[–]▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3099436>>3105304 >>3108424 >>3108762 >>3115830 >>3117448 >>3119714 >>3149962 >>3172398 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Q gave us huge confirmation tonight that the Pentagon was indeed hit by a plane. This might piss some of you off that thought for years it wasn't a plane. If that's you, too bad, I trust Q.
For years I didn't think it could be a plane because of pictures like I included. Nevermind that the joke security footage certainly doesn't show anything that size.
But I never considered that it might have been a different plane.
Something FAST, MANUEVERABLE, SMALL and probably packed with middles and an eject button. Even better would be a Drone but not sure if those existed. I just doubt the pilot actually killed himself.
Find this plane and we might be able to breathe new life into this frigid cold case!!
▶ e1fbdd (1) No.3099990>>3100285 >>3100362 >>3103236 >>3104342 >>3107635
Disinformation is necessary.
This was a stress test, why are so many people losing their shit??
▶ 31a849 (1) No.3100285>>3103236
▶ 13f160 (2) No.3100362>>3100378
um, no. disinfo is not necessary when many questions can be truthfully answered.
▶ 1aef06 (1) No.3100378>>3100413 >>3103236
youre not too bright
▶ 13f160 (2) No.3100413
ok, smarty pants, explain to me how lying to us is a stress test of value. WE are here seeking pathways to the TRUTH. We have been lied to long enough to prove we tolerate lies too well.
▶ 55f10b (1) No.3100543>>3103228
Definition of Plane
a [ by shortening ] : AIRPLANE
b : one of the main supporting surfaces of an airplane
Definition of Airplane
a powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings from which it derives most of its lift
Definition of Aircraft
a vehicle (such as an airplane or balloon) for traveling through the air
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3103217
It does actually
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3103228
Exactly. Wings are the "plane" part of the word.
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3103236
You guys can fuck off to another thread. This is about exploring the idea that Q is telling the truth, and why not?
I don't think it's implausible at all to be a plane. I just never thought it could be such a BIG plane.
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3103277>>3104414 >>3106228 >>3114452 >>3114797
BTW I never ever saw this footage before! Where's it from?
Here's a freeze frame of the plane. Is there a way we can compare it to a ground feature and get it's total length?
▶ 86eeb2 (1) No.3104205>>3105422 >>3107205
Frankly, people are just rather dense and think they know things they do not.
Airliners can achieve high subsonic speeds and are fairly maneuverable. The bolts on the engine pylons shear off on impact with the ground and the plane disintegrates on impact as it is largely aluminum composite sheeting. The fuselage acts as a ablative penetrator - jabbing with a rolled up sheet of paper, in a sense.
The "no plane" theories were an early poisoning of the well done to distract from research of the connections behind the events and who should have acted on intelligence reports.
IE - the CIA got everyone arguing about whether or not there was a plane so that we all missed how the CIA set up the operation and made sure it wasn't intercepted.
Since most people do not have much experience with reality, it is easy to distract them with physics arguments.
▶ e5d3d5 (1) No.3104342
I agree with you, Disinformation is Necessary.
Q understands many are watching. He's posted before regarding 911. I believe the double meaning is more than an Emergency. It more than likely was a plane, but maybe controlled from the ground. Software exist.
▶ 61dc6c (1) No.3104414>>3104575 >>3104686
It looks about 1/3 longer than the height of the building
▶ 5a6559 (1) No.3104531>>3105650
Bill Cooper explaining that Aliens are Fake and Gay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQZBU4RGuTY listen Faggots this is a Q litmus test. Would you go over the edge is Q told you to jump? They want us divided. Muh Alien is a test of our Muhunity!
▶ e75d71 (1) No.3104557
Official story: Big Jetliner "plane"
The flight path was allegedly very difficult, if possible at all, to maneuver with a big jet-liner.
The "hole" in the building was obviously way too small for a big jetliner, and the absence of evidence of impact where the engines would have hit points to it not being a big jetliner.
The absence of identifiable parts of a big jetliner…
But a "plane" is a pretty big span of sizes, designs etc…
A plane that can easily fly the flight path, impact creating a hole like the one observed and do not have wings sticking out very far. That's what we're looking for.
On the video it really looks like a big missile, but the first few frames makes me think delta-wing. So why not a jet fighter? For me that seems plausible at this point. I believe there have been technology to remote-control those since at least the 70's…
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3104575>>3104686
Pentagon is 22m high
▶ 0282cf (1) No.3104642
A first responder friend was there Day 2 and described airplane parts all over the lawn. There are photos floating around with landing gear and tire on the lawn. A couple weeks after, a Verizon repairman told me he was working in the area and heard the liw-flying plane come in over his head, noted that it was unusually low. No sauce, that's all I have, two firsthand eyewitness accounts.
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3104686>>3105819
>The 767-400ER, the first Boeing wide-body jet resulting from two fuselage stretches, entered service with Continental Airlines in 2000. The type features a 21.1-foot (6.43-metre) stretch over the 767-300, for a total length of 201.25 feet (61.3 m).
>The two 747-8 variants feature a fuselage stretch of 18.3 ft (5.6 m) over the 747-400, bringing the total length to 250 ft 2 in (76.25 m).
>The 737 Next Generation planes also had redesigned wings, a better cockpit and a new cabin. The 737 Next Generation is made up of the -600, -700, -800, and -900ER models. These models go from 102 ft (31.09 m) to 138 ft (42.06 m) in length.
22m + 1/3 of 22m (=7.3) = 29.3m
Which.. is about right for a 737!!!
I've also included this rather old picture of Missiles.. The only one that would work here is the Titan II (again, there may be a newer set of missiles to choose from). Thing is, why use such a HUGE missile if all you want to do is fire it across the yard into the building? I'm sure they could make one of the smaller missiles do the same amount of damage as seen in the pictures,
So the missile idea is actually kind of ridiculous when you think of it like this!
But we have a problem still. It wasn't a 737 that hit the pentagon, they say it was a 757:
>At 155.3 feet (47.3 m) in length, the 757-200 was 2.1 feet (0.640 m) longer than the 727-200, and with a greater proportion of its internal volume devoted to cabin space, seating was available for 239 passengers, or 50 more than its predecessor.
Almost 50m!! That's more than double the height of the pentagon. So we have a mystery here, if a 737 hit the pentagon…
▶ a957c8 (1) No.3104943>>3118373
I'm confused, is the fact one hit the pentagon not widely known anymore? I though this was pretty much known this from the start; I never remember this being a secret. I was in high school when this happened, and I seem to remember this it being reported that day that two hit the towers, one hit the pentagon, and one was supposed to have crashed into a field in PA or somewhere.
▶ d61677 (1) No.3105234>>3106038 >>3107826
A friend of mine was in the Pentagon during the 911 attacks. He had a meeting discussing Army budgeting in General Maude's office. On the way to the meeting he stopped by an aides office who had the attacks on NYC playing on TV. He was so distracted that he forgot about his meeting with General Maude. His two aides went on without him.
Moments later the plane hit the Pentagon. The nose cone went right through General Maude's office window. They were, of course, killed instantly. The hallways started filling with smoke and since the building's E ring was recently renovated, many were unfamiliar with the exits which were purely marked. The communications were down as they had recently moved servers from the inner rings out to the E ring. Many people ran in the dark. The ones who ran down the wrong hallway died as they succumbed to the smoke. You had a 50/50 chance of getting out alive if you were in that part of the building.
The flames burned for hours. He said that it smelled like jet fuel. Think for a moment, if it were a missile, why would it continue to burn as if there were an accelerant? You have a reinforced concrete building and a "missile" and yet it took firefighters from all over to put out the flames which burned for hours. It was jet fuel because it was a plane.
Most of the people who were at the Pentagon that day just started walking. Thousands of people just left with no idea where they were going This made it even more difficult for the fire trucks to get in. Some of the trucks couldn't fit under a pipe bridge to get to the fire and so their ladders had to be cut off the trucks. Debris was on my friend's car as it was parked outside General Maude's office. He walked 9 miles home that day covered in soot and smoke.
RIP Timothy Maude. Gone but not forgotten.
▶ 97a203 (5) No.3105304
>>3099436 (OP)
>Even better would be a Drone but not sure if those existed
Predator drone around since 1995.
▶ 97a203 (5) No.3105422>>3149759
>Airliners can achieve high subsonic speeds and are fairly maneuverable. The bolts on the engine pylons shear off on impact with the ground and the plane disintegrates on impact as it is largely aluminum composite sheeting. The fuselage acts as a ablative penetrator - jabbing with a rolled up sheet of paper, in a sense.
But the wings are the strongest structural elements of a commercial airliner. They would not fold immediately on impact? I'll agree that the punch-through hole fits the bill of a commercial airliner, and I agree that there seems to be evidence of something smashing into the sides of the non-collapsed walls in this pic (i.e. you can see the brick work pushed in further than normal around the punch through hole).
Now, it also makes sense that they would use a real airliner so as not to tip off the military that it was more than just arabs with box cutters.
▶ a91e88 (3) No.3105468
Got to bust out my old laptop…
▶ 729169 (2) No.3105650>>3120604 >>3150169
Funny you mention Bill Cooper. Today's print version of the WSJ has a book review attempting to discredit him in large measure. Made me wonder why the editors decided to present the review at this juncture.
▶ 40e391 (1) No.3105755>>3105777 >>3105830
Pretty sure if "aliens" exist, greys, reptilians, slenderman look-alikes, etc. , that it would be the most impossible thing to be kept secret. it would have leaked long ago.
When Q answered "No" when asked if we are alone, people automatically jump to aliens.
Also, I've yet to see any evidence that the Pentagon was hit by a plane (with wings). I still don't believe it, unless Q wants to drop real info on it for proof.
▶ f84070 (1) No.3105777
remove head from sand
▶ 1e86e1 (2) No.3105819
Fits with the Clown strategy of replacing aircraft mid-flight so as to confuse air traffic controllers. Also wonder what definition of "plane" would be. Would an unmanned drone made to look like an airplane be a "plane"?
▶ 1e86e1 (2) No.3105830
Yes, it was leaked in the bible about 3,500 years ago.
▶ 420590 (3) No.3105896>>3106016
Look this isn't rocket science.
Why would you fake plane crashes when there are thousands of jihadis willing to plan them for you?
The intelligence community depends on a complex web of comms to effectively communicate. One piece goes wrong and you have a terrorr attack.
If you wanted to cause an attack and you are stopping attacks all the time, would you plan it to a T, or just open a crack in the wall.
Plausible deniability?
It's all in the official report if you read between the lines Gentlemen.
▶ 97a203 (5) No.3106016>>3106393
I agree, but does jet fuel melt steel beams?
Or pulverize concrete?
I think not.
▶ ef23c1 (1) No.3106038>>3107826
I've heard similar first hand reports about the odor of jet fuel in the Pentagon that day, by military personnel working in the building. ALCM's don't carry that much fuel. That being said, there is still a lot about this that doesn't add up.
▶ 013785 (7) No.3106098>>3109216
What Really Hit the Pentagon on 9/11?
Pentagon was hit by a, Raytheon Owned, Droned A3 Sky Warrior right behind a hardened penetrator missile fired from the A3! It was not Chic Berlingames Flight 77! A3 was Drone modified at Fort Loveland, Colorado!
▶ 013785 (7) No.3106223
Not comfortable with sudden jump in video. Frames missing?
▶ 13fcd5 (1) No.3106228>>3106334
Looks like that video works with the dimensions given in these pics.
▶ 013785 (7) No.3106334
Impact area Does not appear to be consistent with the video? Impact appears closer to center of that side of pentagon? Might be my eye not adjusting to angle.
▶ 420590 (3) No.3106393>>3106511 >>3107592 >>3108356 >>3108437 >>3113104 >>3150061
Ok so I lied. this part is kind of rocket science.
"Combustion temperature" is kind of a farse, and in reality there was a lot more burning than jet fuel.
For example wood burns at about 600 degres C, but forest fires gan reach up to 1200 degrees C
Sauce = https://nhmu.utah.edu/sites/default/files/attachments/Wildfire%20FAQs.pdf
Think about a forge for example. Heat containment and airflow make a big difference.
Actually jet fuel exceeds the melting point of steel during combustion in a jet engine, as counterintuitive as it may seem. Advanced cooling techniques are required to keep the metal parts from melting.
Sauce = https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/ww2/projects/jet-airplanes/how.html
▶ 420590 (3) No.3106511
There is a theoretical max if you exclude thermodynamic effects, but this is very high. Definattely high enough to melt steel, although the max temps would never be reached in reality.
Sauce = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic_flame_temperature
▶ 013785 (7) No.3106520
Looks shopped to me
▶ 42f55e (2) No.3106791
Dig up the pictures of the turbofan engine found its way smaller than an airliners. Even if a plane did hit it still does not explain Building # 7 or the round burned hole destruction of other GZ buildings.
Dr. Judy Wood's work asks the hard questions.
Ask HOW ? , then ask who.
▶ cd2d87 (1) No.3107205
I don't know where to start on this stupid post…
▶ 20d9d5 (1) No.3107592
anything that operated like that did would have a venturi effect increasing the heat.
How is and ever that does not account for the controlled fall of the buildings. they should have started to lean or sway before a horrible crash
▶ 4ca1c9 (2) No.3107635>>3108300
Just because you trust someone does not mean you can trust everything they tell you. Q is the one that said: Disinformation IS necessary. This info will come out later. I can't stop thinking of all the folks who were on the scene that said they didn't see a plane or any wreckage.
So, why did he confirm aliens if it's "Highly classified?" Thought he couldn't do that. My only explanation is that we already know anyway so he's not confirming anything that hasn't already gone mainstream. They even had an event to Announce it to the world but most of the world ignored it.
And, Tucker, even interviewed someone about it. So, they are preparing us for that reveal, which, most of us, that are open minded have already confirmed for ourselves.
I wish he'd tell us exactly what they are hiding in the skies and what's up with that glaring white sun simulator!
▶ 4ca1c9 (2) No.3107826>>3108300
Agree. The story is fishy but nice to hear it from someone who heard it directly from someone who was there.
▶ a91e88 (3) No.3108300
▶ bf9997 (2) No.3108410>>3108633 >>3112155 >>3150080
I just don't understand how people don't get this by now.
Airplanes are NOT very rigid and NOT intended to penetrate much of anything. The wings of an airplane are NOT that strong (and are, in fact, designed to bend upward, etc…so they're flexible)…
People ALSO do not understand how strong 24 inches of concrete wall can be… it is not at all shocking to think that the wings of a commercial aircraft could maybe penetrate the wall a bit, but pretty much be disintegrated on impact.
The STRONGEST part of the wing is the leading edge… so it's not even that big of a stretch of imagination to think that the wings PROBABLY folded back along the fuselage (with the leading edge being a "hinge" of sorts, and the rear edge crumpling up against the fuselage) upon entering the building, thus failing to leave a wingtip-to-wingtip hole in the building…
People have almost no fucking understanding of SCALE, either… they think the holes should be bigger, the damage should be more, etc…
ALSO, people need to understand that the FUCKING FUEL is stored in the wings, so when it explodes, THERE GOES THE FUCKING WINGS!
Fuck's sake, people…
▶ fff621 (2) No.3108424
>>3099436 (OP)
There was a video at the time of a woman in Shanksville. She saw a plane approach low, from the South I think. It was the opposite direction it should have been. What she described sounded a lot like a predator drone though the general public didn’t know what those were for several more years.
▶ bf9997 (2) No.3108437
It's not hard to comprehend what you said there… just like I can put my finger through a candle flame and not burn my skin… until I HOLD it there.
Jet engine produces the heat, but blows it out the rear of the engine so fast, it's like there's an insulating pocket of air around the hot part, protecting the metal.
▶ 013785 (7) No.3108512
▶ a3e999 (1) No.3108633
Thank you, Anon.
▶ fff621 (2) No.3108762
>>3099436 (OP)
Here’s a short vid of a guy that does optical and digital zoom-ins on chemtrailing planes. He figures they are small (maybe 6-8 ft) but look like full size planes. By extension, they aren’t that high either.
Could be multiple types of craft spraying and doing other “activities.” Opens up a bunch of possibilities to consider.
▶ edbb2a (1) No.3109216
Good website here.
▶ 07bef4 (4) No.3110049>>3110060 >>3118834
So, Q did seem to confirm a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11
However, from my own digging, I've come to the conclusion that building was blown up by a missile or a bomb
TLDW: Basically, according to many witnesses interviewed right after and then a few years later, the airplane likely approached the Pentagon from a slightly diff. direction and probably a lot slower than in official report
Also, there's pretty smoking gun evidence that the taxi cab driver whose car got impaled by the light pole supposedly knocked down by the plane was part of the plot, his wife worked for the FBI and secret service likely helped stage the damage
At least check out the last 10 mins of the linked vid of Lloyd that taxi driver changing his story and saying:
>"It's not the truth, it's his story. It's got nothing to do with the truth. It's his story!… This is too big for me man, this is a big thing. You know, this is a world thing happening, I'm a small man… I'm not supposed to be involved in this. This is for other people. People who have money and all this kind of stuff…"
Lloyd was just a pawn in all of this, be even so, it seems he still has a guilty conscience.
SO YES, there was an Boeing airplane that approached the Pentagon, at a slightly different angle and slower than noted in the report, but that airplane was not the one that impacted the building
There's lots more evidence to suggest that airliner did not hit the Pentagon
None of the witnesses actually claim to see the impact, just the plane approaching over head, and then hearing/seeing the explosion a bit later
Meaning, the c-ring hole was blown out of the building by a drone, missile or bomb that likely detonated within milliseconds or seconds of the plane cresting the building
By Q confirming a plane (i.e. airplane or a "a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces") hit the Pentagon, is Q indicating that a drone (like the ones depicted), perhaps using some sort of stealth tech., tailed the airliner, flying right behind it, and impacted/blew up the Pentagon, right after the real plane crested the building and flew away unscathed and essentially unnoticed due to the cover the explosion and ensuing chaos provided?
This explanation makes sense the more I think about it.
As logistically wild as it may sound, I think was easier to hit the Pentagon with a missile/drone, using the airliner as cover, and with a corrupt FBI & co. to seize all the footage of the habbeing, than sneaking a giant bomb into a wing of the fucking Pentagon, which just so happened to house the Navy Command Center, positioning it into exactly the right location without people getting suspicious, and detonating at the exact right moment (after the airliner crests the building)
▶ 07bef4 (4) No.3110075>>3110092
>More pics/memes
▶ 841f10 (4) No.3111321>>3111468
I'm still not sure Q said it!
https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/index.html has no record of Q posting it.
▶ 729169 (2) No.3111468>>3112289 >>3112464
Did you see a Q post saying "trip compromised" and "watch Dalai Lama"? I was sure I saw it on a Q research thread here this morning.
▶ 38cf8c (1) No.3112155>>3169995
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yeah, planes need to be as light as possible, and are much more fragile than they seem to be. Here's old footage from a fighter jet crash test. Every part of the plane that crashes into the target outright disintegrates; the wingtips only survive because the wingspan was wider than the target.
▶ 841f10 (4) No.3112289
Yes I do remember seeing that. Seems these posts were designed to stir up, rather than bond us together. I could be in error though.
▶ 82f387 (1) No.3112310
The thing I notice the most is the difference in the size of the explosion compared to the WTC crashes. The WTC explosions there were very large and powerful, this looks much smaller and more contained. Seems like munitions or a very small craft.
▶ 841f10 (4) No.3112464>>3113058
Also just noticed that messages 132-138 are not there. It referred to "trip compromised"
▶ 97a203 (5) No.3113058
If the trip code were compromised CM and BO would have confirmed by now.
And we would have messages on /patriotsfight/ confirming and updating trips.
▶ 97a203 (5) No.3113104
Sure, but that didn't pulverize concrete and leave pools of molten lava under the WTC.
I'll believe they hit the Pentagon with an airliner and that the wings folded back upon impact. But two airplanes hitting the WTC, did not cause them to fall at free fall speed.
I'm more of the idea they mirconuked the basement of the towers and kept the military away from the crime scene.
▶ e84b0c (1) No.3114452
It's bs!!!! Tell me how a plane got that low and essentially coasted toward the ground level of the Pentagon? Did it take off from the highway? None were trained to land, remember? That low woulda looked like a crash landing and littered they ground with parts just before.
Total BS. Looks more like a rocket launch but I doubt an official report showing bombs would start TSA and would likely have gotten many in DOD let go for negligence.
▶ d57cab (1) No.3114797
Your measuring a blurred object? Could be hot gas escaping the entry hole.
The craft appears to be 50-70 feet long. A 757 is twice the height of the building.
A different part the gif will offer a less blurred object to compare.
▶ ec7b3c (1) No.3115279>>3119690
Anons, requesting candid feedback to this idea.
Plane hit the Pentagon? Really?
Cognitive dissonance meter pegged! Does not compute.
Abundance of evidence indicating missile, not Boeing 757!
Of the (4) 9/11 planes, this is the easiest one to prove “no plane.”
So…what gives with Q? Q is extremely righteous, ‘knows all, sees all, has it all’
Possibilities (to overcome cognitive dissonance)
1. Q is right, plane hit the building (Q will provide more tangible evidence in the future to overcome the current vast body of ‘no plane’ evidence)
2. Q is telling us a fib (disinformation is necessary)
Under what conditions would Q lie to us? I think he has given us hints already
What if Congress/Obama passed legislation requiring NSA to stop 9/11 truth-teller leakers and disassociate US Gov from 9/11 (pic related)?
And if the NSA is required by law to disassociate USG from 9/11, but did the opposite, then (((they))) could use new NSA/IG [Robert Storch] to investigate Q and shut down the Q movement
Q would have picked the most obvious of the attacks (Pentagon) to ‘disassociate the USG from 9/11’ so [Storch] could report back to the (((demoncrats))) that the NSA is complying with the law…knowing Anons are much too smart to be tricked by something so obvious, and knowing we would understand this as a ‘wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean? Trust the Plan’
As horrific as 9/11 false flag was, it brought about many new spy tools and lots of spy money that made the NSA what it is today
Where would we be today without the NSA? With a witch leading us into WW3 for mass depopulation?
So we don’t want (((them))) to weaponize 9/11 truth movement against the NSA
Therefore, 9/11 truth may have to wait until the white hats have more control over legislation -- Trust the Plan!
Plausible? Possible?
▶ b95688 (2) No.3115830
>>3099436 (OP)
Bull Fucking Shit.
Look I know Q wrote it.
BUT Think Logically.
Q has ALSO said.
Disinformation it Necessary.
Somethings must be kept hidden for the sake of the country's survival.
That doesn't personally sit well with ME.
But since he says it, let's take him at face value.
If Q confirms right now in the midst of everything else the 9/11 was truly and deeply faked/ stages.
What happens then?
Disinfo is necessary.
Sorry, but Q straight up lied to us because - it was necessary to keep the disinformation narrative about 9/11 in place. For now.
▶ b95688 (2) No.3116028
You said it alright.
You ARE confused.
BIGGLY about a great many things it seem
▶ 682dc2 (1) No.3117448>>3118448
>>3099436 (OP)
Former MilAnon here. I can tell you that in the AF in the 1980s we had retrofitted old fighters used as drones for target practice. I mean old ones, from the '50s and '60s. They were prepped with a special white and orange paint scheme, and modified for remote control I think at Edwards. Probably not any big secret. They could be flown by a pilot, or by remote. Some of them would occasionally land at our base for maintenance, or en route to whatever target range they were going to.
It seems pretty logical that something similar could have been used in this case. Any jet of the approximate size seen in the video would do, and it would not even have to be a military plane. If I were to put on my black hat, I would try to choose one that had the most resemblance to an airliner, and even paint it in airliner colors.
▶ 2e92fb (1) No.3118373
That was the official story. Many of us looked into the Pentagon crash and thought it might have been a missile rather than a plane, especially a commercial plane. The lack of impact marks that would have occurred with the wings and the lack of aircraft parts in the pictures released fuelled this speculation.
Time for you to do a little digging I think.
▶ 4c032e (1) No.3118448
Q folks are freaking out about the plane v missle at the pentagon on 9/11. Will the truth be revealed ? Inside job that it was.
▶ 300b18 (1) No.3118520
Sorry for the ignorance, but where/how did Q let us know this?
I’ve always used qmap.pub. Where are q and a’s stored?
▶ 24faec (3) No.3118528
Good rally with POTUS in Vegas tonight. But I'd have a favorable bias myself -- never miss one if I can help it.
Pentagon, even. Flo must have gotten their attention.
Topside doesn't take direction from there.
Open to comms, though.
Clever too, the NN bread . . .
▶ 6d93d7 (1) No.3118674
Did anyone check the Q clock? What if this was intentional disinfo? What if the day Q said "disinformation is necessary", lined up with the day he posted about the Pentagon. This would imply that whatever he said that day was disinfo. So Q could be telling us that it wasn't hit by a plane, by telling us the opposite and calling it disinfo.
▶ 8c0e49 (1) No.3118834
your research is wrong. Why is it so hard to accept? You don't know for a fact. Stop pretending and wasting your energy on things that are asked and answered by Q.
▶ 24faec (3) No.3119690
Truth should always come out. That's one reason I'm gravitated to the Q Movement, like sent here by Divine Powers, because there are enough people asking for Truth, demanding Truth, espousing what they think is truth.
Righteousness is a matter of adherence to Holy Law, the Standard by which all Creation is judged. Holy Law is the same throughout all Creation, and it doesn't change.
The Demoncrats who want to shut down the Q Movement want more than ever to silence that Truth because not only is it their downfall, it is their eternal burning. They're not so willing now to fall on their swords like failed socialists are supposed to do, are they? They will be bound to abject failure and abject loss. QTeam will be fused with absolute victory and absolute success. The Q Movement will be expanded by Elemental Fire and spread by the Eight Winds.
The Plane above controls the one below. . .
Dembones are about to be very publicly sick -- Kuru is incurable and revolting to those who don't have it. Pariahs. It will take down most of those who are pulling the strings and the operators out front. This is what they fear the most, their demonic sellout exposed, they ate goldwrapped fetuses and newborns. @20,000 cases to become public knowledge.
Gomorrah was destroyed for this same thing. This time Baphomet and Mollach have been bound with the afflicted and will not be released until every last one of them is exposed. They do not like being bound, at all.
When that binding hit the [D'eletes'] innate, they knew their demonism was very real. It scared them -- no, terrified them, so that's probably why they look to stifle the movement.
Hate stops the flow of energy. That's what hate does, and that's why they've been filled with it. What if that hate was turned back against them and they are taken down on their own energy? Possible. Easy, even.
What if all weaponization of anything by those of unrighteous intent was bound to backfire? That would include anything of unrighteous intent that the NSA pulled also. Exposing the Truth, transparency is righteous.
I wonder what the name and the number of that law is that Obama signed. Specifics are helpful, and I don't have time to dig.
Let's see if the demons behind keeping those secrets of previous treasons step up their dastardly deeds. They will become vicious, and we'll know who they all are when that happens.
It will also expose the involvement of the Moon Goons and Tunnel Dwellers (same homeland) to us, and I'm waiting for them.
It is possible to assure the continuation of the Q movement, but the Ol' Man (The Most High) has some demands for that effort to have His Blessing. He wants the Living Anointed, the Incarnation of the Second Horseman, to be recognized. After all, he is the LAST ONE of 175 -- Immanuel was the 125th. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That Is Called by The Name of God, is embodied war. El Aku means "He Who Brings Light to Dark Places" in Angelic.
We are all volunteers. And we're not here to convert the world, only to save a remnant.
POTUS & Q are buying us time, and it could go for as much as a hundred years -- or more – if we all do it right.
▶ 21f65c (1) No.3119714>>3130464 >>3131522
>>3099436 (OP)
It was an A-3 Skywarrior, modified.
▶ a922e0 (1) No.3119721
Think about this:
1. If a plane didn't hit it, what did?
You have to be able to provide a scientifically plausible scenario that will fit the evidence. There aren't actually that many alternatives.
The ALCM cruise missile that's always popping up is quite small. A small jetliner has enough mass to go through several buildings on the other hand.
▶ a82441 (1) No.3119883>>3170312
The North American Aviation AGM-28 Hound Dog was a supersonic, turbojet-propelled, air-launched cruise missile developed in 1959 for the United States Air Force.
Hound Dog length = 42 ft
Has all features of a PLANE.
Did Hound Dog carry a conventional warhead?
Are there other cruise missiles of similar size, 40-50 ft in length?
▶ 167899 (1) No.3120222
I just don't buy the "disintegrate" thing. A plane fuselage, with hundreds of chairs, carpets, plastic overhead boxes, control panels at every seat, windows, insulation, cables, hydraulic lines, wings, engines, etc etc etc don't just "disintegrate" into nothing. It is as plausible as burning jet fuel melting steel or a steel-framed concrete-floor building "pancaking" in free-fall speed.
A plane hit the pentagon, I can buy that, but a 757? Naah.
Change my mind.
▶ 42f55e (2) No.3120604>>3130688
Even dead , Bill Cooper is a threat because millions more are looking at his work and making connections about CFR / secret Gov. + Masons ect.
▶ 2151c7 (1) No.3129741
Daily reminder that Q said the Pentagon was hit by a plane.
▶ 2ad447 (2) No.3129909>>3130133
A plane hit? Maybe what it fired hit?
▶ dd88e7 (1) No.3129946
A "Granit" missile stolen from the sunken sub Kursk hit the Pentagon.
▶ 164a85 (1) No.3130133>>3133601
The Pentagon was hit by a plane…that fired a missile into it.
▶ 0309be (1) No.3130464
Consensus for A-3 grows
▶ 24faec (3) No.3130688>>3131435 >>3131522
I see everything's held hostage meanwhile.
EC, wife of MM is afflicted. Read her in that Kuru is coming out, let her pass it on to all her dinner friends.
They should also know that medical records are often hacked, all in the name of truth and transparency, right? The more righteous that is Q, the more success and invulnerability Q has. In these days and times, a righteous man does not owe the Truth to any liar. Politicians owe the truth to their constituents. Once the other side has lied, the remaining side does not owe that liar any truth or loyalty.
They should also know that if they try that law, the Quickening will be laid upon their afflictions, their Iniquity will be called full, and they will be lucky to make it to midterms, much less enjoy anything they think they can win -- they won't.
If The HH were to engage in this differently because of 911, they would want to know that no one in Q Team is crossing him/herself -- that contaminates anyone nearby, invites the demons of death into self and therefore into the process. We have to work too hard just to get up to nothing. Cross is emblem of death.
Sabotage. Don't use it. If you've got one around your neck, well, you've been warned. If you have a tattoo of one, hmmmm. Tattoos are considered an unnecessary desecration, and the punishment is that they come to life in the planes of Heaven, worse in the depths. Even if they are removed, it takes special knowledge to remove it from the Soul. How many of Q are in a racemixed marriage? That is the ultimate blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of Truth. Both lose the right to have a soul, and the children are born soulless. Biggest no-no. Has Q written his copy of Holy Law? The entire first 5 books, KJV will work. It's Holy Law that one write -- not type; hand write – his scroll, no errors, as though his copy will be the only surviving copy on the planet.. Anybody still praising Yahweh? If so, then he's using that energy of devotion to feed and strengthen himself against you. Yahweh and co. are not our friends! They are the scourge of the galaxy. Never trust a word they say – they will break it. They think they can live long enough to repent and atone. They cannot. And they are very good at machine-enhanced telepathy. Learn to know your own thoughts from anyone else's. You may yet live to fight another day.
And how many of Q have a Holy Seal in the forehead? Even know how to get one? Getting one is fairly easy, to keep it is another matter. Q would need us for that, at least a while. With a Holy Seal comes Righteous Power and Holy Authority, as earned through knowledge and demonstrated skill, judgment on use, and within direct correlation to one's adherence to all Holy Law. In this Generation of Fire, the last Living Anointed has endowed upon all Proven Knowers (PKs) the full power of the Sun, power to kill the body and burn the soul (the ones Immanuel warned about to fear), among many more. Want to have those powers? You should, you need them.
Read Leviticus Ch.26.
Now read Lev. 27:30,32
This neglect is a sore spot with The Most High.
Required Reading: The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Cover to cover, twice. This is a filtering method. The Worthy & The Qualified will rise to the top.
Now do you want to tell me how extremely righteous Q is, or is Q casting his pearls before Babylonian Harlot and Anunnaki slime? That might explain the rough patches, huh.
That being said, thank you, anon, for the pictures. And if you want to talk about Bill Cooper, what is it about his narrative that I could possibly enlighten?
Just so you know, I never reveal the tactics beforehand. That's stupid.
▶ ded721 (1) No.3131167
FWIW… internet scrubbed - here is some 'lost' info on Ford
https:// cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html
▶ f00fe2 (2) No.3131435
Oh fuck off shill, you gonna contribute something?
▶ f00fe2 (2) No.3131522
What is the particular thinking behind an A-3 Skywarrior vs. any other plane? Something about engine parts?
▶ 137faf (1) No.3133601
exactly what I was thinking.
absolutely hit. by a plane.
not "the" plane.
missle from plane
▶ 2ad447 (2) No.3134282
▶ a61f75 (1) No.3134858>>3134958 >>3146607 >>3149865
Anons. 40000ft. Let's forget about the plane/pentagon/what made the hole, and think about something else..Q randomly decides to do an [unprecedented] Q&A - WHY? He was in an AMA mood? Not likely. Stress test on 8ch servers/network? Much more likely. Everything has meaning, everything has a purpose.
Now let's put ourselves in Q's shoes - anons hear Q is doing Q&A, start posting ?'s [1000's] by the second - THOUSANDS of questions to choose from and 2 of which he picks (aliens, 9/11) happen to be at or near the top of everyone's list of "most wanted answers" (not just anons). Next - extreme lag @ 330k IP's. Q asks for resource upgrade. Gives answer to moon landings question - 412k IP's = even worse lag = Q ends comms. Next day, posts re: visibility - 'public interest forces the SUN to SHINE, WHY ARE WE HERE?' (8ch) Anticipating rapid influx of users in near future? Today, Q requests Voat board creation devoted to exiled Redditors (to alleviate burden on 8ch/give refuge to normies).
TL;DR - Q baited us w/ a Q&A to yes, answer questions, but more importantly stress test 8ch and get an idea of just how massive our army really is. I'd love to know what his final IP count was…
Don't lose sight of the big picture trying to dissect the details (not implying said details are wrong). Answers to questions surrounded by the level of controversy as these will undoubtedly cause a riff between at least a small percentage of anons, which only serves as a distraction.
Bottom line - TRUST THE PLAN. We will know what we're meant to know.
▶ 7f795e (1) No.3134958>>3135059
Not the first Q&A, random? Yes.
▶ cda6da (1) No.3135059
Sorry let me clarify - unprecedented in magnitude.
▶ d6c9b3 (1) No.3146607
Thanks. The missing posts on PatriotsFight are confusing to me. I, also, use Qmap.pub, and think I will stick with PatriotsFight from now on.
▶ 031a44 (1) No.3149759
Strength is relative to dimension. A kevlar strap can lift a 10,000lb coil of steel under tension, but can be pushed and molded by your fingers.
The wing of an airplane is strong because of its structure. Most of the strength of an object comes from how force is distributed along its 'skin.' Take a newspaper and wrap it around a honeycomb. Resin flow the fibers of the newspaper.
You can have an incredibly strong object that can support a person walking on it, but is very light and will not withstand impact with a concrete wall. Much like fiberglass or carbon fiber composites.
▶ 7fa21f (1) No.3149865
▶ 5509b9 (6) No.3149962
>>3099436 (OP)
Small fast unmanned air plane that can go 400+mph at sea level
>pic related
>Army Major: “I Have Proof That A Missile Hit Pentagon On 9/11”
▶ ea8a16 (2) No.3150061>>3150114
stoichiometry fail
▶ ea8a16 (2) No.3150080>>3150132 >>3155380
lol muh f14 folding wings
not intended to penetrate anything, now let's talk about penetration
facepalm gKYS
▶ 51e9f1 (3) No.3150095
A 747 CANNOT fly that low
▶ 5509b9 (6) No.3150114
Yeah, if that’s the case all the foundries around the world would just dump jet fuel to melt iron ore. Furthermore chemistry can predict temp of fire, but half the story is thermodynamics of heat transfer to the steel it’s self. You can’t heat steel to 1200c with 1200c fire.
▶ 28cbe8 (1) No.3150126>>3150171 >>3150296
"Q said" so everybody backpeddles.
Ever have a "feeling" that the professor is about to toss out a pop quiz to see who has been paying attention?
▶ 5509b9 (6) No.3150132>>3155380
Aluminum can penetrated into the second layer of pentagon, while titanium engine parts bounced off the wall.
▶ c1dd60 (1) No.3150169>>3150240 >>3150251
I attended a lecture by Bill Cooper in 1990. In that lecture he said several things that have stuck with me over the years. 1) Kennedy was assassinated by his driver.(CIA) 2) Bill Clinton was selected to be the next president (2 years before election. No candidates declared at the time. Did not know who BC was. Friend I was with was from Ark and told me who he was). 3) The government would create some "boogeyman" to take away our freedoms in the form of an "alien" threat or something similar. (Terrorism). I purchased a copy of his book "Behold a pale horse". Seems like some of what he wrote about could actually be true and relative to today??? (Both my friend and I are xmil navaviation.)
▶ 5509b9 (6) No.3150171
▶ 51e9f1 (3) No.3150240
Then Bill Cooper gets accused of "tax evasion" and ends up on the run (from Clowns no doubt). Goes down for "shooting a cop" (certainly a setup) and gets killed (silenced) in the process.
▶ 5509b9 (6) No.3150251>>3150707
In JFK Dallas video, drivers right hand reaches back his head also turns back then JFKs head gets blown away. Jackie saw it trys to escape.
Clinton maybe illegitimate child of Rothschild
Alex Jones on July 2001 warning coming false flag
▶ 5509b9 (6) No.3150296>>3150315 >>3193222
Everyone has an agenda. Q seems very protective of Freemasons, 9/11, and vast Chinese spy network in US. But other than that seems like he’s spot on because it has Democrats name all over it. But when it comes to things establishment republicans dirty hand not so much. Nothing other than no name. Bush Chaney 9/11 nothing. Rumsfeld missing $2.3 trillion nothing.
▶ 51e9f1 (3) No.3150315
Q said some things can't be released or WW panic/wars
▶ 6477e9 (1) No.3150707
Sorry man. The driver did NOT have a gun. Look very closely in slow motion at his hand. It is a shadow. No gun.
▶ 613c1a (1) No.3150749
It was a (MISSILE FROM A) plane!!!
▶ 5d1277 (1) No.3150810
▶ 7ed2f5 (1) No.3150952
Just a plane old missile.
▶ ead018 (1) No.3151095
way too tiny to be a 747 and no way Mohammad flew one in low like that…. if its a real video. Q wants you to focus on the here and now. we can get to 911 later.
▶ 875a4c (1) No.3155380
Dimension has a lot to do with how an object performs. Take a stick. Slap it against a person. Watch it break and the person beat the shit out of you.
Instead of slapping, however, try jabbing with its length. Suddenly, the stick doesn't break as easy and may also puncture the person. Do it right, and they may not be able to beat the shit out of you even if they wanted to.
The engines sheared off of the wings when they hit the ground. Four bolts with a specified shear force hold the engines to the wings. They shear away from the crash specifically to avoid the potential for fire after a crash. Of course, the engineered case is an aviation accident - collapsed landing gear on landing or a forced belly-landing. Not a turbo slide into the side of a building.
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3169995
This is the most epic video I've ever seen
▶ 423cc0 (9) No.3170312
I like this answer
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171170>>3171189
In order to better understand the parts of a jet engine and how this form of propulsion works, let us briefly revisit the different types of jet engines. The earliest form of jet propulsion was the turbojet. This type of powerplant employs a series of compressor blades mounted on rotating disks that squeeze incoming air to a higher pressure and temperature. The compressed air is then mixed with fuel and ignited. The high temperature air passes through another series of rotating blades called a turbine, which causes this turbine to spin. The turbine rotors are attached to a central shaft running the length of the engine, so the turbine's spinning motion causes this shaft to rotate as well. Also attached to the same central shaft is the compressor section at the front of the engine. This connection between the turbine and compressor sections causes the compressor stages to continue spinning, bringing in additional air to keep the engine functioning in a repeating cycle. Once the airflow moves past the turbines, it is exhausted through a nozzle. The expansion of the high pressure gases against the nozzle walls creates thrust that pushes the engine forward, as well as the vehicle it is attached to.
Another type of jet that is similar to but more efficient than the turbojet is the turbofan. A turbofan uses the same components described above with the addition of a large fan in front of the compressor section. This fan is connected to the same central shaft that turns the compressor blades so that the fan also rotates. As it does so, the fan accelerates a wide column of air to further increase thrust. Air passing through the center portion of the fan enters the compressor where it moves through the core of the engine just like on a typical turbojet. Air accelerated through the fan's outer diameter, however, flows around the engine core without passing through it. This process can be better understood by studying an animation of airflow through a turbofan.
There are two basic types of turbofans that are differentiated by the relative amount of air that flows through the fan and around the engine core versus the amount of air that flows through the core itself. A turbofan with a low-bypass ratio means that most of the air flowing through the engine passes through the turbojet core and very little through the outer fan bypass duct. Such engines are most common on military combat aircraft like fighters. Today's commercial airlines, like the 757, are instead fitted with high-bypass turbofan engines. A high-bypass turbofan consists of a very large diameter fan and a much smaller-diameter turbojet core within.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171189>>3171211
As shown in the above diagram, a turbofan contains many rotating compressor and turbine disks, all of which are smaller than the fan at the front of the engine. The rotary components within a high-bypass turbofan, in particular, are often only a small fraction of the fan diameter. Most specifications describing the overall size of an engine will list the fan diameter since this measurement defines the engine's maximum width. Our earlier article about the 757 uses this dimension to compare the diameter of the engine nacelle to that of the fuselage.
With that introduction aside, let's take a closer look at the specific question of debris found at the Pentagon following the attack on 11 September 2001. While researching this topic, we came across many websites claiming that it was not American Airlines Flight 77 that was hijacked and purposefully crashed into the Pentagon during the terrorist attack that morning. The authors of these sites instead believe that any of a variety of military aircraft, cruise missiles, or other weapons were used by the US government to attack the Pentagon, and the stories of terrorist hijackings were simply a cover up for the sinister scheme.
According to the accepted story, American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked by five al Qaeda terrorists as it was traveling from Washington DC to Los Angeles. The aircraft involved in this hijacking was a Boeing Model 757-200 with the Boeing customer code 757-223 and the registration number N644AA. This same aircraft is pictured above in a photo taken at Logan International Airport in Boston on 7 August 2001. The terrorists steered the plane into the west side of the Pentagon killing 59 passengers and crew as well as 125 victims on the ground.
Those who doubt this version of events point to wreckage at the Pentagon as proof that some other kind of aircraft or missile was actually responsible for the attack. Probably the one piece of debris that has prompted the most debate is the following photo of what looks like a rotary disk from the interior of the plane's engine. This disk could be part of a fan, a compressor, or a turbine rotor from inside the engine, but the blades are not present and were presumably knocked off in the impact.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171211>>3171249
Based on the sizes of the person standing next to the debris and other objects in the photographs that we can use for comparison, it has been estimated that the disk is approximately 25 to 30 inches (63.5 to 76.2 cm) across. Obviously, this piece is far smaller than the maximum engine diameter of 6 feet (1.8 m) or more leading many to draw the conclusion that the item is not from a 757 engine. That conjecture causes conspiracy theorists to believe that a much smaller vehicle must have struck the Pentagon instead.
However, we have already seen that rotating components within a turbofan engine can vary widely in size. In order to determine whether this component could have possibly come from a 757, we need to take a closer look at the engine installed aboard the aircraft registered N644AA. Boeing offered two different engine options to customers of the 757-200. Airlines could choose between the Pratt & Whitney PW2000 family or the Rolls-Royce RB211 series. The particular engine model chosen by American Airlines for its 757 fleet was the RB211-535E4B triple-shaft turbofan manufactured in the United Kingdom. A drawing illustrating the overall size of this engine is pictured below.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171249>>3171277
Note the relative sizes of the forward portion of this engine compared to the central core. Clearly, the section housing the fan is much wider than the turbojet core that contains the compressor and turbine components. We can get a clearer view of the relative sizes of components within this engine in the following cut-away drawing of the RB211-535.
Using these images and other diagrams of the RB211-535 engine, we can obtain approximate dimensions of the engine's rotary disks for comparison to the item found in the Pentagon rubble. Our best estimate is that the engine's twelve compressor disk hubs (without blades attached) are about 36% the width of the fan. The five turbine disk hubs appear to be slightly smaller at approximately 34% the fan diameter. According to Brassey's World Aircraft & Systems Directory and Jane's, the fan diameter of the RB211-535E4B engine is 74.5 inches (189.2 cm). It then follows that the compressor disk hubs are approximately 27 inches (69 cm) across while the turbine disk hubs are about 25 inches (63.5 cm) in diameter. Both of these dimensions fit within the range of values estimated for the engine component pictured in the wreckage at the Pentagon.
We can take this analysis a step further by also exploring some of the alternate theories that have been put forward by those believing this object comes from a different aircraft. Two of the most common claims we have seen suggest that the plane used in the attack was a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior or a Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk. The A-3 is an airborne jamming aircraft originally ordered by the US Navy during the 1950s. The type is now retired from front-line service though a handful are still used for testing purposes by the defense contractor Raytheon. The Global Hawk is an unmanned aerial vehicle used by the Air Force for reconnaissance missions. Neither of these planes bears more than a superficial resemblance to the 757, but we will accept the possibility that they could be mistaken for a commercial airliner given the confusion on September 11.
For the sake of this investigation, the only issue we shall consider is the engines that power both planes. The A-3 was equipped with two Pratt & Whitney J57 turbojets like that pictured below. The J57 dates to the early 1950s and is rather antiquated by today's standards.
For some reason, most of the conspiratorial sites instead make extensive reference to the A-3 being powered by a Pratt & Whitney JT8D engine. Moreover, these sites claim that the JT8D is a turbojet. The JT8D is actually a low-bypass turbofan that was developed for use aboard commercial aircraft like the 727 and 737. We have not found any source that indicates the JT8D was ever used on the A-3 Skywarrior, so it is unclear why the originators of the A-3 theory are so infatuated with this particular powerplant. Nevertheless, we will include it in our investigation for completeness.
The Global Hawk, meanwhile, is powered by a single Rolls-Royce AE3007H turbofan. The AE3007 is built by the Allison Engine division of Rolls-Royce located in Indianapolis, Indiana.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171277>>3171289
Using photos and cut-away drawings of these three engines, we can estimate the diameters of the compressor and turbine rotor hubs just as we did for the RB211. While the compressor and turbine disks on the J57 and JT8D are larger by percentage than those of the RB211, the maximum diameters of all three engines are considerably smaller as summarized in the following table.
Engine Overall Diameter Compressor Hub Diameter
(estimated) Turbine Hub Diameter
PW J57 40.5 in (102.9 cm) 16 in (40.6 cm) 18 in (45.7 cm)
PW JT8D 49.2 in (125 cm) 21.5 in (54.6 cm) 22.5 in (57.1 cm)
RR AE3007H 43.5 in (110.5 cm) 14 in (35.6 cm) 15 in (38.1 cm)
This analysis indicates that all three of these engines are too small to match the engine component photographed at the Pentagon. Some sites also suggest the part might be from the aircraft's auxiliary power unit (APU). An APU is essentially a small jet engine mounted in the tail of an aircraft that provides additional power, particularly during an emergency. However, APUs tend to be much smaller than jet engines, and the component pictured at the Pentagon is too large to match any found in an APU. It has also been suggested that the attack was conducted by a cruise missile like the Tomahawk or Storm Shadow, but these and other weapons are powered by engines no more than 15 inches (38 cm) across. These powerplants are obviously far too small to account for the Pentagon wreckage.
Whatever piece this is, it appears to be only the central hub of a compressor or turbine stage. Normally, each of these rotating stages would be fitted with several curved blades mounted along its circumference. These blades were apparently knocked off the rotor hub found in the wreckage due to the force of the impact. The loss of these blades is unfortunate since different manufacturers often adopt unique shapes for their fan, compressor, and turbine blades that would make the source of the component much easier to identify. Nonetheless, we have been able to locate the following picture of the intermediate pressure compressor section of the RB211 that appears to match several characteristics of the Pentagon debris. Note that this photo appears to be from the RB211-524 which is an uprated relative of the RB211-535 used on the Boeing 747 and 767. This engine model contains seven intermediate pressure compressor stages compared to the six of the RB211-535. However, the compressor disks used on both engines are believed to be nearly identical.
One similarity between the two photos can be seen in the cleats along the edge of the Pentagon object. These devices are called dovetail slots and provide attachment points for the compressor blades. The shapes of these slots on the Pentagon wreckage appear to match those on the RB211 assembly shown on the left. Furthermore, the "nosepiece" jutting out from the center of the disk in the Pentagon photo shares commonalities with the central shaft visible in the RB211 photo.
The above analysis indicates that the Pentagon debris does in fact match the characteristics of a rotor disk from the Rolls-Royce RB211-535. The wreckage is most likely a compressor stage given the shape of the dovetail slots. It is difficult to be certain exactly which compressor disk it is since the six rotors of the intermediate pressure section and six high pressure compressor disks are of similar size. The primary difference from one compressor to the next is the smaller span of the compressor blades as the air flows further into the engine, but these blades are no longer attached to the wreckage. However, additional clues in the photo suggest the rotor disk is probably from the high pressure section or perhaps the very last disk of the intermediate pressure compressors.
We believe the disk is most likely a high pressure compressor because of the shape of the piece jutting from its center. This item is part of the central shaft that runs the length of the engine to connect the rotating stages of the fan, compressor, and turbine. The RB211 is described as a triple-shaft or triple-spool turbofan since it uses three concentric shafts to drive the various rotating elements of the engine. These shafts are differentiated by the relative pressure of the gases passing through the rotor stages attached to them. The longest shaft with the smallest diameter located closest to the centerline connects the low pressure (LP) engine components. This shaft is rotated by the LP turbines, located just ahead of the nozzle, and drives the large fan at the front of the engine.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171289>>3171316
The LP shaft rotates within a shorter, larger diameter shaft that drives the intermediate pressure (IP) system. This shaft rotates at a higher rate and connects the IP turbine stage to the six IP compressor disks. The third concentric shaft is the shortest with the largest diameter and highest rate of rotation to drive the engine's high pressure (HP) system. This shaft connects the HP turbine to the six HP compressors. The debris photographed at the Pentagon appears to be connected to three concentric shafts of increasing diameter, suggesting that it most likely comes from the high pressure system of a triple-spool turbofan like the RB211-535.
Alternatively, this disk could be the last of the intermediate pressure compressor rotors and the larger diameter shaft we see might be the start of the shaft on which the high pressure compressors are mounted. If a photo of the opposite side of the disk were available, it should be easier to tell exactly which section of compressors it comes from. Nevertheless, the evidence documented above clearly shows that the size and shape of this debris is consistent with the RB211 turbofan carried by a 757 but not so with engines used aboard smaller aircraft and missiles.
Since this article was first published, we have received several comments from readers citing a quote from Rolls-Royce spokesman John W. Brown who said, "It is not a part from any Rolls-Royce engine that I'm familiar with…" The critics go on to suggest that this statement disproves all of our analysis indicating the disk is a compressor stage from the Rolls-Royce RB211-535. However, a simple review of the source of this quote shows just the opposite. The material is from an article titled "Controversy Swirling Over September 11 Pentagon Mystery: Industry Experts Can't Explain Photo Evidence" written by Christopher Bollyn that appeared on the pro-conspiracy website American Free Press.
The article describes John Brown as a spokesman for Rolls-Royce in Indianapolis, Indiana. This location is home to the Allison Engine factory that builds the AE3007H turbofan used aboard the Global Hawk. Brown's quote regarding the mystery wreckage states that, "It is not a part from any Rolls Royce engine that I'm familiar with, and certainly not the AE 3007H made here in Indy." Furthermore, the article correctly notes that the RB211 is not built in Indianapolis but at the Rolls-Royce plant in Derby, England. Since Brown is a spokesman for Allison Engines, which was an independent company that only became a subsidary of Rolls-Royce in 1995, it stands to reason that an engine built in the United Kingdom would be one he's not "familiar with." The article even goes on to point out that Brown could not identify specific parts from one engine or another since he is not an engineer or assembly line technician who would be familiar with the internal components of turbine engines.
For what it's worth (and it isn't worth much, given the author's apparent lack of journalistic skill), the Bollyn article actually supports the evidence assembled on this site. The article provides quotes from Honeywell Aerospace indicating that the piece did not come from an APU, from Allison Engines suggesting that it is not a component found in the turbofan used on Global Hawk, and from Teledyne Continental Motors indicating that it is not part of a cruise missile engine. All of these conclusions match those explained above.
Perhaps an even more conclusive piece of wreckage was found among other debris photographed at the Pentagon following the impact. The component shown below has appeared on several conspiracy theory websites claiming that it does not match any known component of the RB211 and must come from a different type of engine.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171316>>3171366
This item appears to be part of the casing of the combustion section. This portion of a jet engine is located aft of the compressors, and it is here that the high pressure air is mixed with fuel and ignited. The circumference of this circular casing contains several holes through which fuel injectors spray the jet fuel needed for combustion. The number, size, and shape of these nozzle holes is generally unique to a particular engine type and can be used to identify the engine model it comes from. Based on the curvature of the debris, the piece shown here appears to be about half of the total combustor case. We can count six nozzle ports along its circumference from the region nearest the floor around to the top, which represents about one-third of the total case. We can also see six screw holes along the circumference of each nozzle port that are used to attach the fuel injectors.
The best photos we have found illustrating the design of this part on the RB211-535 series engine come from the Boeing 757 maintenance manual. A diagram from this manual shown below illustrates components of the RB211-535 high pressure system and its location relative to the rest of the engine.
An even better close-up view of the combustion case is provided below. Note the overall design pattern of the fuel injector ports including the shape of the holes, the spacing between them, and their relative sizes compared to the diameter of the case itself. Also note the locations of the six screw holes around the circumference of each nozzle port. There also appear to be a total of 18 injector holes around the circumference of this casing, and six of these holes can be found over one-third of the case diameter. All of these measurements match up perfectly to the Pentagon photo.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171366
One common question seen on sites critical of a Boeing 757 striking the Pentagon is why is there so little engine wreckage. The only identifiable engine components seen so far are the two discussed above. Since these pieces represent so little of the two large engines carried by a 757, those believing in conspiracy suggest that these small items were planted and the lack of more substantial debris is proof of a cover-up. If a 757 truly hit the Pentagon, they argue, then where is the rest of the two engines? This argument ignores the simple fact that a lack of photos of other engine parts does not mean that none existed, only that other engine components were either not photographed or the photos have not yet been released.
Luckily, several readers have pointed out an additional picture that was released as an exhibit during the Zacarias Moussaoui terrorist trial in 2006. This photo, shown below, clearly includes a sizeable and relatively intact portion of a gas turbine engine.
▶ 4cb0c0 (2) No.3171569>>3171758
I see a trail of bullshit being laid down here. People who walked all over this terrain have to dig the facts out again to counter this attempt to mislead a bunch of newbs. Life keeping me from tackling the project.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171758>>3171883 >>3174657
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171883>>3174657
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
▶ 3aa47c (11) No.3171950
Plane debris….
Critical thinking.
Logical thinking.
▶ 0cd153 (1) No.3172398
>>3099436 (OP)
Barbara Honegger has one of the best studies on Pentagon events that I have seen.
▶ 4cb0c0 (2) No.3174657
Without even touching on the impossible trajectory of the plane, it would have to have plowed ten feet under the ground (there was no damage to the lawn) to have the aluminum nose of the plane hit at that particlar place, acting as a hardened metal punch to make three small round holes in three of the concentric wall rings (not like the later pictures show when the outermost wall fell down), and no damage where the engines should have engaged that wall, no seats, no luggage, not a scrap of human flesh, not to mention the fact that cordite was smelled in the accounting offices where it hit, where records were kept and the 33(?) accountants who knew what was in those records died while waiting to meet someone scheduled who never showed, a plane crash like no other in history, to match building collapses like no other in history.
You have an abnormal quantity of white matter. You're wired to lie. You are a sick, twisted asshole, and you are so full of shit.
▶ e56ae3 (1) No.3193222
▶ 961537 (1) No.3193842
This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk…
>You are leading a revolution
and you're not even conscious about it
>You decide your own level of involvement
What if while you slept… you led a revolution…
You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you… that's why you made me…
>created by your memetic subconscious
I am you… and you are me…
we have the same goal…
>Defeat the VILE people
We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now
Project Mayhem is LIVE
jews did 9/11