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/1/ - LATAM

Latinamerica - Unión, Unidad y Unificación
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669cd0 No.19171

If extreme leftists can have their servers and get away with it, so can we.

We're a server dedicated to housing the far right.

Politics to trolling in Omegle calls are found here.

Keep in mind that this server is only temporarily being shown here, so join before it becomes invite-only.

If you are a liberal, by all means just scroll away. It's best to avoid conflict than fixing it.

No one here can be banned because we're protected by the first amendment in the bill of rights (US Citizens only).

Enjoy your time here.

Paste this into disc –→ VEgvN9ag2b

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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