I know this thread might put some people off, but I was wondering why there are so few ABDL videos showing adult baby girls shitting themselves, especially when you are talking about anything more thoroughly put together/edited, like some abdreams content or something like it.
Is it because it is just more challenging finding attractive people willing to do this sort of thing? I don't know, couldn't they just fake it with fake poop? Like practical special effects? Doesn't sound that hard, I think... Also I once read that – this is probably bullshit – but once I read that payment processing companies were a little iffy when dealing with this sort of content. Maybe due to possible health hazards? I don't know, it sounds bullshit. But then again, these companies are somewhat picky.
I'm not saying that such ABDL content doesn't exist. What I'm saying is that, I have the impression that those ABDL content showing people shitting themselves are the bottom of the barrel as far as video quality goes, it is just a shitty product (no pun intended), like something that someone did with a camera and a diaper, the image is shitty, the lightning is shitty, there is no story and yadda yadda, just bad from a technical point of view.
Anyway, what are your two cents about this whole thing?
Also, if you are into that, you might like this tweet here: