[–]▶ 484e81 (6) No.253000>>253936 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Q Research General #309 - Op Mockingbird Down Edition
The People dreamed this country. The People built this country,
>https:// intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf
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▶ 484e81 (6) No.253004
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>>249410 new HRC Emails 170 pages
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>>247505 Documents savailable publically soon
>>247427 NO REDACTION of FISA Memo
>>247406 Memo Released , Developing
>>246315 Scared shitless furry prisoner 'says' muh winter
>>245415 Sony CEO Steps Down
>>245219 At least 90 migrants feared drowned off Libya
>>245054 At least 5 dead , 2 French Military Helicopters crash
>>244745 Bono/Tena HSN?
>>244639 Postcards to meme home to momma!
>>244600 Dream Centers???
>>244529 Barbara Gibian and Taher
>>244507 Bono the ringmaster
>>244457 T'was the Night Before Memo
>>244383 PDB, HRC, Huma and Nukes
>>244359 Mil Memes NOW!!!
>>244257 McFlipped?
>>244200 RED CROSS
>>243882 & >>243993 & >>244000 Don't break Comey's heart:
>>243793 ?Gold in bodybags?
>>243719 Jalalabad /ourguys/?
>>243468 Red Cross + The Standard
>>243422 and >>243457 Shanghai FF Predicted?
>>242900 Red Cross General Counsel resigns
>>242566 Pepe Tena connected to the death of Castro's son?
>>239345 The pieces are now in place
>>239241 56 !!!! on Q's Post
>>238275 The Standard Reeks of PingPong
>>234511 Reading the Markers
>>234411 Jim Justice of Greenbrier
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>>144077 Q Post Findings & Theories Consolidation
and it's the people who are making America Great Again.
>https:// intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf
Post last edited at
▶ 484e81 (6) No.253013>>253015
https:// ghostbin.com/paste/wyote/edit
▶ ab826c (2) No.253014
Bless The Baker and The Patriots.
▶ 484e81 (6) No.253015
https:// ghostbin.com/paste/wyote
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253016>>253103
How about Lurch John Kerry, he said Trump would be out soon to Palastine that fuck needs to go down too, he knew the plan and needs to go to jail also
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253020>>253293
Oh shit! I didn't have twitter then. Was this verified?
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253023>>253033
EUanon, is this you baking again? Do you still need a new baker?
▶ b9381e (11) No.253024
Curious, all the commecrials on the radio 90% seem to be Need Help with IRC problems, etc.
Curious if anyone has numbers for how many have said fuq it and checked ut of the criminal unconstitutional income tax system?
▶ ac510a (4) No.253025
Please try to memorize some good talking points and analogies about this memo and what it implicates, so when you get invited to sooper-bowl parties this weekend, you can discuss it intelligently and drop some redpills
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253027
There is that number I was talking about. I said it was over 900k
▶ ac510a (4) No.253030>>253137 >>253278 >>253841 >>253856 >>253916 >>253989
Here's something interesting I learned recently and it got my noggin a-joggin.
>Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996)
>Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and >government activities
>Abolishes income tax
>Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government
>Increases benefits to senior citizens
>Returns Constitutional Law
>Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
>Creates new US Treasury currency, "rainbow currency," backed by gold, silver, and >platinum precious metals
>Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
>Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
>Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
>Restores financial privacy
>Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
>Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
>Establishes peace throughout the world
>Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades
>Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
>Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices
>And much, much more.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253032>>253127
Any anon who has not looked at the definition of Fraud Upon The Court should do so now. There are certainly more problems regarding the legalities of the actions , but , you have to understand FUTC to understand the power of the DOJ right now ( and lack of power of the Judges)
▶ 484e81 (6) No.253033>>253035 >>253048
Yeah it's still me.
Yes very much, i'm struggling to keep my eyes open.
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253034>>253662
The memo did not address the fact that Obama also paid Fusion GPS $972,000.
The President of the United States pays 2 years worth of his salary for “opposition research” on a presidential candidate, then that opposition research is used as evidence for a FISA warrant against another American to spy on said presidential candidate? Are you fucking kidding me?
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253035>>253051
OK I can take over!
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253036
go back a year
Sessions had a bitch of a time
getting confirmed
he recused himself from RussiaHoax
and he is the only one at the DOJ
who remains clean from the shitshow we are seeing
so when he unrecuses..he will be the LIGHT
that sweeps away the darkness
▶ b105e8 (6) No.253037>>253164
someone just tried to hack my computer
▶ e4f35a (5) No.253038>>253105
interesting. this doesn't match their pitch on twitter. Maybe i'm wrong. unless there is other info, could this add be placed to find something? recent topic about transporting gold in bodybags.
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253040>>253049 >>253075 >>253387
So Eric Salway called us Russian bots again on Tucker, and that guy is a shady liar. Young or not. Sliiiiiimy if he peddles that bullshit narrative.
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253041>>253061
I came in pretty late. January. Have been going nuts trying to figure Qposts out. At .io some of Qs letters/words are in bold letters. When you only read the bold ones, there are messages. Now, I'm not sure if everyone here knows about this or not, or , I'm not sure if it's nothing, but , there are messages
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253042
>i have enough dirt on him to put him away for decades
Sauce? I have speculated that TG himself admitted he was "leveraged" when people were suggesting him for AG..he said his "confirmation process would be a distraction" which I read to be..."I'll never be confirmed because I'm..."
▶ ac3144 (4) No.253046>>253073
WTF is that?
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253048
You are a trooper Dude!!! Thanks!
▶ b9fd24 (3) No.253049>>253101
Q, can we get some dirt on Eric Salway?
▶ 6562a7 (3) No.253050>>253067
Fuck off shill, FireWatch anon warned us of the likes of you…
▶ 484e81 (6) No.253051>>253058
I think i just confirmed for myself that keeping this alive is more important to me than my job… kek
▶ 4743bf (6) No.253052>>253088 >>253151 >>253252
I don't know if I've ever been shadowbanned, but something fucky is going on with my followers count. Everyday I get one or 2 new followers. EVERY DAY for the past 2ish months? My follower count will not go past 667. it fluctuates between 659-666 throughout the day everyday. It's weird.
▶ 1c950a (4) No.253053
More of this please!
This my strength. I'm more effective in the fight doing this. Even better in person but don't reach as many. I will be happily devouring any nuggets of this wisdom. They are not lost.
▶ 6faa73 (2) No.253054>>253068 >>253094 >>253095 >>253159 >>253178 >>253431 >>253766
Sara Carter on Fox saying her sources claim they're going to open a special counsel on the FISA abuses
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253056>>253069 >>253070 >>253171
They left Obama funding Fusion GPS out of the memo. That’s the most explosive FACT they omitted.
▶ 331130 (8) No.253057>>253215 >>253299
>Smartsheet anon has already been outed for posting 19 chains of IPs from fake Qs
>Spreadsheet anon did that.
Posted "chains of IPs"? Where?
Where were ANY IP's posted by spreadsheet anon?
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253058
Kek, have a nice night/work day.
▶ df1401 (8) No.253061>>253106 >>253304
Then spill them, for God's sake!
▶ b45263 (32) No.253065>>253093
im just saying the 3 i said was connected to fisor
trillions prolly more
▶ fb0cc7 (4) No.253066>>253099 >>253427 >>253828
Gregg Jarrett just said that RR threatened members of congress
▶ cd3807 (2) No.253067
sorry please not a shill.. just trying to help…
will not respond anymore ,will just read and keep the
thinking to myself
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253068>>253098
Grassley article today and Nunes confirmed this as well.
▶ fa4141 (2) No.253069
Gotta start the normies off with small red pills otherwise they'll reject it.
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253070>>253500
They cannot prove that it was directly funded by Obama.
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253072>>253108 >>253110 >>253198 >>253217 >>253246 >>253564 >>253577 >>253638
I'll do you one better. I used to be a liberal. Besides, it's NOT our job to change minds, we're not recruiters. It IS our job to keep minds from being lost while this unfolds. 5 stages of grief, a lot of people will go through this while their political party dies. When it's said and donetghough, people have to change their own damn minds, the oracle (matrix) told us that. If you're gonna take something away from them (current POV, sense of reality), be sure to replace it with another that they can live with.
DO NOT GET FRUSTRATED BECAUSE YOU CANNOT CHANGE ANOTHER'S MIND, that again is their job. PATIENCE is key. In 20+ years of redpilling, I've learned that some minds will NOT be changed (4-6%), and most have to see RESULTS to even consider it. Some will never change their minds, but will respect your point of view bc of how you present it. If you're not a happy conservative, why would they want to be a conservative? Casual conversations, over time, is how it's done.
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253073>>253124
Mr.contractor , whistleblowers
-4,-5 mass-start
19 no longer with us
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253074
I'm sure MI volunteered Trump, they needed an independent person to come in so they could clean house and uphold the Constitution, I can't imagine the danger POTUS is under let alone his family but they saved the world, if America goes all else goes.
▶ 03af33 (1) No.253075>>253167
I want that fuckers head
▶ 51f40d (1) No.253077
▶ 4bbe3c (2) No.253078>>253161
Long time lurker, I think I remember at one time we did not see HRC documents because the public was not interested??? Supposedly there was not enough interest in docs or an investigatuion for a dept to release them and therefore nothing came out??? May be a nice meme?
▶ 660ae2 (1) No.253079
Are you going to keep us informed throughout the storm?
▶ 02335a (1) No.253080
This Special Ops C-146 went from Pensacola to huntsville to Lexington and is now circling Louisville… sight seeing?
▶ 9fb402 (2) No.253081>>253245
Anyone else ever notice that the phrase "At the end of the day" is kind of like "coincidence" and people use it/throw it around as a means of talking down to people with a dissenting opinion?
▶ aab9dc (1) No.253083
Thank you baker for this amazing bread
> Much appreciated
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253084
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-16/haiti-official-who-exposed-clinton-foundation-found-dead
According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6 percent of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations.
▶ 125988 (1) No.253085>>253571
POINTS OF INTEREST !!! George Soros is named as a critic of Rosneft policy
POLITICS BIG TIME !!! British Petroleum is a large partner in Rosneft
https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Carter_Page --- https:// archive.is/n4dAY
https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Crimea --- https:// archive.is/euyt3
https:// en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Rosneft --- https:// archive.is/Ay15B
https:// www.treasury. gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2369.aspx
The Treasury sanctions were based on activities in the Russian Crimea during 2014.
Q: Who is Carter Page? a "dummy"??
A: Naval officer -- graduated top 10% of his class – chosen for the Navy's Trident Scholar program – researcher for the House Armed Services Committee – served in Navy five years including a tour in western Morocco as an intelligence officer for a United Nations peacekeeping mission – master of arts degree in National Security Studies at Georgetown University – completed a fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations – received an MBA from New York University – worked as an investment banker with Merrill Lynch in the firm's London office, was a vice president in the company's Moscow office – and later served as COO for Merrill Lynch's energy and power department in New York – worked on transactions involving Gazprom and other leading Russian energy companies – founded his own investment fund, Global Energy Capital with partner James Richard and a former mid-level Gazprom executive, Sergei Yatsenko –
The Steele dossier alleges that Sechin offered Page the brokerage fee from the sale of up to 19 percent of Rosneft if he worked to roll back Magnitsky Act economic sanctions that had been imposed on Russia in 2012.
Igor Sechin, the "sanctioned person" by our Treasury Dept that Page was accused of
consulting with -- was CEO of Rosneft, of which BP had an interest in. There were many deals going on in Rosneft's history, some of which were controversial.
Rosneft is an integrated oil company majority owned by the Government of Russia. Rosneft became Russia's leading extraction and refinement company after purchasing assets of former oil giant Yukos at state-run auctions. As of 2016, Rosneft was the 1st largest company in the world with $176.75 billion in sales during the fiscal year. Rosneft is 75.16% owned by the Russian state, BP a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, England, United Kingdom owns a 19.75% stake while around 5% of the shares are in free float.
On 14 July 2006, Rosneft conducted one of the largest initial public offerings in financial
history, after placing nearly 15% of its shares on the Russian Trading System and the London Stock Exchange. Rosneft achieved its objective largely by arranging bilateral deals with strategic investors, such as British Petroleum, Petronas and CNPC, which bought almost $2.6 billion worth of shares during the IPO.
Critics of the deal included financier George Soros, who called on investors to boycott it on ethical grounds, and Andrei Illarionov, who called the deal illegal and "a crime against the Russian people," because none of the proceeds would go into the state budget.
(Must read the history of Rosneft !!!)
There were many deals going on with a lot of money involved.
Exxon-Mobil then became involved with these dealings.
Some of this required U.S. gov approvals.
In April 2017, the Trump administration has denied ExxonMobil permission to continue a deal with Rosneft to drill for oil in Russia.
Putting Stryok in HR means he had the access to FBI files and their agents' TEXT MESSAGES and could even delete???
▶ 67336c (2) No.253087>>253128 >>253634 >>253818
OMG!!! Rosenstien THREATENED to subpoena phone records etc of Congress because he was tired of their metaling.
▶ b9381e (11) No.253088
must've just lifted it, all day with dozens of posts have one or two notifications,
Just looked and it suddenly 12. Low i know but strange how it suddenly opened up…
go figure, don't care really rather post on gab.
But Twitter is the place to redpill people.
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253089
▶ b105e8 (6) No.253091
https:// keystoliberty2.wordpress.com/
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253092>>253112
The white hats need to take down the bobblehead media. The battle will never be won will these clown operatives brainwashing the masses without consequence.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253093>>253427
trillions of bucks - fisor scandal
both sons that was involved
dude shot up theater lol yea right
dude shot up school, lol yea right
▶ 4743bf (6) No.253094
There really can't NOT be one. No matter how much the left throws a fit.
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253095
This is so the crack in the dyke (not a Hillary joke) they can't stop the flood, it's on
▶ 444569 (3) No.253096>>253425 >>253711
I red pilled my wife. She thought I was crazy at first. I started with the photos from pizzagate. That really upset her but she could see it was true when I tied it back to the Podesta emails.
Then I showed her how they blackmail people using the Mossad/Hugh Hefner honeypot method. That helps them understand why people do things to hurt our country and themselves, even though it's not logical to do.
It takes a long time and the person has to be somewhat receptive to listening to it. No one likes being told that everything they believe is based on lies.
▶ 6faa73 (2) No.253098
▶ 16e401 (1) No.253099>>253142 >>253427
He did? Damn….I missed that
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253101>>253114
Swalwell, my bad. Eric Swalwell. Was pissed and mispelled it
▶ 331130 (8) No.253103>>253133
He'll get his
▶ 48163b (2) No.253104>>253145
they changed the masturbator ad with this?
▶ 38cf31 (1) No.253105>>253273
I also looked up their address and found this: virtual office space rental.
https:// www.davincivirtual.com/loc/us/minnesota/minneapolis-virtual-offices/facility-1342
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253106>>253304
If you go to .io for Qposts, some of the letters/words are in bold letters. When you only read the bold letters I think there are messages. Go ahead and look.
▶ 9fa001 (3) No.253107>>253193 >>253218
Pay no attention to anons claiming to have solved something but only speak in riddles and do not provide any evidence.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253108>>253146 >>253205
What was the key that un-liberalized your thinking?
morals, confusion, an event, the bathroom agenda, etc, etc, etc,.
Want to know if others would redpill on the same thinking.
▶ 1c950a (4) No.253110
Pure nuggets of gold drop.
I try to 'question' them out of the argument MO.
Q's are the second best MO imho.
1st would be accurate predictions of the future.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253112
You are forgetting that for the last year+ the media has been chasing Russia collusion stories. Now Mueller will be going after Russia collusion with the Hillary Campaign and the media will be forced to cover it or look completely biased and lose any credibility they have left.
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253114>>253231 >>253233 >>253235 >>253289
Shockers all the way around /s
▶ 69af14 (3) No.253116>>253134 >>253358
Just missed two more, posts some crazy shit
Then this one
▶ f550a0 (5) No.253117>>253144
What was jordys latest prediction?
▶ 94311c (12) No.253119
When you are done with that one, just go down the list...
▶ 5b1ed8 (3) No.253121
You are an idiot
So you came in here and shilled the board
You are a dirty nigger and we have not heard you
You and your mother look like you are supporting (((them)))
WE the anons know better
Notice…..you are now filtered
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253123>>253138 >>253155 >>253267
Why so may Jordy shills in here the last couple of days?
▶ ac3144 (4) No.253124>>253169
Still not feeling it. Got anything else before I filter you?
▶ bf8654 (1) No.253125
Yes! Didn't POTUS talk about making changes to teh 702 making it harder to have surviellance against Americans? Didn't he make a point about it NOT being the one used in the FISA memo?
Looking for it, will post it if I can find it.
▶ a19a21 (2) No.253126
Interesting.... Anything else?
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253128>>253141
>OMG!!! Rosenstien THREATENED to subpoena phone records etc of Congress because he was tired of their metaling.
Almost shat my pantalons when I heard that on Hannity. I HOPE they recorded it.
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253131>>253157
Former spook here...there are absolutely controls...not on the low level, after all, YOU were hardly at Lolita Island...and YOU follow orders, just like I did.
▶ be5382 (4) No.253132
Well fine, maybe it's true, but let's keep pushing the Constitution at them and see if they will tell us that to our faces.
It might be a battle we can win, because I don't think people would accept that idea if they're faced with it in black and white -- which is why (according to the story) it's been kept under wraps. For effectiveness1
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253133
Good, all who knew go down
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253134>>253358
I got that one and missed the one before it. Shit
▶ 331130 (8) No.253136>>253214
Public service announcement
>shilly up in heyah
▶ ddf1a1 (3) No.253137
Found the download
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253138
>Why so may Jordy shills in here the last couple of days?
Shills coordinate.
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253140
You are just like a tick on a dog, aren't ya?
Won't be happy until you get everyone to disregard the Q posts and replace them with your own bullshit theories.
My advise, why don't you start you new board from scratch, form your own intelligence agency and attract a legion of internet warriors by Merritt of your sheer charisma and infallible intelligence?
▶ 960709 (7) No.253141>>253152
we HEAR all
we SEE all
we KNOW all
▶ fb0cc7 (4) No.253142>>253153 >>253158 >>253427
Yes. Jarrett said RR threatened to subpoena members' texts because he was sick of dealing with the intel committee.
Jarrett confirmed, RR threatened them.
▶ b9381e (11) No.253143
Thank You Deep Cover Anon…
▶ 69af14 (3) No.253144
This one today and predicted van in China yesterday
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253145>>253186
sounds like a request
▶ b45263 (32) No.253146>>253200 >>253557
never was a follower
used my own mind
i made the fads in school
turned down a mas on offer at 25 before i knew anything about it
always loved God and Jesus
Bad boy
in hot tub in day time one day
watched them turn off spray turn around and
start spraying again
that day there was many doing checkerboard
Soon after woke af
▶ fc6b70 (4) No.253148
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253151
Mine gets to 265, then I see 20 + adding to following me but the 265 goes down to 250
▶ 960709 (7) No.253153>>253168
They are truly showing their real colors, and whose side they play on…tsk, tsk, tsk..
Don't they know better?
▶ b6471f (14) No.253154>>253160 >>253182 >>253272 >>253347 >>253573
Is there any other lawfag except me on here tonight? Fraud Upon The Court took place. Fruit of the poisonous tree is at the helm of the Mueller investigation. Any conviction that can be attributed to the named people is now thrown into question and subject to reversal or acquittal ( depending on circumstances) civil lawsuits up the ass are about to fly! Bruce Ohr is in the most criminal jeopardy. The judges who sat on that FISA Court are subject to scrutiny and possible loss of Judicial Immunity
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253155>>253199
Not shilling. It's weird and he specifically address the group so I thought I'd track it. his style of the delete and go thing is getting irritating and I am to the point that I will not care what his info is, he obviously doesn't really want someone to have it.
▶ 94311c (12) No.253156
When you are done with that one, just go down the list…
▶ f550a0 (5) No.253157>>253181 >>253514
Yo, ive always wanted to do wet work for the clowns. How does one get that job? Apply or recruit?
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253158>>253427
He did?
He’s fucked then
▶ 71d658 (3) No.253159
That will be the investigation that will blow the lid off of the Hillary/Obama bullshit.
▶ df1401 (8) No.253160
▶ 0bd357 (3) No.253161
Yes, that's why Q says we are vital. Together we can force the issue and it's why they shadow ban us and call us bots, they understand OUR power.
▶ 539ed1 (3) No.253163
Then you can watch "The Fifth Estate" tonight
▶ da3239 (5) No.253164
▶ a7efd8 (3) No.253166>>253183 >>253212 >>253379
We have years worth of evidence against the media defending murderers, perverts, covering up scandals etc. Let's destroy them! #OperationMockingbird
▶ fb0cc7 (4) No.253168
Certainly they "know." Problem is, they don't care. They have been elites/elite rulers for so long that they believe they can do as they wish.
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253169>>253224 >>253239 >>253244 >>253285 >>253437
Look, I'm trying to help. I'm going into rabbit holes I don't like. But, here we all are. I wish I knew how to post pictures, but I'm super low tech …. so here it is … When you on qanonmap.github.io , in some of Qposts, there are words and letters in bold, as in big fat bold letters. When you only look at the bold letters, I believe ,there are messages. Please, look for yourself. I might be going crazy, but I promise you, I'm just trying to help
▶ 71d658 (3) No.253171
I figure that will come out when the special prosecutor starts investigating the FISA abuses. Just watch.
▶ ddf1a1 (3) No.253172
Why do they always have to be in the underwear
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253173>>253242 >>253868
So let me get this straight… DOJ and FBI are in the hot seat for abusing their power.. and Rod Rosenstein responds by… threatening to abuse his power?
Can you make this shit up?
▶ fc6b70 (4) No.253175
▶ ac510a (4) No.253177>>253253 >>253301 >>253413 >>253443 >>253450 >>253469 >>253781
Let's roll back to January 20th in 2017, Trump is the new POTUS and he's got about zero allies. Democrats hate him, Republicans hate him. Trump is a honey badger, he doesn't give a shit. He gets to work. Even further back, he knew this wasn't going to be easy. He knows how to win, he's going to teach the party that he commandeered how to win.
> https:// twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/785854588654092290
He starts implementing conservative policies, stock market likes this, he's rolling back regulations, he's reversing Obama's progressiveness, he's telling immigrants they need to go back, he's bringing back law and order, he's cutting off the Global Elite… AMERICA FIRST!! Notice I said "conservative" policies, and not Republican policies. There's a difference. The Republicans hate this… but the conservatives like it. Republicans are a part of the same snake that Democrats are. At the very core of America lies a deep conservatism, it's where we came from. So the true conservatives in the Republican party start to take notice.
Let me ask you something real quick… Do you think a liberal New Yorker gives a shit about American Conservative policies? The answer is, maybe. Maybe not. So how in the hell did he capture the heart of middle America? Donald Trump is a family man, and he's got a deep love for his country. He's also a shrewd businessman and knows how to run shit. He knows he can't do this alone, he needs help. He implements these very correct conservative policies and Rand Paul takes notice. Grassley takes notice. Gaetz takes notice, along with Jim Jordan. Mark Meadows is on board. DeSantis looks around the corner. Gosar opens his eyes. Trump is getting their attention.
The healthcare negotiations, he works directly with Rand Paul on this. He's delegating. Look at the DACA negotiations, he tells Tom Cotton and Mark Meadows he won't sign anything they won't sign. He's getting people to help him. Okay you know all of this, so let me circle back to where we are today… and why today is such a monumental day.
Conservatives fought for Donald Trump today.
Read that sentence again. It's important.
He knew about all of the memo stuff a year ago, but he can't win this war on his own. Over the past year he's included the core constituency of America, the conservatives, in his plan. He showed them that he will fight for their America, he included them in the fight, and as of today… they are starting to fight for him. Nunes and the HPSCI did this all on their own. Trump wasn't involved. Trump wasn't involved at all. We've got a war on our hands, and we've got one hell of a Commander In Chief at the helm. He spent the past year showing them how to win, and today they finally took a fucking shot. Get ready for more. Conservatives see what just happened, and confidence is contagious. Others will want a piece of this. It's called Success! So this is what is truly amazing about today. Yeah, go ahead and have fun and bitch about the memo. It's all political theater, but whatever.
Just be proud, because I know I am. I've waited a long time to see the conservative backbone.
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253178
I had paused so I am half an hour behind. Don't want to go to the live and miss whatever is being said. Bleh.
▶ ae0947 (2) No.253180>>253262 >>253629
Yesterday and todays Newsweaks
▶ d7d6a9 (9) No.253181
Easy, just comment on a jerome c_orsi video and you'll get a call.
▶ 3a7569 (1) No.253182>>253219 >>253347
Lawfag here. From my perspective the individual crimes are subject to the larger political drama at play, quarterbacked by POTUS. Prosecutorial discretion, so to speak. I'm sure justice will be done all around in due time.
▶ a7efd8 (3) No.253183
▶ b6471f (14) No.253184>>253195
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND there you have it folks!
▶ 48163b (2) No.253186
haha that's great, something we will never forget and few will understand
i despise that motherfucker
▶ 89f123 (6) No.253189>>253196
Ohhhh shit did tucker get pissed off at D Congressman Eric Swalwell tonight? ahahaha He turned beet red!
▶ e9b152 (2) No.253190
Hmmm.., Powell is the next?>>252990
▶ a19a21 (2) No.253192
Investigate the FISA judges, were they taking bribes? Are they corrupt?
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253193>>253206
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253194>>253209 >>253645
and a reminder to all the fuckin boomers and cuckservatives in here, this doesn't end once Trump leaves office. Never get complacent. NEVER AGAIN!
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253195>>253229 >>253282
Can you imagine if they let this slide, like the sub guy with the selfie, why did he go to jail
▶ df1401 (8) No.253196
Very. He cut the interview off so he didn't explode on air.
▶ 0233fa (2) No.253198
Yes we must keep calm. The best way to keep calm is to prepare the public, which will recruit.
Q [paraphrasing] - “You have been given the biggest intelligence drop in the history of the World. USE IT!”
▶ 69af14 (3) No.253199
Not shilling either he says some weird shit, the two I missed was talking about open portals and shit I'm done lol
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253200
So an experience immersed in reality - cannot be spoken or repeated.
for me::
I was college edjukated, but seen thru the lie of mainstream science concerning Albert Einstein.
When the science conflicted, I questioned everything.
I was 14 then.
Everyone around me was like an alien from then forward (educated zombies).
Until I found out the most intelligent people are the "uneducated ones"…
▶ df1401 (8) No.253201
The one I saw wasn't redacted. At all!
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253202
Congress: “Rod, you fags have been abusing your power you asshole.”
RR: “I’m sick of your shit. I’m going to subpoena you, fag”
▶ 539ed1 (3) No.253203>>253208
Sorry im a soyguy
▶ be5382 (4) No.253204>>253213
>indict all of the past Presidents
Really? Back how far?
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253205>>253220
See, that's the thing, it wasn't just any one thing, it was a combination of things. Honestly it started with Behold A Pale Horse (William Cooper). After that, seeing the direction that not just the country, but the world was going and wondering if I even wanted children born into it. The city i lived in at the time was a microcosm of it, so it was right in my face. The LGBTQ (before it was called that) agenda, the destruction of the family unit, communities being destroyed while politicians show up only to campaign, then you don't hear from them until next election. Finding out about all of the corruption going on behind the scenes & how much it was costing innocent taxpayers. Watching Slick Willie Clinton get away with lie after lie, after I wasted my vote on him, and I HATE being lied to. And THEN the bogus wars (Afghan, Iraq). Little by little the layers unfolded and i broke family tradition.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253206
like… chickity china the chines chicken have
a drumb stick and your brain starts clickin,
you have?
▶ b9fd24 (3) No.253207>>253652
So they keep saying the Piss Dossier cost Millions of dollars to produce. How much of that went to paying off THIS guy and getting him to sign an NDA?
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253208
Better known as soyim.
▶ d08634 (2) No.253209
Fuck you and your divisive name-calling.
▶ 7126aa (3) No.253211
▶ b45263 (32) No.253213
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253214
which at this point is about 80% of the posts
▶ 331130 (8) No.253215>>253299 >>253300
And this, gentlemen, is what we call a "drive by"
>make spurious accusation
>assert as fact
>ignore all queries, requests for sauce of any kind
>drop it like a hot rock
>move on to next target
>change IP
>begin again
Because they can
>no longer ignore Q
>no longer just yell CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>pretend it doesn't exist
>memo's out, they're flailing
What's left?
>attack the integrity of the records (Q posts)
>attack those who keep/kept the records
<you missed some
<here, insert a FAKE Q post
aka "apocryphal"
<X anon is a bad hombre, we "outed him"
rawtxt anon, spreadsheet anon, etc. - seen it several times
Tactic is old, tired, didn't work then or now.
What does it tell us, lads?
Last gasp of the clowns
Lashing out, out of fear, desperation and no plan, no retreat, all avenues of escape are being cut off
▶ fc6b70 (4) No.253216
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253217>>253277
I was a liberal myself two years ago.
I redpilled myself, just by paying attention.
Sadly other liberals are much more invested in tribe mentality and don't engage in much critical thinking.
However, the vast majority will eventually be forced to reconcile their beliefs with reality and make their choice from there.
That is why this operation is on "slow drip"; to help people come to terms with what is happening.
▶ 4743bf (6) No.253218
Agreed! Thank you for saying it out loud.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253219>>253232 >>253347 >>253508
Fellow lawfag like me. The US Govt, is about to be sued for civil rights violations of Carter Page ( scum) All named ( especially Comey) will be sued individually on a civil basis. All convicted federal cases linked to these people are about to be challenged. *( successfully) The Mueller investigation can't bring fruitful cases to Court as it was based on a false foundation.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253220>>253527
So the memo, and each storm related event like it will crack thru the liberal crust. Eventually. Slowly.
So we just stay the course and be factual…
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253221
Arrest RR and put him in the shithole
▶ 89f123 (6) No.253223
The memo out on the .gov website didn't have any redactions.
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253224>>253228
yup. wasting a post to tell you that you are filtered. Enjoy your sheckle.
▶ 2b55a0 (1) No.253225>>253260
Trying to sell a lie here? knock it off!!! THIS is the memo. Note...unredacted.
https:// www.scribd.com/document/370598711/House-Intelligence-Committee-Report-On-FISA-Abuses#download
▶ 482b92 (1) No.253227
needs to be a special prosecutor for a RICO case
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253228>>253264
>>253224 sorry, I was only trying to help
▶ b6471f (14) No.253229
it can't slide. The legal system is already involved and that train cannot be derailed
▶ b45263 (32) No.253230
omg this opens so many legal doors
▶ 4743bf (6) No.253231
Holy shit. He's 5 years younger than me?! I thought he was at least in his mid-40's!. Damn. Being a dirty lying fuckface really ages a person
▶ 0233fa (2) No.253232>>253266
What about the principle of “feels over reals”, and how upheld in the Supreme Court?
Please tell us that doctrine is ironclad and why not all over news already.
▶ b105e8 (6) No.253233
https:// twitter.com/_motazen
numerous pictures. I don't read arabic
▶ cdf7c0 (4) No.253235>>253323
That guy is such a piece of shit; on Fox often.
▶ 960709 (7) No.253236
▶ e66533 (7) No.253237>>253463
Wind the clock, forgot to add that in graphic and web does not start in center it starts outside (thanks anon for the correction)
▶ 94311c (12) No.253239>>253255
If you are sincerely trying to help, work up what you have and present it.
It is best to be quieter while doing so, otherwise you will get attacked.
▶ 6562a7 (3) No.253242>>253259 >>253605
As Q said, (((they))) are stupid.
▶ fc6b70 (4) No.253243
wow ty for all the posts
▶ 331130 (8) No.253244>>253268
Those bolded parts are only an artifact of the brackets. In the original posts here on the chans, brackets are not formatted in bold.
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253245
At the end of the day, Congress has released the memo that the Chair of the Intelligence Committee wrote while examining documents about abuse of the FIS court process. It is now public, it show crime and corruption in the high ranks of the FBI and DOJ. It cannot be ignored.
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253246>>253309
It always end up in an argument if you blast people with too much info. Crumbs over time saves you argument time and once you're proven right multiple times. My response is "either I'm a prophet or the lib media is full of shit"
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253247>>253296 >>253346
Reading these new HRC emails and it looks like her whole goal in every country she worked with was to involve major NGO's in the rebuilding process or development of the country.
▶ cfb1a9 (1) No.253248
http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/02/02/jon-huntsman-sr-billionaire-philanthropist-and-businessman-dead-at-80.html
Billionaire John Huntsman Sr. dead in Utah…son is US ambassador to Russia…Romney comments and is aiming for Senate…
▶ cbbfde (2) No.253249>>253269
The queen of England backs our endeavors? Q seems to say otherwise.
▶ 9fa001 (3) No.253251
(9) key people mentioned in memo?
Lisa Page
▶ 444569 (3) No.253252>>253316 >>253588 >>253900
I think twatter shadow bans based on the hashtags. It also seems that they are monitoring our war room to obtain the hashtags for each day.
I've gone through six twatter accounts six we started the blitz. Each time a get a few likes and followers but it quickly falls off to none.
I suggest highjacking the hashtags of the lefties and overwhelming them. At the same time, mix in our critical hashtag we are pushing.
▶ da3239 (5) No.253253
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253254
Not necessarily illegal actions but just walking the line of ethics. And her minions just constantly kiss her ass over email. Like she was some sort of goddess.
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253255
>>253239 understood. Sorry
▶ 6c6a21 (6) No.253256>>253438
It is slow here tonight. Good.
Glad to see so many anons taking a much deserved break, after weeks of anticipation.
Capped off by a late night experiencing the surreal stylings of Seth Rich Panda Countdown and Explosion.
I'll never forget where I was when that panda exploded.
Bakers, this slowdown will, hopefully, last, and will be good for you as the bread should take much longer to devour.
Something tells me the shills are going to have IRL challenges, the professional shills, and we will get more of the lesser sort.
The bad guys are having a bad day. Pic related.
▶ f550a0 (5) No.253259
Any group that has mapped the human mind and has it all the way down….not stupid.
▶ e9b152 (2) No.253260
Are you has other link?, i don't like scribd
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253261
Idk about this guy………..
▶ 595156 (1) No.253262>>253274
Please make this smaller
▶ df1401 (8) No.253264>>253630
I didn't filter, but I ignored after your last answer. If you've actually got something, bring it. Don't tell the rest of us to go find it! I've looked at the bolding before, and didn't find anything.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253266>>253347 >>253687
I don't know of any feels over reals doctrine. This isn't about Supreme Court. This is about the rules of Judicial procedure. Fraud Upon The Court has been effectively shown so any Judge that rules on this case ( or cases that flow from this case) will lose his/her Judicial immunity from criminal prosecution
▶ 4743bf (6) No.253267
It's either shills or idiots. Little column A little Column B probably
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253268
>>253244 understood. Sorry. Won't happen again
▶ cbbfde (2) No.253269
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253271>>253294
News stories sliding under memo day
According a high ranking FBI source that’s been spot on throughout Russian investigation, “A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages --- as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump.”
Says McCabe’s texts, emails are treasure trove of antiTrump messages and threats.
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253272>>253308
Ok here’s a warp in that, most don’t know that there’s an insurance that can be gotten to cover omissions. And protect the person from being charged for omissions….
▶ e4f35a (5) No.253273
same thing i found. also looked up on minnesota secretary of state and didn't find co. If he is a "Q", probably should know for self only, but more interested in the add posted. odd. will think and search.
▶ ae0947 (2) No.253274
Turn your monitor sideways
▶ 84ba07 (1) No.253276
Media has been spinning all day about how the FISA warrant wasn't completely based on the dossier. Saw Gloria Borger explicitly say this today on Blitzer's show.
Memo states that McCabe testified as in pic related.
Let's hope that transcript gets released quickly, so it can kill that spin at least.
http ://www.washingtonexaminer.com/devin-nunes-open-to-releasing-transcript-of-andrew-mccabe-testimony-about-fisa-application/article/2648001
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253277>>253366
Did you ever delve into the constitution since waking?
I find that most libs do not care about knowing the wonderful rights they are granted, but rather have it dictated to them.
Wondering if a lesson in rights that make you free and human (sovereign) would bring home any successful redpilling.
I live off-grid, and have no loans and no need for banks. The concept is hard to grasp to libs that no-one has a right to bother me at my homestead.
▶ 3a5fa4 (5) No.253278
Seems like a Stable Genius to me!
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253279
Spring 2016 FISA denied
July 2016 Dossier appears
Oct 2016 FISA on Page approved. JC signed off, LL signed off
Jan 6, 2017 JC tells Trump dossier is unconfirmed and salacious.
Jan 10 JC testifies under oath
Jan 26, 2017 FISA 1st renewalJC signed off, Sally Yates signed off
April 26, 2017 FISA 2nd renewal JC signed off, DB signed off.
June 8, 2017 JC testifies over firing
July 26, 2017 FISA 3rd renewal, AM signed off, RR Signed off
When did JC commit perjury? Oct 2016 or Jan 10, 2017?
What “new” information, if any, was presented to get Page’s FISA warrant renewed?
Who was the agent requesting FISA warrant? Strzok? McCabe? Who can make a request? What FBI agent went before FISC? That agent committed perjury.
Jan 26 JC & SY committed fraud by signing off on FISA warrant unless new information was given to judge & decision to renew was NOT based at all on dossier.
▶ e40b62 (1) No.253282>>253295 >>253374
He went to jail because he's a fucking peon like us. In all my years on this earth, I can't remember a single high profile, connected shitbag ever doing serious time. DuPont heir rapes his 3 year old daughter and judge says he "Won't fare well in prison"
I'm running low on hope for the right thing to be done. Too many brothers and sisters lost to war, suicide, and prison over simple shit, but these fuckers pay a fine or get pathetic sentences. We need to see some justice, or I fear it's nearly time to refresh the tree of liberty.
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253283
There still is issue of Flynn, Page, and Papadopolis cases be thrown out violation 4th amendment and other people currently under investigation if any evidence was provided by Fusion GPS (FBI subcontractor). Manafort may walk too.
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253284
Would be nice for someone to report exactly what the terrorist attack will be using the Batman trilogy content and the cvard from Steve Jackson Games Illuminati deck
I remind you that this time period at the beginning of February is considered to be an important festival by satanists. They celebrate by human sacrifice.
▶ 89f123 (6) No.253285
>there are words and letters in bold, as in big fat bold letters.
Yeah, there are…And?
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253286>>253315
He is a traitor. I was hoping he would get fired today.
▶ 38530c (1) No.253289>>253319 >>253365 >>253367 >>253400 >>253419 >>253487
Definition of Smarmy….
▶ fff6fc (2) No.253290
very very old news, we're way passed that at this point.
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253291
Dana Remus-Brent Holmgren wedding. BHO officiates. Former senior counsel & Former director of intelligence NSC. Same reason Huma & Weiner’s divorce halted?
Ex-wives testify. Current ones don’t
▶ b105e8 (6) No.253292
also this was marked
https:// twitter.com/hashtag/5G?src=hash
▶ 2e661a (1) No.253293
That was quietly posted months ago. InfoWars has covered.
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253294>>253406
Forget one: On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret - http:// dailycaller.com/2018/02/02/comey-memo-lawsuit/
We need to push hard on this one. Fuck this prick.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253295
like i said, i understand catch and release for the momment but
we the people as a country need a big fish head on stick
▶ 94311c (12) No.253296>>253341
Not major NGOs , “the major” NGO.
All NGOs get funding through CF.
CF collects and distributes all donations, decides all awards.
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253297>>253306
I just wanted to give a big shout out to this hero! Putting his job (and his life) on the line for this Country more than once. If you're religious pray for this man. A Patriot of the highest caliber!
Thank you Mr Nunes, may the armour of our Father protect you. God Bless the USA CHEERS!
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253298>>253660 >>253738
inspiration from an anon
a couple months back
▶ 9e2418 (7) No.253299
Yep. Looks like that to me. Rule #6.
https:// vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-25-rules-of-disinformation/
▶ 6c6a21 (6) No.253300
▶ 444569 (3) No.253301
Read this anons….. Very well said about our struggle and DJT.
▶ d80764 (1) No.253303
I am becoming a pelicanfag
ARRESR PEDOSTA LOCALLY WITH PD on pizza charges, normies will wake up. Show on tv boxes with evidence or smth, his art whatever you have on him,make a show. Especially after gymnastics shit, appeal to feelings. Its a political field now, not so many care
▶ ac3144 (4) No.253304>>253327 >>253340
Are you taking about the
▶ 6562a7 (3) No.253305
Fuck off.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253306
he was looking at me as i drank my beer, salute' Potus!
▶ b6471f (14) No.253308>>253332 >>253350 >>253393
False and nobody should take this comment seriously. It even defies common sense . You can't pay ahead of time ( insurance ) with the intent to do something wrong. I'm not going to call you a shill or anything else because I know people misinterpret the law often but don't say BS again or else I will
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253309
All @ once = shattering reality/minds. or running the risk of not being taken seriously. Not good either way…
Play your cards right, crumb by crumb, and they'll seek you out the way that some can't wait for Q! >>253246
▶ 187098 (8) No.253314
Previous bread needs rising anons.
▶ 284d2a (3) No.253315
Sometimes it's good to watch people under pressure, see what they do, see what they say, watch them squirm. Let this play out. POTUS is already 10 moves ahead of everyone else.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253316
Twitter has 400 dicksorters, they can spare one jacktard to lurk. Good point…
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253318>>253987
THANK YOU! and to all other unknowns.
Anons wont let you down.
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253319
Something about this dude just screams 'kiddy diddler'
▶ 796d30 (3) No.253320>>253336 >>253341
▶ 647e1f (1) No.253322
Just a thought to bounce off my fellow patriots there is no possible way that the the fisa judge(s) that approved the warrant isn’t corrupt they are not going that long without hearing that dossier was fake lets force the judge(s) out # subpoenathefisajudge these ppl can’t remain anon
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253323
He is an out right liar. I do not know how he sleeps at night. that isn't cognitive dissonance. (buzz word of 2018 Mark my words!) He lied about small things. Then circle jerked himself! Never seen him before. Must be trying to take up the Pelosi mantle.
▶ cd3807 (2) No.253324>>253334 >>253338 >>253354 >>253363 >>253375 >>253385 >>253388 >>253426 >>253449 >>253451 >>253568 >>253587 >>253760 >>253788
SO after this is over.. How are we going to make sure it doesn't happen again…
There is only 1 Trump
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253327>>253489 >>253501 >>253709
Yes. But I was told to just watch. I don't want to be rude and not answer you, but I've learned my lesson,. I was told it's nothing. It's ok. I tried. I'll stay quiet and learn. Sorry to everyone for taking up the space….I thought I had something, but now I know it's nothing
▶ 4bbe3c (2) No.253330>>253381
Long time lurker, I think I remember at one time we did not see HRC documents because the public was not interested??? Supposedly there was not enough interest in docs or an investigatuion for a dept to release them and therefore nothing came out??? May be a nice meme? What I mean, is its funny how before everyone wanted to see HRC docs but nothing came about becuz those top 3 compromised areas of 3 letter depts said nobody is interested. Now, they say though everyone is interested, should not have released memo???
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253331
On December 17 2017 there was a long power outage at Atlanta airport. There have been reports that it was to arrest Obama and he has been before high priesta military tribunal since then. If so, then clearly MI, who hear and see all, knew he was up to something. But why arrest a fleeing man when we have special forces who can take someone pretty much anywhere in the globe?
Could it be that this high priest of Satan who lived his entire life by lies and deception, had a plan to offer a human sacrifice to the dark lord as his last act? By blowing up a trans-atlantic flight?
It would be straightforward to arrest the man, but to find his luggage in a maze of dark halls, non-functional machinery, with no help from computer systems, could have taken hours. Perhaps this really is what happened.
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253332>>253382 >>253521 >>253808 >>253898
As a private detective I obtained omission insurance… check it out
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253334
People need to go to prison.
▶ 8aead1 (6) No.253336>>253459
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253338>>253357 >>253369
He has sons….looking forward to the Golden Child's reign.
▶ f550a0 (5) No.253339
Wrong. Something else wrote the script to this whole shit show. Even wrote your script and mine. We just THINK we chose the path.
▶ df1401 (8) No.253340>>253440
I have no idea what anon was talking about. The "pray" things was months ago…. And the other "messages" from that post, as well.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253341>>253410 >>253459
So then it was illegal but no one (citizens) had connected it then. Argh.
Hey BV!
▶ b105e8 (6) No.253342
ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE for festivies before the SuperB owl
https:// www.mnsuperbowl.com/super-bowl-live-presented-by-verizon#featuedAttractions
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253346
Plausible deniability and finger pointing readily available. Skimming of funds as well. Circular money flow. Stupid, nasty bitch.
▶ 331130 (8) No.253347
That's the way I read it too, thank you for the confirmation.
t. non-lawfag, but well read, keen interest
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253350>>253455
Errors and omission insurance from many companies
https ://www.nationwide.com/business-errors-and-omissions-insurance.jsp
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253354>>253385
>SO after this is over.. How are we going to make sure it doesn't happen again…
Easy. Instead of watching football and other bullshit. You make it lifes duty to watch these pieces of shit like a hawk. They can't function in the shadows with millions of eyes on them 24/7.
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253355
Far better to look into the medieval crime of usury, why it was so, and who and how it faded away
▶ b45263 (32) No.253356
u honestly dont think hes known about fed? he knew about big ears birth cert
▶ 6a8a97 (4) No.253357>>253364 >>253422
thats what we need , another fucking political dynasty
▶ ac3144 (4) No.253358>>253401
I've been keeping tabs - compelling posts, but I'm now beginning to think this guy is a shill
▶ 284d2a (3) No.253363
Make an example of those who committed high crimes (RICO, Sedition). A dramatic example. Think Rosenbergs on steroids
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253364
He can groom many others in the mean time
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253365
Yeah, he's going to be my "special" project for a few days.
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253366
I live off-grid, and have no loans and no need for banks. The concept is hard to grasp to libs that no-one has a right to bother me at my homestead.
Same here. I live mostly off grid for most of my life. No debt. I don't buy anything I can't pay for outright. Most young people these days have been programed for a cushy life at the cost of massive amounts of debt (i know a few of them).
Two terms of Bush Junior drove me to become a liberal. War mongering/corruption of the constitution.
I have always believed that the only thing that keeps the country together is the law. When I saw Obama turn into Bush 2.0 it put me on the edge. Gave up on politics.
Saw Sanders as a possible hope but then I saw him for a weak controlled fraud.
Again the problem is most people create a reality for themselves, because it FEELS comfortable. It takes a lot of personal reflection to reject what you see as reality and that is not a trait most people can muster often.
Wish I had a better answer for you on how to red-pill people. The best you can do, is give them small doses mostly phrased as a question. In the end it just comes down to personal choice.
▶ 89f123 (6) No.253367
Oh, this one has def been groomed for the part! No telling what kind of eff'd up bs this one has been a part of!
▶ 9fa001 (3) No.253368
Think mirror.
43 days before 12/21 is 11/9 (Q's first trip post).
43 days after 12/21 is 2/1 (National Freedom Day).
▶ 1ccbd6 (2) No.253370>>253377 >>253380 >>253390 >>253394 >>253408 >>253447 >>253472 >>254303
Josh Caplan @joshdcaplan
FOX NEWS: Hawaii man who sent false missile alert was ‘100 percent sure’ attack was real
6:45 PM - 2 Feb 2018
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253374
Laws are supposed to be equal
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253375
none of them have the fear of god. twas about satan to them.
and history must be written so badly of them ..
▶ 9fb402 (2) No.253377
wait, I thought it was an accident??
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253380
Of ccourse he was sure. He was told to push the button. He did it for his country.
▶ 690bcb (2) No.253381
Rule of law doesn't consider public interest. Charges will be brought. Heads will pop up when HRC's head rolls into court.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253382
that would not even come close to being in the ballpark of what we are talking about. I'm not wasting my time looking into some fairly tale insurance that couldn't exist in a Court of Law! I am not an insurance expert by any means, but I can hold my ground on a legal feild! If you paid for omission insurance ( LMMFAO) I have a parking lot in the Everglades to sell you
▶ fff6fc (2) No.253385>>253496
Long term, take back the education system, eradicate common core and centralized federal control, clean out journalism and media schools, cleanse the MSM.
▶ 4f978e (3) No.253387
Eric Salways Words tonight make me think, there's only one way out of this. Time to feed The Tree of Liberty
▶ ac510a (4) No.253388>>253561
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253389
it's not overnight, nothing is. that's what's so hard to get across here on this board. Gotta be in it for the long haul
▶ 89fa3b (3) No.253390>>253404
That patsy gonna disappear, he's been speaking up more & more.
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253393
Do you want to list of several other companies that offer E&O insurance ???? Very common in Business dealings…
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253394>>253461
He was Wong…
mr.Wong. (Kek)
but he was Right…
about he attack…
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253400>>253439 >>253520
Ideas on how to meme this dude?
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253401
I save what I can. Saw his YT vid. Completely at odds with being an RV and also a little odd. Not buying anything he is selling or his services. This could be a schtick. It's SM. Fuck all the felons and freaks are there. Worth watching. I am not opposed to remote viewing, and understand it is not a literal thing all the time.
▶ 361359 (1) No.253404>>253430
heart attack after his plane lands in ocean?
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253406
I also forget Flynn sentencing judge recusal.
▶ 8aead1 (6) No.253408
Zac from Info wars said it's all going to come out, when I do not know but it should
▶ 94311c (12) No.253410>>253444
Some of us knew but no one was listening.
Just told us to take off the tin foil hats.
▶ 7126aa (3) No.253413
I think that conservatives finally feel like they don't have a target on their backs, like during the Obama years, and that their President is really on their side. Probably for the first time ever.
▶ 36429e (1) No.253416>>253575
super bowl related for sure…bomb the stadium?
▶ b45263 (32) No.253419
got to do somtin with name for gods sake
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253420
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253422>>253460
And if they do right by the people whats wrong with a dynasty?
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253424
Preview of Dems response
▶ e1a443 (4) No.253425
> No one likes being told that everything they believe is based on lies.
It was MAD FUN for us. I loved knowing that the forces that oppressed us as nerds were total evil fake bullshit that God was only too happy to destroy if we just gave Him props. If we remain holy, we can call fire down upon them from heaven like Elijah! All you have to do is pray and find unity in your prayer like Jesus said.
▶ df90f8 (5) No.253426
Not if you are time traveling.
▶ fb0cc7 (4) No.253427>>253852
Cant get Video to post…
Jarrett saying RR threatened congress
▶ 0ebe75 (6) No.253429
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This video is a tribute to ANONs and their followings.
Notice the reference to clouds (web memory) and dwarves (CIA).
Many BRILLIANT people in music have
seen this day coming for quite some time.
Drift all you like from ocean to ocean
Search the whole world
But drunken confessions and hijacked affairs
Will just make you more alone
When you come home I’ll bake you a cake
Made of all their eyes
I wish you could see me dressed for the kill
You’re my man of war
Yeah, the worms will come for you, big boots
Yeah, yeah, yeah
So unplug the phones, stop all the taps
It all comes flooding back
To poison clouds and poisoned dwarves
You’re my man of war
Yeah, the worms will come for you, big boots
For you, big boots
▶ 89fa3b (3) No.253430
…while punching himself to death…
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253431>>253467
I guess we are in for another couple of years of special prosecutors before anything is actually done to take these people off the street.
▶ 3c9226 (2) No.253432
▶ 539ed1 (3) No.253433
So 40% (you) Fisher and Broken english like me / 40%another anon and 20% FBI? Love you to
▶ a7efd8 (3) No.253434
▶ ddf1a1 (3) No.253437>>253456
Ignore them. The bold brackets can sometimes be tricky.
Here questions with some answers to get you started. It will take hours to read slowly and understand. Also use it against qcodefag.github.io/ which you already have.
▶ 331130 (8) No.253438>>253445 >>253549
>I'll never forget where I was when that panda exploded.
For those of us who weren't watching when it did - what exactly happened when the panda exploded?
▶ 4f978e (3) No.253439
San Francisco District, Shouldn't be too Hard
▶ b105e8 (6) No.253440>>253452
address a solemn request or expression of thanks to a deity or other object of worship.
noun: prey
an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.
"the human body"
"they are only human, and therefore mistakes do occur"
synonyms: mortal, flesh and blood
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253442>>253477
OK.. Previous bread is filled
▶ 23b7d3 (2) No.253443
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253444
Still telling us the Reynolds wrap is too tight. They are trying very hard. They are using all the old shame words but they aren't working very well because too many times people have seen that they were not crazy or paranoid in the way they imply at all. Some of us (hand raised) are sill crazy and paranoid, but… you get what I'm saying.
▶ 3c9226 (2) No.253445>>253462 >>253465 >>253733
Haha, the fucking panda was awesome.
▶ 0bd357 (3) No.253447
Of course it was real. It was also shot down immediately. They tried to get POTUS to start bombing NK. Didn't work.
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253449>>253466
This is so deep, we need to fix education, all branches of gov, the communists are knee deep, it's going to take a long time to fix what BHO did in 8 years
▶ 111d31 (1) No.253450
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253451>>253800
Additionally when people are up for an election, check a candidates voting history, rhetoric, etc. Never let up, EVER!
Exactly whats being done here and certain twatter accounts is exactly what needs to be done from now on. Support the TruePundits, Sara Carters and Judicial Watch's of the world to ensure they grow and continue their great work. This level of scrutiny needs to become the new norm.
As patriots fill the ranks of gov and law enforcement heads again, anons work side by side to keep this country safe from the scum who seeks to destroy it.
▶ df1401 (8) No.253452
Not sure why you keep responding to me. I was responding to the other anon about the bolding.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253455>>253611
I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Certainly you did not pay for insurance for that basic right so you have 1 strike against you for claiming so as it relates to honestly or credibility. That is part of being an expert witness . Honest mistakes or omissions are not held to account as would be intentional . 'Knowingly or willingly'
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253456
▶ 547a15 (3) No.253457>>253499 >>253505 >>253522
Hawaii man who sent false missile alert was ‘100 percent sure’ attack was real
http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/02/hawaii-man-who-sent-false-missile-alert-was-100-percent-sure-attack-was-real.html
▶ c2f656 (4) No.253458>>253608
sauce? copyright?
▶ 796d30 (3) No.253459>>253468 >>253493 >>253598
Refresh your page for a pelican free viewing experience.
Get Comfy, Stay Centered, and Support your Fellow Patriots.
▶ 6a8a97 (4) No.253460>>253490
Just havent seen one that done right by the people for any length of time
▶ b45263 (32) No.253462
54321012345 nodda
▶ e66533 (7) No.253463>>253481
FORGOT to add, Nov 9th Q began giving us the key took out start clock time, just in case it's wrong (then 12/8) or we don't need it.
Also for got to put Wind the clock and refer to Web anon's graphic to get the idea with the markers. Also Web does not begin inside but outside.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253465
the dicknado, and pelicans, and the panda…
what culture chan brings…
oh yeah, and the lampshade kike graphic during the great migration…
we are an odd bunch
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253466
Agreed. Education. In just 8 years communists went hard core on the school system. Everyone was just too asleep to notice it until it exploded in everyones faces.
▶ 6c6a21 (6) No.253467>>253576
That's not how it works, the SP can be issuing indictments and calling grand juries from the first day. it can go on for a long time but pins can start to fall quickly.
In the meantime there will be ongoing house/senate investigations and eventually DOJ and FBI once they are cleaned up, not to mention whatever the hell is going to happen with MI. All of these can be referring cases for prosecution, continually.
So do not fret. New SP is like adding another pit bull in the yard.
▶ ab826c (2) No.253468>>253536
Definitely Comfy BV, Thank you.
▶ ac2409 (15) No.253469
>Trump is a honey badger, he doesn't give a shit.
You need to meme that shit. Put a little trump hair on a HB… You got this. Too tired and going to bed finally.
Night all anon, shills, media lurkers and spies. I have good thoughts for all of you. We are all just doing our jobs. I believe in mine. Not sure about the rest of you all though.
▶ 73502d (1) No.253470>>253498 >>253535
Fresh off the meme factory press.
▶ b291c7 (1) No.253471>>253476 >>253483 >>253530 >>253550
Dang, board's moving fast.
Any time traveler(ing) during #307 ?
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253472>>253515
They said recording, so he picked up the phone, it was a real alert (Q said so) and reacted
▶ b45263 (32) No.253474
i live at 532 small wok way
right next to big wok way
▶ 78fe46 (1) No.253476
I was there. i lol'd then and now.
▶ 187098 (8) No.253477>>253484
Filled it is. Done well, we have.
▶ c2f656 (4) No.253478
Thanks for the heads up.
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253480
FUK AHOLES, my Fox keeps getting stopped
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253481>>253562
first move in the chess game is Nov 23rd
if thats any help with your quest
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253482
Why would they keep guy around for 10 yrs if he often misheard/misinterpretted drills for real events.
Someone check his bank account for an unusual large deposit recently.
▶ 94311c (12) No.253483>>253506 >>253850
Not a peep.
What did he say? I forgot from this am.
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253484>>253504
Thanks for the help !!
▶ 4b4f6f (1) No.253487>>253513
Thanks for the inspiration
▶ b9381e (11) No.253488
▶ 4743bf (6) No.253489
Picture me playing the tiniest violin.
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253490>>253511
We also never seen a President do what Trump has done. I have faith in those people. They have this good energy surrounding them. A strong, good looking family, with traditional values. Something to look up too.
▶ f2270c (2) No.253491
That is exactly f-in it anon. If we know POTUS met with Mueller beforehand, we know this was all part of the plan. We gotta stop questioning. If we know this, we know there was a plan with RMueller to begin with.
▶ e66533 (7) No.253492
This is the web graphic, I did NOT make this, but it's been around for a long time almost the beginning, so I'm sure you've seen it. Some markers are found in library thread
▶ 9e2418 (7) No.253493>>253536
Thanks. All the pelican shit everywhere was getting to me.
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253496>>253523
>Long term, take back the education system, eradicate common core and centralized federal control, clean out journalism and media schools, cleanse the MSM.
Bit to bit anon we keep pushing back on these fuckers.
MSM/journalism -> Online independents (already done)
Education system/common core -> Happening across the country but home schooling + online schools + private schools (new conservative ones) will defeat their bullshit.
This scare isn't over but imo it will unite the country like never before.
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253498
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253499
Still does not explain why it took 32 minutes to inform public that it was false.
Besides Q has already dropped what caused the False flag and why it was done.
They are just in cover mode after looking both incompetent and politically insane after trying to blame it on the president.
▶ cdf7c0 (4) No.253500
I think I read where Obama paid the legal firm (Perkins Coie - sp?) but they didn't know if it was for legal services or Fusion GPS funding. Only way to find out I guess is for Congress to subpoena his sorry ass.
▶ 23b7d3 (2) No.253501
Just dig and post when you find something
▶ 187098 (8) No.253504>>253517
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253505
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253506>>253530 >>253550
he was referring to cbts307 this morning, but i never figured out why.
▶ 915a6b (3) No.253508>>253533
▶ 9e2418 (7) No.253509
Stop talking to pelicans. How many times do we have to say this.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253510
awe ty baker, mucho better
▶ 6a8a97 (4) No.253511>>253538
I sincerely hope you are right.I just dont like dynasties.
▶ 547a15 (3) No.253513
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253514
HA, go to college, get good degree, apply to OCS, get trained, get job…be compartmentalized (NTK) get fucked. That's all. Leave, retired, join clowns or feebs or go to clowns direct from school. Pretty sure wetworks jobs come hard…go fast.
▶ 1ccbd6 (2) No.253515
Yes I know it was real alert! Just wanted to share that he is speaking out! :)
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253517
Guess this JobAnon is gonna have learn how to bake like a grown up one of these days lol
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253519
Another big story in the shadow of memo
▶ e4f35a (5) No.253521>>253537 >>253581 >>253639 >>253898
Errors & Omissions Insurance. Usually for people required to have some sort of License for scope of work. Not sure where else this ins applies.
▶ 9e2418 (7) No.253522>>253560
1. It was real.
2. We stopped it.
3. Letting the public know it was real does not help us.
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253523>>253551
Yep that is pretty much what saved me.
After being home schooled for years, I had to do a year in public and I found I was way beyond anyone else in my class. My social skills were way higher as well. I think parents are figuring out that raising your kids is no longer a spectator sport.
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253525>>253553
Hannity says the Grassley memo could be out next week?
that would handy
▶ cc25b5 (5) No.253526>>253583
Awesome day of happenings, anons:
1. Extra money in the paycheck from muh tax cuts!
2. Muh MEMO (1 of many!)
3. Fake News = assmad
4. Deep State = assmad
5. Weasel Comey = particularly assmad
On that subject, possible meaning of Weasel's tweeeeeeeeet:
>Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee [HOW DARE TRUMP GIVE THEM THEIR BALLS BACK],
>destroyed trust with Intelligence Community [HOW DARE THEY DEFY OUR JUDGMENT],
>damaged relationship with FISA court [HOW DARE THEY EXPOSE OUR CHICANERY],
>and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen [HOW DARE THEY TELL THE SHEEP THE TRUTH].
>DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs [WE'LL JUST ACTIVATE MORE SLEEPER CELLS.]
So like Assange pointed out earlier…in one breath, Comey scoffs at the memo, and then in the next, he cries about it destroying everything. This blatant of a contradiction could imply he was genuinely pissed as he typed this.
Should we be worried, anons? I'm still pretty comfefe…
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253527
>So we just stay the course and be factual…
Yep, consistency. And hope for the future, no matter how hard that is sometimes
▶ f2270c (2) No.253528>>253541 >>253696
MS13 and they were later killed in SC, come on man. Total fucking hit. Sick shit. This people are stupid.
▶ 6a8a97 (4) No.253529
Ive seen this before, not cool, but Imma stfu now, y'all know
▶ 94311c (12) No.253530
Went back and looked, talked about codemonkey being alphabet and q was gonna have to clean it up.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253533
what does Snowden have to do with what I said in your mind? I remained 50/50 on him until recently and went over the fence. Yes he provided info to USA citizens about the bad NSA was doing, but he also compromised our good guys from fighting against our bad guys. I am no longer 50/50 on Snowden.
▶ 02b159 (2) No.253534>>253597
KEK, perfect reply to spoopy clown trying to create fear
▶ 187098 (8) No.253535
▶ 796d30 (3) No.253536
It's my honor and pleasure to serve with you all.
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253537
does not imply in govt
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253538
I understand completely ANON but I have no doubt in US. It is our birthright and duty as Americans to be Free and spread Freedom. Trump has instilled this into his boys you can take that to the bank.
▶ 0713ae (1) No.253539
Final inning… Team Justice is at bat.
Devin Nunes hits to second base looking to steal with phase 2 memo (state department). Next at bat is Chuck Grassley readying his memo. Warming up is Bob Goodlatte. And heavy hitter IG Michael Horowitz is on clean up ready for a grand slam.
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253540
Talk to a liberal friend.
Say "Jesus tells us to love our neighbor"
Then say "I forgive you for being a white supremacist".
They will object. Then you explain how only a white supremacist could support keeping poor black people unemployed in slums and stoned on drugs all day because they have lost all hope. Say that Trump has changed all that by deporting illegals and now, the jobs held by illegals are being done by urban blacks who finally have hope that they can pull themselves out of poverty by their own effort.
Keep bringing the discussion back to these points and say things like, "It doesn't matter what Obama said" to block the discussion from digging into what Democrats said or did. Just focus on the facts of the connection between illegals, entry level jobs and black people's lives. Say that you truly believe your friend is a white supremacists but you also believe that if they understood how black people suffer from this, then they would support keeping illegals out.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253541
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253544>>253548
▶ 89f123 (6) No.253546>>253556
I guess if true, there's no longer any doubt about RR_out!
Gregg Jarrett to Hannity: "A Congressional source tells me that RR, in a meeting three weeks ago, THREATENED Devin Nunes and members of Congress that he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the Intel Committee. That's threats, intimidation and retaliation."
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253548
Meant for this picture. Forgot to tag.
▶ 6c6a21 (6) No.253549>>253585 >>253616 >>253673
>what exactly happened when the panda exploded?
Well first, you REALLY had to be there at 1 am to appreciate the full effect of all the anons chattering up to the moment of the event.
Because no retelling will ever do it justice.
while many of the boys expected something dramatic, like a new SR info reveal, or maybe a video of SR playing shuffleboard in Guam, or possibly portal into the next multiverse, what happened was so unexpected it really caught everyone by surprise.
The counter descended down toward zero, from hours, to minutes, to seconds, as anons were furiously announcing the time remaining and others trying desperately to overcome last minute technical issues that seemed evidence of a higher power at work,
Then, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …..
And everyone nodded sagely, understanding in that moment what only a lifetime of contemplation on these matters could teach.
▶ 94311c (12) No.253550
Right. Just went to cbts and looked there.
Dumbfuck was on wrong board!
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253551
Luckily im from a noncomped era otherwise I would be fucked.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253552
love all u sumbitches, nohomo. been long ride
still lot to go, but we got memo released!
▶ b9381e (11) No.253553>>253570
There was a Grassely Document dropped here earlier today…
About 10 mins befor he Nunnes Memo
▶ 02b159 (2) No.253554
Q implied Mueller was /ourguy/
Trump spent a long time “interviewing” Mueller alone for a job he couldn’t have.
▶ 8aead1 (6) No.253556>>253584
Yeh, and the train is a real assault. I suspect it's quiet and there are briefings going on at the retreat plus lots of good 'ol fashioned ass kickery in the shadows right now.
▶ e1a443 (4) No.253557
Everybody needs to see horizon-to-horizon checkerboard clouds at least once in their lives. They will feel like they're inside a computer.
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253559
Coincidence? WH advisor being returned to real job
▶ 547a15 (3) No.253560
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253561
THIS !!!!!
▶ e66533 (7) No.253562>>253846
Hmm, I'm not sure if start date is even needed, depends on the markers, but will post what I located so far in the library for a look. I did Not make these markers.
▶ 0bd357 (3) No.253563>>253594 >>253659
From pelican to Jews. Awesome.
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253564>>253745
I was a left leaning liberal too…but I think they got greedy. SO used to having their way, that the tail started wagging the dog. Gay Marriage wasn't enough, then all the Transngender bullshit, which I realized was a psy op in large part (Jenner). The political correctness was off the charts. Girl power, pussy hats. It's all gone too far. Soros groups fighting each other.
Anyone who hasn't seriously woke up to 911 is hopeless at this point. That's the litmus test.
I could go on an on. This happens every 8 or so years…we went from Neo Cons to flaming liberals in short time. Neither extreme is good. Trump is more in the center, where politics needs to lead.. I've always been independent and untrusting of all politicians…though I had respect for Ron Paul, Franken early on, Sanders (until this election) and Kucinich, who was too honest to ever have a chance.
I wasn't on the Trump train til Q. I still think he was a ploy to assure HRC victory (willingly). I think he said all the stupid things, just to turn voters away, but then must have met with the Generals and joined the plan. At least I hope that's what's happening.
▶ 3a5fa4 (5) No.253568>>253578 >>253609 >>253703
Don Jr.
We have generations of trumps ahead.
▶ f550a0 (5) No.253569
Repent for what? You have your way, i have mine. As for the right way, the correct way, the only way…it does not exist.
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253570
that is from last week
Grassly is going to expose
the Senate Committees findings too
▶ cdf7c0 (4) No.253571
So if they had Page under surveillance in 2013 and supposedly told him they knew Russia wanted him to be an agent for them, why have we not heard anything else on this? Clearly he wasn't an agent for them (the FBI had dick on him) or they wouldn't have needed the dossier to spy on him.
▶ 0fabd4 (4) No.253573>>253798
Would there be any consequences for the Supreme Court justice (Roberts?) who reportedly appointed every single FISA judge? If any/some of said FISA judges turn out to be corrupt?
▶ e60a0d (1) No.253574>>253921
Sort of like what went down in Hawaii? I don't rightly like the idea of some kind of scare taking place at the SB unless we're certain it won't progress to the point of a mass casualty false flag. Though I did see that the FBI had posted about the Super Bowl's security measures the other day. With the distrust of the agency now out in the open, this might make people think twice of actually going there in person. Man, all sorts of possibilities with this Sunday…
▶ 1345cf (1) No.253575
The Sum of All Fears?
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253576>>253663
Special prosecutors are supposed to prevent the politicization of investigations. Most often, it serves only to delay prosecution while the public moves on. Federal prosecutors should be able to do this job.
And what about those 10,000 sealed indictments? Aren't they likely to remain sealed as long as the SP has an open investigation?
▶ eebd21 (1) No.253577>>253589 >>253769
Socratic method works. I'm redpilling a 30 year intelligence officer that had no clue. Now starting to listen to me. Not there yet. Been at it 7 months. Patience!
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253578>>253582 >>253620
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253579
As well, Q stated that they would not intentionally put innocent people in harms way. Trust POTUS and the Q Team that whatever happens will probably be minimized, just like the subway bomber. Simple. Trust and Faith.
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253581
Errors & Omissions Ins. for an example … the use of a contract at a car dealership… and they have errors within the legal details.. or omit critical wording.
The ins. covers a claim made by anyone that catches the error or omission. not many catch them. lol Lawyers lol
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253582
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253583>>253712
I would say no.
The only reason the cabal/organized crime has flurished in our country is with the help of the goverment. Now that we have a president/congress/oversight that is no longer playing by those rules and can't be intimidated…
Their time is done…
Anything else at this point is desperate flailing..
Why bother, its because they can't believe (or understand) how any of this could of happened.
Because they thought they were protected and above the law.
They don't understand why they can't stop it, because it has been this way for so long.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253584>>253595
this sort of thing will catalyze the republicans into a team, they will have more togetherness and will be formidable.
(kinda like the way dems were a force because they sacrificed humans together)
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253585>>253606
When that happened I thought of this….btw your explanation was great…KEK
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253586
This confirms earlier speculation he does remote viewing. He's actually good. His red flag on purpose van crash in Shanghai post was made WELL before the event actually happened.
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253587>>253640
▶ 7126aa (3) No.253588
also pay attention to who follows you. i've started blocking accounts that follow me that seem like fake accounts and it's helped a bit with the shadowbanning.
▶ 915a6b (3) No.253591
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253592>>253599 >>253635 >>253656
Only 15 years until Barron could be president.
Only 3 years until Stephen Miller could.
Any of the generals could also run.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253593
▶ 8aead1 (6) No.253595
Yes Sir, TRUMP is creating a bigger and more hardened fighting political force. The memo vote was the price of entry. Uncucking the right :)
▶ 9e1554 (3) No.253597
clown-fag never responded either
▶ 94311c (12) No.253598
▶ b9381e (11) No.253599>>253600
I would not be surprised to see DJT Jr run…
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253600
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253601>>253610 >>253617
I would run for office if I wasnt a black wheelchairfag with a shady past.
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253605>>253619 >>253721 >>253771 >>254326
OK, they ARE stupid…but then, what are we, exactly? They've been getting away with this right under our noses for a very long time…so whose the most stupid? Us or them? Like it or not we ARE responsible for what they've been getting away with…sleeping is a choice? amirite?
▶ 6c6a21 (6) No.253606>>253625
Wow, anon, the damn Q clock. What a find. Something to think about in this context….
And thank the lord you did not find that last night pre-Panda, because the intensity level would have been unhealthy.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253607
▶ 187098 (8) No.253608
Not sure. Just grabbed it from previous bread.
▶ 60772b (3) No.253609
Trump Dynasty lol
▶ b9381e (11) No.253610>>253632
I have a long history of tickets, fleeing, etc, would not be a good thing for me to run for anything.
Was back before they made fleeing a felony…
▶ e4f35a (5) No.253611>>253675 >>253680
absolutely agree. but also, proving intentional is another story.
▶ 0ebe75 (6) No.253612
You seem to miss seeing all this foments new leadership in the West (all around you here), which is the purpose (all working for good) of it all.
▶ 1c950a (4) No.253613>>253661
Peace to you brothers.
Day before yesterday day, I was pilling a friend and had my bible within reach. I was trying to show that giving full, blind loyalty to either side isn't were it's at. Reached for the bible and knocked it off the table. It's an old, floppy, well worn, leather bible and it opened to Acts 9:1 and I was struck with a thought. As Saul he was a mighty fighter against Jesus, believing in his heart he was doing good. Consistent of character. When he became Paul, that same man became a MAJOR worker in spreading the word. I'm now looking for those powerful and consistent of character to pill. Sometimes your worst enemy can become your greatest ally as long as you keep your mind open to that possibility.
▶ 331130 (8) No.253616
Hmmm, earlier today some anon said the time clock reset? Had to leave to meatspace for a while so didnt' get to see the BIG REVEAL, so missed the 'splodin panda
Why even live
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253617
Sounds perfect to me
▶ 9e2418 (7) No.253618
Ensign - The disinfo beam is ineffective Captain!
Captain - Ready the antisemetic torpedos!
▶ 735bcd (6) No.253619
sort of but they are social engineers and actually have studied the human mind and know how to manipulate the public's opinion through brainwashing on the media and group think
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253620
No kids involved. Plus he is supposed to be protected hes…..well you'll find out 1 day ;)
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253621>>253643
Your logic is flawed.
If all wars are banker wars, don't you think they might start a war to retain their hold on the global currencies? Do you really think they will just give up?
▶ 5d12a0 (7) No.253622>>253627
Send in the CLOWNS…
There ought to be CLOWNS…
They seem to have disappeared from the boards tonight.
▶ e69c28 (7) No.253624
Yes. All wars are bankers wars. If you take down the bankers, or know their plan to start a war, you can stop itr before it starts. WIth no wars the bankers are weakened. Alternate systems like Islamic finance can grow and take over from the banksters.
P.S. Islamic finance is not really islamic. It just means banking without interest payments because that would be usury. Instead it is based on investment and infrastructure development which benefits all.
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253625
I did…just didn't want to jump the gun
▶ da3239 (5) No.253626
he's going to be extra uncomfortable in a prison bed
▶ 8aead1 (6) No.253627
▶ 525565 (1) No.253629
Thank you! As always they look fantastic!
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253630>>253650
I think the newfag means the words that Q spells out like [P] [R] [A] [Y] etc….
▶ aaef2a (11) No.253632
Just be honest with people, look how bad judge mantis past was… and he’s a judge now…
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253634
Ballsy. Threatening to blackmail congress right out in the open now. Congress and the Executive branch are literally in open war with the FBI and DOJ.
This just looks like organized crime now. Even to a normie.
The FBI & DOJ serve at the pleasure of the president and congress. Not the other way around.
▶ 94311c (12) No.253635>>253642
Uh…Barron is 11 so…
24 years?
▶ b6471f (14) No.253636>>253647 >>253653 >>253666 >>253671 >>253810
Lawfag here bringing something to your attention. Trump never favored prisoners or prison reform on his campaign trail. He never uttered a word about it. He spoke at the Republican retreat and for the very first time !!! announced an overhaul was needed in our prison system and they deserve a second chance. He has jobs for them ( insert wink face) He was signalling that many will come out of prison soon BUT he has a job for them! He is stripping the dems from a voting block of " I will free you if you vote Dem" to You are getting freed because Comey and friends were corrupt so get to work on our infrastructure.
▶ c2f656 (4) No.253638>>253793
▶ cdf7c0 (4) No.253639
It's what pharmacists and other healthcare practitioners (aka malpractice insurance).
▶ f08e5e (2) No.253640>>253784
We also need to vote out corrupt school board members. Often it goes something like this: school board, city council state politician or commissioner then onto Governor and/or State Senators or Congress. We need to vote the swamp out at the local level as well.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253642
Er yea math oops. 24 years.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253643>>253702
not flawed.
banks have no money unless chartered to create it.
undo that, its broken. instantly.
seizing the cabal assets also means the bnk becomes property of usa. instead of private owned…
they could war no more/.
▶ 928151 (2) No.253644>>253679 >>253685 >>253706 >>253710 >>253735 >>253776 >>254070 >>255084
We know the memo itself wasn't for us, it was for the normies. What the memo release had for us was in the letter of transmission from the White House. That has the critical reason why the petition process another anon pointed to is so important.
The first graphic is from the anon who posted it at >>249747 and I've reposted it here.
The rest of it speaks for itself. It's our job to give TGE the public interest he needs.
Why was the #ReleaseTheMemo so important?
TGE gave us the sauce, that campaign demonstrated that there was "significant public interest" that overrode any threats the information in the memo might pose to national security.
Yes, I know the word "interest" means different things, but in this case the interest in knowing the information is the same as the stakeholder interest each of us has as part of the electorate. Our stakeholder interest doesn't count for much unless the electorate shows some interest in seeing the information.
Read it, the critical information is there.
Please discuss.
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253647
▶ b9381e (11) No.253648
Can any verify this the $27 trillion dollar man?
it came up a few weeks ago.
I researched it some never found a solid conclusion.
The Story Of Leo Wanta
'The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man'
http:// rense.com/general70/leo.htm
▶ db88b8 (10) No.253650
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253652
That went to pay for Chelsea's wedding and Hillary's server.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253653>>253657
Prison reform was/is Kushner's baby. Kushner has his ear and as usual they are working together to use his to their advantage.
▶ bcc4f1 (11) No.253654
Weird that Putin is protecting cyber criminals. In my opinion, he shifting narrative preemptively to “negotiate” a Snowden swap down the road. www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-citizens-foreign-travel-us-hunt-arrest-list-russians-trump-putin-kremlin-world-a8190536.html
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253655
Do not mention the children or grandchildren of POTUS who are underage. Im not trying to tell anyone what to do. But its not good etiquette and its poor taste. Leave them out of this
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253656>>253691
Say it with me -> #46
Time for a back to back swamp draining era.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253657
*this, not his advantage
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253659
Products of our environment. I think most of the "controls" were in place before some of us got here, so most just don't know any differently. Ignorance is not an excuse, but when the education system fails to educate the masses on "True" history and what our civic Rights and Duties are…
▶ 538caf (4) No.253660
▶ 0ebe75 (6) No.253661>>253672
You will also find in that chapter that Saul's name was changed when he went against Sergius Paulus (which means the governor of the land of Paul). This transformation is when the "Christian leader" realizes the theology of the past is what needs changing, and sets about on a mission to do so. You should follow up on this with the seven seals thread pdf (start with the last ten pages). There is a huge story to all of this we are all in the middle of right now.
▶ 4a7a67 (1) No.253662>>253668
This needs to be a meme….
▶ 6c6a21 (6) No.253663>>253720
>Most often, it serves only to delay prosecution
Yes this has been the case in some instances but those were not like the present. Point one.
Second, there are the little matters of treason and threats of violence, maybe confirmed attempts to cause mayhem. Trump team does not want mass casualty events and it must be an enormous pain in the ass right now for them to be watching and listening on such a scale to head off such attacks.
No what the white hats need is for bad guys to start going away because it is not possible to maintain such a state of watchful vigilance for INTERNAL/GOVERNMENT mortal threats to the nation.
That is my prediction. People are going to be locked up sooner than later.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253664
All framework is in place.
Timing and actions indicate this is the goal.
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253666>>253669
Brilliant actually.. and gets the job done!!
▶ c8bf00 (1) No.253667>>253684
please tell me I’m not crazy when standard and all that comes with
▶ e1a443 (4) No.253668>>253722 >>253757
Our memes need to become dramatically more violent. The Second Amendment wasn't created for hunting but rather for "hunting".
▶ 915a6b (3) No.253669>>253683
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253670
Mr. President
Any liberals that dont go extinct would just drop dead if we had 16 years of Donald Trump presidencies.
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253671
Yes he is slyly removing all dem strengths while they yell Russia Russia Russia
▶ 1c950a (4) No.253672
Will do! Thanks anon. ;)
▶ d7d6a9 (9) No.253673>>253755
Your rundown of the chatter was spot on. No exploding panda though. The timer just started counting forwards and the flames remained the same.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253674>>253681 >>253682 >>253691 >>253743
Mr. President
Any liberals that dont go extinct would just drop dead if we had 16 years of Donald Trump presidencies.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253675
Bruce Ohr reported Steele stated his desperation to stop Trump from becoming president. Intent proven! It doesn't get easier than that to prove intent! The person behind the dossier stated he wanted to prevent Trump from becoming prez. His info with knowledge of his intent behind providing info is the best a Judge could get as far as a confession
▶ 6eeb7d (1) No.253677
Did they attend the Gottard tunnel opening ceremony?
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253678
With DHS now involved in voting, and the C_A under the guise of "Muh russia might hack 2018" dems are fucked royally. The days of muh illegal bus voting tours are coming to an end.
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253679
Trump used Hussein’s EO 13256 against him?
That’s karma.
▶ b6471f (14) No.253680
all laws state known or should have known
▶ b9381e (11) No.253681
What if …
Pence torrid background comes to light and has to resign, and POTUS gives the Job to Jr….
▶ 9e1554 (3) No.253682
The suicides would swamp coroners around the country
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253683
WT!!?? satan who…
▶ 086887 (1) No.253684
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253685>>253710 >>253713 >>253954 >>254040
very nice addition anon
thats my project
i noticed that the petition site was back
about 1am on the 1st
been checking it daily to see if it opened
because it said late january
and deciphered
a long time ago
this is our mission
but nobody listens
▶ df90f8 (5) No.253686
Your knowledge of timelines is flawed.
▶ 0fabd4 (4) No.253687
Since we've got 2 lawfaganons on board ATM, a question that keeps coming up.
If Obama's presidence is shown to have been fraudulent (non citizen, ineligible, etc.) then what happens to every executive action that occurred during his tenure?
Every EO?
Every piece of legislation signed?
Every regulation promulgated by executive branch departments?
Every treaty signed?
I see complications either way. Unravelling a fradulent presidency has never happened before.
Would love to hear your reasoned opinion(s) on this, lawfags.
▶ e66533 (7) No.253689
Hoping that they fall into place, but I have to go digging in the library to see if the rest of the markers are archived somewhere, maybe they haven't been found? Saving that graphic, pretty cool.
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253691
This will become a reality anons. Kek will make this a reality. Tears will be flowing.
▶ 94311c (12) No.253693
You know who you are
>no outside comms
Doesn’t mean “never talks to anyone besides 8ch retards”
It means “no private communications were had with namefags”
▶ b720dc (2) No.253694
Thank you chan, I got. A meeting with. The wolf
▶ 690bcb (2) No.253696
and you know diff? Please enlighten the anons
▶ 1977ab (3) No.253697>>253740
“Extra shocks for her”. That’s fucking funny.. dark, but funny
▶ b45263 (32) No.253699
im not a boomer, i dont think we should ailianate
anyone. there r problems with every race, religion
, age, sex, nodda. everyone needs to wake up.
i see where u coming from though, one of my family is
a boomer, just straight up says dont care.
im like ok what about your kids and grandkids.
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253701
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253702>>253717 >>253772
I'm sorry to seem like a downer, but the US and its allies are not the only countries with central banks, banks that create the various currencies world-wide. And then you have the Bank of London and the Vatican.
Shutting down the Federal Reserve will not stop the deep state from starting a major war. Nor will there be a lack of financing for that war.
We did not get in our current situation in a decade and we are not going to get out of it in a decade. Better prepare for the long war which will include some lost battles.
▶ 3c73fb (1) No.253703
▶ a781ae (1) No.253704
Go start a thread on GodLikeProductions, you shill fuck!
▶ 60772b (3) No.253705
▶ e1a443 (4) No.253706
>We know the memo itself wasn't for us, it was for the normies. What the memo release had for us was in the letter of transmission from the White House. That has the critical reason why the petition process another anon pointed to is so important.
This is an exact copy of what the globalists do with fake news. They drum up fake support then they do their deed as the "logical outcome". If we can weaponize and accelerate this…
▶ 6120c4 (1) No.253707
RR threatened Nunes
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253709
i know ur trying to halp but do you really think thousans of autists missed that? bless ur heart.
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253710
(BO) please review
▶ 44d205 (3) No.253711
Agreed. My Dad is a Vet that was an MP with the National Guard for 25 years. I just red pilled him last year. It's taken be that long just to convince him about 9/11. He also happens to be an Irish Catholic. So when I would speak to him about the evils these people commit, how sick they are, what they do to kids etc it actually wound up helping me to mention his faith. I would remind him that as a devout man of faith that he believes in evil, and would ask him if it's so hard to believe that others do to and that some of those people worship it. That seemed to help a lot. Kudos on getting through to the wife! Keep going!!!
▶ cc25b5 (5) No.253712
That's very true. Like when spoiled children who were enabled for so long, are suddenly cutoff, they don't know how to respond except with rage -- a temper tantrum basically. The only problem is, wounded animals are, as we know, sometimes dangerous. I just hope none of them make it through the traps set by the good guys.
▶ 928151 (2) No.253713>>253735
Hive mind at work
▶ 94387c (3) No.253717>>253768
yes the Roths have several central banks in several countries. but their main weapon is debt. we as a nation need to declare all debts as odious debt (debt that was not created for the good of the people) and write if off.
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253720
>That is my prediction. People are going to be locked up sooner than later.
I join you and many others in hoping your prediction is correct. Time will tell.
▶ e94e16 (1) No.253721>>253742
>but then, what are we, exactly?
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253722>>253729 >>253730
Oh trust me, no one agrees more than me about the 2nd.
But that is bad redpill tactic.
If you mention Obama should be killed for treason then:
1. you have to explain to people what treason is.
2. that it is punishable by death.
3. explain methods of death
a. Firing squad (gun violence)
b. Hanging (racist for black obama)
c. Lethal injection (controversial)
d. Drawn and Quartered (cruel)
basically you find that until someone accepts that some people must die, they will make excuses for them or the punishment.
It goes against everything liberal …
(death for treason)
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253723
Let's hope it all turns up Muellers involvement in covering up 911
MUST LISTEN to THomas Paine
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2Pu9qkIo9w&t=3560s
▶ 735bcd (6) No.253725
This is actually VERY plausible but so are a lot of theories.
▶ d76b08 (2) No.253727>>253741 >>253754
Nice catch, anon.
Nice catch.
▶ 29db71 (2) No.253728>>253882
There is a standard hotel in ny city. It is owned by Andre Balazs. Here are a few photos connecting him to bad shit. Still more shit to dig. Not guys in helicopter but connected I’m sure. The pizza place is outside of the standard hotel in ny city. Some weird symbols on it.
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253729>>253835 >>253844
They were trying to Spin "chain migration" as Racist on the MSM. LIbs were trembling when they heard "chains"=slaves…gasp.
▶ b9381e (11) No.253730>>253835
How about we just send BHO hunting with Dick Cheney?
▶ 5b1ed8 (3) No.253732
Dont ever post that again
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253734>>253750
I like this better than the committee of 22 we found the other night….
▶ 7374ca (8) No.253735
i was listening to Hannity
this afternoon.. and even his website
is telling us what to do
▶ e0d836 (7) No.253736
GOP lawmaker calls for FBI, DOJ officials to face 'treason' charges.
https:// www.politico.com/story/2018/02/02/nunes-memo-treason-paul-gosar-386089
▶ 1977ab (3) No.253737
You nailed it, right on the money
▶ 9ebd1f (1) No.253738
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253739>>253748
▶ ff1a78 (12) No.253740>>253779
The funny part is that is the real newspaper on the Rosenburgs, I only added the clinton part goog it, I was cracking up "extra for her"
▶ df90f8 (5) No.253741
I hope that's sarcasm
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253742
Superb meme kek. I get only 10% of people have a clue what it means though.
▶ da3239 (5) No.253743
plenty of qualified patriots with out straying down nepotisim lane.
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253745>>253761 >>253949 >>253978
9/11 was a HUGE redpilling opportunity, it was my "told ya so" moment. Butt then, the wars, and we were right back where we were, except now with more opium and oil…
If I'm not mistaken Trump was a Dem too (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
The center gives one the best view of both sides, best position for a mediator. And, not being a businesman not a politician, is what the country needs, instead of the same ol same ol rinse & repeat.
▶ e66533 (7) No.253746>>253777
Looks like 3 of the 7 were duplicates, so 4 markers. BRB hopefully with more.
▶ 44d205 (3) No.253747
Wictor... I only correct you so people can know the exact name to follow on Twitter.
▶ 18d872 (2) No.253748
KEK I watched that fuckin clock count down and nothing happened.
▶ df90f8 (5) No.253750
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253752
So does McCabe still get his pension?
▶ 5b1ed8 (3) No.253754
do it now
never post again
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253755>>253775 >>253799
But God, was it funny
▶ 0ebe75 (6) No.253756>>253763
The only person Jesus took to paradise was the one crucified beside him.
▶ 83b138 (1) No.253757
I don't disagree, Anon. I love your energy. Just remember that we need to approach people in a way where they have a good chance at hearing. Anons here have a pretty good view of reality but so many of our countrymen and women are living with the wool pulled over their eyes.
Patience is a greatly overlooked virtue and I know I myself definitely need to drink deeply from that well.
Slow and steady memes win the race!
▶ b45263 (32) No.253758
seize all our stolen money
nat debt is a lie
▶ 538caf (4) No.253759
That stupid thing is still going just checked
▶ 4f75be (1) No.253760
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253761
I think he was a Dem. NYC is 92% Dem as it is.
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253762
If you flip the pic upside down the nose looks like a necktie and the eyes look like the shoulders of a jacket. There are dots and images under the face of the Panda and the fire makes it look like a face in the foreground. Maybe Im reaching but it looked like that to me
▶ 0ebe75 (6) No.253763>>253787
▶ f7e038 (1) No.253764
Is there an online image of this, where can I get a copy?
If this is true God Bless America. and Donald Trump
▶ 52d71a (3) No.253766>>253773
No need for a special counsel. It has already been investigated. Mis info is a must.
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253768>>253840
I'm not sure the debt holders - not the central banks but other sovereign nations, China and Japan among the largest holders of US debt - will sit quietly if we don't pay them.
One other thing, you can count on one hand the number of countries that do NOT have a Rothschild central bank controlling their currency.
Why do you think they were trying to create a nuclear Iran and N Korea. Lots of mad men out there begging to be bought off.
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253769
>Socratic method works
Indeed it does! And congrats on the intel officer! Patience pays
▶ 960709 (7) No.253770>>253778
memo 5 contains president obama giving hillary daily briefings on trump campaign wire taps…its bad.
sedition, they will hang.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253772>>253829
The central banks of the world are owned by the same people. Same cabal.
If it goes down, it all falls together at the same time.
Quite easy to convince other leaders to comply, as it will overwhelm them with wealth in comparison to presently.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253775
I was crying I was laughing so hard. I'm still laughing just thinking about it.
▶ e4f35a (5) No.253776
wow. i'm in. this could be a great item to push thru social media. easy links, etc. w/meme's of course.
▶ 1d1ed6 (1) No.253777
4 markers is significant progress, I'll await further findings.
▶ 22c2ab (2) No.253778>>253791
Sedition is max penalty of 20 years in prison or just a fine.
▶ 1977ab (3) No.253779
I’m still laughing
▶ b45263 (32) No.253780>>253783
when all is said and done we need jury selection
on any vote?
▶ fae307 (1) No.253781
Beautifully said anon, strong writing.
▶ b45263 (32) No.253783
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253784
As POTUS works from the top down, we have to work from the bottom up, and meet in the middle
▶ df90f8 (5) No.253785
Been watching this...wtf??
▶ 9b9f26 (1) No.253787
Talking bout fight club Jules
▶ 538caf (4) No.253788>>253809
God will make sure, Trump opened a huge can of worms,He has to finish the job for his familiy's sake. These bastards all have to go down
▶ b45263 (32) No.253790
look up canada girl talks banks
▶ 960709 (7) No.253791>>253820
yeah, president obama, giving would be presidential elect hillary daily briefings on her opponent in said presidential race…
no biggie, just a fine.
wake up you tard
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253792>>253804 >>253918
Obama got 9 lawyers… fired?
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253793
Not a problem, Good luck with your endeavors!!! And, take your time, we have plenty of it now
▶ cc25b5 (5) No.253796
Who thinks "1 of 22" means 1 of 22 memos?
Since now there's a Grassley one coming too at the very least.
▶ 55b04d (5) No.253798>>253915
>Would there be any consequences for the Supreme Court justice (Roberts?) who reportedly appointed every single FISA judge? If any/some of said FISA judges turn out to be corrupt?
Now THAT's a good fucking question. Don't let this thought die, carry it forward pls.
▶ d7d6a9 (9) No.253799
The anticipation in here was hilarious!
▶ 9e2418 (7) No.253800>>253822
This is not enough. Interviewing, campaigning or continuing work in government requires background checks before, after and during their career.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253804>>253816
http:// wilkinsonwalsh.com/
▶ dc63a2 (4) No.253806>>253825 >>253847 >>253849 >>253858
Branden Dilley just gave a shoutout on his Periscope two minutes ago to 8Chan for analyzing and posting his intel drops.
▶ 71d658 (3) No.253808
Maybe null & void in terms of criminal/seditious activity.
▶ b9381e (11) No.253809
I like to think Trump stepped up to make a better place for his Grand Kids, and i say if so God Bless Trump
I was #AnyoneButHillary watching the C's since i was in HS and moving to their state he never won an election, you could never find anyone that would admit they voted for him.
▶ 86a2d2 (11) No.253810>>253917
You know what…you're…absolutely….RIGHT!
That frikkin GENIUS!
▶ 4c7793 (27) No.253816
I know. But there are 9 lawyers listed on the memo too.
▶ c2f656 (4) No.253818>>253888
Remember Schiff private contact with Wray as stated in pre-memo committee minutes.
How many others in Congress subvert rules on transparency and make private contacts with FBI/DOJ to make special requests of investigative and prosecutorial staff?
Also, FBI and DOJ were established by Congress, but they are part of executive branch. Congress has oversight of them, but are not in their chain of command. Trump is the boss of FBI and DOJ.
There are three co-equal branches of US government-Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Military is not a separate branch of government and IC is not a separate branch of government.
▶ 22c2ab (2) No.253820
Learn the law. Sedition doesn't carry a death penalty. Only treason does.
You're a tard if you think anyone is going to hang for these crimes.. Prison? Yes. Death? No chance.
▶ dc8224 (17) No.253822>>253907
>This is not enough. Interviewing, campaigning or continuing work in government requires background checks before, after and during their career.
The more the better. Point being it needs to become peoples part time jobs to keep up with all of it. The alternative is unthinkable.
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253824>>253833
add small disclaimer that images are real and not shopped or some such.
▶ cc25b5 (5) No.253825>>253831
Yay, someone from the outside giving us credit for once kek.
▶ e0d836 (7) No.253826
▶ 48eabe (6) No.253828>>253839
"Why did RR [BEG] Ryan not to release the memo?"
[BEG] (Big Evil Grin) I bet RR did threaten members of congress.
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253829
Never underestimate your opponent. They have been doing this a lot longer than we have and they are everywhere.
Prepare for war and do not be afraid to fight it.
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253830
of the phone screens that is
▶ b45263 (32) No.253831>>253837 >>253838
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253835
I have a meme idea about making liberals wake up about immigration.
Change the word "BODY" to BORDER.
with the general message similar to theirs:
(whereas the liberal message uses BODY in place of COUNTRY)
I loved when he shot that guy in the face and nobody had the balls to say shit!
We knew the country was fucked back then!
▶ 3a5fa4 (5) No.253836
Brought that out the other day.
No real reason given to delay a sentencing when someone has plead guilty. If Mueller was a black hat, he'd want it done NOW.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253837>>253859
Corsi did on his yt today.
▶ dc63a2 (4) No.253838>>253854
Here you go. It is at the VERY end:
https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/959624289929457664
▶ f4169a (1) No.253839>>253869 >>253905 >>254367
>Never underestimate your opponent. They have been doing this a lot longer than we have and they are everywhere.
They tried mass assassination twice. TWICE.
▶ 94387c (3) No.253840>>253886 >>253927
china's biggest threat has been dump dollars back on the US (the so called nuclear option). this would nullify that move, we would need a new value back currency (I've heard the great suggestion energy as in power or work). our economy is too big to support a gold and silver backed currency. whatever it is it needs value. there are very few countries that don't have a Rothschild central bank and the ones that don't tend to be a "problem" the wars are to sustain the debt bubble which can burst if people lose confidence in the petro dollar then bag hyper (Weimar) style inflation in the USA.
▶ 12e41d (1) No.253841
Something to be read, me thinks. Thanks Anon.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253844>>253874
Splitting the meme left/right.
▶ d7d6a9 (9) No.253847
So? We don't want publicity or recognition from outside sources. Been here long?
▶ 48eabe (6) No.253849>>253887
Tell him He's welcome! We do what we can and will.
Where We Go One, We Go All !
▶ e0fe7f (1) No.253850
Yes. And engrave McCabes name in a brick in the wall.
▶ bc0996 (1) No.253852
https:// youtu.be/jnQjoZniqZ4 Was it this video clip?
▶ b45263 (32) No.253854
▶ 743ffe (1) No.253856
Here is the direct link to pdf of the Draining the Swamp bill
https:// web.archive.org/web/20021015114948/http:// nesara.org:80/files/nesara.pdf
▶ dc63a2 (4) No.253858
Link to watch; at the very end:
https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/959624289929457664
▶ b45263 (32) No.253859
▶ e0d836 (7) No.253860>>253865 >>253942 >>253946
I didn't make it. Thought I would share anyway.
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253862
▶ 264593 (2) No.253863>>253919
▶ b6471f (14) No.253864
Trump has a scorched Earth Policy. He is willing to make a deal and if someone doesn't want to be fair, he has NO PROBLEM blowing up a system. He is not " My way of the highway" he makes it enticing to say yes. Saying no means you are not coming to the table with fair intent. Bombs Away
▶ b45263 (32) No.253865
▶ 7189b0 (29) No.253867
▶ be5382 (4) No.253868>>253879
It's what they always do. They never behave. They just keep doing the same shit, and eventually it can normalize it. They have brass balls, I'll give them that.
This is why an impartial legal system has to take them out and hang them in public by those balls for their crimes. To put some fear into other current and potential miscreants.
▶ fc9c31 (1) No.253869
Please elaborate.
▶ 91c434 (13) No.253873
Can someone meme this for me it wont fit in my app. End speech in 300 modified ;)
We go one we go all….
As simple as an order a President can give….
Remember why we must unite. For he didnt wish tribute, no songs or monuments, or poems of War and valor. His wish was simple…. We go one we go all…..He said to me…..That was his Hope…Should any free soul come across 8chan. In all the countless centuries yet to be, hear our voices whispered to you from the ageless stones. Go tell as Americans passerby, that here by Constitutional law, we lie….And so our Leader risked his life. As did my brothers. Almost a year ago. Long we pondered our Leaders cryptic talk of victory….
Time has proven him wise. But to the free Americans! A word was spread! Bold President Trump and his Q group. Laid down their lives, not just for America, but all the world! And the promise, this Country holds. Now…Here on this ragged patch of the web called the Chan's. The deepstate hordes face obliteration!!!!!!!!
In DC the Pedos huddle……shear terror gripping tight…..Their hearts with icy fingers. Knowing what mercilous horrors they suffered at the swords and spear of Trump and Q…..Yet they stare now …across the plain… AT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ANONS…. GUIDING MILLIONS OF FREE AMERICANS!!
▶ 1260f6 (7) No.253874>>253910 >>253966
Cool idea….I'm sure we can expound on it too
Abortion ok, guns not ok
They like to be obedient and follow rules, except when Trump wins (respect). Have to brainstorm more.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253878>>253895
I saw that yesterday!
But you put together in a nice presentation…
Even her followers are pissed at her!
Cant make this shit up…
▶ b45263 (32) No.253879
big head on platter!
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253881
I'm gonna guess the attached "tribute" ain't gonna look to good for them…
▶ 60772b (3) No.253882
Mueller?.., He is a old Wolf of sea..
▶ d08634 (2) No.253884
▶ 2bb3b7 (2) No.253885
Never doubt normies cognitive dissonance, NEVER.
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253886
All I'm saying is that people with resources don't take kindly to other people taking them away. You will not be able to nuffily the central banks all over the world by fiat. It can be done by agreement of the major powers and economies or by force.
It would be simplistic to suggest that an agreement could be reached at this time.
▶ dc63a2 (4) No.253887>>253925 >>253977
He was surprised to hear that he had a dedicated section in Q Research. I will pass it along. Had direct contact about it.
▶ 67336c (2) No.253888
I am well aware of all that. My statement related to Rosenstein actually threatening the HIC the day they announced they were going to release the memo. Even Q mentioned Rosenstein begged them not to release it. at Sekulow said RR not only begged, but threatened.
▶ b642b9 (1) No.253889>>253894 >>253945
Refresh the page lads
We're in some rough waters.
Hilariously high amounts of clown desperation tonight.
▶ 48eabe (6) No.253890
Whoa….Good evening Anon's. It looks like I missed the fun…… Thank you Anon for taking care of us tonight.
▶ 2bb3b7 (2) No.253894
▶ 187098 (8) No.253895
Yeah, I grabbed it yesterday because it was put together very well. Shout-out to the anon who made it!
▶ 935904 (2) No.253898
E&O insurance protects against civil liability for errors and omissions in the course of one's profession; it has nothing to do with criminal law. Also, no insurance covers intentional torts.
Stop speculating about things you don't know anything about, i.e. making shit up, and lurk moar.
▶ a04b13 (1) No.253900
Good point, be certain to delete you browsing history (along with cookies) before going to twatter.
▶ 52d71a (3) No.253901
>>>253870 >>253876
Turn your TV off.
▶ df1401 (8) No.253905>>253985
Train crash and what else? sauce?
▶ 187098 (8) No.253906
Pelican clowns: MUH BANSSS
▶ 2dda60 (9) No.253907
what do you think the WH petition site is for. Demand change, demand term limits, demand (fill in the blank). Q post that had "We The People" written 6 times. We need to make people aware that that site is there and what it can be used for.
▶ 5c6ff0 (2) No.253908
WHY did Q post a Fake Podesta Tweet ?
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253910
It's a message they have been brainwashed to accept and understand, so plugging into another scenario would mentally click.
It's just hijacking the message they started.
Any conservative would think the correlation is silly, but that is not our audience.
For the sake of this sort of plan, we have to assume they "won" the abortion argument. (by not disputing the validity of abortion rights)
-grit your teeth on that aspect of it…
▶ 55b04d (5) No.253912>>253928
Just get up? The Fearful Master (1964), None Dare Call it Conspiracy (1973), Creature From Jekyll Island (1994). Welcome to the party, glad you're here. Now Dig!
▶ b45263 (32) No.253913
▶ 0fabd4 (4) No.253915>>254061
OK, I'll follow up, from a slightly different angle.
Let's say corruption is found within the set {FISA_judges}. Some or any or them.
Under what factual circumstances would that constitute probable cause to investigate Justice Roberts?
Is there any precedent for investigating a Supreme Court justice, let alone the Chief Justice, for corruption?
What is the constitutionally-prescribed procedure for removing a corrupt Justice?
Hypothetical: If one or more supreme court justices were removed for corruption, then what is the status of every SCOTUS decision rendered with the participation of said Justice?
Now it's getting really weird.
What is a Constitutional crisis?
What are the situations where normal Constitutional procedures must be suspended or special (seldom-used) procedures followed?
For example
death of the executive
Dismissal of a quorum of congress due to criminal prosecution
There were some changes in the makeup of the Supreme Court bench, IIRC, by Franklin Roosevelt. Increased the number of justices…?
What does it take for the SCOTUS bench to be redefined as a different number of justices?
Brain overload. I'll pause this train of thought to get some answers or speculations…..
▶ e5f952 (1) No.253916>>253941
Nice. Economist Martin Armstrong has pointed out the government could finance federal operations without taxation, and has some interesting takes on the Fed and banking. He was in prison for 7 years for contempt of court. The CIA wanted his source code.
▶ 0ebe75 (6) No.253917
Investors in the private prison system, by the way, also included major promoters of "dysfunctional" Hip Hop music in the last ten years.
▶ 3a5fa4 (5) No.253918
>Obama got 9 lawyers…
Must have told him to stop tweeting.
Oh the irony….
▶ e1e12b (8) No.253921
Personally I would not…after all…even with heli escort the truck still hit the train,,, just sayin…
▶ 48eabe (6) No.253925
I started following him this week on the blue bird…which reminds me; "when does a bird sing?"…James Communist Comey is signing on Twitter.
▶ be5382 (4) No.253927
We owe them a vast amount … of dollars. Their threat is to send us even more dollars!?
And its effect would be to weaken the dollar, which is the opposite of what they want. They have been trying to force us to keep a strong dollar, so that we don't get out of our debt by repaying in weak dollars. Trump doesn't seem to be cooperating, because unlike recent presidents, he's on our side.
▶ 94387c (3) No.253928>>254141
2/3 not bad I'll have to add The Fearful Master to my list
Mike Rivero https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfEBupAeo4
▶ 8aead1 (6) No.253929>>253932 >>253934
▶ e5ad93 (11) No.253932
▶ b45263 (32) No.253933>>253939
all the glow fags just clocked in
▶ 9e1554 (3) No.253934
refresh page…lots of deletions from BV
▶ df52ac (1) No.253936
>>253000 (OP)
Just getting going.
before I shut my hole and work
Has any connection to McCain's tweet about Department of Defense and Q's D of D been found?
▶ 0409e2 (1) No.253938
FISA Obama
FISA Kerry
Both have contacted foreign governments post election
▶ 02f662 (2) No.253939
what was the trigger
▶ 0fabd4 (4) No.253941>>253961
The true purpose of taxation is social control and wealth redistribution. Implementation of social policies.
I forget where I read it (probably was in fact Armstrong) but some years back, somebody made a convincing case that government can be funded in other ways.
Wish I could recall the reasoning though.
▶ ce523d (2) No.253942
▶ da3239 (5) No.253943
▶ 3a5fa4 (5) No.253946
Need to make another underneath with the puzzle solved - Trump MAGA
▶ 84c32d (2) No.253949
Has been a Repub since at least the early '80s.
This interview is from 1980. https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=0-w47wgdhso
Younger folks (generally speaking) should watch all his interviews throughtout the decades for some truly awesome insight.
▶ 5c6ff0 (2) No.253952>>253968
Why did q post a fake Podesta Tweet if they are White Hats ? ? Seems fishy….. Why ?
▶ b61a2e (1) No.253954
So America occupied Germany…so logically iam an American and can use this site? :D
▶ cc25b5 (5) No.253957
Meaning more memos are coming. But is he badmouthing or encouraging them?
▶ 2c59a5 (9) No.253961
Indeed. And inflation is taxation.
▶ bdf516 (19) No.253966
Some examples I was working on -
Parts of these are other anons work, but the message is different.
▶ 538caf (4) No.253968
you'll have to put sauce on that burger
▶ 89fa3b (3) No.253974
I didnt refresh. I have 849 replies therefore close to 100 deletions this board! Stop
▶ 48eabe (6) No.253977
I started following him this week on the blue bird…which reminds me; "when does a bird sing?"…James Communist Comey is singing on Twitter.
▶ 84c32d (2) No.253978
Should add that despite being a repub, he wasn't ever "for" the rich people. All the more sickening how NY treats him now.
▶ d76b08 (2) No.253985
I do find it funny that the warnings that were given about releasing the memo would have "grave consequences" and other bad things blamed for it before they voted to release it.
Then when the dems go to the SOTUS, they were all dressed in black…and they were acting like they were sitting in a funeral home or something.
Then next day their train is almost derailed with a large number of the ones that voted to release it on the train.
Would almost seem like the dems were trying to kill of the republicans all together.
Do you believe in coincidences?
▶ 4a5b4a (1) No.253987
Triple play right there!
▶ a2cd8a (1) No.253989
Barnard was/is a glowing clown, Congress turned his proposal down in the early 90's. Also, the authentic definition for NESARA is National Economic Security And Reformation Act, >NOT< National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act.
For a decent overview and history of the authentic NESARA have a look at the following YT video linked below, just add youtube(dot)com in front of the link.
Also, the video was made in the early Obummer years. And too, the creator of the doc mentions "clones" a few times. However, with what has been, and is happening presently, it does appear to be a fairly accurate account of a probable possibility of some kind of economic reforming coming sometime down the pike.
It's inevitable that some will cry woowoo and BS. But hey there just might be something to learn from. The link will start the video at the beginning of the third part.
Add youtube(dot)com to the beginning of this link if you would like to watch it…..
▶ 02f662 (2) No.253990
yea.. where do we go.. wtf is going on...
▶ 935904 (2) No.253992
Ahay thar. Careful not to dox yerself, laddie.
▶ 042a8f (9) No.253998
How does one become a mod?
It can't see that easy?
▶ 426cfa (1) No.254017
Must be good clown bait indeed
▶ aaef2a (11) No.254022
Now we know why G4S was hired!!!! False flag at Super Bowl!!!
http:// www .politicalnewsalert.com/2018/02/02/alert-antifa-black-lives-matter-issue-warning-america-plotting-hit-super-bowl/
▶ 7fdf9a (1) No.254040
▶ 55b04d (5) No.254061
>OK, I'll follow up, from a slightly different angle.
To be trite: OMG!!
That whole train of thought is a law school doctoral thesis without precedent. Oh God! Going after John Roberts on this. Shit man, Obamacare, everything since his tenure is up in the air. Oh boy, you're trouble. Kek, keep it up! MOAR!!! Of your sick thinking!!
▶ 29db71 (2) No.254070
This is it. Q keeps telling us we are stronger than we think, we attack as one and hard. Hit the streets memeing. #releasethememo will go done in the history books. And this is the next level
▶ 356c77 (3) No.254137
▶ 55b04d (5) No.254141
> I'll have to add
Good on ya'! I've been at this a while and am constantly humbled by what has been known before but was dark to me. Had to earn it the hard way.
If they still had honest educators it Might be a good excuse for a college education. I wouldn't know, all I've done is pay for them and the recipients of said educations don't respect me. I'm the family embarrassment, tin foil hat and all.
Kinda cool to find out that DJT is in the same boat! Kek, not so crazy after all!
▶ 55b04d (5) No.254207
>Because BO and fag clown mods ARE CIA AGENTS.
Well, I'm just going to keep posting to draw them out, dilute their resources, and confuse their leadership. They have been able to kill any one of us, at any time, for a long, long, time. Let's just overwhelm them with targets, eh?
Mod Edit: You've been a long standing patriot with great insight into conversations between important figures. Body language, etc.
Keep up the fantastic work lad.
Post last edited at
▶ 44d205 (3) No.254303
And the Clintons were in Hawaii at the time…
▶ 26ff92 (1) No.254326
Luciferian Jew mentality. No faggot your wrong nigger.
▶ 48eabe (6) No.254367
We are dealing with Lucifer's legions of demons. The Jubilee period is up March 2019. Until then, it's all HELL no peace.
▶ 698a2d (1) No.255084
I think you are not something.excellant work