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Latinamerica - Unión, Unidad y Unificación
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File: 8fa16fb6504f280⋯.png (111.85 KB,1190x666,595:333,1585055728371.png)

3417e5 No.19140

The Urantia book in circles

Universal Reality Elements

>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]


There are just three elements in universal reality: fact, idea, and relation. The religious consciousness identifies these realities as science, philosophy, and truth. Philosophy would be inclined to view these activities as reason, wisdom, and faith – physical reality, intellectual reality, and spiritual reality. We are in the habit of designating these realities as thing, meaning, and value.

three elements in universal reality:




The religious consciousness identifies these realities as science,



Philosophy would be inclined to view these activities as reason, - - physical reality

wisdom, - - intellectual reality

faith - - spiritual reality.

We are in the habit of designating these realities as




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3417e5 No.19141

File: 8f5f5f9792deef1⋯.jpg (176.29 KB,1102x899,38:31,20200324_131135.jpg)


We are in the habit of designating these realities as




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3417e5 No.19142

File: 14422f55e4d2fd9⋯.jpg (196.39 KB,1128x894,188:149,20200324_132125.jpg)


Philosophy would be inclined to view these activities as

reason, - - physical reality

wisdom, - - intellectual reality

faith - - spiritual reality.

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3417e5 No.19143

File: 0a7e6b3b0a8367e⋯.jpg (167.03 KB,1055x785,211:157,20200324_133732.jpg)


Philosophy would be inclined to view these activities as

reason, - - physical reality

wisdom, - - intellectual reality

faith - - spiritual reality.

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3417e5 No.19144

File: 865b55e4a368266⋯.jpg (192.43 KB,1109x1010,1109:1010,20200324_134800.jpg)


The religious consciousness identifies these realities as




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3417e5 No.19145

File: cb9deab3cdbcee9⋯.jpg (194.79 KB,1109x986,1109:986,20200324_140524.jpg)


three elements in universal reality:




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69321b No.19147

Three is the integer base with the best radix economy for large numbers. Of course the big circles would all have three smaller circles inside.

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3417e5 No.19148


>radix economy

What do you mean by that?

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3417e5 No.19149

File: fc8f909f739f81c⋯.jpg (358.97 KB,1086x1316,543:658,20200405_200606.jpg)

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e6aaec No.19161

File: d3db980210b3e00⋯.jpg (447.05 KB,1190x1470,17:21,20200419_012557.jpg)



1. personality circuit of the Father, we call personal.

2. responding to the spirit circuit of the Son, we call spirit.

3 Any and all that responds to the mind circuit of the Conjoint Actor, we call mind

4. Any and all that responds to the material-gravity circuit centering in nether Paradise, we call matter—energy-matter in all its metamorphic states.

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e6aaec No.19165

File: 1929b571423b3c6⋯.jpg (289.42 KB,1190x1470,17:21,20200419_231815.jpg)

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e6aaec No.19166

File: d0098ee86cb389f⋯.jpg (386.05 KB,1190x1470,17:21,20200420_084116.jpg)

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