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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 1e0db8bae4d4a23⋯.png (420.67 KB, 589x389, 589:389, ClipboardImage.png)

c593dc No.35607

This section specifically dedicated to past/recent trafficking arrests.

It is happening at an exponential rate and should be documented here.

c593dc No.35609

File: 5395eb093aa664d⋯.png (52.84 KB, 677x498, 677:498, ClipboardImage.png)


c593dc No.35614

File: c75c4181a5b2934⋯.png (52.4 KB, 594x569, 594:569, ClipboardImage.png)


c593dc No.35627

File: 9af163213fd5c26⋯.png (240.83 KB, 549x544, 549:544, ClipboardImage.png)

Scottsbluff, Nebraska


c593dc No.35631

File: e09a51ed9227bfe⋯.png (131.52 KB, 349x568, 349:568, ClipboardImage.png)

London, England


c593dc No.35656

File: 98b28f083f22846⋯.png (124.61 KB, 566x584, 283:292, ClipboardImage.png)

Even fakenewsCNN reported on it..


c593dc No.35668

File: 75daa4491721f79⋯.png (125.67 KB, 480x521, 480:521, ClipboardImage.png)


c593dc No.35742

File: 14a4da33fe5ee98⋯.png (147.91 KB, 339x591, 113:197, ClipboardImage.png)


c593dc No.35753

File: cd87bf6d38ee53c⋯.png (153.05 KB, 394x593, 394:593, ClipboardImage.png)



7c3870 No.36165


>major sex trafficking

>9 men

9 people are considered a major accomplishment?

7f8f53 No.36179


One issue here is the overlap in the term "Human Trafficking" and good old fashioned vice squad arrests. Anything in the single digits leads me to believe it is just pimps and hos and small time brothels - i.e. not of pizza level international significance.

c593dc No.36270


wonder how many people were saved?

c593dc No.36301


Any arrests made against people force people to have sex against their will is a good thing, anon. Most prostitutes are branded and murdered if they refuse. Its trafficking, Even small time trafficking which may be insignificant to you, isn't small or insignificant to those who are forced to have sex for somebody else..

but you know…those people dont matter, right?

cf5010 No.36340


Haven't you been taking ANY notice of Q?

"Bottom - Top"

The little guys squeal!

AND THIS >>36301 !

7f8f53 No.36457


That is what I am saying. Many of these "trafficking" arrests are just the persecution of consenting adults making a business arrangement that should be legal but aren't, thanks to universal suffrage. Prostitutes are neither criminals nor victims, ceteris paribus.

41bf8e No.36773


So this article says the police OPENED A MASSAGE parlor in order to lure people in to be arrested. These people arrested aren't trafficker's, they're duped customers roped in by false advertising.

The "other side" of trafficking is the police doing something like this and it mis-characterizes the trafficking problem. They need to go after the assholes bringing people over in shipping containers and the pedophiles.

This isn't good police work. It's just a hype story.

Go find a real trafficker for chrissakes.

41bf8e No.36809


This is just a sweep of johns. The police pay to have this kind of press published to justify their budgets and look tough. You see this in the U.S. as well. Here's how to spot these puff pieces:

1. lurid headline - the "sex trafficking" and "major" etc …. something "big happened"

2. the people arrested are customers. They're probably casual johns.

3. the number of police involved are severely outsized for the result. How many police does it take to arrest NINE people nationwide. That's nothing. That's just a good night of drunk arrests around the country.

I'm tired of this crap. And you should be too.

41bf8e No.36826


The "most prostitutes are branded and murdered" line of thought is usually inspired by "reality based police shows".

Wait until the amount of money police departments are spending on police propaganda shows comes into the light.

People are going to be shocked.

7b3b3a No.38747

HAPPENING ?!?! Madeleine McCann investigator Kevin Halligen found dead

from today

https:// web.archive.org/web/20180113203642/https:// news.sky.com/story/madeleine-mccann-investigator-kevin-halligen-found-dead-11206829

ff8879 No.39017


How would arresting 9 run of the mill pimps be news worthy. Just another day in Chicago. The closer to the top, the smaller the group.

79d405 No.46570

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2380852/FBI-rescues-105-children-involved-sex-trafficking-arrests-150-pimps-weekend-sting.html

935a97 No.83670

would be nice to have cut and copy list for all these arrest.

935a97 No.84189


2013, stale.

685a45 No.103196

File: 50794130cd0d47f⋯.jpg (240.34 KB, 1145x831, 1145:831, r1.jpg)

685a45 No.107515


good find, saw this, chilling. Holmseth, name familiar, might be a struggling pizza man fighting p_dos, if memory serves. His story frightening, if true, hard to believe, don't want to believe.

If he is struggling, he needs cash. If he's truthful, needs protection, his evidence needs safe store, confirmation, evidence needs to become common knowledge, memes, tw_tter, etc.

If people use technology to protect themselves, tech needs to be protected, Internet laws strictly in favor of citizen, transparent, easy to read, data protected, private. C_rporations, opposite, open, transparent, easy to track.

Some tech should not be pursued, to dangerous, to risky. One tech can poison the ocean. Such a large risk to take for few to benefit. Why not harness solar, wind, ocean, thermal energy? Reduce energy, walk more, stay home more, less showers, less shave. Protect water, conserve, learn how keep water clean, no fluoride.

Truth will set people free. Free from dangerous water, free from dangerous leaders. More people knowing, safer for ALL.

"An abundance of evidence shows both Michael Pence and Pam Bondi are in willful and obnoxious defiance of President Trump’s Executive Order on February 9, 2017 – ‘Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking’ (T. Holmseth, brave).

"CIA/FBI baby sales and child sex trafficking operation in statements made under oath to the United States District Court in both Florida and Minnesota" (T. Holmseth, brave).

649b27 No.110291

File: 6d7aa6e01cc2e9f⋯.png (731 KB, 1080x1373, 1080:1373, IMG_20180120_215146.png)


7aae83 No.246307

File: 8904d236e45b59a⋯.png (343.93 KB, 1883x963, 1883:963, stellarwind.png)

This is the most closely related thread on the board, apologies if this is too far off topic.

Noticed while reading about the NSA's Solar Wind program for an unrelated project.

b87b3c No.255669

Former Schwarzenegger advisor arrested in statewide human trafficking operation

http:// www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-trafficking-operation-20180131-story.html?outputType=amp&__twitter_impression=true

Friend of Obama Is Arrested in Prostitution Sting

https:// mobile.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/us/08prostitute.html?referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F

096357 No.255897

It would be great if this thread had a running total to refer to. The number is LARGE, but what's the number. A geographic density map might also show otherwise uncertain connections.

6ef37e No.256393

File: 9df764ee7c9e2a2⋯.jpg (484.75 KB, 1833x905, 1833:905, FBI Pedo Hunt!!!.jpg)

It's amazing how now we're seeing FBI is picking up the game now the leadership has been disabled thanks to MEMO:

https:/ /www.fbi.gov/news/stories/human-trafficking-prevention-month-2018

JB's take on Blood Moon

https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol1bfi4u_0I

6ef37e No.256555


Have a look at who potentially blocked investigation into "PIZZA RELATED CRIMES", seriously this could be the crumbs for obstruction of justice slice of bread for the PizzaGate Loaf which could be the fire that burns down the Cabal Bakery VERY RELEVANT!!!

Now why would this be put in with Stellar Winds?

bca815 No.256641

https:// www.expatica.com/es/news/country-news/Spain-arrests-40-in-child-porn-crackdown_157033.html

7aae83 No.256989


Stellar wind is the program following thin thread, Bill Binney's mass collection program.The claim is that NSA passed tips gleaned from stellar wind to FBI for follow up. FBI then returned a large percentage as dead-ends or "pizza cases". The implied meaning is obviously that suspicious communications were just pizza delivery orders. Everything we know about the Stellar wind project makes that seem unlikely, add to that the use of "pizza" by the same people who officially documented the lexicon for pedos.

8acc61 No.258062


I don't think you're off topic at all

99% of pedo leads go nowhere? Really?

How is it we can't arrest every pedo on earth within 1 hour?

If NSA has backdoors into every device per wikileaks Vault drops how did these networks thrive?

c593dc No.258093


No need to apologize anon.

We all have a common goal.

And I should of emphasized that this thread is dedicated to any type of trafficking arrest not just human

So guns and drugs are good too

8833f5 No.258348


No doubt many connected to shriners/jesters.

Hope the attitude has changed. No one is safe now.

3094cf No.258543



Search Results

Story image for human trafficking stories from Los Angeles Times

Human trafficking crackdown nets more than 500 arrests statewide

Los Angeles Times-Jan 30, 2018

"Teams from throughout California have joined the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to come down hard on business as usual for the pimps, exploiters and those who believe that it's acceptable to buy another human being for sexual purposes," McDonnell said. "The message we hope to send to ..

http:// www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-human-trafficking-20180130-story.html

d87a59 No.258698

File: 9eca27011bc6eea⋯.jpg (455.85 KB, 1581x2048, 1581:2048, 5a75bbe42d57f.jpg)

Kevin Millen, former U.S. Treasury/IRS Investigator, arrested for pedophilia.

cee3b1 No.261964


Wow… look at the next line. Mueller knew something was up?

cee3b1 No.261983


Stellar Wind was early post 911…

4e36c4 No.264603

http:// human.globalincidentmap.com/

8325a7 No.264700


Like top Obama bundled Terry Bean. The power he has to keep the pedo info off of Wikipedia is amazing. They've been keeping that locked down for years against all comers.

8a9787 No.274323


Lots of headlines found here:

http:// thepedogate.com/2017/12/

8a9787 No.274381

File: 197f2421a8ca8ad⋯.png (148.29 KB, 721x297, 721:297, man_kill_pedos.png)


Hopefully now this king of vigilante justice won't be needed

http:// thepedogate.com/other/nebraska-man-arrested-for-killing-30-pedophiles-in-murder-spree/#more-540

27e11f No.278694

http:// www.viralnewsnetwork.net/naked-children-killed-european-royals-fun-human-hunting-parties/

27e11f No.278722

Dead pedo/hollywood/actor. Q said to watch the suicides.

https:// www.yahoo.com/entertainment/glee-star-mark-salling-dead-apparent-suicide-2-183521198.html

Massive pedo busts you don't hear about in the media -(not all at the FBI are bad actors)

https:// www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/knoxville/news/press-releases/national-child-abduction-experts-train-east-tennessee-law-enforcement-officers

https:// www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/washingtondc/news/press-releases/fbi-washington-field-office-recognizes-human-trafficking-awareness-month

https:// truepundit.com/miami-couple-arrested-human-smuggling-multi-million-dollar-money-laundering-scheme/

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-sdil/pr/former-ofallon-illinois-resident-indicted-receipt-child-pornography

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/sacramento-man-sentenced-life-prison-buying-children-and-other-child-exploitation

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-wdla/pr/former-breaux-bridge-police-officer-pleads-guilty-receiving-child-pornography

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-ks/pr/wichita-man-sentenced-sexual-abuse-mcconnell-air-force-base

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-ak/pr/alaska-man-sentenced-attempting-solicit-sex-minor

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-ndal/pr/trussville-man-sentenced-15-years-federal-prison-child-pornography

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-sd/pr/lower-brule-man-sentenced-sexual-abuse-0

b36db7 No.279308

https:// www.liftable.com/kara-pendleton/human-traffickers-using-emojis-code-sell-children/

https:// www.bing.com/news/search?q=Backpage&FORM=NWRFSH

here's some stuff i found whilte digging

backpage.com investigated for child sex trafficking

and it seems they are now using emojis in their code while placing ads

10b46e No.284643

DON'T know if we found the 4th cell phone but I wanted on the side of caution to say a person has made a video about what we are looking for with title of new q thumbnail shows pic we were looking over shoulders to see phones. I felt it was meant to be on the qt so thought would mention. Its a bit like a neon sign but if it doesn't matter please ignore my message. bbl. off to bed 2:15 am here

10b46e No.284650

title "NEW Q DROP' with pic of cell phones.

ad1111 No.284724

Where is 1Q posting now?

c63ff0 No.287211

Madeline McCann's parents were sent hundreds of online messages blaming them for her death by Brenda Leyland. Brenda was found dead in her hotel room, her twitter suspended to this day. Interestingly, her message was: 'Q 'how long must the Mccanns suffer' answer 'for the rest of their miserable lives'.'

512a17 No.288078

Circus Child Sex Ring: 'Blood Rituals' Performed On 8-Year-Old Boys

https:// www.dailywire.com/news/26808/circus-child-sex-ring-blood-rituals-performed-8-paul-bois?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=051717-news&utm_campaign=dwtwitter#

d8ae89 No.302632

https:// lostmoviesarchive.com/artist/656

0dc17a No.327195

File: 7c323d245778db3⋯.webm (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cohencidence.webm)


>police accuse israeli moshe harel of seeking out people in need of kidney transplants and of luring donors to kosovo from turkey and the ex-USSR w/ the promise if up to 12000 euros in payment

>moshe buys organs off of desperate people and then flips them for a tidy profit to israelis

color me fucking shocked

0f3b31 No.329635

This is a big one in the area I grew up that came out but has since been silenced big time:


They had evidence their employers were doing it and didn't stop it. Nothing national on this.

Also there were several other big stories from surrounding areas the past year on sex trafficking and arrests but can only find minor articles now. They are definitely scrubbing that area for some reason.

a056aa No.330217

US child sex suspect handed over at Pudong

From:Shanghai Daily | 2017-10-17 01:29

http:// english.eastday.com/Shanghai/auto/u1ai8580540.html

Foreigner among 9 suspects held for trafficking

From:Shanghai Daily | 2017-10-17 01:29

http:// english.eastday.com/Shanghai/auto/u1ai8580539.html

80fdf6 No.331415

anyone ever hear this story connecting BHO - Scalia

https:// www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/01/scalia-murdered-after-obama-meeting/

feacbe No.332123

http:// kentucky.gov/Pages/Activity-stream.aspx?n=AttorneyGeneral&prId=497

Feb 9 2018 - Timothy Nolan, former Campbell County District Judge, pleaded guilty to human trafficking of adults, promoting human trafficking of minors and unlawful transaction with minors. sentencing will be March 29, 2018

efe789 No.333440


>Nolan, 71, of California, Ky., a former local school board member, was originally charged in a criminal complaint by the Campbell County Police Department for crimes that occurred between 2010 and 2017. That complaint alleged that Nolan committed human trafficking with a minor by subjecting a child under age 18 to engaging in commercial sexual activity.

Scum. Scum of the earth and sea.

56a034 No.339598

File: bed5194a1e8e4bb⋯.png (93.01 KB, 740x849, 740:849, DoJ 18-161.PNG)

Alabama Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking of a Minor


2e7cac No.372841

All this stuff collected in one place.

Does all this come from this site? or vice versa?

http: // www.jar2. com/Topics/Pedo_File. html

https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=BUyHRC8ltR4

949e7c No.394362

Disclosure of Horrors & Political Elite Involvement in UK

Gihan Muthukumarana told undercover police they could make £10 million raping children on video for “top political people”, a court has heard.

The 28-year-old, who appeared in court this week accused of plotting to kidnap, rape, and beat young girls, allegedly claimed that footage of the abuse could be sold for “ridiculously big” sums of money if they “got rid” of the victims by dissolving their bodies in a vat of acid afterwards, Court News UK reports.

“He told her he would make her millions of pounds, he also told her that she would be protected because those buying the film were top political people,” Ms. Farrelly told the court.

“Young teenage girls would be filmed by a woman called Angelie in a secure room and filming them ‘being f***ed up’ and these would be watched by others.”

Muthukumarana, who the court heard handed ‘Donna’ the details of a leisure centre in St. Albans where the child abuse could take place during the night, is also accused of urging the undercover officer take drugs or alcohol before carrying out an attack because “it makes you extra heartless”.

In a recording of a phone call that was played to the court, the accused said: “The people paying us to do what we’re doing are very high up political people. We will be masked up and it will be on webcam.”

http:// www.breitbart.com/london/2018/02/14/plot-rape-dissolve-girls-acid-court/amp/

949e7c No.440408

6 arrested in pedo ring in Utah. Don't know if this is the "Utah" reference in Q's 2-14-18 Post, but here's the sauce:

Q's Post:


32536AA00: _ MI TM (UTAH)

Recent Happening reported on 2-19-18:

http:// kutv.com/news/local/six-arrested-in-paragonah-child-sex-trafficking-sting

cd723e No.440848


internal disputes over the data…Binney is a hero.

That data is somewhere

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