turn)[3.4]

Food: [II]

Raw Currency: 9.6 (2.3/turn)

Legitimacy: [Da Comrade, is stable +5]

Culture: 17

Industry: 4

Unique Buildings: Supreme Syndicate Council Building, Gulag [Active; Defense Tech]; Collective Farm; School of Insurrectionary Dancing

Defenses: None

Military Units:

1 Prole-Goblin Crack Brigade [Very Strong, Brave, Ideological][-.4cur]

4 Crack Prol-Goblin Squads [Weak, Brave]

1 Prole-Goblin Infantry Platoon [Medium Upkeep -.1cur]

1 Prol-Goblin Anarchist Squad [Weak]

Resources/Quantity: Iron (Low), Timber (Low); Pitch [Low]; Adamantium [Good]

[Mipa The Black-Hearted, Strong, Espionage Upkeep -.2 curr]

Magic/Spells: () (spells:)




Tools: [Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron]

Construction: [Wood, Stone]

Food: [Agriculture I] [Domestication I]

Espionage: [Revolution II]

Military: [Incendiaries I][Guerilla Tactics I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 30 hex


The Red Plague - Your nation gains a bonus on espionage rolls to reduce stability.

Better Red Than Dead - On rolls of 80 or better for military recruitment you gain two units instead of one. The second unit is free.

Da Comrade, Is Fine - Your nation has issues with accurate reporting. Probably because no one wants to be gulag'd. On rolls of 24 or lower you have a chance to lose stats instead of gain them. On the positive side you're immune to stability effects above [Active Rebellion] which only occurs once your Stability hits the -2 point.

In Progress:

[Infrastructure I] 2/3

[Labor Unions I] 1/5

Revolution II 1/5

Actions [Expand food supply, Forges 2/6, expansion]

Research [Ranged Weapons 2/3]


1. Noticing the change in the food stock, the syndicates begin to adjust their production tables. They must meet the food supply problem head on to fix the population's need for food! (Expand farms)

2. The forge progress moves onward. The stalwart forge comrades assure us that it will be done and our weapons will be of the best quality! (Forges: 2/6)

3. Expansion begins AGAIN! The heroic proletariat and their heroic wagons heroically heroic the unheroic ruined evil bad wasteland where snakes are everywhere! Good luck comrades and always pay the natives for a ferry! (expansion)

4. Research [Ranged Weapons I 2/3]

The debates continue. Perhaps some bows? More bows? Ah, slingshots. Yes comrades, the slingshot! And the sling! Ah, perfect. Izgud. (Ranged Weapons Research: 2/3)

Random Event

A large and intelligent spider confronts some of the comrades! It looks…dangerous..but…

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