4ffb44 No.7072139
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Tuesday 07.16.19
>>7059278 ————————————–——– Do the 'SHEEP' follow?
>>7059125 ————————————–——– Define 'Projection' (Cap: >>7059195 vid)
Sunday 07.14.2019
>>7044207 ————————————–——– [Smollett] Federal charges coming?
>>7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER.
>>7040246 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks only validate the message (OLD GUARD threatened).
>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————— GOD WINS.
>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————— Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?
>>7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING.
>>7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
>>7039475 ————————————–——– Follow the Family.
>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED.
Friday 07.12.2019
>>7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.
>>7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."
>>7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?
>>7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?
>>7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]
>>7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap:>>7011200 )
>>7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>7005357 )
>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )
Thursday 07.11.2019
>>7004029 ————————————–——– How does LDR (Rothschild's) con nect to the Bronfman's? ( Cap: >>7004070)
>>7004081 rt >>7004029 ————————— What city was Epstein arrested in? NYC? 5:5 Watch CA
>>7003300 rt >>7003276 ————————— Q Prefers Proofs and Tools added back
>>7003151 ————————————–——– [PP] news. More coming.
>>6990956 ————————————–——– [Wheels up]
>>6990701 ————————————–——– Well done, Anons
Wednesday 07.10.2019
>>6990140 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>6990186 vid) B-2 Stealth Bomber Takeoff
>>6989727 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched
>>6985423 ————————————–——– Date of 1st flight?
>>6985182 ————————————–——– Smoke & Mirrors
>>6983107 ————————————–——– [PP] news coming (Cap: >>6983183)
>>6982404 ————————————–——– Re: Border Fight Worth remembering.
>>6982112 ————————————–——– Unchallenged allegations (Cap: >>6982124)
>>6982028 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Real World. (Cap: >>6983414)
Tuesday 07.09.2019
>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.
>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!
>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?
>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).
>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?
>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.
>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….
>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)
>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?
>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)
>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).
>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)
>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)
>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….
>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)
>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?
>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)
>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.
>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.
>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?
Monday 07.08.2019
Consolidated here: >>6976868
Thursday 06.27.2019
Consolidated here: >>6973411
Per Q's request, only posts with tripcode are listed
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4ffb44 No.7072147
Notables Thread
>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns
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4ffb44 No.7072158
b67cd0 No.7072691
Rally media sees POTUS exposing the democrat plantation….cuts the streams
7ca1a0 No.7072698
Global Board Notables Announcement:
'EDITION: Rally Shift
Notables for Anons, by Anons
Tag this Post with Missed/Error Notables
are not endorsements
>>7071973, >>7072024, >>7072057, >>7072084, >>7072126 July 17th, 2019 TODAY-DECLAS STARTS IT ALL Greenville relevance
>>7071985, >>7072009 anon anecdotal info on spoopiness in Pearl River Cty, MS
>>7071990 anon submission re' labor mrkts and Qdrop #1037,#963 proofs
>>7071996, >>7072470 anon dig on The Reality club- "following the Stars" etc
>>7072028, >>7072331, >>7072422, >>7072530 General Michael Flynn - QAnon letter - present! and clockfag work
>>7072029, >>7072075 POTUS rally RSBN Live
>>7072053, >>7072060, >>7072076 US Market Report- Late rally night edition
>>7072048, >>7072078 Rightside Broadcasting and Goldenstate Times experiencing simultaneous problems-demonitized
>>7072066, >>7072111, >>7072143 Masonic pillars on Epstein palace
>>7072094, >>7072122 Today is the anniversary of the 1st flight of the stealth bomber
>>7072265, >>7072293 Interesting from an image the NSA just posted.
>>7072280 Official POTUS stream!
>>7072339, >>7072396 POTUS tweet: 'Fishing'..BOOM!
>>7072350, >>7072401 The Unknown Epstein Associate Who Will Blow EPSTEINgate Wide Open
>>7072386 Garmin Exec Chair sold $28.71m in Shares-July 17
>>7072432, >>7072467, >>7072558 House Votes to Hold Barr, Ross in Criminal Contempt Over Census Citizenship Question
>>7072438 Women for TRUMP sign at rally
>>7072449, >>7072492 Edge .org People
>>7072475, >>7072659>>7072662 POTUS rally right now
>>7072535,>>7072541, >>7072548 Rally crowd chants "Send her back" and POTUS says "she married her brother"-SAVAGE!
>>7072583 Left wing hyper-educated fools scrub Epstein from their website. Anon finds him!
>>7072611,>>7072662 Ukraine’s SBU Clams It Detained Driver Of Towing Truck That Transported MH17 Case’s ‘Buk Launcher’
Previous Notables
>>7071934 #9048
>>7071226 #9047
>>7070481 #9446
>>7069581 #9045
>>7068910 #9044
>>7068438 #9043
>>7063685 #9042
>>7062956 #9041
>>7067679 #9040
Notables Archive
Recent Changes:
94cc93 No.7072706
Anyone have the Kanye, Sacramento Ca speech meme that’s been floating around?
It’s him up on stage, saying “Google Lied to you, man!”
If you got it pass it along pls.
e811e7 No.7072707
I came here just to say the same exact thing. We have to get that clip.
769c7d No.7072725
send them back! send them back!
ee5c48 No.7072728
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>7002742 PB(OP)
>They want you DIVIDED
b67cd0 No.7072732
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Trumpwave…Fake News
5f10ac No.7072733
A refresher on why Flynn was targeted.
7ca1a0 No.7072734
corrections and final incoming shortly
will tag the dough and the OP since mid-bread post
b8aace No.7072735
Potus is fucking killing it tonight!
cc0b4a No.7072737
Wow first time the rally has been constantly flickering and losing connection on fox10
e4f0a9 No.7072738
>>7072729 (lb)
Sorry. I thought to you said "mentioning raping" , not "mentally raping". My bad. I apologize. Friendly fire.
690f18 No.7072739
Hey guys, can we PLEASE restore the Next Bread feature? It's been lacking the past few breads
44d224 No.7072740
One more. Blinky, Pinky, Inky & Clyde.
a76d86 No.7072742
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Beyoncé – SPIRIT from Disney’s The Lion King (Official Video)
#2 on trending
1584c7 No.7072743
…bask in the glory of victory…
402f79 No.7072744
Kinda funny… the arguments against racism are photos with supposed cabal.
7ca1a0 No.7072745
since the prebake
we can get that OP post number pretty early
i have an idea
44d224 No.7072746
I upped the Trump Mar-A-Lago party footage without the talking heads and all the bullshit around it if anons need to dig.
4c55e0 No.7072748
>>7072695 (LB)
Yea, early stuff much better. Kinda went pop/ commercial...Elmore James I believe.
Awesome show that night.. had been waiting for 3 years to see them live. they took off and disappeared in late 1977.. down time... came back in 1980 with release of Degüello and Tour...
c0c110 No.7072749
I need some Omar Memes please
Anon posted last bread. Let’s meme the crap out of him. Full arsenal kek
7817a3 No.7072750
#9049 posted in #9050
notables by anons, for anons
>>7071973, >>7072024, >>7072057, >>7072084, >>7072126 July 17th, 2019 TODAY-DECLAS STARTS IT ALL Greenville relevance
>>7071985, >>7072009 anon anecdotal info on spoopiness in Pearl River Cty, MS
>>7071990 anon submission re' labor mrkts and Qdrop #1037,#963 proofs
>>7071996, >>7072470 anon dig on The Reality club- "following the Stars" etc
>>7072028, >>7072331, >>7072422, >>7072530 General Michael Flynn - QAnon letter - present! and clockfag work
>>7072029, >>7072075 POTUS rally RSBN Live
>>7072053, >>7072060, >>7072076 US Market Report- Late rally night edition
>>7072048, >>7072078 Rightside Broadcasting and Goldenstate Times experiencing simultaneous problems-demonitized
>>7072066, >>7072111, >>7072143 Masonic pillars on Epstein palace
>>7072094, >>7072122 Today is the anniversary of the 1st flight of the stealth bomber
>>7072265, >>7072293 Interesting from an image the NSA just posted.
>>7072280 Official POTUS stream!
>>7072339, >>7072396 POTUS tweet: 'Fishing'..BOOM!
>>7072350, >>7072401 The Unknown Epstein Associate Who Will Blow EPSTEINgate Wide Open
>>7072386 Garmin Exec Chair sold $28.71m in Shares-July 17
>>7072432, >>7072467, >>7072558 House Votes to Hold Barr, Ross in Criminal Contempt Over Census Citizenship Question
>>7072438 Women for TRUMP sign at rally
>>7072449, >>7072492 Edge .org People
>>7072475, >>7072659, >>7072662 POTUS rally right now
>>7072535,>>7072541, >>7072548 Rally crowd chants "Send her back" and POTUS says "she married her brother"-SAVAGE!
>>7072583 Left wing hyper-educated fools scrub Epstein from their website. Anon finds him!
>>7072611, >>7072662 Ukraine’s SBU Clams It Detained Driver Of Towing Truck That Transported MH17 Case’s ‘Buk Launcher’
had an issue late, cleaned up now. good to go
c5d358 No.7072751
Easy to campaign for Rs these days. …..
I am going to support President Donald J Trump!
920c3c No.7072752
114a94 No.7072753
She became president of the student government, a cheerleader, a competitive debater, and did modeling and voice-over work, even appearing in Planned Parenthood ads that ran on Chicago’s city buses. Her senior year, she was the commencement speaker and was named “most likely to be mayor of Chicago.”
690f18 No.7072755
258f61 No.7072757
WTF, FoxNews! Talking heads instead of POTUS!
972737 No.7072759
Regarding top DOJ and FBI officials buy burner phone to prevent IG from collecting info-
You know what’s kind of silly about buying burner phones when you have another gps enabled cell phone in your pocket, yes even if it’s on or off, or your driving an official govt issued vehicle?
==Well just about everything! They should go on the assumption, we’ve got it all=
7ca1a0 No.7072760
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>7072750
got it
here comes the bun
9d057b No.7072761
>>7072689 lb
Bait swallowed ...
5b155a No.7072762
Same Shit.
Different Day.
Tomorrow will be the same.
a95237 No.7072763
Uh kinda the point.
The CABAL turned on him.
Now dig!
Welcome to Q research
c4bcf2 No.7072764
Henry when will you open your heart to me? I’ve opened mine, wide….
cc0b4a No.7072765
Ask him if he has sen his acting
edcfbd No.7072766
Anons: not seen mention of El Chappo news in notables (ahem, yeah)…
The news is the MSM has actually "slightly" mentioned that his "billions were seized".
The biggest boom of the day IMO is this…
These funds and assets are legally able to be used for fighting the war on drugs (normal drug seizure protocol) and that includes building a wall to prevent drug trafficking…
This is how MEXICO (well, a Clown operative in Mexico) Just PAID FOR THE WALL.
7817a3 No.7072767
o7 good for this one, mebby next..we'll see
c5d358 No.7072769
did he just tell us what these Satanist do?
how they kill people?
little pieces
he called them sick?
e4f0a9 No.7072771
7ca1a0 No.7072772
Global Board Notables Announcement:
EDITION: Rally Shift
Notables for Anons, by Anons
Tag this Post with Missed/Error Notables
are not endorsements
notables by anons, for anons
>>7071973, >>7072024, >>7072057, >>7072084, >>7072126 July 17th, 2019 TODAY-DECLAS STARTS IT ALL Greenville relevance
>>7071985, >>7072009 anon anecdotal info on spoopiness in Pearl River Cty, MS
>>7071990 anon submission re' labor mrkts and Qdrop #1037,#963 proofs
>>7071996, >>7072470 anon dig on The Reality club- "following the Stars" etc
>>7072028, >>7072331, >>7072422, >>7072530 General Michael Flynn - QAnon letter - present! and clockfag work
>>7072029, >>7072075 POTUS rally RSBN Live
>>7072053, >>7072060, >>7072076 US Market Report- Late rally night edition
>>7072048, >>7072078 Rightside Broadcasting and Goldenstate Times experiencing simultaneous problems-demonitized
>>7072066, >>7072111, >>7072143 Masonic pillars on Epstein palace
>>7072094, >>7072122 Today is the anniversary of the 1st flight of the stealth bomber
>>7072265, >>7072293 Interesting from an image the NSA just posted.
>>7072280 Official POTUS stream!
>>7072339, >>7072396 POTUS tweet: 'Fishing'..BOOM!
>>7072350, >>7072401 The Unknown Epstein Associate Who Will Blow EPSTEINgate Wide Open
>>7072386 Garmin Exec Chair sold $28.71m in Shares-July 17
>>7072432, >>7072467, >>7072558 House Votes to Hold Barr, Ross in Criminal Contempt Over Census Citizenship Question
>>7072438 Women for TRUMP sign at rally
>>7072449, >>7072492 Edge .org People
>>7072475, >>7072659, >>7072662 POTUS rally right now
>>7072535, >>7072541, >>7072548 Rally crowd chants "Send her back" and POTUS says "she married her brother"-SAVAGE!
>>7072583 Left wing hyper-educated fools scrub Epstein from their website. Anon finds him!
>>7072611, >>7072662 Ukraine’s SBU Clams It Detained Driver Of Towing Truck That Transported MH17 Case’s ‘Buk Launcher’
Previous Notables
>>7071934 #9048
>>7071226 #9047
>>7070481 #9446
>>7069581 #9045
>>7068910 #9044
>>7068438 #9043
>>7063685 #9042
>>7062956 #9041
>>7067679 #9040
Notables Archive
Recent Changes:
fbf649 No.7072773
065e04 No.7072775
DJT says he doesn't think "they're human"??
3c31d4 No.7072776
Thank you, I saw what you did.
885c93 No.7072780
Love watching that skinny chick. She's like, "Whoa. Wait. A real man. This is different. I likey."
c0c110 No.7072781
Commander and Chief
44ca53 No.7072783
f74bb6 No.7072784
I thought Nicole Miller and Les Wexner were connected by Panjiva, which I thought was a shipper.
It turns out Panjiva, is a website that tracks global trade, to determine where those companies procured their goods.
It would still be a great resource for us but unfortunately one must subscribe for the service.
If any anons are in the business and are subscribed to Panjiva you could research the connections between Les Wexner's fashion labels (Victoria's Secret, Express, Limited, Limited, Too, Justice for Girls, Lane Bryant, etc and Nicole Miller's label Nicole Miller
8020a6 No.7072789
agreed….all the shills can suck it
c86954 No.7072790
Happy Q day, everyone!
f63860 No.7072792
50,000+ people watching…
5fd2fe No.7072793
>>7072689 lb
Awwwwww, got one crying!! bwhahahaha
40fa4d No.7072794
Satan & his demonic forces have taken over them. They’re not.
f74bb6 No.7072795
why do they all have crazy eyes?
dbce04 No.7072798
Its already Wednesday and this week is not really all that worth remembering.
62f1b2 No.7072799
Likewise Fren :)
7ca1a0 No.7072800
haha kek aprroves
check it out
you posted before i posted in notables thread
>>7072777 checkem (notables thread)
44ca53 No.7072802
Human trafficking is the worst now because of the internet
f50a23 No.7072803
This is the only one I have.
c67a5b No.7072804
683dd4 No.7072805
Stay Strapped
73a111 No.7072808
Umm….. Happy Q Day to you
fbf649 No.7072809
3f2f31 No.7072811
Thank you anon...
Are there protesters heckling?
67169a No.7072812
c86954 No.7072814
Correct. (R) = signaling he is retired (no longer holds official title, honorific now)
7693fe No.7072815
As in Buckle Up?????? Buttercup????
b8ecf1 No.7072816
looks like a young Nancy there
d2753a No.7072818
Ask, and it shall be given.
This will piss someone off.
ed4a49 No.7072819
>>7072689 lb
Wrong! The most chilling and horrifying thing in politics happened at the Dem debate.
Julian Castro called for biological men to have government-funded 'pretend' abortions. 'Reproductive Justice.'
She hates this country. Fuck you.
7ca1a0 No.7072821
ok im OFF for this one for sure
you still want me to do the combo bun?
grab your post at 700 and snipe?
then you stay to 751 and post next bread a final?
i wont know if there is another notefag unless you let me know, i will be completely off this bread working til 600
c0c110 No.7072822
I’ve seen them all day- phonphagging and didn’t collect any
c5d358 No.7072823
trump trolling Hillary by saying sick people kill people by stripping off little pieces.
isn't that suppose to be a vid of hers?
7f9d5d No.7072824
Lurk you Long Time.
This bord is in the wild, and currently compromised by covert baddies… kinda like the real world.
Only Anons want the Truth to be available to you and your loved ones.
Feel free to find new bread and add post, to help others.
This means of comms is hanging by thin strand, as always, and will not be here after. We are fortunate to have had it at all.
Seek and Save the Archives offline, and learn all you can to see through veils of emotional appeals to identify the actions of evil, and deny support.
Training Wheels are Off Now. Try not to think about it.
1ff664 No.7072827
Please include this with your notable buns so anons know you're a BO approved baker.
We wouldn't want a non-BO approved baker, that'd be bad!
26fa10 No.7072828
>>7072753 POTUS asked if she was related to Elvis, sort of passed off as a joke. Maybe not.
1ec5c0 No.7072829
if you havnt noticed
Q posts this to get a reaction
it aint hard news
46f3ad No.7072831
Helluva rally speech. Pepe likey!
a44717 No.7072832
FREN is so toked up and fired up! He missed the rally, was on his way when he jumped onto wut he thought was a ferry and now he's actually working on an oil rig, and sending money home to his mom (they pay him daily) after getting his dope memes fryin his head
TUBES 5 6 8 9
TUBES 1345
292f97 No.7072834
Haven't personally seen it, but…
7f90dd No.7072835
Video with the slice of a child's face?>>7072823
3f2f31 No.7072836
She 's still holding a cigarette.
Was she in flip flops
da8c65 No.7072838
and captcha bites
73658f No.7072839
Not one week, boom or suicide weekend actually happens. It's all just political rhetoric.
Yet here we are.
8020a6 No.7072842
that is one nasty cunt
d2753a No.7072843
Just the legions of demons battering about their souls.
94cc93 No.7072844
Joe Biden rally in Iowa.
Compare to POTUS rally.
Message for note takers posting on the notables thread:
Please include the BUN at the bottom of your notes. Very simple request. Don’t get why it’s so hard.
8951ab No.7072845
Look at the southern hottie in the black Trump shirt behind POTUS, holy smokes!
3f9d15 No.7072846
Go back 4 or 5 threads there were a bunch of them
8e6e38 No.7072847
62ff8d No.7072848
Dear President Trump,
I have been watching your Greenville, NC Rally Speech
Thank You Sincerely for standing up for American and ordinary hard working American people!
I was especially impressed by the way you individually addressed the anti-American statements by the 4 democratic congresswomen this past week. This is important because as you know, and said yourself, our media does not report on this, so we, the American people, are left in the dark.
Thank you for addressing the horrendous issue of human trafficking, and explaining how your opponents are ignoring the problem, due solely to politics.
Regarding illegal immigration, thank you so succinctly discussing how our border patrol people are valiantly doing their job, yet they are being so viciously attacked by our enemies (enemies within our borders such as omar and cortez)
also, it was really awesome that you reached out to democrats
there are many registered democrats who voted for you in 2016, and plan to do so in 2020
in summary, I could not be more proud to have someone like you as our President
the American people love and support you, and you are always in our prayers!
anonymous American citizen
3f2f31 No.7072849
He said
"little pieces"
didn't say strip or skin
4480db No.7072851
go code?
920c3c No.7072852
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>7072802
Human trafficking is ending now because of the internet
73658f No.7072855
Biden looks completely different and it's terrifying.
7693fe No.7072857
Worth repeating, probably more people in line for the bathroom at a Trump rally than attendees at a Biden rally
44d224 No.7072858
They shipped some local senior center there and the rest are local democrats and press. It was Jeb tier low energy. He's still campaigning like its 2008 and he never was a VP.
c5d358 No.7072859
he said death, cuts, little pieces and used a hand signal like a knife.
so what do you think he meant?
e9180c No.7072860
4ef1fe No.7072861
6e0621 No.7072862
Is that the face he makes before he rapes kiddies?
4c55e0 No.7072863
Too bad she wasn't in the Bakaara Market on October 3rd, 1993… KEK
8951ab No.7072864
Brad with the shout out from POTUS , fuck yeah
b37c6e No.7072865
Saw a black dude in the philly Wawa convenience store and had red hat with “ Keep America Kanye 2020” awesome guy!
40fa4d No.7072867
>>it’s all just political rhetoric
You’re not paying attention. If you don’t like it, You’re free to leave at any point.
1ec5c0 No.7072868
A British woman has been awarded for designing a chair that prevents “manspreading” by forcing men to sit as if they don’t have any balls.
e502f0 No.7072869
Some meme master
Bernie with "His Time Is Up"
8f4a78 No.7072871
>the face he makes
the face he takes off
d2753a No.7072872
Who's the boss, Alyssa?
That's right, Donald John Trump is your boss baby.
ada5a9 No.7072873
Joe wants a word with Fappie.
5fd2fe No.7072874
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. President Trump Reacts To Allegations Ilhan Omar Committed Fraud
3d145a No.7072875
you’re an impostor!
c883de No.7072876
4ef1fe No.7072877
c67a5b No.7072878
94622a No.7072880
Greenville N.C. here we come!!! @realDonaldTrump @LaraLeaTrump #KeepAmericaGreat #ECU
4:09 PM - 17 Jul 2019 from Minges Coliseum
3f9d15 No.7072883
Trump Rally
Who is that Willie Brown looking MoFo standing behind the Trump family and campaign manager?
at a distance, he could even fool Heels Up Harris
The one with the hat
e502f0 No.7072884
OANN is the best or Right Side Broadcasting on the tubersnitzel
23c5e3 No.7072885
that is an iced tea, right?
affbb0 No.7072888
I wonder if AOC learned about the conquistador in history
ed4a49 No.7072889
Iowa's a different place. Not a noteworthy comparison.
6d40eb No.7072891
Member when POTUS gave Elvis the medal posthumously ? Never could figure out whut that was about but it's about something
9d057b No.7072892
That's skinny bitch wet her pants right on the spot after seeing a man in action.
1e5ae8 No.7072894
I heard a Gator was seeking Asylum in the sanctuary city of Chicago.
Was recently apprehended and deported back to its native habitat.
Local activist pissed in the pond and claimed The gator was living in the toilet.
Just a Kek!
3f9d15 No.7072896
Yep, OANN does not verbal spew all over the broadcast Hanity style
8f4a78 No.7072899
reptile separation is cruel and inhumane
no reptiles are illegal
no borders for swamps
f2708a No.7072900
U.S. State Department Tied To Child Trafficking Operation With Epstein
Evidence has emerged that the U.S. State Department is tied to a child trafficking operation involving Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
This article was scrubbed from the internet, but was archived 2 years ago.
0b1ed1 No.7072901
Why does POTUS state the amount of pepes in the crowd?
3c31d4 No.7072902
ad5a40 No.7072904
Golden State Times has been very stable.
e9180c No.7072905
'Patients with pre-existing conditions are much more protected with us than the Democrat plan"
b8ecf1 No.7072906
Rally pep, indeed.
7ca1a0 No.7072907
you guys are so easy to fuck with
i didnt even do anything last bread.
other anons did the notables buns. bo/bv made this thread.
all i did was post this
using copypasta
marketfag collected notables last bread
RGB the bread before
all i did was snipe a combo bun
7817a3 No.7072908
that sounds good, may not make the nb as that will be MANY hours today. gotta stay fresh
94622a No.7072911
FSB discovers 10 underground weapon workshops:
https://tass.com/emergencies/1069099 …
© Snapshot from video of FSB Public Relations Center/TASS
11:43 AM - 17 Jul 2019
Meanwhile in Russia…
172166 No.7072912
C-SPAN2 if you have it. On Warren, "and the Indians said they didn't want her"
e4746a No.7072914
24ccd9 No.7072917
Trump is cracking me up. He's on a roll
3f2f31 No.7072918
Really good question.
It goes to history
"This Nazi leader in England WW2 , had it.
The British Union of Fascists (BUF), formed in 1932 by ==Oswald Mosley== as a successor to his New Party. The largest British fascist party, it absorbed members from other groups and called on the support of leading figures including members of the House of Lords, Commons, many Knights of the realm, as well as, for a time, the Daily Mail newspaper."
15e875 No.7072919
Supposedly it’s a video of Hill and Huma cutting a young girls face to get adrenochrome. I also heard the reason elites are less vibrate these days because they used to get blood transfusions from kids.
ed4a49 No.7072924
She's not pretty so they had to get those knockers out there early in her 'career.'
8/10 on the beastasisss
8953f4 No.7072925
It's a sailboat!
9d057b No.7072926
Only cucked fags like those in the pic would sit in those chairs. Real men will sit on the broad's lap and manspread like he's entitled to.
44d224 No.7072927
Name another public servant who can riff like this with humor, substance, emotion and entertainment. One of a kind, love his style.
8f4a78 No.7072928
>as well as, for a time, the Daily Mail newspaper
ec5b49 No.7072929
Demi asked me to tell you the answer is still "No."
8c4057 No.7072930
Boatfags got eyes on, I presume
94622a No.7072931
Kiev confirms commitment to indefinite ceasefire in Donbass from July 21:
© Alexander Reka/TASS
3:48 PM - 17 Jul 2019
Peace is the Prize
70dc7e No.7072932
Trump got the democrats to make their most radical members the face if the party, pretty soectaucular in my view
0a72a9 No.7072935
what are the odds these 2 fags post within 30 min of each other after not posting since the 10th
i smell code and clinton confirming bama tweet i think
5a2cee No.7072938
The killary and huma snuff video is called frazzledrip.
8c4057 No.7072939
If you don’t take your faggot ass to qrb nigga…
9d057b No.7072940
Stupid cunt.
Those are mice tits, though.
b67cd0 No.7072941
POTUS letting it be known that if Pocahontas runs for American Chief…no more peace pipe.
a44717 No.7072942
can you sum that say:
"my brother thinks I'm so pretty, he didn't mind marrying me"
hambone hambone – dance juba dance
4480db No.7072943
Until the Indians got together and decided they didn't want her either.
e47103 No.7072946
RSB talks too much for my taste. Don’t really need commentary or shout outs but that’s their thing and they get support. Just not my style
ed4a49 No.7072948
Gee, the news we've all been waiting for. Thank you, comrade.
8020a6 No.7072949
notice that once POTUS signed that EO Re: Human Trafficking that Craigslist did away with their personals by and large
812be4 No.7072950
He should have a Trump Rally in Iowa right before the Iowa caucus.
1d2e43 No.7072951
Fuqqin kek x's 1000
Still, I'd smash Chelsea.
e4f0a9 No.7072953
They say it costs $5000-$7000 per rally. How many donations do they get? Way more probably. Gettin' rich.
9d057b No.7072957
all those interns that jugears is helping are niggers.
Who's the racist?
34f9c7 No.7072958
…bolo for this motherfucker's minions…
afa64d No.7072961
He said 43 when he should have said 44'.
8f4a78 No.7072963
1ec5c0 No.7072964
good dig "anon"
not surprised
death by 1000 cuts (snoo snoo)
9c0f66 No.7072965
ceeaae No.7072966
You are lucky to witness a rare bloom...although to get a whiff of something that smells that bad is hardly lucky. The timing of it blooming after being raised from a seed is fascinating. Congratulations for a rare achievement!
“…Octavia, the eighth Amorphophallus titanum to flower at the Garden, is no longer expected to bloom again this summer. It appears that the plant expended so much energy growing—at 8 feet, she is the largest corpse flower yet recorded at the Garden—that she did not have anything left to support a bloom…the plant appears to now be in decline. She will remain on display for the next few days for those who wish to pay their respects. Fingers crossed for another shot in a couple of years, Octavia…”
For those unfamiliar with the “Corpse Flower”:
“The unique Amorphophallus titanum, commonly known as titan arum or the “corpse flower,” is a large, fast-growing plant in the Aroid family. Few of these plants exist in cultivation, and they bloom only rarely and under just the right conditions. On the extremely infrequent occasion that a titan arum comes into flower, the intense, foul odor, emitted from a tall spike of small, crowded flowers, lasts just a few days.
Every year or two, the plant sends up one long, gigantic, rolled-up leaf that unfurls its umbrella-like blade during a period of about three weeks. The leaf lives for one or two years before the plant goes into a dormant period that lasts from a few months to a year. The inflorescence, a giant flowering structure, opens quickly, often in just a couple of hours. It maintains its full form for about 24 hours, with peak bloom (and the awful odor) lasting from 6 to 12 hours.”
40fa4d No.7072968
Looks like Clinton confirming he’s read and understands the comms. Can’t figure our what Hussein is getting at though..
7693fe No.7072970
I use RSB because they show the whole crowd. I can always mute the pre show or the end show.
ae6524 No.7072971
No its best described as a girdle for a man.
Same sexist basis. Women retraining their bodies are similar to denying ones own balls
ced863 No.7072972
MAGA Garage Band - "CNN Sucks"
outside rally in Greenville NC
030624 No.7072973
tumblr banned porn too
a158df No.7072974
Trump speaking Q language at 8:32.
This will never happen again
1335ae No.7072975
27b773 No.7072977
a8142c No.7072978
b37c6e No.7072980
This Epstein thing goes deep as hell.
a44717 No.7072981
luv the way OAN just panned the media and the crown – top notch
kick ass
tear em up TRUMP
lol every fuckin sec, this is the best sac I've ever had
c5d358 No.7072982
U.S. State Department Tied To Child Trafficking Operation With Epstein
ad5a40 No.7072983
Golden state Times has done the same thing.
4ef1fe No.7072984
The one with the gawdy af earrings? srsly?
3f2f31 No.7072987
I didn't see the hand gesture.
By listening just to the words it sound like he referenced how the gang dismember people
He used the word "dismember" which is not the same as "skin" or "skinning"
Dismember is like a Butcher.
skinning is like a torturer?
Amazing they had a surgeon there to do it for them.
I wonder what the anesthesia was like, if any.
Torturers hire doctors to keep the victim alive.
Also if they had to do the skinning all themselves. How would they hold the victim still
They have helpers.
b8aace No.7072988
94622a No.7072990
>>7072948 Comfy AF Big brother
5a2cee No.7072991
Favreau boy is faggot.
a1a1d2 No.7072992
Planned Parenthood.
Just now in the news on Tucker.
238966 No.7072993
Krocodil. The best results.
44d224 No.7072994
I keep a few streams open to support people who do rally days. The MSM won't cover it.
30ee49 No.7072996
clowns on tv… kek
3f0241 No.7072998
So called "comedian" = Maher?
1d2e43 No.7072999
let me tell you something!
b8aace No.7073001
rally breads! MY NIGGERS!
3f6d17 No.7073002
1d2e43 No.7073003
af96de No.7073004
Twatter hindering rt of this anon's stuff
8f3c89 No.7073005
POTUS is on fire tonight.
d2753a No.7073006
Knew something looked wrong.
Accuracy is crucial.
5b155a No.7073008
The face when anons learn that Flynn was Petraeus' protege and is dirty AF.
3c31d4 No.7073009
9f0c05 No.7073010
Anons are your friend, Donald. We love you.
9d057b No.7073012
Fuck yea!
Lot's of blondies for Trump in the house tonight.
a53b79 No.7073013
Any Q people at the rally?
9d057b No.7073014
… that's the one.
e47103 No.7073015
Funny you say that. That’s why I changed it tonight to a different feed. A couple cloud pans is great. I’m watching for POTUS. I commented to spouceanon that it might as well be on the radio. I think they’re terrible. Neither one of us are wrong.
7817a3 No.7073016
don't be such a dick, get it… but shit nigga…
doin' the best I can under the circumstances.
It's in the bun too
aad13c No.7073017
8f3c89 No.7073018
"Our country is respected again!" POTUS
Thank you, Mr. President.
3f2f31 No.7073019
^^^ answer was to this link.
e95cb8 No.7073020
53a70f No.7073021
>>7072689 (pb)
One of the most chilling and horrifying things I have ever seen! Jon Favreau, before and now-
9d057b No.7073023
>Any Q people at the rally?
No. Q gear is kept out of Trump rallies.
Trump wants nothing to do with this board.
9c110f No.7073024
16ba4e No.7073027
>>7072678 pb
Epsteins Paris house/mansion is conveniently located close to the residence of the Israeli ambassador to France, Avenue Foch 41. Just a short stroll away, really. https://www.google.com/maps/@48.8721559,2.2842379,3a,83.3y,162.55h,111.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSN6_V9R_oG5Bzz9VvTAvsQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffr.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAvenue_Foch_%28Paris%29
List of Israeli ambassadors to France https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=nl&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambassade_d%2527Isra%25C3%25ABl_en_France&xid=17259,15700023,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262&usg=ALkJrhipAeh3tE_r2gy_I-JBNfiD8MRglA
f2708a No.7073028
NTSB Identification: MIA00GA083
On February 6, 2000, about 0905 eastern standard time, a Rockwell OV-10D, N474AW, call sign Bronco Two, owned by the United States Department of State (DOS),
a53b79 No.7073029
Where did you hear that?
f06940 No.7073030
Did gaypoop bot upload teh memes yet
8020a6 No.7073032
absolutely, he will not touch booze and for very legit reasons…..much respect for this great man
9d057b No.7073033
Get to the choppa!
2771da No.7073034
If that was true, why hasn't anyone in the MSM asked him the Q?
8e6e38 No.7073035
Not a proof but Q nominated him some day ago. Maybe he's targeted
380c2a No.7073036
Weirdly my pattern recognition detected lack of variety in clothing and home made signs.
Spoopy feelings.
f2708a No.7073037
06fb78 No.7073038
Who the fuck think is Q+?
518d8f No.7073039
Not the actor/director. It’s a different guy
40fa4d No.7073040
Surprise, surprise…
aad13c No.7073042
she's looking at her phone
she knows!
thumbs up babe
do it
3f51ef No.7073043
way too many [D]s in chat here https://youtu.be/ucEtNszSVFQ
8951ab No.7073045
That why Cinderella is against POTUS, I wonder if he banged the kiddies.
62f1b2 No.7073046
Sounds like he's asking for an escape route to the African Continent to me fren.
238966 No.7073047
5b155a No.7073048
How close to the Arc de Triomphe?
Tomb of the unknown?
Thats all that matters.
2ac7c8 No.7073049
LOL "MAGA Rally Edition" is the best faggot BO/BV could come up with? Christ, this is just sad.
Oh well. At least I can see the Hellman's through the Best Foods.
2af1d9 No.7073050
"Medieval" Diseases Flare in California
An ever-growing number of rodents in California – particularly in Los Angeles – is being fueled by a spiking homeless population and restrictions on rodenticides that are risking a public health crisis, according to a study released Tuesday.
The report by political action committee Reform California cites recent rodent-related events over the past six months, including an employee at the Los Angeles Police Department contracting Typhus and a rat falling from the ceiling of a Buffalo Wild Wings onto the menu of a patron, as proof of an "undeniable problem" in the Golden State.
"California is being overrun by rodents," said Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California. "Without immediate emergency action by state and local government, we face significant economic costs and risk a public health crisis."
6d40eb No.7073051
Anons! Look at the male & female in red behind POTUS…they're right behind the man in the light purple shirt.. Been watching those two & they look like they don't belong..kinda like flannel boi in MT rally.
ced863 No.7073052
can I get Sauce for this one seen it floating around but no sauce
3f0241 No.7073054
2 days ahead of schedule. Check Q's pic on Maher
4480db No.7073055
All the regular "people" behind him are not there tonight… or at least not in viewing range. They could be further out on the crowd. IDK.
010dd4 No.7073056
Credit to my wife here:
Acting Defense Secretary Richard Spencer Approves Additional 2,000 Troops to Southern Border
The Pentagon announced Wednesday that Acting Defense Secretary Richard Spencer approved a request from the Department of Homeland Security to send an additional 1,000 active duty troops and 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the nation’s southern border.
The active duty deployments will consist of approximately 1,100 troops providing the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol with aerial surveillance, operational, logistical, and administrative support.
The Pentagon first began sending active duty troops to the border last fall ahead of several migrant caravans from Central America making their way to the border. The active duty troops supplemented a separate mission by National Guardsmen to support border security.
The active duty troops on this deployment are meant to provide a “backfill” due to a shortfall in volunteer National Guard personnel, the Pentagon said.
3f9d15 No.7073057
she is a little heavy but hot
c0c110 No.7073058
I’m trolling hard over there- having a blast. It’s been a while! Kek! I’ll pray for forgiveness in a few… thanks for moar memes. Check this chick out kek
40fa4d No.7073059
“It is for you guys” such a coward.
f63860 No.7073060
It's an accurate title, is it not?
f2708a No.7073062
N-Number Inquiry Results
7817a3 No.7073063
notables for anons, by anons
>>7072733 for newfags: A refresher on why Flynn was targeted.
>>7072804 Yacht owners ditch life on land for high seas-WSJ
>>7072805 USMC Tweet: "Stay Strapped"
>>7072844 Joe Biden rally in Iowa. Compare to POTUS rally. and reminder for note takers
>>7072874 POTUS Reacts To Allegations Ilhan Omar Committed Fraud
>>7072878 Epstein's fake foreign passport was used in Saudi Arabia and other countries
>>7072880 Eric Trump Tweet
>>7072900, >>7073028, >>7073037 DYNCORP-U.S. State Department Tied To Child Trafficking Operation With Epstein
>>7072911 FSB discovers 10 underground weapon workshops
>>7072931 Kiev confirms commitment to indefinite ceasefire in Donbass from July 21
>>7072935 hussein and Bubba tweets within 30min of each other
>>7073027 Epstein's Paris house/mansion is conveniently located close to the residence of the Israeli ambassador to France, Avenue Foch 41
>>7073040 Breaking: Cops targeted in shootout in D'town B'ham Al.
>>7073050 "Medieval" Diseases Flare in California
27b773 No.7073064
0aad04 No.7073065
anyone else having to reload youtube frequently due to errors occuring?
94622a No.7073066
.@Buckley_AFB helped deliver an Orion heat shield! The Orion heat shield, manufactured by @LockheedMartin is a base titanium truss structure measuring roughly 16 feet in diameter & will protect astronauts upon re-entry of @NASA's Orion spacecraft on Artemis 2.
11:00 AM - 17 Jul 2019
06fb78 No.7073067
ec5b49 No.7073068
>>7073027 Epsteins Paris house/mansion is conveniently located close to the residence of the Israeli ambassador to France
19cc4d No.7073069
Drain the swamps around Islamorada.
The Pinders
The Florida KEYS.
A lot of people go missing in national parks.
53a70f No.7073071
Feminazi's at work.
2ac7c8 No.7073072
It's accurate. If vanilla's what makes your dick hard, faggot. Used to be bakers came up with witty and sardonic bread titles. Not that you'd appreciate such a thing. Others do.
238966 No.7073075
44ca53 No.7073078
8c4057 No.7073079
Her husband is a female most likely
27b773 No.7073080
>tfw MAGA Rally Edition 2
b08a31 No.7073081
375142 No.7073083
Yep. Had to do that a few times on RSBN.
62f1b2 No.7073084
>such a coward.
In his recent rallies he appeared like a paranoid crackhead.
4ef1fe No.7073086
That's ball discrimination.
e7ee4a No.7073088
a44717 No.7073090
Raisin Cain:
5a2cee No.7073091
Pull the pin peedro.
8f4a78 No.7073093
no fun allowed
no more heel of bakers
only BO heels now
416c86 No.7073094
>>7072331 (pb)
His Sig is prefaced with Lieutenant General (Retired).
No secret message, it is his rank.
He should be using it, he damned well earned it.
94622a No.7073095
#OTD in 2009, after the Endeavour space shuttle docked, a new record was set for the most people in a single spacecraft when thirteen astronauts from the Expedition 20 and STS-127 crews were aboard @Space_Station. The U.S., Belgium, Canada, Japan and Russia were represented.
2:00 PM - 17 Jul 2019
8342d4 No.7073097
Have you considered that their accounts might be managed by the same dude/team… since the gov shutdown?
114a94 No.7073098
3f9d15 No.7073099
well, knock me over with a feather..
Dem's having a bad week in the NEWs and we are entering the weekend set up tomorrow
If they work this right, they can stretch this until at least Friday, mid-morning
the real news cycle is now less than 30 hours for big ticket FF
8e6e38 No.7073100
No joke and/or reference re: Epstein?
No attempt to connect back to POTUS?
06fb78 No.7073101
P is not POTUS, it means something else Anon
63a4f4 No.7073102
>>7072747 and there is the problem with comped wikipedia. Flynn is not a convicted felon. He submitted a plea, but the case has not been adjudicated.
>>7073008 that will be your face when Flynn withdraws his plea and evidence comes out that hangs the DS by the balls. Case will dismissed for exculpatory evidence and prosecutorial misconduct.
Nothing stops what is coming and Patriots are innocent.
2ac7c8 No.7073103
In Soviet Fap Jackistan, bread find you.
8951ab No.7073104
Their blood lines go back to Cain the murderer of Able.
40fa4d No.7073106
Hussein? Didn’t see any he was in. Who’s he out campaigning for?
f63860 No.7073107
I can appreciate your high standards.
e476df No.7073109
They aren't real.You're just engaging bots.
Psyops is cheap warfare. Propaganda is cheapest.
8c4057 No.7073110
Yes what court has jurisdiction over his case?
d46c23 No.7073111
Pres. Trump: Where going to hit them from the front, we're going to hit them from the front, we're going to hit them from the sides. We're going to hit them from everywhere.
I fight to win!
3f9d15 No.7073112
POTUS just went No Homo on his comments about the Generals' looks
238966 No.7073114
I know.
Just testing for attack.
Assessing to board.
885c93 No.7073115
What the hell does she have hanging on the walls? Castration equipment?
5b155a No.7073116
P = Plantagenet
Bloodline most every president is a part of.
2af1d9 No.7073117
Cops Targeted In Shooting In Downtown Birmingham, Alabama; Multiple Blocks Ordered To Shelter-In-Place & Massive Police Response
3d145a No.7073118
what made you think differently?
aad13c No.7073120
1d2e43 No.7073121
Yakov was the best
d0ca0d No.7073123
Shit. Don't use it. I lifted it from twatter.
Apparently all the usual players are saying it's fake.
Hopwever there looks like goo d meme material here.
238966 No.7073124
44ca53 No.7073125
she was a child in that photo no more than 12
0a7678 No.7073126
General Raisin Cain(sp)
I love this movie
e4f0a9 No.7073127
Big, beautiful, mighty ship
6abe31 No.7073128
If you make trouble you are raising, that is, conjuring up, the accursed spirit of Cain. This is similar to several phrases that allude to calling-up or 'raising' the Devil. There's 'raise the Devil' of course and also 'raise hob' and 'raise hell'.
3f0241 No.7073129
not so funny now
6e0621 No.7073130
Found another AOC nude! Spreadie edition
5b4d82 No.7073131
Turkey Formally Dropped From F-35 Program
088a60 No.7073134
Quarantine the whole state.
62f1b2 No.7073135
It was months ago anon.
1725da No.7073136
ANGELA! You're behind on your bills!
010dd4 No.7073137
CNN tries to convince 8 Republican women that Trump is a racist
All 8 say he's not a racist
“I’m a brown-skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with him”
“I’m glad [Trump] said what he said because all they are doing is inciting hatred”
CNN's interview seems to have blown up their their faces
6abe31 No.7073138
If you make trouble you are raising, that is, conjuring up, the accursed spirit of Cain. This is similar to several phrases that allude to calling-up or 'raising' the Devil. There's 'raise the Devil' of course and also 'raise hob' and 'raise hell'.
238966 No.7073140
75e707 No.7073141
He’s talking about Merkel now
030624 No.7073143
Potus story about not seeing the runway was a message to you anons.
Trust the plan. We are in good hands.
2ac7c8 No.7073144
In Soviet Fap Jackistan, post deletes you!
f06940 No.7073147
Gaypoop bot makes teh memes in our own teh image
5515c2 No.7073149
e95cb8 No.7073150
27b773 No.7073151
ca7cd4 No.7073152
a8142c No.7073153
Benis discrimination!
d0ca0d No.7073154
Earlier this week, ilhan Omar was speaking in front of a group, and she said, and I quote," this will not be a country of white people." What did she mean by that? Does she plan on doing something …
Black dude's vid
8f4a78 No.7073155
>He’s talking about
46f3ad No.7073156
7693fe No.7073158
Q on the back of the baby!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful baby
172353 No.7073159
065e04 No.7073160
Beautiful baby wearing a Q!!!!!
POTUS makes a special mention of the baby!
8f3c89 No.7073161
"We're gonna have the country all set for your child."
ca62c2 No.7073162
40fa4d No.7073163
That’s why I asked. You said in his ‘recent’ rallies. He hasn’t been out in months, possibly since the ‘18 midterms.
924fd1 No.7073164
44ca53 No.7073165
THE Q BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
94622a No.7073166
Massachusetts prosecutors drop Kevin Spacey's sexual assault charges
4:03 PM - 17 Jul 2019
7e9a2b No.7073167
a158df No.7073168
OK the BIGGEST Q CONFIRMATION directly by Trump to date. WHAT A DAY!!!!
5bd1a3 No.7073170
Is that a Q on that Baby's shirt?
81d34f No.7073171
Trump: isn't this baby cute?
MSM: Trump Eats Another Baby At Rally
e95cb8 No.7073172
I can't believe that just happened
2ac7c8 No.7073173
The Russian reversal schtick has some potential.
368b5b No.7073174
Waiting for boot from NATO!
8020a6 No.7073175
the baby with the Q on his romper…….hells yes
19cc4d No.7073176
The turtle is associated with SET
The Egyptian sun god
Michael Aquino Temple of SET
b41131 No.7073177
8f3c89 No.7073178
b08a31 No.7073179
37baf7 No.7073180
is it? → 57
Bill Maher → 80
delta 23
8342d4 No.7073181
Ray Chandler is a man, married to a man.
He has no family tree but looks related to his husband, very much.
What if he's the transgendered twin brother of his husband?
63a4f4 No.7073182
Not sure which one. Cases are cases though. You have a thought regarding the actual court?
a65c59 No.7073183
6b4206 No.7073184
e4f0a9 No.7073186
00472d No.7073187
Q BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24ccd9 No.7073188
That is a great baby. What a Picture
There is a Q on the back of that baby
e4746a No.7073190
8951ab No.7073191
292f97 No.7073192
"We've turned around this big, beautiful ship around."
f06940 No.7073193
I need to fart
With your taxes
For cocaine walls
885c93 No.7073195
Did anyone get a pic?
8f4a78 No.7073196
>Q on the back of the baby
075f70 No.7073198
"That's a beautiful baby, like from an advertisement" - POTUS
f63860 No.7073200
e9180c No.7073201
"General Raisen Kane (POTUS says that's his real name) hitting them from back, front and every God damn place they ever heard of." hahhahaha! fucking great. "2020 election is about you, your family and your future".
a8142c No.7073202
37baf7 No.7073203
holy shit shit's getting real Fox News
af8b6c No.7073204
He even said, they will say that was a planted baby, so beautiful that baby
75e707 No.7073206
Holy fucking Jeepers Batman the baby was wearing a Q shirt kek
643381 No.7073207
Whose the beauty at 1 o' clock?
8c4057 No.7073208
Arrrrrrrrr muh nigga
bf466b No.7073209
I thought it was 'Payseur'
c67a5b No.7073210
1d2e43 No.7073211
172353 No.7073213
RSBN has it. Fox news, fox 10 both dumped.
3bba76 No.7073214
That kid is a future President, with a great story.
15e875 No.7073217
1a87a9 No.7073218
453d75 No.7073219
I'd like to see cute babby face
37baf7 No.7073220
someone make a nice video clip of Q baby
62f1b2 No.7073221
I actually feel sorry for her. She was born into the "industry". She's totally brainwashed. Poor girl most likely suffered some despicable things in her childhood. We should try to walk a mile in some of their shoes before being so quick to pigeon-hole them all in the same box.
God bless fren :)
3d994b No.7073222
"what a picture" he said. LOL>>7073168
1a57bc No.7073223
"Q" Baby…Trumps loves him!!!
157734 No.7073224
40fa4d No.7073225
Howeeee sheeet! Q baby was the thing for him to acknowledge the Q! The Fox News link I was watching cut the feed!!
ed4a49 No.7073226
Tass tweets are notable to anons during a potus rally?
Phony comped fuck good riddance.. Fuck you.
0c94f1 No.7073227
Q printed on babies onesie at Trump rally called out as a "beautiful baby" by Potus.
cf6ff1 No.7073228
8020a6 No.7073229
yeah scroll up a few there are several that captured it……WHAT A PROOF!!!!!
7817a3 No.7073230
Japan Exports Fall a Seventh Straight Month Amid Global Slowdown
Japanese exports fell for a seventh straight month in June as a slowdown in global growth and uncertainty over trade continued to buffet the world’s third-largest economy.
The value of shipments abroad dropped 6.7% in June from a year earlier, according to the finance ministry. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated a 5.4% drop. The trade balance was a surplus of 589.5 billion yen.
While the prospects for global trade improved a little after the U.S. and China reached a truce on their tariff dispute, the lack of a deal between the two economic giants continues to generate uncertainty for companies and investors
Japan’s restrictions on some important exports for South Korea’s tech sector is an additional risk to the trade outlook
The U.S. is also in talks with Japan on trade, with Tokyo keen to prevent President Donald Trump slapping tariffs on Japanese automobiles, a move that could shake up one of Japan’s biggest industries and export earners
A persistent drop in exports bodes ill for Japan’s economy, which needs to maintain momentum as it heads toward a consumption-sapping sales tax increase in October
Imports fell 5.2% in June, versus economists’ median estimate of a 0.2% drop.
Exports to China slid 10.1% in June, while shipments to the U.S. rose 4.8%.
Shipments to Europe dropped 6.7%
this is how globalism dies.'
a8b40a No.7073231
To the Q Baby… Trump said "All Set"
Ready in force boys…. Here comes the storm!
5fd2fe No.7073232
>can I get Sauce for this
Fake & Gay!
c0e41c No.7073234
Yes it is!
We Believe!
5d7768 No.7073235
"Baby, we're going to have this country all set for your job, okay?"
Sounds like Q's gonna be all set!
3a12f2 No.7073237
Baby at the rally who trump pointed out had a Q on the back of his shirt.
e95cb8 No.7073239
That shit was epic
Pls tell me that baby had a Q on the front
53a70f No.7073240
Yes it is, asshat!
f63860 No.7073241
7f46b1 No.7073242
277101 No.7073244
a53b79 No.7073245
Is the anon here with the Q baby???
d368ce No.7073246
According to sources one officer is shot, another has been injured.
73658f No.7073248
Cash rules everything, especially justice
2771da No.7073249
Baby Q! Quite an acknowledgement!
0a7678 No.7073250
Fox live feed cut in mid sentence. Was it over ?
453d75 No.7073251
Q Babby
I hope we get a post soon!
c0c110 No.7073252
OMG!! LOOK AT THAT BABY! So much love in my heart
a8b40a No.7073255
anyone get a screencap when she turned the baby?
it had a flag or similar on the front
327156 No.7073256
711ceb No.7073258
Picture prompts the Question?
8951ab No.7073259
Did POTUS say a Q baby instead of "cute" baby?
a158df No.7073260
what a great day!
e7946d No.7073261
Amen!!! We have best President ever!
8f5a57 No.7073262
betereke cheshme hasud
[may jealous eyes explode!]
40fa4d No.7073263
Tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Fox News! In the bag with the rest of them!!
3f0241 No.7073264
5b155a No.7073265
Believe what you want…. zero fucks lost.
114a94 No.7073266
hahahah he goes it is a set up
f63860 No.7073267
FOX confirmed fake MAGA. Not that I needed more proof of that.
9e43bc No.7073268
Q Proof when someone posts an image of the front of Q Baby. Wait we shall…
6119fe No.7073269
Yup. Fox cut the feed and the "Q" was shown for less than a few seconds. Good job capturing the screen.
99c321 No.7073271
fb4020 No.7073272
what the fuck is that asian child doing there
690f18 No.7073273
40fa4d No.7073275
1ff664 No.7073276
f2708a No.7073278
Compare the P symbol in >>7073233 with Epsteins Sun Dial
Satanic Sun Worship
7817a3 No.7073279
get over it, would you like to do this?
e7ee4a No.7073280
POTUS took a "picture" of the baby right….
8f4a78 No.7073281
cb5f70 No.7073283
The fox YT feed totally cut after the Qbaby
6d40eb No.7073286
Somebody put a Q on dis babby Pepe
40fa4d No.7073287
Extremely notable
f24f92 No.7073288
FOX FAUX NEWS Just shut off their live feed of the President’s rally.
3a3c02 No.7073290
Long day at work
Decided to Dvorak rally and watch on fox
Came in saw Tucker blabbering during rally
Will watch on gaytube later
Them faggots
I’ll watch the cooking channel
5bd1a3 No.7073294
New 4am talking point:
"Q supporters are using their kids to promote their dangerous unhinged conspiracy theories."
8951ab No.7073295
FF Narrative change From POTUS rally?
a40d48 No.7073296
Turnin' The SHIP Around
Q Baby
Ahoy Ship Mates!
06fb78 No.7073297
Come on Anon. It's not about the lizards, and the earth ain't flat…it's about money. P=Payseur
94cc93 No.7073298
15e875 No.7073299
292f97 No.7073300
Another great one in the books!
0bd33b No.7073301
It was on FNC. Tucker had finally quit talking about 8:20
8c4057 No.7073303
We need to find the excercise they had beforehand
ee5766 No.7073304
c576c7 No.7073305
Anon who is good with clips please cut/post us a clip with POTUS talking for us to share.
2771da No.7073307
I'm thinking yes!
d368ce No.7073310
>>7073246 (me)
Live feed just said officer was shot three times, suspect is dead.
3a3c02 No.7073312
34f9c7 No.7073313
this is unbelievable
46ed8b No.7073315
172353 No.7073318
What a great night - TY POTUS/Q
42f3b1 No.7073319
that was fucking epic, has anyone found the outfit for sale to see what the front would have looked like?
217c8f No.7073320
75e707 No.7073321
Thanks Q and potus for the great show
a53b79 No.7073322
2ac7c8 No.7073324
37baf7 No.7073325
I'm in tears! Thank you Q.
go Q baby
94cc93 No.7073329
40ff7d No.7073330
Gore poster is scared poster~
7693fe No.7073332
Just heard that youtube was making it difficult for RSB Network to show up in the search functions. Fuckery abounds!
f63860 No.7073333
Thank you Q and team!
065e04 No.7073334
fuckin awesome Q
e7ee4a No.7073335
Q BABY!!! POTUS took the "picture"
690f18 No.7073336
4ef1fe No.7073337
What about the ladies beautiful hat at the end? Did it have a Q on it?
e811e7 No.7073338
No worries. She turned the baby around so Trump could see the Q.
ba0353 No.7073339
c0c110 No.7073340
I put a #Qbaby
bf466b No.7073341
e4f0a9 No.7073342
Old rally, though.
8c4057 No.7073343
ad5a40 No.7073344
AWESOME!!! That was sooooo cool!!!
40fa4d No.7073345
Q baby signifier?!
Love you Q! WWG1WGA!!!
27b773 No.7073346
0129d3 No.7073347
Welcome back, Chief.
8f3c89 No.7073348
Beautiful rally!!!! WWG1WGA! Q Baby rocks!
ffd52c No.7073349
I was so nervous about the way she was holding that baby, I missed the Q!!
44ca53 No.7073350
62f1b2 No.7073351
c576c7 No.7073353
Freaking EPIC!!!
POTUS brings the Q!
And all eyes SEE!
Wake up normies!
94cc93 No.7073354
0bd33b No.7073355
Go get 'em, Q & Q+
e6f45b No.7073356
a8b40a No.7073359
6eda4d No.7073360
8951ab No.7073364
Big Week (Check)
3f2f31 No.7073365
yes an in another series of the photos Clooney looks like he's zipping his pants, and in another one Hussain looks like he's been caught off-guard.
885c93 No.7073367
8953f4 No.7073368
butter is a spread