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File: 92a279e240a4b99⋯.png (515.43 KB, 1017x596, 1017:596, Screenshot 2018-08-12 17.2….png)

File: e21f4123e329df4⋯.png (480.28 KB, 631x625, 631:625, Screenshot 2018-08-12 04.2….png)

63caee  No.2573543

Keep trying to post this but it gets buried in posts and despite the connections, no one picks it up. WAYYY too many coincidences.

- Why does family friend only address Richard Russel as "Beebo"? To point us in direction of beebo.

- Searching youtube for Beebo I came upon this, look familiar?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUPb5cEPa_0

- Panic At The Disco (PATD) played in vancouver 8/11, Q400 plane links us to Canada.

- Q says [ONE WEEK], later posts @stn link.

- PATD tour is #PrayForTheWicked, they have a contest for tickets to 8/18 show in Las Vegas under namehttps://thedevilkeyisinthedetails.com

- All of Seatec crash is bundle of clues (island, seatec ports, and POSSIBLE TERRORIST ATTACK.

- Q says think missile to remind us that parties who set of missile are parties behind this plot.

- We have seen MSM try to blame CA fires on Q followers, this could be Q warning of us a potential false flag at PATD Vegas show on 8/18, and could possibly even be MSM plan to stage Qanon followers as responsible on a NATIONAL SCALE, thus furthering divide those aware and those not.


b9ef4c  No.2577684

Ketron island has a children's home on it. The island next to it does and McNeil Island the one above it is a huge PEDO Prison. The plane was never shot down that was a missile. There is no plane debris or body. It was to put investigators on the island for child trafficking.

63caee  No.2578073


thank you it is hard to keep up with all the bread. And that expands on my point. The whole stunt was to put pieces in motion and give multitudes of crumbs to anons.

"Get the message Autists/Anons" implies the whole event is a box full of puzzle pieces. The concert dates and correlations with the tweets and q posts are difficult to ignore.

63caee  No.2578094


63caee  No.2578134

63caee  No.2579046

File: 94933912baea897⋯.png (376.8 KB, 856x590, 428:295, Screenshot 2018-08-13 00.4….png)

File: 3d1f9e7a4a3835e⋯.png (440.46 KB, 811x620, 811:620, Screenshot 2018-08-13 00.4….png)

File: 6af2e5fc5847113⋯.png (410.39 KB, 557x589, 557:589, Screenshot 2018-08-13 00.4….png)

File: 79b33337637b178⋯.png (80.54 KB, 562x443, 562:443, Screenshot 2018-08-13 00.4….png)

Typed in Panic at the disco satanist and this was first link

song is called LA DEVOTEE

This could tie the @s8n tweet in with PATD concert speculations

63caee  No.2579091

File: c06a4b9e3a393c4⋯.png (241.1 KB, 684x585, 76:65, Screenshot 2018-08-13 00.4….png)

Someone needs to dig PATD tweets and Brandon Urie.

63caee  No.2579344

File: c0acdda74e327ad⋯.png (60.73 KB, 605x291, 605:291, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.0….png)

File: 1273ebba765febe⋯.png (23.92 KB, 1012x20, 253:5, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

File: 31cc3bb331ba7d3⋯.png (429.06 KB, 774x623, 774:623, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

File: 6474d4aa51db8a7⋯.png (270.73 KB, 774x566, 387:283, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

File: 4ad6d6e337e7e53⋯.png (325.12 KB, 777x564, 259:188, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

Date on @s8n tweet matches up with date of PATD tweet linking to vid of LA Devotee which is about LA CULTURE AND SATANIC RITUAL ABUE OF KIDS. Old music video is different from the new one which is basically a movie of what the song is about. The old vid features many street names…

63caee  No.2579355

File: 7526a54a8f07322⋯.png (539.17 KB, 777x624, 259:208, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

File: 962d634fca2a376⋯.png (293.1 KB, 775x494, 775:494, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

File: 89bcdccfa7fe4b8⋯.png (424.44 KB, 768x591, 256:197, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.1….png)

63caee  No.2579409

File: c1995c6a382143a⋯.png (62.95 KB, 423x321, 141:107, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.2….png)

File: 9beb50be2d84293⋯.png (24.48 KB, 1028x26, 514:13, Screenshot 2018-08-13 01.2….png)

@s8n tweet referenced today by Q corresponds with Las Vegas tweet by PATD, which is where they play [NEXT WEEK] on 8/18

86a150  No.2580624


bed900  No.2580839

File: 1fa735a1d2b87b4⋯.png (424.04 KB, 1770x1008, 295:168, Screenshot_676.png)

Uh, I guess I will post this here. Q BOOOM BOOM BOOM [NEXT WEEK]

[ALASKA] Airlines


What's going on here?

So many EQs in the same exact location!

bed900  No.2580848

File: 97029dfd7bd6f4f⋯.png (98.08 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, Screenshot_677.png)



bed900  No.2580854

File: 96abdce6d749115⋯.png (147.76 KB, 1602x1007, 1602:1007, Screenshot_678.png)



7be9f5  No.2583114


Seatac you fucking shadmage S-E-A-T-A-C

5c9b22  No.2593267

File: dbb0e1a6624b6b3⋯.jpg (314 KB, 1200x1069, 1200:1069, Screenshot_2018-08-14-08-5….jpg)

Just happened in london - nutter drove at the houses of parliament in westminster

News article says it is 17th months after the other crazy westminster car attack

Sending a message?

fab64e  No.2600010

>could possibly even be MSM plan to stage Qanon followers as responsible on a NATIONAL SCALE

You didn't actually think the 'armed shooter' at PizzaGate was legitimate, did you?

Dig into his history - he has an IMDb (don't know if now scrubbed) page of starring as an actor in some sort of bizarro love story involving, you guessed it…


Hollywood types covering for Hollywood types?

Who also had an IMDb?

Orlando shooter?

Who else?

IMDb holds the clues.

fab64e  No.2600094

>Sending a message?

Expect them to ramp up the terrorism scare stories to the Nth degree, because 'something something security'.

Don't buy it.

It's only to secure themselves more power against a possible uprising by you.

*You* are the terrorists, in their book.

Always with cars: first planes, then trains, now cars?

Someone wants to control transport.

Head them off at the pass.

63caee  No.2647687

concert tomorrow

eccd18  No.2648746



thats the date

these niggas love that kinda symbolism shit, its super important for their ritualistic sacrifices to be all laden in symbolism. Where does the concert take place geographically? that may also have some symbolic shit tied to it

bfca4c  No.2648811


Wrong Beebo in the picture

There is a little cult with that name

e28662  No.2648832

File: 459091d913463ab⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 640x369, 640:369, Dk1al38X0AEZ2Yo.jpg)

This is very significant. it shows almost exactly what their plans are and what they've been up to…


affed3  No.2649362


Do you have permission to be here? Have you explained what you are? If not, you don't have permission. Think about it ham.

ce80ea  No.2651228


hmm handler?

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