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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, QRG main.jpg)

ecd4f5  No.7514356

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 12.14.19

>>7510725 ------------------------------ FAKE NEWS hiding the TRUTH? (Cap: >>7510756, >>7511071 vid)

>>7510331 rt >>7510237 ----------- We Never Thought She'd Lose! Pic

>>7510185 rt >>7510061 ----------- Merry Qmas Pic (Cap: >>7510192)

>>7510045 rt >>7509863 ----------- Huber

>>7509907 ------------------------------ It was over before it began.

>>7509823 ------------------------------ NOT LONG NOW (Cap: >>7509868)

>>7509742 ------------------------------ When does the B2 drop the FIRST BOMB? (Cap: >>7509768)

>>7509608 ------------------------------ Scope and size far greater than you can imagine (Cap: >>7509703)

>>7506196 rt >>7506083 ----------- Dates [start] will become important (Cap: >>7506246)

>>7506100 ------------------------------ Public opinion is important, Information warfare

>>7505968 rt >>7505194 ----------- Durham start

Saturday 12.7.2019

>>>/projectdcomms/107 ------------ Adam Schiff's son with a MOS shirt ( Cap: >>7449152 )

>>>/projectdcomms/106 ------------ Watter's World Segment on Q ( Cap: >>7449187 )

>>>/projectdcomms/105 ------------ Fight, Fight! (Cap: >>7447567, >>7447533, >>7447594 )

>>>/projectdcomms/104 ------------ DRAIN THE SWAMP! (Cap: >>7447475, >>7447870 )

>>>/projectdcomms/103 ------------ Knowledge is power, Do due diligence (Cap: >>7447368 )

>>>/projectdcomms/102 ------------ The 'why' will be (publicly) answered soon (Cap: >>7447241, >>7447250 )

>>>/projectdcomms/101 ------------ (#96 with twitter) (Cap: >>7447113, >>7447144 )

>>>/projectdcomms/100 ------------ Why was there a coordinated effort to ban/remove 8ch? (Cap: >>7446962, >>7446959 )

>>>/projectdcomms/99 -------------- Where is George Soros? ALL HANDS ON DECK (Cap: >>7446854, >>7446908 )

>>>/projectdcomms/98 -------------- (Flag Pic) (Cap: >>7446787 )

>>>/projectdcomms/97 -------------- What did the Framers of the Constitution fear the most? (Cap: >>7446727, >>7446752 vid, >>7446785)

>>>/projectdcomms/96 -------------- Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical (Cap: >>7446644 )

Previous Recent Q Posts

Friday 12.6.2019


Q's Private Board: >>>/projectdcomms/ Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Onion Link (access through Tor): http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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ecd4f5  No.7514362

Global Announcements

>>7501280 Codemonkey working on the timestamp bugs

Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements


>>7513642, >>7513675, >>7514098, >>7514117 planefags tracking SAMs and PATs

>>7513653, >>7513668, >>7513818 VA: bill introduced, terminates employment of any public safety officer who refuses to enforce gun control

>>7513654 German Railroad calls out Greta for misrepresenting

>>7513659 Revolutionary War begins April 19, 1775 Rudy G joins Trump team Arpil 19, 2018, Giuliani = 8 spaces

>>7513847 Rudy knows where the bodies are buried

>>7513848 Rudy has been a world traveler since joining POTUS’ team

>>7513725, >>7513749, >>7513803 Come[y] on Fox News Sunda[y]

>>7514010 Horowitz Report: The Biggest Takeaway is that However the Hoax Began, It Ended as an Attempted Coup

>>7514050 ICYMI - Brennan speaking fluent arabic

>>7514075, >>7514077 Lawfag re: OCR fuckery; E-Discovery: The Federal Rules in the Digital Age

>>7514088, >>7514097 Red Castle twat - Nimrod Dam (Little Rock), what else is in Little Rock?

>>7513923 Meme magic is real, Army-Navy game circle game mistaken for white supremacy.

>>7514160 Merry Qmas address in Belgium

>>7514216, >>7514218 Rudy about to drop it on Twatter

>>7514239 Schiffy at the same time drops this on twatter

>>7514251 Comey and Wifey all in for Sen Amy Klobuchar

>>7514161, >>7514275 Judge Mukasey: EVIDENCE OVERLOOKED BY IG HOROWITZ re: Strzok/Page texts to wrap-up MYE when Cruz dropped out

>>7513787, LA Times story "Scuffles break out at Adam Schiff's town hall"

>>7513756, >>7514335 eyes on anons (secret space programs)

>>7514345 Adam Schiff says FBI committed 'serious abuses' of FISA, but won't admit his own wrongdoing

>>7514344 #9611


>>7513565 Planefag reports

>>7513556 Hijack the hashtag #NotAboveTheLaw and red pill

>>7513529, >>7513537 The Members of the Congressional Delegation (Belgium/Lux)

>>7513275 possible location of Q Christmas Building (Nancy in Belgium)

>>7513122, >>7513144 Crossfire Hurricane started *after* illegal surveilance?

>>7513125 Buzzfeed hit piece on Rudy (Dec. 12)

>>7513052 VA National Guard Issues Statement Over Calls To Enforce Gun Control

>>7513024 Clinton charity confirms Qatar's $1m gift while at state dept.

>>7513014 U.S. envoy arrives in South Korea as Pyongyang ramps up pressure

>>7513010 Longest UN climate talks end with….No Deals

>>7513104, >>7513370 DoD Tweets

>>7512925 Archive update #9587 to #9609 - "It was over before it began." Edition.

>>7512923, >>7512974 OAN has filed defamation lawsuit vs. Rachel Maddow, Comcast, NBC Universal Media, and MSNBC

>>7512881 Nobody is above the law protests scheduled - Maddow as activation catalyst?

>>7512859, >>7512917 Filing ot ID 3 Discord users, Discord went down on release of the IG report

>>7513620 #9610

Previously Collected Notables

>>7512148 #9607

>>7508131 #9603, >>7509182 #9604, >>7509725 #9605, >>7510621 #9606

>>7505100 #9599, >>7505883 #9600, >>7506648 #9601, >>7507375 #9602

>>7502047 #9595, >>7502812 #9596, >>7503585 #9597, >>7504351 #9598

>>7499012 #9591, >>7499765 #9592, >>7500551 #9593, >>7501279 #9594

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top/qresearch/notables.html

Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

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ecd4f5  No.7514364

War Room

>>7513461 Operation: Peachmint Wormwood

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7482095 - Misspellings Matter (OCR "Errors") Thread #1

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>7449950

Q Graphics all in EST


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ecd4f5  No.7514371

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Fire Fox Archiver:

Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

Meme Ammo

50 >>7375690, 49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

2019-Nov https://mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

2019-Dec https://mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

QNN Blanks https://mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw__

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber http://mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7488978

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7509063

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87f356  No.7514379

Secret space program NOT notable imho.

Fucking unsauced YT conjecture.

Shilly in here.

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c4b42f  No.7514390

File: 223689d29461752⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1536x1886, 768:943, 7DEF180C-15F8-4418-92EB-0….jpeg)

File: 28888d5018c35ec⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1536x2008, 192:251, A3828C52-5C93-457F-8896-2….jpeg)

File: 621f8bb239088b7⋯.jpeg (246.96 KB, 2000x855, 400:171, 61F2E958-04E0-49B5-A426-6….jpeg)

File: 3126af0f4cf4f23⋯.jpeg (35.73 KB, 640x360, 16:9, F12E83F5-AA19-4269-8A51-F….jpeg)

West Point says black cadets who posed making 'black power gesture' didn’t break the rules


US military opens investigation after West Point cadets and Annapolis midshipmen appeared to flash 'okay' hand signs during the live broadcast of the Army-Navy game


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c1eac7  No.7514391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Events leading to shooting of Hong Kong protester

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12addb  No.7514403

File: 992b5a8c284222e⋯.jpg (59.08 KB, 500x608, 125:152, RebbeMoshiac.jpg)

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ecd4f5  No.7514406

File: ffb994906988662⋯.png (129.8 KB, 221x255, 13:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34735068e3fd283⋯.png (316.58 KB, 498x571, 498:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a4937ea7f43a3e⋯.png (118.15 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0246b674373f5e7⋯.png (725.25 KB, 582x499, 582:499, ClipboardImage.png)

Pastry Bin





it was nominated so i added. im not the god of notables faggot


how about SHITTY

fucking newfag

wait for the dough before you bitch nigger

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98f133  No.7514407

File: 232a119f4c73f0a⋯.jpg (87.03 KB, 599x405, 599:405, 1574545640735.jpg)

Hey Fake Q, tell us about 9/11.

Was Trump connected?

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71d16a  No.7514408

File: ac0a18685a85708⋯.png (77.41 KB, 771x432, 257:144, ClipboardImage.png)

Rudy twatting

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ecd4f5  No.7514409


can handoff now or go one more

its up to you

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ac7995  No.7514410


Worth following.

Senate testimony next?



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81d2d1  No.7514411

File: d24a857feb3cf56⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 500x615, 100:123, 3jhyhz.jpg)

File: 53cfb75eb7a8ba0⋯.jpg (78.34 KB, 500x673, 500:673, 3ji0f6.jpg)

File: a3eb84a0dd9aaf5⋯.jpg (91.67 KB, 500x706, 250:353, 3jj14w.jpg)

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6f1e67  No.7514412

>>7514381 pb

>It is not that simple. :)

i truly wish.

it would suck to find out that the elite just abduct people and their kids willy nilly then drug them and fuck them in satanic parties while wearing stupid, scary, reptilian looking masks when satan doesn't even exist irl ffs!

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ecd4f5  No.7514413


sup bruh

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ca7955  No.7514414


Hi fren

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d5db3e  No.7514415

File: 8012453d58f78cc⋯.png (126.84 KB, 838x745, 838:745, Capture1.PNG)

File: d80fc3dcef459a3⋯.png (77.67 KB, 821x509, 821:509, Capture2.PNG)

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35de06  No.7514416


Russian official with ties to lawyer in Trump Tower meeting dies in helicopter crash

A Russian deputy attorney general, who is thought to have directed Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in her efforts abroad on behalf of Russia's government, reportedly died Wednesday night in a helicopter crash.

The Daily Beast reported that Saak Albertovich Karapetyan was aboard an unauthorized helicopter flight, which crashed near the village of Vonyshevo, outside of Moscow.

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4a764b  No.7514417


you bake and Q i'll get notes

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9a24dc  No.7514418


Glad you're here, boss

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576920  No.7514419

File: 6f83e71386eb692⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 666x500, 333:250, sdd.jpg)


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512ad7  No.7514420

File: 906f6b5f3bbbdca⋯.jpg (1022.36 KB, 1920x1030, 192:103, 1Pfddfjzdnhmf.jpg)


danke baker

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c1eac7  No.7514421


giving u some sauce: https://www.defensenews.com/smr/reagan-defense-forum/2019/12/08/barrett-rogers-plan-to-declassify-black-space-programs/

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6ff15b  No.7514422

File: f59d2cc72042566⋯.png (692.68 KB, 813x537, 271:179, Screenshot_131.png)

>>7514392 lb

That's when gay men were just men that liked men and men stuff.

Now we get dildo hats and front holes and little boys being whisked away from their fathers and having their genitals removed by the state.

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35de06  No.7514423



Russian Official Linked to Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Trump Tower Lawyer, Is Dead

A Russian official accused of directing the foreign operations of Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met senior Trump campaign officials in 2016, has plummeted to his death in a helicopter crash.

Russian Deputy Attorney General Saak Albertovich Karapetyan was exposed in a Swiss court this year for a plot to enlist another nation’s law-enforcement official as a double-agent for the Kremlin.

Media reports in Russia say he died Wednesday night when his helicopter crashed into a forest during an unauthorized flight in the Kostroma region, northeast of Moscow.

Karapetyan, 58, was intimately familiar with some of the most notorious operations carried out under the orders of Vladimir Putin. He worked closely with Veselnitskaya as well as running some of Moscow’s most high-profile efforts to thwart international investigations into Russia’s alleged crimes.

It was Karapetyan who signed a letter from the Russian government refusing to help the U.S. in a civil case it was pursuing linked to the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who was trying to expose a $230 million fraud in Russia. Leaked emails have since shown that Veselnitskaya helped to draft the document sent with that letter.

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943cfe  No.7514424

File: d5bc8a940f9d0cb⋯.jpg (8.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, tybsmc.jpg)

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5af90c  No.7514425

File: 65bf60a361175ae⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 1480x1195, 296:239, IMG_20190116_083934.jpg)

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53041e  No.7514426

File: d5ad89efb9faf04⋯.png (264.17 KB, 850x680, 5:4, 245158D6-C644-46DC-A531-E3….png)


It’s time. Let’s blow this bitch.

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748247  No.7514427

File: 972b07e829d7ba3⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 320x272, 20:17, 972b07e829d7ba3e9e068cf2ce….jpg)

new bread link and smack down

ty baker .

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49ed11  No.7514428


Many alien species need the proteins in the blood to survive here. Adults only have about 20,000 while children have 80,000. That and the blood is used for shapshifting for some.

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71d16a  No.7514429

File: 40f34a01c529622⋯.png (210.16 KB, 707x867, 707:867, ClipboardImage.png)

What does this mean?

the original Q post referenced was FAKE?

as in from a fake account?

as in 'disinfo is necessary'??

help an anon out here

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6ff15b  No.7514430



Kill switch actived?

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81d2d1  No.7514431

File: 78f0d1edff8c448⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3jcrfk.jpg)

File: e4db81fd8e5457e⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 680x433, 680:433, 3jg9ha.jpg)

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86e557  No.7514432


Good Sunday afternoon sir, lots of bombs exploding and they are truth bombs

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c1eac7  No.7514433


SIMI VALLEY, California — The U.S. Air Force’s top civilian and a key member of Congress agreed Saturday on the need to declassify a large amount of information about America’s military space programs to both intimidate foes and encourage support among the public.

“Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea,” Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett said during a panel at the Reagan National Defense Forum. “You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.”

Fellow panelist Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., said he met with the secretary earlier in the week to discuss that very issue, calling the information on space programs “overwhelmingly classified.”

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057795  No.7514434

File: 2a19a704dec011e⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 304x244, 76:61, 2a19a704dec011e6b244fc781d….gif)


thank you baker

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845147  No.7514435

File: f84c87a68a851f3⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, cloudship.jpeg)

Baker - Thanks for the SSP (Secret Space Program) notable; these things rarely make it in because sleepers and shills can't handle Q crumbs regarding Space and weird 40k+ stuff.

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4ddf25  No.7514436

When does the B2 drop the first bomb …I am waiting for the day the B2 drops the MOAB !! Do it Q …Do it B2

The day of Reckoning !!

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c9feb5  No.7514437


Open the flood gates.

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4a764b  No.7514438

File: d951eb01c94540b⋯.png (57.12 KB, 800x466, 400:233, ClipboardImage.png)


Cap for Baker

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b079df  No.7514439

File: a05804b2e499dba⋯.png (418.59 KB, 488x366, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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748247  No.7514440


can you touch on public opinion ? the battle .

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a04181  No.7514441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Schiff defends Democrats' impeachment case against Trump, refuses to admit any wrongdoing

(full interview)

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20e706  No.7514442


Standing by.

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4b8c9c  No.7514443

File: 9b281ded244caea⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 604x604, 1:1, d4d66e7155bde266ededfe2bda….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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9a30ea  No.7514444

File: a37db48f19f23bb⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 720x1136, 45:71, IMG_9388.JPG)

Jooo spam fashions

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699383  No.7514445

File: 748c82e4f996465⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 474x677, 474:677, 1564456152.jpg)

TY Baker

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23b9f2  No.7514446

>>7514345 (lb) Coordinated but futile rear guard spin by the perps, pathetically trying to get in front of a 200 foot tsunami. I'll ride it on my paddle board! Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!

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ecd4f5  No.7514447

File: 555315b392a992f⋯.png (1.24 MB, 600x935, 120:187, strange pun.png)



i like that!!

lets do this!!

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c1eac7  No.7514448


pls stop distorting facts wrt HK riots.


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b1d576  No.7514449


Got him in a tab already - thankQ!

Appreciate recent crumbs - encouraging!


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5c72f0  No.7514450

Hello Q….

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35de06  No.7514451


>Saak Albertovich Karapetyan


Dorenko retorted: ‘We have the official version that the pilot mistakenly touched the trees and the helicopter fell to the ground. ‘But in fact I suppose that the pilot was good and did not touch any trees. He did not take off at all. He was shot with two bullets in the back before this.’

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f7998c  No.7514452


bring it, rudy!!!!!!!!!!

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576920  No.7514453


Exciting times boss

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fe4e7b  No.7514454


Q , The Articles of Impeachment as put forth are unconstitutional. Yes or No?

The result of allowing them to go forward without SC ruling sets new standards for our Country. Yes or No?

if allowed, Supreme Court Justices can be impeached on the same standards. Yes or No?

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aa5a7d  No.7514455

File: f3924ae60b7a3a0⋯.jpg (540.23 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9999 - Copy.jpg)



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abe5c8  No.7514456

File: c464e78970ba514⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 487x635, 487:635, TrumpRide.jpg)


Good afternoon Q.

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d498be  No.7514457

File: a5fde7b910b53de⋯.png (36.58 KB, 1285x247, 1285:247, sidney powell predicts dur….PNG)

File: 87c8988a49aa1ed⋯.png (415.74 KB, 575x292, 575:292, sidney powell predicts dur….PNG)

Sidney Powell, author of Licensed To Lie, said Thursday shewas stunned, about what the DOJ IG Horowitz revealed in his report and at his recent testimony in front of Congress about the abuses of the Government’s FISA court.

Powell predicted that US Attorney, John Durham would indict people, not write a report, and she gave her reaction to the recently exposed abuses of the FISA Court against American citizens.

“It is frighting the amount of power the FISA Courts have against the American citizen, who are not allowed to know about what is being used against them in the secret courts,” Powell said.

Powell was a guest on the War Room Impeachment Podcast with co-hosts Raheem Kassam, Jason Miller an Stephen Bannon.

Powell said on the show, that what she heard in the Wednesday’s testimony was, “absolutely a stunning revelation and what I have been screaming about for 10 years. They are hiding exculpatory evidence and they are hiding every bit of it with respect to Carter Page. They got warrants, to get everything he had written, on any and every day.

That kind of warrant gives them access also to whoever had contacted Page, so they could get everything they had written on any day as well,” she said, “and all with warrants were all based on lies.”

“It is a federal felony to falsely federal evidence. Everyone knows that the person who did that is wrong. He changed the meaning from what the CIA wrote about Page for the FISA court. And it used is secret so no one represents the defendant and the FISA court rubberstamps these applications because they trust the government so much,” she said.

“It affects everyone. Remember they can get warrants out of this secret court for warrants for everyone the defendant has communicate with, and no one knows about,” Powell said.

“I think whether or not there are legal consequences for anyone over this depends on John Durham, and if he is serious about finding out what was going on Durham will find out what the people, who were all handpicked, were doing. They were all hand-picked because they would know what the goal was,” Powell said, signaling that there was a problem in the Intelligence Community.

Powell said she Represented General Flynn, a three-star general, who was also embroiled in legal issues stemming from the FISA court and the 302 forms, giving permission to spy on him, as early as 2015, “he is doing very well and appreciates all the support.

People from MikeFlynnDefenseFund.org have been generous, and we feel people’s prayers. It has been an uplifting experience in many ways,” she said.


end part 1

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845147  No.7514458



Are we ready for some DECLASS?

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bd9884  No.7514459


Go Rudy.

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644b3f  No.7514460


Armed with the truth, nothing can stop it!

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1bee01  No.7514461

>>7514392 (/pb)

Where did Q say any of that? Cite your info fag! I'm willing to entertain an idea without accepting it.

All of what you said is speculation and conjecture with literally zero evidence. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. It's just what you're rehashing from Gaia.

You are doing exactly what the slidey shillfags have done to the ETs thread to distract from any real research over the past year.

Once again, link your sauce. You are just regurgitating what all the 'mainstream' disclosure venues are spewing. Which is precisely why I suspect Q is drawing attention to it.

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b86157  No.7514462


Rudy's Christmas gift to us will be some servings of Biden corruption!

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ecb26b  No.7514463

File: dc4e00eb12cc3fd⋯.jpg (191.79 KB, 1488x1918, 744:959, Q TIME Traveler Year.jpg)


Happy Sunday Morning Q! Our fren Cappy made this for you.

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35de06  No.7514464


nice, thanks

here's Comey


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dee8a4  No.7514465

File: 9ddbc835a30e104⋯.jpg (829.15 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 8858f03066187316b68495e14f….jpg)

Q's up and about, cake for everyone!

Saving a big piece for Rudy.


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faf139  No.7514466

File: b02fbd45212798b⋯.png (383.59 KB, 1337x646, 1337:646, Judicial Watch Press Relea….png)

Judicial Watch Press Release re: MYE being code word for Hillary investigation...

>>7514161 (PB)

NOVEMBER 03, 2017


Judicial Watch: New Documents Show FBI Deputy Director McCabe Did Not Recuse Himself from the Clinton Email Scandal Investigation until Week Before Presidential Election

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released Justice Department records showing that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did not recuse himself from the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecure, non-government email server until Tuesday, November 1, 2016, one week prior to the presidential election. The Clinton email probe was codenamed “Midyear Exam.” ...


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98f133  No.7514467

File: da4512394b13ad5⋯.png (160.99 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 1575306913510.png)


Fake Q, it's crazy man. Everywhere I look, Trump is connected to 9/11.

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1c6d0c  No.7514468

Even at church, they tell you what to think. Organized religion needs a reformation after all this…

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3afc15  No.7514469


LG says he isn't calling bad players as witnesses. Doesn't sound like he wants a trial…The public needs to hear the truth! Will it happen?

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7b4fa6  No.7514470

File: 7f26ec96d827d45⋯.png (444.72 KB, 1030x786, 515:393, F8998609-7501-479D-804B-60….png)


Q do you have one of these?

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bdea9a  No.7514471


Good afternoon sir (EST) thank you for the drops yesterday…Be safe…Keep PDJT and his family safe….WWG1WGA

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a04181  No.7514472

File: 2682b8f2670b4b3⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Mukasey dropping some BOMB….mp4)

Judge Michael Mukasey dropping some BOMBS on Maria Bartiromo

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b079df  No.7514473

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35de06  No.7514474

File: a045d4f5ca2c09d⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 600x334, 300:167, closer.jpg)

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057795  No.7514475

File: 1cf172a42a2cc10⋯.jpg (114.41 KB, 626x327, 626:327, djt121519.jpg)



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28f749  No.7514476

File: d7b437558f32622⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 500x789, 500:789, dog-salute.jpg)

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ae3ebe  No.7514477


KEK! You have actual sauce for that or just being convinced by cool stories?

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f60e03  No.7514478


Can't wait for the Senate testimony! Quite a show!

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9a30ea  No.7514479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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abe5c8  No.7514480


Damn, you're fast. o7

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5af90c  No.7514481

File: daa143464b2f174⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x1398, 180:233, Screenshot_20181216-010130….jpg)


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d498be  No.7514482


part 2

Powell, who has written extensively about the reform of the FISA court said that “Justice Roberts is the only one who can exercise oversight or has any supervision over the FISA court. It is really a star chamber, it is a terrifying experience and we shouldn’t have a process like that for American citizens. The FISA court needs to be made over. They can not rubber-stamp everything out of the government,” she said.

“We have a systematic problem in the intelligence agencies,” she said.

Powell has a new book coming out in February, title, Conviction Machine, highlighting solutions for reform of the FISA court.

“One thing I recommend in the book is that we need intelligence agencies to record interviews with everyone. Robert Mueller said that recording interviews would be too much for people to handle, at a time when everyone has a phone in their pocket and can record anything at all,” she said.

Powell finished by saying that in her twenty years of professional legal work she had never seen a US Attorney release a report.

“His job is to indict people, not write reports,” she said, “if McCabe and Comey haven’t lawyered up yet, they’re even dumber than they look.”


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8adf8c  No.7514483

File: 225e30205f33b95⋯.png (570.93 KB, 624x900, 52:75, ClipboardImage.png)


Was the Ingraham Q post the [20] marker?

It looks like it to me.


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184d91  No.7514484

File: e270bc7c07ef495⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 78931206_2246108772349913_….jpg)

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86e557  No.7514485

Nunes tells Schiff he needs 'rehabilitation' after IG report: 'Admit you have a problem

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that he is "in need of rehabilitation" after a Justice Department Inspector General report on the FBI's Russia investigation and its use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) contradicted Schiff's past assertions.

In a 2018 memo, Schiff dismissed Nunes' concerns about the FBI's use of a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The IG report confirmed that the FBI's warrant applications included 17 "significant errors and omissions," including a doctored email and reliance on unverified information from former British spy Christopher Steele.

After publishing false conclusions of such enormity on a topic directly within this committee's oversight responsibilities, it is clear you are in need of rehabilitation, and I hope this letter will serve as the first step in that vital process," Nunes said in a Sunday letter

Schiff's memo downplayed Steele's role and denied FBI wrongdoing, saying, "FBI and DOJ officials did not 'abuse' the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign." Schiff also claimed at the time that the DOJ "made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources" for the Page warrant.

Nunes listed these statements and others, such as how the FBI conducted a "rigorous process" when vetting Steele's information, noting that "[t]he IG report exposed all these declarations as false."

IG Michael Horowitz's report indicated that Steele's information was not properly vetted, yet was key in convincing attorneys to give the go-ahead to the FISA warrant application, which was previously deemed a "close call."

Nunes recognized Schiff's acknowledgment of the "issues and errors" described in Horowitz's report, but said that his opposition to concerns raised by Attorney General Bill Barr and Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham – who is conducting a broader probe of the Russia investigation's origins – "makes it clear your rehabilitation will be a long, arduous process."

Nunes cited Schiff's failure to use his committee to conduct proper oversight while using it "as a launching pad to impeach the president for issues that have no intelligence component at all." He accused him of "hijacking" the committee, claiming, "As part of your rehabilitation, it's crucial that you admit you have a problem."

Schiff's office did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment about the letter, but in an interview with "Fox News Sunday," Schiff acknowledged the FBI's issues as described in Horowitz's report, and claimed he "would have called out the FBI" had he known of them.

The GOP ranking member called on the Democratic chairman to call Horowitz before their committee "at the nearest opportunity." Horowitz has already appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and is scheduled for another hearing before the Senate Homeland Security Committee.


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1c6d0c  No.7514486


Senate hearings are the show you have been setting the stage for?

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057795  No.7514487

File: 4b528c778464b55⋯.jpeg (19.78 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 4b528c778464b55c08ad8cd69….jpeg)

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c4b42f  No.7514488

File: e8a50898b78ebba⋯.jpeg (149.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, D8A739B0-A534-4A1D-BBE3-8….jpeg)

File: e2f35c8d4ee2a2a⋯.jpeg (35.91 KB, 277x350, 277:350, E4CA8600-BBCB-43A0-9DAF-1….jpeg)

File: ca9007924014e98⋯.jpeg (31.79 KB, 720x709, 720:709, 7AEC13E7-4DA0-42CC-A273-B….jpeg)

File: 318792ab72e6322⋯.jpeg (118.69 KB, 1400x950, 28:19, B1A81CE8-AC46-4444-A292-8….jpeg)

File: c508577f0855f75⋯.jpeg (94.68 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, 7CA859A8-1A73-4C0D-99C7-B….jpeg)

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699383  No.7514489

File: fcdc02dfdc42b65⋯.jpg (370.14 KB, 1048x1064, 131:133, 1564707140.jpg)

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49ed11  No.7514490


Sauce you say. Lol. You would have to watch 711 videos more than once to fully comprehend our story. No Wikipedia, NBC, ABC, CIA have a link for this.

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86e557  No.7514491


Nunes tells Schiff he needs 'rehabilitation' after IG report: 'Admit you have a problem

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that he is "in need of rehabilitation" after a Justice Department Inspector General report on the FBI's Russia investigation and its use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) contradicted Schiff's past assertions.

In a 2018 memo, Schiff dismissed Nunes' concerns about the FBI's use of a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The IG report confirmed that the FBI's warrant applications included 17 "significant errors and omissions," including a doctored email and reliance on unverified information from former British spy Christopher Steele.

After publishing false conclusions of such enormity on a topic directly within this committee's oversight responsibilities, it is clear you are in need of rehabilitation, and I hope this letter will serve as the first step in that vital process," Nunes said in a Sunday letter

Schiff's memo downplayed Steele's role and denied FBI wrongdoing, saying, "FBI and DOJ officials did not 'abuse' the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign." Schiff also claimed at the time that the DOJ "made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources" for the Page warrant.

Nunes listed these statements and others, such as how the FBI conducted a "rigorous process" when vetting Steele's information, noting that "[t]he IG report exposed all these declarations as false."

IG Michael Horowitz's report indicated that Steele's information was not properly vetted, yet was key in convincing attorneys to give the go-ahead to the FISA warrant application, which was previously deemed a "close call."

Nunes recognized Schiff's acknowledgment of the "issues and errors" described in Horowitz's report, but said that his opposition to concerns raised by Attorney General Bill Barr and Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham – who is conducting a broader probe of the Russia investigation's origins – "makes it clear your rehabilitation will be a long, arduous process."

Nunes cited Schiff's failure to use his committee to conduct proper oversight while using it "as a launching pad to impeach the president for issues that have no intelligence component at all." He accused him of "hijacking" the committee, claiming, "As part of your rehabilitation, it's crucial that you admit you have a problem."

Schiff's office did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment about the letter, but in an interview with "Fox News Sunday," Schiff acknowledged the FBI's issues as described in Horowitz's report, and claimed he "would have called out the FBI" had he known of them.

The GOP ranking member called on the Democratic chairman to call Horowitz before their committee "at the nearest opportunity." Horowitz has already appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and is scheduled for another hearing before the Senate Homeland Security Committee.


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9a30ea  No.7514492

File: 34f2dd900c1c69d⋯.jpg (100.62 KB, 728x968, 91:121, IMG_8653.JPG)


Yuge joooos fashions

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c8d02f  No.7514493

File: a8d5d70220a4b51⋯.png (275.79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_073811.png)

File: 1fb1e090ee75bab⋯.png (165.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_074158.png)


Anons it appears at though the Stealth Bomber date is MARCH 22,2017 ! It is when RR spots the Bomber in the sky. It is right after the Sunday that they set the investigation into motion…. saucy https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/general_topics/correspondence_rod_rosentein_interim2/download GodBless and Godspeed!

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647d0e  No.7514494

File: 9bbf25689fa6800⋯.gif (8.91 MB, 854x480, 427:240, B2-BB.gif)

The stealth bomber flies to victory

click to play

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f3a026  No.7514495

File: b95e2c329f1b1d8⋯.png (639.66 KB, 498x580, 249:290, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91db9850a178fe4⋯.png (283.83 KB, 514x414, 257:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26921c247ce6825⋯.png (275.13 KB, 828x565, 828:565, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db4f8ad50d24ee3⋯.png (387.2 KB, 532x594, 266:297, ClipboardImage.png)

All Hell Breaks Loose In India As Violent Protests Spread After Citizenship Law

As central banks ramp up money printing to prevent the global economy from crashing, we've been documenting an alarming surge of social upheavals erupting across the world in 2019.

The latest unrest is spreading across India like wildfire after the Modi government passed a new law that grants citizenship to non-Muslim migrants from three Muslim-majority countries but doesn't give Muslim migrants from those countries citizenship, reported Al Jazeera.

Called the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), the new measure was passed last week and grants citizenship to non-Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, who have been persecuted for their faith.

Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, and Parsis from the three eligible countries will automatically be given citizenship if they have illegally entered the country.

So here's where things get complicated. Rights groups and a Muslim political party have gone bonkers over the fact that Prime Minister Narendra Modi isn't allowing Muslim migrants from the three country's who have illegally entered India - a path towards citizenship. They say the bill violates India's constitution that prohibits religious discrimination.

As a result of the bill, demonstrations have broken out across the country, including in New Delhi and various large cities in several states

Riot police were deployed to several eastern states on Sunday.

The Modi government had to of known of the social ramifications of passing the new law. Perhaps, it's a perfect distraction from the economic slowdown in the country. Or maybe, if the unrest persists, it could be used by the government to scapegoat the country waning economy.


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642ac1  No.7514496

File: adce74dcf8a8c36⋯.webm (11.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Facebooks_my_bitch.webm)


Can't wait.

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35de06  No.7514497

File: 7c026acf15f8b5b⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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834496  No.7514498

File: 2401b3607e61eb4⋯.jpeg (102.57 KB, 828x472, 207:118, C3AF1E65-F478-4818-A60C-2….jpeg)

File: d21943a39f7d880⋯.jpeg (168.7 KB, 828x885, 276:295, 9BFD619D-4772-4ED4-B235-7….jpeg)

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5a751c  No.7514499

John Brennan graduated college in 1977.

He travelled the world including Indonesia where he was treated kindly by Muslims. Kind treatment is part of the process of recruitment into subversive groups.

Obama's CIA mother lived for a time in Indonesia in the late 60s with her son. The company must have been planning/preparing something there. We know that there was already a core of Communists inside the CIA connected to Obama's mum and Subud.

In 1980 Brennan applied to the CIA, admitted that he had voted Communist and was accepted. What are the chances this was arranged in advance by people who met him in Indonesia.

Jemaah Tarbiyah was inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and was active in Indonesia throughout the 70s.

Beginning in 1977 Muslim Brotherhood adopted The Plan which included allowing its members to live in Western Society without any outward signs of Islam. In other words, undercover work,

Q often uses terminology popular to the enemy, and associated it with the Trump revolution.

The enemy had Crossfire Hurricane so Trump had The Storm

Q told us not to worry because The Plan had been made with military precision. This points to Muslim Brotherhood.

Brennan attended the American University in Cairo to learn Arabic.

It just so happens that this is where the heart of the Muslim Brotherhood is, connected with Al-Azhar University which is their last stronghold in Egypt.

Dig, my frens, dig deeply. There has to be more here.

P.S. in the 70's wearing one earring was a sign that you were gay.

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98f133  No.7514500

File: c51b8270c1437b5⋯.gif (4.52 MB, 444x250, 222:125, SomeLastingAmazontreeboa-s….gif)

So who's Fake Q today?

Brad Parscale?


Squidward Miller?

Code Monkey?

Jim Watkins?

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d498be  No.7514501


God Bless You, Q, and Q Team

America Loves You

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c03cb1  No.7514502

File: 3b152c267f4a182⋯.png (120.07 KB, 595x205, 119:41, ClipboardImage.png)



Tweet cap for baker

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e84057  No.7514503

File: 336476ee371b402⋯.png (63.53 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 3AE855EF-B40E-4451-9DD6-38….png)

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0b69b0  No.7514504

>>7514345 (pb)

The sole job of pawns and other pieces is to protect the king.

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6ff15b  No.7514505

File: 91b151b69e4fd9b⋯.png (432.3 KB, 615x701, 615:701, Screenshot_160.png)

File: 1bea9bc341cddce⋯.png (78.33 KB, 625x490, 125:98, Screenshot_161.png)

File: d318d3b5351b510⋯.png (738.3 KB, 610x875, 122:175, Screenshot_162.png)

File: ee09b468553aa77⋯.jpg (621.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CthHerrPpr.jpg)



Getting a lot of Catherine Herridge tweets with that hash.

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53041e  No.7514506



^^^This is a shill tag-team at work. I’ve been noticing this technique quite a bit this morning.

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6f1e67  No.7514507



yeah, i read that all 11 years ago.

2008 - i was 18, freshman in uni and so so naive. then i found out about child trafficking and everything changed.

every time i read "alien" abduction, i just replace the word "alien" with "elite" and suddenly everything starts making sense.

>proteins in the blood

*adrenochrome for hillary et all


>blood is used for shapshifting

well, killary does look like a zombie without her daily dose. that's the only shapeshifting possible.

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4ddf25  No.7514508

When does the B2 drop the first bomb …I am waiting for the day the B2 drops the MOAB !! Do it Q …Do it B2

The day of Reckoning !!

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b194f2  No.7514509

WILLIAM COOPER — Shows FBI lying about Osama-Bin-Laden before 9-11.

OBL is a creation of the NWO.

FBI + Clowns are all part of " The ORDER "


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ae3ebe  No.7514510


Already went completely down that rabbit hole.

Cool stories.

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057795  No.7514511

File: b2543750f918134⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 598x707, 598:707, schiff1215.jpg)

File: 9c268fd894dc05e⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 480x270, 16:9, _DtTtIG8w4sBSvs9.mp4)


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b079df  No.7514512


Will Flynn FISA be public in 2019?

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ca7955  No.7514513

File: 6f28af32d059196⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 640x457, 640:457, alien slide.jpg)


>You would have to watch 711 videos more than once to fully comprehend our story.

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d2168a  No.7514514

Rudy is losing it, anons.

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f85567  No.7514515

>>7514254 lb lb lb

of course not

jesus taught children have innocent faith

there in no such thing as original sin

church lie oppostie of what jesus taught

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642ac1  No.7514516

File: 71e3bee778ddef5⋯.mp4 (11.63 MB, 320x180, 16:9, xVMt2Ps_xCVbd7px.mp4)

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834496  No.7514517

File: c5a2728d2edce90⋯.jpeg (94.71 KB, 828x577, 828:577, AD0F61B7-1625-4358-9AAD-2….jpeg)

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bdea9a  No.7514518


He looks like shit literally (not Schitt lol) and his cheeks look just like Hillary's in the photos anons were sharing yesterday….creepy…maybe part of their sickness is their cheeks hollow out. (no sauce just anon speculation)

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5a751c  No.7514519


Opps. Missed the link to Brennan's video in last bread

>>7514050 (lb)

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845147  No.7514520

File: 1c34d2be888b98d⋯.png (782.81 KB, 886x1306, 443:653, incarnated coincidences.png)


Q usually doesn't mention things that aren't important, does he? Three times?

Again, you are confusing INFORMATION with MESSENGERS. One is important, the other is inconsequential. Some of us here dug this information without Gaia, without Wilcock, without Greer, without Sather, etc etc. just breathe, relax, and leave those people alone. And think happy thoughts next time you take a leak outside and see an antigravitic craft's flashbulb…

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62683d  No.7514521

File: fff3afa09955676⋯.png (207.7 KB, 360x410, 36:41, Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at ….png)


Ty, baker

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1bee01  No.7514522


This is my point. People read something online from Gaia or see it on the history channel and take it at face value without really analyzing for themselves. 99.99999999% of ET related info out there is garbage. I dont even fully trust what Q will say in the future due to containment and softly waking people up over an extended period of time.

I only believe what I personally see. I dont need Q for that or any group of so called 'experts' with handlers.

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ecd4f5  No.7514523

File: cab88d182ddb8ef⋯.png (423.61 KB, 615x795, 41:53, ClipboardImage.png)


@adamschiff scared

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d2dc00  No.7514525

File: 7ac584f70f287f4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 800x600, 4:3, gets_it.jpg)

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2ae6b7  No.7514526

File: 5c63d67729ddc96⋯.png (168.2 KB, 912x1280, 57:80, 01.png)

File: 66cd3225a36879a⋯.jpg (942.25 KB, 2400x1586, 1200:793, fandb.jpg)

File: 701a1cd239cb5c8⋯.jpg (210.01 KB, 900x900, 1:1, whoops.jpg)

File: ecc99502a429c33⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 634x490, 317:245, tangly.jpg)

49.8% of scientists have concluded that there is no

valid reason for Flamingos to stand on one leg.

50.2% of scientists maintain that Flamingos

are Fair and Balanced.

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efebc5  No.7514527

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834496  No.7514528

File: d64d0429bf7abb1⋯.gif (43.61 KB, 411x209, 411:209, 17F27FBE-BC72-442B-8FA5-60….gif)

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057795  No.7514529

File: 3d664328ac9262d⋯.mp4 (709.34 KB, 640x360, 16:9, zv2cf_QATBf2BrsK.mp4)


oops wrong video, sorry!

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81d2d1  No.7514530

File: 3b198ffcc1d87bd⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 3jiy7e.jpg)

File: ada1dd4f5562389⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3j8lk8.jpg)

File: ed0ad3e0dbfea1c⋯.jpg (74.38 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 3j64i1.jpg)

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3ceb56  No.7514531

File: 8c9f3ddc4d6f139⋯.jpeg (28.54 KB, 302x332, 151:166, smug jesse.jpeg)

File: a1349456722eae2⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 329x357, 47:51, 1508369486262.jpg)



absolutely decentralized

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f7998c  No.7514532


yeah, that's why we are all here. shills and clowns included

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cc4cc5  No.7514533

File: 7931a8a2300b1e5⋯.jpg (63.7 KB, 1015x663, 1015:663, itwasover.JPG)

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a04181  No.7514534

File: 92a3d2434fd12e8⋯.png (59.68 KB, 604x335, 604:335, d3b67919-2627-495b-bcd6-cf….png)


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6ff15b  No.7514535



Just noticed…

Catherine Herridge's blue bracelet thing is forming a Q.

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19168c  No.7514536


Enjoying flamingos fracas

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19168c  No.7514537


Enjoying flamingos fracas

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f3a026  No.7514538

File: 1ed4400d64184b5⋯.png (23.42 KB, 494x316, 247:158, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cf3426c7935176⋯.png (420.31 KB, 900x756, 25:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 721217bd9d4c89c⋯.png (332.95 KB, 940x846, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f92dfe29172a42c⋯.png (768.93 KB, 852x843, 284:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4d0501e66dd74a⋯.png (475.49 KB, 953x648, 953:648, ClipboardImage.png)

Greta Apologizes For Execution Comment As People Question Who's Actually 'Ruining Her Childhood'

Greta Thunberg has apologized for recently stating that world leaders should be put "against the wall" if they don't take immediate action on climate change - tweeting that in Swedish, it means to 'hold someone accountable,' as opposed to execution.


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c8d02f  No.7514539

File: 0cb274820b7c380⋯.png (200.2 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_091949.png)


MARCH22,2017 Rod sees the Bomber in the sky. But 1st RR was setting shit up w/ Speaker Ryan on Mar16, and had a conference call set up w/ Ryan and RR's office. GodBless and Godspeed! https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/general_topics/correspondence_rod_rosentein_interim2/download

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5c72f0  No.7514540


Correct the record…kek

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c03cb1  No.7514541

File: 423bdb28ff73bb5⋯.png (26.78 KB, 597x317, 597:317, ClipboardImage.png)



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49ed11  No.7514542


Your ego isn't my problem.

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23b9f2  No.7514543

>>7514457 The hunters become the hunted. Go, Sidney, go.

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ae3ebe  No.7514544


Exactly. That's the diffference between stories and facts. The alien lies should be obvious to all by now. I like to stick to facts. Not be convinced by stories. Especially stories fed to me by my enemy. Truth is easy to see. Programming is easy t recognize. The only ones who will refuse to look at the truth are those who love the lies.

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53041e  No.7514545

File: 8dadd429b294e7c⋯.jpeg (141.02 KB, 500x488, 125:122, B8B7882A-8803-4B49-9984-7….jpeg)

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bdea9a  No.7514546


Shill in all heartfelt sincerity, if you are still working for the dark side and believe what they tell you well then you are the one who is crazy….and you are doing exactly what they do PROJECTION and if you believe that all you dish out in this life will come back to you…then I pity you…

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ca7955  No.7514547


Sounds like she's threatening the President. We should ban her from ever coming to the United States.

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c1eac7  No.7514548


>>7514391 maybe you should check this video out. there are times when china propaganda (which the video is even not) is more accurate than the MSM fake news.

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8adf8c  No.7514549

File: 611b682e8288274⋯.png (32.69 KB, 593x283, 593:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Crooked Hillary caught again. She is a total train wreck!


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f60e03  No.7514550


Muh translation from Swedish

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1bee01  No.7514551


I'm aware of this. You really think Q is giving a blunt and direct answer vs getting you to think critically for yourself?

The information has ONLY come from messengers. None of which are credible. Do you think just maybe that Q is getting people to think outside the box and question the mainstream narrative? Just because Q linked that it wasn't confirming fuck all.

Until Q says we are all incarnated extraterrestrials I will continue to entertain ideas without accepting them.

Only a fool accepts information from Q at face value. Or havent you learned your lesson yet about "disinformation being necessary"?

Fuck this boards logic has regressed.

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28f749  No.7514552


Mehbe Notable

Or not.

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6f1e67  No.7514553


>I dont even fully trust what Q will say in the future due to containment and softly waking people up over an extended period of time.

+ "disinfo is necessary"

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539ca7  No.7514554

File: 6b21638956dedf4⋯.png (169.41 KB, 557x597, 557:597, ClipboardImage.png)


lurk moar newfag

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c4b42f  No.7514555

File: 6532c07653e3629⋯.png (206.29 KB, 569x497, 569:497, 751A6D96-7EF2-4373-AD47-04….png)

File: 0864e8749c4e654⋯.jpeg (54.19 KB, 449x628, 449:628, 28462836-B0AA-469F-9C4F-F….jpeg)

File: 946a1d04f062011⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB, 466x258, 233:129, 6BB975D2-35A3-4D45-8C9A-D….jpeg)

File: eac428a46889975⋯.jpeg (95.43 KB, 1400x950, 28:19, 59752E09-F88E-4208-970C-4….jpeg)

File: 1fb6b9a84078c19⋯.jpeg (56.39 KB, 525x350, 3:2, 19F8223B-7A1D-47A5-9710-2….jpeg)

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834496  No.7514556

File: 601cf7aa88631c4⋯.jpeg (238.26 KB, 828x832, 207:208, A9E20945-4F96-430F-98DB-1….jpeg)


Train wreck.

What happened with that train Agee years back?

Get ready for the big truth.

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dc2f6d  No.7514557


Won't Twitter Shut It Down?

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000000  No.7514558


Recently got a decent view of the sky now, all kinds of activity going on, didn't know it was this active before. Are the new white, bright as heck, LED street lights put in place so that we can't see what is going on?>>7514433

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f3a026  No.7514559

File: 0837ea09efda0aa⋯.png (895.37 KB, 823x496, 823:496, ClipboardImage.png)

Boris Johnson cannot force Scotland to stay in UK ‘against its will’: Sturgeon signals independence referendum on horizon

Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has cautioned British Prime Minister Boris Johnson against trying to block a second independence referendum, asserting that her country cannot be kept in the United Kingdom by force.

Johnson and his Tory government have stated that they will not permit another vote on Scotland leaving the union, but Sturgeon – whose Scottish National Party (SNP) won 48 of Scotland's 59 seats in the UK parliament in the recent snap general election – said that the matter isn’t up to the prime minister.

You cannot hold Scotland in the union against its will … If the United Kingdom is to continue it can only be by consent.

The pro-independence first minister argued that if Johnson is so sure that preserving the union is the best course of action, “he should be confident enough to make that case and allow people to decide.”

The SNP and the Conservatives both won big at the polls earlier this week, setting the stage for a major political showdown. The new Tory majority has a mandate to finally push through a Brexit deal with Brussels, but the SNP strongly opposes leaving the European Union, and will likely use the wedge issue to drum up support for a second vote on independence.

Scotland held an independence referendum in 2014, but the motion was rejected by voters.


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cf3be0  No.7514560

File: b1e3dee125123ff⋯.jpg (177.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault1.jpg)

File: de7c1eb7394a9d2⋯.png (9.76 MB, 2665x3216, 2665:3216, shhhh update.png)

File: 4d64f923454140e⋯.jpg (178.94 KB, 908x815, 908:815, ILLUMINATI celebrities- ha….JPG)



nice finds anon

snagged thanQ

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d37f02  No.7514561

File: dac8cb8479f133d⋯.jpg (5.62 MB, 2250x2850, 15:19, President Trump Official P….jpg)



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a04181  No.7514562

File: b70b8dcfe56966d⋯.jpg (155.7 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, EL2AJEnU8AE8Dki.jpg)

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b079df  No.7514563


They will try

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ecb26b  No.7514564


Those were just training wheels. Q uses various methods and has gone beyond these.

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1c6d0c  No.7514565

Did Robert Dinero visit Epstein Island? He seems really upset about something.

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4a764b  No.7514566



no sauce!

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85674f  No.7514567

File: 26fabf8f7ca8a78⋯.png (240.2 KB, 624x310, 312:155, rudy giuliani rooty tooty ….png)

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7e6fdc  No.7514568


Hang em all.

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9a30ea  No.7514569

Chicken shit scratches on the wall

New hell

New Rome

New jersusalem

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e4f709  No.7514570

File: 1fdf709896f3e4c⋯.jpg (25 KB, 500x269, 500:269, ass_idiocracy.jpg)

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abe5c8  No.7514571



/ourbird now?

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fe724f  No.7514572

File: 3458501447a23ab⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 942x480, 157:80, spaceforce.jpg)

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c8d02f  No.7514573

File: 21ecd1f79d62361⋯.png (233.47 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_092318.png)

>>7514493 >>7514539 Some shit habbenz on Wed Mar17, one of our fav numbrs, when RR gets an email from Jim Crowell and RR cancles the conference call with Ryan. GodBless and Godspeed!

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49ed11  No.7514574

File: 3ba68b39994ec49⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 736x542, 368:271, 5ec4f7f900ae666ff0984bbb26….jpg)

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ac7995  No.7514575



[AS] memo FALSE.

If [AS] was privy to GANG OF 8 classified material would he not know the same FACTS (TRUTH) as NUNES/others?


OP activity pre_July 2016?

Why is this relevant?

Worth watching from [11:50] to end.



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ac7995  No.7514576



[AS] memo FALSE.

If [AS] was privy to GANG OF 8 classified material would he not know the same FACTS (TRUTH) as NUNES/others?


OP activity pre_July 2016?

Why is this relevant?

Worth watching from [11:50] to end.



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d408db  No.7514577

File: d41f249f68dd640⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 540x809, 540:809, 17-Girl-with-Flag.jpg)


Thank you Q for all you do.

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057795  No.7514578

File: 49c7ddc9905a02c⋯.jpg (46.98 KB, 614x421, 614:421, djtretweet.jpg)



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bd9884  No.7514579

The Rockefellers started studying how the popular response to UFOs can be manipulaed long ago.

The first study, by Hadley Cantril at Princeton focused on popular response to Orson Welles famous "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast.

Curiously the study focused not on what we would believe, but on what we thought other people would believe.

Search Hadley Cantril War of the Worlds and find (hint) some surprising connections to individuals and organizations

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e336b4  No.7514580


Are we literally going to have to have, like, meetings with ppt presentations at work to explain all this to coworkers, etc., when it goes down?

Memes have and continue to be ready.

Do I need my slideshow ready?

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af95f9  No.7514581


Yes Q Facts Matter!!

Vote Away!!

POTUS…100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).






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ba1ac3  No.7514582


Strictly Ukraine related?

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5a751c  No.7514583

Has anyone else noticed, that the DHS, who are responsible for election security, have a department called the TSA who are rolling out an ID program across the USA that will be completed before the 2020 Federal election?

Most people think that it is all about ID to get on an airplane in the USA, but an ID that has been checked and vetted by the Federal government can be used for other purposes too, can't it?

In other words, the election ID program is well underway and the opposition hasn't even noticed it yet.

Q helps us raise smokescreens because the hivemind groupthink makes a big fuss about the wrong things, and the left picks up THIS message, but fails to dig deeper. Don't fall prey to groupthink. Dig and think for yourself.

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f3a026  No.7514584

File: ef508c684f9a41c⋯.png (371.24 KB, 901x822, 901:822, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcff8515177ad7d⋯.png (327.23 KB, 867x573, 289:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b93e6a04ae0d27e⋯.png (204.56 KB, 602x689, 602:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 813f3ba632f4929⋯.png (39 KB, 544x604, 136:151, ClipboardImage.png)

China Threatens To Kill German Car Exports Should Huawei Be Banned

At the Handelsblatt industrial summit on Friday, Chinese ambassador to Germany Ken Wu told ex-Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel that if Germany excludes Huawei 5G from its communication networks, then China could "declare German cars unsafe" for its domestic market.

"It is important to the Chinese government that Chinese companies in Germany are treated the same as others, without discrimination. If the German government made a decision that led to the exclusion of Huawei from the German market, it will have consequences - the Chinese government will not stand idly by. See, last year, 28 million cars were sold in China, 7 million of those were German. Can we just declare German cars unsafe, because we can make our own cars? No, that would be pure protectionism," Wu said at Handelsblatt.


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28f749  No.7514585

File: f9627ca809a4674⋯.jpg (17.92 KB, 573x495, 191:165, bug eyed pepe.jpg)

Yikes, meant


Mehbe Notable

Or not.

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c03cb1  No.7514586

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272b3f  No.7514587

File: 5c5651ab2dc578e⋯.jpg (694.87 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20191215-110910….jpg)

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845147  No.7514588


That's why you research from multiple disconnected sources and then find out the information yourself.

I don't really know how much damage the clowns can cause, I seriously hope people don't gulp up partial disclosure and form fixed know-it-all opinions (especially from MSM filters) that will hurt further awakening.

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86e557  No.7514589


Q is it true that a video Schiff in Egyptian garb ay Buck leaked to media, will it be released by them? If so when?

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e4f709  No.7514590

File: 059a8643859bed6⋯.jpg (51.21 KB, 800x533, 800:533, fc92a097d55bb3187f2ab5e7bc….jpg)

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85674f  No.7514591


Double Q duuuuude

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c8cdaa  No.7514592

File: 26c58f7613e8a54⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1482x1398, 247:233, 202087638968127643.png)

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1f77da  No.7514593

File: a90a35c3e8975b7⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Down In Flames.jpg)


> Saak Albertovich Karapetyan was aboard an unauthorized helicopter flight

Reading between the lines it says he was fleeing for his life, but Hillary got him anyway. There's going to be a bloodbath among the cabal when they start "going down". Oh, wait……

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c9feb5  No.7514594


Double drop Q

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f3a026  No.7514595

File: 4efce4fbe726de9⋯.png (28.13 KB, 799x451, 799:451, ClipboardImage.png)


Posting twice???

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057795  No.7514596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo 12/15/19 | Breaking Fox News December 15, 2019

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d2168a  No.7514598


And in the next scene of Q's movie, Rudy gets charged and indicted. Corney roams free. This movie is brutal.

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834496  No.7514599

File: 5c7d97e78e7f828⋯.jpeg (151.95 KB, 828x896, 207:224, AABEF3CE-FCBE-412B-B284-2….jpeg)

File: aeb99d9d1499e8f⋯.jpeg (114.26 KB, 828x605, 828:605, 11E708D3-5B7B-4E65-A7B9-9….jpeg)


If [they] shut it down, more attention will be drawn to it.

[they] are boxed in.

No way out.

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ca7955  No.7514600


Q was replying to an anon in this post here→ >>7505194 (pb)

Go to the top of the board in Q's latests posts, you will see that it was a reply. Usually the Qmap aggregator collects the message of the anon as well, but maybe because Q was replying to an anon from a (pb), the aggregator couldn't collect.

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d498be  No.7514601

File: 0ec8bd3d5ed3990⋯.png (140.9 KB, 368x207, 16:9, greta calls for elder geno….PNG)


not first time she has said something provactive and potentially deadly

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a04181  No.7514602

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1b16bf  No.7514603

File: 84f65c424d5a840⋯.png (6.8 MB, 2750x3753, 2750:3753, PlaceHolders.png)



Placeholders update

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e336b4  No.7514604


Is Rudy using that hashtag?


Comeon Rud6!

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748247  No.7514605

File: 2157f36a914884f⋯.png (90.38 KB, 627x83, 627:83, aaaa.PNG)

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3cac1a  No.7514606


Sooner the better, start the healing.

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d2168a  No.7514607


Facts don't matter to Main Stream Media, Q.

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bd9884  No.7514608


Very best to (you) Q

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cd2658  No.7514609

File: 127e1f38728cdb9⋯.jpg (103.49 KB, 1029x550, 1029:550, JoeyD2012.jpg)

File: 6330f4924dcba62⋯.jpg (308.75 KB, 718x803, 718:803, C8g2Oq3U0AAkOj3.jpg)


Nunes looks rad.

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b0d4ae  No.7514610

File: 7f2dc16556ed17a⋯.png (105.4 KB, 308x370, 154:185, horse1.png)

File: ff7906c7c160194⋯.png (239.64 KB, 421x500, 421:500, horse2.png)

File: 2111d1000cdeed6⋯.png (203.65 KB, 432x404, 108:101, susan-wojcicki-youtube-ceo….png)

You give your soul to Satan for just a few solid years of bullying honest people around, and hoard billions of green magic squares like a dragon while the poor sleep behind dumpsters…

…and yet you're still uglier than a horse's ass and so fucking gross that nobody above the age of 2 will ever envy you or plow you with their own dick in this life or the next.

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9a30ea  No.7514611

File: a144acb88180214⋯.jpg (160.5 KB, 699x691, 699:691, IMG_9370.JPG)

Fake Jew devil leaks problem solver

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d2dc00  No.7514612

File: ce6295a6b1ce248⋯.jpeg (328.43 KB, 880x1130, 88:113, billofRights.jpeg)

Bill of Rights ratified on this day Dec 15 1791


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4b8c9c  No.7514613

Been a long time since last Q and A

Just sayin

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aa495f  No.7514614



Uh-oh…Q has been hit with the double post syndrome! Hasn't happened to me yet. Phew. How embarrassing.

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8b5a24  No.7514615

File: 267dfa7e9ba9353⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1266x812, 633:406, Geattuna.png)

wtf is that???

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b5bcc8  No.7514616


1min 26 secs Delta Double Q

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4a764b  No.7514617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vid Cap for Baker

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7b4fa6  No.7514618

File: 98a5cde999f88a1⋯.jpeg (102.88 KB, 760x428, 190:107, 8C3C476E-1693-40B0-BBA0-4….jpeg)


Comey opened the Clinton email investigation the week before the election on Hillary’s orders. She thought she was going to win and she wanted Comey to say he reviewed all her emails in one week which was impossible and clear her before the election. Then when she was elected she could say the case was closed. This was always obvious to me.

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f7da0f  No.7514619



Did she have Maggies conducter ?

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19168c  No.7514620

File: 510d41842bb05b1⋯.jpeg (40.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 245C902E-E66A-431F-A3A0-B….jpeg)

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62683d  No.7514621

File: 8493aa8fbd12546⋯.png (234.96 KB, 1962x764, 981:382, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at ….png)


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ecd4f5  No.7514622

>>7514575, >>7514576

though it says

server took too long to respond

it posts though

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fd4df7  No.7514623


German MSM have already started slamming Giuliani….

So, I can't wait to see their faces, when they finally have to tell "the news"…

(like after the UK election… )

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b079df  No.7514624

File: 2f8b171e5e39a65⋯.jpg (208.23 KB, 1476x790, 738:395, BarrStealthB2Daylight.jpg)

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87f356  No.7514625


God bless you Q

Thanks for everything

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1b16bf  No.7514626


No, look closely at the timestamps.

They're fucked up still.

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834496  No.7514627

File: d93e43bec10395a⋯.jpeg (233.38 KB, 828x821, 828:821, DE898D0C-32C6-417C-96A8-D….jpeg)


Treason and sedition.

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834496  No.7514628

File: d93e43bec10395a⋯.jpeg (233.38 KB, 828x821, 828:821, DE898D0C-32C6-417C-96A8-D….jpeg)


Treason and sedition.

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c5817c  No.7514629

File: ee9508eca46e40a⋯.jpg (72.27 KB, 727x476, 727:476, adam schiff - knowingly.jpg)

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845147  No.7514630




Most likely a site bug. Q probably smacked that New Reply like our galactic family Decloak when you do a nice coherent meditation in nature.

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64e420  No.7514631

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

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7995ae  No.7514632

All PB




Still haven't found the vid yet but Qresearch has some leads. Sarah palin link is dead

Q-Posts ANSWERS (1)

Question: gowdy comments on comey (history will ....)

Answer: Perhaps Gowdy had been told the full picture at this point and felt like in the end Comey would be viewed as doing the right thing, working with President Trump to help drain the swamp.

Extra Answer: On Fox News’ “The Story,” Gowdy cryptically told host Martha McCallum that he believes

“history will be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were.”

“Jim Comey had access to additional information that I am convinced left him with no other choice but to make the decision he made in July,” Gowdy said. https://www.sarahpalinnews.com/2017/05/17/trey-gowdy-drops-bomb-fox-comeys-decision-not-charge-clinton/

Open Answer:


Confidence: high

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7e6fdc  No.7514633


Traitors' justice!

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3afc15  No.7514634


Knowingly lied and mislead the public!!

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53041e  No.7514635

File: b605b0c453aed80⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1946x1176, 139:84, B2AAB588-C0A7-47EA-B64F-A….jpeg)


What about all of these other [clowns] on twitter who just seem to be pushing propaganda? Who is coordinating all of this?


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98f133  No.7514636


You know what's interesting about your response?

The fact that you can't disprove my post, so instead you make it about me.

Once people find out what you guys did, it's over for you and your families. Forever.

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9ea833  No.7514637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Analyze & Reconcile - Conflicting Info Being Disseminated.

RussiaGate/SpyGate/[DS] Investigations - 5D Psyop Misinfo = Is Deep

Breakdown - Review of Timeline & Players:

(Trump Admin. - In the Spotlight)

* (2017 - Nov 2018)(Jeff Sessions) - AG - Appears to be a "Mr Magoo"/Keebler Elf = (Playing Possum)?

* (Nov 2018 - Feb 2019) (Matt Whitaker) - Acting AG - Wrecking Ball

* (Feb 2019 - ____)(Bill Barr) - AG - B2 Stealth

→ (Versus - Simultaneously) ←

* (2017)(Jim Comey) - FBI Dir - [Fired] - Tweets Cryptically

* (2017 - 2019)(Bob Mueller) - Special Council - [Dirty Cop][Witch Hunt] = Blockade/Stall/Impeach = Insurance Policy

* (Summer - 2019)("Whistleblower(s)") - [C_A]ramella +? - Moar Impeachment "Insurance"

→ ("Whistleblower" - Note) - Found interdasting conflicting reports about: Ukraine "Whistleblower" identity. **(moar [WB] below)

→ Must be vehwee careful about who we follow.

→ (Meanwhile = Wild Cards - Enigmas) ←

* (Jan 12, 2017 - Nov 2019)(Michael Horowitz) - OIG - [Crossfire Hurricane] Investigation = [Hussein][Biden][HRC][FBI][DOJ][C_A] et al… Wrong-Doing

* (Oct 28, 2017)(John Durham) - U.S. Attorney - Appointed by Sessions

* (Nov 13, 2017)(John Huber) - U.S. Attorney - Appointed by Sessions

* (Apr 19, 2018)(Rudy Giuliani) - Joins DJT legal team

- Unbeknownst(publicly) - He commences to do behind-the-scenes investigating = Another "Stealth" Player

Here's where it gets: Deeper & Moar Complicated:

(Notable lack of public info on Watnick)

* (Ezra Cohen-Watnick - ECW) - Man of Mystery

→ His name has popped up previously & resurfaced last summer around the time of Epstein's arrest & Ukraine phone call controversy.

- Wild Card/Stealth/Whit Hat Mole?

- "Whistleblower Trap"?

- Or, [DS] Co-Conspirator w/ Rogue [C_A] et al - Kept under close watch in key positions? Tracked/Monitored & Recorded?

- (2017 - Aug 2017) - Senior NSC Advisor to POTUS

- (Apr 2018 - ____) - Resurfaces at DOJ - Endorsed by Sessions

**(moar on [WB])

→ This gets complicated.

So analyze & judge for yourself. Just reporting here and asking thought questions; so don't jump down my throat.

* (George Webb) - Has reported that (ECW) is connected:

- Eyes & ears for [C_A] (Sue Gordon)(Michael Morell)

- Collaborating with Cofer Black & Burisma to "Run" Bidens as puppets.

(Webb's analysis - attached YT vid)


* (Michael Gray) of (Gray's Economy & NY Post) - Econ. Journalist/Blogger - Evidently picked up on Webb's reporting and ran with it. That's what brought me back to Webb as the source for the: (ECW) - Collaborating mole for [C_A] theory.


(ECW) Remains somewhat of an (Enigma) and conflicting info is rife.


My big question regarding Webb has always been:

With the type of hidden info on the [DS] that he seems to have & drop, it sure seems to me he'd already have been "Doornobbed".

(I'm aware & prepared for some anon responses ref. Webb & his one-time filmmaker collaborator = [MOS])


The "SpyGame" Information War is Very Deep Indeed.

LOTS of SPECULATION on Both Sides - samples in sauce.

Presented for your evaluation & contemplation.

(1/2) - Sauce 2nd post

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e84057  No.7514638


anon has had that happen as well on multiple occasions…

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68a81b  No.7514639

Do it, sir!>>7514410

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68a81b  No.7514640

Do it, sir!>>7514410

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5b2d46  No.7514641


Guess Q really wants us to see this onel.

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c8d02f  No.7514642

File: 9181d738b92367a⋯.png (321.75 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_080947.png)

File: 026a661d0eace39⋯.png (137.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081421.png)

File: 01691f68b9f6644⋯.png (96.54 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081532.png)



Wow, RR is another BIG LEAKER , it turns out he was in touch with SARI HOROWITZ@WASHPOST GodBless and GodSpeed

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1b16bf  No.7514643


Yes it is. It's been happening to some anons.

kek, one anon says it happens everytime he posts.

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faf139  No.7514644

File: c4b28fe5e99e5ed⋯.png (786.68 KB, 607x576, 607:576, You're getting impeached H….png)

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68b845  No.7514645

File: b9f581e165969dc⋯.png (93.77 KB, 1293x583, 1293:583, ClipboardImage.png)

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13f280  No.7514646


Good morning Q!

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ca7955  No.7514647


P.S. the first thing I thought when I saw the replied to post not screen capped on Qmap, I immediately thought, "that will confuse the fuck out of non chan Q followers"

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a04181  No.7514648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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699383  No.7514649

File: bbbd066e8126ab2⋯.png (137.78 KB, 350x279, 350:279, 1554914075.png)


Greta and AOC

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b86157  No.7514650


AS knew well in advance of July 2016 of the plan against the Republican top runners.

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f3a026  No.7514651

File: ba5640908619adf⋯.png (458.21 KB, 526x464, 263:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88f4b5a9b351b84⋯.png (55.88 KB, 848x436, 212:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9bcf339c80796a⋯.png (41.58 KB, 831x238, 831:238, ClipboardImage.png)

‘We've always been on receiving end of US hegemony’: Pakistan seeks closer ties with Russia, and has a real chance of success

Islamabad, which just settled a Soviet-era debt dispute with Moscow, now wishes for "a new phase" in relations with Russia. Geopolitics, coupled with promising new trade opportunities, could help them thrive, analysts explain.

Russia-Pakistan relations returned to a brighter place this week, when Prime Minister Imran Khan voiced his desire to give them a powerful boost. While hosting a sizable Russian delegation led by Trade Minister Denis Manturov, Khan signaled that his country is ready to open its doors to Russian businesses and investors.

And it doesn't look like wishful thinking at all. Under a massive deal signed in Islamabad, Russia will pour $1 billion into the revival and upgrade of the Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM), built with Soviet assistance. The two also had in their sights reconstructing a gas pipeline, building a railway network and procurement of the Sukhoi-built SSJ-100 narrow-body jets.

Pakistan has also agreed to pay off $93.5 million it had borrowed from the Soviet Union, thus dismantling the last hurdle affecting its commercial ties with Russia. Obviously, both Moscow and Islamabad want the ball to roll faster – at least when it comes to doing business – but could they engage each other, given Russia's time-tested ties with India, and Pakistan's alignment with the US?

Well, geopolitical considerations may previously have played a role, but old alliances shift or become more flexible, some analysts RT has talked to believe.

"A new world order is in the making that provides Pakistan a window of opportunity to diversify its foreign policy options," Dr Khuram Iqbal, assistant professor at the National Defense University of Pakistan, pointed out.


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aa495f  No.7514652


It has been happening a bit since 8kun has been up. Never saw Q do it before, but other anons it happens to.

It's an accident. If Q says he meant to do it, he's just embarrassed to admit it was a mistake. But he should be honest

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c1eac7  No.7514653


8kun is a place where time travel is the norm.

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d2168a  No.7514654


Lord help us all if Rudy is main character in the show right now.

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fd6337  No.7514655

Rudy’s been a busy boy!!


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5c72f0  No.7514656

Q, this is gonna blow some clockfag minds…noooooooo!

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d408db  No.7514657


There is a lot THEY knowingly did! Like what the Deep State's Pharma, FDA and CDC did to our children.

They injured and murdered them on purpose!

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86e557  No.7514658


Yes exactly that’s why Nunes is calling AS out and telling him he needs rehab

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ce8806  No.7514659

File: d36c57c50dac2fd⋯.jpg (207.92 KB, 581x778, 581:778, PRAY_.JPG)

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1f77da  No.7514660

File: f7b589bd48c414a⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 400x302, 200:151, Hillary Suicide.jpg)


>He was shot with two bullets in the back before this.’

Classic! If it wasn't in Russia, it would be ruled a suicide.

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3afc15  No.7514661

The media needs to be held accountable for "knowingly"misleading the public…for years.

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87f356  No.7514662

Double Q highlights problems with the board.

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c5da2a  No.7514663

File: 6158428ba3dbda1⋯.jpg (164.54 KB, 646x886, 323:443, schiffedpants.jpg)

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b079df  No.7514664

File: 1e1c96b12056aab⋯.png (12.97 KB, 1486x200, 743:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e39d41466f1b3c⋯.png (20.6 KB, 388x432, 97:108, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b16bf  No.7514665

File: e0b1515cfafd9c4⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 598x554, 299:277, 1568336549213.jpg)

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7b4fa6  No.7514666

File: a3cbff44c11800d⋯.jpeg (486.22 KB, 1138x701, 1138:701, 81EBAFEF-FEDB-4119-BA63-3….jpeg)



How did Q do this. Time travel?

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62683d  No.7514667

File: a9f2c8d8102d09d⋯.png (174.28 KB, 1852x956, 463:239, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at ….png)

We might have an issue here, they both went to Qmap.pub

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fd4df7  No.7514668

File: 2b145a051239737⋯.jpg (103.96 KB, 1087x484, 1087:484, 2019-12-15_182846.jpg)


how's THAT possible, Q?

Are you a time traveller ? :D

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661f7f  No.7514669

File: c880c7e28d635d1⋯.jpeg (139.87 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, Spaceshift.jpeg)

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85674f  No.7514670

File: 07f15ebe55f622f⋯.png (432.09 KB, 400x500, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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19168c  No.7514671


Out or AS that Q Predicted

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62683d  No.7514672




It's a known bug

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f60e03  No.7514673


Things are glitchy this bread, my posts have no (you)'s. Flood detected bs… Do it Q!

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ba1ac3  No.7514674


Second drop to create proper time delta with POTUS tweet?

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5c72f0  No.7514675


It's called lying.

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1b16bf  No.7514676




Anons, it's a bug.

Look at the posts before and after Q's.

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64e420  No.7514677

File: 29cfccac08f67ac⋯.png (599.86 KB, 710x984, 355:492, Soros Swift PNG.png)

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f3a026  No.7514678



try a bug dumbass

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f4913d  No.7514679

File: e9d136cd64cb3f5⋯.jpg (453.83 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 180901 AM Perimeter Prayer….JPG)

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53041e  No.7514680

File: d4a74622a7e934f⋯.jpeg (140.92 KB, 489x400, 489:400, E479B8BE-0DD3-4618-A01A-8….jpeg)

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d408db  No.7514681


Thank you Q. We are ready, willing and able! Just say when an where.

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622974  No.7514682

File: 08be3a8d69e7993⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 474x355, 474:355, woop.jpg)

File: 61cb1f24ddaf1c7⋯.jpg (358.14 KB, 720x1206, 40:67, 20191215_092431.jpg)

File: 950776d7f029c33⋯.jpg (178.29 KB, 642x670, 321:335, 20191215_092453.jpg)

File: bd9e5572b95d355⋯.jpg (277.3 KB, 701x974, 701:974, 20191215_092522.jpg)

File: 4272ed1cee5fe73⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 403x537, 403:537, 20191215_092731.jpg)

So many LEO/intel etc here, read these truths about yourselves. Read again. Share. Expose.


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68b845  No.7514683

File: 91367b2bc116d6f⋯.png (86.49 KB, 1270x563, 1270:563, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e6fdc  No.7514684

Timestamps reversed.

▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/15/19 (Sun) 12:21:40ac7995 (3) No.7514575

▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/15/19 (Sun) 12:20:14ac7995 (3) No.7514576

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1bee01  No.7514685



Which is precisely why I'm getting so sick of the incarnated extraterrestrial bullshit from these shills on here and the mainstream.

Blunt and direct please . Let's hear it straight up.

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f60e03  No.7514686


Things are glitchy this bread, my posts have no (you)'s. Flood detected Post Discarded bs… Do it Q!

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8b5a24  No.7514687

File: 7e16d99312624a0⋯.png (183.49 KB, 1052x710, 526:355, Dq.png)

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f24c2f  No.7514688


is your double post intentional?

very interesting!


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6ff15b  No.7514689

File: 19886506c0495ea⋯.png (305.52 KB, 601x748, 601:748, Screenshot_163.png)



These People Are Sick!


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9a30ea  No.7514690

File: 864c53a0d711980⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 720x785, 144:157, IMG_9278.JPG)

Gerbil has an ass hamster

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3afc15  No.7514691



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834496  No.7514692

File: 63003e0a93bafad⋯.jpeg (102.72 KB, 828x595, 828:595, 032C745A-1A29-4789-8EBF-9….jpeg)

Hold on kids…

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845147  No.7514693


Q is a messenger too, we don't glorify him, we share the important info. You can check the basics yourself if you really want. They are open to contact when you sincerely want it.

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7459d7  No.7514694



>Train wreck.

I agree. Is this a shout out to Clinton and the train accident after the SOTU?

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4b8c9c  No.7514695

File: 9e41b36d79e9198⋯.jpeg (272.21 KB, 1440x1056, 15:11, 1541508676.jpeg)

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abe5c8  No.7514696

File: 5844dca133af4a1⋯.png (527.4 KB, 543x680, 543:680, TrumpLasso.png)


kek nice, anon.

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86e557  No.7514697

File: dfcce3d4bfffee8⋯.jpeg (90.77 KB, 650x436, 325:218, B9D5AAF7-B968-480B-8DA3-D….jpeg)

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87f356  No.7514698


>Things are glitchy this bread, my posts have no (you)'s. Flood detected bs… Do it Q!

Agreed. Captcha fuggery made me shit the bread. Apologies to baker.

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68a81b  No.7514699


It’s happening to all of us. Still buggy

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c8d02f  No.7514700

File: 6e947506c261844⋯.png (103.36 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081601.png)

File: ba4447fa4c5184d⋯.png (101.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081642.png)

File: b6a2ccae05b3ffa⋯.png (231.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081726.png)



some moar saucy https://thefederalist.com/2017/05/16/tips-for-reading-washington-post-stories-about-trump-based-on-anonymous-leaks/ GodBless and Godspeed!

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35de06  No.7514701

File: 61f56b150d4b170⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 341x376, 341:376, Feinstein.gif)

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53041e  No.7514702


Pretty sure it’s shills trying to slide the board.

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b079df  No.7514703


I know about the glitch 8kun has been doing this for a while. check the delta

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7102b1  No.7514704

File: aee3c0d718bb016⋯.jpg (252.29 KB, 1210x810, 121:81, rudygiuliani.jpg)

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cc4d9a  No.7514705

File: e6e9682be833509⋯.png (193.91 KB, 1318x709, 1318:709, ClipboardImage.png)

how is this possible???

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ca7955  No.7514706

File: fda6b43db4578f4⋯.png (98.52 KB, 400x355, 80:71, fda6b43db4578f48954ac651ee….png)

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d531cb  No.7514707

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Specials - A Message To You Rudy

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9ea833  No.7514708

File: bdc13e7aeaf603f⋯.png (444.29 KB, 812x559, 812:559, ClipboardImage.png)


(2/2) - Sauce → Key Players & (The Watnick Enigma)

Analyze & Reconcile - Conflicting Info Being Disseminated.

RussiaGate/SpyGate/[DS] Investigations - 5D Psyop Misinfo = Is Deep

Posted for: anon analysis.

* Not endorsing ANY determination yet. Still evaluating all the sauce carefully.


















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4b8c9c  No.7514709

File: 5514b0d1c993d2b⋯.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1528904166.jpeg)

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9a30ea  No.7514710

File: 7da54ef6cafa18b⋯.jpg (133.59 KB, 825x800, 33:32, IMG_9362.JPG)

File: 34ad190c008185f⋯.jpg (274.64 KB, 1024x959, 1024:959, IMG_9365.JPG)


322 pedovore murder for hire cult decoded

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23b9f2  No.7514711

>>7514541 POTUS doing an excellent ground & pound on the Hag.

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8adf8c  No.7514712

File: 11717b72e7b3196⋯.png (315.55 KB, 1658x2058, 829:1029, ClipboardImage.png)



Which one was the real [0] DELTA?

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c4b42f  No.7514713

File: 61113617b90bf03⋯.jpeg (30.59 KB, 400x300, 4:3, EB854D82-E256-46FD-A856-5….jpeg)

File: 426f7e6fbe51fd8⋯.jpeg (43.86 KB, 468x527, 468:527, 6DBFDFEF-943A-4AC5-90B2-8….jpeg)

File: 991f65f7428f1fd⋯.jpeg (148.87 KB, 909x1329, 303:443, CB0ACCE5-2B8D-417E-B5CE-D….jpeg)

File: c1b6debe21f036e⋯.jpeg (45.11 KB, 659x374, 659:374, 19A099F4-ED40-403B-8044-2….jpeg)

File: 4310940d71825fd⋯.jpeg (201.24 KB, 788x1200, 197:300, 2B1B6F61-1BDA-4A3E-A378-4….jpeg)

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b1d576  No.7514714


Nice dialog between Maria Bartiromo and Congressman Ratcliffe about the deliberate falsification of evidence by the FBI in order to continue a counterintelligence investigation against Donald Trump, sitting President of the United States, AFTER there was no justification for spying on him.

Could people go to jail for what they did?


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aa495f  No.7514715

Well fuck. This double Q post error is gonna take up about 2.5 breads now because of retarded people. Greeeat. Most of this day is about to be wasted by assholes

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f3a026  No.7514716

File: 5bb31e12be81aaa⋯.png (579.79 KB, 849x888, 283:296, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87ca6b4723699d7⋯.png (70.97 KB, 831x743, 831:743, ClipboardImage.png)

Clint Eastwood hounded for ‘sexist’ movie, but is the director a misogynist or a master troll?

Clint Eastwood’s ‘Richard Jewell’ tells the story of an innocent man whose life is ruined by a media witch hunt, featuring a reporter who sleeps with sources for gossip. To say journalists are offended is an understatement.

Journalists are used to movies that portray them as heroes. As champions of justice who speak truth to power, and against all odds reveal the crimes the powerful want to keep hidden. ‘Spotlight’ told the story of the Boston Globe’s investigative unit revealing systemic child abuse by the Catholic Church. ‘All the President’s Men’ recounted how Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein caught Richard Nixon bugging the Watergate Hotel. ‘Veronica Guerin’ showed viewers how one Irish journalist helped bring down the country’s biggest crime kingpin in the 1990s.

Superman was a journalist in his day job, for crying out loud!

Clint Eastwood, one of Hollywood’s last surviving Republicans, tells a different story in ‘Richard Jewell’. The titular Jewell was a security guard who saved countless lives when he ushered crowds of people away from a pipe bomb during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Initially hailed as a hero, Jewell later became a suspect in the FBI’s investigation, a fact revealed by his hometown paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Jewell was hounded by the media for several months, and portrayed as a disgruntled “lone bomber.” He was eventually cleared of involvement that October, and issued an apology by US Attorney General Janet Reno a year later. He died of a heart attack in 2007, after suffering health problems his mother claims were brought about by the stress of his “trial by media.”


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1b16bf  No.7514717

File: c922b7e72d46479⋯.jpg (26.58 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1575507655426.jpg)

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c03cb1  No.7514718

File: e345467d84b4b38⋯.png (23.53 KB, 597x204, 199:68, ClipboardImage.png)



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98f133  No.7514719

No COMMS outside if this platform means?

Anyone claiming POTUS comms are connected to (real) Q comms is a shill.

POTUS is so jealous of JFK JR, it's absolutely cringing to watch.

POTUS wishes he was JFK JR.

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151b18  No.7514720

lol Q 999 and 000

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f24c2f  No.7514721


are anon going to now say 'what is the delta tee for the two simultanious posts . . . '?

Does this count as two Q posts?

I am sure that the notables takers would love your guidance: is this one post or two? I see it as two, it must be two because they are NOT the same. the timestamps and postnumbers are different.

I am sure this means something.

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9a30ea  No.7514722


Named it tucker

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4b8c9c  No.7514723

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7a1095  No.7514724

File: 91cfaecc490c932⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 765x339, 255:113, 25a97b554e21be1af5486f988b….jpg)

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0a6c32  No.7514725


It happens. Has happened to me multiple times phonefagging.

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4a764b  No.7514726



>>7514416, >>7514423, >>7514423 Russian official with ties to lawyer in Trump Tower meeting dies in helicopter crash

>>7514466,>>7514472 Judicial Watch Press Release re: MYE being code word for Hillary investigation…

>>7514475 NEW PDJT Schiff's correcting the record memo has turned out to be totally wrong (based on IG Report! A very big lie.

>>7514485, >>7514491 Nunes tells Schiff he needs 'rehabilitation' after IG report

>>7514549 New PDJT Crooked Hillary caught again. She is a total train wreck!

>>7514559 Boris Johnson cannot force Scotland to stay in UK ‘against its will’: Sturgeon signals independence referendum on horizon

>>7514578 PDJT RETWEET KimStrassel: And I should say it is only because of Andrew McCarthy deep knowledge and analysis that we understand it all!

>>7514584 China Threatens To Kill German Car Exports Should Huawei Be Banned

>>7514651 Pakistan seeks closer ties with Russia, and has a real chance of success

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b86157  No.7514727

File: b7d4f66d3e9ec8d⋯.png (14.03 KB, 474x128, 237:64, POTUS.PNG)


I love seeing Q and POTUS in synch at the same time.

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68a81b  No.7514728

Filter is our friend. But some are newfags who need to learn, and we are glad they’re here!>>7514715

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68a81b  No.7514729

Filter is our friend. But some are newfags who need to learn, and we are glad they’re here!>>7514715

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d2dc00  No.7514730

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f85567  No.7514731


LG is just yakking aon all sides of ecvery issue like he always does - that is his role

ignore LG and his hearings LOL


he does NOT call any witnesses in impeachment which is all that counts - PORTUS lawyers call all witnesses

"how do you introduce evidence"

we are the precipice

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5e049c  No.7514732

File: ee8c6815c4dc616⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 587x300, 587:300, pocketfull.jpg)

File: c831003bfedc1e2⋯.jpg (445.32 KB, 720x1242, 40:69, 20191215_013545.jpg)

File: 5f34d5ee05bfea9⋯.jpg (250.17 KB, 720x929, 720:929, 20191214_122402.jpg)

File: 542351bdd7fc640⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 720x419, 720:419, 20191215_013130.jpg)

File: 25120165ba1c9e8⋯.jpg (210.09 KB, 717x1206, 239:402, 20191215_015742.jpg)

Comms involving Huffpost writer and Hillary?

Derek Shearer a "journalist" sent Hillary at State Department an article via email he wrote regarding sports and globalism… seems like lots of comms in it, and maybe over thinking, but makes me wonder why he chose particular examples he chose.

Anyway, meat of it is he is more or less admitting between the lines to using entertainment, business and sports as reason for assets to cross boarders under the radar of the public to get things done.

We know POTUS and Putin exchanged a soccer ball with potential to carry a chip during the last World Cup. And suspect that Russia's sports ban on the world stage for next 4 years is purposeful to prevent that type of interaction.

FISA corruption of Soccer fame, the most global sport makes a lot of sense now. Controlling it provides options to arrange communication and move assets. Makes possibility of more than one meaning for FISA intriguing, but most FISA drops seem pretty obvious to involve the court.

Derek Shearer-is the former United States Ambassador to Finland. Per wikipedia- He is currently employed by Occidental College, directing the McKinnon Center for Global Affairs and serving as a Chevalier Professor of Diplomacy and World Affairs.

And only one hop from him to his brother Craig Shearer, or his old yale roommate Strobe Talbott- both long term Clinton associates.



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493964  No.7514733

File: 8bacc62aaf72fdb⋯.png (232.1 KB, 445x393, 445:393, ClipboardImage.png)

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1bee01  No.7514734


70x contact experiences here. Not once have I been given any info from them saying we are incarnated extraterrestrials. Chances are I've had more contact than anyone else here. And yes plenty of footage. Q is aware of who I am and the credibility behind what I'm saying.

Having sightings proves absolutely nothing relating to this bullshit distractionfag narrative.

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c8d02f  No.7514735

File: 45a983899f1e8f9⋯.png (85.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081816.png)

File: cb1c095bfbd460e⋯.png (118.9 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_081847.png)



Appologiez for the pic of McBastard on previous post Anons. btw who is Otus84 ?? GodBless and Godspeed!

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5af90c  No.7514736

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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f3a026  No.7514737

Comey: ‘I Was Wrong’ — FBI’s FISA Abuse ‘Was Not Acceptable’

On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” former FBI Director James Comey said that the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the launch of the FBI’s Russia probe’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was unacceptable.

Comey said, “He’s right. I was wrong. I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right. I was wrong.”

He added, “Sure, I’m responsible, I was overconfident as director in our procedures, and it’s important that a leader be accountable and transparent. If I were so director, I’d be saying exactly the same thing that Chris Wray is saying, that we are going to get to the bottom of this because the most important question is, is it systemic? Are the problems in other cases?”


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9a30ea  No.7514738


Pedovore buttplugleakswiki 322 nambla murder cult fake fox Jews said trannys gossip

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dc6e35  No.7514739

File: 2c22a57f3d0ba16⋯.png (767.9 KB, 648x399, 216:133, ClipboardImage.png)



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151b18  No.7514740



that's how.

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62683d  No.7514741


Did this even happen or is this more smearing of Russia?

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1c6d0c  No.7514742

"What you have are FBI lawyers literatly changing evidence to make false representations to tthe cout to continue this counter intellegence investagition against the President."

O my

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f24c2f  No.7514743


Anjel, be a dear and just chill, don't shill.

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6ff15b  No.7514744


Seen this happen a number of times last night.

Recurring problem along with both image lag and timestamps.

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abe5c8  No.7514745

No bias… Mid Year Exam (aka fluffy bunny slippers) vs Crossfire Hurricane. Kiss our asses, Comey.

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b1d576  No.7514746

File: 7b2c6f51f36073b⋯.jpg (264.24 KB, 1966x1255, 1966:1255, Horowitz-NoVindicateFISA2.JPG)

File: 10b419226a6392a⋯.jpg (132.35 KB, 956x514, 478:257, Horowitz:NoVindicateFISA2.jpg)


"The findings here don't vindicate anybody who touched this FISA." IG Horowitz

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571f75  No.7514748



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1b16bf  No.7514749


kek, that is a problem.

That's why deltas are unreliable until the glitch is fixed.

They seemed fine on Q's private board though.

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d96c50  No.7514750

When I hover over notables, there are no images.

Anyone help me with that? Thx

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7102b1  No.7514751

File: 4fb333b13ff6319⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 772x444, 193:111, AS (1).jpg)

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f3a026  No.7514752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From Facebook as govt tool to Israeli lobby in US: Lee Camp dives into 25 MOST CENSORED STORIES of 2019

Did you know that Big Pharma denies Americans access to affordable drugs or that slavery is still a thing, even in the US? Those and other stories were shushed in the media, but Lee Camp is here to fill in the gaps.

Project Censored, which works to unveil the rot in the US media ecosystem, has just published their top 25 list of censored stories over the past year. Redacted Tonight’s host Lee Camp had a lot of astute comments to make on the state of modern media.

“Wow, wow, wow, you’re telling me Israel influences US policies? I find that hard to believe,” Camp emphasized the irony of the activities of the Israeli lobby in Washington which have been an ‘open secret’ for years. “But there’s a difference between knowing something and seeing the actual internal proof, the evidence,” like those provided in a leaked document by an Al Jazeera documentary, which of course didn’t get any traction in the news.

Another news story that didn’t make it to the mainstream was Facebook becoming a tool of the US government by joining forces with Washington and NATO-sponsored think tanks to fight what it called “fake news.”

Not only had Facebook been suppressing everything that doesn’t fit into the mainstream corporate talking point box. It was also found to be doing experiments to us, such as seeing whether they can make us depressed. Joke’s on you Zuckerberg! If I’m surfing Facebook looking to see whether my ex-girlfriend is married with kids – then I’m already depressed.

Camp hailed the indigenous people in the Amazon as being on “the true frontlines of the battle to save this planet” for their effort to establish a “sacred corridor of life and culture,” covering more than 700,000 square miles in the region. But the American media ignores their fight because: “Life and culture, who needs them? Here, in the US, we’re doing just fine without life and culture. Just ask the stars of ‘Naked and Afraid.’”


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5b2d46  No.7514754

File: de9734969ddf5a8⋯.png (448.24 KB, 600x370, 60:37, hrclife.png)

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9a30ea  No.7514755


Fake fox Jews gossip tranny lies

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3cac1a  No.7514756



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b079df  No.7514757

File: 3d524f54b8080b4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1125x769, 1125:769, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9feb5  No.7514758

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5af90c  No.7514759

Next post will be a triple.

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e4f709  No.7514760

File: 41afaf499c6e5d3⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, stupid02168d14dbf6a282f89e….jpg)


You're a stupid mother fucker. SMDH Idiot. Fuck you for being so fucking dumb.

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845147  No.7514761


Try relaxing then instead of constantly blowing your top barking at the moon. They are very nice folks, and they use telepathy.

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943cfe  No.7514762


Really? We hadn't noticed.

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493964  No.7514763


>They seemed fine on Q's private board though

Maybe because he is the only one posting? Dig on something that matters. Known bug. Kill this slide

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905f95  No.7514764

File: da455dc44fefd97⋯.png (448.32 KB, 799x919, 799:919, lata15dec19.png)

File: 04cc1d5bc76c6d0⋯.png (100.84 KB, 523x991, 523:991, latb15dec19.png)

File: 4aaa2d6b82644b2⋯.png (111.45 KB, 527x999, 527:999, latc15dec19.png)

File: ad592f7887f0fcf⋯.png (111.38 KB, 529x1001, 529:1001, latd15dec19.png)

Those Trump supports causing problems

>>7513787, LA Times story "Scuffles break out at Adam Schiff's town hall"

screen caps and summary:

a man and two women held up signs reading,"Don’t Impeach.” When they were asked to take down the signs, they refused. Then, about a dozen people scattered throughout the auditorium began yelling, “Liar.” When some in the audience asked them to refrain from yelling, scuffles broke out throughout the room. The audience members who were yelling at Schiff removed their jackets, revealing shirts supporting Trump. After about 15 minutes, the scuffles settled down, and the event continued.'


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68a81b  No.7514765

File: d2332e60085232d⋯.jpeg (63.78 KB, 750x408, 125:68, C06EAB53-CAF5-48AD-9C34-1….jpeg)

File: 2e2fa66fb2e553e⋯.jpeg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 1023331B-1A8F-4B50-A9EE-7….jpeg)

File: 75ba4d5ef19fa6d⋯.jpeg (71.86 KB, 456x583, 456:583, 84699DFA-FC68-48D6-8077-7….jpeg)

File: 88bb4539c2d8040⋯.jpeg (20.35 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 62998A57-FAA6-42F0-9CE6-C….jpeg)

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8c0481  No.7514766


it’s happened to me before. It’s that server bug codemonkey was talking about

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f3a026  No.7514767

File: 1b747a4736f938c⋯.png (569.53 KB, 668x323, 668:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af3c162b8bc7ef6⋯.png (650.33 KB, 684x799, 684:799, ClipboardImage.png)

Cop Will Do Less Than 2 Years for On-Duty Sex Assault of 16 Women, Won’t Register as Sex Offender

Vista, CA — At least 16 women said San Diego deputy Richard Fischer used his badge and position as a police officer to commit sex crimes against them but in a plea deal Fischer and his lawyers agreed with prosecutors, not only will the alleged rapist not spend the rest of his life in prison, he won’t even have to register as a sex offender.

One woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, said Fisher responded to a welfare check call to her residence. Following the call, the officer started to randomly show up at her home on numerous occasions, ask for a hug or a kiss, and eventually ended up pushing her onto her bed and sexually assaulting her.

According to Fox 5 San Diego, the officer allegedly would meet women on the job, prey on them, stalk them, kidnap at least one, and then grope, kiss, or force the women to perform sex acts on him.

The charges stemmed from attacks between 2015 and 2017 on 16 women, some of whom he arrested and others he met while responding to 911 calls the victims made.

However, on Tuesday, instead of the 25 years he was originally facing, the now former officer was sentenced to 44 months behind bars but will be eligible for release just after 22 months.

In September, Fischer pleaded guilty to four felony counts of assault under color of authority, two misdemeanor counts of assault under color of authority and one misdemeanor count of false imprisonment. None of the charges mentioned sexual assault.

According to his victims, what he did to them was far worse than the small felonies and misdemeanors he pleaded guilty to.

Prior to August of 2018 Fischer was facing 20 felony charges and misdemeanors but three more women came forward telling their stories. As a result, prosecutors added five new charges against the defendant which included forcible oral copulation. While those allegations may or may not be true, the charges didn’t stick and Fischer eventually pleaded guilty to the much lesser crimes which didn’t carry stiffer prison sentences.

San Diego County Superior Court Judge Daniel B. Goldstein told the former Marine and disgraced police officer that he “operated with impunity, believing that you would never get caught. And you operated like that because you thought nobody would ever believe (the victims.)…Unfortunately, you’ve disgraced your uniform, you’ve disgraced these deputies who are in my department every day,” Goldstein said, referring to the bailiffs in his courtroom. “You’ve disgraced the Marine Corps. I can’t imagine what you were thinking.”

As TFTP has reported on numerous occasions, cops can and do ask women for sex while on traffic stops. Because of their position of trust, and under the threat of arrest, some women comply. Until recently, it was not even illegal in many states for cops to ask for sexual favors — including from women they just arrested. But as a result of the #metoo movement, laws as well as attitudes are changing. Unfortunately, cops are still getting slaps on the wrist when they do get caught breaking the law.


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6ff15b  No.7514768



Attack of the Qlones!

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7a1095  No.7514769

File: 88ed2ebe94de68d⋯.jpg (79.14 KB, 452x591, 452:591, 88ed2ebe94de68d110ad35510a….jpg)

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98f133  No.7514770

File: 1d60af18b54c2cc⋯.png (258.5 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20191215-103601.png)

When nervous actors fake Q, these things will happen.

LMFAO, John was right, you people are beyond stupid.

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d531cb  No.7514771

File: ab46c883b8ad5a4⋯.png (137.09 KB, 236x279, 236:279, ab46c883b8ad5a40fb49a36ece….png)


Ty Q

a light of hope for the souls we wandered lost among so much darkness


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000000  No.7514772

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f85567  No.7514773


>I only believe what I personally see

that is an absurd statement

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cc4d9a  No.7514774


Looking at your post history, your more of an ass than helpful. But thanks anyways.

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9a30ea  No.7514775

File: d8ba1d5a01ac4be⋯.jpg (28.6 KB, 360x224, 45:28, IMG_9240.JPG)


Ass hamster Armageddon

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e4a94c  No.7514776

File: b120a950eb273a2⋯.png (216.55 KB, 770x1174, 385:587, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at ….png)

File: b6af181942be752⋯.png (333.99 KB, 766x918, 383:459, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at ….png)


sooner or later the MSM is going to be forced to cover the truth, despite their past and ongoing complicit fuckery over the years.

Comey burping up his confession in the Wallace interview could give the MSM a bit moar incentive.

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f24c2f  No.7514777


why wouldn't CM and Ron guarantee the Q team whatever difference they would love to use, but haven't hit yet by creating a 'fake' double post that is also a feature for Q that allows Q to put in an exact difference for the use of anyone for anything?

just a thought.

but Q hasn't said that is what it is . . . so I'm just spit-balling.

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c4b42f  No.7514778

File: 1fe900ce00ad84a⋯.jpeg (100.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5F02B76C-4B06-4647-85C1-5….jpeg)


Mr Spock accused of flashing "Vulcan Power" hand gesture

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360f79  No.7514779

Double meaning


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2af2b5  No.7514780

File: d8873166f18a989⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 1126x532, 563:266, Annotation 2019-12-15 1125….jpg)


clarify, on purpose or not?

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9a30ea  No.7514781


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057795  No.7514782

File: c241a6113e33ffa⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BartiromoM_headshot_web-1.jpg)

Great Patriot!

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87ab02  No.7514783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Truth Hurts Joe… No Reply…?

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c191e7  No.7514784

File: b1203d27e783bc4⋯.png (896.42 KB, 774x708, 129:118, hillxi3.PNG)


Is this pic related a likely scenario Q?

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493964  No.7514785

File: 316d2ff6ebe1ede⋯.png (58.57 KB, 1500x1189, 1500:1189, ClipboardImage.png)

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f24c2f  No.7514786


I called Jim by his son's name!

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64e420  No.7514787



Mira Mira alla viene la tormenta

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b079df  No.7514788

File: 8232728e20de4d2⋯.png (51.46 KB, 797x500, 797:500, ClipboardImage.png)

10 sec off almost 0 delta

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87f356  No.7514789


Go fuck yourself, shill

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d7de58  No.7514790


+ ++ +++

Knowingly intending to deceive - at the level described. CLEAR EVIDENCE OF:





Q it (mma)tters


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ca7955  No.7514791


>why wouldn't CM and Ron

Waste of trips newfag

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aa495f  No.7514792

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000000  No.7514793


Buahahaha kekek

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3afc15  No.7514794


18USC Ch. 115 Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities

2385 Advocating overthrow of the Govt.

Whoever KNOWINGLY or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize", with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

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4a764b  No.7514795

File: e239e1144aea385⋯.gif (450.64 KB, 480x480, 1:1, b3d50a627d1bd8bc00ed7be4cb….gif)

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cd2658  No.7514796



Don''t read stuff, but these vids are totally legit. Promise!!!

What a scrub.

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1b16bf  No.7514797


Lurking more will help you.

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87f356  No.7514798

File: f0fc43b1627a8b7⋯.png (929.14 KB, 927x617, 927:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a1095  No.7514799

File: a19d5f12b8e106d⋯.jpeg (434.81 KB, 750x867, 250:289, a19d5f12b8e106d97d4be9e26….jpeg)


Boards been dbl posting sometimes over the weekend for me & other anons.. Q's "on the move" Kek!

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4b8c9c  No.7514800

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

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137b50  No.7514801

File: 13a31bf629bb423⋯.png (5.19 KB, 250x201, 250:201, anonymous.png)

any anons here that can join me in the chat room. want to build it up to entice pepes to join.

im sending them to the chat room, from there i determine if they good enough to join us here.

tfw you forgot you use to be part of anonymous back in the day. the Deep Anonymous o7

Lots of Hacktivist, but been so long. sine ive talked to any of them. hope they still remember me kek. where is V damnit, he loved this shit.


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1f77da  No.7514802


>Guess Q really wants us to see this onel.

It's a glitch. It's happened to me twice this morning, double posting, even double posting within a post. But hey, 8kun is still a dirt airstrip. We're building out, but there's going to be some rough spots. Bear with it.

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4a764b  No.7514803


Notable AF

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53041e  No.7514804

File: 6527f44b07f2575⋯.jpeg (299.03 KB, 450x488, 225:244, 041DF8F7-2316-4B4C-A788-4….jpeg)

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f60e03  No.7514805


Timelines converging

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64e420  No.7514806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9a30ea  No.7514807

Still filtered

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d51d78  No.7514808


Her patriotism shows.

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6f1e67  No.7514809


yet better than believing anything blindly because you read it on some random "xyz.com"

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f3a026  No.7514810

File: 5c98428821b422b⋯.png (470.38 KB, 571x497, 571:497, ClipboardImage.png)

==Swedish Woman Convicted for Sexual Relationship with Underage Migrant in Her Care

A 30-year-old Swedish woman has been convicted by a district court for engaging in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old unaccompanied minor migrant in her care.

The Attunda District Court found the woman guilty after she confessed to having had a relationship with the teen in 2017 after he had been put in her care. She claimed the teen had forced her and that she was not aware he was under the age of 18, Nyheter Idag reports.

The migrant, who had just turned 15 when he came to live with the woman, is originally from Albania and came to live in a home with her after he had threatened someone with a knife at the previous home he had been living at.

The migrant claimed that the two engaged in various kinds of sexual intercourse on a daily basis, while the defendant claimed she and the migrant had only had intercourse for a total of six times.

The court ruled that the sex had been consensual on both sides, despite the woman’s claims she had been forced, and said it did not believe she could have thought the teen was over 18, stating that he must have looked “very young” at the time.

Following her conviction, the 30-year-old was given a conditional sentence, 160 hours of community service, and a fine of 50,000 Swedish krona (£4,038/$5,319).

While cases of sexual exploitation of underage migrants by female asylum care workers are rare, several cases have taken place in recent years, including in 2017 when two women working with asylum seekers in Denmark were arrested for sexual exploitation of 17-year-olds.

NGOs, some of which also care for young migrants, have also been plagued by several scandals involving older women engaging in liaisons with migrant boys including in the former Calais Jungle migrant camp.

Some activists were accused of engaging in “sex tourism.”


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20e706  No.7514811

File: e0d58fcc1971b6a⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 3h9co0.jpg)


Kek! California boomers are always good for a chuckle.

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fd4df7  No.7514812

maybe some desinfectant?

Some people take it on travels because their fear of bugs..


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493964  No.7514813

File: 465d463d42d493a⋯.png (123.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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943cfe  No.7514814

File: 51e0c622ed83429⋯.png (31.83 KB, 300x281, 300:281, PepeFish2.png)

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24d5ff  No.7514815


Good Morning Sir!

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d7de58  No.7514816

sumone should check Rudy's experience with RICO

He wrote up the FISA laws

Purty sho he did sum RICO here and there



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5b2d46  No.7514817


Schiff is pedo and needs to be locked up. We know he is a liar and a fraud. Hopefully Ed pedo Buck is spilling the details.

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aa495f  No.7514818


She's got about 36D sized patriotism

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c8d02f  No.7514819

File: 64628fee2cdef13⋯.png (209.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_094027.png)

File: f70544332eb32bb⋯.png (206.83 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20191215_094044.png)



The House Briefing looks like the NDAA Exec. Course closing remarks. RR had sent Charles Henderson and Donna Simms to speak with the Senate at the same time but called them back after canceling Ryan's conference call.

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057795  No.7514820

File: 0f7099333334a7e⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0f7099333334a7e4ffc6d518b1….jpg)

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a4032e  No.7514821

File: a3f58425c7c5d51⋯.jpg (125.06 KB, 1138x844, 569:422, reconfigured.jpg)

File: c08d4663a72bfb3⋯.jpg (208.65 KB, 1985x1163, 1985:1163, Q2397-(w-hyphens).jpg)

>>7509742 (pb re-Q)

hey do you mean



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

because matthew george whitaker is 23 spaces

also did anyone notice that's 45 spaces in the first killbox?

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845147  No.7514822


Q or CM are the only ones that can confirm/deny this. I'd just ignore this (because this is a common bug) until Q or CM point out something else.

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79b5b8  No.7514823

File: 9cab19b254a1ca0⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 224x225, 224:225, images.jpeg.jpg)


BOOMS inbound

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64e420  No.7514824


And here I thought Q was just a LARP. LOL

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d498be  No.7514825


media covering the truth of the fisa abuses, the attempted coup, and the highly coordination of the operation between the coup plotters and the media, would be self-incriminating to the media

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896884  No.7514826

File: f6c11e95c131b41⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 1400x1386, 100:99, diannedepends.jpg)

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9a30ea  No.7514827

File: 1237f8d1b0cd74d⋯.jpg (165.77 KB, 800x957, 800:957, IMG_9317.JPG)

Cia pedovore Bullshit discovered

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98f133  No.7514828

File: 01067a8b189847c⋯.gif (5.09 MB, 384x384, 1:1, giphy-downsized-large.gif)





Thanks for making me laugh today 😂 Holy shit what a Kek.

You idiots had ONE JOB! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

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4cbceb  No.7514829


Yeah, well, we know. Indictments?

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5af90c  No.7514830

File: 95de23fc126f538⋯.jpg (484.06 KB, 1418x1688, 709:844, SmartSelect_20191205-21404….jpg)


What do the E's mean? (how about the different length ellipses and time deltas on President Trump combo-tweets?)

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6f1e67  No.7514831


damn i'd like to see her patriotism, both of them

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fd6337  No.7514832

File: b269e13898a5277⋯.jpeg (496.73 KB, 1492x1921, 1492:1921, E7CE6D78-B222-47F3-8B26-D….jpeg)

Q & POTUS Got Double ZERO Deltas.

I’m guessing that’s a GOOD sign.

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cac2f8  No.7514833

File: 39e2be09aff1363⋯.jpg (100.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 507503.jpg)

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1bee01  No.7514834


After all this time many still do not think for themselves.

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7995ae  No.7514835

File: 37777cab0340ed9⋯.png (85.1 KB, 897x551, 897:551, qpotusZeroDelta1.png)


Q potus ZERO delta

12 seconds


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9fc3c3  No.7514836

File: 6e3ccf9355c0d58⋯.png (995.91 KB, 1118x960, 559:480, defiance.png)


Someone with a twatter acct, please please please "unroll" Giuliani's thread

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19168c  No.7514837



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2af2b5  No.7514838


unsure, I don't see many double posts here at all

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05c8af  No.7514839

File: f8fa0c90030a0c1⋯.png (345.72 KB, 1772x582, 886:291, Screenshot 2019-12-15_12-4….png)

12 seconds

Speaking of conspiracy…

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905f95  No.7514840

File: 84dcd33732535fb⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Rand Paul owns Tapper 15DE….mp4)

2-minute clip

Rand Paul owns CNN's Jake Tapper

"You guys are not being honest with the facts …"

"Joe Biden used his office to enrich his son". There is nothing wrong to investigate that …

(shit I'm writing this stupid post and missed 3 from Q, explains the fast bread. KEK)

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4a764b  No.7514841

>>7514781 0 Delta!

0 Delta!

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c03cb1  No.7514842


Q most likely got the same message we've all received at times (Post submitted is taking too long but likely went through), and then clicked post a 2nd time.

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87ab02  No.7514843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hand of God has Struck the Hour….!!!

No MAOR War Pigs have the Power…

Not Q

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15667d  No.7514844

File: 9c9e8795d5a2aff⋯.jpeg (25.76 KB, 560x900, 28:45, AFC10DD6-E59F-43EA-A4B1-8….jpeg)

File: f182d22b742128c⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 4448x2928, 278:183, F95B1EF1-2D68-48B6-B6C8-8….jpeg)

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493964  No.7514845

File: 26fd94ac9a00cb0⋯.png (538.51 KB, 620x408, 155:102, ClipboardImage.png)

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d531cb  No.7514846

File: cfc2e688499fb8d⋯.jpg (119.47 KB, 638x366, 319:183, clonewars.jpg)

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e4a94c  No.7514847



indeed, but as moar and moar tsunami's flooding the news cycles, at some point, i don't think they'll have a choice.

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5af90c  No.7514848

File: 33349e4a6b1c4a6⋯.jpg (254.7 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, IMG_20191006_155659.jpg)

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64e420  No.7514849

File: afb4b3a81e7e86e⋯.jpeg (20.42 KB, 256x387, 256:387, Qfilmposter.jpeg)

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c5817c  No.7514850


No coincidence.

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9a30ea  No.7514851

File: 330f0c3860ce5b5⋯.jpg (375.54 KB, 1280x1233, 1280:1233, IMG_6719.JPG)

File: 285f45c693ba3ef⋯.jpg (301.52 KB, 800x1199, 800:1199, IMG_6720.JPG)

File: 322503dd86c8e07⋯.jpg (213.15 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, IMG_6729.JPG)

Brave new lunchmeat world

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4a764b  No.7514852


0 Delta

lag sucks! doesn't clear prev reply

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4b8c9c  No.7514853

File: 39a618c77bfe02c⋯.jpeg (175.63 KB, 1440x752, 90:47, 1530454867.jpeg)

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53041e  No.7514854

File: 31cef2f5e28eb19⋯.jpeg (59.79 KB, 888x499, 888:499, D9D4BF7C-DE6E-4AB0-8DB3-E….jpeg)

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9fc3c3  No.7514855


The double-post glitch has been going on for the last few days more often.


It's the angry gerbil from endchan, he calls anons "pepes" and wants people to join his discord & take directions from him.

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b079df  No.7514856


Good eye looks like Q and Q+ are really trying for 0 deltas today

i've had to submit posts twice today haven't had two go through tho

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057795  No.7514857

File: 4bf92eb44e73099⋯.jpg (338.59 KB, 1118x1677, 2:3, 1118full-maria-bartiromo.jpg)


She is beautiful, I think,

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aa495f  No.7514858


Holy fucking hell…There are at least 3 other double posts by anons IN THIS THREAD ALONE YOU ABSOLUTE IGNORANT RETARD

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360f79  No.7514859

Look at the timestamps on these two and the ones immediately following… The clock is going backwards….. Time to rewind the clock?



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abe5c8  No.7514860


I think my browser is wacked but it's showing 7 new POTUS tweets since the one you mention.

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845147  No.7514861

File: ea4ae10ce2b3690⋯.png (429.93 KB, 610x607, 610:607, mr smith.png)

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03b4d2  No.7514862

I know the perfect Being (God) exists from the fact that I have the idea of God in my mind, and my mind, being imperfect, would never have been capable of fabricating this idea from its own resources. The idea of a perfect God in my imperfect mind MUST have come from God.

I need not 'follow' any particular organized faith as the one true path, but I can and do see blessed, humble, self-aware passages in EVERY faith.

I see how each and every human being on Earth is connected to God.

I practise and encourage in all a revelation of self-understanding that we are all beings with free thought, where POSITIONS on truth comes from logic, reason and empiricism - gifts to us from God - and not authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma - tools of human power and control over free thought.

I am connected to each and every human being on Earth by virtue of being a creation of God.

I decide for myself, I am free from outside opinion.

I decide for myself, I am objective in my conclusions.

I decide for myself, I am true in my own beliefs.

I decide for myself, I am open to following the facts.

I decide for myself, I am strong in defending my beliefs.

I decide for myself, I am resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements.

I decide for myself, I am free.

Those who attack me.

Those who mock me.

Those who cull me.

Those who control me.

Those who label me.

They do not represent me.

They represent themselves.

They do not mentally enslave me.

They are projecting their own mental enslavement.

I am awake.

I am not afraid.


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a254b4  No.7514863


rudy and the perp walk

As a federal prosecutor, Giuliani was credited with bringing the perp walk, parading of suspects in front of the previously alerted media, into common use as a prosecutorial tool.[57] After Giuliani "patented the perp walk", the tool was used by increasing numbers of prosecutors nationwide.[58]


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493964  No.7514864

File: 984452179a94b0a⋯.png (322.79 KB, 292x450, 146:225, ClipboardImage.png)

Keeping a close eye on Rudy today. Eyes on Patriots.

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c8cdaa  No.7514865

File: 671aba882738428⋯.png (773.4 KB, 621x891, 23:33, 971674300331546.png)

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03b4d2  No.7514866


Whereas solipsism, on the one hand, denies that there is anything real “outside” of my consciousness, it also, on the other hand, affirms that I have knowledge. Put bluntly: This is a contradiction. Let me explain.

Firstly, knowledge is comprised of true propositions. What we know to be the case is what is actually the case. Oftentimes, someone will object by saying: “But I know several false propositions.” This objection hinges on a misunderstanding of the first assertion, viz. “Knowledge is comprised of true propositions.” When I say that knowledge is comprised of true propositions, I am stating that what we know is what is the case (e.g. A is A, A is not ~A, etc). When the objector hears this, he thinks I am saying that we do not have knowledge of the existence of a class of propositions whose logical value is false. That is not the case.

I know of the existence of two classes of propositions, (a.)true propositions and (b.)false propositions. It follows, then, that I know (a.)propositions state what is the case. I also know that (b.)propositions state what is not the case. When I say that our knowledge is comprised of true propositions, therefore, I mean that we know only what is the case. When it comes to propositions, it is the case that they are either (a.)stating what is the case or (b.)stating what is not the case.

So if I have any knowledge, I have knowledge of what is the case, what is true. And this is the problem for the solipsist, for if I can deduce what is the case of what I have not experienced, then what I have deduced already exists apart from my consciousness of it. This means that assertions which I have deduced from my present knowledge are not produced by my consciousness but apprehended by my consciousness. What may be validly deduced from my present knowledge, moreover, remains in existence even if I fail to deduce it, or even if I invalidly deduce some other conclusion. The proposition is present already outside of my own consciousness of it.

Yet if this is the case, then we have to ask: Where? Propositions are possessed by minds, not objects. Minds state what is or is not the case, not objects. Yet these propositions necessarily exist, for in order for me to be able to deduce them from my present knowledge, they must already be the possession of some mind other than my own. And if this is the case, then solipsism cannot be true. For if I experience coming to know the truth, then I am experiencing my acquisition of what has already existed prior to, and which will continue to exist despite my ignorance of, the truth.

So if I have any knowledge, I cannot be a solipsist.

What is striking about this is that it only get us as far as an implied mind outside of ourselves. The implication is a necessary one; however, since I do not experience that mind immediately, I am kept from saying that it exists solely within my consciousness. For if I fail to deduce that this mind exists outside of myself, it nevertheless follows necessarily that this mind does exist outside of myself. So my ignorance of the truth that “there is mind other than my own whose truth I have come to acquire” does not negate its reality.

So, again, if I have any knowledge, I cannot be a solipsist.

Knowledge is comprised of true propositions, and propositions are the possession of minds. But if I come to know a certain proposition is true by means of logical deduction, then I have found out what has already been true apart from my discovering it via deductive reasoning. And if I fail to come to know a validly deduced conclusion from my present, instead invalidly deducing a false conclusion from my present knowledge, I can only do so because there already exist validly deducible conclusions from my present knowledge, despite my not having consciousness of them.

Therefore, solipsism is false.

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d694de  No.7514867

File: 9bab1ac5fcadc4e⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, sOros.jpg)


Soros is toast

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23ae2f  No.7514868


Double Zero Deltas

Check POTUS Tweets

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5f4b32  No.7514869

File: 76d5994bb7390d5⋯.png (158.54 KB, 421x432, 421:432, 1575583999344.png)

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c4b42f  No.7514870

File: f05504dca7c2268⋯.jpeg (60.29 KB, 660x371, 660:371, C027491D-9151-4BAB-B43B-D….jpeg)

File: 15254474010a7a2⋯.jpeg (390.98 KB, 1280x966, 640:483, 6EEFEC53-7A0E-4641-A3F4-8….jpeg)

File: 2320a754ad8ef04⋯.jpeg (44.51 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 5CC10A18-8933-4FE4-93DF-3….jpeg)

File: 052fbc89edae5f0⋯.jpeg (91.29 KB, 712x934, 356:467, 4650DFBF-299D-4A86-A6BA-4….jpeg)

File: 31df6055c7e56fd⋯.jpeg (72.06 KB, 775x465, 5:3, 8DA00DF5-D6FC-41BD-BD1A-E….jpeg)

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f24c2f  No.7514871


clearly it is a 'bug', so it seems.

but or (?) is it a feature?

we say 'probably a bug'

so that means we aren't 100% sure so we MUST treat it as two posts so we can see how they are different in case it seems important later.

unless Q says 'no, it was unintentional'.

but I'm with you it sure looks like a bug.

or is it a new feature?

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281279  No.7514872


Have you watched it? In my opionion it is Notable! What is your point? Pro Trump, Pro Q, good infos!

So again, what is your point? And again Part II, have you watched it? If so, what is in it?

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87ab02  No.7514873

File: 1175d2c8ae8da6c⋯.mp4 (774.22 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Burn it Down.mp4)



scorched earth policy



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ca7955  No.7514874

File: 98ed62077661b42⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 844x559, 844:559, 98ed62077661b4232bd88199ad….jpg)



Double Q posts produce Double Zero Detlta with POTUS twatter

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8c0481  No.7514875

>>7514799 note also that the first post time stamp is later than the second post time stamp. It’s that big codemonkey needs to fix

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057795  No.7514876

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 16fad7ac026e83e31cedc6d581….jpg)

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e3f78b  No.7514877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4b8c9c  No.7514878

File: 2401ca4d326c384⋯.jpeg (215.53 KB, 1440x1092, 120:91, 1530447989.jpeg)

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f3a026  No.7514879

File: 40b6696f435292a⋯.png (438.75 KB, 1099x605, 1099:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88112bab9fdb06d⋯.png (390.77 KB, 1093x707, 1093:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a769e020267ee8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1078x853, 1078:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6387cde27a5552e⋯.png (486.24 KB, 1076x648, 269:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3911da8d6cf51ff⋯.png (826.26 KB, 1092x802, 546:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Indictment of Ayahuasca Kingpin Ties Bronfman and Epstein Sex Cults to Silicon Valley’s Mind War

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane

Honolulu, HI (Dec. 13, 2019)–A Hawaii grand jury has indicted the leading U.S. trafficker of the hallucinogenic drug called “DMT”–the “God Molecule” (a.k.a., “ayahuasca”)–on charges of forgery and theft of a religious property stolen from the authors of this report and the Hawaiian people.

The arrest of Paul J. Sulla, Jr., a kingpin in the racket, raises new evidence tying the NXIVM and Epstein sex cults to a ‘Dark Enlightenment’ movement poisoning people globally while challenging the world’s religions and spiritual disciplines.

The ayahuasca crime syndicate is centered in Hawaii and New Mexico, largely supplied by Sulla’s operation on the Big Island, repeatedly neglected by the FBI and enabled by the DEA. In fact, new evidence links the recent emergence the LSD-like drug, and widespread popularity of the ‘religious tea’ falsely presumed to be coming from Brazil, to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Aside from the Seagram’s fortune financing “hoasca” through Jeffrey Bronfman and Sulla’s associated drug enterprise, additional sponsors include Silicon Valley’s leading AI data-mining, social-engineering, and intelligence agency operatives.

On Wednesday, Dec. 4, State prosecutor Rick Damerville and a twelve member grand jury indicted lead ayahuasca trafficking attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr. for forgery to steal a million dollar drug rehab property in Pahoa—Hawaii’s drug capital.

The victims of Sulla’s thievery, according to the indictment, include a Judeo-Christian ministry–The Royal Bloodline of David–and its Overseer, the Harvard-trained widely-known emerging diseases expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

The grand jurors reached their verdict in 5 minutes. They also indicted Sulla’s Halai Heights LLC—a shell entity Sulla formed to launder Horowitz’s one-of-a-kind Jurassic Park-like “sacred property,” that features Hawaii’s only lava-heated steam saunas adjacent geothermal bathing pools. The therapeutic estate was perfectly suited to serve as a model for advancing natural medicine.

Alternatively, the world’s wealthiest elites commercializing drug detoxification, rejuvenation, and rehab from addictions were backing Sulla from the shadows.

The Estate and Law Enforcment

The 27-acre “Kingdom of Heaven” estate features a spa purchased and developed by Dr. Horowitz—the author of the best-selling book in the field of HIV/AIDS. Horowitz is also a highly controversial vaccinations-risk analyst and whistleblower in immunization science and cancer virology. The properties Sulla stole from the doctor and his ministry included a 5,000 sq. ft. “inn” refurbished in 2008, when Horowitz beat a fraudulent foreclosure brought by the seller, who was Sulla’s “client” and a leading fellow drug dealer in Hawaii’s most active marijuana and methamphetamine trafficking zone, Pahoa.

Before Sulla arrived, Horowitz spent years, and well over $1M, to develop the estate to serve as a model educational, rural, and drug rehab clinic in association with the World Organization for Natural Medicine’ and Dr. Sheila McKenzie’s ‘Clinics for Humanity’ project.

Sulla got away with stealing the inn, spa, and neighboring properties by presumably bribing Judge Ronald Ibarra, and influencing two subordinate judges in the Third Circuit Court (Elizabeth Strance and Melvin Fujino), according to records reviewed by a leading FBI investigator.

But after federal agent “Hina” filed her “public corruption” charges against the judges for aiding Sulla, she informed the doctor and his partner, investigative journalist Sherri Kane, that her bosses refused to act.

Expressing serious disappointment, and apologizing profusely, Hina “retired” soon thereafter.

Subsequently, the FBI purportedly “lost” Hina’s public corruption file, we were told by a successor-agent who searched for the missing file.



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d694de  No.7514880


Getting 'Unknown Error' that causes me to retry a post. If error does not abort the post, could result in double posting.

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3703b8  No.7514881

File: bcd3c14f7df21d0⋯.png (641.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


SAM714 departs Ireland.

Where was she before Ireland?

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5e049c  No.7514882


One body makes that decision anon….seems like a rather powerful body to decide the fate of athletes world wide.

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493964  No.7514883

File: 95f03ad5b9d9bf6⋯.png (17.56 KB, 472x164, 118:41, ClipboardImage.png)



STFU with this slide.

CM addressed it

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dee8a4  No.7514884


Both on the same dial up modem.

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dee8a4  No.7514885


Both on the same dial up modem.

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abe5c8  No.7514886

File: 655cdce630e153e⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, in_tard_jail.png)


Sorry, I quoted the wrong anon.

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4b8c9c  No.7514887

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9fc3c3  No.7514888


How to explain then, that others have had several double-posts happen? Just look on the threads last night.

Look at the last 2-4 threads and you will see it.

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281279  No.7514889

File: 0b2b96a3878d9c7⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 600x429, 200:143, schatten.jpg)

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272b3f  No.7514890

File: ee4b84e89500697⋯.jpg (3.56 MB, 2584x1960, 323:245, 20180907_115531.jpg)


Hey, I member Elon

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6f1e67  No.7514891


she definitely has "tyb titty post" potential

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5c72f0  No.7514892


Laura should say "solipsistic" on her

show Monday.

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1b16bf  No.7514893




<muh clock


CM is addressing it, see global notables:

Global Announcements

>>7501280 Codemonkey working on the timestamp bugs

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15667d  No.7514894

File: 3b7e9e68613bef1⋯.jpeg (230.64 KB, 738x1200, 123:200, 24E7008E-1328-4F11-AA96-2….jpeg)

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25ca61  No.7514895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It!

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f95590  No.7514896

Q… Are the walls closing in on [AS]?

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493964  No.7514897

File: 8e70e9afdfedf09⋯.png (11.91 KB, 851x219, 851:219, ClipboardImage.png)



Best proof ever. Gayest slide of the day.

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691d58  No.7514898

File: 468feecba7c8446⋯.jpeg (229.37 KB, 750x787, 750:787, F900C8E2-4AA5-4247-92DE-8….jpeg)


Any anons able to give a QRD of what this might be about? Heard comments saying that Rudys currently under oath, any idea where this information is coming from? I know he's set to testify in the senate hearings but this seems out of the blue.

Plus it has been an hour with no follow up.

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d498be  No.7514899

File: b0175a72de8938b⋯.png (32.6 KB, 607x306, 607:306, jake tapper evergreen.PNG)



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19168c  No.7514900



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bdea9a  No.7514901


Personally anon, I do not believe the fake news can survive what they have done and the propaganda they have disseminated…they are complicit in spreading lies, creating civil unrest, inspiring hate based on the lies and many people were hurt or damaged because of it…no way those that exist will be around when it comes crashing down….

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9174e4  No.7514902

File: d52006b3fbdb290⋯.jpeg (798.85 KB, 1498x956, 749:478, A17354D5-2ED5-45E9-80B5-8….jpeg)


17 errors and omissions.

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53041e  No.7514903

File: 686313b3c9473aa⋯.png (50.8 KB, 657x527, 657:527, B9F7D7F8-6040-46A8-81E0-FF….png)



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68a81b  No.7514904

File: 8413c47bf3b469b⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E196703B-EE83-46F7-B90E-B9….png)

Sees Q is busy today, shits himself and posts dumb shit

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68a81b  No.7514905

File: 8413c47bf3b469b⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E196703B-EE83-46F7-B90E-B9….png)

Sees Q is busy today, shits himself and posts dumb shit

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ca7955  No.7514906



Top kek on the dubble post

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62683d  No.7514907


Ah ha so the double post is forced and blended and then utilized

Patriots in control of 8kun.

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360f79  No.7514908

Look at the timestamps on these two and the ones immediately following… The clock is going backwards….. Time to rewind the clock?

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8adf8c  No.7514909