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Infinite Yuri
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Forbidden Love

File: b5d43073e6b0d99⋯.jpg (105.04 KB, 636x900, 53:75, DdTuDSyV4AExgEH.jpg_orig.jpg)


Guide to WIXOSS


Batoru Online


A pretty out-of date Batoru Sim, it'll let you play with most LRIGs except for Guzuko, Layla and Carnival.

Heres the git for it:


Random Decks For Batoru


For Webxoss only.

Previous thread: >>43255



Tomorrow we will Remember her.


File: b613d9b092c4d73⋯.png (465.41 KB, 763x549, 763:549, wx-wx19.png)

Still over $700


Having just rewatched the scene it's actually a lot less sexual than I remembered it to be.



Are you talking about the last thread? I think the person who posted was out of his mind.


File: fe01b454b230c59⋯.png (143.19 KB, 1347x613, 1347:613, piruruk.png)


The price difference between japanese and english speaking sites is a bit disturbing. Apart from a piece of cardboard with artificial rarity being disturbing n the first place.


Yeah I was reffering to that.


File: c7a920ed0f27908⋯.jpg (78.66 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Dddju4ZU8AEbjr9.jpg)

File: 271cbab2bae65ac⋯.jpg (36.87 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DddjuCrVAAA8_Bb.jpg)

File: 3be85a165b5c6de⋯.jpg (309.54 KB, 980x731, 980:731, kai_img_02.jpg)

Conflated should be airing in about four hours.

Also the column for the previous episode has appeared:



File: 4b13764edbf8b8e⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 1000x400, 5:2, DdecPSsVQAE8TaD.jpg)

File: 0607ce3f190bac2⋯.jpg (157.81 KB, 984x500, 246:125, DdecQStV4AA5FKn.jpg)

File: e4e3594c758e3c2⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 1000x400, 5:2, DdecSGHVwAAg4pi.jpg)

Why a Layla and Remember mat, will those two character even interact in conflated?



>We will also host a woman-only tournament!



RIP Aki-lucky.


I'm wondering what Aki Lovely and Remember will be like together.



Pretty sure that scene is just Akira asking for a second LRIG. It makes sense to ask Carnival.


They'll probably argue quite a bit and Remember will most likely provoke her a bit;

also Remember will probably try to order her around(She seems like the type of person who likes to be in control).

Of course this relies on Remember not pretending to be nice, I doubt she'll pretend to be nice, as there doesn't to seem to be a reason to;

and I doubt Akira cares if she's nice or not, but there's a chance.


File: 7aed58c8960106a⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DdeLiEUUwAIAm8h.png)

>Somehow missed this


File: c1fb7cba07e6af5⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfUoPkU8AEJ4Ht.jpg)

File: a5814dabb4d5df7⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfUuguVwAAGECM.jpg)

File: 28d0d7b182415db⋯.jpg (96.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfUuICU8AAIrOm.jpg)

File: 5b988b09adbc372⋯.jpg (96.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfUuTtU0AAmw76.jpg)

File: b37864c641c096a⋯.jpg (120.01 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfVCPMVAAAgQSW.jpg)

It begins


File: 92f00d01a38a3cf⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfVf0XUwAElGa2.jpg)

File: 38420d8a6b40977⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfVgHoUQAAY7ku.jpg)

File: bc8ee75e5566f44⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfVxQBVwAA-JA9.jpg)

File: 2e065143777f1bc⋯.jpg (67.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfVw-9VQAEMOR4.jpg)

File: 46b09a14193f0cb⋯.jpg (58.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfVydiVAAAXFH0.jpg)



File: 001e42402f8655c⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfV7x-V0AAXtov.jpg)

File: eb61046b21ee73d⋯.jpg (82.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DdfV46qVQAAN8Od.jpg)

File: a0e0cf730f76d8c⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfV6AHU8AAtQX9.jpg)

File: 8c83ffecc858efe⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfV8OmVAAA3T8R.jpg)

File: bcc961ec4f42c7a⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfV81pU0AA-lJK.jpg)




File: f1a685d010e09c6⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfWPjNVMAECV7N.jpg)

File: a35edbb26052f1e⋯.jpg (68.98 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfWO8pV4AAe2eK.jpg)

File: e7f7214e7f7616c⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfWQD2VMAAM9Hj.jpg)

File: 9719b1ddb7c4661⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfWfWdVMAA2DHs.jpg)


Part 3


File: ecc7885d2b71b3e⋯.jpg (173.23 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfXs8bVMAA03XH.jpg)

File: 2de64f201bb9b6f⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfXiYBV4AM5gYL.jpg)

File: e13cb25e431fe4a⋯.jpg (94.61 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfXtbxU0AAD1GQ.jpg)

File: 314f81e4b28b7ea⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfXtNAUwAA9Isn.jpg)

File: 87bf7bf599c7973⋯.jpg (90.23 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfXtuyVQAESo3k.jpg)


File: 0ddfbc5b40ac375⋯.jpg (114.09 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfYNLeVwAAtSoD.jpg)

File: 04bb14c84ed4b41⋯.jpg (126.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfYO8QU0AAgz7u.jpg)

File: 87bd77a7f21de31⋯.jpg (93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfYPJqU0AEr1xu.jpg)

File: 74c10a098d76281⋯.jpg (109.86 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfYanzU0AA3zEv.jpg)

File: 51b6ed943d86c1f⋯.jpg (83.18 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfYa3lVMAA0T6Z.jpg)


File: eb326dcc1d93b6f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfZLVVUwAIOdCa.jpg)

File: f244d50f80fd7e2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 99.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DdfZLhvU0AAlUDV.jpg)

Ruu wins, but Layla never turns into an LRIG so she's still around


File: 93e46f5dcc8a41c⋯.jpg (118.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DdfZwxuV4AAbRjb.jpg)

File: a83f892376b5fa9⋯.jpg (102.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfZxQeUQAEhdd2.jpg)

File: cdca1af6958f6cb⋯.jpg (121.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfZwl_UwAAlbV3.jpg)

File: 8c43b56660dc0f9⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfZvSKV0AAjU_4.jpg)

File: 804527b6054d63f⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfZv-lVQAE4Z2N.jpg)


File: 16d483e5beeeec9⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfaPHxU8AAx4YT.jpg)

File: 8d0c392f963a42a⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfacG8VQAE15KU.jpg)

File: 07d3cab015185cf⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfZq5SV0AEe1VB.jpg)

File: 8320c0882392110⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfZsTLVMAAxx9F.jpg)

File: cd93d233df654b5⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DdfZuvnUwAIY7xp.jpg)

And then it ends on some good old Spread flashbacks


File: 2b6f5761a9ccdbf⋯.jpg (76.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfbOsMVQAc4Q9o.jpg)

File: 878cf51302ecbf3⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfbPTnV4AAooDf.jpg)

File: 35bd320af25288b⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfbP9XVQAA-zME.jpg)

File: bc47892939f1e28⋯.jpg (107.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfbI4ZU8AAllCs.jpg)

File: af9fd1ed7f4d41d⋯.jpg (179.51 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfY4ZQU0AEuFMu.jpg)

Here's the link to the episode as usual:



File: 58323072d5415d7⋯.jpg (82.54 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DdfNJlqU8AEZL4a.jpg)

File: f4d708063a899a8⋯.jpg (151.01 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DdfAp_1VwAAW9oR.jpg)

File: a233d520725d43f⋯.jpg (133.81 KB, 1032x1035, 344:345, DdelK46U8AA8UgM.jpg)

File: 9d33cf466d5811c⋯.jpg (139.65 KB, 752x1062, 376:531, DdeoiD5VAAECnhq.jpg)

File: 15706ffc0ef59ca⋯.jpg (199.5 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Dde0kPsUQAEEEpJ.jpg)


File: 3c45849da64d536⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 87.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfaFuWV0AA_vYM.jpg)

File: 577077eca2adaa2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfaGJtU0AAFi06.jpg)

File: 626e1aee177aee3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 164.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdfaMNLV0AECzBr.jpg)

File: 99a7f54a36ae67b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 51.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfaMw-VQAA688l.jpg)

File: 8dc951427a91104⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.03 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfaNBrV0AA-O9C.jpg)


>I was tricked

oh well, what the actual episode ends on is Akira kidnapping Amika I can't really watch streams right now because my internet is currently crap.


The subs are out by the way.


That date was incredibly cute.


File: 53f7a0ae44326a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)

File: 96773ac5a942e16⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)

Fuck me

They didn't even have enough budget to animate Ruuko's fight with Layla.


File: b371e11533c9fa6⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)

This scene implies that former LRIGs get a choice in becoming LRIGs again. So were Hanayo and Midoriko really copies? If they weren't copies, what reason do they have for going back to being the LRIGs of their former selectors?

None of it makes any sense


File: 00289f6ebd3f7e5⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)


Amika becomes a Selector again. This gives Takara Tomy an opportunity to release another version of the original Piruluk.


How does Aki Lucky keep getting away with kidnapping? Hell how did Kiyoi (Remember) commit murder and walk away with it.


File: febfd82559fb35b⋯.png (2.34 MB, 959x1521, 959:1521, ClipboardImage.png)

Carnival revealed.




The ability and on-play are a bit mediocre so the only real thing it has going for it is it's grow cost. Can see it getting run just to get to L5 if they're going to print one (same with the other 0 ener L4s).

Which Carnival cards are actually key legal?



I doubt this, I think the White Room just allows people who strongly wish for something to also participate in the battles in a similar fashion to how the selectors were chosen during the first round of selector battles. Others were probably chosen at random or specifically for their involvement against their wishes.


File: aa50e4e8a359905⋯.jpg (273.7 KB, 786x1200, 131:200, DZiSW3QVAAAim_c.jpg)

File: ebd0aa61d07e532⋯.jpg (186.11 KB, 960x720, 4:3, DZGvgYDU8AAmdjo.jpg)


Currently none in key format.

She only has one level 5, MAIS is a hell of a card however, and is generic, so that's usable in all-star.

However we already know there's main pack level 4's as they have been shown off a bit and in the case of carnival, its called Carnival †Q† shockingly.



I thought that was the case. Seems really strange to release an L4 for Key without having anything to play it in. It's a dead card for their main format until they release the rest.




I meant unshockingly.



Its for the structure deck that releases with full scratch, it'll have new support for her in it.


File: 2f30e39ebed01b9⋯.jpg (55.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfcY3fUQAEUkAf.jpg)

File: efc4e15d0b11ee4⋯.jpg (83.77 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DdfcY3kU8AA394D.jpg)

File: 8fe1016bc27a6b0⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1796x1080, 449:270, Vanilla and Level 1.png)

File: 72e498326d32dfb⋯.jpg (195.25 KB, 960x720, 4:3, DZHQWXoVMAAqeaP.jpg)

Here's the new Tama SIGNI shown off in the episode, I didn't expect Sanpoku(she was the first of Tama's new SIGNI to be shown off art-wise) to be a level 2, she looks like a level 1.

In theory you could get the effects from this since they aren't blanked out like in Missing Link, but I can't do it.


File: dc8052428a86eaf⋯.png (518.99 KB, 499x698, 499:698, sanpoku.png)

File: 7c0f56fdc8179ee⋯.png (891.23 KB, 636x856, 159:214, sled.png)


The other ones would be completely illegiable. Sanpoku probably still is but that's the best I could do.

My guess is that it's on play give one of your other white signi +5000. But that's not as someone who can read the language just as someone who has played the game.


File: e6f0845d3ffd574⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1074, 320:179, Attack Phase.png)


Just a tip;





Also Sanpoku is the only signi Ruu actually activates the effect for from the looks of things.



Oh right, got those mixed up. A constant with +5000 at L2 is pretty good though assuming it affects a subsection of your own SIGNI. Might be a "during your / your opponants attack phase" effect then, assuming the card is correctly represented.


File: 3de8c078a8925fa⋯.jpg (168.59 KB, 960x544, 30:17, breaking the law.jpg)


We need to make a list of all crimes committed in this series sometime.

Here's my shitty attempt:

Kiyoi (Remember) - First degree murder

Akira - Assault with an improvised weapon, 2 counts of kidnapping

Iona (Ulith and Yuki) - Attempted suicide (jumping into traffic), I'm also pretty sure there's a crime somewhere in inviting dozens of girls to batoru in an unsafe building under construction.

Hitoe and Kazuki - Trespassing on private property (While trying to find Mayu)



Akira was also extorting the guy in the metro station.



Here a rough translation of †QA†'s flavor:


>I wonder what happens to a selector whose coins become zero… ~Carnival~/(Other potential translation)I wonder what a selector becomes if their coins become zero… ~Carnival~

Its a good question, after all if there isn't an LRIG to switch with what happens?


File: e94bf8f7f070963⋯.jpg (141.61 KB, 1000x1182, 500:591, DdpRJLCVQAApujN.jpg)

File: 51b3ccc6010e7d0⋯.jpg (203.42 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, DdfLDePU0AA2Xre.jpg)

File: a8ef99bf2e78b48⋯.jpg (198.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Ddiqg-KVQAABCXk.jpg)

File: 5b144c7b99410d4⋯.jpg (273.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DdkdQc1VAAADf8C.jpg)

File: 993f2a4613fc293⋯.jpg (390.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DdiKbeDU8AAW6V-.jpg)



>aki-lucky forces amika to wear the pineabble costume

Truly the worst torture.


File: bdfc0a2701fac48⋯.jpg (236.11 KB, 1699x2048, 1699:2048, DdnadqDVwAAUyCu.jpg orig.jpg)


Who's the artist of the fifth image?



I'm amazed at your skill to find such artwork.


>Remember and Aki-lucky are called the evilest duo in promotional material

Not really an uncommon phrase for anime, but I have to wonder if it means something.


I honestly can't remember where I got it, I think i may have gotten it from the WIXOSS tag, but maybe the tweet was deleted or something?



There really arn't any other antagonist duos apart from Aki and Remember, especially if they only consider the ones current;y alive / active. The only other one that sort of fits is Carnival and Aya, since the last couple episodes it's questionable wether layla is even really on Carnivals side and it's sort of questionable wether she's evil in the first place.

Aki and Remember are definitely the most obsessive and broken duo though.

Art of them lewding Kiyoi infront of Amika when?


File: 47eaca96bf9d8c1⋯.jpg (277.82 KB, 1121x922, 1121:922, bad_end_rough.jpg)





Did you just draw that?



Woah, nice.



>There really arn't any other antagonist duos apart from Aki and Remember

I guess, it just seems strange to call a team-up that seems like it'll only last two episodes something like that;

although now that I think about it, considering it seems that Layla and Carnival are gonna be defeated by Ruu.

Maybe they'll win and end up being the final bosses.


>a wild artfag appears



Is imageposting fucked?


File: 07f40ff4a261051⋯.jpg (135.06 KB, 868x1039, 868:1039, DdperZ9U8AIHkkx.jpg)

File: 5eeb2393511188d⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 1024x1040, 64:65, DdrMluGUQAEKx5Y.jpg)

File: b7ab99ea18ab7a1⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 1200x1096, 150:137, DdjUbv0VwAA3EdJ.jpg)

File: 4a287a1386e2a55⋯.jpg (133.17 KB, 800x1161, 800:1161, DdG2MsrV4AA6XlK.jpg)

File: de9b07d95c86eaf⋯.jpg (286.9 KB, 1123x1200, 1123:1200, Dc6nUg1V0AEppn-.jpg)



Doesn't seem so.


File: 9e45295659a6072⋯.jpg (114.02 KB, 787x926, 787:926, DdutvSaU8AABnzl.jpg)


Let's test this again.

Based MekiMeki posted.





File: 0775de1deea851e⋯.jpg (366.95 KB, 1500x1488, 125:124, cover.jpg)



I might cry if they use Room in the anime. It has a very sad ring to it.



Room sounds like an ending track similar to Eternal Girl on the Selector OST. Maybe one of them gets stuck in the white room.



Like Tama?



I don't think Ruu could handle this.


File: 0a11e3b0deb735f⋯.png (34.55 KB, 1464x299, 1464:299, futapo.png)

Came across this (new?) futaba archive site.

It's pretty damn nice.


When you search it shows live and archived threads simultaneously. Left is the live thread, right is the archive.



That means it's exactly what will happen.

Maybe Ruu will stay with Tama in the room, sorta like another couple come to think of it.



Nah it'll just be Remember and Aki cause they are ebil duo.


File: 7630b8fbea6220d⋯.jpg (110.9 KB, 712x724, 178:181, realest_iona_x_akira_line.jpg)

File: c3ab6f4718fb09b⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 483x521, 483:521, aki_blushy.jpg)

Akira's hair was a bit of a journey, but I toughed it out.



>1st pic

That's great. Akira's sweater kinda looks like a tank top though there.


File: 0717f297d0b3c0b⋯.jpg (101.75 KB, 713x732, 713:732, 5-22-2018 realest_iona_x_a….jpg)


Thanks for pointing that out, I forgot what Akira's clothes looked like and had her sweater confused for a vest.



Much better! Are you gonna color it?



Can you make one with Ruu and Iona (Kuro)?


File: 972c77b3dd5d1da⋯.png (513.33 KB, 713x732, 713:732, paint.png)


I'm not the original artist



Nice. I need to try my hand at coloring in stuff like this.



I hope you have a tablet because fuck me, was that a pain in the ass to do with a mouse.





I take it by realest Iona you mean actual Iona and not Yuki-onna or Ulith Iona.

It might just be me but isn't Iona kissing Aki a bit too low? I have to say that my anatomy is not the greatest but it looks like she's sucking on her lower lip. Unless that's what you're going for.


It's not too bad but I would really like to see the original artist color it.

Coloring other peoples works seems sort of like a ripoff. It's good practice at least I guess although if you wanted to do that you really should attempt to do the hair and shirt properly instead of doing the cloudy style lazy texture.



Maybe we should all try to color the WIXOSS Colouring Book.



What are you, like 8? Try to learn to draw yourself instead of trying to find a sense of achievement in something like that.

Does this actually exist? And if so, why? That seems really bizzare.


File: 34301a086b94a72⋯.jpg (160.05 KB, 586x800, 293:400, Dd4-aDoVAAIbitI.jpg)

File: 26296f2bb9871be⋯.jpg (233.31 KB, 1128x800, 141:100, Dd4-ayjVwAAwLm_.jpg)

File: 83fa77dba7de6da⋯.jpg (240.81 KB, 1128x800, 141:100, Dd4-bYJVwAAckja.jpg)

File: 2f18cd84ee3cd3f⋯.jpg (169.96 KB, 772x1083, 772:1083, Dd4-NxiUwAE-Vo6.jpg)

File: 50d096ee7552a29⋯.jpg (284.47 KB, 1100x777, 1100:777, Dd49zheVwAAkeoc.jpg)

Black Direct has been released.



It's a shame nothing in there is really worth getting exited about.


File: 6c2be583bb23900⋯.jpg (94.96 KB, 600x666, 100:111, Dd2KRK9U0AECpVf.jpg orig.jpg)

File: bf81f913b7f9348⋯.jpg (189.22 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, Dd2KQhEUwAAixDv.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 4f0c1ff96376187⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1250x1673, 1250:1673, 68874558_p0.jpg)

File: f8f5e1a06f35a12⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 645x645, 1:1, Ddu-jDJV0AAXsLp.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 4bcd577c515bb0d⋯.jpg (137.85 KB, 795x1143, 265:381, DdOSlD0V4AEqZwr.jpg orig.jpg)


File: 3d53c4ca3015dc9⋯.jpg (391.5 KB, 787x781, 787:781, cover.jpg)


File: 8a0d6634b7cc850⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 600x743, 600:743, Dd4zehuUQAEyWPl.jpg)

File: c22726212381bcc⋯.jpg (132.86 KB, 1000x763, 1000:763, Dd4ze_GUQAA2XXs.jpg)

File: 87ab8505a57f079⋯.jpg (181.12 KB, 800x1118, 400:559, Dd4zfgbUwAI6nhC.jpg)

File: ab32101cfea3708⋯.jpg (153.81 KB, 1131x1200, 377:400, Dd3kCi6V0AASfKg.jpg)

File: cb3bd555e6e1133⋯.jpg (618.42 KB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, Dd5eUi3VwAAzlOJ.jpg)


File: f09f10ab1c06fdc⋯.jpg (92.13 KB, 600x849, 200:283, Dd6kp3KV4AAbZ-E.jpg)

File: 3bed2b6a7437977⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 600x849, 200:283, Dd6kqqXUQAAjmxX.jpg)


Some more art has popped up.


File: 7b7b024248c2ec4⋯.jpg (149.98 KB, 1011x1239, 337:413, iona_(kuro)_x_ruuko_sketch.jpg)


It'll be a while before I do anything in color, though I'll probably rework everything I've drawn for /u/ up to that point when it actually happens.


>pic related

Not done yet, but you can assume I'll leave it like this for a while.


>isn't Iona kissing Aki a bit too low?

That's what I get for not checking Akira's head. I've made note of that for when I take another go at it.



Nice! Have you ever done art for /u/ prior to the latest stuff?


File: 1b36b4737bc521d⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 457x512, 457:512, 860004539.jpg)


Mind if I request something with Rumi and Sachi?


File: f3550537f9ec75c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 304.16 KB, 733x782, 733:782, oekaki collage.jpg)

File: 47dedd80671f48f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.95 KB, 591x678, 197:226, rumi_sachi_sketch.jpg)


Just oekaki until recently, but it got too tedious because I had to use my mouse, as the applet would die a few seconds into using my tablet. It was a bit nice/odd to find I could draw decently with my mouse hand despite being total shit with it normally, though.


Not at all.



>that fat smooch

Love it.


File: 32b2b8959b9817b⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 670x309, 670:309, Dd9QyVvUwAAYjJs.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 4e0021257ef1724⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2010x927, 670:309, Dd9QyVvUwAAYjJs.jpg orig(R….png)

New sleepyheads.

Original and upscale.



It's probably referring to this



I was about to post that. Allos and Tama look like they're awake which is odd. The new card for Allos is also a lot more lewd.



I think Guzuko is awake too.


File: 3bf1015ee74eb34⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-350.jpg)

File: 51a6a3fedc83e65⋯.jpg (142.31 KB, 768x412, 192:103, DZiSYXLVMAAiXdT - Copy.jpg)

The Promos will technically be released on the 25th by the way(its also 25th in japan right now, albeit 12:10 AM)


That's kinda interesting, usually sleeping promos never get new art, but the old LRIGs got new art in this case…

I wonder when Remember will get the color switch.


Yep, Guzuko's awake, the up-scale makes the eye wonky however.

I can see Ril's eye peeking through in the first image, but the up-scale fucks it completely. It seems like Carnival is wearing an eye-mask.



What is the image from? Some kind of promotional material or just something an artist drew? It looks official.

Best couple.


File: 2e0bad32aeb015b⋯.jpg (690.16 KB, 949x1068, 949:1068, 03005972830.jpg)

File: 6d72aa9cd0a0378⋯.jpg (535.18 KB, 1446x1615, 1446:1615, 03005972820.jpg)

File: a044b8ef3a3c1d9⋯.jpg (476.68 KB, 1581x1772, 1581:1772, 03013111890.jpg)

File: 1961f3339625ec5⋯.jpg (641.72 KB, 943x1051, 943:1051, 03013108211.jpg)

File: 54943555d335552⋯.jpg (399.89 KB, 1335x1500, 89:100, 81O4qiT68IL._SL1500_.jpg)


It is official. They were handed out with movie tickets if I remember correctly.



Seems like they are small cards (not the tcg kind), is that right?

And how would you search for them?

The art on them is really cute, especially the Rumi + Sachi and Tama + Ruu ones.


File: 74a7070cbc68832⋯.jpg (228.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 0-1481807610709.jpg)


>Seems like they are small cards (not the tcg kind), is that right?

Yeah, mini shikishi. They aren't much bigger than cards.

>And how would you search for them?

In general or these specifically? "色紙 wixoss" should work.


File: d0d11de057f25d6⋯.jpg (162.85 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Dd_oAYIUQAAxrbj.jpg orig.jpg)



File: f3394418e88e849⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 428x600, 107:150, Dd6rRa8UwAAB9o5.jpg)

File: f3394418e88e849⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 428x600, 107:150, Dd6rRa8UwAAB9o5.jpg)


More art.


File: 9a1d5ef44c555a5⋯.jpg (155.8 KB, 589x800, 589:800, DeAL60sU0AADBB_.jpg)


Fug, the second image was supposed to be this.




File: fa19db96a5f62d5⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DeBmRpPV0AEnwoe.jpg orig.jpg)

File: dca6b1113ec914c⋯.jpg (144.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DeBmTBqV4AAcU9p.jpg orig.jpg)


>In general or these specifically? "色紙 wixoss" should work.

Surugaya and yahoo auctions are the best places too look. They generally sell for a few hundred yen.


I really hope Akira wins.



I want everything!


File: 26df4b1129cc4ea⋯.jpg (67.37 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K001.jpg)

File: 91ec572caeab90a⋯.jpg (57.03 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K002.jpg)

File: 55fb61310c7cdda⋯.jpg (54.14 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K003.jpg)

File: 3663a8db30432c7⋯.jpg (43.95 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K004.jpg)

File: c0e1f6dde3506dd⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K005.jpg)

Since they've been released here's some better images of the new promos


File: def845371e66c2d⋯.jpg (65.46 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K006.jpg)

File: ee8dfce16a32a35⋯.jpg (58.18 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K007.jpg)

File: fa78dd38fa1bfd2⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 250x349, 250:349, PR-K008.jpg)


File: 57ce0df84076736⋯.jpg (79.52 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R05.jpg)

File: 4fab7f84b4c4edd⋯.jpg (88.64 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R04.jpg)

File: a3b369fc48b7ae4⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R03.jpg)

File: 509dad6526cbe74⋯.jpg (100.58 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R02.jpg)

File: 566ac34c7ffb05e⋯.jpg (104.06 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R01.jpg)


File: 225fa84c42757e7⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDX2uRU0AAMH8Q.jpg)

File: 9ce18f09f988928⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDX5FfVMAACjdG.jpg)

File: fc09d6c436b7c99⋯.jpg (54.16 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, DeDX5k7VMAAbnWD.jpg)

File: 65b2c68863b4aa0⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDX53hVMAAJ23y.jpg)

File: 69abe6c71aaacce⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDYGJHVwAAq7GT.jpg)

And it begins


File: 4cc23589b48e1c9⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDY-STV0AAfXUY.jpg)

File: 0a4fc84f97fe2b7⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDY-bhV0AAeZ7f.jpg)

File: a2c4024966d5213⋯.jpg (36.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZDTYU0AEObSh.jpg)

File: 36d8155ca57ce2c⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZEEZVAAAZJ3a.jpg)

File: 59cf36c163963b4⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZImcUQAAV95N.jpg)


File: 3efa986ab9d7143⋯.jpg (75.77 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZoRaV4AAr2mU.jpg)

File: 75caebf6653721b⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZoEdVMAAUq7y.jpg)

File: 7d0c89dab47348c⋯.jpg (84.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DeDZn4NVwAAHtQI.jpg)

File: 29077274a91a2b8⋯.jpg (75.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZoWKU8AAls3Q.jpg)

File: a79cae72b6e2c0d⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZvZCV4AADIaz.jpg)


File: 4ee6be1259a4253⋯.jpg (116.03 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZ0_IU8AAKf6F.jpg)

File: e337ea78569f941⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZ0gsUwAA4TmP.jpg)

File: ee9741bca84d6c7⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDZ84xVwAAF7kz.jpg)

File: 9c872658c53d58d⋯.jpg (110.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DeDaCi2U0AApEv5.jpg)

File: 05802b2d7683cff⋯.jpg (83.18 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDaDaYVQAAF4SJ.jpg)


File: 42266718c615389⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 1056x594, 16:9, DeDaS_xU8AY0HSh.jpg)

File: faf9a6e7eb5742c⋯.jpg (107.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDawB_VMAcECFd.jpg)

File: eb596ba2d4c49bf⋯.jpg (110.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDawvSU8AALAyt.jpg)

File: 062ae709af1b781⋯.jpg (82.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDaxAWVwAAux43.jpg)

File: 9002b15f765fdcf⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDa2bwUwAAr4S-.jpg)


File: 4dd173037b25303⋯.jpg (93.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DeDbXEJUQAAnDOt.jpg)

File: 2486727736f0561⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDbYD-VAAAbvex.jpg)

File: eea515f32424b46⋯.jpg (209.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DeDblWNUwAAWrxE.jpg)

File: d2566f1d1e992a1⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDbl1AU8AAXlS6.jpg)

File: 4b991acd4d01094⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDbqoXUwAU_btn.jpg)


File: c92bc94cac03bfd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 103.56 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDcKW0UQAAxtln.jpg)

File: 01f4118795bd619⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDcKFNUwAMCVOI.jpg)

File: b63842ba452fe4b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 107.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DeDcil6U0AAxdK9.jpg)

File: c2543151167ed1c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDcsFqU0AAJpYJ.jpg)

File: 75b181c4f50ebee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 117.01 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, DeDczR4VwAEALwh.jpg)



File: 1c17245f7078edd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 103.39 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDdHX0VMAEuVWB.jpg)

File: 385e0ed881a07d6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DeDdQZYVQAAGP_z.jpg)

File: 958322e91103538⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 44.24 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDdQrSVMAA6dh6.jpg)

File: ace7a29440ceecf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 38.51 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDdQiWV4AECULZ.jpg)

File: e33c8d1e7d6aa39⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 36.55 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeDd1lWU8AAi1pu.jpg)


File: 7c205a78f43d6f8⋯.jpg (87.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1523050873171.jpg)

Looks like they outsourced the plot consistency to Koreans as well.



There's a few left on Mandarake too.



>Amika now has rope burns up her arms

That was a bit hardcore


File: 6426bcc6c3ef2f9⋯.jpg (90.56 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R20.jpg)

File: db4fdb96436681d⋯.jpg (75.15 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R07.jpg)

File: 98856df3450f453⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R14.jpg)

File: 862a2db4dc58e6a⋯.jpg (83.73 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R11.jpg)

File: e356485db1fd1b9⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-R12.jpg)



>…Put to cards from your trash…

I think you screwed up Bananans card text a little bit. Looks like it should be "Put 2 cards"



Yep, that was a mistake; or more of a typo;

in japanese its a word, not the English number 2 for whatever reason.



Or at-least was my intention, looking at it again, I don't know where I got the idea that it was a word in the japanese text.


File: 8402c299fc202d8⋯.png (415.15 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, aki lovely.png)

I knew they were gonna do this when I first saw her announced for conflated since she had no reason to be here other than to job and be made into a villain again only to be killed.



File: aed8af2a3dfa7dd⋯.png (863.76 KB, 1216x684, 16:9, amikiyoi.png)


It's really sad that all they did was kill her.

What happened to Remember anyway? Was that the keycard Kiyoi was holding or was that Mirurun? Did they actually just reintroduce Remember to get kill'd along with Aki.


Suzu talking about Chii's underwear was cute too.

Most importantly though, when will Kiyoi and Amika kiss?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It better be Remember.



Youre waifu is gone, how does it feel?


File: 2c147dba4e1b417⋯.png (2.13 MB, 2508x2516, 627:629, 68914996_p0.png)


That focus on the keycard was suspiciously long.

>Most importantly though, when will Kiyoi and Amika kiss?

Asking the real questions.


File: 5f7866a8793bc42⋯.jpg (102.23 KB, 680x381, 680:381, tc01.jpg)

File: ce857c2a8afeacc⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, tc02.jpg)

I don't know what to think about this series. The character writing isn't bad but the entire scenario contradicts the first three series. In Selector and in Incited, the white room and selector battles were shown to take place in a realm of the soul or mind, the physical body stayed in the real world. Now the bodies of LRIGs and selectors just disappear without any explanation.

The writing also feels unnecessarily edgy. There was already the suicide in Incited that felt out of place. One of the plot points throughout Selector was that no one was outright evil. Akira, Mayu and Ulith were all shown to derive their behaviour from their experiences they had in life. Satomi and Carnival are evil for the sake of it with no backstory or explanation. Akira's development at the end of Spread and in the drama CD is completely undone as is Kiyoi's to a certain extent as Spread shows her acknowledging Akira.

Even the battles feel poorly done. Nearly every battle is just LRIGs punching and kicking the shit out of each other until they are in visible pain. It's not even well animated or choreographed. Again it feels edgy for no reason. The only battle in Selector that ended that way was when Dark Tama appeared and beat Yuki. The amount of violence in that scene existed to make a point. In Conflated it's done for the sake shock value.

Overall it seems that the current staff don't understand what made the original series exceptional. Selector was dark but this was offset by the scenes of the selectors with their families. Baa-chan being pleased that Ruuko was home safe, or Hitoe sitting in her front room with her mother, telling her how she's happy that she had Ruuko and Yuzuki as friends. It wasn't just the direction and the backgrounds that made Selector what it was, it was also Okada's writing. By showing these family scenes it gave the impression of the Selector system having a wider impact, even if the other people in the lives of the selectors had no idea about the battle system. This was sort of done in Incited as well. In Conflated it's almost completely absent.

The best scenes in Conflated are the more sedate scenes, like Tama helping Ruuko put the washing away, Kiyoi's date with Amika, Hanna being autistic with Kiyoi, or Suzuko talking to Ril. Everything else feels contrived.


I'm not impressed with Conflated. It doesn't deliver on batoru, atmosphere or scenario.


File: 4295b914c6ce561⋯.jpg (213.47 KB, 956x720, 239:180, sad 5.jpg)


>Most importantly though, when will Kiyoi and Amika kiss?

Never. If anything they'll just tease that they're "best friends" and nothing more.

Aki-Lovely is fucking dead, Yuki and Iona are MIA and may never comeback, everything Ruuko did in the original Wixoss games has been completely undone, and male selectors are and will forever be a thing.

At this point I'd say the best course of action would be to completely retcon everything past the orginal Wixoss games and make a sequel with the phrase "Let's take everything people liked before and increase it 10 times!" in mind.

But that will never happen.



Terrible. And Akira isn't my waifu. Just wish we'd actually gotten yuri with her before the end: Aki Lovely Part Two.



I agree mostly. I think Incited was fine even with the suicide in it even if it did feel a little out of place but overall I don't think it was bad. I enjoyed the characters in Incited and their interactions.

The main problem I think is that Conflated dosn't seem like it has a plot, it feels almost like they are just making shit up from one episode into the next. Especially with the Akira thing, it seems like they introduced her without really knowing what they wanted to do with her and it feels like both her and Remember were in there just because they wanted a reference. I think that can be clearly seen with Aki and her pen in particular, it seems just to be a reference for the sake of a reference because she used one to stab Ulith in the original series.

I do agree with the evil thing though. Mayu was somewhat understandable and Ulith had much more characterization than Carnival has gotten and was overall much better written even if their motivations are almost the same. Carnival in general seems to just be a Ulith clone without any real reason behind it.


They are trying to keep the main series subtexty at best I think. Don't want to scare of the normalfags with gay girls. The most gay the main series ever got was with the movie but only really during the end with Tama x Ruu and Sachi x Rumi.

I'm not sure male selectors are a bad thing as such but it did cut down on the cute girls. Although with Mayu gone it's probably better for them to include males in the selector process depending on how they wanted to spin the story as Mayu was responsible for the targeting of girls in particular.


I meant Remember :^). I was also just joking. Mostly.


File: 1a500fa9b432713⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-T02.jpg)

File: 33e87e363131e76⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-T03.jpg)

File: 861a03fe9beb677⋯.jpg (96.14 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-T06.jpg)

File: 7a031cc58593a02⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-T11.jpg)

File: 47b4d74065dd8f7⋯.jpg (81.28 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK05-T12.jpg)


What is the origin of the fleeting wixoss memes on pixiv?

Ruuko masturbating

Hitoe being depicted with condoms

Remember getting raped

Piruluk topless

Kiyoi using dildos



The artists talk over twitter, it more of an injoke amongst the artists than a internet wide meme


You could tell there is something from Incited everyone wants back to Conflated.


File: f6312e0700e25bf⋯.webm (6.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage ….webm)

Gayest scene so far


File: 179ac18db2c0a3b⋯.jpg (778.44 KB, 1793x2452, 1793:2452, 179ac18db2c0a3b623aee76513….jpg)


Also Suzuko wanted to know about Chinatsu's underwear.


File: c80f1ba45db4631⋯.jpg (277.64 KB, 746x716, 373:358, 68198239_p0.jpg)

File: 50cf57c15d178bd⋯.jpg (113.64 KB, 777x1087, 777:1087, 68201640_p0.jpg)

File: 73db075705f5f01⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 1779x2258, 1779:2258, 68217518_p0.jpg)


File: f562aa662db7881⋯.jpg (678.73 KB, 792x1087, 792:1087, 68357979_p0.jpg)

File: 9cb6f17d1dca49e⋯.jpg (138.16 KB, 1037x1088, 61:64, 68377597_p0.jpg)

File: 906142a2cad44da⋯.jpg (688.77 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 68430696_p0.jpg)

File: 0cd44bb56fe1c4e⋯.jpg (359.27 KB, 597x900, 199:300, 68431499_p0.jpg)

File: 8c45b21adb100ee⋯.png (911.55 KB, 888x703, 24:19, 68437960_p0.png)


I still miss Akira…


I want to be Suzuko's prince.



Chi-chan is Suzukos prince.



You mean Suzuko is Chi-chan's prince?



Considering Chinatsu's demeanor and appearance I think she fits the role more of prince like character more. She pushes herself to appear perfect and flawless to the people around her.

Not sure what that makes Suzuko though. The commoner childhood friend who sees her for who she is probably.


File: 3cab4e8fafcd792⋯.jpg (707.24 KB, 1738x2047, 1738:2047, DeWBI1FVwAAwJlt.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 410b9405218a17d⋯.jpg (786.85 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, DeWGEelU8AAJMuX.jpg orig.jpg)

File: b868095a2ea990a⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 1091x900, 1091:900, DeHAGrqVAAAAWCV.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 5d94284423bdef6⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 1601x1165, 1601:1165, DeL2weuU8AAkPIK.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 56d4fb76091d0ca⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 986x692, 493:346, DeDkRo4VwAEtfvT.jpg orig.jpg)


File: 1a81c74b83d470c⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 1000x942, 500:471, DeVxH6NV0AAx-uI.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 4da4db10ffdb80b⋯.jpg (102.01 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, DeSUgYEVAAEW2qU.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 602886d11396a35⋯.jpg (862.04 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, DeNGhdPVwAEsGFZ.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 858c3578ca27a7a⋯.jpg (385.62 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DeVd3v7VAAAxxgG.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 0ff84e6b0fc5e8e⋯.jpg (99.23 KB, 565x800, 113:160, DeDFfs9VMAEtB12.jpg orig.jpg)


File: 563d804cc6c4290⋯.png (283.67 KB, 717x1012, 717:1012, 001.png)

File: c3bab72d16977bd⋯.png (295.41 KB, 717x1012, 717:1012, 002.png)

File: f083fee7fea6a46⋯.png (279.49 KB, 717x1012, 717:1012, 003.png)

File: ec1ec0b164350b7⋯.png (309.37 KB, 717x1012, 717:1012, 004.png)


File: 152c45d58ea9b6e⋯.png (775.92 KB, 1004x720, 251:180, [Erai-raws]-Lostorage-Conf….png)




That artist should make a doujin already!


I just wanted to say I would have loved more significant interactions between LRIGs and Selectors back in Incited. Seeing Mel and Ril talk was nice.


>tfw the first wixoss thread of the year on this board is now archived

So much time has passed and here we are. Waiting to see how everything ends.



I think their work is featured in one of the doujin I haven't scanned.






Absolutely based. Thank you.


File: 26e67350c5872a6⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 464x332, 116:83, DebKkxGX0AI8liH.jpg)

An LRIG of the Beginning Key promo has appeared.

I'll translate it in a bit.



Who will get this Key Card?




Interesting key. I wonder if it has any anime relevance.



Is it Origin Spirit based? The Kanji look similar enough and it has the brackets. Would also make sense with the theme.

The wiki really needs a comprehensive list for all the key-cards.

It really should have an easily searchable list for all types of cards actually.


They really should be doing something with the LRIG of the beginning. It was really strange how they introduced her in incited like the most important character, comparable maybe even as the l

Lostorage version of Mayu, and then proceeded to ignore her completely.

Although maybe they should just finish up Conflated and then make a proper story line to use her in.



Not sure how that line-break got there.




Translation complete.


Considering the fact that conflated is going back into the white room;

I doubt the LRIG of the Beginning will even exist past conflated(in the anime) if it continues in the same canon.


She'll probably just be used by the final boss, so Satomi or something.



I really wish that the key cards would do more interesting and deck defining things. The way they are played to give the LRIG a sort of permanent ability set seems perfect for things like this but this one in particular is very disappointing. I shouldn't really complain though since I wouldn't really know how to balance something like that.

Thanks for translating the cards by the way. Really appreciate it.


File: 844a3f2a71dc367⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 279x389, 279:389, hb01.jpg)


The dual portal page for it popped up and shows off another promo(its just a reprint of Next Ready);

It notes that not all its content has been revealed and considering the empty promo slots I think its just promos;

it also notes the magazine contains:

>A feature on conflated(The anime will have ended by the time this releases)

>Booster pack three stuff

>Introduction to the latest deck(this implies there is a new LRIG in set 3 i'm pretty sure)

>Some WIXOSS seminar thing

>Some WIXOSS Trial thing

in terms of manga it contains:

>Chiyori and Eldora Gaiden(Provisional) (New Serial)

>SGN48 I will aim for the center~(called a "SIGNI idolization project" earlier in the article)

>manga on the guy who made WIXOSS

>4-Koma [4 Guni]



>Chiyori and Eldora Gaiden(Provisional) (New Serial)

W-What? I didn't expect that.



What the fuck!?


File: a903863c7fa77f9⋯.jpg (105.99 KB, 650x470, 65:47, WXK02-020.jpg)

File: f54f698386a7da8⋯.jpg (126.84 KB, 651x468, 217:156, WXK02-023.jpg)

File: 8168eeaad33faad⋯.jpg (186.24 KB, 555x791, 555:791, WXK02-030.jpg)

File: 177bf6ae523f8c4⋯.jpg (168.38 KB, 556x790, 278:395, WXK02-033.jpg)

File: 62d409906fd8395⋯.jpg (143.68 KB, 568x796, 142:199, WXK02-036.jpg)



Well that was sudden, it seems that Dual Blood and some Full Scratch cards have been leaked.

I'm guessing a magazine, but i can't recall there being any recently.


File: fbca24e92e857cb⋯.png (6.3 MB, 1895x2739, 1895:2739, ClipboardImage.png)




The Aiyai Key's art is pretty cool. It also seems very strange for them to print a Soui Key considering they cancelled the LRIG that is Soui isn't it?

No doubt the keys will be dissapointing though but just in case I'm wrong anywhere the descriptions have been uploaded, even if just in japanese?


File: d71d18bcdf4c088⋯.jpg (149.06 KB, 565x799, 565:799, WXK02-037.jpg)

File: d577629bc5ff63b⋯.jpg (153.71 KB, 568x797, 568:797, WXK02-035.jpg)

File: 53f405d8a75a957⋯.jpg (107.19 KB, 709x511, 709:511, WDK06-C09.jpg)

File: 5d72fee6d71c4e0⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 738x532, 369:266, WXK01-124.jpg)



Translated the cards with available nip text.


They printed a Lalaru card last set, and honestly the other stirred LRIGs don't have much more of chance to be printed in key format than Soui/Lalaru.

The Soui key is shit by the way.




The scans of the leaked cards look like they've been taken from the wixoss magazine. The paper and print quality are exactly the same.



Yep, they also popped-up at the same time as one. It's pretty much confirmed.

I'd expect these to be shown off on Tomy's website around the time the next episode airs.



That soui key is even more underwhelming than I thought it would be. It's probably good though because it's almost a free draw two cards and guard.

Really good but boring af.


File: 9b7e972752f2ce1⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DemS1feUYAEeCWf.jpg)

File: 5c42107b291ddbc⋯.jpg (56.66 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DemS09YV4AA0haI.jpg)

Episode 9 will air in five hours and five minutes.


File: ae7dad120f34078⋯.jpg (202.55 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DemTbVTVAAAQTWf.jpg)

File: e5fcef8f2cf128c⋯.jpg (187.5 KB, 699x522, 233:174, kai_img_01 (1).jpg)

File: e2e95792f5c0596⋯.jpg (171.57 KB, 697x526, 697:526, kai_img_02 (1).jpg)

File: f9ad7a062cae4ac⋯.jpg (83.75 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK06-R14.jpg)

File: 9d1f5474de991ec⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK02-043.jpg)

Episode 8 recap has been added to the site.


And of course the Dual blood cards have been revealed.



File: 3cd5c1dabc426cc⋯.png (999.67 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk02_1806_01.png)

File: b142c18440da2cf⋯.png (848.15 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk02_1806_02.png)

File: aa80efe771d570a⋯.png (882.54 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk02_1806_03.png)

File: ccc0e704323e45a⋯.png (1.36 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk02_1806_04.png)

And the site has new background images.



That Carnival is just too much…


File: 8b9ce0abd3ea58d⋯.png (783.76 KB, 651x471, 217:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1728e71e3d817a3⋯.png (808.8 KB, 648x467, 648:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Myuu is the cutest key.


File: d337404f89b0eb5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.24 MB, 1326x2048, 663:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh shiiiiet.



Looks Mayu-ish. Perhaps even with a tiny bit of Carnival mixed in (I hope not, what that would imply would be generic and dumb).

Ulith key, looks like it might be an interesting one though.

Constant, certainly "Your LRIG gains the following abilities:"

Action with limitation or colorless cost?

Another Constant

Action, most likely "Put this key from the field into the LRIG trash: ". Would be dissapointing though since it means the other actions shouldn't be deck defining as you're expected to switch it in for another key or to get a boost.

Strange to have Nihilism art but black as the colour though, probably won't be Nihilism based but just normal black LRIG stuff mechanically. Not like Ulith actually has a unique or even signiture mechanic she utilises and Keys in general don't manipulate specific SIGNI classes.

Coin 2 cost though so it might be something.

Hanare key when? Also Hanare and Ulith LRIGs with "if you have Ulith / Hanare Key on the field effects when?

Eldora key might be interesting too considering her rather unique mechanics.

Auto, probably with turn limit.


Action, probably another trash since others tend to be given to the LRIG with a constant at the top of the card.

Unless that Auto is deck defining probably also very dissapointing.

Remember key dosn't seem to have a trash action at the end, maybe it's meant to be more permanent.

Constant, "Your LRIG " etc.



Probably something with placing cards at the top or bottom of deck. Might be interesting.



Ulith art is generic and weird looking, something is off at the boob placement or more liklely the shape. Remember a cute though. Remember is flatter than Ulith here which should not really be possible but they're both really flat canonically so that's one thing in favor of Remembers artist.

They should really hire the guy that did the Aiyai key more. Speaking of which, which are the best artists for the Wixoss tcg?

I can't for the life of me make out what the logo is supposed to say.


File: 9f83ea337930c26⋯.png (1.39 MB, 738x779, 18:19, 1070.png)

File: e410c31055f5ae9⋯.png (423.06 KB, 530x575, 106:115, ClipboardImage.png)

Tanabata LRIGs and Yuki key.


File: 060f166ad9da163⋯.png (278.53 KB, 530x316, 265:158, ClipboardImage.png)

And more brides.


File: e625ccc0e3cb773⋯.png (1.24 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, FSCarnivalART.png)

File: 4c08d9f5c8aaef0⋯.png (763.36 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, FSRememberART.png)

Here's some non-transparent versions of the background images.


>Information will be sent to stores on Monday

We'll probably get more info in a few days.


The japs seem to think the silhouette is Tama. I don't really agree but I can see where they're coming from.


>I can't for the life of me make out what the logo is supposed to say.



File: d07bf0e3c260a1b⋯.png (810.31 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, FSRilART.png)

File: a4431269bc6b8ef⋯.png (935.91 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, FSTamaART.png)



Tama dosn't tend to have bare feat. The only characters in the series depicted with bare feat are Mayu and the LRIG of the Beginning.


Huh. That is not how you U japan. It also looks like theres another letter inbetween them…



How do you recover pixels?



And Umr in many artworks.



I mean its probably the final boss, a Tama fused with the white room doesn't sound that off, she probably would gain some Mayu traits if she did.


I'm just duplicating the layer repeatedly, the pixels are still there they're just transparent.


File: 5039513ed9ed49f⋯.png (965.15 KB, 915x827, 915:827, ClipboardImage.png)

Weird hair.




Remove alpha channel?


I meant in the anime series in particular.


The hair looks a little bit like something that could happen if The White Room and carnival fused I think. The diamond pattern sorta works-ish?



>just duplicating the layer repeatedly

Well that was easier than expected. Thanks.


File: 6b6baec3a39ce7a⋯.png (877.38 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, 3cd5c1dabc426cc76134d2484b….png)

File: fb3ca7034db714e⋯.png (642.5 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, aa80efe771d570a377d0a90e9e….png)

File: 6af15b113a7cb3d⋯.png (837.58 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, b142c18440da2cf218ce37d41d….png)

File: f71a5f89f1daf6f⋯.png (1.14 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, ccc0e704323e45a09934269c70….png)

Now with alpha channel removed instead of what you were doing.



File: 5e1b155d6b9e706⋯.jpg (157.06 KB, 1057x1125, 1057:1125, DegPbziUwAA9wGR.jpg)

File: a9a96c9135467c5⋯.jpg (162.86 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, DenbVuAU8AIiFBM.jpg)

File: 0dd1d4bbd612ca2⋯.jpg (155.92 KB, 1200x1135, 240:227, Deo6bRKUEAE8Rth.jpg)

File: b0aa1b2940080a8⋯.jpg (127.08 KB, 753x1063, 753:1063, DeqZuq4V4AA2_zT.jpg)

File: 0621992436a4669⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2167x3027, 2167:3027, Des36DXVQAYIJbq.jpg)


So episode 9 was a thing.

Felt a bit contrived to get Suzu and Ruuko to fight like that, why would either of them trust anything Carnival is saying? Even if it is correct theres no reason for them to do that. Seems like they're rushing to the end now.

At least we got an explanation for what the current battles are about. Still don't know why The White Room is alive in the first place, hope it's a consequence of Mayu and not the cause of Mayu.



If the psychic theory is right, The White Room saw potential within Mayu and granted her powers hence creating the LRIGs and once dead she could use them at 100%.


File: 5df42e983eae697⋯.jpg (857.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….jpg)


>why would either of them trust anything Carnival is saying?

I think for Suzu it's a combination out of desparation and guilt. And Ruuko simply doesn't know better. Yuzuki kinda baited her into it too. Her naivety is nothing new.



Yuzuki should've told Ruuko not to trust him. She's been with Carnival and Layla and seen how they acted. Ruuko is naive but she's also portrayed as a good person, to trust someone who clearly doesn't have their best interest at heart doesn't seem like a thing she would do, especially considering her previous experiences in the selector battles. Again this could have been alleviated somewhat with Yuzuki actually providing more information than she did.

With Suzu it's much the same. Considering what she witnessed in the last round of battles she should be nowhere near as eager to randomly battle anyone else. She just does as Carnival says without even discussing any part of it with her friends.



Suzuko behavior is somewhat justified. Carnival during her dialogue with Suzuko pretty much made the following implication: she is the only one who has a chance to defeat her and not single selector could ever do the same. Hanna failed and Kiyoi already lost once. This means she put pressure to Suzu as being told basically: you want to end all of this right? Then get rid of everyone and I will grant you a chance to defeat me. After being said this Suzuko has nothing but to defeat everyone on her path.


File: 266c4190479e15f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)


>Felt a bit contrived to get Suzu and Ruuko to fight like that, why would either of them trust anything Carnival is saying?

Ruuko has the excuse that she doesn't know Carnival and is going off information that she is getting from Yuzuki. Suzuko is fully aware of what Carnival is like, so she shouldn't allow herself to be tricked so easily.



Cute Hanna.



>Suzuko is fully aware of what Carnival is like, so she shouldn't allow herself to be tricked so easily.

But Carnival was saying the truth the whole time and even Suzuko asked about the reason why she was telling her all the stuff. If anything, Suzuko's pretty much accepted her fate as the final opponent to Carnival.


Doujins when!?



Unfortunately Doujin can't fix the hole that Conflated made.

Technically Doujin can't fix anything but that's slightly beside the point.

It'd still be cute to see some yuri mainly some Sachi x Rumi romance since were not going to get it canonically. At least the short comics that have already been posted (mainly in other threads) are cute.


Listings for Utopia have appeared, confirming things you would expect.


>Animation related third pack

>Strengthens the 8 LRIGS Mido, Piruluk, Layla, Guzuko, Ril, Tama, Remember, Carnival

>Cards playing an active role in the final battle of conflated will be included

>"That LRIG" that appears in the last battle of conflated is included



I hope is based Yuki to save everything. Include the soul of the series.



I can feel Kuro is returning for sure.




>81 cards

Its a small set the LRIG its talking about is the cover card and does >>44926 look like Yuki at all, in any of her incarnations?



>bare feet

Mayu for sure.


File: 9771fabaf413e54⋯.jpg (188.51 KB, 670x698, 335:349, Iona's modeling skills.jpg)



Kuro will probably be introduced in 11th episode and killed of in 12th episode, being on-screen for around 5 minutes in total.

Because Conflated.



I actually feel they will make Tama take Mayu place. Only for Kuro to split up from Tama and actually become the new Arbiter of the White Room



File: 1340a1a426bd446⋯.png (612.4 KB, 800x597, 800:597, piru.png)



That aside it really does seem like they are going to make something tragic happen with Tama, although even if they tried I'm not sure conflated actually has the balls to pull it through. Besides The White Room seems to be looking for a selector and not an LRIG as it's successor, so maybe it will be Ruuko and Tama will acutally go free (or in that case staying with her seems more likely)



I'd rather they not if they are just gonna kill her off immediately.



Yes Piruluk.

I dare to question the given setting because I fucking can.



Like they pretty much did with Remember and to a (very slightly) lesser extent Akira?


How things would have turned out if the current creative production team were given the task to make a WIXOSS anime without relying to anything from Selector Era?



The writer is at fault for the current condition of Conflated. It's unlikely that they were told to include stuff from Selector as they didn't really do so in Incited and, for all it's faults, Incited still managed to tell a story somewhat well.

The problem with Conflated is that the writer chose to include Selector characters not because they fit to the story but because they wanted to give them some sort of epic conclusion, that's the way it comes of as. You can tell that that's all the writer cares about, the goal has shifted from telling a story to trying to be epic for the sake of one upping Selector.



Yeah that really killed this season for me tbh.



I agree with this. Incited told a good personal story for Suzuko and Chiinatsu - Conflated just grabbed a bunch of characters from Selector + Peeping Analyze and shit all over them when it had no idea how to handle any of them together with the Incited cast and system.

I've scrubbed Conflated from my own personal head canon at this point. I wonder if they will pretend Conflated didn't happen in later releases.



I hope they just leave it after Conflated. As much as removing Conflated would help it's still a very lame thing to do.

Has there been any news about them maybe wanting to continue making anime series?



>card game shilling anime

Gee i wonder if they'll keep on making anime huh.

Probably, I don't think Conflated being a disaster will stop them.



Probably a complete train wreck like how it is right now, but at least a self contained train wreck.


File: 28e32de01e1cd29⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 207.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, C.J.K.jpg)


>Has there been any news about them maybe wanting to continue making anime series?



File: 4554894f404d37a⋯.jpg (536.64 KB, 1634x2452, 817:1226, Location_Hunt_03.jpg)

Is this the new Iona tower?



I don't get it…


I don't get this either…



First one

It's a meme from halfgag about the writer from digimon tamers repeating the same sucess with wixoss franchise.

Second one

That place has appeared a lot during Incited and Conflated. It was noticeable in the lastest episode.


File: 89bfeb7baa021a2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 606.4 KB, 729x520, 729:520, ikuhara-okada.png)


File: 5948e6cbd2a07f5⋯.png (35.42 KB, 232x295, 232:295, QB shock!.png)



I think Ikuhara is one of these directors likes to do all the plot instead of relying on some series compositor


File: 6a8818dcaa180f4⋯.jpg (223.64 KB, 495x500, 99:100, Okada-sama.jpg)

Miss me yet?


File: 5e1b155d6b9e706⋯.jpg (157.06 KB, 1057x1125, 1057:1125, DegPbziUwAA9wGR.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 97b731cbd91667f⋯.jpg (291.35 KB, 1466x1564, 733:782, DewC25mVQAAEBHG.jpg orig.jpg)

File: e2dee7ef6340057⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2508x2516, 627:629, 69024721_p0.png)

File: 3a8acec20e5fd97⋯.jpg (76.21 KB, 1228x868, 307:217, DeDmM-AUwAEj6XT.jpg orig.jpg)

File: e38f48d13b52e3d⋯.jpg (409.23 KB, 800x1077, 800:1077, 69109073_p0.jpg)



I love Ril


File: 8eceac1c135689f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1133x1600, 1133:1600, Ril...png)

She needs more lines.



That is exactly why it work so well. I can't remember where I read it, it was in an interview. Someone said that Okada benefits from a strong director and I have to agree.


The lack of LRIG interaction in Conflated is disappointing. Kiyoi has four LRIGs and we only ever see her talking with Allos.



>The lack of LRIG interaction in Conflated is disappointing. Kiyoi has four LRIGs and we only ever see her talking with Allos.

That's because there are too many character and less than 24 episodes to develop something.



Yes - please come back.


File: 9e7155982514ec0⋯.png (748.49 KB, 1559x752, 1559:752, wx-cftbd.png)

>12,565 JPY

<twice the price of the Selector BDs

<doesn't even include a deck, just a booster



At least I can wait for the OST.


File: 81df87689bba305⋯.jpg (159.73 KB, 1080x600, 9:5, bd1.jpg)


Nice alternative truths there.

It's more like:

>costs around the same as Selector BDs

>comes with a whole booster box + special Arts


>*** WIXOSS - 151 pts. (2018/08/30)


File: 94beb35f97e438a⋯.jpg (118.45 KB, 1980x1080, 11:6, DfJfyuxU0AA7GvT.jpg)

File: 9bbee92a7031582⋯.jpg (134.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DfJfyu0VQAASAvt.jpg)

Episode 10 is starting in about seven hours, for some reason one of the tweets makes note of the battles location;

maybe the battle transports them to the white room or something.


I hope they reveal they reveal the promos for it soon.


File: 3189a6dbdf50761⋯.jpg (408.56 KB, 1060x1135, 212:227, DfJ-q9mUYAErjxG.jpg)

File: 24bf6368afbe11c⋯.jpg (230.11 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, De-PGItU0AASDCv.jpg)

File: a98e83737de5a30⋯.jpg (253.39 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, De-PHgWU8AAavMw.jpg)

File: 6b5fafad1e1144a⋯.jpg (572.53 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, De-PFsxU0AATaAn.jpg)

Some new promos have popped up.

Also something i missed is that the teaching function in the WIXOSS app now has an english option for some reason.

As usual episode 9 got a recap.



File: 02ef2b9086987b5⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 2000x2945, 400:589, tama_deck_list_180608.jpg)

File: 0768aaaf7408df4⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2000x3440, 25:43, rememba_deck_list_180608.jpg)

File: f8f153868f664cc⋯.jpg (80 KB, 349x250, 349:250, WXK02-006.jpg)

File: 6ed0371689e4177⋯.png (370.48 KB, 394x410, 197:205, balmung.png)

File: 415a47277547a19⋯.png (375.25 KB, 394x410, 197:205, shibai.png)

Remember: http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/column/play_180608_02/ and Tama: http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/column/play_180608_03/ now have strategy columns about them, I'll get around to translating the revealed cards.

Ril and Carnival have been confirmed to be revealed next weak.



Fair enough. I got that wrong. I thought I remembered the Selector BDs being around 6000-7000 JPY on release.


File: a7ebbc9e8f6e2f5⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK02-054.jpg)

File: 7476497ce461a8f⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK02-089.jpg)

File: ece25e65744c1a9⋯.jpg (94.05 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK02-032.jpg)

File: d2762b8875144d8⋯.jpg (76.81 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK02-070.jpg)

File: ec3fcb7a71d0e1b⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK02-071.jpg)


File: 8c6de386d6689f4⋯.jpg (106.48 KB, 1175x1115, 235:223, 1434579863486.jpg)

>tfw I forgot there was wixoss episode today



>high level yuki key card

GG Suzuko.


File: 2885c5f0d446602⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 250x349, 250:349, SPK01-04.jpg)

File: d2e690163b6129d⋯.jpg (89.78 KB, 250x349, 250:349, SPK01-05.jpg)

File: 47f8f81baa99734⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 250x349, 250:349, SPK01-06.jpg)


File: c3018dd120c29dc⋯.jpg (102.73 KB, 670x425, 134:85, DfKLOljVQAI_Dtj.jpg)

File: e17ab19c8edb877⋯.png (849.73 KB, 640x660, 32:33, DfKLPLPUYAEigZ4.png)

Conflated will be starting in ten minutes.

Here's the release party stuff for Full Scratch.


File: 827019bc7d0470d⋯.jpg (90.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLeUM9UEAE9fRI.jpg)

File: 028c309adf9ebd1⋯.jpg (93.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLeqRsUwAAGycd.jpg)

File: 898802cc938d49f⋯.jpg (223.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DfLepZrUYAAUC5p.jpg)

File: 9c9c76718878b96⋯.jpg (107.88 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLepGSVMAA0O8b.jpg)

File: 71274604349abbe⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLeq9CU8AAijmI.jpg)

Its starting~

Is it me or has the site been permanently fucked? the empty captca shit keeps on happening.


File: c07ec013a54b85b⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLfZNoU0AIZi-H.jpg)

File: b2469f192c03e46⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLfYsUU8AEfhR3.jpg)

File: 6db1f166afeef86⋯.jpg (93.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLfY-cU0AA1p20.jpg)

File: 0a994870b0d1cb9⋯.jpg (31.2 KB, 720x405, 16:9, DfLfuiLUwAAbmck.jpg)

File: 9b9d43604b16256⋯.jpg (40.28 KB, 720x405, 16:9, DfLfq39UYAAdcxm.jpg)



File: 900778f99c7f9e3⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLgCPvV4AARrMS.jpg)

File: e55db32a43a7378⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLgdagVAAIXByp.jpg)

File: 9f7228350b1b503⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLgdQiU8AI0mlU.jpg)


>Carnival throws the match


File: c09eea26e8e03bc⋯.jpg (100.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DfLh0ypUYAAnOjR.jpg)

File: 2c6e1394df67f42⋯.jpg (61.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DfLh0-nVQAAuaKw.jpg)

File: 15b68ccb17e37d3⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLiBAHV4AAlj2G.jpg)

File: 5a44c0b402a3a77⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLh0Z8UcAEU_AE.jpg)

File: e498673ed7ce66f⋯.jpg (109.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DfLh0mEV4AAoyl8.jpg)

Talks and such


File: 07e64661f8fd487⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLi2FrVMAAKb6i.jpg)

File: 7c5e86b2dd960aa⋯.jpg (69.34 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLiu4wV4AAig3k.jpg)

File: 9ff78eed0887b83⋯.jpg (92.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjDLUU0AAbgVW.jpg)

File: 0ba48eb8568d467⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjO6xUwAAAhm8.jpg)

File: e08bb9186c0f12d⋯.jpg (129.32 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjPr2UYAElolz.jpg)


File: 2ad64a7058efcb2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 113.1 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjYWgU8AEu5iV.jpg)

File: d000f2215e0af61⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 146.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjlmsUEAAhYP-.jpg)

File: 9ae003385cb867f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 150.24 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLkP6_U8AELBUk.jpg)

File: 917cc150714e2e0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjZsPUwAY2IRt.jpg)

File: 30625ac6ba6b0e5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.84 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLjaKGU0AA2vAc.jpg)

Yuki appears


File: 602ea9a36fda0df⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DfLlfzWUEAIDngB.jpg)

Episode Over~

Here's the link as usual: https://youtu.be/UpaEDkLYfaU

I'll make a new thread in an hour.


New Thread:


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