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File: 105eadc73a9532e⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, QmapGreatAwakening8ch.jpg)

2b586c No.2431369


Q proofs THOSE SICK PEOPLE and their crimes or allegations thereof. Create and Catalog PROOFS for Mainstream Sharing and Support Our Movement towards JUSTICE.

2b586c No.2431644

We have the map. Let's use it in a certain specific manner here. Connect Individuals to the Map exposing/documenting their crimes or allegations and show cause to procede to 'conditions warrant' investigation and JUSTICE for We The People. I'm a newfag and I do believe that Dissemination

(To disseminate, in the field of communication, means to broadcast a message to the public without direct feedback from the audience.) of MOST WANTED THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK is relevant to Our History, Our Movement, and JUSTICE due. Strengthen CONSENSUS and FORCE the HAND to COMPLY with FREEDOM & JUSTICE FOR ALL, bring forth into mainstream comms to expose TRUTH every which way possible and legal. Maybe the created files could look like FBI's Most Wanted with pics of each individual SICK evil person to click on sending to page of proofs for that one SICK evil person's crimes/allegations current. Godspeed Patriots!

a69422 No.2434387


holy shit what is this? my head cannot handle it someone verify

2ee73f No.2434567


It's a salad. A lot of these things are VERY legit. I swear on my life the Galactic Federation is real.

2b586c No.2434675

Verify what? It's a new post. Is this new post defective?

a69422 No.2434786

File: 3e999266a1d20da⋯.png (487.89 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1516857557641.png)


so what are the Illuminati trying to achieve exactly? how does god/jesus fit into this?

1b3321 No.2434805

How about we just dig on the new MAP?

7f1047 No.2436389

> "Humans are one of the most valuable commodities around the galaxy."



>the rarest resource in the universe

caee0a No.2436485

>>2434786. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxCsqk-OlRE 00:11:11

why did Xeophi Beta, write 'DJT just signed his death sentence' ? bot?

autists do your Thing


caee0a No.2436543

>>2434387 "the (star) ports are closed. We must stay to fight and conquer until the ports are open again"

want sause with dat?

2ee73f No.2436657


The elites, led by dark forces from outside of this world, want to stop Earth's shift into the 5th dimension of Love by reinforcing control. The shift, also called the Rapture or the Second Coming, is a natural physical phenomenon akin to a phase transition where the vibration of a world changes to remove all evil and darkness from the face of the planet. This can happen at any time and in unknown ways, but the timeline will likely bifurcate, with those who show spiritual growth (higher vibrations) shifting instantly and those who stay in low conflict-ridden negative state of mind will have the opportunity to shift later. This has been predicted to occur around the year 2000, which is why there were terror attacks in 2001 and wars in key energetic points afterwards in an attempt to prevent this shift. No one is able to prevent the shift, because it is the will of the Planet Earth and Creator has decreed it will be so in the most fitting way possible.

This 40k+++ view means leaving current definition of sanity behind.

caee0a No.2437006

>>2431369 a slaughterhouse map overlaid with planetary energy grid (Birkeland Currents) ends this insanity . we see pedovores' blood sacrifice

ab7e40 No.2437174

Me type like CRAZY RETARD



impart much WISDOM to me

VERY smart, I hoard little trinkets and sell them on ebay

Gee gosh, UTOPIA and HAPPINESS are right around the corner, I can feel it, all we need to do is sit back and dick around on the internet and eat popcorn!


ab7e40 No.2437196


You are a fucking idiot. There will be no shift. There will be no magical heaven gifted to you for doing nothing. Fucking dipshits like you have been spouting and believing this bullshit since way before 2012. Then 2012 came and your little shift didn't happen. It's not going to happen. I regret your existence. Please fuck off.

2ee73f No.2437252


You have FAILED. If you are a genuine anon, you will read the post again and find ALL those concerns already answered, because I had them in mind when writing that.

1a5939 No.2437572

why isnt the board moving

ba7ea8 No.2437777

File: f852798f76e6af0⋯.png (85.77 KB, 931x443, 931:443, arfcom qanon connection.png)

File: 47c2db01ac15a20⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 634x254, 317:127, 1533333072010.jpg)

File: f510fcd14143036⋯.png (463.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, f510fcd141430369a4b46459bf….png)

File: 211fad6f884f86b⋯.png (219.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 211fad6f884f86bbde98c5a077….png)

9a2c65 No.2443034


should I stop taking my antidepressants

81b8b9 No.2443162

2ee73f No.2443287

d98995 No.2443300


Cuz its loaded down with a lot of useless, mindless drivel.

Internal sabotage from the brainless

d98995 No.2443397


Just keep posting that incoherent "connection diagram: as "proof"

Even if they could make sense of it, there is no indication that Q is addressing any of that Fantasy Island menagerie of speculative junk science.

Techno-religion would be a more descriptive.

Reminds me of the Cargo Cults (look it up kids)

caee0a No.2445674

>>2443397 good observation; however megaliths are direct evidence (legal) of a different story. hu-man need to begin with Trivium WHAT is direct evidence…

Crypto-terrestrials better defines US

caee0a No.2445697

>>2443034 yes. cannabis can help IF you choose the right FOOD that goes with it. And all dem alien dreams melt away :)

d98995 No.2446158

File: e3b87b918502a43⋯.png (102.69 KB, 220x269, 220:269, Rene.png)

File: 1ad9e5b909d45f0⋯.png (24.44 KB, 238x857, 238:857, Philosophy of mind.PNG)


Megaliths were built by men

What makes them "legal proof"

That is only meaningful in a court that admits them in evidence. No happened yet

Otherwise just your personal definition.

Did you discover a new name for 2000 yr old philosophy/religion?

Kind of an occult mystery religion with secret names for things ?

"In tonight's show we continue our discussion on the Trivium and Quadrivium

and go for a full-blown as we complete this series with the Qabalah and the

mystery schools"

I learned it long ago under another name but it was considered Philosophy, but it didn't include occult, and secret rituals - just plain critical thinking

Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness, and their relationship to the physical body, particularly the brain.

Kant's - Critique of Pure Reason

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's - Philosophy of Mind

Martin Heidegger - Being and Time,

Jean-Paul Sartre - Jean-Paul Sartre

Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

I was a dual major - Philosophy and Physics (quantum mechanics)

You might consider a less religious/occult/magical study of the topics

Some of us here are far more educated and aware of multiple theories regarding the same topic

I didn't just pick one that sounded good, and I don't bother trying to "enlighten" anyone.

To much material and too complex for a :discussion board like this

caee0a No.2451705

>>2446158 ok. Triverted Turing Test for you "dual major - Philosophy and Physics (quantum mechanics)"

here's a smattering ;

Do you believe it's acceptable behavior to slaughter for taste alone?

The Trivium WHAT megaliths are is not reproducible using current technology; could YOU explain how and WHY they exist please dual major?

And here's the kicker: WHAT is man direct evidence of anatomically?

Go on - let your solipsism SHINE (or kNOT)


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