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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1445452630435.jpg (1.1 MB,2229x2066,2229:2066,Soren- Latest.jpg)

d64347 No.11428 [View All]

Welcome to Søren, the World of Clouds! It's the latest magical nation building game from me, red_philosophy.

This is the second thread, as the first as reached a post limit.

Søren is the latest world and probably my most advanced map; it lives alongside Moco and Baader. It's going for "ultra-high" fantasy, which I'm admittedly not sure about conceptually, but we're going to give it a try. Think first age Lord of the Rings with politics similar to Victoria 2. Conceptually the game goes for an aesthetic of "huge".

Rules: http://pastebin.com/Y2GzvhQa

Chat: https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23Nation&server=irc.mibbit.net

Previous Thread: https://8ch.net/builders/res/10348.html#q10348

701 postsand78 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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d64347 No.12373


"We'll fight for the Necro Imperialis as our duty. If you want our assistance for your own land claims, we'll require airships, not coin."

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d64347 No.12374



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d64347 No.12376

Dice rollRolled 26, 25 = 51 (2d100)

Name: Angle Confederation

Race: Primarily human (Living)

Color: Pink A on Black

Fluff: The Angle Confederation was founded by a group of merchant crews turned smugglers and later, pirates. Seeking a life with less of the more troublesome decrees of those that would call themselves the masters of others, the Confederation vanished into the wilderness. In time, the Confederation was forced to turn to smuggling and piracy for hire to survive, though they often produce a healthy variety of alcoholic brews that are almost a form of defacto currency. The Confederation is highly dependent upon outside sources for technology to keep their air ships in working order, and is often forced to improvise during military situations.

Elves are often considered to be the main foe of the Angle Confederation, as most view them as stuck up Imperialists that seek to enslave their kin, though a small number of elves have come to live among the Confederation. Most are eventually broken of their superior attitude by a seemingly coordinated series of pranks or quickly say a number of rude things as they leave.

Best described by outsiders as 'a bunch of drunken smugglers, pirates, farmers and moonshiners', the Confederation still holds to a rough code of internal and external conduct. One must serve the Confederation to earn the right to vote or own land. One must own land to seek office in the Republic.

Government Type: Militaristic Confederate Republic.

Economy Type: Semi-cooperative Free Market. Food is often shared, but most barter services in return.

Religion: The Angle Confederation often recognizes the Four Winds as dieties, but above them worships a great bird (exact bird is a matter of a number of honor duels) known as Maliel the Wise. She is said to have been a source of wisdom and knowledge to the first Captain of the Angle Confederation. A number of lesser superstitions are known to exist among different families.

Location: Orgul

[Courtier of Necro Imperialis]

Necro's Stats: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BCa5hJHfN0I9_XSkYqusYJRgRoBED49vqmVuqBKgFRA/edit

Angle-specific Things:

>>Population: 6 (+1/turn)

>>Unique Buildings

Oakwell [Town][Lightly Fortified]

Unnamed Hamlet [Hamlet]


+3 Confederate Irregulars [Very Strong]


Urban Pacification [Primitive]

>>Seconded Necro Forces:

Imperial army:

+ 5 [Airship-T56- Springbok MK23][Very Strong]

+ 2 Cosmopolitan Undead Hordes [Very Strong+]

+ 1 Undead Warmages [Strong];

+ 2 Mobilized Skeletal Hordes [Very Strong]

+ 2 Mobilized Skeletal Mage [Medium]

+ 24 Mobilized Multi-Purpose Skeleton Formations [Very Strong]


We have orders! We head for Robocyzal, in Western Ribwall! Someone get me a damned map, I don't want to get lost!

[Move Imperial Army & 2 Confederate Irregulars (Very Strong)]


Our new hamlet will need to provide for our people. Let us secure surrounding lands for farming!

[Secure Food, or Expand if required first]

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d64347 No.12379


"And you can offer what? Trade is pushed through the government and the trade port should be completed soon."

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d64347 No.12380


Quietly, a dwarf ambassador walks around the town of Lowenthal, trying to balance how to make it evident he is looking for the Proprietor, at the same time not being extremely blatant to everyone within a quarter mile. He strolls around, wondering if he'll see them first

or more likely they'll see him first.

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d64347 No.12381


A lone woman in white walks towards the envoy, she stops many yards away and begins to speak. "Why do you wish violence upon our people? Are you this hungry for power?" She pauses a moment, considering her words. "Do you not see the larger picture? To do battle would be waste…"

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d64347 No.12385


"If violence is what we wished, we would not be sharing words right now. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the significantly less civil treatment the elves recieved?

I can agree that a battle would be a waste, which is why I insist you submit to our terms.

Become a courtier and you will retain in administration of these lands. But you will cede to our authority.

Think carefully. Our deal could significantly be worse. We will not forcibly convert you into the undead while alive. And we will be willing to negotiate burial rights to not disturb your dead. This is not an offer we are likely to make again should it be refused."

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d64347 No.12392


" I wish to convert your terms, we will be willing to become an equal among you- a pact sealed with blood that promises to assist you in your cause- whatever it may be…

But the offer to become a courtier, as you might understand, is rather… troublesome.. We have worked to become a protector of the realm… But are willing to…diverge..

So, we shall either join you as an equal- something you might believe underwhelming, but I insist you trust that we would be valuable. As we have defeated death itself… And have achieved true Resurrection…

Or, we will leave the capital, and all resources and land to loot for yourself, and return to the caves from which we came.

Do not lash out, we can continue talking terms, but this is my current offer to you. "

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d64347 No.12395


The Dwarf smiled a black grin.

"Defeated death you say? Well, if anything you have bought yourself some time.

I'm interested in learning about you. Tell me, how have you defeated death?" the undead dwarf asks.

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d64347 No.12403


Hannah approaches the dwarf and sits on a rock next to him, with a slight sigh she begins.

"It is as I say, the concept of true resurrection." She glances at the dwarfs rotting flesh and continues, "We are followers of dead gods, deities that have fallen and now linger within the shadow world.. A perfect reflection of this realm, there the dead souls of all being linger.. Until their decent."

She crosses her legs and leans back a bit, "The decent is the worst thing that a soul could succumb to, as they are cast down into a lower reflection of this realm… Yet it is simplified, only existing by the scattered memories and emotions of those whom fall."

"For example, there would be less types of tress, emotions and sense would be dulled, lights dimmer- violence,rape, and tyranny a more common thing… It would be simplified compared to our world… And they would never be the wiser- living a new life in a more terrible place.."

"There are five reflections, as I've said, the lower are torture compared to the higher. Within the fifth reflection is nothing but darkness and suffering.. We are most likely upon the second reflection at the moment.. The first most likely consisting of deities and the like.."

"There is no afterlife, not happy ending, only the shadow world and the reflections that the weak eventually fall to.. But this fate can be avoided- Those whom have suffered in life, ones with strong enough attachments- are able to come back…"

She slips of the top of her cloak off, and points to what seems like an arrow wound over her heart. "I was slain by an arrow my first life, yet I was able to return to this place. Able to breathe and live once more..For I followed the path…"

She slowly dresses again and stands, "Even the believers who pass from old age may return, in a new form of their former selves.. Their memories..and consciousness all return within time…"

"Our troops are strong and hearty, simply.." She glances up at the airships.. "Outmatched…. But we are more valuable to you as willing allies than slaves with a grudge… We are working on many things… But little of it relates to wars with others… We must stop..The terrors that shall show themselves, to destroy us all…"

"Show mercy, allow our freedom, and you will reap the rewards.. The dead gods accept nearly all facets of life..and death… We can help you."

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d64347 No.12406


Name: Kingdom of Suniria

Race (Determines bonuses): Humans

Color: (Determined map color): Orange

Fluff (Determines bonuses): The Suniri were once a disparate and scattered people, living in tribes or small family group on Gul until they were united. Granix, the Bear King. Granix had solved the riddles inherent in making metal weapons, and even more the magic of mastering the body.

Hundreds of competing warlords fell to his blade, until one day he was betrayed by his best friend. Silvgar the Rat. Granix was taken into the home of his foremost rival, and despite the rescue party being mustered and sent forth, presumed to be dead. It was not so. When the party arrived, the rivals fortress was burning and his head on a pike in Granix's hands.The people were amazed because except for minor nicks and cuts, Granix was unharmed. When asked how he survived without armor or weapons Granix answered, "Is it the sword, or the hand the wields it that has true power?"

Government Type (Determines some stats): merit based Monarchy. The strongest, smartest and most powerful rules, period.

Economy Type (Determines some stats): For the most part people buy what they want and build what they want. The king let's them pursue their own ends until someone does something wrong or a pressing need must be met.

Religion (Determines magic):The Gods are distant and capricious, they rarely answer prayers and mostly look upon the world for entertainment. Life should be lived by the strength of your steel and the strength of you arm. If you do well the Gods will notice you, whether you want them too or not.


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d64347 No.12409


The Dwarf rubs his beard, considering the words of the one who spoke to him.

"Very well. This will be our new terms.

You will retain your freedom as your own nation, rather than a courtier, but you must still swear absolute allegiance and obedience to the Republic.

If we ask you to give us resources, you shall give us resources. If we ask you to perform actions for us, you shall perform actions for us. If we call you to war, you shall go to war. Whatever we ask of you will do.

You shall never lift up your hand against us, or by any means indirectly, or through inaction.

Your next [turn] will be to use [three actions] to swear, not only a blood pact with us, but with your gods and all the powers that be. That if you fail to obey us, or work against us, you and all your kin and all your generations both before you and after you shall be cursed to the lowest reflection for all eternity. The good and evil, the strong and weak, the young and old, all forever more in the deepest pit of the abyss and with no chance at redemption.

Swear obedience to us, and swear to your gods upon your altars and prayers, and you shall have your freedom, your own nation. . .as our loyal allies."

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d64347 No.12411


She pauses for a moment, reflecting. "What is your name?"

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d64347 No.12412


The dwarf replies. "I am Diego de Almagro, soldier and citizen of the Immortal Technocratic Republic."

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d64347 No.12413

Dice rollRolled 50, 76, 91 = 217 (3d100)


Name: Vyriah

Race (Determines bonuses): Gnome

Color: (Determined map color): Blue

Fluff (Determines bonuses): Long ago, actually not that long ago, a group of merchants found a ruined city upon the edge of the isles. Curious they began to explore the ruined city seemingly floating on the edge of the world. What they saw amazed them, even if they couldn't understand 90% of what they saw. They believed that this city could actually be self sufficient even on the open air! Well one thing led to another and with a mix of mistakes and terrible decisions the city took off into the open air! Now then, how do you fly this thing?

Government Type (Determines some stats): Merchant Republic

Economy Type (Determines some stats): Free Market

Religion (Determines magic): Worship god of the Open sky, Mercantilism, and knowledge.

Location: The Open Sky

Population: (24.3) (1.1/turn)

Food: (Very Stable)

Raw Currency: (1) (27/turn)

Legitimacy: (Stable)

Culture: (11)

Industry: (21)

Unique Buildings: Vyriah [Floating], [Farming platform], [Mercantile Dock Platform] [Shipyard Platform] [GnomU] Embassy [Morgaz], [Foundry Platform], [Factory Platform]

Defenses: Tower Network [Very Large]

Military Units: 3 Vyriah'n Airships(flying units) [Strong]; 3 Vyriah'n Guard (Ground Units) [Medium], Vyrian Mad Scientist Cohort [Very Strong+][Clever]

Resources/Quantity: Strato-Birds [Sustainable]; Stone [Lots]; Iron [Sustainable][Market]; Dirt [Massive], Coal [Sustainable][Market], Gems [Sustainable][Market], Ioun [Sustainable][Market], Flux [Sustainable][Market], Steel [Sustainable], Darksteel [A little]

Magic/Spells: (Gnomish Stratocasting) (Spell: Summon Food) (Spell: Storm [Simple])(Add spell: Rain [Good])

Technology: (Stone, Wood, Gems, Iron, Steel, Darksteel) Aerial Warfare [Basic], Aerial Defense [Basic], Proprietary Airships [Average]], Empiricism [Average], Advanced Hulls [Simple], Gravity Construction [Basic], Magi-Storm Propulsion [Average], Magi-Storm Theory [Good], Counter-Espionage [Simple], Morgazian Air-War [Average], Civil Defense [Primitive], Magi-Storm projectiles [Basic], Magi-Storm Cannons [Basic], Rationalization [Average], Standardization [Average], Magi-Storm Effect Weaponry [Very Simple, Bureaucracy [Primitive]

Trade route: Air Dwarves [Medium; +3 industry / +3/currency/turn] Dominion [Mediocre; +1 industry; +3 currency/turn] Patchwork Republic. [Medium; +1 industry / +4/currency/turn; +.1/pop/turn]

Territory: (1)


1. Mobile: Your base of operations is effectively modular without end. You can continue to add additions and revisions to it so long as resources exist. You can also move your your capital to make it slightly harder to find, but trade may be impacted.

2. Merchant-Nomads: You can buy most things relatively easy, so long as you have the money. It is also easier for you to make money, generally.


1. Everyone Hates Gnomes: Gnomes are physically weak in combat, and are easily kicked, punched, or abused. All of your combat rolls in melee suffer a -1 penalty.

1-3. Get the Vyriah'n guard some magi-storm rifles and train them relentlessly in their use. As well buy them some magical trinkets for all of them, or as many as I can, for shield, anti-psionic fuckery, anti-undead fuckery, true-sight for anti illusion and invisibility fuckery, and anything else that sounds good to slap on these guys. Spend 90 gold on buying shit.

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d64347 No.12414


Population: (10) (+1/turn)

Food: Good

Raw Currency: (10) (+3/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (5)

Industry: (5)

Unique Buildings: (player named building)

Defenses: Stone Walls [Large]

Military Units: 5 [player named units][very strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Steel [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (The Way of Granix) (spells: Strengthen Unit)

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; Professional Armies [Simple]; Drill [Simple]; Equipment [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (3)


1. The Riddle of Steel: You get +1 to all combat rolls to everything – except aerial combat. The penalty is waved if actually manage to engage your ground units with aerial opposition somehow (such as jumping).

2. This You Can Trust: You may reroll unit recruitment once if it below 50.


1. States Can't Climb Hills: You have trouble with 'civilized' life. You suffer a general penalty to any technology relating to nation building or statecraft.

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d64347 No.12416

Dice rollRolled 83, 82, 16 = 181 (3d100)


She bows with grace, "Very well Diego de Almago, we agree to your terms." Hannah lets out a long whistle, followed by three brief ones. "The blood priests should be here any moment." The thin woman smiles, awaiting the inevitable without fear.


Population: 22.9 (+1.2/turn)

Food: (Very Stable)

Raw Currency:7 (+5/turn)


Culture: 13

Industry: 9

Unique Buildings: Black Ziggurat, [Temple of the Raven +2 industry, +4 culture.][Academy of the Flesh; Santerians; +1 culture: +2 industry]

Defenses: Tunnel Defenses [Small]

Military Units: 5 Berserk Warbands [Very Strong] 2 [Shadow Walkers] [Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: (Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]; Stone [Sustainable]; Flux [Sustainable]; Raw magic [trace]

Magic/Spells: Santerian [Good];Shadowlands Walk [Good]) (Magi-Biology)

Technology: Wood, Stone, Metallurgy [Simple]; War Magic [Simple];Medical [Simple]; Biology [Simple]; Statecraft [Primitive]

Territory: (3)


1. Lightless: You are adapted to fighting in caverns and other lightless areas. You will attain certain combat advantages for fighting in those areas, or at night. You can also work to create combat conditions where this is the case.

2.Tamperers: You may re-roll spells or actions that involve biology (magical or otherwise) if the dice roll is below 50 (once).


1. Literally Cavedwellers: Other humanoids don't react well to you for some reason..

Alternative Mobilization 8/15

Biology 4/6

Alternative Mobilization 12/15

1-3) The capital is to be abandoned immediately, all research and documentation taken with it or burned, if it is night, all light are put out to cover the people as they scatter into the mountains and forests- and are soon to meet within the caves that they came from. All soldiers are to protect citizens. But otherwise not engage. Guess those [Tunnel defenses will come into play.]

The Path of now and forever will guide the faithful dead back to us.

May we suffer well this day.

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d64347 No.12420

Dice rollRolled 32, 45, 15 = 92 (3d100)


Name: Kingdom of Suniria

Race (Determines bonuses): Humans

Color: (Determined map color): Orange

Fluff (Determines bonuses): The Suniri were once a disparate and scattered people, living in tribes or small family group on Gul until they were united. Granix, the Bear King. Granix had solved the riddles inherent in making metal weapons, and even more the magic of mastering the body.

Hundreds of competing warlords fell to his blade, until one day he was betrayed by his best friend. Silvgar the Rat. Granix was taken into the home of his foremost rival, and despite the rescue party being mustered and sent forth, presumed to be dead. It was not so. When the party arrived, the rivals fortress was burning and his head on a pike in Granix's hands.The people were amazed because except for minor nicks and cuts, Granix was unharmed. When asked how he survived without armor or weapons Granix answered, "Is it the sword, or the hand the wields it that has true power?"

Government Type (Determines some stats): merit based Monarchy. The strongest, smartest and most powerful rules, period.

Economy Type (Determines some stats): For the most part people buy what they want and build what they want. The king let's them pursue their own ends until someone does something wrong or a pressing need must be met.

Religion (Determines magic):The Gods are distant and capricious, they rarely answer prayers and mostly look upon the world for entertainment. Life should be lived by the strength of your steel and the strength of you arm. If you do well the Gods will notice you, whether you want them too or not.


Population: (11) (+1/turn)

Food: Good

Raw Currency: (13) (+3/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (5)

Industry: (5)

Unique Buildings: Hall of the Kings

Defenses: Stone Walls [Large]

Military Units: 5 [Sunniri Swordsmen][very strong]

Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]; Iron [Sustainable]; Steel [Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (The Way of Granix) (spells: Strengthen Unit)

Technology: Metallurgy [Average]; Professional Armies [Simple]; Drill [Simple]; Equipment [Simple]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (3)


1. The Riddle of Steel: You get +1 to all combat rolls to everything – except aerial combat. The penalty is waved if actually manage to engage your ground units with aerial opposition somehow (such as jumping).

2. This You Can Trust: You may reroll unit recruitment once if it below 50.


1. States Can't Climb Hills: You have trouble with 'civilized' life. You suffer a general penalty to any technology relating to nation building or statecraft.

1. Well the dragon is doing magic shit on his mountains, Freak trolls are fighting walking statues, and the gods are laughing like drunken Hyenas. Time to recruit more men for battle!

+This you can trust

+5 industry

+Professional Armies [Simple];

+Drill [Simple];

+Equipment [Simple]

2.Scout out the surrounding lands boys, find metals worth forging and animals worth hunting. This is part of your trials of manhood, now go!

3. Start work on Grand Forges, for troubling time are upon us, and we must be ready to stab them in the face, a lot.

+Metallurgy [Average];

+ Equipment [Simple]

+5 Industry

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d64347 No.12421

Dice rollRolled 73 (1d100)


Invoking this you can trust on action 1

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d64347 No.12422

File: 1446073604936-0.jpg (771.49 KB,1296x968,162:121,fire tunnel.JPG)

File: 1446073604937-1.jpg (25.56 KB,640x423,640:423,d4tgldlfuwpddhaymxx8.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 2, 3, 1, 6, 2, 8, 2, 9, 10, 5, 9, 10, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 7, 5, 1, 2, 8, 9, 2, 3, 1, 6 = 152 (27d10)


In an excellent and commendable, if not terribly annoying, display of treachery and subterfuge the Santerians flee.

Eventually the ruse is discovered, but ever the Pragmatist the Dwarves take up the opportunity.

The ships and forces immediately move into the capital and centers of industry to occupy all buildings and housing units. The soldiers and citizens left behind are quickly subdued and granted prisoner of war status.

Then the issue came down to those who fled into the caves.

Had the Dwarves been unfamiliar with cave dwellings, this might posed a problem. But having lived in their own cave networks and fought in brutal underground warfare with the Necro Imperialis, the Dwarves have learned a great much on this front.

Oddly enough, the Dwarves were faced with a similar issue once before concerning annoying cave pests. From experience, the Dwarves decide to use an old trick of the trade.

First and foremost, all cave exits and entries are to be secured. We outnumber them by a great margin, so we should be easily able to repulse any attempts to leave the mountain.

Cave exits are blocked up in an organized fashion, and sealed tight, leaving only just two openings, on either side of the mountain.

Two airships with their coal fired boilers land on either of the only two openings left. as clockworkmen begin to disassemble and reassemble its engine, and connect the furnace exhaust into the cave network.

One one end, which is on the lower side of the mountain, the boiler exhaust is attached to the mouth of the cave entrance. On another end, which is on the higher side of the mountain, the furnace intake is piped in from the cave.

Logs of trees and timber are cut down by clockworks, as well as coal set up.

The furnaces once ready are roared to life. The one below to pump the cave with toxic, hot fumes, the one above to suck out any clean air and oxygen from within, creating a literal chimney out of the mountain side. If the smoke doesn't kill them, the lack of fresh air will. The dwarves watch the cave exits for any attempting to fleet the smokey tomb.

After almost a day of fumigation, the mountain is cast with the great spell of (Mass Raise Undead [Simple]). So that any and all who died and choked in the smoke raise to life as the undead, to find and fight any of their own brothers who survived. Clockworkmen also move in, thanks to their lack of need for air as well, bringing with them bright lanterns with [Glowgem] within, to assist the undead in finding and fighting any more survivors.

From there, the Dwarves wait. We have more clockworks than they have bodies. And we have their farms and food sources. If we don't smoke them, kill them, we'll starve them.

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d64347 No.12425

Dice rollRolled 100, 96, 95, 46 = 337 (4d100)


1. [non-rolled trade] Using our new Embassy, Transfer to the Necro Imperialis the following two Techs

Rationalization [Average]

Standardization [Very Simple]

"Your troops need better weapons and equipment. Use it well my friend."

2. [non-rolled trade] Resources are transferred to the following nations.

Kaldor recieves [20 Gold]

CAPITOL recieves [10 Gold] and a majority amount of our [Food]

3. Troop Movement.

>3 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]

>2 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]

Are sent to the Santerian front.

2 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups remain behind.

4. Capitalist Roll

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d64347 No.12426



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d64347 No.12427

File: 1446075722103.jpg (353.62 KB,800x450,16:9,gl812Zombies_Factory_v01_0….jpg)


>Rolled 100

"Look upon it Gentlmen. Hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of undead out there in the Necro Imperialis.

All of them needing equipment. Tools, weapons, armor, supplies. . .a veritable endless wave of customers and demand.

Think of the possibilities to improve our methods! How can we upgrade our own methods and facilities to supply such a vast and enormous host on this scale?

Consider it your next opportunity boys. The ultimate testing ground of production and industry."

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d64347 No.12428

Dice rollRolled 10, 6, 8, 5, 7, 9, 9 = 54 (7d10)


5 Berserk Warbands [very strong] 2 Shadow Walkers [very strong]

4 Berserk Warbands are to hold the city limits while the people flee, eventually falling back when a position is in trouble of being compromised. Wooden houses are set ablaze as they fall back as well.

The last warband flees to the mountains so well known, attacking the enemy as they advance at random and fleeing before they can retaliate, we are strong and fast, they are stumpy and slow.

The two units of shadow walkers flee to the cave systems, protecting civilians as they do to the best of their abilities- even if they must sacrifice themselves. As true believers always return.

Civilians are to general split up into groups of fifty or more and spread out among the hills and mountains, finding the paths to the caves of old.

If smoke becomes an issues, people can simply use [Magi-Biology] to eliminate their need to breathe, or even adapt to the smoke itself.

Thankfully the invaders from the north have never been here before, and know little about the geography of these mountains, and next to nothing about the caves locations, size, and shapes- etc… allowing plenty of time to escape them.

Well, hopefully that is the case.

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d64347 No.12429



A letter is sent to the Necro Imperialis and the Dominion of Throne, by the Sky Dwarves.

"Respected and Esteemed powers. It has come to the attention of the Republic that the recent war was the cause of great calamity. Due to unfortunate circumstances, misinformation, the efforts of third parties to incite war, our respective gathering of powers should not be entangled in such another debacle.

Therefore, I propose, being that we represent two sides of a collection of nations, the signing of an official non-aggression treaty.

The stipulations are as follows:

The Coalition, that being the nations of:

The Dominion of Throne

The Khazan Republic

and their respective courtiers

Will declare a non-aggression policy towards

The Necro Imperialis

The Techno-Cratic Republic

and their respective courtiers

Neither direct or indirect hostile action shall be taken by the one powers on the other, nor shall mercenary work be paid to harm the other.

Breakings of this treaty by any single power renders that nation out of the treaty, to ensure a nations ability to defend itself."

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d64347 No.12430


"Oh, a little of this, a little of that. You know how it goes. I'm currently just scouting out what other nations have to offer before we really get into negotiations."

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d64347 No.12431


"Everything. We sell everything. Of course, we don't sell to people that have nothing to sell. So define 'this and that'."

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d64347 No.12432


"Rum, rare items, items that were recently…acquisition. Services. The Skyrates are but a simple pirate kingdom looking for a leg up or two to catch up with those who have existed far longer."

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d64347 No.12433


"Rare items such asssssssss?"

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d64347 No.12435

[Combat Report: 1st Battle of Santareia]

[Victory: Santareia – Tactical, Strategic]


2x4, 3x4, 1x4, 6x4, 2x4, 8x4, 2x4, 9x4, 10x4, 5x4, [Airships] = 193 ['Awkward' Penalty: .50] = 96.5

9x4, 10x4, 6x4, 7x4, 9x4, 9x4, 10x4, 7x4, 5x4, [Clockworks] = 284

1x6, 2x6, 8x8, 9x2, 2x2, 3x2, 1x2, 6x7 [Kaldor] = 284


10 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist] 9 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]

2 [WARDRUMMERS] Very Strong ++

3 [Wurms] Strong

2 [Wurmrider Squad] Very Strong++++ 3 [Wurms] Strong ['Awkward' Penalty'

1 Kaldorian Priestess [Very Strong+++]


10x4, 6x4, 8x4, 5x4, 7x4, 9x4, 9x4 = 216 [Santareian Cavern Bonus 1.2][Defenses: 1.2][Last stand 1.5] = 427.68

Tech/Kal: 664.5 [Amphibious assault .8] = 531.6

Santa: 466.56


5 Berserk Warbands [very strong] 2 Shadow Walkers [very strong]

Combat Report

While it was initially thought the entirety of the fight would be over quickly, the hasty preparations by the defenders make this judgement in error; their ability to fight underground and ambush clockworks as they tried to enter the caverns defrayed much of the advantage. The tactics of the airships – to fumigate the caves – proved to be of middling effectivess, as the caverns are exceedingly large. This left the remaining wetwork to the Kaldorians – who didn't fare much better. The caverns are, among other fine traits, totally dark – this left the Santareian defenders at a massive disadvantage. As the case is, both the Kaldorians and Clockworks are nearly blind and rely on projected lights or other lights such as a limited supply of glowgems. These are easily snuffed out, as it turns out, by Santreian Shadow Walkers. In such a situation, the clockworks prove to be even more problematic: even when outmaneuvered, they fight to the death – their death.

Ultimately the fighting proves to be utterly ruinous for the Technocracy and Kaldor: the bodies of ruined clockwork and disoriented Kaldorians litters the underground nightmare hell as they pull back to a safe distance. The airships, useless, stand by awkwardly as soldiers simply enter the caverns and do not come out; periodic counterattacks by Santareians further spoils any chance of victory. The entire affair is a disaster.



3 Berserk Warbands

[Add technology: Tunnel Warfare [Primitive])



5 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]

2 [WARDRUMMERS] Very Strong ++

3 [Wurms] Strong

1 Kaldorian Priestess [Very Strong+++]

[Add technology: Night-Fighting [Primitive])

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d64347 No.12436



>>You receive [10 Gold] and a food from Technocracy. You do not have an appreciate population to feed, and so this is voided.

1. Operation tune moves ahead. (small disadvantage)

2. You begin work on glamour masks. They should give you a better advantage against a variety of nations – except possibly the clowns – in a variety of infiltration actions. R&D seems to think that it's not going to be terribly complicated to start. (Research: Glamour Masks 4/6)

3. The effort to establish the shells doesn't go very well. The arms market is currently glutted with war equipment as several nations have demobilized. You slowly start the work through other – more criminal – elements to make the effort happen. Eventually progress is made, as the criminal element and information economy has begun to boom in the wake of the war chaos; they gobble up the arms when you offer them a series of arrangements, deals, bribes, kickbacks, and threats. (1/currency a turn)(research: 4/8)(-25 currency)


[Necro Imperialis]

>>You recieved in trade: Rationalization [Average] and Standardization [Very Simple] from Technocracy

>>This translates into: Rationalization [Simple] and Standardization [Primitive]

>>You are mobilized: Industrial Efficiency: 100%

>>Lose 1.9/pop.

>>Set mobilization status: 6 turns. The war is now thought to be offensive in nature. It is becoming political problematic.

>>Add mobilized units: 6 Mobilized Multi-Purpose Skeleton Formations [Very Strong]

>>Set resources: Iron [Strained]+ to [Breaking]+

1. You send the Kaldorians all 3 Juvenile Rocs [Very Strong++] and Airships [Average].

2. The rift appears to have stopped and is shrinking slightly. As the rift retreats, you come across a good deal of the bodies in the combat area surrounding the rift proper – many of them have been badly manged in the fighting or explosions over the two battles. You recover them and send them to Morgaz.

3. You eventually manage to clean out the government of ne'er do wells, criminals, thieves, and other scum. This begins the building of a massive police apparatus. (5/15)

4. Several of your militias and patrols develop an extremely sophisticated way to detect spies and infiltration. The remaining Morgazian guerilla squad is also on hand to provide assistance; their methodology is actually fairly coherent to you and they speak in matter-of-fact and plain tones. (Add technology: Counter-Espionage [Average])(revise: Subtle means to Espionage [Average])



1.) You begin working on the new strategy game. It becomes reasonably popular, but it needs more publicity. (Research: Strategy/Tactics 3/8)

2.) The construction and development of bayonets and other close-combat weapons begins. (Research: Close Combat 3/7)

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d64347 No.12437



1. You continue your work on new forms of magic. This translates into more advanced spellcasting and your mages seem pretty pleased with themselves. (set Aero-Piratical to [Average])(Add War Magic [Primitive])

2. The rascals have manage to expand the domain of the pirates! Yar har! (add 4 hex; roll 1d3)

3. Several of the airships are seen practicing on the PYU campus. The new students are trying out a few things that might work on both real airships and mockups. Progress is reasonable. (Air War research: 5/8)


[elemental chaos]

1/2 – The elementals continue to mash and disperse large swarms of the trolls. Eventually the trolls are defeated, and most of their corpses are burnt in massive piles. The holocaust in trolls sends up a massive pall of smoke that can be seen across the whole island. In their wake. vast areas have been devoured by the creatures. With the areas barren, you assume essential control of vast territory. Few elementals rise to meet you, however, as the land is mostly blighted. You aren't sure if you got all the trolls. (Add: +10 hex; +.2/pop a turn; roll 1d3 for resources)(Add units: 2 [player named units][Medium])

3 – You begin to raise some dryads. The returns are mediocre, but it moves forward. (Add 1 [player named units][Very Strong]; 2 [player named units][Medium](-5 currency)



>>You are mobilized: Industrial Efficiency: 100%

>>Lose 1.5/pop.

>>Set mobilization status: 3 turn. The war is now being taken as defensive in nature.

>>Add mobilized units: 8 Mobilized Khazan Mixed Formations [Very Strong][Plucky]

>>set resource: Copper, Iron, Wood to [strained]

1. You finish your research into the guerilla tactics. (Add technology: Guerilla Warfare [Simple]; Close Combat to: Simple)(-14 curency)

2-3. You begin to train and drill the units. Mass drills are conducted in the streets and the entire city now teems with soldiers engaging in any variety of practice, job, or strategic planning. (revise all standing units: “+”; (Add technology: Reorganization to [Simple])



1. While the methods are sound, the amount of raw energy produced by your methods isn't enough to generate a sustained amount of energy. [Add technology: Electricity [Primitive](set wood[2x] to: Strained)]

2. Let us never speak of this tournament again.

3. You build a large trade port. It's actually quite fine. (Add unique building [player named port]; +3 currency/turn)

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d64347 No.12438



>>Reset any adverse status to resource stocks.

>>Disband all mobilized units.

>> You gain 1.6 pop from demobilized units returning home.

>>You have been allocated 1 dice due to continued expansion efforts. Your total is 1d400 dice per turn.

1 The work on avatar theory moves forward reasonably. Pini reports that new avatars have been located and they seem want to want to help us across the realms and depths of what she is increasingly referencing as “the great outside.” She further reports that the avatars must brave this “outside” to make the trip here, and that we can make the trip easier “… sort of. It's like not that simple or anything you know. There's stuff out there. Big stuff. Mean stuff.” (Avatar Theory 11/12)

2. You begin working on combined infantry combat and coordination. The drills go very well and many of the Vilon are immediately making headway. We've even managed to retool some of the equipment ot utilize basic . (revise: Experimental Vilon Phalanx [Very Strong++++])(Reseach 5/8))

3. The new police apparatus is under development. It will take some time, but it moves forward. The Vilon seem excited about this, as it seems to cater to their penchant for fancy uniforms, saluting, and orderliness. The general population? Probably less so. (Construction/Research 5/15)



1 You gain the following resources from expansion: +.2/growth/turn

1) The aeroport expansion starts. More trade! (Aeroport upgrades 1/3)

2) You finally manage to integrate the currency. It was a total nightmare, but you managed it. (add technology: Economics [Primitive])(+2 currency/turn)

3) You begin working on equipment making. This will help with basically all equipment – from armor to weapons. Your military chiefs seem to think exploiting the rubicite mine would help; the stuff seems to be ideal for armor. (Equipment 4/8)



1. You built the embassy. (Add unique building Necro Imperialis [Embassy])

2. Some minor progress is made on the magic. It's getting frustrating, but it's moving. (6/8)

3. The construction begins again. Most of the framing is complete and it's nearly finished, thank god. (8/10)



>>You recieved 3 Juvenile Rocs [Very Strong++] and Airships [Average] from Necro Imperialis

>>You recieved [20 Gold] from Technocracy

1. You sent more troops to secure the area. (Expansion 9/10)

2. Work starts. There's two fortresses to consider, and efforts are being made to fix both of them. (Fortresses 2x 5/20)

3. You begin training the capacity to rain fire. You think this will help in situations where lots of fire would be useful. This will also increase our general knowledge of elemental magic. (Research 5/8)



1. You move your units. They are now moving Ribwall. Count:

+ 5 [Airship-T56- Springbok MK23][Very Strong]

+ 2 Cosmopolitan Undead Hordes [Very Strong+]

+ 1 Undead Warmages [Strong];

+ 2 Mobilized Skeletal Hordes [Very Strong]

+ 2 Mobilized Skeletal Mage [Medium]

+ 24 Mobilized Multi-Purpose Skeleton Formations [Very Strong]

2. You start expanding. The area is relatively quiet with little to speak of around (Expansion 3/10)

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d64347 No.12439



>>Consolidate existing metal technology to: Metallurgy [Good]

1.2.3: You outfit your units with the best equipment you can buy on the market. You are also able to pump the unit with experimental weaponry and training. They're equipped with the new magi-storm omni-cannon which can be both crewed and carried by a single gnome. Furthermore… (revise 2 units (guard) to [player named gnome platoons][Epic+][Resist])(revise technology: Magi-storm Cannons to Magi-Storm Omni-Cannons [Average])(Add technology: Bombardment [Simple])(Remove: Magi-Storm Projectiles) (-90 currency)

>>[GM: Check math on currency transaction. This will put you into negative.]]



1-3) You prepare the capital to be defended. You lose a good amount of the population but your situation is more defensible thank prior. You've managed to move most of your industrial facilities and research into the caverns thanks to the raw amount of resources you threw at it. Food is a problem now, however. (Revise defenses to: Tunnel Defenses [Elaborate, Segmented]](set food to: Low)



1. You manage to recruit a handful of new warriors. They seem eager! Glory shall be theirs! (Add 2 unit [players name][Very Strong][Raging]; Add 2 [players name][Strong])

2. You manage to find some dark iron! Truly a great day to be a chief and a warrior! (add resource: Dark Iron [unmined])

3. You begin work on the grand forge. It starts out poorly, as some of the brothers have been drinking to excess. It is truly a shame. (1/10)



>>[GM: Forgot to give you: Entrenchment [Very Simple])

>>You are mobilized: Industrial Efficiency: 110% [Wobbly]

>>Lose 1.1 population [You Clockworks are mitigating the utilization of your population.]

>>Set mobilization status: 2 turn.

>>Your resource stocks are being rapidly depleted by the size of the mobilization and your current unit base. Your industrial sector is attempting to ration supply usage to maintain production. If coal is exhausted, unit movement will be impacted and units may be helpless.

>>Set: Iron [Shortfall], Copper [Shortfall]

>>Set: Steel [Average; decreasing]; Coal [Average; decreasing]

>> Set technology: Standardization to [Average]. Your industrial efficiency is increasing.

Add mobilized units: 7 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]; 4 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]

1. You transferred: Rationalization [Average] and Standardization [Very Simple] to Necro

2. Resources are transferred.

3. Troop Movement. [To Santareia]

[3 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]]

[2 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]]

4. The new capitalism that prevails in the technocracy is somewhat tame compared to the freewheeling attitude that the living bring. It is sober and disciplined, and provides measured costs and benefits. It is both droll and conservative, but predictable. Today the capitalists have provided some limited industrial capacity. (+1 industry)

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d64347 No.12440


{GM Correction: CAPITOL has resource: Food [Massive]}

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d64347 No.12441



[Meta: My 2 units of Confederate Irregulars [Very Strong] sent with that move action seem to be missing from the list you've recognized. Is this due to my roll or oversight?]

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d64347 No.12442

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d3)


[Meta] Rolling for the successful expansion

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d64347 No.12443


[GM: Add them to the list.]

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d64347 No.12444


The Immortal Technocratic Republic

Government type: Military-Technocratic Oligarchy

Race: Dwarves

Color: Brown

Fluff :

Long ago, the first Dwarves on this land delved deep into the earth. At that time they had not explored their island, and where shocked to find that upon reaching a certain depth, they were greeted with impossible sky that stretched on forever! At that level, the world was strange. Sometimes stones and men would fall to their doom, othertimes they would float seemingly forever until saved by ropes or a gust of wind pulled them away. These were the early days of the Dwarves.

The he Dwarves attempted to mine and dig but with trepidation and caution, fearing what would happen if they dug too deep. Entire mines might collapse into the impossible sky.

Centuries would pass until the first dwarves discovered the ability to enchant ships to fly, and from there, the first Sky Barges were built. These ships, able to sail through the sky, would sail beneath the island. At first, to rescue those who might fall from pits too deep, and then, to take part in mining operations, capturing the precious ores and gemstones that were pulled away.

The Dwarves have adopted these ships as part of their society, and set out to expand their reach both in the air, and underground.

Government Type: Monarchy

Economy Type: Capitalism

Religion: The Dreaming Forge God. The Dwarves believe that the reason the world floats through the sky, is that a great god of forgework is alseep and dreaming of islands flying through the sky. We dwarves are in the image of the forge god, and are the ones to construct the designs and inventions he dreams up with.

Location: Orgul Major

Population: (22.8) (1/turn)

Food: (Excellent)

Raw Currency: (64) Income: (10/turn) Expenses: (Martial Law: set Income to 1)

Legitimacy: [Martial Law][Stable]

Culture: (12)

Industry: (24)

Unique Buildings: 1 King's Palace, 1 National Bank, 1 Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences (Of the Orders of Merit), [Coalition Research Facility], [Grand Iron Forge], Embassy [Necro Imperialis]

Defenses: (Stone Traps, Good)

Military Units:

1 Eastwinds .Co Destroyer [Very Strong]

1 Dwarven Frigates (damaged)

1 Super Sky Dreadnought "Absolute Unity" Epic++++][Bombard][x2][Massive][Armored][Slow])[Huge] - [Crippled; returning home]

>0 Royal Navy Destroyer's

>Mobilized Forces on the Field

5 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]

9 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]

>Mobilized Forces at home

9 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]

6 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: Iron [Shortfall], Copper [Shortfall], Stone [Sustainable], Gems [Low], Rubicite [Tiny Sample], Flux[Sustainable]


[New Dwarvia] [Town]: Iron [Strained]; Gems [Low]

Market Gifts:

Steel [Average; decreasing]; Coal [Average; decreasing]

Magic/Spells: (Geo-Aero, Simple) (spells: Scry Sky-Ores, Simple; Shape Rock; Simple) (Rain [Good])

Technology: (Copper, Iron, Stone) [Airships, Basic] [Aerial Warfare, Simple] [Civil Defense, Primitive], Steam [Simple], Command Crowns [Some], Standardization Standardization to [Average], Clockwork Fabrication [Simple], Rationalization [Average], Mobilization [Average], Total Mobilization [Primitive], [Dwarf-Clockwork Integration [Very Simple], Large Scale Construction [Very Simple], Bombardment [Very Simple], Combat Clockworks [Simple], [Steel] [Steel Mill Blueprints], Salvage [Simple], Holy Weapons [Simple], Mass Raise Undead [Very Simple] {Average from Necro} and Undead-Living Diplomacy [Simple]

Territory: (12)


1. Aerial Fabricators: Sky Dwarves are keen on airship construction, and gain a bonus to rolls to construct airships or other large aerial constructions (+15).

2. Industrial: Sky Dwarves are keen on industry. For every industrial point gained, add half a point.

Eccentricities: (generated by GM)

1. Captains of Industry – Every other turn, see what the capitalists are up to. Roll 1d100.

Mobilized: Industrial Efficiency: 50%

mobilization status: 1 turn.

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d64347 No.12445

Dice rollRolled 11, 57, 23 = 91 (3d100)


1-2. The Clockworkmen retreat from the huge metal shredder that was the tactical disaster underground, and as they do, they pull back their damaged and destroyed bretheren, hauling up their scraps and wrecks back to the surface.

2 Mobilized Airships load up with the scrap, returning them home to be put to salvaging and recycling efforts. Thus limiting metallic consumption.

Secondly, all mobilization efforts are ordered to shift from Shift from Ship Production to Clockworkman production, and as many standing units of construction clockworks are ordered to be constructed.

3. Troop Movemnt.

Send 7 Mobilized Combat Clockworks Groups [Very Strong][Resist]

1 Mobilized Destroyer-Airships [Very Strong]

to the Santerian Front

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d64347 No.12447

Dice rollRolled 96, 58, 55 = 209 (3d100)


Nation Fluff:



Population: (21) (1/turn)

Food: (Stable)

Raw Currency: (28) (4/turn)

Legitimacy: (Semi-Stable)

Culture: (17)

Industry: (10)

Unique Buildings: [Temple, Hunter's Calling]

[Government building, Warrior's Hall]

[Northern Fell Chain Fortress, Huge, Imposing]

Defenses: (Elaborate Wooden Fortifications, Strong)

Military Units:

1 [Leonan Warriors], Strong;

3 [Huntmaster] Very Strong

2 [Wurmrider Squad] Very Strong++++

[Deathgaze] Very Strong, Clever

1 Kaldorian Priestesses [Very Strong+++]

Verana, Priestess of Galgoroth [Epic]


Copper [Sustainable][x2]

[Pelts, Sustainable]

[Stone, Sustainable]

[Wood, Sustainable]

[Beetlechitin, some]

[Wurms, some]

[Prisoners, some]

[Iron, Sustainable][x2]

Mildly-Burnt Freak-troll hide [some]

Freak Troll Minors [Some]

Wurmscale [Strained]

Fruit [Some]

Magic/Spells: (Elemental, Average) [Spells: Pillar of Fire, Simple; Summon Earth Sprites, Simple, scry Animal [Simple]]







+Exotic Creature Training[Average],

+War Drums [Average]

+War Animal Training, Average)

+Drum Amplifiers [simple]

+Composite-Material Armors [Simple]

+War Magic [Simple]

+Air Transport [Simple]

+Professional Armies [Simple]

Territory: (3)


1. Chosen: You have an extremely affinity for elemental magic. Your people can pursue elemental magic within the usual realm of the natural elements without much issue.

2. Predatory: During combat, roll an extra dice to determine what additional efforts your military has taken to ambush the enemy or lure them into traps. This works offensively and defensively.


1. Your people are not terribly good at civil construction projects and will suffer a -15 to construction project rolls generally. Defensive construction and religious constructions are not impacted

>>You are mobilized: Industrial Efficiency: 100%

>>Lose 1.1 pop/turn

>>Set mobilization status: 1 turns.

>>Add mobilized unit: 3 Kaldorian Infantry Formations [Very Strong]

6 Kaldorian Admixture Formations [Very Strong]

1. Send the recently mobilized troops to help secure the Ruins of Mare

2. Send builders to Mare to set up defensive positions there, turn it into a fortress defending the wall.

3. Verana has been blessed by Galgoroth, but a simple blessing will not be enough, she must train in her blessed powers to bring destruction down upon our enemies.

1. Continue the use of expansion 9/10

2. Continue to work on the fortress, focus efforts on the one closest to the wall.

3. Verana shall continue her work on researching fire magic 5/8

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d64347 No.12448

Dice rollRolled 27, 66, 71 = 164 (3d100)


Population: 24.1 (+1.2/turn)

Food: (Low)

Raw Currency:13 (+5/turn)


Culture: 13

Industry: 9

Unique Buildings: Black Ziggurat, [Temple of the Raven +2 industry, +4 culture.][Academy of the Flesh; Santerians; +1 culture: +2 industry]

Defenses: Tunnel Defenses [Elaborate, Segmented]]

Military Units: 2 Berserk Warbands [Very Strong] 2 [Shadow Walkers] [Very Strong]

Resources/Quantity: (Iron [Sustainable]; Copper [Sustainable]; Stone [Sustainable]; Flux [Sustainable]; Raw magic [trace]

Magic/Spells: Santerian [Good];Shadowlands Walk [Good]) (Magi-Biology)

Technology: Wood, Stone, Metallurgy [Simple]; War Magic [Simple];Medical [Simple]; Biology [Simple]; Statecraft [Primitive]; Tunnel Warfare [Primitive]

Territory: (3)


1. Lightless: You are adapted to fighting in caverns and other lightless areas. You will attain certain combat advantages for fighting in those areas, or at night. You can also work to create combat conditions where this is the case.

2.Tamperers: You may re-roll spells or actions that involve biology (magical or otherwise) if the dice roll is below 50 (once).


1. Literally Cavedwellers: Other humanoids don't react well to you for some reason..

Alternative Mobilization 8/15

Biology 4/6

Alternative Mobilization 12/15

1-2) We begin to construct farms.

3)The flesh of the Kaldorian is meaty, and juicy. After we skin them, and eat their fat little muscles…and their guts, we behead and plant their heads on spikes- we make sure that they frozen faces are smiling. We had only wished for peace, but the little plumps decided to bring war to us. (More food)

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d64347 No.12449

Dice rollRolled 48, 76, 19 = 143 (3d100)



1. We gotta get to work on that scale technology and try to get it better. (Work on upgrading Scaled Building [Primitive])

2. Hmm…Gonna need more rum. Lets set up some additional stills, and look into upgrading them later.

3. Continue work on Air War research (5/8)


Race: Assorted

Color: Pink

Fluff: Every world has that group of people that just don't fit in. Some of them want to shake things up, others want to

strike at what they see as a hidden injustice, and others just want to watch the world burn. Sky pirates are an eclectic

mix of people who gathered together under common desires and goals. The Skyrate Nation is the closest thing to a over

arching government for these various crews. Held together by tradition and ages old treaties, the Council of Captains

represents the crews with the most ships, the most pull with other nations, and other proofs of cunning or strength. The

Council's main goal is to avoid over piracy of any one group, to prevent the entire thing falling apart, or drawing any

one other country to their home city. Every generation or so the Council elects a single Pirate Lord, a person charismatic

enough to be able to bind all pirates together should there be a crisis, or a threat that could dismantle the careful

balance they have worked to set up.

To this effect they have created Port of Call currently known as Skytuga, a mess of trade, airship docks, airship repairs,

airship sellers, and more, the crowning piece being a large building that houses the Council and the Pirate Lord and their

assorted functions.

Government Type: Kratocracy based "Council of Captains" with one overcaptain referred to as the Pirate Lord.

Economy Type: Pirate Free Market

Religion: Worship the God of The Sky and Storms, The Goddess of Luck, and the Goddess of Wealth.

Location: Ribwall

Population: (14) (1/turn)

Food: (Good)

Raw Currency: (24) (+7/turn)

Legitimacy: (Average)

Culture: (7)

Industry: (9)

Unique Buildings: [1 Pirate Council Hall] [1 DreadDock Super Dock] [1 Black Market Goods Trade Emporium] [1 PYU Pirate Univerity]

Defenses: Aerial Patrols [Average]

Military Units: 4 [SkyGalleon][Very Strong]; 4 [Pirate Marines][Medium]

Resources/Quantity: Rum [Sustainable][Market]; Iron [Sustainble]; Copper [Sustainable]; Wood [Sustainable][x3]

Magic/Spells: (Aero-Piratical [Average]) (spells: Summon Ghost Pirates [Simple]) (War Magic [Primitive])

Technology: (Iron, Stone, Wood, Copper) Airships; [Average]; Air-War [Average]; Scaled Building [Primitive]; Economics


Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: (7)


1. Boarding Action: You may board enemy craft and seize them. Every time you engage enemy convoys, trade routes, or

opposition airships, you can roll 1d10 after defeating the craft to see if you captured some them. (If routes

undefended/non-military, roll 1d10. This does not apply to creatures.)

2. Sketchy Gentlemen: Every time you recruit land units, you can reroll if you roll below 50 (once). This includes

traditionally shipboard marines and boarding parties.


1. Rascals: Pirates are notorious for a variety of sketchy outright outlandish acts of villain, vice, heroism, bravery,

disruption, and general scandal. Roll a 1d100 every 3rd round to see what's going on.

2. Why Is Rum Gone?: If your rum supply is damaged, you lose legitimacy.

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d64347 No.12450


the second set of 3 actions not the first.

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d64347 No.12451

Dice rollRolled 27, 3, 13 = 43 (3d100)

The Proprietor settles back into his plush seat. His position as the Face gave him quite a few benefits, but nothing was better than being privy to the world's secrets. He thumbed the ruby and quartz ring around his finger, a mental charge giving the stone within life.

"Moshi moshi," came a feminine voice on the other end. "Pick up or delivery?"

"Delivery." the Proprietor replied with a though. "I'll need hands upon hands."

"Aha, very well. Good luck, mi amore." There was a smooching sound in his head and the link was cut. The Directrix was an odd lady to be sure.

1. Operation WHO

2. Several engineers working for various groups are flown into the Morph's territory from all over the Plane. They begin working on a secret project for the strange metal-eating men

3. Glamour Mask research

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d64347 No.12452

Dice rollRolled 24 (1d100)


Specialist reroll on 1

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d64347 No.12453

Dice rollRolled 71, 99, 67 = 237 (3d100)


>FluffnStuff: >>10350

Population: 35.2(1.7/turn)

Raw Currency: 74 (13/turn)

Legitimacy: Good

Culture: (8)

Industry: (10)

Unique Buildings: [Council Headquarters], Aeroport [Primitive], [Temple of the Traveler], [Gobtown], [Bogart] [Patchwork City Marketplace]

Defenses: (Tower/Wall Defense Network (Large)

Professional Military: 6 Tseyarian Birds (Medium), Patchwork Flagship Mk. II (Epic++)[Armored], 1 Integrated Clansguard (Very Strong)[Brave] 3 Patchwork Clansguard (Very Strong), 3 Air Mages (Medium), 4 Goblin Blackhat Coteries (Medium) [Infiltrate][Sapper] 2 Gobtown Gaggles (Strong) [Infiltrate][Sapper][Resilient]

Resources/Quantity: [Stone, Sustainable], [Wood, Sustainable], [Iron, Sustainable] [Rubicite, unmined] [Steel, Sustainable]

Magic/Spells: (Air, Basic) (spells: Summon Tseyarian Birds, Good; Tornado, Simple; Haste, Simple; Summon Air Elemental, Simple)

Technology: (Stone, Wood, Iron, Steel) [Airships, Average] [Aerial Navigation, Average] [Civil Defense, Basic] [Bureaucracy, primitive] [Diplomacy, Simple] [Standardization, Primitive] [Rationalization, Simple] [Coinage, Simple] Unit Upgrade [Improvised] Economics [Primitive]

Territories: (22)

1) Upgrade the Aeroport! (1/3)

2) If our military chiefs think the rubicite will help, then mine the stuff.

3) Loen is rapidly disapearing, and with things getting more… aggressive this side of Soren, we should probably go elsewhere. Gul would be a fine place to settle.

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d64347 No.12454


The 'merchant' sighs. "What I'm trying ta say is I deal in merchandise that most people don't ask about, things you'd find in a black market. I'm willing to deal with legitimate business type deals as well, though a large portion of my wares have been otherwise acquired from people who may not realize they have been acquired so. Savvy?"

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d64347 No.12455

Dice rollRolled 8, 2, 9, 1, 1, 9, 5, 6 = 41 (8d10)


8 Clockworkmen are sent back into the "Santerian Metal Shredder" with orders to "inflict as many casualties upon our enemies limited reserves and populace as possible"

It was strongly expected the enemy, with their populace forced to fight on the defensive, would be limited in their farming ability, with those who would farm being sent to fight. Cannibalism would likely be an option, especially in regards to the WURMS.

In expectation of this, they also loaded up numerous clockworkmen large sacks of molotovs and lamp oil, creating the first mobile bomb units. These were interspersed among the divisions, and when attack would detonate with a fercious incendiary effect, especially if attacked in melee. Luckily, their clockwork bretheren would not be hindered by flames and the fires would reveal the shadow-walkers excellently.

If ever a source of food were found, a farm, or even a well or spring, they would detonate on these areas. Food would be obliterated on sight, wells would be poisoned with oil and powder.

The Airships remain behind, always on guard and watching the cave exits, but for the most part unable to so effectively contribute to the fight.

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d64347 No.12456


Well I guess I'll cash dump 16 into roll 1 to help it along.

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