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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 87ca944143d7f09⋯.png (140.94 KB, 787x645, 787:645, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: e36b9094d74db13⋯.png (160.52 KB, 1294x445, 1294:445, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: c2a49ffa2262517⋯.png (299.3 KB, 411x635, 411:635, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

3f3695  No.2977141

Guys I know you don't like new threads but please hear me out:

If you are on EASTERN TIME Search for Trump tweet on your laptop that proves QANON delta 0 proof…

You get 12:35 time stamp (which doesn't make sense)

If this is true, please click this REAL twitter link https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1039235839333679105

This one says 3:35 WHICH MAKES SENSE!

But then, go to Trumptwitterarchives.com and you will see 2:35 pm!

Click on their link! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1039235839333679105

you get 12:35 pm AGAIN like when you searched yourself!


I think TWITTER is changing timestamp

3f3695  No.2977248

Twitter is changing time stamps:

If you are in Eastern time go find Trump tweet and you will see 12:35


Click on above link (REAL TWITTER LINK) and it says 3:35 pm

Go to Trumptwitterarchive.com and find tweet, it says 2:35, reconcile please

3f3695  No.2977377

If you are in NYC or anywhere eastern time, please check Trump twitter on laptop vs iPhone, you will get two different timestamps

766567  No.2978977

I dont know that it CAN be reconciled. Ill defer to clockfags to weigh in

ebe668  No.2979669

Time zones.

Twitter w/o logging in: Pacific time

Twitter logged in: Local device time.

Trumptwitterarchive.com: defaults to Central time.

Not much to reconcile.

8402d3  No.2979680

Dude there's no new bread WTF is going on?

5e64b5  No.2979702


>tter is changing time stamps:

yea wheres the new bread?

0032d8  No.2979711



yeah, im hungry

9d746d  No.2979765

If no new bread shows up, I'm gonna have to go get a pizza. (no homo)

Fuckin leftist assholes even ruined pizza for us.

64f008  No.2979792


You can use "View page source" on the non-mobile site and search (Ctrl-F) for the first occurrence of data-time=" to get the "unix timestamp" (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970).


For posts here, you can use your browser's developer tools to select the "time" element of a post, which has a unixtime property with a "unix timestamp" that is directly comparable to those from twatter.

bcd763  No.2979863

I don't see his account right now.

bcd763  No.2979926

File: ba2c52dcc01c967⋯.png (343.26 KB, 1138x844, 569:422, 2018-09-11 (2).png)


This it

bcd763  No.2980079

File: e976ca088128a6b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1853x901, 109:53, 2018-09-11 (3).png)

3f3695  No.2981419

i click on https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1039235839333679105 and see 12:35, why?>>2979792


3f3695  No.2981441

can you explain that further? I don't understand how 12:35 works for any permutation and i still see 12:35 when on laptop>>2979669

3f3695  No.2981457

thank you for this, what does the source say when you translate to eastern standsard time?>>2979792

3f3695  No.2981556

File: 77ad514f31f7cb3⋯.png (55.61 KB, 1161x113, 1161:113, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: 3bb663a3e6048bf⋯.png (50.57 KB, 710x201, 710:201, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

thank you for the great answer

this is what i got for twatter



3f3695  No.2981741

File: 490c71282626480⋯.png (123.6 KB, 879x379, 879:379, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: eb5bf686efd5f8c⋯.png (63.9 KB, 712x348, 178:87, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

also i cannot find qdrop 208, skips from 207 to 210.Can you show step bystep screen shot? and linux time stamp?

how does anyone get to 12:35 though??? what possible time zone is that??? this i dont get?>>2979792

3f3695  No.2981833

also i cannot find qdrop 208, skips from 207 to 210.Can you show step bystep screen shot? and linux time stamp?

how does anyone get to 12:35 though??? what possible time zone is that??? this i dont get?


>can you explain that further? I don't understand how 12:35 works for any permutation and i still see 12:35 when on laptop



3f3695  No.2982704

File: 6024c03f678d01a⋯.png (218.38 KB, 548x155, 548:155, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

Also, anon, please explain to me how this is possible 14:35 EST it says, how is that possible?


cd3dae  No.3193929

File: 0b432b2d69a47f5⋯.jpg (81.41 KB, 681x573, 227:191, 1525442671799.jpg)

This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk…

>You are leading a revolution

and you're not even conscious about it

>You decide your own level of involvement

What if while you slept… you led a revolution…

You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you… that's why you made me…

>created by your memetic subconscious

I am you… and you are me…

we have the same goal…

>Defeat the VILE people

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now


Project Mayhem is LIVE,,,,,,,,,.,

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