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File: 32afdb9e1e3adf7⋯.png (142.83 KB, 799x801, 799:801, Shillinlikeavillain.png)


What artists are the worse offenders when it comes to patreon? Those that lock all their shit up, then make everyone pay through the nose while cramming their "support me" down everyone's throats.


File: 5788b8290cfd53b⋯.png (373.8 KB, 701x595, 701:595, SUNETTEH BIIIIIIICH.png)

nyte. Some people might say bigbitch or Alpha, but…

nyte is so far the only artist in any community I've ever seen who will just snowball a ridiculous $30 paywall onto artist after artist. There's at least a handful of artists he's grabbed, even after RyanC, that have now been absorbed into amorphous Jewblob that is forevernyte's Patreon

still pisses me off to no end that Ryan C originally wanted to offer his content to everyone for free, only with a Patreon on the side for people who wanted to support him to make more… until nyte convinced him otherwise



What do you expect? Money is where it is at.


File: e500aa8f4107320⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 265x393, 265:393, crush jewbopass.jpg)


Yep pretty much. The worst part is that his art's not even that good, but he charges several times more than artists who work faster and better.



I wonder how he suckers them into getting him all the money?



I was much annoyed of his ads everywhere, but he sudenly don't do it on ekas anymore… Maybe he didn't draw anymore?



Oh his ads are still on ekas, not as mass advertised as it was, but he still does it.



ndnode annoys me quite a bit. I like his work, but the good artists keep certain things patreon-exclusive 1-3 months at most. Instead, he keeps his comic series' behind the patreon paywall for over ONE FUCKING YEAR.

Case in point, Red & Wolfette page 7 was posted a couple days ago publicly, but it's been on Patreon since March 31st of 2016. Even Nyte doesn't wait that long to release non-exclusive stuff publicly.



Crawl back into your shitty little third world garbagepile you faggot


File: e90435295e83a45⋯.jpeg (4.28 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpeg)


You're a downright twat when you're hungry.



This is obvious bait. He is such a shitty attention whore that he has to use bignig's name to do it.

Atleast type in broken English like him. 2/10 attempt.



hey there, NDnode here,

i'm happy for feedback and I certainly dont wanna come off as greedy, I just figured that if people were spending money on work via patreon i would give them their moneys worth, i'll take what you said into consideration though in regards to loosening up. I'll discuss that with my co-writer and may upload a response later about more uploads. thank you :)>>13521



If this is Dnode eh, I don't mean to be a Bitch here, but not every one likes Patreon, Donations, Even Artpacks featuring patreon only content, would be okay. I can do artpacks, but the patreon thing itself nope.

I mean, I know artists all now want that Big Big income sakura, and some other artists now getting 7k and way way up, but not every one always has money. dam, now I am rambling on.


I think my biggest problem with patreon is firstly that some artists have fallen off the radar locking near everything up. Hard to ship money to someone you don't know exists.

Also it's a guessing game as to what you're going to get, it's possible to toss some money down and find out none of the current/recent content has nothing relevant to one person's interests.

I'm happy to throw artists money, I think I'm giving money to about a dozen creators. But at some point when they're putting the squeeze on for higher amounts, and you add them all up, it gets too pricey. $1-2/month is easy to swing, but then you got $5, or $10+ spread out adding up to like $100 or more each month just for a chance to see something of interest. At that point it's just better to get a few commissions and get tailored content.

Currently what I've ended up doing is becoming a patron for a month or two, download everything, and cancel. Waiting for a few months or more until they build up enough content to make it worth my money.



i understand there are people who dont like patreon, and thats fine, im trying to create a medium between keeping patrons happy and not pissing off those who dont have the money to throw at artist. i have considererd artpacks and planning to do some comics for them, but considering how they tend to be received i thought people would not like that



i understand that, and really its up to you how you spend your money. i do appreciate any patrons and commissions but i dont want to leave people in a disadvantage due to my art. as for getting my name out there, that is always a concern, and for the most part i have been neglecting my NDnode brand from the general public since ive been doing other SFW work on differnt accounts (keeping the fetish stuff separate for the normies) and for that i'm sorry. i'll try to do better for the future



says the crybaby that hates bigbig and whines all the time



BigBig or One of his Crazed Fans, You win, w/e end the bs please.

Dnode, I would love to definitely know if you will do the artpacks.



>end this bs please


pick 1



if i did is there anything you would like to see in an artpack or just whatever?



Maybe exclusive stuff from patreon, or some 2 or 3 piece series. Doesn't have to be everything from Patreon, but some of it would be nice to be available, though not for free ^^


"still pisses me off to no end that Ryan C originally wanted to offer his content to everyone for free, only with a Patreon on the side for people who wanted to support him to make more… until nyte convinced him otherwise"

…actually RyanC was going to quit making his work because he couldn't gain enough support giving it away for free. Nyte helped support him to continue making work. RyanC wouldn't be making any more art today if it wasn't for him…I was supporting RyanC when that happened.


RyanC was gonna quit because he wasn't getting enough support working by giving his art away for free…

…Nyte convinced him to not quit.


I should have not said that SaintXTail stopped spaming Ekas…

May he read my Post and remembered to spam Ads on Ekas? xD


ITT: cheapskates who don't want to pay for things calling the actual content creators greedy.



>Neglecting the brand

This has been most frustrating as a person whose not afraid of contributing towards an artist. I been around the community for a few years now, and for example I saw some art and I'm like whose this acerok person? It's awesome. And I've seen and liked enough of your stuff, but I forget you exist oftentimes unless a friend of mine brings you up.

I don't think eka's helps at all, being that good or even decent quality art gets buried under fast food grade artists.



Not at all. They're saying to have some common fucking sense when trying to decide on when to release paid content for free in order to gain new customers.

Some people block it permanently. Some do it for several months, while others do it for a year.

Long story short is: Unless your name is getting spread around by either word-of-mouth or by people stumbling over it freely via websites like DA/FA/Aryion, you're not getting found. Add into this that, I, much like most I'd assume, don't spend money on something unless I like it and if I'm seeing artwork from years ago, or nothing . . . why the fuck would I bother with your patreon?



This dude gets it.



i see, thats some good advice, i'll try and put that into practice. is there other places that i can upload other than ekas? (h foundry i hear is going a bit down hill lately)


Can we take a moment to talk about how ridiculous darksand/myvoreshort is?

>Videos consist of girls getting 'eaten' by furniture

>""""Animations"""", have all of 3 frames each

>Has posted maybe a single thing for free in his entire time on internet

>You do not see anything from myvoreshort without a patreon link attached, several times

>Every single status update/journal entry has several links to the same patreon

>Has Patron tiers of up to $150, $300, $500, and $600

>Does not offer any special rewards for those tiers

>Just hopes some rich fuck with a vore fetish and incredibly low standards will come be his sugar daddy

MVS isn't talked about a lot, because nobody cares about the stupid shit he makes, but he's definitely worth mentioning in a 'worst of Patreon' discussion


File: 362b5da195523a4⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4093x5787, 4093:5787, ghost_colour.jpg)


>I just figured that if people were spending money on work via patreon i would give them their moneys worth

Nigger, with the way you draw, you should be paying ME to look at this shit.


File: 49796487750ca62⋯.jpg (292.94 KB, 1800x858, 300:143, AugustBebel-296254-Твай м6.jpg)

augustbebel used to be a cool guy who just drew vore because he liked it.

He even took requests and made them.

Of course after he got popular, he started doing commissions, and it wasn't long before he got greedy with the patreon shit



Made my day! xD



hmmm sorry you dont like my work, i do try to improve but i understand if you want to look at other peoples work, though this image is a commission so i know someone liked it. i do take on critisim so what about my work do you not like? i can try and improve in those areas.



I'm not that guy, but my biggest gripe is how goofy everybody looks. It's perfectly fine for cartooning or webcomics, but if the purpose is to be aroused it just isn't working out. The faces and proportions are what do it for me, also sometimes the nipples are too high. That said, I think you're definitely improving. So many artists on Eka's end up stagnating completely because of how much of a hugbox that site is, but I don't see that happening to you.



*cough* moebius

*cough* saintxtail



i see, well i can improve on the faces and proportions im constantly trying to fix, is there something i can develop towards (examples or particular artists i should look to?) as for the nipples, ill do better though for characters like wolfette its intentional her nipples are placed higher.






I followed that fucker since before he could write a coherent English sentence. Always disappoints me to see what he's become.


File: ec50ebc434bb049⋯.png (497.67 KB, 569x629, 569:629, COMPLAINTS.png)


original complainer here; you nailed it.


Ok, I'm gonna ask you a bunch of questions: Why do you not bother to upload the same pics you host on your Eka's account to your FurAffinity account? And on that note, the pics on your FA account are generally lower quality than the ones on your Eka's, this means you're deliberately scaling down the resolution? What is reason for this? Finally, I just compared the ghost pic hosted on your paytreon with the ghost pic on your Eka's: the one you put on Eka's is higher quality. Why? So the freeloaders on Eka's get better quality than those of us patrons? This is the sort of thing that makes me want to unsubscribe from you. Seriously, what the fuck kind of business practice is this? And don't tell me you gave me a .psd file, yes I KNOW that, but I don't want to have to launch photoshop and wait 5 minutes every time I want to view a single picture. I'm just about to take my money and walk.



hi there, first i do apologise that about not treating all the upload site with equal measure, its mostly because ive been treating eka's as my main upload site and the others as afterthoughts, hence ive just been uploading lower rez stuff for time (and i guess due to i figgured i received no complaints up until now) as for the ghost pic, i did try to upload the higher rez version but either patreon didnt allow it or the upload never worked propperly, but i thought i also uploaded a lower rez to my eka's (unless the commissioner uploaded the hi rez) either way i am sorry that its caused you issues. i do appreciate your patronage and thankful that you chose to donate to me, im happy to recieve any comments and complaints so i can also focus on doing better by you. honestly its good to finally get some feedback as no one really really gives me much so im useually left to guess or think everything is fine. thank you by the way



I don't think he even has any vore on his patreon.


File: a6ed7dc64610616⋯.png (55.07 KB, 300x328, 75:82, [Image requires 8chan Prem….png)


>i did try to upload the higher rez version but either patreon didnt allow it or the upload never worked propperly

It must be a problem on your end because the other creators I'm subscribed to upload files that reach ~40MB. You should contact paytreon staff about it and try to get this sorted. If you still have trouble you should use an external files host, I'd recommend https://mega.nz/ they give you 50GB free space just for signing up; remember to link with key to give out the access links.

>thank you by the way

Well, as long as you're going to at least try and fix it, then I guess I'll keep donating. You're welcome. As for content, I'd like to see more of something like pic related.



thanks i see what i can do, also cant see what you posted, just send it via IM if you want



I forget that you exist except for once every few months; yet you were one of my favorite artists on Eka's. Sometimes I see commissions that you've made (your art style is unique enough to be instantly recognized in thumbnails), uploaded on the commissioner's gallery, but not your own.

I get that you want to incentivize people towards your Patreon, but your visibility on Eka's is pretty low these days I think.



thanks for the feed back, ill try and fix that for the future and upload more



That post was a joke, there is no 8chan pass.


We don't do that here.



ah forgive my stupidity


Throwing my hat into the ring, SaintXtail is probably one of my worst picks for a Patreon user, considering they release so many artpacks and such, I mean the consistent requests on this board should be proof of that.

I've also heard stuff like not being able to even access older material even after you sign onto their Patreon? I don't know how true that is so i'm not 100% sure. If it is the case, that's even shittier than most.



What does the artist even gain from not letting patreons get older packs? He isn't selling them seperately, he gains fucking nothing as far as I can see.



I wish I had an answer for you, but alas I cannot read minds.




If you can at any time get all of the art for a one-month sub then people will just sub once a month a year or whatever. By making old packs drop off they entice you to remain subbed every month so you miss nothing.

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