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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 488f6da54be2e9f⋯.jpg (130.85 KB, 940x450, 94:45, AH.jpg)

6ae538 No.628689


Q, is Angela DOrothea Merkel actually AH's granddaughter?

If this photo is authentic (taken 1937?), and taking in consideration all what's said about similar face features of AH and ADM, the same might be true for his grandchild. The girl on the photo might be about 5 years, so born around 1932, and about 22 in 1954 when ADM was born. In Germany kids were often named after their grandparents, and Angela DOrothea could indicate ADOlf …

c6222f No.628798

Just daughter I believe

5f20d9 No.628825


That doesnt add up. She should be 73+. If he died in 1945

cd5a55 No.628959

The child in the picture is a boy. Those are boy clothes. In those days young boys had haircuts similar to girl haircuts.

6ae538 No.629533

Not sure what you mean with doesn't add up. AH's daughter born around 1932, giving birth to ADM with about 22 in 1954.

6ae538 No.629561

File: b0bfaafb1930de6⋯.jpg (289.74 KB, 929x1044, 929:1044, AH2.jpg)


Not convinced, looks like a girl to me. If it would be a boy then it could be AH's son, and the father of ADM. Same would apply

6ae538 No.629572


>Not sure what you mean with doesn't add up. AH's daughter born around 1932, giving birth to ADM with about 22 in 1954.

6ae538 No.629636


All theories trying to explain that she's his daughter are quite far fetched - I guess they have missed the most obvious possibility, being his grandchild. Also Q's hint with names - sons and daughters are rarely named ofter the mother or father - grandchildren however quite often.

70547d No.629981


Have to agree, this is a boy. They would never dress a girl in boy clothes back then unless to hide gender.

c6222f No.630781


Q has told us how they all hide their true ages and identities. Even their social ties and the such. Why do you think Q called her Angela Hitler? Doesn’t take a rocket scientists to add this up. Just look at their pictures.

116461 No.630853


Take a look here:


Its a real person. Her daughter had a relationship with Hitler. Consider also how names were giving at this time in Germany (ref Q post).

120f7b No.630961

File: 36a8621e2cc3351⋯.jpg (68.81 KB, 723x512, 723:512, DX92xtCVoAE-QUz.jpg)

120f7b No.630969

File: 36a8621e2cc3351⋯.jpg (68.81 KB, 723x512, 723:512, DX92xtCVoAE-QUz.jpg)

8414c3 No.631033


As I understood the Q post, Angela Hitler is not Angela Merkel but the woman who gave Birth to Angela "Kasner" who later became Angela Merkel. One bloodline step in between.

2b237f No.631185


Focus on the Bloodline not the pics.

What is 'The Lebensborn project' ?

What children were of Nazi Bloodlines, groomed, given out for adoption, Then given a golden path to World power?

Merkel rise from nothing to world leader

HRC rise from nothing to world leader

Soros rise from nothing to world leader

What's the goal ?

802a0d No.639317

File: b994ee2352ad87b⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 399x533, 399:533, 1af0a3bc2eb522befa01278032….jpg)


Just a THOUGHT on the same line.

FBI has pics Hitler faked death and lived until 1960's , picture proof, Argentina.

What if the PROPAGANDA Minister ( unironic) did same and famous kids death pics were staged.

Propaganda Minister after all ??

d31f78 No.644770

Theories about Angela Merkel based on Q's suggestion to consider German naming customs.


e9977b No.654965

File: 862e5165c1d5009⋯.png (546.37 KB, 877x606, 877:606, nasty.png)

Manchurian Candidates groomed for the job from childhood.


1adb8d No.655062

Adolph died in 1945! Merkle was born in 1954! Obvious photoshop as the two never existed at the same time. I'd love for the photo to be real, but we can't change a timeline; we need to have solid proof or we look like idiots.

1adb8d No.655131


The goal is for US to not catch on that they are all related; all in the family. Much harder to prove the family ties as we're seeing here. The stars in Hollywood do the same.

de864b No.655592

File: 17098034b65107d⋯.png (190.68 KB, 506x617, 506:617, Q.png)

d2be6c No.655875

File: 9f7d26b0992bf5f⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 746x350, 373:175, Geli | Herlind | Hitler 2.jpg)

Geli’s death date is listed as 1931. Even as late as 1930, if she gave birth to Hitler’s baby (a girl, adopted name Herlind), Herlind could easily have had a daughter (Angela) who is listed as having been born in 1954. A rising political star, Hitler having any child, let alone an illegitimate one (and born of incest - if it would have been considered as such) may have been a huge liability. If, because of that, the baby was taken from Geli or, as was often the case in those days, the mother simply told her baby had died, Geli may have lapsed into depression (perhaps compounded by hormonal post-partum depression) and then taken her own life. Baby Girl Hitler could have been adopted by the Kasners and named, Herlind.

d2be6c No.655979

File: dfc83f5aab732cb⋯.jpg (275.44 KB, 972x463, 972:463, 2015 TIME Person of the Ye….jpg)

I forgot to add the source of the facial photo of Angela Merkel's mother, Herlind Kasner, shown in the 3-person comparison photo with Geli and Hitler. It was taken from a photo of Angela Merkel standing with her parents in Time Magazine's 2015 Person of the Year expose on Merkel. Article date: December 9, 2015 http:// time.com/time-person-of-the-year-2015-angela-merkel/

d2be6c No.656239

>>655592 From Wikipedia: "Horst Kasner was born Horst Kaźmierczak in 1926, the son of a policeman in the Pankow suburb of Berlin, where he was brought up. His father Ludwig Kaźmierczak (born 1896 in Posen, German Empire - died 1959 in Berlin) was born out of wedlock to Anna Kazmierczak and Ludwik Wojciechowski, ethnic Poles and citizens of the German Empire from the Poznań area.[1] Ludwig was mobilised into the German army in 1915.”

Is it possible that Hilter served with Horst Kasner's father, Ludwig, during WWI and/or they were POWs together in Landsberg Prison? If so, Hitler may stayed in touch with Ludwig - or simply met him for the first time while Horst while he was growing up in Berlin. If Hitler had a baby with someone (my best guess is Geli), and knew Horst and his young wife, Herlinde (nee Jentzsch), he may have asked them to adopt the newborn. (Geli would have been told the baby died, after which Geli lapsed into severe depression and took her own life.) The Kasners named the baby girl, Herlind, after the adoptive mother to more firmly cement the fiction that she was their natural child.

2b20d5 No.656290


Q said:

>Haircut today vs THEN (A).


Here is a valid connection.

2b20d5 No.656338


And by the way, take a close look at Angela's recent videos and pictures. She looks older than 63.

In my opinion she was not born in 1954.

2b20d5 No.656406


Just a few more years, not like 10 years more.

d31f78 No.656438

d2be6c No.656454


>>656239 I just realized that Landsberg Prison is not for POWs but, rather, for criminal incarceration. From Wikipedia. "In 1924 Adolf Hitler spent 264 days incarcerated in Landsberg after being convicted of treason following the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich the previous year." Ludwig may have been imprisoned at Landsberg at the same time, for the same reasons, along with other Kampfbund leaders. That would explain why Ludwig's son, Horst (Angela's adoptive? father), was an active member of the HItler Youth (per Q crumb.)

d31f78 No.656465

I think it would have been Herlind being placed with Willi and Gertrud Jentzsch. Jentzsch was Herlind's maiden name. Then she married Kasner.

See >>643690


01666a No.656678


>Angela Merkel is 80 years old.

Lol. Qanon is Zionist faggot shill.

76d5ee No.683925


These three girls are: Angela Merkel, Germany, Theresa May (G.B.) and Dalia Grybanskaité (Lithuania)

All three came into presidency in the same year: 2009


afea71 No.689008

File: 70768c5d83d781c⋯.png (368.49 KB, 579x562, 579:562, Theresa May_Unity Valkyrie….png)


https:// www.thetimes.co.uk/article/did-unity-mitford-have-adolf-hitlers-love-child-fwfc3l2kxgh

Could Theresa May possibly be related to one the Mitford sisters? Like Geli Raubal, why would a girl want to commit suicide? Were their children taken from them?

738df3 No.689075


No. They are not related. The claim is zionist propaganda nonsense put forward by israeli disinformation and propaganda outfit "sorcha faal". Germany has a highly industrialized economy that the US cannot compete with and the jewish occupiers of Germany are desperate to prevent a link up between German industrial competency and Russian natural resources, hence the German race is always the target of abuse for a judeo-nigger country like the US.

Angela Merkel is a puppet of the jewish military occupation of Germany. There are no secret Nazis running the world. Everything that is going on in Germany with refugees is a direct result of the jewish Morgantheau Plan to genocide the German race because the Anglo-Zionist nigger complex cannot compete no matter how many times they instigate a war against Germany.

d31f78 No.694797


Angela and the Muslims/Arabs.

caa7b0 No.695890

Angela Dorothea Kasner.

Daughter of a Pastor?

Name of FATHER?

History of FATHER?

Hitler youth (member).

Haircut today vs THEN (A).


US Intelligence post war controlled who?

> Gehlen Org./BND (Clown's overseas office in germany)

The ‘Mission’

> Does anybody know what exactly is meant with "The'Mission'"?

Who is Angela Hitler?

Relationship to Adolf?

How were children named in Germany during this period?

First or middle.

Family tree.





Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.

Truth will shock the WORLD.


> I think Q's Merkel post above is strongly related to the document in Q post below


https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf


caa7b0 No.698071

File: f983a471c969ad7⋯.jpg (110.96 KB, 676x411, 676:411, pic_r_k.jpg)


strong similarities

d31f78 No.698440

caa7b0 No.698518


I fully agree. Posted the pic just as another prove of the similarities and assumption Geli Raubal is mother of Herlind Kasner and grandmother of Merkel

caa7b0 No.698532

d31f78 No.703723

There is a resemblance.


afea71 No.707666

File: 91f4ae3fa73d484⋯.jpg (142.15 KB, 839x513, 839:513, Dorothy Howell.jpg)


This girl not only shares similarities with Angela Merkel but also with Dorothy Howell, mother to Hillary Clinton. Face API from Microsoft Azure says it is the same person with 50% confidence.

Source: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdKsA4q-FFA

c5b5ec No.707947

And Americans are stoopid

3d2dde No.708657


with those trips maybe you're onto something

d31f78 No.710979

Another rumor I came across while researching was that this girl on the left was Hillary or that Hillary was a daughter of Adolph raised under a secret identity and that she was much older than claimed. But she'd be really old if that was true and would have to have been eating lots of adrenochrome. :)


2e3744 No.715111


Wrong. Hitler did not die in 1945.

Trump released the jfk files. There was a photo of hitler in 1953 in argentina.

Hitler alive in 1953.

Merkel born in 1954

d31f78 No.718132

New theories posted in general board:




Links in the first post are worth taking a look at.

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