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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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global adms are banning l.0.l.i and s.h.0.t.a


81a5e1 (1) No.110481 >>110629 >>111450 >>111477 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Can anyone here take some professional pictures and short videoclips of adult diapers please?

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bd704f (1) No.110629

>>110481 (OP)

no dls with a high quality camera-setup here?

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d8f1b0 (3) No.111450

>>110481 (OP)


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0d21e4 (2) No.111477>>111486

>>110481 (OP)

I have a friend who's a pro photographer and he will do mostly any sort of job, no matter how strange, though he doesn't work for free.

I'll forward him your e-mail address if you leave it here.

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d8f1b0 (3) No.111486>>111509


how much money would he want for lets say 10 pictures??

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0d21e4 (2) No.111509>>111513


I wouldn't know, you really should ask him yourself, post your e-mail address here and I'll tell him to drop you a line to discuss your needs.

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d8f1b0 (3) No.111513



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