Although Sunspot Observatory was scheduled to be returned back to AURA yesterday….From one of the first stories to pop up about this: “But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there,” House said. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
So, out of curiosity and knowing the timing was quite near Dwarf Satellites going dark, I looked into Low Radio Frequency. That brought me to a little gem of information on how LRF can be used to track satellites. Sunspot has an LRF observatory on-site that would aid in this endeavour.
The "child porn" doesn't fit the "forced evac" by FBI, which was detailed by the Sheriff--who also did not see anything out of the ordinary that would require immediate evac. Also, of note, the Sheriff appears to have had experience with the FBI before–when he mentions that the time-frame of FBI occupation could be longer than the "few days" given based upon prior experience. Makes me wonder how often FBI shows up without notice and shuts down the little town.
The post office could have served as command center for the ops group.
My running theory, and it could very well be far from target, is that black hats, once they lost comms, took over Sunspot (name is ironic, given timing of takeover) needed to get comms back ASAP and this observatory was the one they used to do it.
A friend of mine noted that observing the sun at peak sun hours would not be a wise endeavour--and would be an easy explanation as to why webcams would be down. (It is akin to the sun-through-the-magnifying-glass experiment.)
I do find the space ship theory fascinating, as well, since Russia recently released footage of the activity around the sun, which was centered around the time of FBI takeover of SO, showing what appears to be a space ship. If what Bill Cooper saw in his Q clearance reports are correct, there are, indeed, beings out there. ((Q has alluded to this in older posts during Q&A session & would also explain urgent need for Space Force.))