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File: a93c1c1b49eda83⋯.png (2.14 MB,1186x1692,593:846,1583869882952_trimmed.png)

494683 No.19128

This thread for anything related to U-rantia Papers

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494683 No.19129

File: 656e02e4df1dd35⋯.jpg (159.45 KB,400x380,20:19,Earth_Urantia_skyimage_186….jpg)

What is Urantia?

It is the name of the planet Earth.

The Urantia Book

>[Paper: Section. Paragraph]


IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia—that being the name of your world

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494683 No.19130

File: 92ffc307a096c04⋯.jpg (105.72 KB,1100x666,550:333,20200210_215023.jpg)


Who wrote the Urantia Papers?

The short answer : Angels

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494683 No.19131

File: 570b35f3d6ba5af⋯.png (77.35 KB,400x432,25:27,20200316_171501.png)


How many Papers are there in the Urantia book?

196 papers

7 sections each paper average

The Book was originally written in English

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494683 No.19134

File: 7f6755639daa017⋯.jpg (121.58 KB,963x933,321:311,20200321_151330.jpg)

The purpose of the Urantia book is to unify science, religion and philosophy.

A bit of a challenge.

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494683 No.19135

File: c76aa08ae24294b⋯.jpg (881.03 KB,1200x1794,200:299,Screenshot_2020_03_24_0454….jpg)



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494683 No.19136

File: 8a27610d29f5e02⋯.jpg (176.85 KB,1190x1470,17:21,20200313_012208.jpg)


Macro Perspective


Micro Perspective

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494683 No.19146

File: 226e0ed380a8e8b⋯.jpg (747.67 KB,1200x1794,200:299,Screenshot_2020_03_25_1139….jpg)

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ecc9c3 No.19150

File: 267ce18e1ccbade⋯.jpg (284.35 KB,1114x1088,557:544,20200227_093315.jpg)

Body, mind, spirt, soul and personality


>Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality

The Urantia book

>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]


1. Body. The material or physical organism of man. The living electrochemical mechanism of animal nature and origin.


2. Mind. The thinking, perceiving, and feeling mechanism of the human organism. The total conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with the emotional life reaching upward through worship and wisdom to the spirit level.


3. Spirit. The divine spirit that indwells the mind of man—the Thought Adjuster. This immortal spirit is prepersonal—not a personality, though destined to become a part of the personality of the surviving mortal creature.


4. Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to "do the will of the Father in heaven," so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual—it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.


Personality. The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The personality is the unique bestowal which the Universal Father makes upon the living and associated energies of matter, mind, and spirit, and which survives with the survival of the morontial soul.

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ecc9c3 No.19151

File: 6a5ae6a1011459d⋯.png (2.3 MB,1000x1512,125:189,20200226_231724.png)

1/4 Jesus political attitude


>never make the mistake of identifying Jesus' teachings with any political or economic theory, with any social or industrial system

The Urantia book

>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]


2. Political attitude. He cautioned his apostles to be discreet in their remarks concerning the relations then existing between the Jewish people and the Roman government; he forbade them to become in any way embroiled in these difficulties. He was always careful to avoid the political snares of his enemies, ever making reply, "Render to Caesar the things which are Caesar's and to God the things which are God's." He refused to have his attention diverted from his mission of establishing a new way of salvation; he would not permit himself to be concerned about anything else. In his personal life he was always duly observant of all civil laws and regulations; in all his public teachings he ignored the civic, social, and economic realms. He told the three apostles that he was concerned only with the principles of man's inner and personal spiritual life.


Jesus was not a political reformer. He did not come to reorganize the world; even if he had done this, it would have been applicable only to that day and generation. Nevertheless, he did show man the best way of living, and no generation is exempt from the labor of discovering how best to adapt Jesus' life to its own problems. But never make the mistake of identifying Jesus' teachings with any political or economic theory, with any social or industrial system.


3. Social attitude. The Jewish rabbis had long debated the question: Who is my neighbor? Jesus came presenting the idea of active and spontaneous kindness, a love of one's fellow men so genuine that it expanded the neighborhood to include the whole world, making all men one's neighbors. But with all this, Jesus was interested only in the individual, not the mass.

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ecc9c3 No.19152

File: c4f17787ff6b99c⋯.png (2.24 MB,1000x1512,125:189,20200226_230312.png)


2/4 Jesus's political attitude


>The family occupied the very center of Jesus' philosophy of life—here and hereafter.

The Urantia book

>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]


The Master did not say that men should never entertain their friends at meat, but he did say that his followers should make feasts for the poor and the unfortunate. Jesus had a firm sense of justice, tempered with mercy. He did not teach his apostles that they were to be imposed upon by social parasites or professional alms-seekers. The nearest he came to making sociological pronouncements was to say, "Judge not, that you be not judged."


He made it clear that indiscriminate kindness may be blamed for many social evils. The following day Jesus definitely instructed Judas that no apostolic funds were to be given out as alms except upon his request or upon the joint petition of two of the apostles. In all these matters it was the practice of Jesus always to say, "Be as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves." It seemed to be his purpose in all social situations to teach patience, tolerance, and forgiveness.


The family occupied the very center of Jesus' philosophy of life—here and hereafter. He based his teachings about God on the family, while he sought to correct the Jewish tendency to overhonor ancestors. He exalted family life as the highest human duty but made it plain that family relationships must not interfere with religious obligations. He called attention to the fact that the family is a temporal institution. Jesus did not hesitate to give up his family when the family ran counter to the Father's will. He taught the new and larger brotherhood of man—the sons of God. In Jesus' time divorce practices were lax in Palestine and throughout the Roman Empire.

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ecc9c3 No.19153

File: db17549ad4521ef⋯.png (2.47 MB,1000x1512,125:189,20200226_231012.png)

3/4 Jesus's political attitude


> "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" He made no direct attack on the possession of property, but he did insist that it is eternally essential that spiritual values come first.

The Urantia book

>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]


4. Economic attitude. Jesus worked, lived, and traded in the world as he found it. He was not an economic reformer, although he did frequently call attention to the injustice of the unequal distribution of wealth. But he did not offer any suggestions by way of remedy. He made it plain to the three that, while his apostles were not to hold property, he was not preaching against wealth and property, merely its unequal and unfair distribution. He recognized the need for social justice and industrial fairness, but he offered no rules for their attainment.


He never taught his followers to avoid earthly possessions, only his twelve apostles. Luke, the physician, was a strong believer in social equality, and he did much to interpret Jesus' sayings in harmony with his personal beliefs. Jesus never personally directed his followers to adopt a communal mode of life; he made no pronouncement of any sort regarding such matters.


Jesus frequently warned his listeners against covetousness, declaring that "a man's happiness consists not in the abundance of his material possessions." He constantly reiterated, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" He made no direct attack on the possession of property, but he did insist that it is eternally essential that spiritual values come first. In his later teachings he sought to correct many erroneous Urantia views of life by narrating numerous parables which he presented in the course of his public ministry. Jesus never intended to formulate economic theories; he well knew that each age must evolve its own remedies for existing troubles.

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ecc9c3 No.19154

File: 34595d40c7dd836⋯.png (2.47 MB,1000x1512,125:189,20200226_230001.png)


4/4 Jesus's political attitude

The Urantia Book

>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]


And if Jesus were on earth today, living his life in the flesh, he would be a great disappointment to the majority of good men and women for the simple reason that he would not take sides in present-day political, social, or economic disputes. He would remain grandly aloof while teaching you how to perfect your inner spiritual life so as to render you manyfold more competent to attack the solution of your purely human problems.


Jesus would make all men Godlike and then stand by sympathetically while these sons of God solve their own political, social, and economic problems. It was not wealth that he denounced, but what wealth does to the majority of its devotees. On this Thursday afternoon Jesus first told his associates that "it is more blessed to give than to receive."


5. Personal religion. You, as did his apostles, should the better understand Jesus' teachings by his life. He lived a perfected life on Urantia, and his unique teachings can only be understood when that life is visualized in its immediate background. It is his life, and not his lessons to the twelve or his sermons to the multitudes, that will assist most in revealing the Father's divine character and loving personality.


Jesus did not attack the teachings of the Hebrew prophets or the Greek moralists. The Master recognized the many good things which these great teachers stood for, but he had come down to earth to teach something additional, "the voluntary conformity of man's will to God's will." Jesus did not want simply to produce a religious man, a mortal wholly occupied with religious feelings and actuated only by spiritual impulses. Could you have had but one look at him, you would have known that Jesus was a real man of great experience in the things of this world.

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ecc9c3 No.19155

File: 1de589e2d9f66de⋯.jpg (445.12 KB,1200x1200,1:1,20200304074215.jpg)

1/7 After life


>Mortals are liberated from the bonds of flesh by the emancipation of natural death, and all alike go thence to the morontia worlds(Paper 47)

The Urantia Book


>[Paper: Section. Paragraph]


All of the differing physical types and planetary series of mortals alike enjoy the ministry of Thought Adjusters(spirit), guardian angels, and the various orders of the messenger hosts of the Infinite Spirit. All alike are liberated from the bonds of flesh by the emancipation of natural death, and all alike go thence to the morontia worlds(Paper 47) of spiritual evolution and mind progress.


From time to time, on motion of the planetary authorities or the system rulers, special resurrections of the sleeping survivors are conducted. Such resurrections occur at least every millennium of planetary time, when not all but "many of those who sleep in the dust awake." These special resurrections are the occasion for mobilizing special groups of ascenders for specific service in the local universe plan of mortal ascension. There are both practical reasons and sentimental associations connected with these special resurrections.


Throughout the earlier ages of an inhabited world, many are called to the mansion spheres at the special and the millennial resurrections, but most survivors are repersonalized at the inauguration of a new dispensation associated with the advent of a divine Son of planetary service.


1. Mortals of the dispensational or group order of survival. With the arrival of the first Adjuster(spirit) on an inhabited world the guardian seraphim also make their appearance; they are indispensable to terrestrial escape. Throughout the life-lapse period of the sleeping survivors the spiritual values and eternal realities of their newly evolved and immortal souls are held as a sacred trust by the personal or by the group guardian seraphim.

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f55b75 No.19167

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055539 No.19168

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