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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1445741086970.png (5.69 MB,4000x2000,2:1,mapedits.png)

770475 No.11876 [View All]

Welcome to Vizera, land of the fallen. Why the fallen? Long ago it was said the races of the world created wonders a plenty, used great and powerful magic, and communicated with gods and elemental lords. Those days are lost, lost in the fall. Monsters roam the world in larger numbers, the secrets of magic and other knowledge have been lost to us. But that was long ago, when we were forced to stone tools once more. Now we have swords of iron and castles of stone. May fate smile on your people, my lord.

Fill this out where it says to:


Race: (Must be something fleshy and non-magical. No undead, constructs, spirits, elementals, or races with magic abilities or rely on magic to live.)

Color: See the map key for available colors. (IE: Red with white trim)

Fluff: One or two paragraphs please. You may be rewarded for genuine effort.

Government Type: Get political, please.

Economy Type: Get political. Command, cooperative, etc.

Religion: Atheism is *not strictly penalized*.

Location: Where you are on the map. The GM has the final say on location.

To be filled in by GM:

Population: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Food: (generated by GM)

Raw Currency: (generated by GM) (+-/turn)

Legitimacy: (generated by GM)

Culture: (generated by GM)

Faith: (given by GM)

Industry: (generated by GM)

Unique Buildings: (generated by GM)

Defenses: (generated by GM)

Military Units: (generated by GM)

Resources/Quantity: (generated by GM) (amount)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] (generated by GM)

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (generated by GM)

Bonuses/Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

Rules/ Notes:

- You will not start with magic, no matter what. Magic exists and evident in the world through monsters and magic items in ruins but the secret of how to do magic was lost in the fall, you will have to find it again.

- You have 3 actions, a research slot, and a random nation event slot. The 3 actions can be used for anything but research. You can research one thing at a time and rolled to progress. The random nation event slot is rolled every turn and something may happen to your nation, good or bad. Put fluff in to add direction to the result.

- It takes an action from a player to give a resource to another and it may take time to reach them depending on distance and travel technology. Giving technology is the same.

- Over-extension happens when you have more tiles than you do culture. People will be unhappy and might revolt.

- Building cities, towns, and villages can be beneficial. Especially since your capital can become overcrowded. Then you get angry and hungry peasants.

- Fluff up your actions and slots with how your people go about doing something and you may get different results. This is especially important for special resources and the rediscovery of magic.

- No nation is truly good or truly evil, and no one believes themselves to be evil, get cultural and have fun. Your not playing angels and demons here.

-I have the right to add more rules if I damn please.

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770475 No.11977


Taetus Military: 2 [Player fluffed] [Strong]

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770475 No.11979

Dice rollRolled 66, 22, 84, 99, 75 = 346 (5d100)

Population: 10 (+1/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5 (+0.5/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [The Hermeneutic Ring]

Defenses: Mericon Boil-Warrens [Strong]

Military Units: 2 Mericon Serf-Slave Formations [Swarm][Medium]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some), Copper (low), Wood (low)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Breed like roaches: Your people are resilient. There is a chance to adapt to anything that would cause your people to be wiped out.

War culture - Military buildings give culture

Infighting - Battle rolls of 1 will be counted as negatives and low rolls involving the military could cause units to fight between themselves. Good for gaining experience though.

NERDS - Why research when you can be fighting? Situational penalty to research.

Actions [farms, recruiting, expansion]

1. The Mericon elites notice that the food supply is not very good, and so they command several military sections to begin the search for food or seed. If the foraging effort fails, serf-slaves and serf-peons have begun working on typically Mericon-style farming structures of reasonable size. [build farms]

2. The local Mericon arch-purifier has begin drilling the first few Mericon recruits. These recruits, raw and fiery, are anxious for combat and war. They know the enemy is out there, and this quite enough to get them agitated. The purifier feels confident about this first group. [recruit units]

3. A few Mericon outriders have begun to expand the territory held by the boil. They execute a search pattern, clearing the area of anything of value or threat. [Expansion; unspecified direction]

Research [Polearms]

4. The Mericon immediately set to work making crude weapons out of anything they can find. Sticks are favored: they can be easily filed down into spears. The Mericon prefer them, as it allows even a mediocre force of such creatures to engage heavily armored opponents. It is commonly deployed and heavily favored for a reason. [research polearms/spears][NERDS]

Random Event [Opt-In]

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770475 No.11982

Dice rollRolled 29, 81, 98, 57, 63 = 328 (5d100)


>Name: Warrior Merchants of Caldoor

>Race: Elves

>Population: 5 (+0.25/turn)

>Food: Low

>Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

>Legitimacy: Stable

>Culture: 5

>Faith: Stable

>Industry: 2

>Unique Buildings: Central Hall

>Defenses: [Strong]

>Military Units: 2 War Galley's [Strong, Naval]

>Resources/Quantity: Wood (Good)

>Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

>Trade Routes: [none initially]



>Born at sea - Your people are good sailors. You have a bonus to maritime combat and navigation.

>Silver - You get a slight bonus from trade routes.

>Iron - You get a slight bonus from piracy and raiding coastal settlements.

[Dedicated Actions]

1. The Fleet is lacking [begin construction of a shipyard]

2. The Larder is pitiful [begin construction of a fishing fleet]

3.Construction requires materials [Pull men from the fleets to gather lumber]


4. Our men can make ships but the work is never done [Research Ship construction methods]

[Random Event]

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770475 No.11983

Dice rollRolled 32, 24, 64, 83, 94 = 297 (5d100)



1 Troll Sheep Herds. Trolls like cute sheep and fluffy sheep and juicy sheep, they are surprisingly natural shepherds when it comes to protecting their flock and calling them to graze. It should also provide us with some wool

2 Ogre Rice Paddy. The land in the east is good ground when the waters come in spring to plant rice and become the grain staple of the clans. Straw hats to keep both their heads out of the sun and wool loincloths against the occasional stiff breeze.

3 Dig for gold, a shiny and pliable metal that many are willing to trade for materials and even food or good to fill our coffers

4 Research. Defensive fortification, Moat and drawbridge. Surrounding the Giant's Castle or any fort with a lake and a drawbridge to confuse and stop invaders in their tracks. A favored delay tactic is to make use of the environment to stop a foe's advance and the spirits of nature will aid us in our honest request.

5 Random Event

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770475 No.11984

Dice rollRolled 29, 91, 79, 29 = 228 (4d100)

Race: Gnome

Color: Purple, grey, or brass are all fine, up to you so we don't have repeating colors

Fluff: Long ago, tribes led by mages and shamans cover this island, fighting for control of its forests and mountains. Finally, as the magic drained from the world, one gnome stood tall(4 feet, to be exact). Allied with a host of stone and metal spirits, Narakoma the First conquered the twin peaks of Mount Asun-Dali, and the tribes that lived there. With his new power, Narakoma began uniting the island tribes, through force and diplomacy. As this great feat wore on, however, his spirit allies dwindled away, along with the rest of magic. But the future Emperor would not be stopped by the loss of his allies. The tribes under him were strong, and commanded most of the vital resources. After twenty long years of war, Narakoma conquered the last stubborn tribe.

Many years have passed since then, so much that many believe Narakoma is just a myth. Our Emperor seeks to remind the people of why his family rules, though only time will tell the outcome of his plans.

Government Type: Meritocracy within the noble class, with the noble children tested in a number of subjects to find the best role for them. The Emperor is both a religious and political leader, seen as the messenger to and from the spirits.

Economy Type: Mixed Economic system

Religion: All things have a spirit, from the smallest pebble to the mightiest tree. These spirits must be respected and kept happy, so that they will multiply and allow us to use them. Ancestors' spirits are also still among us, helping guide our people through these tough times.

Location: northern island mass with 2 mountain symbols and 2 forest symbols

Population: 9 (+1/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Player Fluffed government building]

Defenses: [Player Fluffed] [Strong]

Military Units: 2 [Player fluffed] [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some), Wood (some)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Juicy Gnomes - Gnomes look weak and defenseless, you are more likely to be targeted by monsters and NPCs.

Meritocracy - Your assigned people will usually be good at their jobs. Hero units are better and you have a better chance to find hero units.

Spirits - Who knows, what is true or false.


1. The Emperor examines the troops assembled for the yearly review, and notices a major problem in the empire's military. The officers and nobles are clad in plate, but the common infantry has no true armor. Men are sent out into the hills in search of ore, to better arm and protect the military.

>look for iron/bronze

2. The nobles of the empire grumble about the idea that the peasant soldiers will soon be outfitted in metal armor, a status symbol within the noble class. The Emperor, in his everlasting genius, states that the nobles will be given new beasts to ride into battle

>look for war mounts, preferably flying

3. The peasants appear too thin to the Emperor, and, in his everlasting genius, he decrees that they should farm more land, so as to provide more food.

>try to produce more food


Once the ore is refined into metal, we will need a way to provide armor to the masses. Thus, the armorers are set to work crafting pieces of armor that are standardized and cheap to manufacture.

>research munitions plate/Lorica segmentata

>Random Event


Can't post images for some reason, gonna post links till i figure it out



>munitions plate


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770475 No.11985

Dice rollRolled 81, 54, 79, 25, 92 = 331 (5d100)


Name: The Drusine Vale

Race: Humans

Population: 7 (+1/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: The Choosing Hall

Defenses: City Walls [Strong]

Military Units: 2 [Wardens of the Vale] [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: River, Natural Harbor

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Old Texts - Somehow you were able to save texts from before the fall, now if only you could read most of these.

Faith Arguments - the faith is uncentralized and can lead to arguments between highly influential priests and cause disturbances.

Paranoia - Anything and everything is dangerous! Especially those other people. They must be mimics!

>1 We live in a forest

Considering the large supply of trees in the region, we should establish a lumber industry in the Vale.

Their strength will be needed!

>2 The mouth of the river

You know what's great?

Not starving to death.

You know what's also great?

That we've founded a city at the mouth of a HUGE river.

Shouldn't be too hard to get our hands on some fish.

>3 Bounty of the Earth

The Drus have never truly surveyed the Vale, never looked too closely at the land.

But that needs to change.

We should survey the land, seek out what lies in the ground, and the shape of the hills and woods.

It could come in handy.


>Forest Combat Doctrine

Because anyone trying to invade should get a bucketload of arrows, blades, and assorted poisons and wildlife to the face.


>Praise the Lights

We don't know how, why, or anything else, but the Drus will continue praising the Lights.

We…aren't sure if this will please or offend them.

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770475 No.11986

Dice rollRolled 65, 40, 85, 39, 24 = 253 (5d100)

[Oracle Society]


1. The Oracle Society has long since survived the apocalypse. Although fringed, our group has begun to rebuild itself. Bohdan Reicher, leader of Oracle, is somewhat paranoid of the many threats to society. He suggests an underground bunker be built to protect from any attacks on the compound. [Build Defense: Underground Bunker]

2. Food is in short supply, and our numbers are surely soon to rise exponentially. An initiative to build a farmi is created. [Build [Farms] for [Food] and [Oracle Grass]]

3. Our population is rising in numbers, and we are likely to become crowded in what little space we have. More land would also allow for a greater number of structures as well as shelters for the coming end of days. [Can't currently see map. Just going to roll to expand across the entire island if possible]

Research: [Agriculture II]

Event: A research party is sent to observe the monsters of the island.

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770475 No.11990

Dice rollRolled 62, 93, 30, 86, 56 = 327 (5d100)

1. [Build farming estates] The Nobility, hungering for a chance to expand their wealth and power, petition the king for sizable land rights for a substantial payment in coin and presumably loyal manpower. These farms are set up to produce grain, wheat, barley, and rye.

2. [Institute a Military Reform regarding Mobilization] With our rivals, the Vennish, to the west having reformed their government the Phoenix Court fears that there is a potential for them to try to muscle Laell out of the river Immer which is shared by the two nations. Naturally both the nobility and the bureaucracy fear the interruption of trade and industry situated along the river.

3. [Expand the borders] Several nobles and merchantmen have come to the Phoenix Court to ask the bureaucracy for a charter to head south toward the Pale Forest.

4. [Research improved industrial tools] Our nation's industry is primarily water powered, but both windmill and waterwheels are inefficient in their current construction. Some in the bureaucracy feel they can be further improved upon in design.

5. [Exploration] The Phoenix King has a love for exploration and adventure. Inspired by earlier works of Laellese fiction he sets out with a company of royal guard to explore the lesser known parts of his domain.

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770475 No.11993


Name: Valhallans

Race: 8ft Tall Winged Men

Color: White

Fluff: They stand a full three heads above normal man, with wings that stretch as far, and sinewy muscles as strong as the flesh of trees. A Warrior race at heart, their true origins are forgotten to them, told only in legend and story.

Their bodies superior in every way, the strength of oxen, the heart of a horse, and the endurance of 10 men. Their very bone structure is formed of a superior calcium composite and molecular structure making it stronger and lighter than normal bone, even the very cells of their tissue are made to store huge amounts of fat and energy, allowing them to fly for hours, sometimes days even in thick steel armor.

Believing themselves to be the greatest warriors reincarnated after their death in battle, they see their life as a reward from their god. In their eyes, there are only three classes of any living being on the planet. Warriors and servants and enemies.

Warriors comprise all the males of the society, including the Warlords who lead the nation, and any allies fit to fight alongside in battle, who have shown their ability to wage war and devastate their enemies. Men of craft are included in here, blacksmiths, weaponsmakers, and armorers, so long as they fight.

Servants are all non-warriors. Soft women who cannot fight and remain in the home to cook, clean, and birth sons stronger than them. Slaves and vassals who must submit themselves to the orders of the Warriors. And animals and beasts to be eaten and used in the field or in battle.

Enemies is very simple. Anyone and everyone who does not fall in line with the first two.

Their society is built around raiding, pillaging, and taking pleasure of the spoils of battle from slaves, to gold, to feasts. They value powerful weapons from bludgeoning tools, giant blades, long axes, and the strongest bows and crossbows, and often when lacking gold or silver, weapons serve as an form of Psudo-currency. The finest swords or biggest crossbows can be worth their weight in gold.

Government Type: Warlords

Economy Type: Bullion economy / Autarkic

Religion: The Wargod's Test - The Valhallan's believe that this world is the afterlife, one of many. Each of them died a warrior in a past life, and ended up here for a chance at glory.

Legend says that if the Valhallans and their allies conquer this world, the Wargod himself will descend from the Sky, and grant them true immortality to wage the great war of the gods.

Location: Any mountain

Population: 4.25 (+0.25/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 11 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: The Hall of Valhalla

Defenses: The Hall of Valhalla [strong]

Military Units: 2 Winged Warriors [strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Natural Flight - You can fly. You get all things flight entails.

Already dead - Your units fear nothing! This usually leads to more casualties on both sides.

Wargod's test - Your units get restless when there hasn't been something to fight for too long and may go out to pick a fight themselves.

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770475 No.11995

>>11979 (You)

[Mericon Event]

5. [Expansion] Several Mericon Serf-Slave formations have been ranging to nearby mountains on regular patrol. The attached drivers are eager to establish themselves within the boil, and so harry on the serf-slave formations to cover more and more ground; they clear and assert their dominance over whatever they seem to find.

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770475 No.11996

File: 1445830375430.jpg (188.54 KB,751x1063,751:1063,earth_elemental_by_ashiria….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 78, 54, 98, 45, 82 = 357 (5d100)



1. [Farm]

Get the slaves and serfs to stop being lazy fucks and start tilling the field.

2. [Mines]

And get the stronger ones to start looking for Iron. We aren't going to dig for that ourselves.

3. [Expand]

The Sky Men fly around, claiming up every thing they lay their eyes on.

When they find any native inhabitants, they walk up to them, and greet them in a nice warm "See this land? This is our land now. Are you a warrior or a slave?"

4. Research [Maces and Hammers]

"Where is my warhammer?



5. Random Event

"Damn this farming and mining is so boring, if only there were a way to speed it up faster."

"Lord, one of our scouts have found something."

"What is it?"

"It looks like women. Women made of rock and stone. Earth elementals mi'lord."

"Oh ho?"

"Yes, they also have husbands. Much bigger, more meaner looking. Like giant moving boulders."

"Well. . .what the fuck are you waiting for? Rally the men, we've got rocks to smash and woman to snatch.


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770475 No.11999

Dice rollRolled 78, 46, 34, 70, 26 = 254 (5d100)

1. Begin building a shrine to Kali.

2. Build a ranch so we can herd animals to support our population and increase our food supplies beyond mere hunting teams.

3. Expand alongside the edges of the lake.

4. RESEARCH : Begin research how to fish in deeper waters. We aren't great swimmers so perhaps we can find something that will allow us to float.

5. EVENT ROLL. The 2 Brutes of the Golden Web hear strange noises from the nearby forest and go to investigate. The forest is dark and thick with undergrowth and the noises have been making them skittish and snappy.


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770475 No.12000

File: 1445831471611.jpg (60.37 KB,533x630,533:630,JP Targete-17.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 26, 49, 92, 71, 52 = 290 (5d100)


Name: The Eternal Reich of Venland

Race: Human

Color: White with Gold trim


>Venland was a place of destitution, once. Corrupt priests and greedy lords ruled over the populace as kings to their own right, carving the land into feudal territories. They exploited the weakness of the people and their need for something, someone to follow. The Fall had left Venland as easy prey for these barons, and for centuries the people lived in this squalor.

>Then Markus Albreit Wilhelm arose. From humble - and government-censored - origins, he quickly worked his way to rule of one fiefdom through sheer wit and force of personality. The meager worker had become a lord, and he looked upon so many who had shared his position. So he set out to empower them, to make Venland great once more. To make it whole once more. In a massive tour de force, the new lord stormed across the country, toppling armies and humbling priest and prince alike. When, after 10 years of war in what he called the Reunification, the last of his enemies were defeated, he crowned himself Kaiser of Venland and Sovereign of the People.

>The old systems were discarded, the grounded nobility either joined a more humble governor position or were driven out entirely. He stamped out corruption and nepotism with an iron boot, and forcefully shaped the motley of kingdoms into one unified, structured empire. The people continue in their elation, praising their Kaiser in their daily lives, for vastly improved they were.

>He declared his sovereignty the Eternal Reich, as though he would live forever to rule it. The Kaiser's greatest love, however, was always the military, and it is that he has polished and restructured the most of all. They are a well-disciplined, fearless lot that are willing to die for his glory and the power and strength of Venland, and with their forces at his helm, the Kaiser will soon incorporate all the world into the Eternal Reich.

Government Type: Autocracy. Kaiser Wilhelm the First rules undisputed in his nation. The feudal ties that used to rule Venland have been outlawed and replaced with regional governors who answer to Wilhelm personally. All courts, military functions and government offices are handed on the national level, with the governors acting more as overseers than politicians.

Economy Type: Mercantilism. The state controls the markets and the means of production, and guides all prices. Fortunately, the Kaiser is rather lenient on restrictions for many things, but during wartime strict prices and rationing will often be instated.

Religion: When Kaiser Wilhelm shattered the theocracy of the old rulers, he declared that Venland would no longer be ruled by the Church, but by him alone. As such the country has no official religion. However, the common peasants still hold to their faith in Brannus, the patron of their lands. Some even worship Wilhelm as an incarnation of Brannus, or as a god in his own right. The latter is especially common in the military.

Location: River valley by mid-southwestern lake

Population: 7 (+0.5/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Imperial Council Hall]

Defenses: City walls [Strong]

Military Units: 2 [Vennish Imperial Guard] [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: River, Fertile lands

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



God Emperor - Faith affects Legitimacy, if those who worship you see you mess up they could believe it is better to remove the false god since it is obvious he is not the real god emperor who can do no wrong.

Of Mankind! - Whether you wanted it or not a lot of your people are racist to non-humans. This causes some problems when dealing with them.

United - There is generally little infighting or corruption within the elites making construction and tax collecting efforts easier.

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770475 No.12001


1/2 - One of the first acts of the Kaiser in this the second sovereign year of his reign, Wilhelm orders that government offices be built for local administrators and officials in each Vennish province, to better govern and assist the people.

>Begin construction of administration buildings to increase political legitimacy

3 - Begin bolstering the Vennish population, meager as it is now. The methods behind this should need little explaining, other than to say that the government produces media encouraging each man and woman to do their part in strengthening their nation.

RESEARCH: Our lands are wide and fertile, but our stores bereft of food! This inefficiency was more befitting the greed of the robber-lords than our new, unified nation! Begin researching irrigation and agriculture technology to better feed our population.

RANDOM EVENT: Typical for the start of the Vennish campaign year, Lord-General Kaiser Wilhelm organizes a parade of arms to display the nation's military strength, with himself at the head of his Imperial Guard units.

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770475 No.12002

File: 1445831608092.jpg (82.66 KB,400x899,400:899,demoness_by_matiasoliverar….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 62, 35, 93, 12, 44 = 246 (5d100)


Name: The Burning Empire

Race: Devilion

Color: Black with a red star

Fluff: Supposedly descended from Demons long ago, the Devilion race were famed for the magic inherited from their lineage, they based their entire society on it. When the fall happened their society was devestated, chaos reigned and civil war broke out. Eventually everything settled and the Burning Empire was formed from the ashes. Clawing their way back up to their former glory, one bloody inch at a time. Now their society is based on power and conquest, if you can kill for it then it is yours by right of conquest. It is believed that their goddess inhabits the souls of those who become Empress, until the goddess gets bored and chooses a new vessel that then kills the old vessel. With this the cycle of conquest continues and the Empire grows stronger having culled the weak and sick.

Government Type: Matriarchal Imperial Dictatorship based on strength and a "keep what you kill" style of government

Economy Type: A gem based economy, the lands around The Burning Empire is rich in jewels from the magic of a long forgotten era, various jewels have different values.

Religion: Relisa, Goddess of Fire and Conquest

Location: Island in the upper left of the map on the coast

Population: 7 (+0.5/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Imperial Palace]

Defenses: City Walls [strong]

Military Units: 2 [Erinyes] [Normal, Flight]

Resources/Quantity: Gems (many)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Demons! - Not a lot of people like you at first contact due to your appearance. When they get to know you though they realize they really don't like you. Makes diplomacy with NPC cities harder.

The Queens dead again - Your queen gets assassinated a lot. You don't lost stability from it a lot but workers may try to turn it into a holiday.

Variance - There are a variety of Devilion, from strong to weak and some with wings and some with tails. If it can be seen on a Demon it can be seen on a Devilion.

1.2. Warriors and Commanders are all well and good, but Assassins are what truly conquer empires, let us train some assassins for our own use on those that are surely out there.

3. Send out the Miners and find a source of Metal to use for arms and armor

4. Research:

[Magnifying Lens]

"Hey Avelgran come take a look at this quartz here."

"Oh that one's pretty darn clear, it'll be worth something."

"No not that you idiot, look, it's making stuff bigger when you look through it."

"Oh neat maybe we can find stuff easier in the ground."

5. Random Event:

Shock, dismay, confusion, a child has been born with angelic features. What omen does this foretell, is it simply the guise that a demon would take up to fool heavenly beings, or is it an attempt of heavenly blood to try and get a foothold in the Empire.

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770475 No.12004

File: 1445832850062.jpg (74.12 KB,626x800,313:400,Noble Father Almiro di Ser….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 16, 52, 60, 57, 22 = 207 (5d100)


Name: The Golden Republic of Mazevico (Free City of Mazevico)

Color: Purple, Golden trim.

Fluff, from Race to Religion: http://pastebin.com/WJVHsxgx

Population: 4 (+0.25/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 10 (+3/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Hastos's Square - Governmental Center]

Defenses: Watchtowers [Weak, Scout]

Military Units: 2 [Mazecii Rasahtar Fleets] [Strong, Naval]

Resources/Quantity: Wood [Some]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes:



Old - Some of your older members remember the fall. You can easily translate documents from before the fall, if you can get your hands on some of them.

Merchants - You can easily buy almost anything and you get a better deal out of trade routes.

Corrupt - It is harder for you to make money through taxation and some reforms will get complaints from other houses. As well some houses will just break the law as they please or punish those they don't like. It is easier for legitimacy to drop.

1. Begin to reform and collect the docks together, as much was ruined after the fall. Our docks were once the best in the world - and now, they shall be again! Get to work!

2. Send out convoys and explorers along the high seas to re-establish diplomatic and trade contact with nations big and small along the coasts and oceans. After all, it is hard to ship the world through our docks if we are alone, eh?

3. And our production of wine has slacked off in recent years. While our main value does indeed come from trade, a country with no unique goods is not a very useful one, it is known. Begin to start back up the fields of Mazecii wine! It should provide suitable jobs for new immigrants, and help to ramp up our industry and international trading, with any luck.

Research: Sailing/Trade.

4. To recover the technology of the past, such is absolutely essential for our noble race to be uplifted once again. Begin going through our archives and searching for the secrets of enhancing our trades and sailing, There is much to be unveiled to make our ships the finest in the world once more, and not all of it is in design!

Random event! (5.): Today, the new Noble Father, Almiro di Sereno Mazcoro is elected by his peers, represented the old and honorable house of di Sereno Mazcoro as the head of the Golden Republic! A new birthing of the Republic is promised, and we hold a grand parade today, celebrating his beautiful inauguration! Long live the Noble Father!

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770475 No.12005

Dice rollRolled 99, 31, 4, 78, 34 = 246 (5d100)


Name: Selgani Tribes

Race: Human

Color: Green

Fluff: The Selgani people have roams the plains for generations. Since the cataclysm claim and swallowed the great cities and high lords. Indeed they too were once of the cities, vain and proud, and only barely escaped their fate because of the visions of clan of seers, the Selgan, their namesakes.

The people heeding the words of the seers, and their esoteric gods, fled the cities, a trickle by the cities' estimate but massive by any numbers of today. Soon after the cataclysms came and swallowed everything up, destroying man, elf and others, as well as their works. The Selgani fell on harsh times afterwards, in a cold world devoid of empathy, magic or civilization. Still they endured despite losing bits of themselves year by year. In time they adapted to the plains. Now they thrive, hunting and foraging. Their only settlement Gaskan, a testament to what once was, and may yet be again.

Government Type: The chief of Gaskan is the technical ruler of the Selgani. He is the Great Chief. Still they are clannish by nature and each chief wishes to rule and expands the holdings of his clan and kin.

Economy Type: Cooperative and competitive. The Selgani work together to survive, but they also work to one up each other or to usurp valuable resources from each other. Generally a threat will make them drop old grievances to fight together however, and the Great's Chief's word command much weight.

Religion: The seers and medicine men govern the religion of the Selgani. They entreat the spirits of the seasons and the spirits of the lands. They offer sacrifices and read portents. The lead the holy ceremonies on the appropriate days, and name the children when they come of age.

Location: Anywhere where there are lots of plains and herds of animals.

Population: 8 (+1/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: High

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Chieftan's Longhouse]


Military Units: 3 [Selgani Horsemen] [Strong][Calvary]

Resources/Quantity: Furs (sustainable)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



The wandering clans - Your people rarely stay in the city, overcrowding is now linked to territory instead of settlements.

The Clans - Although your people usually work together sometimes the clans will take resources to make or do something for themselves. This could be useful or detrimental.

Riders and tamers - It is easier for your people to tame animals and creatures as they have done so many times in the past.

1. Our people needs resources, Send out Horsemen to scout out nearby lands and find things of worth.

2. Find some local Horses and tame them. More horses are never not useful and the extra breeding stock helps a lot.

+Riders and Tamers

+Domestication II

3. Braves we need more and stronger bones and shells for our bows, spear and arrows. Whichever hunter or hunters fells such a beast will gain much glory for his clan!

+The Clans

4.Research Roll. We need better Bows, MUCH better bows. Archery and bow-making.

5.A horse has been seen in the area, it's larger, stronger and faster than it's kin. It's mein is so great the braves who saw it claim it must be a spirit. What does this portend? Only the seers and medicine men know.

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770475 No.12008

Dice rollRolled 19, 36, 37, 98, 92 = 282 (5d100)



>Nation Name: Ankar'Sul

Population: 8.5 (+.5/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Buildings: Flameborn Palace

Defenses: Pitfall Traps (Strong)

Miltary: 2 Fanatic Squads (Strong)

Resources: River, Natural Harbor

Tech: [Tools: Stone, Copper], [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Agriculture I] [Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none]


[Cold blooded]


[Praise the sun!]

1) Expand our kingdom. For the glory of the Lightbringer!

2) Explore the area and scout for resources.

3) Find some small animals that can be used as a food source.

4) (research) Our burgeoning city produces more mouths that need to be fed every day. Research ways to breed our livestock that make them grow larger and more numerous.

5) (Event) The Priest-King of the Sunspeakers holds the title 'Flameborn' for a reason. On the day he hatched, a great inferno raged throughout the city, destroying everything, including the hatchery, Flameborn's egg the sole survivor of the destruction. Now, as he comes of age, a great temple to the Lightbringer is constructed, on that sacred spot where Sul'Ingu, in his wisdom, spared the great Zaeru's life.

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770475 No.12011


The Vennish Emperor receives the usual correspondence from his neighbor, the Phoenix King Pyrdiv.

"Greetings, Emperor of Vennland. I hope you are doing well this fine spring season. I realize that the annual campaign season is coming up, and I wish you the best in your endeavors to combat the monsters and bandits that plague your lands. It is the hope of the Phoenix Court that trade can resume regularly over the river Immer without interruption or unnecessary taxation on your side of the bridge."

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770475 No.12012

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770475 No.12024


"From the Office of Grand Kaiser Markus Wilhelm, Lord-General of Venland and Sovereign of the people:

Phoenix King Pyrdiv, your worries are unrooted. Taxation and import regulations will be unchanged for merchants this year, and indeed we must foster a strong economic partnership if we are both to thrive. Though the old lords of Venland may have reviled you or given your merchants unfair treatment, rest assured that I will suffer no such injustice in my domain. Already we are in the process of creating new administrative buildings, such as may aid your merchants in protection through our lands. Further correspondence, or perhaps formal parley, is requested for the matter of trade and alliance. May the next see you as prosperous as ever."

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770475 No.12080

Dice rollRolled 94 (1d100)


Redoing Random Event to be less random

5. A flock (school?) of Sea Serpents has started stealing some of our fish. Alerion, Captain of one of our war vessels, believes he can either tame the beasts and get them to harass ships entering our territory or kill them and make a properly terrifying statue for the Figurehead of his ship if the first idea doesn't work.

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770475 No.12281

File: 1446001493026.jpg (84.09 KB,426x755,426:755,1445138506168.jpg)


From His Majesty, Phoenix King Pyrdiv:

"Your last letter was reliving to the bureaucrats in the Phoenix Court. It has long been our concern that the previous administration of Venland was looking for reasons to provoke Laell into a conflict. I am glad that you see reason, especially with word that the Mericon threat may be migrating back down into the riverlands to raid again as they had decades ago. I trust that when the roaches return to prosecute their conflict that our old compacts will hold strong. Humanity must not bow or relent against the vile aggressor."

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770475 No.12700

File: 1446256746753.png (5.73 MB,4000x2000,2:1,mapedits.png)


Your color was changed to grey


Your color is now gold


You are dark red


You are now magenta


You are now blue


I have no fucking clue what color that is so now you are sea-green

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770475 No.12906


You put the serf-slaves to work making a farm, but it seems to go slowly. Even with the Drivers beating them and telling them to put their back into it doesn't help much. The nerds tell you that this mountanous soil isn't the best for farming, but it can be done. Small Farm 1/3

Some of them seem to believe that the enemy is right next to them, and that results in a massive brawl in the recruiting grounds.

You begin expanding to the south.

Research: This is nerd shit even the warriors don't mind. 2/10

Random: One of the groups stumbles upon a cave opening high in the mountains. As the serfs stumble in they see a glowing gem. As the serf slaves pick it up the gem glows brighter. +Strange Gem


You begin constructing a ship yard, or at least tell people to. Seems the builders all got drunk last night.

At least the fishers hop to it. Small fishing fleet 1/3

Your men begin collecting lumber, they don't like it but they do it. Set Wood to Great.

Research: You begin increasing your knowledge of ship building 1/20

Random: The captain goes out and fail to get any sort of response out of the sea serpents. They don't flee nor respond to anything he does. At least the sailors catch a few while he is at it, and these things scales and teeth make good trinkets. +5 gold.


The trolls are put to the task of sheparding flocks of sheep, but are found under bridges sleeping hours later.

Same with the Ogres.

At least the miners get to work digging, but they find no gold, or anything but rock. It might help if you found the ores before setting up a mine. Change Stone to Adequate

Research: The goblins get to researching how to make things that are defensive and don't blow up. They arn't too happy about that last part. Fortification 1/10

Random: While Troll Bob trying sleep under bridge he see something in the stream. It look like little flakes of something shiney. Troll Bob think it gold and bring it back, but get told gold not blue.


(I think I forgot to tell you, those arn't mountain symbols, they are grassland)

No ore, of any kind is found in the relatively flat hills.

The option of buying already tamed creatures, such as horses, is always an option but you send out the explorers anyway. They don't find any flying creatures large enough to ride but there are the bird creatures in the grasslands, colorful with strong legs.

You get the peasants to start building more farms. Small Farms 2/3

Research: The armorers look at the order, looked at how many would be needed, and frankly said it was impossible.

>No random event roll

Random: It seems that a kraken has set up a nest off your shore. It might hamper trade.


You give the order to get a logging camp up and running. Small Logging Camp 2/3

Catching fish isn't hard, it's catching enough fish which is hard. So people start making fishing boats. 1/3

Explorers are sent out, and for the most part nothing out of the ordinary is found, trees, rocks, monsters, until one explorer comes across a starnge tree in the woods. It has sweet smelling purple flowers that seems to attract all manner of insects.

Research: A unit of Wardens are sent out into the woods to learn how to fight in them. They come back three days late with claw marks and stings, refussing to say what happened in there.

Random: For now the Drus will pray to the lights, and that is all that matters. Faith to High

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770475 No.12915


Nobody quite knows how that would work, besides being a basement, and those don't seem too safe.

At least people know how to build farms. But not much gets done since there are arguments of whether they should focus on growing Oracle grass or food.

You start expanding.

Research: Agricultire II no progress

Random: The research party explores the island and records many different types of monster that reside on the island, but none in the society know this, for they never came back.


The payment is given and construction begins. Small Farms 1/3

(your going to have to explain what you want out of action 2 for me)

The plea is lost within the beuraucracy.

Research: Simple Mechanisms I 2/10

Random: The Phoenix king begins exploring into the woods excited by the sites when something bright red catches his attention. Moving towards it it seems to be a sword, one made of a strange bright red metal. +Bright red sword {Feel free to give it a name}


Although the area around you isn't the best for farming you get them farming. Small Farms 1/3

After a bit of searching one of the more knowledgable scouts finds a spot with ore he identifies as iron. +Iron site

Much land is claimed for Vallhalla but there are no natives on it.

Research: The blackmsith begins refinning his knowledge on blunt objects. The fist to his face when he said that didn't help though. No progress.

Random: The bashing, raping, and pillaging begins! It is later found out that they were only statues, not even the moving kind. With many a chafed dick and beatings of the scout that brought the news at least you got some nice deocrations for the hall. + 1 culture.


You start making a small shrine, still might take a bit of time though. 1/3

Before a ranch can be built domestic animals will be needed, and there arn't many to be found around the web.

Yep thats a lake, fish, lake monsters, rocks.

Research: Everyone knows you mean boats, they arn't idiots. That said they don't know how to build boats either and the constructs made from silk just sink. It's progress though. Shipwright 1/10

Random: The two groups of Brites get more and more snappy and skittish as they go into the deeper into the woods, until finally they snap and attack each other. The singing stops after that. Add [Injuries: Heavy] to both groups of brutes


Building is slowed to a halt as bickering increases as to where to build the buidling to have the greatest effect and cost effectiveness.

People need little encouragement to fuck but at least a few of the richer families decide to have more kids. +0.1 pop

Research: Agriculture II 1/20

Random: Spirits are high this campaign year. There is no way the great Kaiser can lose!

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770475 No.12925


Some assassins are recruited, going to take a bit to get them to true assassin level as they are little more than theives with knives. 1/3

The miners are about to be sent out when something is realized, there are no mountains or anything like hills on this island. There is no where to mine besides the gem fields, and that place only has gems. Probably better to trade for metal.

Research: Research is started into this phenomenon. It is believed that you may be able to replicate it with glass, but that is it really. Glassworks I no progress

Random: In a snap decision the child, the immediate family, and the distant family were all killed to purge this taint. -0.1 pop


There is much complaint by the other houses and nothing gets done.

You know about everyone within the islands around you.

Construction of a vinyard begins. 1/3

Research: Shipwright II 1/20

Random: During the toast at the end of the parade Mazcoro spills wine upon himself. How can such a fool lead our great nation?! Set Legitimacy to Unstable


In the nearby lands there are many types of creatures, such as Eliphant and horse. There is also a particular beast, a four legged bird creature usually seen near the forest. Flightless and the size of a cat, it is believed that their feathers and talons would make good jewelry as well as its beak, or maybe it could have some use if tamed.

It is easy to find some wild horses, but they are small and weak compared to horses bred though generations of Selgani. +Wild Horses [Some]

Such creatures are unknown and iron weapons seem like the best bet for weapons. Many clan chiefs call the Great Chief on it and on him being a fool. Legitimacy: Unstable

Research: Bow making I 1/10

Random: The medicine man knows this hors. He says it is strong, brave, and smart. He knows this because that horse is his, he raised it since it was a foal and no you can't have it.


No expansion is done for the lightbringer!

The land is explored but there doesn't seem to be much, besides animals and monsters.

There are animals about but they are mainly small animals and some bird creature the size of a horse, which are hard to catch.

Research: Domestication II 2/20

Random: (No temple for you, needs actions to build) The 'Great Temple' is little more than a tiny shrine, but still a sacrafice is made and celebration had. The people are in a great mood. Set Legitimacy to Very Stable.


Map some other day, probably tomorrow.

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770475 No.12927

Dice rollRolled 97, 92, 58, 77, 71 = 395 (5d100)


Name: Selgani Tribes

Race: Human

Color: Green

Fluff: The Selgani people have roams the plains for generations. Since the cataclysm claim and swallowed the great cities and high lords. Indeed they too were once of the cities, vain and proud, and only barely escaped their fate because of the visions of clan of seers, the Selgan, their namesakes.

The people heeding the words of the seers, and their esoteric gods, fled the cities, a trickle by the cities' estimate but massive by any numbers of today. Soon after the cataclysms came and swallowed everything up, destroying man, elf and others, as well as their works. The Selgani fell on harsh times afterwards, in a cold world devoid of empathy, magic or civilization. Still they endured despite losing bits of themselves year by year. In time they adapted to the plains. Now they thrive, hunting and foraging. Their only settlement Gaskan, a testament to what once was, and may yet be again.

Government Type: The chief of Gaskan is the technical ruler of the Selgani. He is the Great Chief. Still they are clannish by nature and each chief wishes to rule and expands the holdings of his clan and kin.

Economy Type: Cooperative and competitive. The Selgani work together to survive, but they also work to one up each other or to usurp valuable resources from each other. Generally a threat will make them drop old grievances to fight together however, and the Great's Chief's word command much weight.

Religion: The seers and medicine men govern the religion of the Selgani. They entreat the spirits of the seasons and the spirits of the lands. They offer sacrifices and read portents. The lead the holy ceremonies on the appropriate days, and name the children when they come of age.

Location: Anywhere where there are lots of plains and herds of animals.

Population: 9 (+1/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 7 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Unstable

Culture: 5

Faith: High

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Chieftan's Longhouse]


Military Units: 3 [Selgani Horsemen] [Strong][Calvary]

Resources/Quantity: Furs (sustainable):Wild Horses [Some]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II] Bow making I 1/10

Trade Routes: [none initially]



The wandering clans - Your people rarely stay in the city, overcrowding is now linked to territory instead of settlements.

The Clans - Although your people usually work together sometimes the clans will take resources to make or do something for themselves. This could be useful or detrimental.

Riders and tamers - It is easier for your people to tame animals and creatures as they have done so many times in the past

1. Go forth and tame those 4 legged birds we found!

+Riders and Tamers

+Domestication 2

2. Expand our territory! We can ride for longer than the lands we hold.

3.Build a lodge for medicine men to study in!

4.Continue Bow making research


5.What on Earth could do that to an elephant?

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770475 No.12934

Dice rollRolled 25, 76, 36, 37 = 174 (4d100)

1. Begin building a shrine to Kali. (1/3)

2. With the two companies of Brutes injured it behooves us to build a Infirmary for the wounded to rest and recuperate.

3. Scout the nearby lands, pay attention to herdable animals and possible locations of wood appropriate for ship making.

4. RESEARCH : Shipwright (1/10)

5. EVENT ROLL. The Lake Monsters near the Golden Web have been startlingly docile when nearby Arachea approach them. Small teams of Arachea have been sent out to see if anything could be gained from this and haven't yet returned.


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770475 No.12937

Dice rollRolled 46, 34, 43, 21, 86 = 230 (5d100)


Population: 11 (+1/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5.5 (+0.5/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Coordination Warrens]

Defenses: Mericon Boil-Warrens [Strong]

Military Units: 2 Mericon Serf-Slave Formations [Swarm][Medium]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some), Copper (low), Wood (low) [1 Strange Gem]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Breed like roaches: Your people are resilient. There is a chance to adapt to anything that would cause your people to be wiped out.

War culture - Military buildings give culture

Infighting - Battle rolls of 1 will be counted as negatives and low rolls involving the military could cause units to fight between themselves. Good for gaining experience though.

NERDS - Why research when you can be fighting? Situational penalty to research.

Actions [farms2, recruiting2, expansion2]

1. The drivers are pig headed and continue to compel the serfs to farm – failure to secure basic food stocks means their death. With that the case, they become motivated and methods are soon deployed: anything that can seed is located, birds are caught, and the entirety of the mountain range is pillaged for food as work on the farm begins to start again. [Continue farms - Current 1/3]

2. The purifier personally appears to the recruits, again. The constant fighting has sent him into a rage and he personally tears the wings off several of the more unruly recruits and their commanders. Hopefully this example will increase the effectiveness of unit recruitment – this is fairly par the course for him, frankly. [recruit units]

3. The expansion rolls forward as the serf-slaves and serf-peons continue to secure new territories in the south. It seems to be coming along – but we'll see if it seems to go anywhere. [Expansion to the south continues]

Research [Polearms]

4. The Mericon continue their practice with the sometimes rare materials they are afforded. The more intellectually inclined Mericon continue their work furiously as they suspect some progress can be made. [research polearms/spears][NERDS][Current: 2/10]

Random Event [Opt-In]

5. Several Mericon have been devouring others outside the usual laws and rules of society. It is ritualistic in character, with the devouring and murders being done in specific ways. The enforcement squads view this as….

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770475 No.12940

Dice rollRolled 91, 79, 43, 34, 79 = 326 (5d100)


Name: The Burning Empire

Race: Devilion

Color: Black with a red star

Fluff: Supposedly descended from Demons long ago, the Devilion race were famed for the magic inherited from their lineage, they based their entire society on it. When the fall happened their society was devestated, chaos reigned and civil war broke out. Eventually everything settled and the Burning Empire was formed from the ashes. Clawing their way back up to their former glory, one bloody inch at a time. Now their society is based on power and conquest, if you can kill for it then it is yours by right of conquest. It is believed that their goddess inhabits the souls of those who become Empress, until the goddess gets bored and chooses a new vessel that then kills the old vessel. With this the cycle of conquest continues and the Empire grows stronger having culled the weak and sick.

Government Type: Matriarchal Imperial Dictatorship based on strength and a "keep what you kill" style of government

Economy Type: A gem based economy, the lands around The Burning Empire is rich in jewels from the magic of a long forgotten era, various jewels have different values.

Religion: Relisa, Goddess of Fire and Conquest

Location: Island in the upper left of the map on the coast

Population: 7.4 (+0.5/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Imperial Palace]

Defenses: City Walls [strong]

Military Units: 2 [Erinyes] [Normal, Flight]

Resources/Quantity: Gems (many)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Demons! - Not a lot of people like you at first contact due to your appearance. When they get to know you though they realize they really don't like you. Makes diplomacy with NPC cities harder.

The Queens dead again - Your queen gets assassinated a lot. You don't lost stability from it a lot but workers may try to turn it into a holiday.

Variance - There are a variety of Devilion, from strong to weak and some with wings and some with tails. If it can be seen on a Demon it can be seen on a Devilion.

1. Continue the work on the assassins, they must be stealthy, they must not be seen

2. If we can not find metal then at least begin cutting down some trees

3. Let us build some fishing boats and send them out.


4. So how do we make glass, if we had our old magic I'm sure we'd just set the sand on fire, but let's go about testing various ways of heating up the sand and forming glass. [Glassworks I]

Random Events:

5. Dark lights in the forest, three tentative scouts sent to investigate. Hopes abound that they return.

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770475 No.12947

Dice rollRolled 27, 10, 51, 81, 28 = 197 (5d100)



1 Troll Sheep Herds. Encourage the trolls to name them and care for them without hugging too hard

2 Ogre Rice Paddies. Lands around the capital are good for rice and grass and some other eastern vegetation.

3 Gather/Find source of Bobium. Troll Bob has found some interesting shiny bits of blue metal in the river, we will have to find the source in the river or up river and learn the qualities of Bobium to see what its good for.

4 Research Fortification 2/10. We want to hold what is ours, so big draw bridges and openings where we can shoot at people that try to enter through our gates in great number. Holds for arrows and rocks for throwing, moats and draw bridges. Round towers and pots for boiling oil.

5 Random Event

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770475 No.12956

Dice rollRolled 47, 75, 60, 49, 49 = 280 (5d100)


Well, that's a bit of a setback. There's fantasy materials though, right? Uberhard wood or monsters?

Race: Gnome

Color: Purple, grey, or brass are all fine, up to you so we don't have repeating colors

Fluff: Long ago, tribes led by mages and shamans cover this island, fighting for control of its forests and mountains. Finally, as the magic drained from the world, one gnome stood tall(4 feet, to be exact). Allied with a host of stone and metal spirits, Narakoma the First conquered the twin peaks of Mount Asun-Dali, and the tribes that lived there. With his new power, Narakoma began uniting the island tribes, through force and diplomacy. As this great feat wore on, however, his spirit allies dwindled away, along with the rest of magic. But the future Emperor would not be stopped by the loss of his allies. The tribes under him were strong, and commanded most of the vital resources. After twenty long years of war, Narakoma conquered the last stubborn tribe.

Many years have passed since then, so much that many believe Narakoma is just a myth. Our Emperor seeks to remind the people of why his family rules, though only time will tell the outcome of his plans.

Government Type: Meritocracy within the noble class, with the noble children tested in a number of subjects to find the best role for them. The Emperor is both a religious and political leader, seen as the messenger to and from the spirits.

Economy Type: Mixed Economic system

Religion: All things have a spirit, from the smallest pebble to the mightiest tree. These spirits must be respected and kept happy, so that they will multiply and allow us to use them. Ancestors' spirits are also still among us, helping guide our people through these tough times.

Location: northern island mass with 2 mountain symbols and 2 forest symbols

Population: 9 (+1/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Player Fluffed government building]

Defenses: [Player Fluffed] [Strong]

Military Units: 2 [Player fluffed] [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some), Wood (some)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Juicy Gnomes - Gnomes look weak and defenseless, you are more likely to be targeted by monsters and NPCs.

Meritocracy - Your assigned people will usually be good at their jobs. Hero units are better and you have a better chance to find hero units.

Spirits - Who knows, what is true or false.


1. The nobles are set upon the pursuit of new mounts, and demand that the wild runnerbirds be captured and trained for riding

2. The common people praise the Great Emperor for his wisdom and thoughfulness to their struggles, and return to the building of the farms with a renewed vigor.

3. With the idea that metal armor would be too laborious to build on a mass scale still fresh in the minds of the army, a young man asks an audience with the Emperor. In his wisdom, the Emperor grants the man's wish. Bowing to his Emperor, his eyes never rising above waist height of the Emperor, the man describes his idea. A shoal of Kraken have taken up residence near his home town, and notes that one of their tentacles washed up on the beach. A local man took a large amount of the skin to his tannery shop, and notes that the leather made from it is extremely resistant to cuts. The man, named Shintu, says that, with the help of the Emperor's troops, they would be able to harvest tentacles from the kraken and retreat to the shore to let the kraken regrow and regenerate.

>start harvesting kraken tentacles for leather


The leather harvested from the krakens must be taken advantage of, and converted into armor for the army.

>research leather armor

>Random Event

The Emperor goes to sleep after a long day of contemplation and meditation, thoughts of the spirits fluttering beneath his lids.

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770475 No.12957

File: 1446430329074.jpg (37.56 KB,736x552,4:3,ca9c5195a2d8f5186413163349….jpg)

Name: The Onyc Flock

Race: Nycterin. Bat people with exceptionally ugly and scrawny appearances. Entirely herbivorous and nocturnal, the species can barely stand anything longer than an hour of even dim sunlight. Exceptional noses allow them to sniff about for favored fruits, while large ears keep track of potential dangers. They cannot fly, but can manage short glides and enjoy excellent climbing and jumping abilities.

Color: Very Dark Green

Fluff: Not even the Nycterin know where they come from, but their oldest tales, told by wizened matrons to younglings still on their milk, tell of brave and cunning folk who once lived among the ruins of The Old Ones. Legend has it that vast underground caverns of darkness and wonder were home to none but the Bat-Folk, and times were plentiful and all were happy. There is no tragedy, no upheaval that can explain why all Nycterin live on the surface now, venturing to constructed abodes to rest in the daylight hours, working the fruit groves at night, but nevertheless not a single Nycterin lives underground. That doesn't stop young Nycterin taking up arms and wondering the world in adventure, carrying the hope of stumbling across a coveted entrance to the Deep, a dream all Nycterin share.

Government Type: Matriarchy. Any Nycterin over the age of 40 is allowed to apply for council duties upon their birthday, all applications of that year being put to vote by the existing members on the New Year. Council meetings are daily, with members rotating in and out as they see fit, presided over by a trio of Elders called the Maniks. When one Manik dies, a year long debate over their replacement commences, with nominations, tours and events to help the Manik-potential garner votes. Only a single Manik resides over the Council meetings each day. Affairs of state, such as alliances or threats, are the only situation which will have all three Maniks attend.

On a smaller level, most settlements are largely independent, the oldest woman of the area serving as the authority.

Economy Type: Familial ties are strong with Nycteri, and so many of the largest families will have some relative working in almost all lines of work, and who prefer to do business with family members before others. Smaller families strive for this, even if they begrudgingly accept foreign goods and services.

Religion: Their Pantheon is three-fold, a Mother figure named Floma who was the progenitor of all things, a male god of darkness who's name is synonymous with luck and protection called Niktik. ("May Niktik carry your wings" is a standard farewell for formal situations.) and a third god who represents all things that are terrible, called Dwana. Dwana is neither male nor female, but is shown as a great ball of anger and hatred. Nycteri believe it is Dwana that rises each day to scorch the land while the Nycteri rest.

Location: I'd like a valley somewhere, if possible. From Red, on the far top-left of the map, trace a line to the right. You cross a river that eventually starts in the mountains. Hopefully there are plenty of caves low enough to allow Nycteri to venture out to their Fruit Groves at night.

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770475 No.12958

Dice rollRolled 27, 93, 30, 43, 6 = 199 (5d100)


>Name: Warrior Merchants of Caldoor

>Race: Elves

>Population: 5.25 (+0.25/turn)

>Food: Low

>Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

>Legitimacy: Stable

>Culture: 5

>Faith: Stable

>Industry: 2

>Unique Buildings: Central Hall

>Defenses: [Strong]

>Military Units: 2 War Galley's [Strong, Naval]

>Resources/Quantity: Wood (Great)

>Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

>Trade Routes: [none initially]



>Born at sea - Your people are good sailors. You have a bonus to maritime combat and navigation.

>Silver - You get a slight bonus from trade routes.

>Iron - You get a slight bonus from piracy and raiding coastal settlements.

[Dedicated Actions]

1. Publicly flog the drunkards and get them back to work [Ship yard construction spend the 5 currency to rush]

2/3. At least the fishermen are doing their work, send more men to help them [Small fishing fleet 1/3]


4. We must improve our ships for protection from monsters both in durability and speed [Research Ship construction methods 1/20]

[Random Event]

5. One of the local drunks was seen screaming a few days ago about a vision from the gods before running in to the forest. Now he has returned carrying something wrapped in cloth claiming it to be a gift from the Goddess of the sky. The judges have gone to pick him up and bring him before the lord to answer for his public disruptions.

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770475 No.12980

Dice rollRolled 40, 63, 33, 32, 25 = 193 (5d100)



Sorry, action 2 is a government reform that gives weapons and shields and mandates that every household have weapons in the event of an emergency draft.

1. [Build farming estates] Work on the farm estates continues.

2. [Build Weapons industry] Set up an arms production industry in Orlais - the capitol city of Laell.

3. [Expansion] There is desire to construct new settlements along the riverside to the east. Freemen go to the bureaucracy for permission and some starting loans to set up a new settlement.

4. [Research improved industrial tools] Our nation's industry is primarily water powered, but both windmill and waterwheels are inefficient in their current construction. Some in the bureaucracy feel they can be further improved upon in design.

5. [Culture/music] A new form of music utilizing a bowl that is sung into and a collection of lutenists, pipers becomes popular in some of the fringe towns.

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770475 No.13011

Dice rollRolled 46, 77, 58, 4, 19 = 204 (5d100)


Name: The Golden Republic of Mazevico (Free City of Mazevico)

Color: Purple, Golden trim.

Fluff, from Race to Religion: http://pastebin.com/WJVHsxgx

Population: 4 (+0.25/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 10 (+3/turn)

Legitimacy: Unstable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Hastos's Square - Governmental Center]

Defenses: Watchtowers [Weak, Scout]

Military Units: 2 [Mazecii Rasahtar Fleets] [Strong, Naval]

Resources/Quantity: Wood [Some]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes:



Old - Some of your older members remember the fall. You can easily translate documents from before the fall, if you can get your hands on some of them.

Merchants - You can easily buy almost anything and you get a better deal out of trade routes.

Corrupt - It is harder for you to make money through taxation and some reforms will get complaints from other houses. As well some houses will just break the law as they please or punish those they don't like. It is easier for legitimacy to drop.

1. Continue construction of the renewed vinyards. [1/3]

2. Begin to reform and collect the docks together, as much was ruined after the fall. Our docks were once the best in the world - and now, they shall be again! Get to work!

3. He's old, give him a break, it was just a slip of the hand. Bring stability back up! (Why did a 60 on establishing and expanding trade relations just get thrown away?)

4. Research [Shipwright II 1/20] (Also: Why the fuck does a 57 get one goddamn measly point?))

5. An influx of new immigration! Mainly humans, at that. What caused such a thing? We'll need to find a way to screen all these new workers, but there's no shortage of jobs or land.

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770475 No.13052

Dice rollRolled 36, 25, 93, 34, 87 = 275 (5d100)


Name: The Drusine Vale

Race: Humans

Population: 8 (+1/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: High

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: The Choosing Hall

Defenses: City Walls [Strong]

Military Units: 2 [Wardens of the Vale] [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: River, Natural Harbor

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Old Texts - Somehow you were able to save texts from before the fall, now if only you could read most of these.

Faith Arguments - the faith is uncentralized and can lead to arguments between highly influential priests and cause disturbances.

Paranoia - Anything and everything is dangerous! Especially those other people. They must be mimics!

>1 Logging Camp

The work shall continue, Lights Willing


>2 Like a Feesh

Well, yes, that does seem like an important step in the process.


>3 Mineral Survey

Now that we know the lay of the land, we shall now know what lays UNDER the land.


Look at those welts, those stings, barbs, and assorted wounds.

Now imagine if that's what's happening to the Enemy instead of YOU!

Get back out there and learn.


The Chosen King is… annoyed.

Another bothersome dispute over something irrelevant to the overall security of the Vale here, a complaint about how depending on fish makes us more vulnerable to attack there, and anyone might get a bit grumpy.

Fortunately, he's currently engaged in one of his personal favorite activities. Hunting.

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770475 No.13075


(Because you have to talk to other player nations yourself you little shit!)

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770475 No.13096

Dice rollRolled 39, 96, 80, 92, 26, 37, 30, 74, 74, 56 = 604 (10d100)


Now that we have map I can do turns


>Population: 7.5 (+0.5/turn)

>Food: Low

>Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

>Legitimacy: Stable

>Culture: 5

>Faith: Stable

>Industry: 2

>Unique Buildings:

Tree of councilors [gov building]


[Trap network] [Strong]

>Military Units:

2 [Hunters] [Strong]


Wood [Some]


[Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

>Trade Routes: [none initially]


1.With nature - Your people do not like to destroy nature unless they have to. They have learned to build along with nature at no penalty. Settlements can also be hard to find this way.

2.Introverts - Your people don't like going out just to talk to people. Makes it hard to set up trades and such.

3.Beast friends - It is easier for you to tame beasts since you are so used to it.

1.2. We need more food hunt through the plains in our southern territory to try and find some herd beasts that we can domesticate

3.4. Scout the lands we need resources.

5.6. Search for tameable war beasts

7.8. Research roll (research Advanced domestication)

9.10. Event rolls. We have begun a new age The oligarchic council has decreed it is time for a feast and celebration dedicated to Magla. That we may enter this new age with fervor and dedication previously unseen to our peoples.

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770475 No.13588

Sorry guys I have stuff to do so I am going to be doing this fast and fluffless.


+Four legged bird things (name them) [Tamed], the eat insects.

You expand

Lodge 1/3

Bows 3/10

Looks like a pack of wargs did it.


No work is done on the shrine

Work begins on the infirmary 2/3

None found, maybe try healing your shit.

No research done

No roll get a nat bad result. -2 pop.


Work slows to a crawl

Doesn't help, increases infighting.

Expansion slows to a crawl

Polearms research crawls too

It's apparently a cult to some sort of god, but how do the government react?


Assassins 2/5

Few trees on the island, but cutting begins. + Wood [Good]

No progress

No research progress

Seem to be some sort of nature spirit, disappear when they notice the scouts.


They hug them too hard

Ogre still sleeping under bridges

Some veins of Bobium is found under a waterfall, the water seems to shift strangely around the ore. Notably splitting into 3 before forming back into one at the end of the waterfall.

Fortification 4/10

Two trolls fight, there were many goblin casualties -1 pop.


They are hard to catch

Farms 2/3

It is kind of hard to attack the kraken as it's nest is deep within the sea.

Research of better leather armor does not begin due to low amount of leather.

It was the best sleep he has gotten in a while.


Population: 6 (+1/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 5 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Player Fluffed government building]

Defenses: [Player Fluffed] [Strong]

Military Units: 2 [Player fluffed] [Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some), Wood (some)

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Batlike - Easier to explore and claim mountainous areas and caves.

Nocturnal - Some of the worst monsters are more active during the night, and so are some of the strangest parts of this world.

Ugly as shit - Going to be hard to negotiate with people who judge you based on appearance.


- 5 currency, doesn't help.

+Small fishing fleet, Food to Stable

No research progress

It was a rock, he was flogged. Faith to low


No work done

Blacksmithy 1/3

No expansion done

No research done

The music mainly stays in the fringe towns, and slowly becomes forgotten by most.


No progress

Docks 2/3

Legitimacy to stable

Shipwright 0/20

The job is given to one of the houses. Now you have slums! +Human Slums.


No progress

No progress

Thanks to your location near the shore and without many hills and no mountains.

They come back with more stings.

He kills a strange white stag in his hunting. Even the pelt seems a bit strange + White Stag pelt.


Find sheep. Tame sheep. Food stable

You have wood and two types of strange trees. One with silver leaves that glisten with the moonlight. Another with gold leaves that shine in daylight.

None found

Domestication III 2/30

Feast! Legitimacy Very Stable.

POST! I'll get the map later.

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770475 No.13589

Dice rollRolled 9, 92, 94, 36, 84 = 315 (5d100)


Name: Selgani Tribes

Race: Human

Color: Green

Fluff: The Selgani people have roams the plains for generations. Since the cataclysm claim and swallowed the great cities and high lords. Indeed they too were once of the cities, vain and proud, and only barely escaped their fate because of the visions of clan of seers, the Selgan, their namesakes.

The people heeding the words of the seers, and their esoteric gods, fled the cities, a trickle by the cities' estimate but massive by any numbers of today. Soon after the cataclysms came and swallowed everything up, destroying man, elf and others, as well as their works. The Selgani fell on harsh times afterwards, in a cold world devoid of empathy, magic or civilization. Still they endured despite losing bits of themselves year by year. In time they adapted to the plains. Now they thrive, hunting and foraging. Their only settlement Gaskan, a testament to what once was, and may yet be again.

Government Type: The chief of Gaskan is the technical ruler of the Selgani. He is the Great Chief. Still they are clannish by nature and each chief wishes to rule and expands the holdings of his clan and kin.

Economy Type: Cooperative and competitive. The Selgani work together to survive, but they also work to one up each other or to usurp valuable resources from each other. Generally a threat will make them drop old grievances to fight together however, and the Great's Chief's word command much weight.

Religion: The seers and medicine men govern the religion of the Selgani. They entreat the spirits of the seasons and the spirits of the lands. They offer sacrifices and read portents. The lead the holy ceremonies on the appropriate days, and name the children when they come of age.

Location: Anywhere where there are lots of plains and herds of animals.

Population: 9 (+1/turn)

Food: Stable

Raw Currency: 7 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Unstable

Culture: 5

Faith: High

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Chieftan's Longhouse] [Study lodge 1/3]


Military Units: 3 [Selgani Horsemen] [Strong][Calvary]

Resources/Quantity: Furs (sustainable):Wild Horses [Some];(Tatonka) [Tamed]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II] Bow making I 3/10

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 7+ however much expansion netted me


The wandering clans - Your people rarely stay in the city, overcrowding is now linked to territory instead of settlements.

The Clans - Although your people usually work together sometimes the clans will take resources to make or do something for themselves. This could be useful or detrimental.

Riders and tamers - It is easier for your people to tame animals and creatures as they have done so many times in the past

1. Continue work on the study lodge

2. Get a great hunt together and hunt some wargs! Them being near us is not good.

3.Breed some better horses!

4. Continue bow research!

5. The medicine men find a new plant……….

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770475 No.13591

Dice rollRolled 56, 23, 68, 24, 83 = 254 (5d100)



Lets mix it up

1. Ogre Sheep Herds. Who know how to care for the animals in their care.

2 Troll Rice Paddies. Maybe the trolls just need to take care of some dirt and clear the rocks out of the field so that we can get to planting.

3 Mine veins of Bobium under the waterfall. Have trolls divert the waterfall while ogres mine the Bobium. This ability to affect water is very interesting perhaps it could be used to make a very efficient water-powered mill or aqueduct.

4 Research, Fortification 4/10. Better ways to help our archers and defenders to knock down invaders from our walls.

5 Random Event.

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770475 No.13593

Dice rollRolled 47, 10, 68, 32, 10 = 167 (5d100)


You forgot to give me my update on my action from a few turns ago. I guess it's militia tech or something? I don't know it establishes a national militia.

1. [Build farming estates] Work on the farm estates continues.

2. [Build Weapons industry] Set up an arms production industry in Orlais - the capitol city of Laell.

3. [Expansion] There is desire to construct new settlements along the riverside to the east. Freemen go to the bureaucracy for permission and some starting loans to set up a new settlement.

4. [Research improved industrial tools] Our nation's industry is primarily water powered, but both windmill and waterwheels are inefficient in their current construction. Some in the bureaucracy feel they can be further improved upon in design.

5. [Bureaucracy/Commerce] Several prominent members of the Bureaucracy have come out in favor of new laws governing the use of of a standard weight in transactions.

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770475 No.13594


1/3 on actions progressed

3/10 on bow research

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770475 No.13596

Dice rollRolled 10, 86, 54, 21, 98 = 269 (5d100)


Name: The Burning Empire

Race: Devilion

Color: Black with a red star

Fluff: Supposedly descended from Demons long ago, the Devilion race were famed for the magic inherited from their lineage, they based their entire society on it. When the fall happened their society was devestated, chaos reigned and civil war broke out. Eventually everything settled and the Burning Empire was formed from the ashes. Clawing their way back up to their former glory, one bloody inch at a time. Now their society is based on power and conquest, if you can kill for it then it is yours by right of conquest. It is believed that their goddess inhabits the souls of those who become Empress, until the goddess gets bored and chooses a new vessel that then kills the old vessel. With this the cycle of conquest continues and the Empire grows stronger having culled the weak and sick.

Government Type: Matriarchal Imperial Dictatorship based on strength and a "keep what you kill" style of government

Economy Type: A gem based economy, the lands around The Burning Empire is rich in jewels from the magic of a long forgotten era, various jewels have different values.

Religion: Relisa, Goddess of Fire and Conquest

Location: Island in the upper left of the map on the coast

Population: 7.4 (+0.5/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Imperial Palace]

Defenses: City Walls [strong]

Military Units: 2 [Erinyes] [Normal, Flight]

Resources/Quantity: Gems (many)

+Wood [Good]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I] Shipwright I

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Demons! - Not a lot of people like you at first contact due to your appearance. When they get to know you though they realize they really don't like you. Makes diplomacy with NPC cities harder.

The Queens dead again - Your queen gets assassinated a lot. You don't lost stability from it a lot but workers may try to turn it into a holiday.

Variance - There are a variety of Devilion, from strong to weak and some with wings and some with tails. If it can be seen on a Demon it can be seen on a Devilion.

1. Continue work on the assassins 2/5

2.3. Let's build those boats so we can start fishing properly


4. Right enough with the glass, we have something more important. Come up with a way to capture those nature spirits so we can study them, they may be the key to getting our magic back, or even a pseudo form of magic.

Random Event:

5. Someone has challenged the current queen, claiming to be the current vessel of Relisa, weather she is or isn't remains to be seen, she wouldn't be the first to lie and try to take the Imperial throne through trickery.

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770475 No.13598

Dice rollRolled 13, 46, 72, 42, 57 = 230 (5d100)

Forgot dice

1. Begin building a shrine to Kali. (1/3)

2. With the two companies of Brutes injured it behooves us to build a Infirmary for the wounded to rest and recuperate. (2/3)

3. Recruit non-injured spiders and train them for scouting duties.

4. RESEARCH : Shipwright (1/10)

5. EVENT ROLL. The Lake Monsters near the Golden Web have been startlingly docile when nearby Arachea approach them. Small teams of Arachea have been sent out to see if anything could be gained from this and haven't yet returned.


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770475 No.13601

Dice rollRolled 8, 63, 13, 50, 26 = 160 (5d100)





1. [Research] Weaving. Baskets, fabric, silk, any and all Weaving.

2. Our food supplies dwindle. Take cuttings from our Groves to plant more Fruit Trees, they shall yield additional fruit in time.

3. Observe our surroundings. Where are we? Can we explore the hexes adjacent to our great nation?

4. Begin building additional homes. Our population grows, and so must we. [Using both Wood and Stone in construction, of course.]

5. [RANDOM EVENT] Some Nycteri are wary to leave their abodes, even under the comforting darkness of a New Moon. They swear they can hear… something… that creeps among the Fruit Trees.

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770475 No.13652

Dice rollRolled 46, 92, 41, 92, 99 = 370 (5d100)

Population: 12 (+1/turn)

Food: Low

Raw Currency: 6.0 (+0.5/turn)

Legitimacy: Stable

Culture: 5

Faith: Stable

Industry: 2

Unique Buildings: [Coordination Warrens]

Defenses: Mericon Boil-Warrens [Strong]

Military Units: 2 Mericon Serf-Slave Formations [Swarm][Medium]

Resources/Quantity: Stone (some), Copper (low), Wood (low) [1 Strange Gem]

Technology: [Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]



Breed like roaches: Your people are resilient. There is a chance to adapt to anything that would cause your people to be wiped out.

War culture - Military buildings give culture.

Infighting - Battle rolls of 1 will be counted as negatives and low rolls involving the military could cause units to fight between themselves. Good for gaining experience though.

NERDS - Why research when you can be fighting? Situational penalty to research.

Actions [farms, recruiting, expansion]

1. The drivers savage the serfs. The beatings they dispense are both vicious and savage beyond all understanding. [Continue farms - Current 1/3]

2. Now enraged, the purifier has begun personally appearing to "motivate" recruits. [recruit units]

3. More waves of Mericon flood the southern regions. [Expansion to the south continues]

Research [Polearms]

4. The Mericon continue their practice with the sometimes rare materials they are afforded. The more intellectually inclined Mericon continue their work furiously as they suspect some progress can be made. [research polearms/spears][NERDS][Current: 2/10]

Random Event [Opt-In]

5. The Mericon state seems to ignore the cult…

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770475 No.13659

Dice rollRolled 8, 32, 63, 1, 78 = 182 (5d100)

>Population: 7.5 (+0.5/turn)

>Food: Stable


>Raw Currency: 6 (+1/turn)

>Legitimacy: Very Stable

>Culture: 5

>Faith: Stable

>Industry: 2

>Unique Buildings:

Tree of councilors [gov building]


[Trap network] [Strong]

>Military Units:

2 [Hunters] [Strong]


Wood [Sustainable]

two types of strange trees. One with silver leaves that glisten with the moonlight. Another with gold leaves that shine in daylight.


[Tools: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron] [Construction: Wood, Stone] [Food: Agriculture I, Domestication II]

>Trade Routes: [none initially]


1.With nature - Your people do not like to destroy nature unless they have to. They have learned to build along with nature at no penalty. Settlements can also be hard to find this way.

2.Introverts - Your people don't like going out just to talk to people. Makes it hard to set up trades and such.

3.Beast friends - It is easier for you to tame beasts since you are so used to it.


1.Fashion the trees with silver leaves into a temple.

2.Fashion the one with gold leaves into a Market.

3.Continue the search for war beasts

4.Continue researching Domestication III 2/30

5.Some odd plants seem to be popping up in the forest no one has any recollection of them being here before.

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