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/x/ - Paranormal

Oh shit! What was that?
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File: bec534d16ee92d7⋯.jpg (166.92 KB, 1013x570, 1013:570, 20190109_124549.jpg)



You can rarely tell when a video claiming to have paranormal activity caught on tape is real, but this one intrigued me.

What do you guys think?


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The guy held on that shadow for a decently long time, which is cool but also makes me suspicious. I feel like if he was genuinely startled he would not have been able keep such a(relatively) steady shot. When he recovers and goes back into the room you can see the shadow was clearly right inside the door, when it is in frame it covers up his dresser and the end of his bed. There is so much moving from well lit rooms to dark ones, shooting from light into dark and vice versa that I'm still left wondering if it wasn't some trickery.

I cannot for the life of me hear nearly any of those EVPs he's putting up on screen, and I'm also a pussy and not down to listen with headphones on lest I get another full blast SONOFABITCH in my fucking ears.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I'd hope to find looking through videos and small channels like this. Neat find. Do you know if he has anything else half as compelling as this?



I haven't searched through the channel yet, i just happened to stumble upon this video while lurking on youtube one night. I agree with your suspicion though. I turned up the volume on some of the voices he hears and there is definitely something there. You can tell the house he lives in is very old, and his reactions seem fairly genuine for someone who claims to have been putting up with these disturbances for a while.

Also the bed sheets moving was rather creepy as well.


Can't hear shit and what little I can sounds like cars passing out stomach gurgling.

20:20 is literally just a toilet flushing.


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His first reaction (“Son of a bitch!”) actually had me laughing out loud, and deflated the spookiness completely.

There is something connected to ghosts I have been thinking about for a while… In this clip from ‘Whistle and I’ll Come to You’, the dull professor goes on a lengthy spergout about ghosts, and he actually raised a point I found quite interesting – the survival of the human personality, but it being ‘damaged’ by death; similar to how someone might be brain-dead or suffer severe brain-damage in an accident – what if someone ‘survived’ death, but ended up ‘damaged’ by it? Would they suffer a similar change to their personality or behaviour or condition? IMHO it sounds like it could explain the weird behaviour ghosts inhibit – somehow some part of them survived death, but it has left them so changed, so ‘damaged’, that there really is very little left of who they used to be.



When people ask such questions, like 'what are ghosts?' or 'does personality survive after death?' they always seem to start from the assumption that there is a 'you' in the first place. That's not surprising, after all, it's how we think of ourselves while we're still alive. We'll say 'I like this' or 'I think' but what if we were fooling ourselves? Or rather, what if we were letting ourselves be fooled by language?

Consider this: it's common knowledge that human beings are contradictory. We're able to feel different emotions that don't seem to mix very well together, and even to love and hate someone or something at the same time. So we might say 'I love you' and 'I hate you' in the same sentence. That doesn't make sense if it was a single entity that was speaking, but it would be perfectly reasonable if there were different Is, all inhabiting the same body, taking turns to speak, and identifying themselves as 'I' simply because it's more convenient than each of them using a different name, and also because from an outsider's perspective, one body = one person.

Many philosophers have questioned the existence of a singular, monolithic, homogeneous personality, instead proposing that behind that I there exists a multitude of wills or instincts, which may or may not want the same things. The person we think we are, therefore, would be an aggregate of many smaller Is, all sharing the same body and memories, but sometimes disagreeing with each other.

Why is this relevant to a discussion about ghosts? Well, assuming that something survives after death, we have to ask, which parts of us do manage to survive? Imagine for example that you woke up tomorrow with your personality intact, but no memory of who you are or what your life has been: would you act the same as normal? Or what if certain parts of your personality, that have so far been dominant, suddenly disappeared, allowing other weaker and normally less influential parts to dictate your actions? Would 'you' still be the same person?

Maybe your grandpa turned into a ghost after he died, but only half of 'him', thus he might act in a completely different manner from when he was alive. The ghost's behaviour might not match what we remember about him, or even seem nonsensical or scary.


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Some of what you describe sounds like cognitive dissonance. While I think there is one ‘you’, and not several, safe for cases of schizophrenia (fractured personality), or multiple personality disorder, the idea that not all aspect of one’s personality or ‘self’ survives sounds interesting and plausible – a splintering or fracturing of the personality almost. The more basic/stronger feelings and emotions, such as anger, rage, love, &c. may more often be preserved than more nuanced and fleeting ones.

I have a similar theory when it comes to ‘bloodmemories’, ie inherited memories passed down through the generations in the DNA – the ‘stronger’ the memory, the more likely it is to be passed down unaltered, though they may also be altered or even vanish after several generations, like ripples in water spreading outwards and becoming smaller and more unclear each time.

Another thing I think may influence the behaviour of ghosts – other than how much of their original self/personality managed to survive, and in what condition, is how this new state would affect them – suddenly, or gradually, they regain some of their consciousness without their body/semi-corporeal form – how would we react to this? How would we perceive the world around us when detached from our body and senses?

Further, wouldn’t also the way a person died affect how much of their self/personality survived and in what state? A very painful and drawn-out death in which the person suffered major brain-damage and severe trauma vs a quick painless death or dying in one’s sleep… If someone committed suicide, only to regain some form of consciousness afterwards might also affect how they behave and act in the afterlife.



Considering how the average person acts while still alive, I don't want to imagine how he would act if he were to suddenly find himself deprived of a body and unable to communicate and perform other basic common tasks.

There certainly seems to be a cliche in ghost stories about the difference that the manner of death makes, when it comes to the 'creation' of a ghost and how it behaves. For some reason, violent deaths -whether it be murder or suicide- are alleged to generate angry, vengeful ghosts.



The other day I was listening to a clip from Dead Rabbit Radio, and it brought up something I had never given much thought: how are ghosts able to see, hear, feel, taste?

Does this mean that ghosts are nothing more than something like a ‘brain in a vat’? Deaf, dumb & blind – no sense of smell, sense… A human personality reduced to some form of post mortem ‘consciousness’, possibly damaged and fractured. If this is the case, it sounds like a truly horrific, nightmareish form of existence.


Here is something I have never heard anyone say before.

Ghosts are us, in the sense that we telekinetically project our own doubts and fears unto the world around us. Ghosts we see and hear and feel are projections of our own self. You see a ghost, get scared like a cat looking in the mirror. It was you all along.


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I remember reading in a story that thunderstorms had an affect of ghosts – presumably the highly statically charged atmosphere was implied to affect ghosts. Is this a somewhat well-known theory, or did the author just pull it out of his ass?



>presumably the highly statically charged atmosphere was implied to affect ghosts.

Iirc, there was a report from some government stating that locations with worse/no cell coverage had higher rates of paranormal activity reported. Don't really know how credible it was, but I think it was about/from Venezuela? In any case, the idea that electromagnetic fields, charges and waves affect ghosts and other things seems fairly common. There was a Ghost Adventures episode where they built an electromagnetic cage in an attempt to catch ghost. It didn't work, but there was another episode where they attempted to transport ghosts from a supposedly highly haunted location to one that wasn't, using radios. The origin location may have been the Winchester mansion.



You make a good point, but what about astral travel or near death experiences, though? If the stories are true, it seems that you might not need eyes to see…



Perhaps a sort of sixth sense that works as a sort of third eye? The Pineal gland?


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I've been on /x/ for years and have never heard of that before, so maybe not so well-known, but I'm not into ghosts either.



Helena Blavatsky claimed that the personality of living beings echo in the ether after death, but cannot communicate with personhood, since the host is dead. Trying to communicate with ghosts is useless.

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