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/hgg/ - Hentai Games General

Board dedicated to some of the greatest games in the world

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File: 4fcfa7183242db3⋯.png (67.45 KB,384x387,128:129,YesPlz.png)

 No.309031 [Last50 Posts]

This thread is for begging for links to games. Although the old thread said that a new such thread would result in a deletion and ban, it is now full - I am thus making this thread anew.

Previous threads:

1) http://archive.is/bdqSO

2) http://archive.is/Cx0dH

Simple Suggestions To Help Anons Locate Files When No One Else Will

For New Uploaders: I suggest using a temporary storage service that doesn't require a login like filedropper or nofile.io in order to avoid having your filehosting accounts banned for hosting porn/hosting illegal content (if your content happens to be illegally obtained).

>Long-term storage runs the risk of hurting you or coming back to bite you in the ass later.

>Attach passwords (if applicable) to prevent bots and newfags from simply searching and locating your files to send DMCA requests.

>Name your folders something related to the game but not the game's name for the same reason as above

>If you know what you're doing, carry on and disregard the above advice.

For Beggars:

If you live in North/South America or China, try searching for a torrent before begging. Most of North/South America has pretty lax laws or doesn't care about going after people for torrenting porn games (especially H-games). A VPN or at least a proxy is always recommended, but I've never used a VPN before in my 5 years of torrenting, and never had a letter or fine from my ISP of course I only torrent shit from Asia and obscure porn games, not Game of Thrones episodes and obvious shit like that. If you live in Europe (especially Germany and UK), Korea, or Japan, a VPN is pretty much required, and I'd suggest begging first, with torrents as a last resort (unless you know what you're doing).

If you legit don't know where to look for torrents or start, use nyaa.pantsu.cat/nyaa.si first (safest one, almost a guarantee all files are clean), and then either torrentz.colorask.com or torrents.me if your results weren't on nyaa. Always use a magnet link instead of downloading .torrent files as it reduces your risk of catching a virus! Any good torrenting site will contain both. If they don't have a magnet link you can copy/paste into your torrent client, it's probably a virus site, but assume any download contains a virus unless you've confirmed its contents with an antivirus program or it has something like 50+ seeders.

Since you've resorted to begging anyways, a google search of popular porn sites fapforfun, f98, ulmf, hongfire may turn up the results you're looking for. For instance, most of the Rape of the Dead links were ripped from F98 users and rehosted on mega or nofile.io for anons. Incognito mode and deleting your browser data from the last 1-3 hours should be all you need to do to remove those pesky "XXX game" search results from your browser's memory. Stay safe out there!

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In the last post of the previous thread >>308034 said he was willing to buy a game off the English DLSite. If he's still around I would like to request Tentacle Ward [-666-]. It's a Dieselmine game but it's impossible to find a working link or torrent.


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File: 348ec616aba7c08⋯.jpg (299.8 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ128341_img_main.jpg)

I will also try begging for this again. There's links around, but they're all dead or scams; I imagine someone out there has downloaded it, but I don't know who might have it.


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File: 684e0c82d60572b⋯.jpg (107.86 KB,564x1200,47:100,684e0c82d60572b3c9af63bfca….jpg)

Does anyone have the latest patreon version of Accidental Woman?

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Does anyone have a working torrent or download for Saimin Gakkyuu or Chou Saiminjutsu Gauken?

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Yeah, 0.85 of Caliross?

Sounds like it had a bit of an update, since the new hypnotist can basically help skip a ton of grinding.

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Been looking for a game for ages now, all i remember is that you kidnap some random street girls and train them into whores.

You can personally train them or let them be trained automatically. You get cash and can upgrade the training utilities and such after a while. Same people who made that one game where you kidnap a girl and keep her in the basement, trying to break her while not letting her die etc..

3D graphics

hlep pls

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Could it be this?


The description didn't say anything about automatically training them, but your description of the other game seems to fit "Sealed Room Breed".


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File: 1dd615947ca7a3c⋯.jpg (403.47 KB,560x420,4:3,RE200725_img_main.jpg)

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Is it even worth playing? I've never seen an adult game with so many large updates actually yield such few increases in playable game time.

He just keeps remaking the basic core mechanics over and over, to the point the game itself seems to makes no progress.

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According to his roadmap, he's supposed to have finished with the framework in January and is now adding content. (((Supposed))).

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Requesting the android version of Sweet Young Bride https://vndb.org/r60343

Tried searching for it and only saw the PC version.

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File: af0f01d3bbc88d3⋯.png (595.41 KB,804x1052,201:263,af0f01d3bbc88d328481d19ed5….png)

Does anyone have a crack for byururu labyrinth?

I downloaded https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2579738 but the retard upped the game as is.

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File: a62513a4169cbf2⋯.jpg (329.18 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ096310_img_main.jpg)

Does anyone have this game ver.1.2 or higher please i have looked everywhere and i can't find it


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File: b3f933689a1413c⋯.jpg (100.67 KB,620x581,620:581,d004afcd-63ad-41fd-aade-97….jpg)

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I remember someone saying before that if you change the exe whit the one of the trial the game works, or you can always go to fapforfun and do another download

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I'm amazed that SOB is still actually pushing updates.

It'll be a shock if any actual content ever makes it out and more of a shock if it's actually good.

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does anyone have the latest Altered Heroines?

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The dev said almost everything is going to be moddable so he will probably treat this like a Bethesda game. Finish all the core mechanics, and let the community make the content while releasing a few updates which is basically ripping off the best mods made and integrating them into the base game.

Hopefully unlike Bethesda games, this won't be a bugfest for the first two years after full release.

I do believe he intends to actually make a quality game in the end. The complexity of some mechanics is too much for someone who isn't actually emotionally invested in it to create. He just wants to make it take a long time, to milk as many Patreon shekels as possible. And with modding support, the lifetime of this game could be indefinite. I suppose we shall see in a few years :^)

but srs does anyone have the latest patreon version

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Anyone have the 0.36 Future Fragments? Seems to take weeks for those to show up.

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Four elements bughunt version if anyone has it.

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latest version of parasite infection. please.

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File: 7d2a840d7142249⋯.png (701.79 KB,720x1000,18:25,__toosaka_rin_fate_stay_ni….png)

I'm looking for a NTR VN that disguises itself a "normal" high school dating simulator. I don't have any specific title in mind, I don't know if something like that even exists, but I figured someone here should know. The synopsis is that the player meets girls and builds relationships with them over various - completely innocent - events, until he chooses one of them and enters her route. Then once he gets to know her better the NTRing ensues. It could be anything, but I think having her captured and raped by some strangers would be the best. They could mindbreak her using drugs or hypnosis and show her to the player character in that state, maybe even let him participate. Edgy endings where the would-be couple kill themselves over the shame of what happened or the girl suffers from unwanted pregnancy are a bonus.

I'm asking for this because I get off more to the psychological concept of having my loved ones degraded than actual sex in NTR games. The game should use all of the usual tricks dating sims use to make the player fall in love with a character, but then smash it all to pieces instead of letting him have his happy ending. Let me know if you know of a VN resembling my description.

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Seek professional Help.

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yeah christ I hope they never reproduce. probably would put their loved ones in bad situations out of neglegence and subconcious desires. Literal shit stain cuck on society

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File: 121710703a986bc⋯.jpg (73.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,VH.jpg)

An old version of Violated Heroine that has the old intro theme is all I want right now. I want to remember those days I had nothing else to worry about but school and wanking on my pc.

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File: e13791cec2e28e9⋯.jpg (49.08 KB,540x720,3:4,fc4.jpg)



I hope no one will answer to this request.

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If you want to, signing up here is free & there's no upload limit. Most of these were uploaded by that Jason Scott guy that works there. They have a DMCA exception for older software, so if you have any pre-2010, disc-based or otherwise non-DLSite/DMM games, you could sign up with a throwaway email. I uploaded a couple eroges & doujin games here that haven't been taken down in over a year. It's probably safer if you don't use any screenshots for the porn, though.

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File: a5b2fe3de360bf1⋯.jpg (106.86 KB,886x400,443:200,GH.jpg)

Can anyone share the latest version of Guilty Hell?

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This. Please.

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Requesting the english version of Ghoul x Ghoulah. I can't find that game anywhere.

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File: 7d1deef7d78ea58⋯.png (526.7 KB,1280x1846,640:923,moon.png)


>unironically asking for NTR

Death would be a mercy for trash such as yourself.

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Anyone got the latest build of Fek's Rack 2?

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File: 30eb2dfd5e86f13⋯.jpg (99.89 KB,448x674,224:337,1548434685080.jpg)


>tfw this already happened and it ended up tanking a series so hard it went from no. 1 bestseller to literal-who in the span of a few months

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What series? I'm curious to learn more about this.

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Link to Nano-control 0.15c? It should be on Fag95zone.

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Looks like Kannagi, but it isn't a VN.

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I was hoping for some nice nerd drama about their surrogate character getting cucked, but it looks like it was just people spazzing because the love interest was revealed to have a previous lover in the past. Boo.

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File: b018cf2447ab844⋯.png (1.03 MB,1016x810,508:405,1543536936852.png)


Regardless, it is an excellent example of why you don't crowbar extremely divisive niche fetishes into perceived vanilla games, even in limited doses.

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Nigger, it says "Kannagi" right there on the image.


I never read this, but that sounds about right. Most people don't like cuck shit, so of course the series is going to tank once that sort of thing happens.

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That's not the updated version, that's A1 1.0

That one you can find on the cat site pretty easily. It's 1.2 I'm looking for.

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Not a game, but RE180075 would be appreciated. Can provide link if needed.

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File: 640a32c92337738⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,1218x1160,21:20,640a32c92337738e399231894a….jpg)

Any good beastiality focused game out there? A lot of games have good but shorts scenes included so the author can put a tick next to that box on the fetish list but I have never found any that have it as a main theme.

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Anyone got a download for the full version of the english translation of Drain Dungeon 2?

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Looking for the Patreon version of Hard Times in Hornstown

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[Delta] 麗佳牝犬調教 ~××に犯されて・・・~ Reika mesuinu choukyo lolish

[Drei] Reika Final ~Juuetsu no Kioku~

[Delta] 牝犬発情記~かげりゆく日常~

Mesuinu Hatsujou Ki

[Delta] Shiiku Hakusho ~ Kusari ni Tsunagareta Doukyusei ~

You may or may not see human sex in the above titles

There was one more involving sisters sold as maid for debts but I forgot if it was beast focused or just a part.

Another light hearted romance one involving her dog, forgot the title sorry.

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File: e82f2e86b87e63b⋯.png (137.64 KB,640x480,4:3,cg01_toireona02.png)

Does anyone know where to find an up to date copy of Flash Cycling in english? The version I have is old. Also if there is a guide for the scenes that would be cool

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Anyone got this game?

Also any good /ss/ games?

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Wow, you were so unbelievably helpful with you pointing that out.

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File: 2d25a339f097246⋯.png (682.44 KB,960x600,8:5,RJ236979.png)

Does anyone have a walkthrough or can summarize the plot of this game - preferably in as much explicit detail as possible? Spoilers welcomed.

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trying to find a game from a few years back, basic premise is that you start working part time for a demon nursery place, notable features include mini games with the lolis to increase/decrease likeability, you start in the middle and get different scenes with the girls depending which way you go. There's also a buddy system, so each girl has a partner where if you complete both requirements; make 1 love you, the other hate you, both love you etc. You get a threesome scene.

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[Toki Nokogiri] Youmaen - The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi

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File: 5eb5f9ddda20bb3⋯.png (156.12 KB,650x428,325:214,67db566e17910eca7ea87865ab….png)

I'm trying to remember the name of a game that was posted here months ago. The main character gets put in charge of some nobleman's daughter that's in the military, and the whole objective of the game is to degrade her before you get demoted.

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I know what you're talking about, sorry to say I'm pretty sure I got bored of that and deleted it. Was it called A Soldier's Life?

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That's exactly what it is, thank you

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Just downloaded it and it gives me an error at launch, can't find a file, apparently.

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Nevermind, I downloaded a broken version by a retard.

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anyone know what happened to the tits mod that enabled the dragon incest ?

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I took anon's advise, deleted the thread and decided to move back to the initial board, >>>/f/.

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File: 34abbe8941cf50a⋯.png (1.49 MB,1270x923,1270:923,Noblemans Retort - Trainin….png)

Wanna know if there are any games that have this, it's a pretty specific fetish.

Numbing her pleasure and forcing her to orgasms basically non-stop while her body shakes and cums but her mind doesn't even process it and acts normal.

This scene makes me rock hard like diamonds but I haven't seen anything like this in other games. Even if it's a doujin that'd work for me anons.

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Man, that writing is pretty shit.

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It's the concept, you take what you can get of a rare fetish.

As a side note, it's not all of it I just took the scenes that showed what I was trying to convey the best. But its the basics of it.

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File: a50694df10ce1b4⋯.png (92.09 KB,291x292,291:292,1421874486983.png)


>someone calls you dumb


I mean this genuinely and unironically when I say that imageboards are not for you. You can't handle someone being even somewhat fucking impolite when you post about it.

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Tbh it was probably translated by an ESL either rewriting a MTL or requiring it for assistance. It's rare for a translation to come out sounding right, but it's even rarer for a translation done for free as a hobby to come out sounding right, even if the original writing was good (but it most likely wasn't).

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>I mean this genuinely and unironically when I say that imageboards are not for you. You can't handle someone being even somewhat fucking impolite when you post about it.

My skin is rather tough however I could see the several fuckups they pointed out. It seemed better a better to burn it all down and start over again at a later date rather than attempt recovery.

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File: 828039f7ed35915⋯.jpg (310.54 KB,560x420,4:3,succubus_tamer.jpg)


Does anyone have the newest version 4.1?

I would love to actually buy it, but it hasn't released on the english DLsite…

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File: 513d412175f0e82⋯.jpg (310.97 KB,933x1200,311:400,513d412175f0e82dc838960f16….jpg)

Half request, half begging.

Does anyone remember that harry poter themed stylized 3D porn game that was posted here (I think) a couple years back?

You had a thick gnome looking girl you could configure, then you fucked her. You had to click in certain spots which made hearts show and the animation progress.

I'm looking for both the name and the latest version, whichever it is.

I'm hoping for some new content, but if the project died like usual and that version was the last version it's fine.

Pic unrelated btw.

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File: 7684aa4e51a6826⋯.png (647.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,h5lZM8.png)


Are you talking about Poke Abby?


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File: 8e47877949b2445⋯.jpg (79.5 KB,799x739,799:739,battle of the bulge.jpg)


>free version

God you need to quit being a fag and learn that yiff.party exists for almost every porn game on patreon https://yiff.party/3692527

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Anyone have a mega link? :^)

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File: 14d3a579ab3fe1f⋯.png (321.35 KB,330x393,110:131,PLZ.png)

Can someone help a poorfag brainlet with getting v1.30 of this?

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File: 0add37904f397ff⋯.jpg (216.49 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,69805_69777_WxHXKvmSZSORWS….jpg)

Does anyone have a full version of the Sexyverse game Titans Tower?

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You know what i want, H-game where you play as a slutty hivemind. Anyone have anything similar to this? If not, would anybody be willing to perhaps start a project if there is enough support?

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Sounds interesting, but because it sounds good I'm going to assume it's in moonrune. Does it have an english version or are translations being worked on?

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File: 08e9a2db2e2e527⋯.jpg (304.26 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ180075_img_main.jpg)


>CG Collection of the race unity between 2 arch nemeses, Orcs & Elves by the marriage of their newly crowned King & Queen.

>See the sexual life of this lovey dovey couple until the Queen gets pregnant and gives birth to the first hybrid between Orc & Elf.

>Included inside : Story of how they can be together and what the purpose of their marriage.

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>cuckoldry the game

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File: 86e0525ce36475f⋯.jpg (459.11 KB,1274x713,1274:713,RE245734_img_smp7.jpg)

File: a05f3f68ea520fc⋯.jpg (724.59 KB,1274x713,1274:713,RE245734_img_smp1.jpg)

Mad Princess: The Great Gladiator

Anyone have a download link for this game? The pixel art and the actual game looks really good, but i'm not sure how erotic it is, since it's apparently to be released on steam at a later date. (and it apparently has DRM)

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What's cucked about a white woman elf getting bred by a nigger orc?

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God damn that art looks fucking atrocious

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>nearfatal has updated his patreon with new pics of impregdef

anyone willing to shell out money his patreon

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Any games featuring male on female animal/furry/monster?

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Fk I thought that was Picolo

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> G-Rated

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LOQO v2.16?

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>Lilith's Throne, Pytfall, No Haven, Degrees of Lewdity, COC

Give me more text-based degeneracy

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File: 914b4c42103412a⋯.jpg (142.59 KB,1600x864,50:27,fart fan.jpg)


ERA games, Free Cities, Night Games and TFgamessite also has a lot of those.

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No matter how much I browse, I cant find anyone with a functioning link for:




Any of ya lads happened to have it? I KNOW I saw it on a pastebin before, but i cant for the live of me find it

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Anybody got the latest Patreon of Fantasy Slave Trainer? I wouldn't mind using the free version, except the brothel stuff is literally broken except in the newest bugfix.

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Try /hgg/ on cuckchan's /vg/?

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I should have mentioned those as well.

My dream game is something like rags-to-riches free-world game with a "reverse corruption" fetish text-based game.

Basically start out in prostitute city with nothing and try to bring messed up types into a more hopeful future or something.

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Torrent them. They can easily be found in the usual place.

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Bump for interest

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Already tried, nothing, even though im sure i saw them on their pastebins


Already tried, nothing.

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It took me 5 minutes to find all of them. Look harder.

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Well fuck it, cant find them by RE on nya, unless you mean *another* usual place im not aware of

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>using the RE number instead of the RJ number

>not searching with the japanese name

Holy shit you are retarded.

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File: 698368dff64663b⋯.png (283.89 KB,728x745,728:745,1539552119427.png)


>not knowing that except for the 'E' they share the exact same number

Ah, my bad. I didnt know you were just being a retard on purpose. My bad, carry on.

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Yes they are the same, however if you search for RE###### you will have less luck finding it than if you search for RJ######. For the highest chance of finding something you don't search nyaa for either, you search for the Japanese title unless there is an official English patched version.

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File: 643e2379f831234⋯.jpg (137.91 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ241265_img_main.jpg)

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File: 760b8894d9366b7⋯.jpg (109.73 KB,800x600,4:3,0d8f44285bc8b09ec560eb336a….jpg)

Most likely a retarded question, but here we go anyway. Is pic related a real game? If so what is its name?

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one million years on google


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File: ea9387642c87bcb⋯.jpg (204.54 KB,1280x960,4:3,1541235308081.jpg)

anybody got Roundscape Adorevia - 4.2C? I found 4.2, but's got a bug that randomly freezes the game in combat

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File: b518aa26ad90c31⋯.jpg (74.76 KB,492x367,492:367,Loser.jpg)


Yep, i am definitely retarded. Thanks anyway.

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The Slice of Venture series has a significant focus on it.

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Looking for some more good 3D games, the ones I like are Koikatu, AA2 and all of GameColon's stuff (sealed room breed, soldgirl town). I've tried CM2 and Honey Select but didn't like them as much.

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can someone recommend me a game with fun gameplay?

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The Succubus series is pretty fun, especially the original and "Tower of the Succubus." It's classic-style gaming. The two Lab games are also good. Oh, and Barrage is good.

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File: 721c3e07e67fe0c⋯.jpg (97.4 KB,1124x653,1124:653,1545633839996.jpg)


Thanks anon, you're a fucking legend

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Teraurge, which currently has its own thread here, is focused mostly on human male x alien girls. And alien animal girls.

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File: 39a3352dec75963⋯.jpg (91.24 KB,500x280,25:14,1552972834379.jpg)

File: 709a6afe225d1b2⋯.png (310.74 KB,714x502,357:251,unknown.png)

Does anyone know what game this might come from? I've been looking for a real long while, and I'm not sure if it's an eratoho game or not. All I know is that it's text based, and it's touhou. I've searched for hours and still haven't found anything similar other than era games.

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second one is Reverse

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First one is TohoK

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Anyone have a link for these games?

I can't find shit.

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I really like Alchemy Meister

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Any game with empire building, incest, and impregnation, but with decent UI and art?

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Thank You!

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Hey, I downloaded Netotteya and Demojitsu off Sukebei. Both of them are games by Youkai Tamanoshi and in both of them errors appear after a few clicks in. Can anyone help me? What am I missing?

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Reposting >>329156 here, I don't think QTDDTOT was the right thread for this request


Without seeing the errors, the best advice I could give is that some games from nippon land require a japanese locale emulator to run right. I use https://github.com/xupefei/Locale-Emulator/releases, it's worked well for more esoteric jap titles.

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File: a06bacc877faa30⋯.jpg (111.99 KB,460x215,92:43,f6f5ef09e8e2d2faa11bfbbd90….jpg)

File: 944c93025d60fc7⋯.jpg (328.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ss_d51b5c6f7418b463807e598….jpg)

Anybody who got Noble & Knightess - Episode1 on steam?

Its a shitty cencored translation but a translation nonetheless…

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File: 742f2f87653e636⋯.gif (3.75 MB,960x540,16:9,Kildoya R.gif)

I have a request for someone with a pan baidu account, and who is able to upload this thing to MEGA (or elsewhere): https://pan.baidu.com/s/1n4UK2lRylEJY1nJD0ACUHw

The password is q3z4

296mb in size. It's a collection of mp4 and gif files from an online hentai game that's no longer running. The mp4 files are the important part though, gifs can be found elsewhere.

I'm unable to make a pan baidu account myself, and you do need one to download stuff from there these days. I've tried making one but no luck.

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It still doesn't work.

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Weird ass thing; it started to work once I changed date and time to Japanese form. Don't know why that worked, but it do.

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Does anyone have a version of Venture Seas worth sharing?

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Old Alicesoft games are freeware.

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perfect, thanks a ton lad. Took an instant shining to these rance games the second I played them, hopefully MC continues to be chad thundercock, stealer of dames from even dykes forever

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Not asking for a link, but a name.

It's a game which plays more or less the same as "Teaching Feelings", but in a different scenario.

There you meet a school girl at the train station, who ran away from her uncle(?) and take her home and like Teaching Feelings, having sex immediately results in a game over, since she will just leave.

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Exactly this!

Thank you.

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>>331428See >>326175

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File: 0c791df6749f2dc⋯.jpg (53.22 KB,960x786,160:131,1552584655712.jpg)

Does anyone have a download of Kara no Shoujo 2?

I've been searching for a bit and i feel like it's been scrubbed or something

Please help

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Any games out there with english cute & funny girls?

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When in doubt, go to ED

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File: c7e7e935acd5d22⋯.jpg (224.86 KB,640x480,4:3,20190219191311.jpg)

Anyone who bought "The Interview: You Know What You've Got to Do to Get the Job" on manga gamer and is willing to share?

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File: 623f69ec9783240⋯.jpg (306.11 KB,560x420,4:3,RE198392_img_main.jpg)


Anyone have a download link for the translated version? Loli HRPG which seemingly better than usual combat.

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that's just a girl with small breasts, mate. That ain't no loli.

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File: 856e358b96e7082⋯.jpg (120.01 KB,1599x1208,1599:1208,290082_Capture7.jpg)

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File: 2f10a66d825e6be⋯.jpg (73.78 KB,700x875,4:5,0zciyz10b9q21.jpg)


Thanks mate

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File: b2978ba58b95248⋯.jpg (294.78 KB,1200x800,3:2,b2978ba58b952487cd181ee26a….jpg)


That's it, thanks anon.


I never said free version though.

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File: 76d2bef994b4b03⋯.jpg (25.89 KB,420x630,2:3,76d2bef994b4b0373b613d0598….jpg)


>demo doesn't even have the content the fag himself posted years ago


>yiff part only has download links to shitty VR versions

Well, shit.

Does anyone have a good non-VR version of the game?

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do you mind if I ask, where are these pictures from you're using?

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File: ef1ce99877a361b⋯.jpg (23.05 KB,600x350,12:7,1554344542864.jpg)

I will suck dick for a Muv Luv Alternative torrent

The two torrents that are on mainstream trackers don't work

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File: 928d8782aaae511⋯.jpg (40.74 KB,420x840,1:2,928d8782aaae511a6c85c993fd….jpg)


Wait, I'm just stupid. Yiff party does have a new-ish link.

Unsurprisingly for patreon shit, there's been literally no progress at all, the game is the same as it was, except there's been a "texture update" and she'll fuck dogs on future never ever updates.


It's from a guy called Chocontoco, he has a few animations and comics you can find on any weeb tracker, plus a few galleries on panda with some extra stuff.


>pastebin of a magnet

For what purpose?

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Anyone got the latest version of Breeders of the Nephelym?

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I know there are 3D clips floating around of Clementine from Telltale's The Walking Dead, but are there any official h-games involving her? Whether she's in her "older" late teens form or her loli form, either is fine. She's easily one of my favorite female characters in a video game and the unique art style of the game would make for some interesting porns.

The lore and setting of TWD could lead to an interesting game playing as her and doing "anything and everything to survive", or even a game where you're protecting her and ya know, a bit rapey(but not as Lee, that would be too weird, an alternate universe where you, the rapey player end up finding her in her tree house), could be interesting. Anyone know of anything?

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Courtesy of fag95, it's a good place to get the latest updates but don't ever go beyond the opening post, site is literally filled with mouth breathing 3rd worlders.

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oh his stuff looks familiar, thanks

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Thanks man

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Urge to Molest recently got a sequel called Urge to Molest "If".


I was wondering if someone could get this so I can start translating it for the public.

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Hey guys, i'm searching for futa on male games, i love hardcore stuff and i already played tales of andoginity and futadom world.

I would like futa on female too with female protag, got any suggestions

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I've seen way, way too many projects where instead of working out the bugs out of an area or finalizing core gameplay, the dev just goes and implements yet another 50-80% finished mechanic/minigame/etc - so I wouldn't be holding my breath.

As the saying in the dev biz goes: "The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time."

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Begging for a complete save file for Fallen Princess Lucia Story.

Sagaoz/ULMF doesn't have one, and it's even in english so I'm really confused at the lack of save.

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if it's in English why don't you just beat the game yourself?

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Not really a full save, but it's after the game is beaten. Heroine is level 1, and i reset all sex stuff to 0, because i prefer it when the loli doesn't enjoy it, so you'll have to get raped a bit before prostituting yourself.


Ps: It's totally not a trojan

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How do I unlock the sex scenes in Outside? I've been playing over 20 years and cannot seem to get one.

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outside is a shit game, there's a reason everybody only uses it for it's in game game creation programs.

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Anybody have a link to Loki's Corruption 1.6.8?

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Begging for the name of a game.

It was posted in a few h-game boards a year or two ago. It was about impregnating girls over and over. It was called something that meant impregnation or coming inside in japanese.

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Anyone got a full vers of SiNiSistar?

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Haramase Simulator?

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no, because the full version isn't even out yet dude

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does anyone know if there is a more robust translation of rai7 other than the alpha pack 2 from hongfire

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All I got is the modded version.

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Is there anything with multiple/forced orgasm content? It seems like the most that sort of stuff gets is one scene at best.

I'm also talking about more than just a one-off mention of not wanting to come in the middle of an otherwise generic scene, of course. Because that doesn't even count.

Best I could ever find was years back, some flash games by Studio S. Those were largely about ryona and still managed to have better stuff about what I'm after than almost anything else, even as a secondary fetish.

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Forced/Multiple orgasms is muh fetish too brother.

It's true that it's a rare breed for games sadly, the closest thing to it is Lilith games where the girls bodies get slowly modified till they're basically orgasming from breathing.

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That's a bit of a shame, but it will have to do. Any titles in particular you'd recommend, or just in general?

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Yes that was it. Thank you kind anon.

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im looking for an old rags game that came out years ago, it was on hypnotics collective. Think the name was darthmoth manor or something like it.

The creator was charging for the game back then, but i can't find shit about it since.they had a free demo but i never could find the full version.

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You could try the ERA games.EraTW in particular.

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Oh snap, cheers mate.

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Agh, this is the demo version, does anyone have the full version

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File: 839f7e438d6d2b0⋯.jpg (145.1 KB,1200x676,300:169,D29WaZnUcAA1l6D.jpg)

anyone got a copy of the latest demo for metamorphose18's witch trials? it's an interesting looking game, where you use cards on what i assume is the witch and get her into lewd situations


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Now this is a long shot, but if anyone has a recommendation of a game with orgasm denial content, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Anyone know the name of that one fox loli game? I'm pretty sure it was 3D, had something to do with a bathhouse?

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search tofusoft, upgrade your computer

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Requesting a copy of RJ250792 if anyone has it. Unlikely because it's DRMed

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Does 0.6 of Rad Science have appreciably more content than 0.45? (Admittedly, it's much more of a VN AFAICT than game qua game.)

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Requesting Melody Blood, specifically a version newer than 20180815.

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File: b05de74bf318c6a⋯.png (1.66 MB,1138x750,569:375,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone be so kind to share Treasure Hunter Claire? I hear it's good

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File: 80d5452a5b11c61⋯.png (445.93 KB,560x420,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

gonna beg extra hard for a game that just came out, anyone got Repure Aria 2? RJ242008

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File: b0358edc8f0aa7e⋯.png (174.96 KB,800x608,25:19,TmfoY4.png)

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Found it on cat site (at least I think that's what it is referred to as around here).

Might be shifty file(s) though, would appreciate if someone could verify em.

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File: 135b29da79e7020⋯.jpg (269.23 KB,615x794,615:794,1463180367158.jpg)


I have been, this is way better than I could have imagined, thank you blessed anon I think I'll even buy it for real, it's that up my alley

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Anyone got the latest version of RJ218739?

It's always like this, no one uploads updates for some reason, even if they add content.

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Anyone has the newest version of Rack 2? Only torrents I can find of it are a couple years old.

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>couple years old

This isn't exactly something hard to find. Try YP, Fag95, U18. One of these also has mods on occasion.

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Anyone have a mega for Onestoya?

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Anyone have the Patreon version of Perverted Education?

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Anyone got the 0.7 version of Breeders of the Nephelym?

It is apparently the first BIG stable update.

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Anyone have chapters 1-3? I'm not shelling out 80 dollarydoos for the full package considering from what little I've seen it has text formatting errors.

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What about searching for a bit? It took me 1 minute to locate it.


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Here's a small tutorial for Japanese P2P.


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Yes, it got released yesterday, but it's really buggy right now, just wait til 0.16.3 comes out. If ya want the game now, all we got is 16.2 https://mega.nz/#!2fwHBajb!No7HmonzEO9L_prvboaq37DMjYvkX9MnrtrabhQjYDg

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Any gams with a focus on either clothing, secretaries, ideally with some femdom?

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So the free roaming update has made Breeders of the Nephelym laggy as shit. Cloud Meadows has graphics outside of breeding scenes that are so tiny I have to squint to see anything. What are some games where I can play as a dedicated breeding slave or something similar?

Sorry if this isn't the right thread for this, but I don't really know where else to ask.

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I'm looking for any recent version of Skycorp's The Underworld. Latest private build I can find on sfwchan is r13, while r33 just got released last week.

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Sadly you aren't gonna find it, the dev for that game is legitimately insane and as a result he runs a fucking always online subscription service for his game, meaning there's absolutely no way to play it without paying him shekels every month and being connected to his server.

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It's… just a form of DRM…


From what I know of that project, assuming you have "legit" access (which is to say not denied by the server), you should be able to make some minor modifications to call all the game data and get everything you'd need to rebuild it for offline.

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pantsu.cat has a mirror of nyaa.

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Anyone have a current offline build of CoC2?

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There is one on Fag95 1.20

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File: 8229dcfd952b785⋯.jpg (88.8 KB,604x888,151:222,h (12).jpg)

Does anyone have a pirated copy of Sister's Sins??

LINK REMOVED//2019/05/08/mystery-visual-novel-review-sisters-sins/

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> tofusoft


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Hi, anon. A couple of years ago i was playing shitty rogue-like game. It looked like it was made on rpg maker. There were dozens of undeveloped characters in this game. The main hub (or city idk) was a passage sticked to a top of window with some shops along it.

pls halp to find it

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Can someone post a Mega link for both apk files of the Coc Xianxia Mod?


For some reason Github isn't letting me download the files no matter what, thankfully I use Mega at a daily basis and it always work

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If you're willing to edit a bunch of different translations I have five different translated exes that cover different parts of the game.

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Anyone got the latest version? Should the TowerGirls general be revived?

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Looking for Zombie no Afureta Sekai de Ore Dake ga Osowarenai vol 2 and 3, its only out in moonrune so I'm having trouble finding it.

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This game looks pretty interesting, seconding.

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Can someone please share patreon version of Queen of the seas?

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There isn't a dedicated thread on /f/ for it, does anyone have the latest CoC2 update?

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File: 562b447caacc477⋯.jpg (207.96 KB,798x604,399:302,my-thanks-you-have.jpg)

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Weird request, but I'm looking for a 100% save for Cursed Armor.

Can't find one on Fag95 so I was hoping you outstanding gentlemen might save me a couple dozen hours of grinding to get called a slut in 2d.

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Is this the one with cuckshit in it?

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File: f919c6350750ad8⋯.jpg (344.47 KB,560x420,4:3,0001_title_01.jpg)

Anyone got RJ253119? Spent a couple hours looking for it. I want this game.

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Wait a second, is this the sequel to that cardworth module that was never finished and it's about sex with bugs or something? I thought the author stopped making these things

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File: 9e2f27c37f9fbdd⋯.jpg (166.79 KB,632x420,158:105,1.jpg)

File: 627592b43a6d192⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1574x1113,1574:1113,2.jpg)

File: b0425c1f4aa75dd⋯.jpg (203.71 KB,632x420,158:105,3.jpg)

File: 23bf8ef711d23a1⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1665x1153,1665:1153,4.jpg)


Seems like that's a confirm

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Not a sequel, mind you. The artist/circle is still fairly active, just mostly on ci-en, doing cg sets and such.

Link for the interested:


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For fucks sake, that's not what a dolphin dick looks like. What's the point in having sex with animals if they don't have their exotic genitalia?

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File: 903f6937cbd25b2⋯.jpg (22.13 KB,589x550,589:550,mothe.jpg)


somebody blease

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Crusader Kings 2.

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Anybody have A Zombie's Life 1.1

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File: feb5e7973d279dd⋯.jpg (106.25 KB,504x293,504:293,はじめに.jpg)

RIP R-18 zone

no idea what happened, but this blog was hording hundreds of h games all on mega and it was perfection. i lost my entire collection (save for some compressed on another drive thankfully) due to an external drive failure, ill never forgive myself for not reupping the contents somewhere else.

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Anybody got RE249109 "the sleeping rape"?

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Anybody got Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e?

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anyone got the full version of heroine rumble?

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sissy maker would be appreciated

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Thank you so much

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anyone got a download for a recent version of Shrift? anything at or above 4.10 would do

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I'm looking for "Kirsch Virch" made by lost rarities, I found 1.2 version which came out in 2017, I think the lastest version is 1.5 as of late 2018

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Does anyone have a download to Mira and the Mysterious Alchemist? Much appreciated in the future.

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I mean the latest is 1.3

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I'm going nuts here. I remember playing a game where a set of glasses with various drinks slid in front of you. The goal of the game was to get the girl in front of you drunk, and then bang her in the end.

Anybody got any idea what the game might be?

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I think it was "Guardian" something.

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Looks like this link is dead, anyone got a link to the latest version of Queen of the Seas?

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Not the guy who requested, but yeah that's it.

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i am looking for THE FEMDOM ZONE by patreon girlbulliesuniversecan

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Man, this is totally it. Thanks!

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Anyone have a download for Super 117 v1.8? All I could find are 1.7 versions for it.

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on sanic

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I love you. Thanks, mate.

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Does anyone know or have that game it was a mix of corruption of champions and Oregon trail?

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Hooooold up, what? Are you driving a wagon, but instead of shitting to death you're fucking to death?

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File: 8684d6b1701c091⋯.jpg (168.12 KB,425x450,17:18,243419 - {channel_#gtech} ….jpg)

Does anyone have the Wild Life Patreon build ?

The free version is censored to all hell.

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Thanks kind stranger !

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The Exile of Aphrodisia?

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Anyone got a download for Desire Dungeon?

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cuckchan's /mggg has a mega of monster girl games, about half of them english translated.

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Looks good, thanks

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Anyone have Monobeno -happy end-?

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Don't usually come begging but I had a chat with a friend about h-game shit and he mentioned one with an idea I liked. He didn't have a name but said it involved the player being able to stop time, create a clone and was more geared towards sex as an attack than a loss condition. He couldn't remember much more than that. Anyone who can point me the right direction?

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I think this is the one! Friend said it looked familiar so I assume so.

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Anyone got a 100% save file for Monster Girl Quest? I don't want to replay the whole story just to see the scenes I like

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Does someone have a link for the english version of "Cornelica, Town of Succubi"?

I can only find a 2 part rapidgator link that takes like 7 hours to download

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File: 0ef9dcee1c0ff56⋯.png (809.22 KB,1277x980,1277:980,doe.png)

Any one have a full save for the english version of Ideology in friction?

So far it's pretty good as a game and as fap material, but I wanna just fap some times ya know?

Would appreciate it since I can't seem to find it any where.

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File: 996c20755bc0fec⋯.jpg (226.14 KB,620x412,155:103,MyGott.jpg)


>Ideology in Friction

Does it have fisting?

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File: 7f9e5a62e1d54f1⋯.jpg (880.2 KB,1167x875,1167:875,RE219794_img_smp2.jpg)

Anyone know any good recommendations for games similar to DepraviA EgrigorI? I can't seem to find anything like it among Side-scrolling.

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Someone introduce Zizek to hentai, I want to see him die on camera.

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Thanks for the save dude.

Also, holy christ this game has a fucking waterfall of CG scenes and NPC interaction scenes. Like fuck, no wonder it's such a large game.

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If you want to murder your waifu? Most gore games are sidescrollers. I don't like them, but off the top of my head there's Algophilia, Demonophobia and Splatter Beach(really shit).

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He looks like someone who was introduced to it years ago.

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He would probably make "A Pervert's Guide to Japanese Cartoon Porn."

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File: 37e925c432a053f⋯.jpg (2.56 KB,93x105,31:35,37e.jpg)


Thank you for the recommendations anon.

I have no desire to harm my waifu as much as I find that violence in sexual content can enhance the experience by allowing the author more to sexually corrupt the characters beyond regular means. It gives you the corruption of NTR with faster pacing and no cuckery. Making if done well a great form of extreme sexual corruption where the characters is completely destroyed both physically and sexually.

Shame most of the stuff I find just abuses the genre for "Ultra Violence" and fails to put and effort into their project producing poor quality products and degraded the genre reputation. Although it sounds stupid I feel that DepraviA EgrigorI best stands of a proof of concept for a great future of the genre as there lots of room to grow people are just failing to exploit it. A developer just needs to pierce the market and learn that these games can work but for now I don't think they have a large enough crowd as not enough people give them a chance due to their reputation and the violent content.

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File: 2413a3326835b99⋯.png (273.36 KB,531x449,531:449,7zhp38zk2ywy.png)


Thanks a lot dude

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Huh, if it's Ryona you want then it's much easier. Hounds of the Blade is light ryona, probably too light for you, but it is a classic. Guilty Hell is kind of similiar. A lot heavier on the ryona and seriously massive, but i just didn't like it.

Sadly, the whole rape and depravity concept is rarely done well in hentai games. One that does it surprisingly well is a little game called "Magician of the Olecta Desert" (all the games from the circle are good in the scenes department). Barely any violence there, but the rape is really well done. Unwilling and all, and while she does slowly start enjoying it, the pleasure is sort of denied. The 3 bandit scenes from getting captured at thrs.e very beggining are the peak of the game.

ERA games let you beat the shit out of your waifu too… Degrees of Lewdity has bullying scenes and a lot of beating up. And i think the 2 Mistleater games had some nice beating up CG's, specially the second one. Jo Fight might have had some ryona too… Not sure about that.

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Anyone happen to have the newest Patreon release of Lust Doll?

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Anybody have a mega for Lost Life?

Especially if it's in english, although it doesn't look plot-heavy enough to need it.

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The postmodernists would all shit themselves out of delight if they saw the depths of degeneracy so easily available to anyone in the Internet.

Freud would have a severe mental breakdown screeching "I FUCKING CALLED IT" and then fall into a coma.

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anyone have the full version of poke abby??

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>Freud would have a severe mental breakdown screeching "I FUCKING CALLED IT" and then fall into a coma.

Freud didn't "call" it - his drivel was and is directly (co-)responsible for the state of affairs we have today.

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Seconding for this.

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So thisi s a long shot, but i'm trying to remember a game I saw while drunk. It was some kinda TPS or such involving catgirls and sci-fi, with a h-theme. Swear I saw it on /hgg/ at some point but my memory's toss. Not hopeful for someone knowing what i'm on about, but..

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You attribute a ridiculous amount of power to guys who do noting more than write books at universities.

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Hell no. The postmodernists are all crying about objectification, unrealistic body standards, the power dynamics of gendered subjects, and other symbols of the problematic cis-het white male patriarchy that are apparently evidenced by pornography. They are probably more freaked out about their own version of "degeneracy" than your average /pol/tarded permavirgin is. People don't call them feminazis for nothing.

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Anyone got any neronsoft games?

There doesn't seem to be a lot of alive torrent links floating around

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File: 0f68b993b177e29⋯.png (497.16 KB,768x641,768:641,feelin good.png)


Many thanks

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File: c94c629a575f74d⋯.jpg (349.75 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ224571_img_main.jpg)

Anyone got a link to the latest version of this?


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Bakunyuu Himekishi wa Haramase Onaho ~Zettai Chuusei no Benjo ni Tsukusareru Dosukebe Isekai Seikatsu~ by Miel if possible.

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Hate to ask, but im looking for a game that I don't remember the name of. Ill give as much info as I recall in hopes somebody knows of it.

Was a harem kind of builder that was set on a large map, not unlike dynasty warriors conquest. Gameplay was a rock/paper/siccors style strategy with swordsmen, lancers, archers, cavilers (I think) and gunmen. Various nations existed on the map lead by a different girl. Upon conquest you could have your way with said girl and any others under her rule (IE daughters, subordinate officers and the like) And make them officers in their own right.

There was also a limited pregnancy mechanic that would (somehow) translate kids into buffs for your officers.

I recall little of the story other than it was set in fantasy china (Based on map size) but painted Japan- and that near endgame some Americans showed up on a battleship.

Wish I could recall more but its been years. Any help would be lovely.

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Sengoku Neet is what I think you're talking about.

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Is there any software that will easily machine translate RPGMaker games? Or does anyone know of a guide to do that?

I already have the ability to decrypt RPGMaker games and load them up in RPGMaker, if need be. I can access the text for everything there, but replacing it manually like that would take eternity.

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Holy shit. I may have found something that will actually work for this. I'm testing it with this game from >>359450

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Much obliged anon.

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Fuck no, Freud absolutely called it.

He said everyone in the end wanted to fuck their moms, and lo and behold, now that we have so much access to pornography and people genuinely passionate about it, milfs and genuine parental incest are absurdly common.

He got correct conclusions from partly faulty methodologies, which at the very least makes his capacity for insight something admirable.

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File: 09491e897960acc⋯.jpg (384.88 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ253626_img_main.jpg)

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Third time this has been asked but.

The Nagai Yamiji torrent for 1.1 is fucking dead.

The /hgg/ pastebins don't have it anymore and the old mega links are also fucking dead.

Does anyone happen to have it?

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>Sengoku Neet

That is it! Thanks- this has been bugging me for a couple weeks. Found a torrent on Nyaa- couple of seeders too! looking forward to this again.

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Looking for what I think was a flash game. You played as a pair of delinquents. A girl, one of those violent vigilante tomboy high schooler types, attacks you and that turned into a turn based fighting mini-game.

If you lost, you got some points and could upgrade yourself and your buddy to fight better.

If you won then you got even more points and could rape her. The sex part was pretty good from what I can remember.

I think in the version I played the dialogue was translated but the menues weren't.

Anybody know what game I'm talking about?

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does anyone have the newest version of lewd maze? it's up to 0.7.99a but i can only find 7.93.

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Anybody got/willing to seed for this?

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That sounds like a JSK game.

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Checked them, it isn't one of theirs.

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Spits out a couple of errors, endemic of old WOLF rpgmaker games. Ideas?

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File: 40739ce2da23f92⋯.png (175.36 KB,600x864,25:36,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone got the newest kikeron version of this one perhaps?

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shrift got updated again,anyone with the latest version?

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Best answer I got is your file path is too big, try putting it on C:/ or whatever you else instead of a subfolder.

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I've been waiting for RJ249115 to start showing up on torrent sites since it came out, but it seems like nobody cares to try to crack the dlsite DRM for such a small game.

Is there any chance that it's hiding somewhere I haven't looked, or should I just give up and make a dlsite account to buy it?

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where can I find these? took forever to eventually find demonophobia but cant find the others

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File: 5cf662cbbe4e4f8⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,640x800,4:5,d41cd5d9cb50768fe7fb8210a3….jpg)

looking for a link for 2 games




both are less than a week old, but neither seem to have been popular enough to make it to the usual sources. Thanks in advance , pic semi-related

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Password is: ryona

Put it in the only text box there is and you can download Algophilia. Loverslab has Splatterbeach in a guro thread but i haven't tried the links.

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Anyone got RJ064914? No torrent for it on Nyaa.

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thanks chief

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Never got the hype behind Guilty Hell.

99% of the enemies are fugly fat zombies and finding your way around is a chore without translations

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File: 7c9940938db4058⋯.jpg (65.57 KB,700x360,35:18,7c9.jpg)




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I'm seeding this one:


>why didn't you upload it somewhere?

I'm lazy and it was sitting paused in my torrent client.

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Thank you for effort, is this the same as the nyaa torrent? I've been trying to download that for like 4 months now and it's been sitting at 90.2% for over a week due to a lack of seeders. Since the file is small, i'll reup it somewhere else as well.

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File: e27035d6ddfd314⋯.jpg (85.34 KB,604x604,1:1,dca7c4e85fbfa18445fedb5910….jpg)

Anyone have a mega or torrent of the most up to date build of Night of Revenge?

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File: 5b787a90d94fd49⋯.jpg (190.51 KB,1020x780,17:13,RE239186_img_smp1.jpg)

Does any of you guys have a link to Hazumi and Pregsstate?

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>is this the same as the nyaa torrent?

Probably? I don't remember where I got it but it uses the "sukebei.tracker.wf" tracker that the nyaa torrents seem to use.

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File: 9f6f8ab0db8a870⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,604x262,302:131,9f6f8ab0db8a870ae77f666eff….jpg)


Guess it didn't work then?

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I just got the torrent of .27 from nyaa yesterday, is that not the most recent?

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It was, spent a day beating the game just to check if it was truly unlocked since the demo and the real version's only difference is what happens after the first boss and everything else afterwards is easy in comparison with… Well nevermind, i got sidetracked and forgot to post here.

I reuploaded the game. I don't expect this link to last much though.


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File: 77bd932548a85eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,512x512,1:1,2ia8snq.png)


Thanks anon.

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Not begging for a game DL. I just. need. to know. how. to make. honey. select. work. I can't make the fucking H scenes progress. I'm sure there's a button or something and I literally can't make it fucking go.

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It's been a while since i've touched HS, I deleted it. Try the scrolling the mouse wheel

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I'm on a laptop so I guess I'm fucked. I can't even find a keybind for it.

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File: 71558ddf65ddda8⋯.jpg (331.22 KB,610x610,1:1,press-f-to-pay-respect-295….jpg)


Press F to pay respect.

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File: dcf11e50238bbcd⋯.jpg (30.69 KB,498x337,498:337,dontlemmedown.jpg)

Any porn dungeon crawlers that are actually good?

I know only of two, one where you play as a girl and you capture monster girls and the other where you play as one of the characters from that Goblin Rush game

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File: 93978562bb0f87f⋯.jpg (296.7 KB,1874x1294,937:647,thumbsup.jpg)


thanks, I'll check out the first one

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Anyone got the latest version of Aylia's Story?

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does any anon have a link to the latest inheritance build (v30) from patreon?

preg content finally got dropped on that one

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Just get a mouse dude

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Anyone have the newest version (0.34) of crisis point extinction?

https://www. LINK REMOVED/Anon42

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File: b591002701c764d⋯.gif (1.88 MB,259x197,259:197,b591002701c764da951d416aa4….gif)


What's the best Ryona game to start with, I have no experience with the genre and I am wondering where a good place to start.

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It's kinda sad how dead these links are. Someone really should give them some much needed TLC and seed them as there not bad games.

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Looking for:

The Final Masochist Calling of the Heisei Era


Lunch Time ~Haruka the Humiliator~ [Summer] Beach Match.

Have yet to find torrents for them

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Requesting this game:

https://www dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE257564.html

looks like a nice little simulator game

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i'm not going to spoonfeed you a link but look on nyaa, it's literally in the first 10 results in the games category.

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i don't see it anywhere on Nyaa, unless I'm just blind.

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File: 840a2c9957c3761⋯.png (218.65 KB,566x340,283:170,ClipboardImage.png)

>wanna play the game

>but not as much as i wanna pay rent

Is there any kind saint with Kunoichi Botan who's willing to share?

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File: 419382ecf0e91fb⋯.jpg (34.55 KB,500x500,1:1,viper598.jpg)


You realize Google is a thing, right?

I'll give you a hint: Kunoichi Botan + _

Give it a try. Empower yourself, Anon. Don't be autistic.

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looking for a link for this game


tried looking around and couldnt find a thing on it

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This game has been shared extensively throughout the years. Tips:

> Use the Japanese DLsite RJ code

no one uploads with the RE code unless it's got an official translation on english DLsite

> Use the Japanese name

Between romanization and translation, it's a crapshoot what the uploader ended up calling it, but between the RJ code and the japanese title you should find it.

Btw that game is shit

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For the fuck's sake, h-games from steam get uploaded like 5 hours after release. How come you can't find it?


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File: a104950d49269dc⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,500x500,1:1,a104950d49269dc13bd80c8487….jpg)


There's a version of it in moon, right there on the first page like the kind anon said. When in doubt match the file size listed in your link with the one on nyaa.

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File: e2132334ebe138c⋯.png (922.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,iunno.png)

any recommendations for shota (not necessarily straight) or trap games?

Or maybe some granny games, I've tried looking up the word on sukebei and found a few games made by the same company but that's about it.

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File: 61c50b904eb5972⋯.jpg (74.14 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ048751_img_main.jpg)

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File: 1d255369e1283cf⋯.png (64.07 KB,720x480,3:2,commonrider.png)


sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to click on the Fap section.

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File: 41b53537e2d66ef⋯.png (141.75 KB,560x420,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Does anyone have RJ149960, ロリびっちクエスト?

I couldn't find it on my usual sites.

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File: 191ab88ebea7fdc⋯.png (165.1 KB,560x420,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Also, gnワークス's RJ127342 and RJ112200.

I can find literally anything from this fag except these two.

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File: b1a9ecb524e7b70⋯.swf (4.27 MB,100x100,1:1,TMP-VG-87-RJ112200.7z.001.swf)


>Still only using Google search exclusively.




Using Bing, I managed to find an absolute GRIDs (https://mx-sh.net/hnhufeedkoeb/TMP-VG-87-RJ112200.rar.html, using a dedicated DL tool (wget in my case) got me much faster speeds (~200kbs vs 40kbs using a browser).) host on the first page.

Rehost: https://anonfile.com/IfR3Rbzfn1/TMP-VG-87-RJ112200_rar (local sha256sum:a483afd7ba0c01187f9aca7660e42cc15ee5af9d9b32655a19329f219a780dfc)

I have also embedded a re-compressed version as a backup and because personally .7z > .rar. sha256sum:b1a9ecb524e7b705a0942c316aa683e4be16d902fb8de90e079af5ebbfeb23ee

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anybody got their hands on this yet?

i cant seem to find any torrents or anything on it even on sites that post it the day its released


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I remember seeing a link for this on onlyhgames.com, suit yourself i guess

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Thanks. I use Ecosia.

By the way, could you rehost the first? Bing is only giving me parts of the game hosted on swfchan and some 2010 "pm me for the download" ulmf link.

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Can someone post the infamous Bully ch.5 by jobeo? I never player any of it but the shitstorm made me curious and all links are on bullshit 50kbps dial up or shill shithole servers.

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Working on it, the current source (on a page II site, one of the usual supects) is also one of usual supects with their usual free tier bullshit.


>He can't be bothered to wait around six hours (at a consistant 39/38kbs (probably going to steadly decrease even more for "some" reason) and my sources DL raw link is absoutly extreme cancer (so many strings and it also prints HTML) for absolute shit to download.

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File: ae6d80d9fa1e407⋯.jpg (426.01 KB,737x872,737:872,cat boy 2.jpg)

What's that H-game platformer where you start off as a maid with a minigun but lose it after the intro sequence? It was on Fag95zone but some jew must've removed it and I forgot what it was called. Also, there was another platformer called "elf mountain" or something like that (probably not though cuz nothing comes up when I search the name) you were an elf (on a mountain) with your sister. You split up right away and there are a bunch of futa enemies and the first boss is water themed.

Any help identifying these games would be appreciated!

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I think the elf one may be Flower Fairy.

I know what the maid game is but I don't remember the title either.

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Local sha256sum: 1b9bf746cda6448cf1a5da1502ed1dd33f94a5efd003d01d062924dac2d6e1a3

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Pretty sure the maid with a minigun is from Castle Evil.

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File: 679ea1a5a05a729⋯.jpg (460.17 KB,1761x3200,1761:3200,679ea1a5a05a72978a83208b37….jpg)


Nice. Thanks anon.

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any1 have latest patreon of Karryn's Prison, it is from the creator of melty's quest

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Anybody got Heroine Hunting? Saw it mentioned over on the sprite sex thread but sadly no link.

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Anyone got the newest build of breeders of the nephelym?

Testing Build: 0.7101

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File: f691b3bd8afa7ee⋯.jpg (49.24 KB,660x496,165:124,1521753492619.jpg)

can anybody find the latest patreon version of wild life? It got a big update on friday or so.

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If someone doesn't beat me to it I'll get to it by the end of the week.

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anyone have the alpha version 0.08 of harem hotel?

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File: 0107bf91952b165⋯.jpg (74.47 KB,498x467,498:467,1485366252570aagsaDGG.jpg)


thanks man, you're a saint

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Can someone upload the translated version of Fallen Princess Lucia Story to Mega?

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Night of revenge english ver for 0.26 or 0.27?

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Not a begging request, more of an offering. I just found a really neat game called The Imperial Gatekeeper that is essentially Paper's Please: Lewd Edition. You play the roll of former war hero that has joined the Administrative service of the Empire and you're assigned to a variety of border posts with the goal of ensuring everyone's paperwork is in order.

Things start off slow enough, just checking to make sure dates are fine, but then stuff like weapons permits and picture ID and what not get added in, further complicating things. You eventually unlock the ability to physically examine people who are trying to pass your checkpoint, mostly as an anti-weapon smuggling thing, but this quickly turns into lewd territory where you can manipulate the situation to your advantage. Maybe some big titty noblewoman has all her paperwork in order but lacks a permit for the dagger she has taped to her thigh. You can force her to strip, grope her up, make her cum, fuck her, leave her covered in sperm, take her clothes and illegal weapon and then toss her back out the way she came. Then sell the clothes to the local guard for some cash on the side. Or maybe you're at the checkpoint fort on the border between your nation and the one you were just at war with, and you ruthlessly rape every foreign woman who comes in while the local guards look on with approval. It's a thing of beauty.


Forgive me if the link is wonky, I've never linked from mega extension before, but it's also fairly easily found via your average search engine.

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For the mega, all you need to post is the # and everything right of it and people who aren't new should know what it is.

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Mira was already posted in the thread.


The download works very well but some ways into the game there is a crash that always happens when you talk to a certain girl which impedes story progress. It got patched in 1.01 apparently

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File: d4381c7d327430d⋯.png (1.41 MB,1000x364,250:91,N6NmkP.png)

I'm looking for the latest version of this thing in a link that actually works

https://www.LINK REMOVED/UberPie

Every fucking link is capped or paywalled thanks anons btw no mega please

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File: 2ec889540f9a088⋯.png (1.14 MB,1440x900,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8475c31ac994f06⋯.png (130.75 KB,1215x752,1215:752,ClipboardImage.png)


>Wanting western cuckshit: the game

Kill yourself, faggot.

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Is it so hard to segregate the fetishes? What's the deal with western devs thinking they can make a game which caters to all of them and then say "pay full price for our game, but then just skip all the shit you hate."

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Guy looks like he's been taking lessons from InCase, especially the two girls by the title.

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File: 703a9c0de53fd89⋯.png (1.59 MB,1600x1200,4:3,YjizkEq.png)

Looking for .12.6c of a relatively unknown game called Hoonters.

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File: 54394770703475e⋯.jpg (53.08 KB,460x215,92:43,header.jpg)

Anyone has a clean version of Detective Girl of the Steam City? I tried downloading two different scene versions but my antivirus kept bitching about them.

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>Using antivirus


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nvm fixed ;)

https://erogevn com/1012030/

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File: 103383b69430fa8⋯.jpg (14.04 KB,353x194,353:194,FNT2JRJFEAQ3RLE.MEDIUM.jpg)


Serious question, other than using virtual box and other spergy methods how in the world can you do this without antivirus? I know antvirus/malwhare software detect cracks and other files as malicious but half the shit you can download is so sketchy that I can't understand why someone would not use some type of software to detect malicious software.

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You'd need to be a retard to let your PC get infected with malware. It's usually so obvious that you can only blame yourself. Real threats like ransomware are more sophisticated in their operation, while the majority of malware needs you to execute it in the first place.

Basically, it's not hard to identify malware, and always check other files in the executable if you can.

Lastly, like DRM software, all antivirus do is bloat your system with pointless notifications.

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Anybody got the most recent release of The Company? 6.1.210 just came out for patreon backers.

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File: d378ed45f9b4759⋯.jpg (37.89 KB,351x440,351:440,five star post.jpg)


Gods work anon

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absolute madman

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File: 233daa603ed9ccd⋯.png (173.96 KB,1563x850,1563:850,Annotation 2019-07-27 0927….png)

I have a few games. I can upload if someone sees something that they need. Pic related.

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>Kunoichi Botan

>no Kunoichi Tsubaki

Go get yourself that and have fun.

Also, I don't know if you need two copies of Avengers Endgame and an outdated version of Ayura Crisis.

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Yea it's a little mess but I haven't had time to organize it. I haven't touched this drive for a long time either.

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Impressive. I would like to ask E.C.M., but if I recall- they are .swf files? How do you run these things now a days? Shockwave flash executive?

If you have such means of running them- I would be a very grateful fag.

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exe that plays swf

Here's a magnet for ECM 5. I need to upload 1-4 somewhere


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Also you can't tell from the picture but I also have a copy of Noja Lolikko.

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File: 6813dd1a240198a⋯.png (424.42 KB,642x507,214:169,Untitled.png)

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File: bd34bef0dfbba7b⋯.png (677.64 KB,1920x480,4:1,NewPatreonHeader.png)

Someone have the link to the latest 0.7112 update?

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anybody have the beta version of runey's harem hotel?

https://www.LINK REMOVED/posts/28697058

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>site refused to connect

Anyone got a working mirror?

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File: dbdde5fc26fe4b8⋯.png (406 KB,640x480,4:3,Noja.png)



>torrents avaible for the game have retarded password restrictions

>is only 63mb

I decided to repackage and reupload this game for you just in advance of anyone asking.


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very good boyim

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File: 48748a1dc9828e4⋯.png (1.04 KB,513x89,513:89,the absolute fuck.png)


>posted this yesterday

>already over 90 different fags downloaded it

Did this link get reposted elsewhere? What the fuck, /hgg/ doesn't even have that much activity.

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everyone loves fluffy tail

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You underestimate the lurkers anon. I see cute fluff, I download.

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Lurkers are everywhere anon

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This is so far removed from reality

> It's usually so obvious that you can only blame yourself.

It's the non-obvious ones that get you

>while the majority of malware needs you to execute it in the first place.

No shit, sherlock. That's why you have a virus scanner to scan executables before you can even click on them. Or you run it through virus total, or it's a trusted source. And even a trusted source can turn malicious whether by accident or intentionally.

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Are you still unable to connect?



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Could I get succubus prison?

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File: dd6597a809bceed⋯.png (61.23 KB,656x518,328:259,loli kitsune end.png)



It was very adorable. Pure route best route.

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I'm looking for this game from Ray-K https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68702590

The download link seems to have been taken down because it was on tumblr out of all places

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For the upcoming excitement that is Iceborne in about 1 month I've been replaying all the Monster Hunter games, and then I remebered there was this weird hentai parody I played. I looked around for a bit and I couldn't find it, and no it isn't Creature Hunter. You start out as a girl(maybe you have a companion) and you need to hunt monster girls to acquire their gear you could change your weapons from yuri focused to tentacles to futanari I think. Thats about all I can remember I played it about uh, 5-10 years ago and I think it was wolf maker.

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I forgot MHW existed and thought a genuine MH game flew under my radar. Fuck you too, anon.

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File: a7168f486ebe22c⋯.jpg (77.61 KB,560x420,4:3,Anthophobia.jpg)

Anyone got the new version of Anthophobia (2.0)? Can't find it in the places I normally download stuff.

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check Fag95z

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I did, no dice.

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Actually it's there I saw 1.5 in the thread title and didn't check posts. But there's only the first 2.0 release, there's been a hotfix patch.

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Could be Rise Senki Sinamonika/天昇戦記シナモニカ

Same dev as Creature Hunter and came out in 2013, but it's the only title I can think of that fits the bill.

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btw, anyone has the demo of excessm game????

Its behind a paywall and im like fuck this shit

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Yeah thats it, I probably should've looked at the devs because of how similar they were, thanks.

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File: 6ee17283789d665⋯.jpg (29.26 KB,320x289,320:289,44881911.jpg)


I second this, 1.5 was amazing. It will be nice to see the new progress.

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I downloaded the 2.0, apparently there's a few bugs they fixed but seems alright so far.

And I agree, it's a really solid game. Honestly the theme and atmosphere are incredible. The world is just FUCKED, completely fucked, and it conveys that really well.

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So EDEN just got an English release this morning, any one have it yet and willing to drop a Mega?

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Do anyone knows the name of this game or where to find it?

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File: 6eaf42063983d87⋯.png (119.95 KB,507x387,169:129,6eaf42063983d87f3a4604fce3….png)


I scoured all my sources and can't find a recent download of this game without a pay wall, but it's called kanaderogue, I managed to snag a 0.07 version of the build off his twitter. As far as my digging went, he's up to 0.17.


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Are there any comfy loli games. RPG maker is fine and even perfectly wanted. I just want a comfy life with a loli with lewds. Any sort of gameplay is okay, but stuff without combat is preferred.

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Anyone know where I can find the latest version of this? all I can find is ver.1.03, which doesn't have the english translation.

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Seven years on and this is still peak comfy loli vn. It's so comfy, it even let's you choose to avoid lewds and just simulate life with loli daughters.

I think there's an unofficial translation out there somewhere. You might have to search through some old posts on hongfire. Completely worth any effort though. I'd say it's even worth playing with a machine translation.

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requesting this and anthophobia

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Fresh from fag95, I'm having fun finding sources.


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I appreciate it, but I was referring to the patreon version with the second hotfix (

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begging for twins of the pasture mega link

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File: fabe985aead0374⋯.jpg (77.3 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ246337_img_main.jpg)

This game (https:// w w w .dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ246337.html) is currently undergoing translation - the latest version has about a 60% complete translation.

Does anyone have the latest version of this? There's a version of this on hentai-sharing but it's outdated by about 3 months.

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Anyone got a copy of Black Souls II?

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File: 4f5a7c595aa35c1⋯.jpg (118.75 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ269588_img_main.jpg)

Does anyone have the updated version of RJ269588 Kemomimi Treasure Hunters?

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Anyone got a download of this?:


I couldn't find it on the usual sites so any help would be much appreciated(Unless I am as retarded as I suspect)

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Good luck with the find, the game is pretty solid I just wish you could disable to hentai male shit, but oh well.

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Can someone give me a link to an actual decent hentai game that isn't dull. Lolis welcome.

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eat asshole with butter

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Anyone got the full version or a translated version of this?


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Do anyone have the latest patreon version of Lost Life? or the APK one?

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Can anyone post the download to RE258445 ? It's on Fag95 here https://Fag95zone.to/threads/imouto-life-monochrome-v1-3-inusuku.37378/

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File: 74cf2a45afd8a3d⋯.jpg (120.59 KB,720x720,1:1,Spoonfeeding_s.jpg)



Next time visit bugmenot.com and get the login credentials.

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Anyone have the full version of Vitamin Quest 2 (not the demo)?

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Thanks senpai

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File: c607ebd5227e0ae⋯.jpg (123.26 KB,560x420,4:3,ouka rpg 2.jpg)

Anyone have a download for https://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE263841.html ? I'd appreciate it.

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File: fa635f6c0ef1d9e⋯.jpg (337.61 KB,960x1200,4:5,farm.jpg)

Any of ya'll got the latest bugfix of No_Haven?

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File: ea0b46466e2d7ff⋯.jpg (48.6 KB,600x450,4:3,1452507742480.jpg)


Shit taste, bro.

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I know I've seen this game around before but I can't find it any more. ;_;

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The version of SHRIFT posted here is an old one, anyone got a newer version?

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Check out mggg next time, also pretty sure it's unpatched, so you'll need to patch it yourself.


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Does anyone have Strongest Under the Heavens - Battle Royale in English?


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Any way to get the patreon version of Cloud 10?

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File: e0815a3afb8c46e⋯.gif (9.42 KB,243x191,243:191,imotochrome.gif)

File: fea3de1f8c82329⋯.gif (648.19 KB,500x274,250:137,oreo.gif)

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You're better off finding a CG collection. the game is absolute dogshit. each girl only has one scene and the gameplay is an awful grindfest.

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Anyone got version 0.30 on Accidental Woman?

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>>371358 here, i got the final true ending. Bretty gud game, but a bit grindy. Would recommend to imouto lovers

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File: 54f6e037ebaccc3⋯.jpg (100.35 KB,718x414,359:207,whyarethereyoutubeletsplay….jpg)

dojinotome's spoiled re258362 getting an update soon?

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File: 43a73f98e6d6567⋯.jpg (67.8 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ268382_img_main.jpg)

Anyone that have this game and want to share?


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File: c0a1b1713679a48⋯.jpg (111.62 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ266435_img_main.jpg)


Does anyone have the fixed version of this?

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should be later this month.

will upload a new torrent on nyaa when it's out.

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File: 0ba0dd528536276⋯.jpg (95.76 KB,560x420,4:3,for boys.jpg)

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NTA but thank you so ever much, I just had the first one, didn't know the second was so better.

I dunno why this game appeal to me though as there's no women. Guess it's just because I like the idea of being a young boy and be abused.

I wish Darggoth was with us to translate them.

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File: e515ea493328b1c⋯.png (724.2 KB,802x627,802:627,for boys.png)



Requester here, thank you very much. If only we could complete the trilogy. I'm a huge fan of the kinds of tentacles featured in it but they're rare and hard to search for. Finding out that there was a series about them made by the people behind MGQ was mind-blowing, even if there's no discernible storyline or gameplay it's just a lot of content. Also yeah, translation would be great

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Anyone has the uncensored version of Lost Life?

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Part 3 magnet, courtesy of a friend of mine:


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Does anyone have the latest version of Black Souls II, v3.3, RJ237469?


Not that anon. Your version is 2.0. 3.3 was released on Christmas, and I believe has the third and final expansion. Looked everywhere for it, but aside from your version, the latest I could find is 1.5.

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Looking for a english version of 青龍劍姬傳 (Sword Maiden of Azure Dragon) by Tentacle3g/wolfzq, RJ266001.

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File: edf55c423926a09⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ275860_img_main.jpg)

Anyone able to share RJ275860? The usual source has only a incomplete package of this.

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That's just how the guy rolls. The missing part will show up in a day or two.

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>you run it through virus total


>or it's a trusted source. And even a trusted source can turn malicious whether by accident or intentionally.

Trust systems work pretty well imao.

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>why you have a virus scanner to scan executables

Antivirusware usually does a lot more than that.

Like wasting half your system resources for no reason or blocking your disc when you're downloading something like GIMP.

Only point I can see is scanning large files you can't upload to virustotal with something that only does scanning.

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You need antivirus if you don't have common sense.

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fuck fagka

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File: 216ad402de84e2e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1371x1431,457:477,-2.jpg)

Someone around have Tactic elemental 1.41 with the 3 dlcs?

Looking around I can only find v 1.40

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can someone hook me up with v1.0.1 (english) of Defiler Wings? I managed to find v1.4.1, but it's machine translated and I want the old version that was human translated.

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File: 71fbcbde8f65786⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,560x420,4:3,1579829260342.jpg)

Anyone have the kyonyuu quest series of games? I couldn't find anything but a dead link in a pastebin.

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Anyone got Settlers of Ceinov ver 4.4.0? It was the last good version before patreon removed the game and the dev took out many features.

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sorry anon, I haven't actually played the game myself

I did find 3.3 for you though


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Has anybody got the Spoils of War 2 early build from Selecta Corp?

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anyone got Equellum/Fabula: Carmen Cygni 0.3.5

creator has it on his patreon but found no links yet

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File: 68e51158fe06311⋯.png (785.74 KB,1023x647,1023:647,imma graduate this year wi….png)


Anon you're awesome. It's been a great couple of weeks. I can't thank you enough for this.

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File: 0f22b4b39004524⋯.png (78.48 KB,760x400,19:10,SP.png)

Did anybody manage to download the final version of Space Paws?

The patreon link (http://www.mediafire.com/file/pjmhy23jay158iq/) doesn't seem to work anymore, but the game should have been available some time ago.

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Begging for this send help! Either unlocked archive files or just the password.


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Thanks anon. I had started checking these threads less and less lately.

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Looking for the latest version of Seeds of Chaos, I want to conquer Rastedel.

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anyone got Lala and the Bizarre Dungeon?

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English or Japanese version? Because I have the Japanese version, but I can't find the English version anywhere for free.

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File: f3ae50c197cd486⋯.jpg (101.97 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ248367.jpg)

Does anyone have an updated version of RJ248367? I can only find version 1.23

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Anyone got the Altered Heroines 15.99 alpha?

https://www.LINK REMOVED/defshock

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I'd prefer English, but I'll take what I can get. I thought I saw an English version on DL site. Anyone got good games or torrents with impregnation in general?

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Has anyone find a link to DevilPendulum?


Also a nice anon uploaded the cracked version of the bench update to tissuebox's loli neet game of half, but the mega is down. Did anyone snatch it?


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File: b3c910fd05acc9a⋯.jpg (93.31 KB,560x420,4:3,RE249278_img_main.jpg)

File: 7262af392bbb06d⋯.jpg (73.3 KB,560x420,4:3,RE272680_img_main.jpg)

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does anyone have the most updated demo of succubus affection?the game that have zell23 sprites.

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if anyone's keeping up to date on trials in tainted space that'd be nice

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wondering if anyone could help me identify an old game i use to play.

It was a western bdsm sandbox sytle hg, it had a story mode where aliens turn women into sluts and a sandbox mode where you could customize your slave, spawn in toys, and type commands and dirty talk to your slave too. You could tell them to get on the bed, and they would respond then do it, it was kinda glitchy, there was a popular gif of someone shoving a slice of pizza into a bitches face while she was strap inplace and i think her head glitched out. I also randomly remember the filename of the game being dolphin and that scaring people at first. Think I first saw it like 5 years ago on gif. The name, or clips or a dl link would be cool.

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XStory Player?

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Anyone's got the latest version of this (with chapter 8 translated) ? Usual sources don't appear to be up to date.


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Any link for NymphoKyun's SlaveBar February 2020 patreon build?

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downloads can be found here, but they are slow unless you got an account


anyone got the actual new version of altered heroines (0.16.02) ?

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Does anyone have a full save with all NPC scenes for Ideology in friction? It was posted here before, but the Mega link is dead.

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Anyone got stuff that can work on Mac? I've already played CoC and DoL.

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Generally any twine/Flash game (e.g DoL/CoC).

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anyone got RJ268920 new update from ci-en?

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Anyone have a link for ボクの奴隷娼館?


Quick search for torrents finds downloads of 500mb+ for a game that's only 30mb. Lost my copy when my external died.

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does anyone have?:

The Final Masochist Calling of the Heisei Era


Lunch Time ~Haruka the Humiliator~ [Summer] Beach Match.


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cuckchan has it on their IPFS


DRM means no

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seconding this, does anyone have it?

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pretty sure you can just edit all the frames of the male scenes to be transparent if it really bothers you. The files are quite accessible.

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Bumping this. 1.497 is out, but the only torrent in the entire internet is 1.23. I beg you, anon.

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any link for the recent patreon build for http://nymphokyun.net/slavebar/ ?

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Not even really sure where to ask, but basically I'm trying to remember a 3d game. It looked like western cg models that would be on deviant art/renderosity. It had a lot of preset scenes/models/clothes. Not sure if it had animation. It was free on a website and I think it had some kind of release in 2014/2015 because I remember it being posted on /v/

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that's a detailed description.

try again

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How do you guys even find the games you want to play?

I want a good game about making girls submit, type slavery, mind break etc.

The games I have don't have any well written characters and very limited choices for what you can do.

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File: f5f0db28ae6d685⋯.png (36.25 KB,250x179,250:179,54876476487648.png)

Anyone got Hentai Asmodeus?

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Anyone know of any decent games with oviposition? I've played CoC but I'm looking for more

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>This thread is for begging for links to games


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File: babe8acfede09f9⋯.jpg (59.88 KB,560x420,4:3,RJ256172_img_main.jpg)

Looking for RE256172, RJ256172 The Dead End featured in >>370313

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Please could someone reupload this?

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You fags really should check the cuckchan bin before posting. And use JDownloader, or it's annoying to download.

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File: bcc1282b7600863⋯.mp4 (13.5 MB,854x480,427:240,ezgif_6_4bd4467fc329_1_.mp4)

pls can someone find the visual novels used in the video

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File: 5aea4a2eb49331b⋯.jpg (30.71 KB,680x317,680:317,R_D.jpg)

File: ef54325f05ca257⋯.png (142.48 KB,500x281,500:281,DB_Cover.png)

File: 326ea51df08c752⋯.jpg (33.34 KB,500x354,250:177,LfC_Cover.jpg)

Looking for a game that got normies hyped hard - I missed that completely I guess. https://vndb org/v25622

Shame on me. Read there were 2 versions, one with extra content, and a more tamed one?

Also has some anon those 2 comics created by the artist? They were posted once on the website (former www.rapeday com/) but are gone.

Thanks in advance.

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File: 60ec94ac542cebd⋯.png (238.54 KB,680x318,340:159,sourcewhere.png)

Anyone know which eroge this is from?

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From shit writing to shit graphics, the only notable thing about this game is how it gently tattered the game journos' asses, but that is not much of an achievement, tbh.

Dunno about the comics and alt versions, but they're probably not worth the effort to look up.

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Could you please share the name of the game that is the source of the image in the post you replied to?

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There are three generals of games here that all have a similar art-style, your game is one of those. You should be able to spot the correct one as two of them looks slightly different.

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From what I was told it wasn't koikatsu, cm3d2 or AA2 if those are what you are referring to

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I'm 85% sure its COM3d2. If someone says that it isn't that, maybe they are sitting on information that I don't. Custom maid would be my guess anyway.

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Anons I forget about this certain game's title, it's an english game that is kind of similar to Summertime Saga, up to its artstyle

The protagonist is a young boy/teenager and iirc the plot is about summer holiday of sorts and it has a pregnant harem ending

Would anyone kindly enlighten me about the title and download links if possible?

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A new version of Female Agent came out, which is currently patreon only. Does anyone have it?

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Whoever you are, and wherever you might be, I thank you earnestly.

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File: ecfb3f0bdc5ac61⋯.jpg (98.46 KB,800x450,16:9,karmasutra_and_some_sexy_b….jpg)

Looking for Karmasutra V1.42

The only version I can find is 1.40 version which is missing scenes and missing NG+ stuff.

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File: ea97d82c0f71891⋯.jpg (102.74 KB,800x400,2:1,454200_banner_F95.jpg)

Would anyone happen to have the latest early version of "light of my life"?

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File: 71dbeeefa8f1a51⋯.jpg (83.44 KB,560x420,4:3,LookingforV_1_18_JP_.jpg)


Holy fuck man thanks a bunch for this one

Does anyone by any chance have the latest update of the first BLACKSOULS (Japanese version)?

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File: 9f0c7af34ee71dc⋯.jpg (19.37 KB,320x253,320:253,forrealthough.jpg)


What jewish garbage is this?!

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It's competently written for a porn game, and the girls look like weird goblins which is my thing

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File: fe9690f80aa63b1⋯.webm (1.83 MB,720x400,9:5,1.webm)

Does anyone know what this is and where I can get it, as well as if it's worth playing through. Not really looking to play any puzzle minigames for interactive h-scenes. A link would be appreciated.

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Dog Princess or something like that, it's from HappyLambBarn. What you see there is basically everything there is, though there's also penetration and "talking" options as well. Talking is just how you strip her clothes and restore stamina basically. The puzzles aren't too bad, but you do have to play them two or three times before you get to the sex. I would drop a link, but there's a major update with a new position coming in June that it's probably better to wait for, especially if you don't like puzzles.

I wish there were more games with good defloration scenes like this game, usually they're just a bit of flavor text or a single trickle of blood. Her reaction to being deflowered varies with how aroused/happy she is and is really cute.

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Anyone got thus game or anything from this guy: https://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE112164.html

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>the girls look like weird goblins

Yeah, hence why he said jewish.

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Does anyone know this game? I played it years ago and would like to play it again.

It was kind of a brothel management game with hentai images and I believe you could play it online in a browser.

I believe in the start you would wake up on a beach without any memories of how you got there and this (I think) dark blue haired girl would help you and say she wants to be a prostitute, so she became your first whore.

There's a lot of events of how to increase the stats I think and there are some other girls to recruit for your brothel. I think you could even build a bath house in your brothel, but I'm not sure. I think there was also a possession scene in the brothel but I'm not really sure.

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A kind anon found it for me at the bunker, it's http://brothels.im/

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People seem pretty keen for this one here. Is there an English version? I ashamedly can't read moonrunes.

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File: 117d4f0bd9ba1d5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x1200,1:1,78a88a7c03d0b09a5934775170….png)

Could someone drop a link to the latest Cloud Meadow build, please?

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Anyone has this?


I think the dev has an English patch somewhere.

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File: fe61085e78cbdd4⋯.png (203.33 KB,735x720,49:48,pepe_dog.png)


Holy shit that dogs eyes

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Can someone share the latest version of this patch in its original zip?



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Anyone have any good games that are related to/focus on spanking, or similar corporal punishment? Other than Diary of a Slave 1/2?

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adventurous monster breeder 4.9?

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Try spanquestDX

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File: 9998fbdf2d099d6⋯.jpg (122.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,592421_RE279856_img_smp9.jpg)

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File: 941a202de1d6a7c⋯.png (1 MB,700x525,4:3,Screenshot_2020_06_17_SUPE….png)

anyone have the latest version of RJ144379

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begging RJ204720 - 銑鉄の探索者 or Explorer of the golden planet if you go by RE code instead, has received an update last year and none of the usual places have any downloads for the most recent version, at most an updated guide at ulmf but that's it.

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nyaa has the latest version as a torrent

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haven't been keeping up with future fragments, is there any patreon release that isn't on this thread? would love a link

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I'll love you forever if you gift Princess Harem

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does anyone know this game? it was a 2d game that had functions like slave matrix, such as tools and said tools following the mouse.

it has been a while, and i cannot remember much beyond you being able to control a tentacle for ovi- or straight up cum, an xray upon penetration in general, and fairly good physics…

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File: 46581001bf61986⋯.jpg (43.9 KB,600x580,30:29,lewd.jpg)

Please, there's a Discord server that leaks mods that are usually locked behind Patreon subscriptions. I'm humbly begging for an invite.

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I mean The Sims 4 mods, sorry.

It was called TS4 Patreon Rebels. I was in it but accidentaly left a while ago.

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Been trying to find the latest release of Iris in Labyrinth of Demons (20200628) and haven't had any hits or luck. Seems like no one knows that this game is being updated again.

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File: becf6c344e857e8⋯.png (126.36 KB,1929x1060,1929:1060,Screenshot_115_.png)


This shit is malware spyware>>378281

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yeah malwarebytes doesnt give out anything, i wouldnt worry about it

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Anyone have v1.2 of RJ272213?

1.1 has a gamebreaking bug that just stops progression, but all the torrents I can find are 1.1.


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Figured this was the best thread. Trying to find a game I played a while ago. Pretty sure it was RPGmaker, you went around seducing and raping lolis.

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File: b89addd7a8ddbb4⋯.jpeg (25.15 KB,320x320,1:1,D2BC81A4_7FBB_47C1_9C26_6….jpeg)

If any anon can help me find this game…

It has a premise of 3 girls u can “control” main one is a blonde. It has a bunch areas u can explore (and each visit takes a chunk of your time) one of the first areas is a bath house… another is a hotel all of this is text/cg base mind you.

Main girl can “fight” creeps, if she loses she gets banged and ends up back in her house.

You can visit your gramps to get money and also visit what i think was a childhood friend. You can also eventually explore other areas im different clothing such as a towel, etc. thats what i remember…. fuck i want to play this game again :(

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Anyone has this and is willing to share ??


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THERE IS A 2?!?!??! HELL YES! I loved the first one. let the search ensue

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I found this, not sure whether it's a full version but looks good enough. Downloading now

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Do any of you have a link for the original Repure Aria? Haven't played that one in ages and i feel like playing it again

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Can't think of where else to ask — I can't find a game I played a while ago. It was an idle-style game where you manage a group of prostitutes. You could upgrade your building to have more girls, upgrade your training facilities to train them faster, etc. It was partially translated from Japanese. There was an exterminator minigame where you click on bugs for extra money. Each girl had stats that you could increase through training, and unique traits that gave bonuses. You got more girls by assigning someone to scout them out, then paid to recruit (abduct?) them.

I think I saw it on here or a similar site a year or two ago, but after hours of searching, I can't find it. I don't remember the name.

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It's called SoldGirl Town. I have a copy if you can't find it still.

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Too vague. What were the game engine and the characteristic interface elements? Give something more specific to work with.

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Did they deliberately make the female MC look fugly there? Would a pretty face be too threatening to female part of fandom or something?

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Thanks! I appreciate it.

I won't ask you to upload a copy, but is there a download you can confirm is good? I'm seeing a lot of sketchy sites when I search for it.

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This just got updated again and added back on DLsite. There's an english menu patch included with the game. Anyone got it?

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I've been wanting to try out some of the Cherry Poi games like Zurine Adventure and the one with the mecha girl but I cant find them anywhere online.

Do someone in here happen to own at least one of them?

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Linux version of Succubus Covenant, only found a mega link but I don't have a mega account.

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You don't need an account to DL anything from mega. You'll have a daily DL limit, but that's all.

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Did you ever end up finding a good download? There aren't any I know to be good. I got this game a long time ago.

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Not the anon that was being asked, I know of a few sources that I trust in terms of not likely to be virus/spyware/whatever but their copies are multiple years old and I haven't personally tried them.

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Does anyone happen to have one or both of the games listed here?


Apparently they are called Farexna and The Magic of Domination. They look good for rpgm/doll games.

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File: 216ad402de84e2e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1371x1431,457:477,216ad402de84e2e7f7c48f5545….jpg)

Anyone have the newest Wild Life backers release?

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File: 8367e6636d171ca⋯.jpg (72.32 KB,735x490,3:2,What_the_fuck_am_I_reading.jpg)

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link borked

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I've looked everyfuckingwhere with no luck so here goes

I need the latest build for Unholy Arts, please

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I found a couple of versions that seem to work, but I can't get them to run on a fresh virtualized copy of Windows (immediate crashes even with applocale) or on Linux through Wine (game runs fine but the window size is smaller than the game, making some buttons impossible to press).

The game worked fine with applocale when I ran it a few years ago on the copy of Windows I used day-to-day, so I assume it relies on some software distributable that I had downloaded previously.

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File: c5faf0f1ecac085⋯.jpg (149.57 KB,651x383,651:383,mainArt.jpg)

Can someone please get me a link to sayonara wo oshiete? I couldn't get it anywhere.

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https://www.LINK REMOVED/SpodvohomGames/posts

Anyone got his new game?

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help me out here anon, i'm looking for a game where you play as a girl in futuristic skinsuit exploring an abandoned facility with her robot assistant

The facility is crawling with bugs and robots

It has an rpg combat system where enemies can tear off your clothes

You also has a party member you meet later on

It's a futuristic game

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Anyone got the new Perverted Education patreon release?

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File: 484b2c3a878d830⋯.jpg (35.84 KB,280x423,280:423,1654646.jpg)

Can anyone help me find the very first Inyouchuu game, not the remake? The one that was released back on 2005. Been looking for this bitch everywhere and it cant be found.

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Describe girl, describe party member, describe robot. The more details you can add the better.

Is it per chance an rpgm game?

Is it a japanese game, translated, or is it mere english or in other lang?

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I've seen new content of Lost Life, any anon got a newer version than last posted?

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Looking for the name or a dl link of this flash vn game where you play the uncle (I think?) of this short black haired loli.

Its pretty short, has 3 or 4 scenes, alot of anal stuff, one scene is her getting panties pulled down just enough to show her asshole in doggy and getting licked and the last scene is in a public bathroom where she gets fucked in the ass.

Found it on lah.li years back and I cant remember the name. It was something like "Aya's summer break" But I cant find it anywhere so I have to assume I misremembered the name

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look on sukebei.nyaa

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File: 973d3bed771b103⋯.png (11.95 KB,315x250,63:50,973d3bed771b103184dd378798….png)

anyone got SpringCityParadise v0.8? I've seen some dls on the google, but those all take 4-5 hours if you dont have "premium" or some other jewish trial or tribulation. pls and thank you

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is this translated?

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Anybody got the mega links for the latest Teaching Feeling patch? Only place I could find with english translation of anything newer than 2017 is Fag95zone and they block their stuff for non-members.

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Anybody got the mega links for the latest Teaching Feeling patch? Only place I could find with english translation of anything newer than 2017 is Fag95zone and they block their stuff for non-members.

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mein neger

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Man, why the fuck I can't find anything of this game anywhere…

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Check Fag95 zone

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Fag95 has only the free version there.

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Lust Doll+ has new update out, anyone got it and/or the changelog? Already checked Fag95 and it isn't there.

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File: 9d85d6deb45aaf0⋯.jpg (15.58 KB,400x225,16:9,997908_ixvpekcj_v4.jpg)

A town uncovered [v0.31] is out …does anybody got it ?

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File: ea97d82c0f71891⋯.jpg (102.74 KB,800x400,2:1,454200_banner_F95.jpg)

Does anyone happen to have Chapter 5 for Light of my life?

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File: dd73d2b68574ca3⋯.png (166.91 KB,1366x768,683:384,587_3_1476105488.png)

This is probably the wrong place to ask but can anyone tell me where to get the Jas marriage mod for Stardew Valley? All the usual places astroturfed it and supposedly stardewmods.com has it but it looks like a chinese malware site.

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go to Fag95zone

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The public release isnt out yet so I'm here in this begging thread looking for the beta or private patreon backer early release

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nevermind, I found it on allthefallen

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Does anyone happen to have the latest patreon release of The Villain Simulator? I checked Fag95 but the dev is active there and is actively preventing people from posting links to the update.

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Nothing is there. No 1.19a dev or the new 1.2.

FapForFun has 1.19 dev but not 1.2 (the newest).

Lost life when reeee

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Are there any text-based sandbox games? I'm looking for something like Newlife but without forcing the player to be a female, a game like Lifeplay but text based. Any ideas?

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Lilith's Throne - Customize yourself and slaves

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Still not as shitty as MuvLuv and its weeaboo sperglord fanboys.

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I'm looking for more of a recommendation than just a sauce. I'd like to find something lewd, fun and sweet, without rape, ultraviolence, guro, NTR or other retarded shit. Sibling love or childhood friend type stuff optional but appreciated.

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So something vanilla?

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Maybe with some playfulness or mild kinks, but nothing too outrageous or gross. Also, no depression fodder with surprise bad ends.

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404 and fag95 says server not found. Anyone got another link or a copy?

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MEGA link is dead.



Unclear if https://workupload.com/file/jdnfyeJLvkY works as IPs are being blacklisted.

Cheat mod:


1. Extract the ZIP File.

2. Back-up the game and save files if necessary.

3. Replace BasicData.wolf and [Optional: SystemFile.wolf] contained in Data. (Data folder must contain .wolf files!)

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I am looking for a game i played a long time ago, it was about a boy in a zombie apocalypse where all adult men and young girls instantly died and in the world only mature women and young boys were left alive, so he started the game with both his sister and his mother. I think he could collect more girls along the way.

Anyone knows something?

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Looking for an up to date source for RJ246337's english version. All the other sources are out of date, including the Fag95 thread.

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A Zombie's Life?

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Anyone have Spodvohoms Patreon? https://www.LINK REMOVED/SpodvohomGames Would like the new Frihetsjord update

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Been trying and failing to find a game I played a long time ago, RPG game where you play as some tentacles, moving around a map in some sort of shadow dimension, pretty sure it had multiple floors. Girls come to kill you or stumble in. You basically play hide and seek avoiding the strong ones while hunting the weak ones and getting stronger from your victories.

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anyone got new patreon company 4.0 release?

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File: 032e767ce15c881⋯.jpg (65.42 KB,879x420,293:140,sauce.jpg)

anyone know the game?

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File: 90f8da11ba1ac6b⋯.webm (2.77 MB,640x334,320:167,ayy.webm)

I don't remember the name of the game, if only you could remind me of the name I'd find it myself.

It's about a guy with a fairy companion. Game has 3dcg from Koikatsu or some other illusion game. You have a town and explore with outskirts, and there's plenty monster girls. Also there were a bartender bitch.

The plot is about mc being son of a magical creature researcher and now he must fend off the org that his mom was a part of or something like that. There's also a big tittie auntie and 2 mindbroken girls.

Please, I need to remember. I'll pay in funny webm.

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there was*

self fix

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trying to remember the name of a game. its an ACT game, it uses fmvs, it stars a girl wearing a china dress (i think), and its all set underwater. i think the gameplay is a bunch of different minigames.

the main appeal of the game was the whole water, underwater setting

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corrupted kingdoms

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Might be also Zombie's Retreat, right?

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I'm trying to find this 3d anime styled eroge that was sort of a ripoff of MGSV in multiple ways and with an interface reminiscent of it, it also had some fucked fetishes… I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. Any pointers would be appreciated.

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File: ac54e5a1f02cd40⋯.jpg (27.79 KB,556x400,139:100,1614255368184.jpg)


either biko or virtua stalker (has a metal gear DLC) both play the same way the differences are one is made by fulltime while the other is made by illusion.

both are old so i don't know if they work on windows 10 (biko 1 doesn't work because is too old and biko 3 works on win7)

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is there anyone with a link for this game?

the dlsite version was erased and i can't find any live links.

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Question, is there a good english translation of Fumika Fantasy? And where i can download it?

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>flash game

Have you tried swfchan yet?

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File: 2c400a217ec66ed⋯.webm (339.5 KB,248x348,62:87,1627805309856.webm)

Can anyone identify this game?

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any updated download link for this ?

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Anyone have a download and translation patch for SHRIFT? all the other links are down.

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