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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: c56ecb694e73337⋯.png (84.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tLKeGJUK.png)

f95df0 No.666781

Q said, "what good is all the power in the world if those at the top do not serve you?" (paraphrase)

I say, what good does all the money in the world do you if you only have a few short years in this world to enjoy it?

As I watched the Altered Carbon series on Netflix recently. It struck me that Eternal Life for the human consciousness (soul), Transhumanism/and communication with Micro/Macrocosm is the point of all that power and money of the NWO…

I will use this thread to point out all of the Q connections to Lucifer Trust that appear to me to be out in the open and available to the casual reader of the lucistrust website.


ec8679 No.666830


>If those at the top don’t serve you

Very thought provoking, almost like they think their extended lives will make them Gods. That’s really the anti christ in a nutshell. It’s true blasphemy. It’s telling God “Shut up! I answer to no one, not even you! For death has escaped me and my soul lives forever, an eternal life of deeds against you”. This is what they seek. To make God serve them. Just as Satan so desired the throne of God himself, thus casting himself to eternal damnation. Truly the greatest evil is a heart that tries to match the power of God, for it leads to all the wicked things.

1b35ac No.666900

File: f57db582071a42b⋯.png (137.93 KB, 926x406, 463:203, Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at ….png)

They'll regret that, too.

680570 No.667079


lol wat

f95df0 No.667107


I agree with you. The problem is that most Christians pull the "Ive read the back of the book and we win" card out every time they are confronted with heinous evil. This was me in high school.

Have you read anything on the lucis website? It sounds very innocent and well meaning. It is going to be a couple of days for me to do it but I am going to try and post some easy connections with lucis.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. Unfortunately, and it makes most Christians uncomfortable, sometimes you have to take a deep look into the belly of the beast (like reading all of the Lucis Trust philosphy) in order to combat it.


f95df0 No.667145


Rereading my first post of the thread, I could have worded it better, "Q connections" would more appropriately have been written as "Q breadcrumbs"


f95df0 No.667254

Don't take my word for the connection, take their word… www. lucistrust.org/arcane_school/talks_and_articles/the_esoteric_meaning_lucifer

Alice Bailey is the main modern theosophical writer quoted all over the Lucis website.

Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, Alistair Crowley and Marina Abramovich all speak about having the microcosm commune with the macrocosm in their writings and that humanity is capable of communicating with the universe…. Many other philosophical similarities between them that I will not mention.


1c9de5 No.667745

File: a7ab7567e0076b2⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 787x1054, 787:1054, 12115_777.jpg)

If there is false light, there is also TRUE Light.

Learn the difference, in the energy and vibration.

f95df0 No.667806

File: c6450165ca416c7⋯.jpg (51.49 KB, 450x400, 9:8, p.txt.jpg)

File: c31c5b6a3719a6f⋯.jpg (105.01 KB, 320x318, 160:159, Angela-Merkel-masonic-hand….jpg)

The philosophic connections between the Masons, early and modern occultists and lucis trust are legion. IT IS ALL OVER their website. Read it for yourself.

They also claim to have world wide organization of "servers" (insert the word servants) involved in EVERY aspect of our lives including BANKING, Science, Industry, philanthropy, and on and on. www. lucistrust.org/world_goodwill/key_concepts/the_new_group_world_servers3

They have a predilection for TRIANGLES. Triangles have a symbolic and supposed spiritual/occultic value.

www. lucistrust.org/triangles

I will get to Angela M. in another post…

f95df0 No.667820



6f8208 No.668146


What is the mark of the lord on their head?

5027da No.770088


they will not be buying eternal life at any price.

e984be No.770859


Lucis Trust – a complex problem!

The three "B"s:

Alice Bailey

Annie Besant

Helena Blavatsky


Founded by Blavatsky and Charles Ledbetter, late 19th c.

Blavatsky + Ledbetter once held a seance/meditation (not wure which) together in which they tried to imagine the shape of a proton. From notes and drawings of the time, they were apparently successful quite a long time before it was "discovered" by particle theorists.

Lucis today is the philosophical/spiritual/educational core of thinking in the United Nations. In fact, they have a couple of floors to themselves (or used to have them) in the UN building in NY.

Prior to the UN, the thinking of Blavatsky and Besant formed the core of spiritual thinking in the Nazi inner circle. Considerable money was spent by the inner circle in global searches for artifacts, intelligence (info), and "entities" (such as the famous Tibetan Master who appeared in person to the three Bs, wherever in the world these three people were–a semi-mythical creature it would seem.

Baily was a truly productive writer who produced many books on many different subjects with many different memorable themes.

Example: Money is a Spiritual Substance. A small part of another writing.

Example: The Problem of the Jews. This is a very thorny and problematic exposition all on its own, and naturally a little difficult to obtain except from a shop specializing in spiritual/esoteric writings.

As for the theory:

First, Theosophy:

The world of humans has a fixed number of souls. These souls came to earth all at once, although they were allocated bodies only gradually. Souls without bodies are cared for between bodies.

Humans are born into many different circumstances and many different "races". Now, the claim can be made, and was made by Bailey, that "races" is a spiritual term and not particularly a physical designation, although there are relationships between the spiritual and the physical/biological. Of course, Aryan and Jewish are two races, but there are a few others.

The Problem of the Jews refers to the problem –for the enlightened beings on earth– is that the vast numbers of unenlightened, spiritually ignorant people represent a powerful physical force. They can rise up and annihilate the enlightened, causing all humans to start over at the bottom again.

The point: All humans strive to perfect enlightenment–mastery of spirit, becoming Masters. The goal is all of humanity will some day "ascend" to perfect knowledge and wisdom –mastery– but no person can ascend completely unless ALL people ascend together.

Now an ugly, TOO literal reading that was understood all too well by the inner circle of the Nazi leadership: The Aryans (referring not to blue eyes and blonde hair but to the race that conquered the Indus valley some 4k to 8k years ago) are the most enlightened; their task is to bring the other souls up with them; they other souls are currently "locked into" racially inferior bodies (races); it is not only "not bad" but it is actually "helpful and kind" to liberate these souls from those inferior shells so they can one day be reborn as Aryans themselves. Indeed, such was the thinking among the leaders "in the early 20th c."

Theosophy was once a powerful and dynamic organization, around the time their spiritual leader was Krishnamurti, who at a moment of enlightenment of his own more or less turned against the Theosophy model and went on his own to teach.

Subsequently, theosophy as a popular spirituality or teaching has waned to almost nothing. Except among the leaders in the UN of course. (!!?) What are they up to there, and how have they gotten themselves into such a core position in global thinking, with, relatively speaking, almost no followers at all among rank and file?

Who are they?

What have they to do with Global Initiatives?

We know they favor "One World Religion".

We know they favor a hierarchy of enlightenment and understanding, and want humanity to be ruled by those who are more ascended in this hierarchy.

We do not know at this time who, if any, Lucis/Theosophy leaders are "ascended masters" who are worthy of dictating the course of human action of all kinds.

What are they doing positioned where they are in global political and economic thinking ?!

2cde05 No.771163

What is the difference between actual "Light workers" and those that peddle darkness and division, stealing their name?

3db986 No.774155

File: ed9ba68bf2c6b6c⋯.jpg (5.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, prayerroomUN.jpg)


The UN still is an occult organisation. Take a look at their prayer room (pic). Reminds you of what?

They also had in resent time a 'Guru' regularly there, Sri Chinmoy, giving meditation classes for the UN staff and preaching Oneness, Light, etc…same wired philosophy / religion

https:// www.srichinmoy.org/service/united_nations

3db986 No.774211


Remember, lucifer is the light bearer, he was crated by God, very beautiful beeing, but he decided to rebell.

So, light can be from Lucifer / Satan or from God. thats why its so hard not getting deceived. Would be easy if its just light or darkness,

187090 No.774227


John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:”

The sheep hear the voice of the LORD. The goats say butt, butt, butt!

2c7f9e No.774240

File: 35e1d2571efd2ba⋯.jpg (172.81 KB, 575x335, 115:67, Donald Trump Perfect Hand ….jpg)

File: 905d1ab0f905e59⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Trump-Illuminati-734644.jpg)

187090 No.774251


Who maketh thee to differ from another?

3db986 No.774283


Wired that they have this in the United Nations. Looks a bit like the Kaaba in Mecca or like an altar for ritual sacrifices.

f95df0 No.777537


So, I have often used the perfect hand symbol as it colloquially means "OK".It is also a symbol of a 3point shot in basketball…… My son does the devil horns thing as alot of Rockers use it. I am not sure that he understood why or what the hand gesture meant. University of Texas grads do hookem horns…… I can assure you that no one in my family are Satanists. The perpetual use of the tringle with both hands by Merkel and others, is worrying. I hope and believe that DJT is NOT cabal…

ffb776 No.782619


>light can be from Lucifer / Satan or from God

How so?

752fbc No.839381

File: be1ca872f2d55b7⋯.jpg (154.31 KB, 844x757, 844:757, 32472387589317513097389473….JPG)

File: 0e0430c4518be54⋯.jpg (207.44 KB, 840x845, 168:169, 78239478392583265783547864….JPG)

File: c7b87d153872c80⋯.jpg (183.43 KB, 840x862, 420:431, 58923475892375891367123567….JPG)

File: fb31845db2431c9⋯.jpg (188.19 KB, 850x837, 850:837, 67329813943590138592681771….JPG)

File: cc8be86a05c5902⋯.jpg (221.34 KB, 832x857, 832:857, 83290380128347129837492687….JPG)


An anon began dropping crumbs in the late hours of 3/29/2018.

The entire dig.


666 Fifth Ave. Wolf of Wallstreet connect with a conversation that was had at restaurant at the top of the building. Building was also one of the many owned by Vanderbilt.




All 5th Avenue Visitor's Posts


>>839025 rt >>838961

>>838961 rt >>838928

>>838908 rt >>838807

>>838855 rt >>838772

>>838736 rt >>838580 ( >>838736 Important )

>>838627 rt >>838569

>>838580 rt >>838538

>>838476 rt >>838391

>>838256 rt >>838067 , >>837764 , >>837275 , >>833410 , >>837637

>>838067 rt >>837764 , >>837275 , >>837637

>>837764 rt >>837658

>>837637 rt >>837535 ( refer to other posts: >>833410 , >>836978 )

>>837562 rt >>837496

>>837470 rt >>837333


666 5th Avenue : "Create a Map" : Results So Far

>>838340 , >>838497 Why is 666 5th Avenue so important?

>>838623 , >>838114 , >>838507 , >>838937 666 5th Avenue: A history

>>838108 , >>838270 , >>838360 , >>838276 666 5th Avenue: Owners & Residents

>>838435 Video of the build. "Largest excavation ever in Manhattan"

>>838461 , >>838954 Vanderbilt connection to 666 5th Avenue

>>839049 666 5th Ave. is next door to St Patrick's Cathedral, the center of the Catholic church in America

>>839050 'Top of the Sixes' - Restaurant on the top of building

>>837997 , >>838219 The mark of the beast

>>837819 Follow the white rabbit: Theory

>>838942 Build WALL through M: Theory

>>838885 Plan B involved the UK

>>837535 Lucent Technologies: Lucent… Inferno… Limbo… Styx. All synonyms for Hell

>>837667 Lucent Technologies

>>838096 , >>838169 Alcatel-Lucent

>>837720 Alcatel-Lucent NFC White Paper

>>837710 Lucent to Alcatel to Nokia

>>838569 Nokia leads the way for 5G

>>838768 RFID / 5G Connection

>>838268 Lucent Technologies has a patent for an orthodontic audio receiver

>>838196 Uses for RFID chips

>>837805 What is NFC pay?

>>838367 Lucis Trust BOD

>>837562 People who are connected to both Lucis Trust, and Lucent Technologies

>>838199 https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP75-00001R000100050017-4.pdf

>>838242 Henry Kissinger, CFR, UN, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission all tied the Lucis Trust

>>838083 Caps of posts

>>838730 Caps of CIA PDF

f95df0 No.858834

File: f19c425c1922910⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1037x1908, 1037:1908, doc2.jpg)

File: 905e2d6d94f9a1a⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 142x255, 142:255, doc3.jpg)

File: 235a264552ce857⋯.jpg (19.56 KB, 196x255, 196:255, doc1.jpg)



Bingo! Clowns funded Lucis Trust previously.

Apologies to the Anon that posted these clips from the Clown archive. I could not find the orginal post.


680a16 No.859000

File: fea6ef1a36bd137⋯.jpg (116.68 KB, 814x395, 814:395, Lucent.JPG)

680a16 No.859007


http:// www.universe-people.com/english/svetelna_knihovna/htm/en/en_kniha_project_lucid.htm

f95df0 No.859085

File: 606e974f699e164⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 511x332, 511:332, image444.jpg)

File: 16a07855002f71d⋯.png (61.56 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, d89922521a3f975a3d66b4f998….png)

File: 7c594e2b292358b⋯.png (889.65 KB, 1300x1390, 130:139, edfa90980a32936ae041932024….png)


>http:// www.universe-people.com/english/svetelna_knihovna/htm/en/en_kniha_project_lucid.htm


It seemed like such a crazy and farfetched idea back then…..

f95df0 No.859218




Nice lovable old grampa Michiu Kaku is selling their message...Shit,this is where its all headed.. Eternal life, managed by Satanic fucksticks.

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZSs2DZJVYQ

its much more than about Money, Anons. Always has been. Money is a means to an end.

f95df0 No.912746


For q's folks..HABU!

I have started several threads on this research board because I really don't give a fuck if the bad guys come at me. It is more important to me to share where my "touch of the autism" and life experience is leading me. (maybe its ego…)

*I have been getting a shit ton of calls from New York and the East Coast last 24 hrs with no message. I don't answer my phones. If its my brethren, I'm sure you can find my work email address and phone number. Just check the guestbook. If its the black hats a callin, bring it fuckers…we have steel core and a shit ton of friendly armed SOF vets in neighborhood. I'll leave the light on for ya. THunden

19595b No.965057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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