Cultivate SILENCE, within and without.
Focus your attention and LISTEN.
>Q the answer will blow your mind.
Asians think on a much longer time scale.
They are true collectivists.
Their nation-state is the organism.
What is Japan?
What did they look like pre-WW2?
Fully-militarized emperor worshipping fanatical hermit state?
Does Japan have relations with NK?
How and to what extent?
Do NK citizens enjoy special status there?
Again--what is Japan?
How long has that nation-state existed?
What do they claim about themselves?
Has Japan historically been what NK is today?
Has Japan ever practiced total isolation?
What ended that policy?
Was that policy ever truly ended?
Does Japan function as a prison for its people--and a honey-trap for outsiders?
How do Japanese view outsiders?
Have others supported such claims?
What was Japan referred to as during the middle ages, by the Catholic church?
What does the name "Paradise" imply?
What is the significance of this name?
What does the name "Jerusalem" mean?
To what does the character 和 refer?
What was said to remain in the Garden?
The dragon, sword-wielding angels, and the knowledge of all things, good & evil?
Again--what is Japan?
Along what time scale do they plan?
Was war abandoned, or was the format simply changed?
Has Japan truly abandoned war?
Or have they learned to dual-purpose even the most minute aspects of life?
Is Japan nuclear-free, or do they have all the tech ready to be assembled on cue?
Is Japan without its own military force, or are they cultivating one next-fuckin-door?
Who controls NK?
Ask yourself--what is NK?
A crazy junta pissing into the wind?
The world's largest military base, waiting to be refit with advanced Japanese tech?
Not convinced?
Fine. Go back to handing over detailed geo-spatial data via Pokémon Go. Go back to handing over detailed psycho- & biometric data via networked consoles.
All the C-eye-A faggotry was originated in Japan. Everything Q has dropped here--MKULTRA, to child rape/killings, to spying & blackmail etc – refer to Japan.