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File: db160540c7f3340⋯.jpeg (7.02 KB, 278x181, 278:181, isaac.jpeg)

e66b9f  No.2336766

Last thread is filled to the brim with larps/shills but also has interesting tidbits.

Here's a summary of everything you should check out to make the thread easier to navigate:

Isaac Kappy's Timeline of Events about Seth Green & Clare Grant:










Proof Isaac Kappy was friends with Seth Green, Clare Grant and other pedos (so they can't deny they never knew him):







Seth Green talks with an puppet hotdog on ABC NEWS (anyone remember John Podesta's leaked emails about hotdogs & hotdog stands?):


James Gunn and 2 other guys with a young boy who is possibly getting diddled:


James Gunn is connected to Lloyd Kaufman who is connected to Tony Podesta:


Some celebs and comedians started deleting their "pedo-related" tweets after James Gunn was exposed: >>>/qresearch/2264460

Comedian Owen Benjamin calls out James Gunn and other pedos:


Pedowood Leaker's twitter account from 2017 naming various pedos in Hollywood:


Macaulay Culkin's weird bunny song & lyrics:



Macaulay Culkin tweet about how he hunts boys for sport:


Macaulay Culkin was in a band called "Pizza Underground" where they changed all of Velvet Underground's songs to be about Pizza:


NSA allegedly tweeted about "pizzagate" and John Podesta:


DNC associates talk about "pre-programming" voting machines back in 2016:


Billionaire Heiress Clare Bronfman was arrested for her involvement with the NXIVM sex cult:


Eminems connection to Child Daycares & Bill Clinton:


Rosie O'Donnell abused her adopted daughter:


Weird song by Cibo Matto about "Chicken" from 2005:



Weird rap song about "Chicken":


Weird video sexualizing a "Chicken":


Jews control the media, are involved in blood rituals & murder:





37779a  No.2336823

He needs to hurry up and drop some hard evidence…. Seeming more larpy by the day. Now he's out there recruiting "SRA and MK ultra" survivors now. He's going to have an army of schizos with no proof. He needs to drop the info. This reeks of more Corey shit. I truly want to believe.

f4c086  No.2336917


His story checks out as far as being friends with Seth Green & Clare Grant. He's pictured in many of their photos of parties/gatherings in 2016-2017.

Why would he lie about a hidden room behind their bookcase or the upper room of their home being decorated for children (even though they have no children) and what they told him while having dinner?

It's possible he took things the wrong way and perhaps Seth & Clare are planning on having children and bought toys and decorated a room but she had a miscarriage or other complications. It's hard to know unless they tell us and come forward.

I do find it suspicious that he never went to the police with what he knew and he suddenly decided days ago to come out with the information. It does seem more than convenient. I really hope he isn't doing it for money/fame or out of spite.

766cc1  No.2337147

why anyone believes this faggot is beyond me. we already know he would do anything for a little bit of attention being a hollywood faggot in the first place, what makes anyone think he wouldn't try to exploit this movement to do the same?

we don't need namefags. we need research and facts. there are enough confessions from people in the public eye.

f4c086  No.2337151

Video with Isaac talking about blackmail in Hollywood, Seth, and the system of control: https://twitter.com/dttpeople/status/1023310577433686016

325aa4  No.2337425


the fear is palpable. why are you so afraid of watching hwood burn? this is after all what you all have been waiting for.

325aa4  No.2337509


>I do find it suspicious that he never went to the police

THE SAME police that are letting Strzok walk free. Right? This is a systemic illness a and government is FULLY compromised.

37779a  No.2337525


Hwood burns with evidence, not with this "slow role" game. If he had hard evidence it would be a better to release it than to to these stupid games. What if Seth is raping kids right now? Isaac is allowing him to continue by putting on this show. Drop the evidence.

79dba9  No.2337583

Q thinks spying on djt biggest treason? What about 9/11? Not a concern?

325aa4  No.2337607


we have all the evidence we fucking need NOW is the time for action

79dba9  No.2337614

<b>Q thinks spying on djt biggest treason? What about 9/11? Not a concern?</b>

325aa4  No.2337624


this is the motherfucking United States of AMERICA and we arent going to pussy foot around and end up in a situation where people like Tommy Robinson go to fucking prison and sickos walk free


THEY have been flaunting their disgusting fucked up program in front of us for a fucking CENTURY and that now ENDS.

040775  No.2337816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we have your backs brothers and sisters strong enough to come forward.

040775  No.2337976

We are on the brink of civil war and if anyone thinks that we aren't aware you are in for a very RUDE awakening.

8043bc  No.2338020

File: add56637e194c40⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 642x362, 321:181, download .jpg)

325aa4  No.2338027

WE are on the brink of civil war and if anyone thinks we take these subjects LIGHTLY you are in for a very RUDE awakening

325aa4  No.2338056

File: 909dd362f07f81c⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 600x400, 3:2, QAF252447-BLACK-HPOST.jpg)

all devices compromised real time damage control


8043bc  No.2338158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



<I gotcha back so you best to watch your front

<Cause it's the niggaz who front, that be pullin stunts

<I gotcha back but you best to watch your front

<It's the niggaz who front, that be pullin stunts

040775  No.2338177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9d8906  No.2338249


Try harder Clare.

a74101  No.2338357

I've been following Mac Culkin since pizzagate, when I heard about

his band Pizza Underground. In my unprofessional opinion, I think Mac is telling us in his own way that everything we think about the Hollywood pedos is true. I believe he has a good heart and is a rape survivor. I could be wrong, but I don't think so at this point.

ddd563  No.2338478

File: 87d74ff2bf7a597⋯.jpg (167.44 KB, 763x592, 763:592, STRONGER.jpg)

File: c8c93ab7f68b239⋯.jpg (130.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, bookshelf.jpg)

Maximum appreciation for your courage, Isaac. Don't stop asking the challenging questions.

f4c086  No.2339933


I've thought about it too and believe he's a pedo.

There's a reason why Elijah Woods and him are no longer friends.

They use to be really close as child/teen movie stars.

Elijah came out about Hollywood in 2016: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/25/movies/elijah-wood-hollywood-child-star-pedophilia.html

89302b  No.2340816

File: e5e379ea430e215⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1532877559094.jpg)

a74101  No.2341697


If he is, it will come out. I make judgments on feelings and I'm frequently wrong.

8aceaf  No.2342109

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2648592 Judith Barsi

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2632757 Heather O'Rourke

Voat investigations into pedowood.

040775  No.2344783

For any who missed it there is a new video on periscope from Isaac


He addresses the JQ.

c77f2d  No.2344931


>you all

e4514b  No.2345743

File: 50aca827dc511b2⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 612x458, 306:229, Di6uovXXgAUVqZh.jpg)


>there are enough confessions from people in the public eye.

Translation: There's no need for anymore victims to step forward or speak out anymore.

Try harder pedo-apologist

f4c086  No.2345801

File: 77981f8b88fd8c7⋯.png (33.83 KB, 513x430, 513:430, Screenshot 2018-07-29 at 8….png)

Has anyone contacted Adult Swim's CEO.. to take Robot Chicken & Rick & Morty off the air because Pedos created them?

e4514b  No.2345970

File: 73c3c8214577549⋯.jpeg (131.16 KB, 663x798, 221:266, jesusvsshills3.jpeg)


>making demands

>autistically screeching LARP

>using a term right outta the pizzagate shills' playbook: "schizos with no proof"

>"truly want[ing] to believe" his heinous accusations that many of normies' most cherished actors and even role models are child rapist

It's evidence enough that Seth and Clare are avoiding even addressing the issue, let alone denying it. Their silence is deafening. Kappy exclaimed that he wants them to take him to court so there can be discovery. And twatter, gulag and now periscope are censoring him like crazy. Pretty telling imo

9d8906  No.2347381


Love that meme.

354872  No.2349010

File: 05c28de2afad63e⋯.jpg (335.67 KB, 1185x1280, 237:256, adult.jpg)


bruce knows whats up

e4514b  No.2349381

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alex_Jones_Ive_Talked_to_Q….mp4)

File: 2f9442de3d4e686⋯.jpeg (11.33 KB, 255x141, 85:47, 0aa09806715b7b48022acf35f….jpeg)

File: deeba80f02c6b54⋯.png (268.83 KB, 734x716, 367:358, deeba80f02c6b5465b5000c43a….png)

File: 462b69b2fac452c⋯.png (136.58 KB, 1002x623, 1002:623, Q1341.png)

File: 3adfcb892ac45f4⋯.jpg (153.25 KB, 840x417, 280:139, crazy_alex.jpg)


I think this is important:








AJ is controlled opposition and worse…

You really should be up-to-date on this!

He’ll most likely try to talk over you, use gas lighting techniques on you, act like a raving lunatic etc. per usual


Seriously, him and Corsi tried to hijack and derail the entire Q movement not that long ago

Jones stared directly into the camera and stated unequivocally, on air and stated that he’d spoken to Q Anon directly, no joke

Jones’ ravings and straw man argument with regards to #Pizzagate, and subsequent backpedaling did more damage to that movement than good

He did essentially the same thing with regards to his coverage of Sandy Hoax

The man tells about 70% truth mixed in with about 30% eccentric over-the-top bullshit


IMO, you should keep sharing the info/love, and do interviews but only with those who you’ve throughly vetted

You going on Alex Jones’s show will immediately be used against you by those with an agenda

It’ll be easy for (((them))) to slap the “conspiracy theorist” “alt-right” “fringe” “whatever-bullshit we make up” label on you if you get involved with AJ

I would not at all be surprised if AJ tries to debunk/disavow you on air

Please, reconsider

e51e1c  No.2349463


sounds mostly like you just have a personal bias against infowars

e4514b  No.2349509


Watch the video, fag. AJ is a proven pathological liar and Q movement derailer.

e51e1c  No.2349800


fuck Q

040775  No.2350144


times up faggot.

now we bring the motherfucking pai

f4c086  No.2350244

File: e54017b1b013438⋯.jpeg (166.41 KB, 585x1711, 585:1711, matt cohen.jpeg)

>tweets from Matt Cohen

>directed towards Isaac and us

f03f21  No.2350373


How many will play Judas and pretend they never believe him.

He turns on the outrage at the drop of a hate.

He mostly repeated stuff people his age or older already knew or suspected.

His "crowd" was the "no nothings that couldn't read and hadn't lived through any of it.

Look at the product he sells,and consider who would buy them.

That hucksterism is as old as dirt, and just as useful.

Boomers aren't as stupid as you want to believe.

Just gave up trying since it no body wanted to listen.

Not cool- trendy- hot-awesome-viral ect,etc.

After a while, not worth the effort to enlighten the brain-dead.

And all the old hippie and neo-Marxists took jobs in medai government and education. Protected status

Other priorities are better use of their time.

a1f2ca  No.2351541


All up in your face

He needs to get a proper dig

daf35c  No.2351917

Has anyone anyone gone through Robot CHICKEN episodes ? It's like the original Elsagate.

b4fab3  No.2352791

Yo Kappy. Would still like to know about any Midwest area windy megaclergy/ families with ties to Oprah and Bono and HEC and BC and Hussein and moar. Need sauce so if you got none, just say no so I can dig elsewhere.

677887  No.2352862

677887  No.2352867

File: 38233ab25aa8ccd⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 350x272, 175:136, IMB_IdFGaX.GIF)

File: 8521c5cbb0f3b35⋯.gif (5.33 MB, 496x280, 62:35, IMB_U9wRQS.GIF)

File: ef6025aaeea9f09⋯.gif (229.65 KB, 300x134, 150:67, IMB_UwzkPf.GIF)

File: d15da33fc446007⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 309x167, 309:167, IMB_HiWcRb.GIF)

File: 1086172e4dcbde2⋯.gif (3.22 MB, 320x215, 64:43, IMB_HNpUhV.GIF)

f4c086  No.2353113

File: cd331f99dd25e9e⋯.jpg (304.06 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, uYPqa21 - Imgur.jpg)

Ethan Klein (h3h3productions) & his wife are possible pedophiles.

>leaked photo with something weird going on in the background

>appears to be a baby's hand

>a passed out baby

354872  No.2355018

File: 323c869a1f4d7a7⋯.png (575.01 KB, 1054x596, 527:298, Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at ….png)



is bruce taylor a real person? pseudonym?

media CEO with zero online presence?

6d0831  No.2355787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

if somebody is interested in a Kappy Pedowood interview..

a1f2ca  No.2356281


I was trying to find him last night and asked myself the same questions

fec705  No.2359492

File: a5ae6379e48b8bc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 736x1103, 736:1103, ClipboardImage.png)

This dude just reeks of pedo. I honestly think this pic alone backs up what Kappy was saying about Seth Green

f27b7b  No.2359522


Great vid, watch at 1.25x

d2d979  No.2359672


That is definitely an adult.

08d244  No.2359719


Infowars has woken more people than all other platforms combined. A LOT of people watch and listen to infowars. If you want the word to get out, going on infowars is the way to do it. Everyone will know about Kappy if he went on Alex Jones.

If you watch Alex Jones, you would know, the man truly is a Patriot, he truly loves this country.

040775  No.2359772


alex jones is controlled disinformation. 70% truth 30% bullshit.

e51e1c  No.2360199


>Infowars has woken more people than all other platforms combined

that was exactly my point


every information source outside your personal sphere is "other"information, and your 70/30 split is obv smthng you just pulled out of the air…couldnt it be 80/20? 90/10? anyway, i think we agree that ad hominem hating on "muh infowars" is counterproductive and often active delegitimization campaign aka david brock the cock sucker

fec705  No.2360319



e4514b  No.2360533

File: 51c3f8e13b8bbca⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1440x854, 720:427, Fake page curl effect.png)

File: 657fc0fc3f06227⋯.jpg (6.84 MB, 8893x6548, 8893:6548, Alex Jones Bill Hicks Slid….jpg)

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, alex jones admits he is bi….mp4)


>Infowars has woken more people than all other platforms combined.

Maybe, but most who watch that show are already pretty woke, and just want a bit more perspective. That water filter and supplement salesman is in the infotainment business.

>A LOT of people watch and listen to infowars.

A lot less since he's been called out time and time again, the latest example being him blatantly and shamelessly lying about talking with Q. How do you excuse that pathetic display of degeneracy?

>Everyone will know about Kappy if he went on Alex Jones.

Kappy can still get his message out without the (((Jones))) and the optics that brings.

>If you watch Alex Jones, you would know, the man truly is a Patriot, he truly loves this country.

I've watched him plenty. He's a paytriot.

I'm sure I'll catch flak for this, but, fuck it, I'll just say it: the man most likely has been sheep dipped.. I didn't believe it for the longest time at first, but, well, sort of like with most redpills, you're pretty incredulous, but the more you pore over the evidence, the more an inescapable truth seems to dawn on ya.



040775  No.2360671

File: 8eeed5bf3f418bf⋯.png (370.67 KB, 639x557, 639:557, assange happening.png)


honestly i think more people get their info from the chans / red pilled twitter users than they do infowars now days… i suppose he's going on infowars to spread his message further and they will use it against him… he'd be better of interviewing with Owen Shroyer or PJW IMHO

Isaac originally wasn't going to interview with Alex because he didn't want Alex talking over him the entire time. Isaac is redpilled on the controlled op that Alex is and he's simply putting his message out there. Isaac is 110% behind the Q movement. Isaac in my HONEST opinion is the real deal and if he is not then it is an extremely cleverly crafted way to get info on /us/ and who we are as the /SILENT MAJORITY/

what Hollywood, MSM and the deep state FAIL to fucking realize is how many of us there are that ARE the silent majority and when /WE/ take to the fucking streets it is going to be literally brutal. we will take over cities and states. it is not a joke. the national guard will have to get involved because any of the paid antifa soros shills will have red dots on their fucking heads and it wont take long to escalate into civil war.

I see /ourguys/ throwing L.A. under the bus first to prepare the American public for inevitable high level raids on D.C. political elite and all out government restructure. it is no stretch of the imagination that Hollywood is involved in sick and depraved pedophilia and all sorts of fucked up shit. throw them under the bus first. it's logical.

either way it's /comfy/ and with Q's last post:









I am absolutely comfortable in saying that I and the majority of STAND behind the Q team and we TRUST the plan. but no make no mistakes many of wish we could be in the positions that the Q team is in. we want to see these people dead for ourselves. we want them dead. it's not a joke. it's not a game. some of us have known for a decade, two decades - even more.

I am one of the people who just 4 years ago learned how to successfully resign my U.S. citizenship and gain citizenship in another country in away that would be practical. I was tired - literally tired and fed up with the U.S.A., the "Illuminati" and whoever the fuck else - the evil people that run the world as I call them. I was fucking through - done, over it.

If I was 18-21 still (early 30s now) I would be enlisting in the fucking military RIGHT now. DJT & Q have GIVEN ME FAITH In my country which I had all but COMPLETELY lost. I was not originally a DJT supporter either but I fought day and night to ensure that Killary was not elected - spreadin Pizzagate etc. everywhere. 2.5 years later I love my country. I will live for my country. I will die for my country. I will stand for my country.

<Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

<Psalms 23:4

cac729  No.2360689

You all can say whatever you want but Alex Jones was the lone wolf screaming out there by himself. He was doing it 20 years ago while everyone was sleeping. Now it’s the cool thing so you discredit him.smh Alex Jones is the FUCKING OG

040775  No.2360745


Alex Jones was one of my first redpills in 07 mate. Prison Planet and End Game. Just as JRE has dropped red pills here and there it's clear that he TOO has been compromised. When you try and tell the truth it is inevitable that you will eventually have a "talking to" by people who will not threaten to evaporate your entire fucking bloodline from this planet.

68080d  No.2360790

File: 0a1564c3a4ae458⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 850x400, 17:8, truth.jpg)


I miss his Bill Hicks alter-ego.

>best Alex quote

e51e1c  No.2360823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>bill hicks

040775  No.2360846


based AF hicks.

RIP you based S.O.B

(((cancer))) right moite?

cac729  No.2361224

It’s some civil war fair 3D chess… AJ is top kek and smarter then the game.

04b770  No.2361678

File: 81358741461b701⋯.jpg (98.17 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1532990497735m.jpg)

File: 322b3789f27564f⋯.jpg (122.84 KB, 513x1024, 513:1024, 1532989142719m.jpg)

File: b845a55439357fa⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1532984229609.jpg)

Issac I believe you. I am your brother and my people believe you. Soon these scumbags will fall

Check out this channels stuff. Very motivational and repilled

The "4chan down" LIVE STREAM EVENT!!!

>happened this morning

Good theories and bants!! Great chat !!


Check it out


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood Anon posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts

>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private

He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year…

He was demanding you talk to Admin…

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days…

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!


Hollywood is the Royalty of America…

And commit just as much evil as them also

6ce53f  No.2361687

Probably nothing but Clare Grant had a supporting role in Black Snake Moan which had Christine Ricci as the lead.

Ricci was engage to Owen Benjamin in 2009. Benjamin has basically given up his entertainment career to fight these bastards.


04b770  No.2361708

File: 3d0b5d6ba051843⋯.png (66.69 KB, 1282x340, 641:170, 1532787556029.png)

Also remember this??? U think it was Sethy the pedo…

a70549  No.2361757


Looks like a tattoo on the arm…

fec705  No.2361833


Where was this posted?

e51e1c  No.2361962



040775  No.2361993


yeah little Sethy boy didn't realize where the fuck he was and proceeded to get decimated by us. shit was epic lulz

fec705  No.2362066


Thank you Anon!

fec705  No.2362076


Ah no way I fuckin missed it God Damnit!

fec705  No.2362084

Seriously though, what the fuck is age play?

040775  No.2362085


by the end of it the (((Seth))) poster was basically admitting to being a pedo

fec705  No.2362106


Top Fucking KEK!!!!! Holyshit you guys destroyed him. Fucking Aces Anon! Actually i take back destroyed thats an understatement decimated would be more precise. j

fec705  No.2362124

I fucking love h8chan Anona and Autists makes this place awesome.

040775  No.2362159

File: 21d87b570298068⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 679x598, 679:598, 1296639471312.jpg)



040775  No.2362823

Kappy is alive


f4c086  No.2364382


It was clearly different IPs/people pretending to be him.

Ageplay? lol

9fab11  No.2364587

040775  No.2364589

b6cd1c  No.2364608

8771e5  No.2364626


one of us can

040775  No.2364647

File: e2cb0e88b875c64⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 404x267, 404:267, babyfacelol.jpg)


but it was just a "larp" guaranteed right?

d60194  No.2364809

File: f087846a6272323⋯.jpg (492.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1234323.jpg)

I don't get it. Do we all share the same universe? I liked GotG. I liked the actors. I liked the director. But let it go. He F'd up by keeping that in his feed. Moment he signed w Disney that shit needed to be scrubbed. But instead Gunn thought it a good idea to attack Trump for the last couple years. SO much fail on Gunn's part

2fb90e  No.2365130


Dude he’s a conspiracy nut who believes everything is corrupt as he should be makes total sense why he didn’t go to the police

Also 8chan reads shitty can we move here ples


040775  No.2365337

File: f2d4e28f923b946⋯.png (259.4 KB, 500x250, 2:1, op lazarus.png)

File: c746fe07768da47⋯.png (179.63 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, libertarian pol.png)

File: 37615cf67982ea3⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 909dd362f07f81cef3b4acec66….jpg)


YOU are now learning to FUCKING FEAR US like i have been telling YOU for many fucking years now.

YOU asked for this war NOT US. YOU created this. THIS IS YOUR DOING. And you will now REAP the repercussions.

f03f21  No.2365619


Use tracerourte to doxx him if you have the IP?

Oh yeah, hashes are one-way and not reversible.


f03f21  No.2365636


You still gonna patronize his movie?

That is the ultimate test of our seriousness

040775  No.2365707

File: d4ddbb80a11d794⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 1382x2048, 691:1024, 1532984184561.jpg)




kek anyone who can still defend gunn is a fucking brainwashed idiot

fb4f7c  No.2366771

File: 1b77fa0d7d455b5⋯.jpg (368.26 KB, 1071x968, 1071:968, Screenshot_20180731-000658….jpg)


Fear is good anons, we're making progress.

040775  No.2366987


if it is you seth come clean. it doesnt matter how dirty. there is only one chance

86eea9  No.2367405

It's not that I don't trust HIM, it's the youtube channels he appears on. In fact, it may be Youtube channels in general, right now.

We trust which ones and why?

ddd563  No.2368559

File: 27f0355d206d8a9⋯.jpg (183.53 KB, 764x588, 191:147, Robbin Young - Isaac Kappy.jpg)

8043bc  No.2370758

File: f71db1090617e3e⋯.png (24.17 KB, 586x165, 586:165, ik_tweet.png)

File: 936424f6a0f80bb⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1597x1600, 1597:1600, ILoveAllOfYou.png)

cf8038  No.2371507

File: ee7c7f700c4d280⋯.jpg (120.13 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_20180731_234044.jpg)

Clarebear sure love those baby murder theme.

dfb5be  No.2371803

bump for pedowood in flames

b4921a  No.2372332


There's no arguing against the fact that AJ has been [art of awakening and warning people, but he didn't have it all. Never did. We have to assume that the white hat Qs in MI have it all. In fact, we're told MI has it all. Unfortunately, AJ is not part of the plan any more than he has independently fought this battle. It obviously came to a point in time when those who do have it all need to run the show. If AJ was smart, he would have stepped aside when Trump and Q began to publicly reveal (back in late October) the plan to end this mess. Instead, he became a competitor, a fly in the ointment. His worst instincts are ruining him. Give up your idol worship of celebs, no matter who.

b4921a  No.2372623


The suggestion of throwing L.A. under the bus first as a prelude to a larger cabal sweep makes complete sense. L.A. is an easy target in terms of the optics and justification. Only the most deeply buried Matrix denizens are going to give a rats ass when countless Hwood creeps are rounded up for unspeakable crimes, all of it documented and revealed. It will likely begin with the unsealing of indictments, followed by arrests. That will likely stun most Americans into waking up fast. With that momentum, more unsealing and arrests across the country. The public will be awe struck, and because of the crimes involved, supportive. Perhaps a shit show of protests might begin in places like LA, SF and Chicago, but it will be obvious who is doing the protesting. The worst of the worst. Should they escalate into violence and destruction, kidnappings, murders (terrorism), then comes the hail of red dot bullets. Again, no one will give a rats ass worth of sympathy. May their worthless souls die miserable deaths.

If a worst case scenario happens and the cabal responds with bombings, chem attacks, possibly dirty nucs, followed by widespread panic in many big cities, then comes the media blackout and open military operations while the only info coming out is through the EBS.

Those living in L.A. (anon looks in mirror) had better have a plan for safety, security, or an escape route and plan B destination. Or be prepared to stay and join in the fight. Ever been in L.A. when the fires rage?

a1f2ca  No.2372814


Good find

b4921a  No.2372853


Consider if you will, all the MK Ultra style programming a lot of these people experience. The more I find out about it, the more it looks like weak personalities can absolutely be controlled. They are living in a dream world. Waking up would be too traumatic. Perhaps the programming was set before Mac matured. He knows nothing but that personality. A lost cause? You have to consider that possibility.

Of course, I have no authentication for any of this other than what we've been discovering as a possible explanation for so much of the horrors witnessed through the years. The shootings…

5f4003  No.2372911


Q? anyone know why 'Kappy' would say he contacted the police/authorities/NSA THRU qanon about the pedocrap he is claiming to out ??? see IGreen vid has some points to make ??? thoughts ??? https://www.antischool.us/single-post/2018/07/30/Isaac-Kappy-QAnon

5f4003  No.2372921


Q? anyone know why 'Kappy' would say he contacted the police/authorities/NSA THRU qanon about the pedocrap he is claiming to out ??? see IGreen vid has some points to make ??? thoughts ??? https://www.antischool.us/single-post/2018/07/30/Isaac-Kappy-QAnon

94b888  No.2373146

If Isaac or any other anti-pedo Hollywood people are here now, do any of you have any common acquaintance with Devon Odessa, the actress who played Sharon Cherski on "My So-Called Life"? She's apparently told people before about what she witnessed with regard to Heather O'Rourke. They were co-stars on the TV show, Rocky Road, when the abuse that caused Heather's death happened. (Info seen on CDAN site, unsure if she's ever made a public statement about this.)

Also notable is that one of Devon's co-stars on My So-Called Life was Jared Leto, a name that has come up before around here and on VOAT.

I wonder if the timing might be better now (or soon) for her to speak out about this. If anyone out there is lurking and knows her, that might be worth the effort in reaching out. I doubt if she would trust some stranger from the internet, but there HAVE to be other anti-pedo industry types lurking here.

b4921a  No.2373160


My I Kappy theory: I know a lot of loose cannon types like him from living and working in Hwood. Those who do "make to the top" in Hwood like Seth Green (he's not the tippy top, but very near) have countless friends and acquaintances like Isaac - those want to be in on all the Hwood action, with their sights set on the "big break" that will propel them upwards like so many others around them. But not everyone gets that big break. Most do not. So that leaves them hanging around begging for scraps. Naturally, those on the upper rungs need those below them to stoke their egos. It's what they live for.

Seth Green's world is a classic example. His show has been a who's who of guest appearances doing voice parts. Imagine that head rush, that no matter where you go, some celeb a-hole is going to walk up to you and strike up a conversation about being on one of his shows. It's the ultimate upper rung position in Hwood, being able to say yes and no to who gets chosen for a part.

IK's gift is his loopy sense of humor, which no doubt was fun to be around for people who take nothing serious except their whimsy.

But not all Hwood drones are soulless. Many wake up and decide enough is enough and quit playing the game, get on with their lives and forget all the garbage they witnessed or heard about in Hwood. IK woke up while still mired in the world of Hwood. A part of him is still there. The programming is strong, but he is obviously fighting back. It remains to be seen how strong he is, or if he is able to build a trusted network of allies. In the meantime, expect to see and hear wishy washy stuff from him. Months ago I would have sounded wishy washy about many things to those who "have it all." While I certainly don't have the complete picture now, I know far more than I did then.

IK, we wish you well. Keep researching and digging. Stay safe.

b4921a  No.2373353


>I do find it suspicious that he never went to the police with what he knew and he suddenly decided days ago to come out with the information

In Los Angeles county… you want to go to the police with Hwood pedo stuff? It appears you don't understand the bigger problem. The police have their hands tied with so much involving the coverup of Hwood crimes. The last thing they want to is begin unraveling their own complicity. It is going to happen, of course, but they are not going to be the ones to start the unraveling. If anything, (((we))) will need their help when and if the SHTF. Their efforts against (((them))), and potential sacrifices suffered during any major uprising will be their redemption.

8a069a  No.2373371


No idol worship here lol I am a LA fag and doing business with celebrities every week. And am blackballed for being pro Trump so let’s skip on past that fuckery. My point was it doesn’t need to Be one or the other. In fact that the opposite. And makes me question your motives. That’s EXACTLY Why I started listening to Trump when Now AJ has the same problems everyone from every side attacking him. AJ was alone on the wire so if he says something that’s a lie then check him but if he does not believe in Q, we do so fuck it. No one is perfect take the knowledge and look past the theater-listen to what he is saying regardless if he is wearing a shirt or not

6ce53f  No.2373402


I'll grant you one Hollywood artiste type on the internet isn't a reason to believe this shit happens.

How about two? https://billlawrenceonline.com/owen-benjamin-woke/

e4514b  No.2376818

File: cca7e2daded9a50⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Seth Green Freakout - Funn….mp4)



Seth Green spergingout

e4514b  No.2376870

File: 81d0731913e028b⋯.jpg (238.41 KB, 1200x1152, 25:24, alex_Jones.JPG)

File: 5f0b0dd117ec616⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 2a6qkr.jpg)

a1f2ca  No.2376918

File: 812b08003560b66⋯.jpg (523.99 KB, 1920x996, 160:83, Mass effect i lied.jpg)

a1f2ca  No.2376954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I actually watched this earlier kek

There is a little more to it than that version though

8e8906  No.2377214


So what was in the bag? ;D

a1f2ca  No.2377282


Thats the million dollar question

I sure hope we get to find out

a56aa7  No.2379430


>Of course, I have no authentication for any of this

I was at a party a while ago, a few PHD psychiatrists were there, neuroscientists and shit, high level brain people, I made a joke about acid, and they said something about MK Ultra, and I drunkenly ask "wait, that was real?" they all look at me like the uncultured swine I am and say "yeah…" like I was stupid for not knowing

I don't know if the outcome of it is true, but those LSD experiments took place and neuroscientists and brain people know about it like it's common knowledge to them

e51e1c  No.2381373




The Seth Green mugging video was for Butterfinger


f3ee8c  No.2382128

9a9bec  No.2385349


Huge angry mob goes hunting for pedo jews.

Strange fey jew leaps in front of the mob and shouts "follow me!"

What now?

9a9bec  No.2385407



Augustus Owsley Stanley III.

Yah gotta love that name!

Owsley the 3rd, showed up in Berkely, California just in time to help thwart the anti-war movement by giving out copious quantities of acid, freely. According to Dave McGowan 4,000,000 tablets of LSD were distributed for free. Yes that is 4 million tablets by one man! Quite a feat and one wonders how exactly could he afford to do so, did he have a 'generous benefactor' ?

All that acid would certainly aid in squelching dissent, getting the kids on drugs and off of productive activities, like participating in the politics of their country.

Dave McGowan is dead now but he mapped it all out. LSD = US Naval Intelligence dismantling the anti war movement.


691d6c  No.2386971

File: f19b8c5ae7fb0b2⋯.pdf (207.03 KB, Mel Gibson Exposes Hollywo….pdf)

Mel Gibson Exposes Hollywood as the Hub of

Satanic Child Sacrifice…

673fff  No.2387392

>>2386971 paraphrased and modified from source

" Mel Gibson Exposes Hollywood as the Hub of Satanic Blood Sacrifice…

TLDM reported on January 5, 2018: By David Martin

Hollywood studios are "drenched in the blood of innocent animals and children" according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of "baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own."

In a shocking exposé, the famed movie producer has blown the whistle on the epidemic of "parasites" who "control Hollywood," stating that "every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent animals and children."

Gibson appeared on the Graham Norton Show on the BBC in November, and he shocked guests backstage about the true nature of Hollywood elites, whose dark deeds he has been witness to. He spoke of these agents who are the "enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests" and "breaking every God given taboo known to man, including the sanctity of animals and children ." He said that "babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak."

He was speaking of the Satanists in the movie industry who "harvest the blood of animals and children " and who "eat their flesh." According to Gibson, "They are using and abusing kids. They churn through a huge amount of kids every year. Their spiritual beliefs, if you can call them that, direct them to harvest the energy of the kids. They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it."

The producer points out, "This isn’t anything new. If you do some research you will see it’s a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon and you can find it behind the scenes in all the dark eras in history. It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and practice, used by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in our era."

The secret society referred to is the Illuminati, the globalist cabal which controls our media of communication. Their objective from the beginning is to instigate revolt against the institutionalized Church and to submerge the nations under a communistic one-world government and religion.

Part of the ritual of this satanic one-world religion is pedophilia, which is promoted by flesh and adrenochrome addicts and which ties with the cannibalism it leads to. …

673fff  No.2387394

>>2387392 cont…

According to Gibson, "Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring," but for some animals and children it is but a stepping stone to be drawn fully into satanic covens where they are sacrificed. This is where many of the missing animals and children have disappeared to.

Speaking of secret society elites, Gibson said, "These people have their own religious and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral frameworks. They have their sacred texts – they are sick, believe me – and they couldn’t be more at odds with what America stands for."

As a devout Catholic, Gibson acknowledged the basic good in man, saying, "There is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guides us through life," but went on to say, "These people [Satanists] don’t have this. For them it’s the opposite." He described Hollywood elites as barbarians that "thrive on pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering." He said they eat human flesh with the belief that "this gives them life force," adding that "If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force."

These vindictive practices derive from the Satanic Black Mass, the heart of the Satanic cult movement, which was deliberately set up in the past as a mockery to the True Mass—the reenactment of Christ's Sacrifice. In a similar way the Church through the Mass derives strength to grow in virtue and to carry out the work of God, Satanists through their vindictive Black Mass derive strength to do evil, i.e. to effectively promote the breaking of the Commandments, to turn man against moral authority, against the papacy, against Jesus Crucified, i.e. to sin. The victims offered in the Black Mass are human beings and animals, and often babies.

An extension of the Black Mass is abortion, which is considered a sacrifice to Satan. Abortion is the negative current that charges the devil’s battery and gives him power over man. It is a preferred sacrifice through which Satan is strengthened and glorified on earth, which is why abortion is promoted so furiously by the Satanists. If President Trump was fully in the know concerning this and how abortion effectively takes away from America's strength and greatness, he would fight even harder to outlaw abortion. His declaring of January 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day is certainly a beautiful spur in that direction!

Mel Gibson's whistle-blow against the Satanists is unprecedented and carries great weight because of his towering stature in the film industry. It could be that in the final analysis, a key part of his mission in life is to expose these snakes, and perhaps this is one reason why he has been so attacked and tempted to make some slight mistakes.

Our prayers remain with Mel Gibson that he continue to make known the truth of these excruciating secret societies which too few are willing to talk about. "

1d94e4  No.2387655


Any other sauce?

fad06e  No.2388110


There isn't, it's clickbait nonsense designed for us

673fff  No.2391957

>>2367405 trust ONLY man: who would trust a pedovore?

673fff  No.2392008

>>2388110 actually kNOw: it's crafted to flush Tards like YOU into the hot zone. what part of "pedovore" thinking and emoting and acting don't YOU comprehend?

673fff  No.2392069

>>2387655 "paraphrased and modified from source "

don't you agree, the holypedos are dropping enough sauce already?

Hanks for participating …

8e8906  No.2394833

File: 637f175d0247014⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 261x400, 261:400, Inspiration.jpg)

he was just on "le water man" talk about the cult state

e4514b  No.2396358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>He’ll most likely try to talk over you, use gas lighting techniques on you, act like a raving lunatic etc. per usual

Was I right, or was I right? :P

I'm glad Kappy called AJ out for interrupting him, gas lighting him and losing his cool

Regardless, I think he did an awesome job keeping a level head and sharing his message




f4c086  No.2396594

File: a6fe2619fda4934⋯.jpg (283.16 KB, 1667x2223, 1667:2223, seth green letters03-1.jpg)

File: d424a655f6ffd5f⋯.jpg (277.87 KB, 2134x2845, 2134:2845, seth green letters03-2.jpg)

File: 8c26332f354aea2⋯.jpg (215.25 KB, 1334x1778, 667:889, seth green letters03-3.jpg)

File: 56c8b89bc80344f⋯.jpg (213.05 KB, 1334x1778, 667:889, seth green letters03-4.jpg)

File: 73567f3dbaa7e1b⋯.jpg (218.81 KB, 2134x2845, 2134:2845, seth green letters03-5.jpg)

Shortly after he did the Alex Jones interview….

TMZ now claims the LAPD are now investigating him for choking Paris Jackson and sending Seth & Clare threatening letters as well as threatening to blow up the hollywood hills.


Letters he sent Seth & Clare:


Other BIG news sources are now reporting on him:



7e4448  No.2397420


wow that was so obviously not threatening in any of those letters and the hollywood 50cal comments were clearly in reference to the backlash that would occur i the event that he did meet an untimely demise



fa98b9  No.2397824


yes the LAPD is bought and paid for

f87a8c  No.2399296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Jones Interviews Isaac Kappy About Pedophile-Run Hollywood

7e4448  No.2399298


absolutely pathetic

e4514b  No.2399457

a91bb7  No.2400005

I believe Kappy..i worked in the independent film world for a while as a gaffer. I met an up and coming director who had tons of awards on the Indy circuit and had writing credits on the film Neon Demon that shared what he learned about what you have to do in hollyweird..he wasn’t “down” for what they had in mind so he quit..he lost money and fame..matter a fact his name is all but scrubbed from being a writer on Neon Demon. I pressed him for details because I was intrigued but he just said it was evil and sick shit..I lost touch with him but I know for a fact he stopped working in the industry and this was a person who was making a name for himself..so I believe Kappy, there are people out there not willing to sell their soul…

ea9caf  No.2400665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wish Mel would come and talk to us. He comes off as pretty hardcore and not afraid of shit. The type of guy who likely collects material on others to protect himself and would probably drop shit on this situation if he had anything.

Paul Sorvino is the other one. He seems like he doesn't like that either.

d32724  No.2400768


I had read this before too. here's the link. fwiw


ea9caf  No.2400887


I don't… I just can't, he has offered no evidence and since he did this ALL the media is keying in on him and using his statements as a means to try to discredit Q as some conspiracy shit. It all started after he presented his statement and offered no evidence. Way too coincidental.

On top of that, several of us on the private channels tracked down his old (very old) statements and pictures. Some of them still exist on his instagram and they are just weird and consistent with many other things we have seen. I want to believe him but the bottom line is we aren't libtards and we only believe things when evidence is submitted, he has produced none and his excuse to getting rid of any he had was that Flynn was fired by the POTUS which is utterly the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time.

Show us the proof Kappy, if not then your claims simply have no teeth.

7a35cf  No.2400985


Kappy is a PsyOp version of this guy


This guy started taking polygraphs and actually getting traction, then he disappeared


Kappy is a plant

7a35cf  No.2401062


In the TMZ article it said just the threat of .50 cals raining in holly wood if something happens to me" was enough to consider a threat. I thought that a bit of a stretch since "if something happens to me" kinda implies you wont be the one raining .50 cals. Either way, I the fact that (((Alex Jones))) picked it up like a week after it hit is no suspicious af

7e4448  No.2401097



Kappy has done nothing but bring more awareness to pedogate.

Q said Q stands by those willing to come forward.

How is this a bad thing?

7a35cf  No.2401100


Remember when reporters started asking about the FBI to investigate the Israeli's when 9/11 hit and they instead opened investigations on all the reporters? yea, common tactic.

7e4448  No.2401203


>Q said Q stands by those willing to come forward.

If Kappy is on the wrong side of history it would be a bad idea of him to have assosciated with the Q movement. If he is in the wrong /ourguys/ have all the info and it will be brought to light.

My advice: were not in fucking Kansas anymore. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

7a35cf  No.2401206


I am not claiming its a bad thing entirely… I am more or less just retaining my skepticism. The fact they arrested him for "assault" only after he made these claims is dubious to me.

There is a possibility though that this is a disinfo campaign to draw attention away from the rest of Hwood targets. To be fair, I should have said "Kappy is probably a psyop" because I myself am still unsure. However this is heavily focused on just a few people while Renegade dropped an epic fuckton of names. I think awareness is good if it's not intentionally setup to be discredited. Alex Jones intentionally discredits himself by acting like a sperg

ea9caf  No.2401216

Kappy if you are here I have questions that none of these fucksticks are asking but I am one of the older original anons from the original rickshaw site and a member of the private channels so I hope you can answer these. The order of questions is purposeful. Thank you for your time.

1) When did you become interested in the Q anon movement and begin to actively participate (R/I, etc)?

2) Did Alex Jones/IW contact you for interview? If so, when? If not, please explain how you two hooked up.

3) Do you have any material evidence of your claims? Did any of these people ever text you anything about this subject in the past?

4) When you found this out did you contact or tell anyone else? Such as parents, friends, FBI, etc? If so, who. If not, why not?

5) These kids, tell me where these individuals acquire them from. Are they purchased through a service, a specific contact, are they brought to the set for these assholes, etc?

6) What do you know about the Standard Hotel? Any/all details if you can.

7) Have you even engaged in sex with a minor outside of the United States?

8) Tell me about the media connection in terms of payoffs to keep quiet in Hollywood. Though I know quite a bit already from our research I am curious if you know of any instances specifically you saw.

Thank you. I want to believe you Issac, I truly do, but given the circumstances and recent order of events are suspicious.

7a35cf  No.2401276


>Buckle up and enjoy the ride

I'll be a little move comfefe when some actual big names come out against (((them))). We've already had Gibson and Quaid both make similar public statements that support this movement. We need more to come forward. This is something that will lack concrete evidence most of the time because that concrete evidence is blackmail fuel and only a few souless fucks have it. We need a large volume of claims to force the hand

7a35cf  No.2401294


Please answer these questions Kappy. These are great questions

24d6fa  No.2401384



LSD=super soldier

psychic studies=super soldier

1eeb00  No.2401441

File: f8e92fc0655ee46⋯.jpg (3.81 MB, 2576x3627, 2576:3627, Light-01.jpg)

ea9caf  No.2401577


One more question I forgot to add. You stated on that piece of shit toad Jones' show:

"I was at a party, and uh, this child showed up with a man and a woman and he was asking for Seth Green who was out of the country at the time… and that's when I was like, oh man, they want some blackmail on me, they want, they want to pin me down and get me involved in this, uh, and I have no, no desire to get into anything like that."

I am not following here Kappy. If they came over asking for Seth Green, why do you believe they came to pin you down? They didn't ask for you so why did you think this? Who were they, the man and the woman, where were you (house) for that party?

Also explain more about this:

"I also have been at parties where there have been fifteen year old and it was fine, no drinking we were just hanging out and playing board games."

I am not trying to be an asshole here Isaac but understand I am speaking man to man about this and it feels odd that a 41 year old man would even want to play with a 15 year old let alone go to a party with minors to play board games. I am sure you can see why that comes off extremely odd. So I would like for you to explain that event.

Given today's news Isaac it is obvious they are coming after you through this Paris Jackson chick. You need to give us something. Anons are your best friends and the private boards are the best friends anyone can have if the person is telling the truth. So help us. If you have information give it to us so we can look into these things. If not you won't hear from the private boards again, this is your time and I don't want to hear bullshit and ramblings. I want precise and concise bottom lines. Thank you.

a1f2ca  No.2402558

File: 26b4ff038506789⋯.jpg (138.23 KB, 500x783, 500:783, isaac kappy el kappytan.jpg)

ea9caf  No.2402986

Isaac stated he spent the night at the house when the couple came up to him and it was Paris' home. So to sum up:

a) Goes to house, plays "board games" with 15 year old's, no drinking.

b) Couple comes up to him with black boy, asks if Seth Green is there, he doesn't recall rest of conversation.

c) He becomes nervous after that.

d) He wrestles with Paris Jackson

e) Continues playing "board games"

f) Stays night at house

This needs to be elaborated on.

46eda5  No.2403567


Just to confirm there is a lot of police corruption when it comes to pedophilia. Remember what happened when the Rotherham council whistleblower went to Yorkshire police? 'Err, racism'

Then they did nothing. And then they abused the whistleblower by firing her and putting her on a bullshit political correctness indoctrination course, with police ignoring and even threatening over any further reports.

…Then it hit the newspaper and the public caught wind of it and suddenly policeman bobby was reluctantly jailing his muslim child grooming friends.

American police corruption is substantially far worse. You only had one vocal Sheriff (Joe Aipario) out of, what, tens of thousands? And what did the police do to him? They jailed his ass.

There are a few good agents and officers, but they're not usually in positions of power, and they know if they raise it up they'll be thrown out (which means we don't even have a good agent or officer).

Justice is going to have to be almost public directed. And it's clear the media have sold out to the pedophiles as well, in light of PizzaGate, so we won't even get the public scrunity like we saw with Rotherham in the UK.

04b770  No.2404115

File: 89ec1179b3b875e⋯.jpg (163.41 KB, 691x1024, 691:1024, 1532994846453m.jpg)

File: 5d3f1d64c07385a⋯.jpg (142.4 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, 1532993518423m.jpg)


here is a QRD..

>yesterday half down for 6 hours

>weird unkown flags posting

>lots of posts to onion sites and honeypots


>then megalinnnnk drops 23GB

>glow in the dark nigger DLs and post barely anything pic related

>THEN Georgian US mil nigger posts the reason why half was down was…

The 2nd cav is moving towards iran and someone posted this PIC RELATED


of thread where glowey nigger posted and laughed at kek (((cia>kek))) he specificaly said..

>live stream of happenings from last night and he just did one with new georgia update!!!





inthe end


inthe end end


unknown flagsA QRD OF JAMES GUNN EVENT!!!!

Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood Anon posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts

>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private

He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year…

He was demanding you talk to Admin…

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days…

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!


Hollywood is the Royalty of America…

And commit just as much evil as them also

04b770  No.2404196

File: 6937dc1480cd77f⋯.png (158.62 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, received_10212095664612889.png)

File: 984fc50bfd1507e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1880x4008, 235:501, received_10212095098478736.png)

File: d219df478730d97⋯.jpeg (22.41 KB, 809x320, 809:320, received_1021209557985077….jpeg)

File: 70ae0408a5f3e29⋯.png (11.7 KB, 673x96, 673:96, received_10212095613891621.png)


More data, posting here cause THEY are going to either

Go to war with IRAN to slide pedowood and julian Assange or worse… you guys are ON target keep pushing pedowood pizzagate. The MSM is starring its Streisand Campaign

04b770  No.2404244

File: 28cdaf8ff6f61b9⋯.png (32.77 KB, 513x128, 513:128, received_10212095614731642.png)

File: 9dfc69dd032ced7⋯.png (9.51 KB, 679x74, 679:74, received_10212095610771543.png)

File: 4c6e1a219e36022⋯.png (15.83 KB, 1131x110, 1131:110, received_10212095114479136.png)


Final info

Look at the archive posted and also that channal.has been covering live when HALFchen goes down… when IT goes down MAJOR events are taking place

04b770  No.2404414

File: 9f877a234797449⋯.gif (319.76 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1533133863540.gif)

File: 19747efefc9b328⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 700x1024, 175:256, 1532672083707m.jpg)

File: 91a8b98167d5c6e⋯.jpg (196.36 KB, 987x1024, 987:1024, 1532770617160m.jpg)


Lastly God bless #survivorstories and Isaac K. Big fan of your bravery . Even lowly hollywood positions and gigs are lucrative… WHY WOULD ISAAC come out and ruin his career possibly. For shills saying hes doing this for attention, NO.

c592ef  No.2404434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I believe in you.

I'm thinking of you.

I'm proud of you.

I love you.

I knew you could do it.

I hear you.

I'm listening.

Tell me more.

Are you okay?

How do you feel about it?

Can I sit by you?

Do you need help?


f03f21  No.2404655


Maybe it is because the police chiefs are often appointments by the local mayor.

Who owns them and controls subordinates?

What is is worth to be a whistle blower with no visibility and no one has your back.

Justice is going to have to be almost public directed.

What steps are you are personally taking in your own community?

Step up, volunteer to do the job, instead of "speaking out"

Talk is cheap

f4c086  No.2404832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seth Green says…

"I do think I'm alright with kids, they don't run screaming from me or anything like that."

Seth: "Strangers give me their kids all the time. Whenever I meet people they'll be like take a picture with my baby. Hold my baby. Here get close to my baby."

Conan: "I get that too. They don't know who we are as real people!"

Seth: "It's so irresponsible."

Seth: "I usually try to do something really disturbing like put the baby's hand in my mouth and act like I'm eating their baby."

Conan: "What are you doing? You're pretending to cannibalize the baby!"

Seth: "Didn't your grandma ever say your face is so cute I could eat your face up!"

Conan: "No relative tried to eat my face or threatened to eat my face."

Really disturbing in retrospect.

f03f21  No.2404871


Those major events can be controlled with application of a little anti-diarrhea medicine.

Be sure to put out the flames before you apply

a1f2ca  No.2404894


Good find

We know their tricks now

d3df44  No.2405187


Article being referenced in the video: https ://frankreport.com/2017/09/05/nxivm-to-grace-park-dont-ask-to-us-remove-conversations-with-raniere/

NXIVM, I think, is the keystone. Anyone else been looking into what this guy has been saying? https://twi tter.com/realJeffreyP

Seems larpy because they came out and begged for e-bucks but as far I has have been able to determine, thus far, the info checks out.

f4c086  No.2405222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video Interview at Roseanne's Roast (Comedy Central) which Seth & Clare attended.

Seth: All my stories are good stories..I saw her on many tape nights when she was making Roseanne…she was really nice to everybody. She's always been true to herself.

e523e3  No.2405257

File: bfa8458d430eeb0⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 2f4v14.jpg)

d566ad  No.2405277

Does anyone know what really happen to Natalie Wood? Did she walk in on Wagner and Walken having satanic buttsex?

ea9caf  No.2405408


I am still waiting for your responses Isaac.

e523e3  No.2405527


agree. People are discrediting him for sounding a little loopy. Nah. It's L.A. for cryin out loud. He sounds like a guy from L.A. in the industry.

875cf3  No.2405786


Do they have to "vent" the truth to maintain their sanity, or is this what they call "duper's delight" ?

ea9caf  No.2405920


We need to assure facts before they are run with or else we are no better than the fucktard liberals running around blaming people constantly just because someone alleges some shit. True anons do not do this, we verify facts, we connect dots and we work through issues by research and asking the right questions.

I want to believe him but his story has holes and what we need is answers and not a bunch of people claiming some support. Once we get the holes cleared up and once we handle the dots being connected it can be tequila time but that comes from dedicated work and not being afraid to ask potentially offensive questions. This isn't Twitter, this is 8chan and stories must be backed up here.

e523e3  No.2406572


As others noted, IF it's some psy op, we could safely conclude it's an attempt to run cover – and from that we can extrapolate data.

The guy strikes me as sincere. We can't expect him to operate this PR campaign to perfection, either.

I'd be more suspicious of a perfectly-executed story, no holes, no flubs.

e51e1c  No.2406751

File: 8a3dff04dca5a16⋯.png (276.37 KB, 500x858, 250:429, Screenshot-2018-8-2 WELCOM….png)

muh luminatiz gibs ….monies, bobs, car, vagene


ea9caf  No.2407486


I am going to be completely blunt here, his story has some seriously suspicious holes and the biggest is the night of the party when he was approached. It is simply not normal for a 40 year old man to go play board games with 15 year old girls at some 19 year old girls house and then spend the night there while also claiming there was no drinking that night.

That is the situation that he himself has stated through several videos about that event. This particular night in question was when he claims to have been approached by the couple with the black boy and asked for Green to which he said he felt at that moment he was being setup.

Normal behavior when one thinks they are being set up is to get the fuck out of there but he stayed the night? It simply makes no sense. It also doesn't make sense that Green brings him into his house, opens some bookcase, says this is where the kids are kept, shows him a fucking room with bunk beds and shit and then he decides to go get food with him at a later date where Green brings up chicken. Most adults would have never gone to get food with someone after they said 'this is where we keep the kids" and shows them some rape looking candyland fucked up room.

He has offered no evidence, his story is simply stated weird, he is weird in terms of body language when he brings up certain subjects, his instagram is full of odd shit, he shows up out of the blue when Hollywood gets the heat poured on them, and his story simply doesn't jive. It just doesn't and I think if people stepped away from their desire to destroy pedo fucks, which we all want, and logically look at all he has said and write it out they will then see it for what it is. I want to buy your story Isaac but at this point, to be frank, I don't and none of those on the private chans do either. However, you have the power to turn this around before it gets deeper, fill in the blanks. I am going to again be totally upfront with you as I have looked into many of these issues over many years and, frankly, you remind me of someone who needs to be looked at given your statements, mannerisms, timing and holes in your account which, most importantly, include you playing with minors and randomly being approached, by someone you don't even know, about where Green is while a child is in tow.

1d94e4  No.2407581


Perfectly stated.

I also feel that, no mater how shook I was, I would NEVER forget the specific phrase said to me which revealed that one of my closest friends was a pedophile, with at least enough accuracy to actually ATTEMPT TO STATE THE PHRASE!

When a person is shook without being severely abused things stick in the mind even more.

187509  No.2407592

File: ab9da844b3f1ab3⋯.png (1.11 MB, 888x681, 296:227, ClipboardImage.png)

a2e3b9  No.2407650


stay based frogposter. stay based

f03f21  No.2407695


So who is taking responsibility for gathering admissible evidence (chan post don't qualify)

ea9caf  No.2407751


I would imagine the FBI but actually the chans do in fact count because he came to the chans and therefore by seeking us out he has a duty to back his story up. Shit rolls downhill and very often breaking stories are first seen on the chans, the anons do the legwork and then some media asshole picks it up and claims they broke the news.

But we need evidence like any other situation or society is just one big fuckball of allegations. Nobody wants that except moronic liberals.

141fa2  No.2407838


Have there been any new posts by that Hollywood Anon Renegade?

776ed7  No.2408835

suggestion for research on pedogate the alt sex text repository. this repository goes back over 20 years of posting back to the days when those posting did not understand that there crap would be recorded forever. I have discovered that the board is littered with pedo storys but that is to be expected.. the interesting thing is that when you search using the internet archive way back search you discover that a lot of posts went up and were removed when the person realized that they were posting there crimes in story form and that it might lead back to them so they would purge the story not realizing it was still there.. I am guessing a Lot of those who are writers and pedophiles in Hollywood first started there writing in that venue and later became writers where they push the envelope in Hollywood as directors and writers . this board is truly disturbing to read

776ed7  No.2408861

sorry posting name is habit I will stay anon after this

f03f21  No.2408954


There is nothing we have here that would be admissible ina court, and I doubt any serious professional investigator would take anything from a discussion group web site into a court.

Our information is all 2nd hand and he would be better served going to the direct source.

Have we had any post by the NY Attorney asking us about Weiner or the laptop?

What people here call evidence would get booted out of court in 2 seconds by any half-ass attorney (Hint: it is all hearsay)

ea9caf  No.2408980


Oh of course, we have nothing such as that. I was merely saying we count in terms of he came to us, brought the issue to us and therefore we are part of the issue in terms of him needing to prove its validity before we buy any of it. Well, the smart anons that is.

673fff  No.2409254

>>2407592 JUST recall i create water CLEAN enough for frogs et al to LIVE in and WITH

gender and pronouns are safe with me - "jusT leave the animals and children alone." J Parker SRA Survivor and kNOW Hunter …

673fff  No.2409278


> souless fucks

pedovores are "souless fucks"



earth has been converted into a loosh harvest . and if YOU are addicted to blood sacrifice YOUR "ticket to ride" has expired. YOU are hunted

f03f21  No.2409448


I am certain they are quivering in terror after that powerful post.

Somehow I think once they recover from their initial shock, they will realize your true power and laugh uncontrollably.

But fortunately for you armchair warriors, there are some how will take personal initiative to actually hunt them down and exact a penalty.

I would expect you to jump forward and share in their accomplishment, to compensate for none of your own.

Talk is cheap, and anonymous make you lees intimidating.

Maybe if you tried ALL CAP S in your entire post they would dread and fear the wrath of your keyboard

Thanks for your post, It may even make them instantly repent and beg forgiveness and mercy.

Or laugh among them selves

2c2acc  No.2410042


Kek. Dry as fuck. I enjoyed that.

ee24d4  No.2410859


you are a gigantic fucking faggot

673fff  No.2414214

>>2409448 it begins with what you choose to eat. In Court you are certified insane if you choose to eat sentient beings.

That's YOUR Problem

a12a68  No.2417568

File: 0ed29bb03884aa2⋯.jpg (145.99 KB, 675x534, 225:178, 1531971523111.jpg)


did you just admit to being a pedovore?

k… u gay tho

>captcha goyhuf

a12a68  No.2417667


I have his last message from 4chan copy pasted on my phone XD want me to post it?

ea9caf  No.2418170

Dude has completely retreated from us since we began seeing holes in his story and calling them out. Now he is fully dedicated to interviews and his datamining "help line". This appears the be the biggest bullshit setup to find out if there are any victims out there to intercept them before they can go public. The guy can't even answer the simple questions posed above. Yesterday I was suspicious but today I am completely convinced that while I believe he was being honest about Green and such that he himself has been involved in doing it and this whole thing was set into motion to make qanon research look cultish along with giving them the ability to identify and deal with victims of whom they do not even know the names for since they were used and thrown away like garbage. It's been 24 hours and he has steered very clear of us while rambling on Twitter about how he wants to help and continuously pointing them to his email which oddly has older accounts of the same name to some weird shit.

You can't hide what you are from me Isaac, I smell you.

862fef  No.2418518

File: c0d7035d67f3d89⋯.png (332.06 KB, 556x487, 556:487, Screenshot 2018-08-02 at 6….png)

Paris Jackson has hired armed guards and is moving out of her house because Isaac Kappy keeps sending her scary text messages according to TMZ.


TMZ also claims Isaac choked her at a party!?

TMZ's owner is good friends with Trump. Why're they so scared of Isaac Kappy and trying to paint him as a weird creepy stalker for trying to expose #pedogate?

862fef  No.2418545

File: 6f5237b6af88135⋯.png (68.53 KB, 570x480, 19:16, Screenshot 2018-08-02 at 6….png)

Isaac's messages to Harvey (owner of TMZ)

a1f2ca  No.2418603


Calling out TMZ?

This is getting hella interesting

862fef  No.2418613

File: 8f954233cfa2ca9⋯.png (37.57 KB, 1146x199, 1146:199, Screenshot 2018-08-02 at 6….png)

Is Harvey Levin a pedo too? Does he rape little boys with his gay partner?

862fef  No.2418683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TMZ's video on LAPD's case with Isaac Kappy

a12a68  No.2418748

File: 175278d5f07a1fb⋯.jpg (57.24 KB, 805x1024, 805:1024, 1532755414797.jpg)


I'd bet on it

f4c086  No.2418812


TMZ makes him seem like a psychopath in the video.

f4c086  No.2418834


I don't think he even knows about this 2nd thread. He still links to the old thread on his twitter page and no one can comment on it since it reached the post limit.

a1f2ca  No.2418983


They are way too big to not be involved

f4c086  No.2418998


"Paris Jackson Allegedly Choked By Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorist"


More articles from today.

Really trying to paint him as a conspiracy theorist weirdo, Yet did the LAPD ever investigate the accusations again Seth Green? Did they check his house to make sure any kids weren't there locked up? or in the hidden room of his malibu home?

f4c086  No.2419095

/pol/ mods on half chan are moving all pizzagate/ pedo/isaac threads to /bant/ or outright deleting them now.

228043  No.2419489

File: e9f18e3b65df38e⋯.gif (428.91 KB, 960x1191, 320:397, e9f18e3b65df38ec95148c6524….gif)


>AJ is controlled opposition and worse…

<aj constantly attacks pedowood child rapists, globalist aristocrats, and satanic cabal

>d-don't break the conditioning goy

8806cf  No.2419601

File: 4a150f849037ed4⋯.png (55.19 KB, 578x356, 289:178, Screenshot 2018-08-02 at 7….png)

Sara Ruth Ashcraft is accused of raping a child while babysitting him.

ea9caf  No.2419915


He was made aware yesterday during his periscope. He is well aware of it but has completely avoided them and has doubled down on attempting to push himself as an ambassador to both qanon and the separate issue he alleged.

This issue is completely playing out as some big drama putting all the attention on him which the media uses to push insanity toward qanon. Completely obvious coordination.

a12a68  No.2419960


not even that, the shills are making generals how to co-opt the Q movement KEK

Luckily it's a great breeding ground for redpilling newfags in some history.

ea9caf  No.2421198

There is zero doubt that he is playing games as he now brought up that he knows Clinton bought kids in Haiti. He is simply going down every single investigation, claiming it as his own and pushing it without complete information to try to make it look ridiculous.

a1f2ca  No.2421309


Actually, another anon mentioned that Seth Green is connected to Haiti through one of his charities/foundations I believe, but I have not looked into it yet

ea9caf  No.2421380


I believe there is connection to Haiti but for Kappy to make the claim he has some inside knowledge into the Clinton machine without providing evidence makes the research look moronic. He it not an ambassador and, if anything and I can freely speak for the private boards, he is on radar for being apart of that shit.

Doesn't matter, he is hiding from 8chan which is fine, we can easily go around him since he doesn't want to speak on those very valid issues.

f03f21  No.2421575


> make qanon research look cultish??

Mission Accomplished

But nobody cares - visible is all that matters - for now

f03f21  No.2421601


We are the flypaper and rodent traps

Just hold them done until someone comes to eradicate them

77e58c  No.2421661


Imagine you are a blue pilled actor and one day it hits you that pizzagate is real. What are yu gonna do? How are you gonna feel? Probably scared with a feeling that you are on your own in this one :/

ea9caf  No.2421933


I don't know, I have always been the type to confront fucked up things. If some faggot quasi midget actor brings up some pedo shit and thinks it's cool that he has some rape room behind a book shelf I would have probably put him through a wall and, honestly, I feel confident in saying that 90% of my brethren on here would do the same. It's just one of those switches that men tend to react very harshly toward.

f03f21  No.2422310


Do you confront your boss at work when you think things are fucked up based on a rumor from co-worker?

Why not?

Talk is cheap, action sometimes has consequences

Not much of a gambler are you?

ea9caf  No.2422931


>Do you confront your boss at work when you think things are fucked up based on a rumor from co-worker?

What does my fictitious boss have to do with pedophilia and some midget fag opening a book case in his home and saying that is where the kids stay? Apples and oranges.

No, I never gamble, I do what needs to be done when it needs to be done much like in this situation where I called out issues that others seem to not want to smash him apart about on social media but like I said, it doesn't matter, we can go around him. All I care about is the safety of the kids and some drugged out creepy fuck trying to act like an ambassador to something he literal only showed up/talked about to take credit for. The guy doesn't mention anything about Q until, all of a sudden, he randomly does when he spouts off his allegations.

Granted I do actually believe him about Green based on our own research and also Johnny Sins (oh yes Kappy, the private boards know all about that situation and Mexico) but he brought the issue to us and therefore should stop grandstanding and work with the only people who could help him if he TRULY wanted this issue to be handled as he claims.

c5e09a  No.2424417

I wonder if his reference to it raining .50 cal in the Hollywood Hills refers to Blackwater mercs hired to protect him by white hats?

842288  No.2425789


Hey. I'm here.

1.) I found Q, I believe the first day, but definitely the first week

2.) Jones camp reached out to me on Sunday

3.) No they never texted me anything material about pedophilia (why would they) although Clare mentioned one time that a child was coming over for play time, but that data is on a phone that went missing the night of the bookcase revelation. Plus that alone is not incriminating, because at the time I got the text I was under the impression that it was just hanging out with a friends child in a normal non-pedo way. I have no pictures of crimes being committed.

4) Yes I told a bunch of people. Danny Mackey, @dylanjetson, Ross Kelly, LAPD officers Diaz and De Vera, and Kyle Newman. I leaked an anonymous tip to dhs as well. AND I sent coded messages on the Q board (learn our comms;)

5) I don't know exactly where the kids come from but I would focus on the casting directors. It's possible that there is a Memphis connection as well, due to Clare's involvement with her "sister" Parker, who has a long history of prostitution and trafficking.

6) I don't know much about the Standard, other than the Q drops

7) I have never had sex with a minor anywhere:)

and I have never had sex outside the country :(

8) The payoffs are done in various manner. NDAs, contracts for scripts, etc. The BIG one though is child actors being given roles. Many parents will prostitute their own children for roles for their children, and then spend the money that the child earned. Look into the casting directors. The casting directors are the glue.

31d89c  No.2425848


LOL holy fuck i have never seen TMZ faggots so visibly shaking and stuttering over their words. That my friends is fear - if you cant discern it is in fact fear, then you are a fucking moron. Why wont Harvey interview Isaac on the situation??? Because TMZ will cut out the clips they want to use and broadcast that.

What is happening right now is a complete loss of trust and faith in MSM. Kappy will air THE WHOLE recording and they will be shown as the fucking hypocrites they are. The media is in ALL OUT FUCKING PANIC AS THEY FUCKING SHOULD BE


we no longer live in the fluoridemsmhollywoodcomfortbox

we live in the fucking chan hurtbox now and we are going to drag every last celebrity and politician we possibly can with us into our HOUSE OF FUCKING PAIN.


842288  No.2425849

Guys the TMZ stuff is nonsense. Still waiting on a reply from Harvey.

31d89c  No.2425884



ive watched almost all of kappys streams never once has he said he has "inside information" on Haiti situation. he just routinely namedrops silsby.

post proof or gtfo

31d89c  No.2425894

sup issac lazarusanon here. ring me back dood 650 numba

b4921a  No.2425900


> It also doesn't make sense that Green brings him into his house, opens some bookcase, says this is where the kids are kept, shows him a fucking room with bunk beds and shit and then he decides to go get food with him at a later date where Green brings up chicken. Most adults would have never gone to get food with someone after they said 'this is where we keep the kids" and shows them some rape looking candyland fucked up room.

I'll share the first thing that came to mind as a response in defense of IK. If you consider the entire scenario Q and researchers have been suggesting regarding this sick evil we are dealing with, you have to accept that world is not normal. Those who dive deep into that world have either figuratively or literally sold their soul. They of course believe they have become enlightened, transcended this world's morality, free to be and do anything, protected as they are by the lord of this world, and all his/it's minions.

Supposing there is a personality change that comes with that leap into evil. (((They))) become psychotic, have a split personality, where they mostly appear and sound normal to those outside their world, but among themselves, it's a whole different story. Think about how so many psychopath murderers/pedos are described as normal by those who knew him or her.

If the above Seth/Isaac scenario did happen, SG blundered the invite. He chose the wrong person to invite. Then again, Isaac may have been a perfect candidate based on everything SG knew about him.

So why did IK say no? Perhaps a "white hat" spirit is working in this world at this time, to awaken people, to energize them into looking behind the curtain, seeing the grotesquely blatant fraud, then taking action by speaking out. IK certainly isn't the only one. Look around QR! #walkaway is another sign a white hat spirit is working in this world at present.

31d89c  No.2425907

7a35cf  No.2426082


You should have never stepped outside with that stache Seth! Oh Lawd!

a74101  No.2426415

If I am understanding this, Isaac is asking for victims to go public, to start another #MeToo movement. It worked well, could work with the pedos too. I doubt he has his own proof, he wants to organize a giant outing of pedos by the victims. Is that getting warm?

31d89c  No.2426470


its what everyone wants. when the deep corruption is exposed and brought to justice it will be the beginning of a NEW age. a modern renaissance. i fought tooth and nail day and night shoving pedogate generals down 4cucks throat with op lazarus and it fucking worked. the google trenda match right up with when PGG started. i used the exact words "modern renaissance" many timea


31d89c  No.2426503

even IF Q is a larp/psyop etc.

even if Kappy & co. are a psyop etc.

it doesnt fucking matter. we have the information. we may splinter into different factions without Q but the message has been spoke. this is it ladies and gentlemen. this is it. theres no coming back from this.

pedo elite FUCKING burns.

e51e1c  No.2426606


>2.) Jones camp reached out to me on Sunday

to you or Thomas?


673fff  No.2426609

>>2417568 did J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs just admit to being a pedovore? Yes he did and has previously too - but i don't think he's progressed cannibalism - yet?…

A better Q Map exposes every slaughter house with current slaughter rate per hour : especially highlights the lambs, calves and kids and chicks.

Perhaps then hu-mans will begin thinking about the blood sacrifice that KEEPS THEM CAGED under kakistocracy?

a74101  No.2426638


Feel free to dismiss this, but Isaac has said he's a triple Aquarian, astrology-wise. I've been studying astrology for 35 years. If anyone can do this, it's him. Aquarians save the world. Isaac, are you listening? Let's do this, can't wait for Monday's videos.

ea9caf  No.2427353


Today scope (2nd), it's on the private boards in our collage. The date should make it easy for you to find as it was toward the end of broadcast.

ea9caf  No.2427452


Thank you for responding, to be continued. Just realize the PBs never make any ridiculous accusation without evidence so for what it is worth from this anon I can absolutely say that what I asked you, how one of us eventually responds and if we have any follow ups will not be posted on any social media by us as we have our own way of handling investigations and research and it never includes unfinished hypothetical's or unfounded baloney.

I personally do not believe you Isaac but that doesn't mean, well, two things, first it shouldn't matter anyhow to you but you deserve direct bluntness but at the same time that can easily change. To be continued.

7a35cf  No.2427480


yea, what do you think hit pieces are for? Rather than try and take him to court over the pedo accusations the strat is to just make other false claims, then hopefully nobody will believe the other. They are targeting their viewers basically, priming them for whats to come

673fff  No.2429105



sounds like pedovores queued outside the local slaughterhouse.

Don't you worry the "elites" CHOOSE to eat plant based diet?

a12a68  No.2430063


>thought I'd post this here

>from plebechan Renegade tripfag

>R had said goodbye after namintg some hollywood execs and hating on satanist

>he posted one last message though








ok guys i gotta go now peace i'll be back tonight or tomorrow

>Couldn't screencap so I c and p'ed it

f4c086  No.2431027

File: a53fa7de1117717⋯.jpg (103.27 KB, 750x936, 125:156, baylee.jpg)


Isaac said Clare Camille Grant (Clare Johnson)'s brother (who is transgender) and goes by the name Baylee Barton now was a prostitute in Tennessee (perhaps started when she was underage). When Clare went to go pick her up at a Hotel she saw Bill Clinton leave the elevator and hotel. She told Isaac this. So Clare's transgender brother is sleeping with politicians apparently.

dffe4c  No.2431059


What about the angle and distance factors? What happens to the plume when the missile gets to full speed and at higher altitude?

f4c086  No.2431096

File: 273ab7a6bc0b43a⋯.png (355.33 KB, 907x736, 907:736, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 1….png)


Just found this on Baylee from 2013.

f4c086  No.2431135



was she prostituting in florida?

f4c086  No.2431226



Is this Baylee again?


f4c086  No.2431330

has anyone tried contacting clare to ask her about these allegations

numbers listed here:


842288  No.2431782


a) There were no board games at this party. There was drinking. There were no 15 year olds.

b) The couple with the black boy showed up and asked for Seth. I replied that Seth was in Thailand. I said a few pleasantries and made my way around the party. I lost track of them but the fact they even showed up made me think there was some sort of attemoted blackmail entrapment at work.

c) see above

d) there was a bunch of people in the kitchen and Paris and I engaged in some horseplay. Some guy (don't remember his name) blew the whole situation out of proportion and caused a scene about it. He ended up leaving the part. I stayed.

e) AGAIN no board games. People playing music etc.

f) I stayed the night at the house and the next morning Paris gave me a gift, that I still have, which is a very cool hat.

So THINK. If "choked and attacked" Paris, why would I remain at the party? If it were serious wouldn't they ask me to leave? Why did the guy who blew the situation out of proportion leave and not me? Why would she GIVE ME A GIFT if I had attacked and choked her?

f4c086  No.2434408


Hi Isaac. Who gave TMZ the info that you "choked" Paris? Was it this guy who caused a scene or was it Paris, Seth/Clare, or someone else?

a12a68  No.2436111

Kappy straight up slaying it on twitter.

retweets, likes and comments errywhere and content is FIRE

XD nice

a12a68  No.2436130


I felt those trips.

Just like I feel the periscope hugs.

We out here

ddd563  No.2437976

File: 970c3aead65a649⋯.jpg (332.72 KB, 1282x473, 1282:473, renegade !x1aoOS1SNE - pos….jpg)


Here's a screemcap and archive link


ea9caf  No.2438477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Live Chat mod during Kappy's interview with a show called "Traffick Report Show" on 1 Aug 18 (video attached).

fec705  No.2447785


You doxxing tells me Kappy is decent. Simply on the grounds that you a fucking namefag.

fec705  No.2448157


You're just doxxing so someone gets hurt and the board gets shut down. Not happening

fec705  No.2448173

All dat dox is publicly available lmfao. That's not leaks you fucking idiot.

fa0dc1  No.2449301


Fucking kill yourself CIA

You think we cant see through your D&C bullshit? Fucking kill yourself glownigger.


Kappy is UNITING the PUBLIC of the WORLD and it will NOT be stopped


b6a40a  No.2449405


You shut your bitch ass mouth the fuck up you insignificant paid shill fuck. I would deck your ass flat the fuck out and curb stomp your face you little fucking glow nigger cunt. Kappy and Q are UNITING the fucking public and if you think youre going to stop this youre in for a violent fucking surprise.

This is the beginning of a NEW age motherfucker. Kappy dropped nuclear redpills to the normies on his stream last night on 9/11. That isnt a fucking psyop. Thats the fucking truth. Go suck some soros cock while you take it up the ass by glownigger clown cocks you little bitch. If i had access to the board IPs youd be in for a world of hurt you little faggot. Now fuck off back to cuckchan and post some more blacked threads you fucking kike.

Oh. Good job failing to mention Kappy routinely names the jew.

Fuck off back to your shill factory bitch

b6a40a  No.2449544



shut the fuck up glownigger your D&C bullshit doesnt work here faggot

neck yourself bitch

b6a40a  No.2449699



>tfw countless decades of CIAnigger tactics are failing massively and the entire fucking developed world is rallying around destroying pedofucks like you

go suck Brennans cock faggot

b6a40a  No.2449763



>pretending he doesnt know who Brennan is

the chans train social engineers better than the CIA does i see. now fuck off back to cuckchan faggot

19b51f  No.2449792

Fuck off Kike Vaporizer, it's obvious you're a Mossad douchebag troll.

b6a40a  No.2449827

jesus ive disgusted myself by namefagging. way too much namefagging taking place kek

b6a40a  No.2449990


back to the shillfarm so you can suck daddy brennans dick faggot

b6a40a  No.2450100


>posts dox on rothschilds

>pretends doesnt know who brennan is

is that you johnny? ready for the military tribunals?

04b770  No.2454813

File: 86bcc83510d812d⋯.jpg (166.94 KB, 1014x1024, 507:512, 1533386730146m.jpg)

Lads. new Based-Bellagio vid on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIBJFAsYSWQ&t 

Check this shit out



>A child prostitution ring where more than 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' has been broken up after dramatic raids.

>Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into coming the Colombian resort of Cartagena under the pretence of working as models there.

>Among those detained was the alleged 'Madame' of the operation - Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders.

>They allegedly raped and tattooed all their victims, who were aged between 14 and 17.

>But when the girls arrived in Cartagena, they were stripped of their documents and belongings and forced into prostitution.

>They were allegedly showcased in catalogues and forced to attend sex parties on luxury yachts and hotels.

This is BIG.

250 girls in a single year likely to number in the thousands. Being herded around like cattle with advertising magazines pimped out to rich men and women. This is organised and well funded and "unnamed Israeli's" are in charge.

Archive this shit lads, get it added to the databases and search for any links to those exposed already in the last few years.


Put this in with NXIVM shit

ddd563  No.2459089

File: ddd9f552df398fb⋯.jpg (163.42 KB, 755x550, 151:110, Isaac Kappy - adultswim.jpg)

1d94e4  No.2459518


Unless it’s the same shit that everyone else is spewing why not drop the info instead of warning?

NOTE: I don’t think that AS is innocent, just don’t think theres been any evidence worth touting to the public AS EVIDENCE.

f03f21  No.2459813


Does it still hurt from when your Daddy "touched : you?

GO to your safe space, suck on the bong, and think about butterflies and puppies.

Until Daddy comes home from work

8dbcd9  No.2459858

File: da7cc0107dd2075⋯.jpeg (197.14 KB, 1624x560, 29:10, 7C3D290C-59F2-4ADC-86C5-8….jpeg)

Why is there a 30 minute gap between posts?


f03f21  No.2459864


Keeps the followers coming back.

Why else would he post?

Compassion for the victims & future victims?

f03f21  No.2459892


Ripple in the space time continuum?

Ascension levels increasing?


1d94e4  No.2459926


Different people.

Can confirm because I posted the first one.

1d94e4  No.2459963


I get compassion for victims, but its possibly CAUSING future victims, and this dude is gonna need some heavy info if he plans to stay relevant3, if not on Green then pertaining to something else he for sure knows.

I want to believe him, but it just seems like all he does is rehash known info and the one thing he did bring to the table has major holes, such as not being able to remember exactly jhjow Seth Green confirmed his pedophilic tendencies.

Like the dude has not once just said “Yes, Seth Green told me to my face that he is a pedophile.”

He always words it in these weird ways. Concise answers would really help his case.

4317fe  No.2462147

File: 45be12758791fcb⋯.png (115.1 KB, 1243x197, 1243:197, Vancouver.png)

File: f4d2ebd94194b4c⋯.png (209.5 KB, 1200x406, 600:203, Vancouver2.png)

File: bd9fd346af97651⋯.png (45.91 KB, 1228x124, 307:31, Vancouver3.png)

File: acffed0a0b86c2a⋯.png (70.88 KB, 1160x205, 232:41, Vancouver4.png)


The NXIVM Child Trafficking Cult had a major base of operations in Vancouver, British Columbia. Vancouver is known as Hollywood North because of the large film industry. Would be a good place to do some digging.

78477d  No.2462444

Can anyone point me to some data showing how many autists now contribute on the Qanon boards?

Is it in the 1000s or 100000s?

673fff  No.2462782

>>2459089 they won't be living on earth THAT is for sure

673fff  No.2462788

>>2462147 SES FARM

4317fe  No.2462971


What's a SES FARM?

6ce53f  No.2463228


Here is a link to a site devoted to Elisha Cuthbert's feet. Don't see anything that looks prothetic. https://www.wikifeet.com/Elisha_Cuthbert

400782  No.2466319

File: aa0e37af4d94b3d⋯.jpg (506.79 KB, 2001x1330, 2001:1330, home_hero_view44.jpg)

490110  No.2468707

File: 46f9ff8033059a9⋯.png (771.91 KB, 758x1368, 379:684, Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at ….png)

1d94e4  No.2469779

File: 008074147d3a0c5⋯.jpg (61.02 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Elisha-Cuthbert-Feet-13107….jpg)


Her middle toe on her right foot in this one looks pretty suss. A bit uneven lengthwise and all of her toes on that foot take a slightly different shape, as if something interfered with normal bone formation.

a12a68  No.2471099


Senior Executive Service?


Well you have this guy David Hawkins talk a bunch about how Vancouver is the most corrupt city in the World.

There is a heap of evidence, look no further then the snuff murders at the Pikton Pigfarm Raves, where young politicians were entrapped by live art pieces where they fed prostitutes through a wood chipper.

He's at www.abeldanger.org

got some YT vids:


see what you can find. Hope you like.

Based boomers, did pizza research before it was kewl.

f4c086  No.2471465

File: 48eecb28c569ea6⋯.png (364.59 KB, 1021x704, 1021:704, Screenshot 2018-08-05 at 7….png)

File: 40267d5879bf06c⋯.jpeg (118.71 KB, 635x887, 635:887, suspicious.jpeg)

File: 1fae1ea1ed468ca⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 500x667, 500:667, fags.jpg)

File: 9ac75c25694283d⋯.gif (188.22 KB, 300x225, 4:3, illuminati.gif)

File: a17a8365b801bca⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 361x506, 361:506, tumblr_lllj9ugOKD1qafp6qo1….jpg)

I have to call Isaac Kappy out now.

He's been promoting a guy who guys by the name Michael Whalen from Portland, Oregon to his audience. This guy claims he was ritually abused and trafficked as a child. He says he remembers "child hunts" in which him and other kids were put in cages and let out in the woods to hide from being murdered. He also claims Voodoo Doughnuts is a child trafficking front.

Isaac Kappy has been telling his audience to get in contact with Michael to help him out because apparently he's being evicted from the place he rents and doesn't have anywhere to go and he claims to being gangstalked by a pedocult.

1. Michael Whalen isn't his real name. His real name is Michael/Mikey Connelly according to his FB/SC profiles.

2. His social media profiles:





3. Guys is a regular conspiracytard. Has videos favorited/saved from alex jones and other shills for at least the last 10 years.

4. He owns a shit load of guitars and other music instruments that he could sell if really needed money/help.

5. Isaac Kappy is promoting him and his sob story without any proof or facts. People are giving this guy money and trying to find him a free place to stay to get away from the cult he claims is trying to kill him.

6. His tumblr archives don't mention anything about his horrible upbringing or his cult experiences. It seems as if it's something he has totally made up.

I'm starting to think Isaac is a shill or is being trolled by others.

f4c086  No.2471511

File: 0d4179423a7f20b⋯.png (337.43 KB, 503x501, 503:501, Screenshot 2018-08-05 at 7….png)


>gibs me money to buy another stupid tattoo or guitar

>i was in a sex cult

f4c086  No.2471595



9. He only has 11 tweets despite having a twitter since 2009. He obviously deleted many of his tweets before claiming to be a rape/sex cult victim

Does anyone buy this shit?

f4c086  No.2471665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10. This Mikey guy use to date KiKi Kannibal in stickam days.


His myspace:


This guy is a dramqueen dirtbag with a shady past of dating webcam ecelebs.

>kiki kannibal


f4c086  No.2471694

File: 0be20f9be53eaf8⋯.png (28.69 KB, 656x176, 41:11, Screenshot 2018-08-05 at 7….png)



f4c086  No.2472036

File: c233954834224b5⋯.jpg (136.63 KB, 500x847, 500:847, kiki.jpg)

File: ddec73de387795a⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 500x750, 2:3, kiki2.jpg)

File: 9a54aa09910d597⋯.jpg (19.17 KB, 280x420, 2:3, kiki3.jpg)

File: bc38ab4896df7f9⋯.jpeg (11.33 KB, 183x275, 183:275, kiki4.jpeg)

File: cb2ee1be07f8e0e⋯.jpg (30.02 KB, 440x293, 440:293, kiki5.jpg)

Basically this new "survivor" use to be a scenekid, dated/fuckked underage scene girls, hanged out on stickam, played in some bands no one has ever heard of, and now he's a 31yo manchild who is supposedly now a survivor of cult abuse

I don't buy it. This guy is just making excuses for why his life is where it is now and he's on the brink of homelessness because of the poor choices he made in his life.

f4c086  No.2472153

File: b2774d3e5319aac⋯.png (55.75 KB, 932x525, 932:525, Screenshot 2018-08-05 at 8….png)

How convenient to make your instagram private when you know your lying about things.



He has all these conspiracytards believing in his lies.

f4c086  No.2472466

File: 0ae1334489b3ebf⋯.png (80.6 KB, 696x668, 174:167, Screenshot 2018-08-05 at 8….png)

Found this:


from 1.5 years ago claiming he had info about pizzagate

b1f6d8  No.2472955


his story sounds legit. i can read body language very well. he believes what he is saying

if he is a shill then so be it. he will get outted. there undoubtedly will be infiltrators. this does not discredit Isaac in anyway however - isaac was referenced this guy by lift the veil. the guy claims he is going to bring evidence forward.

isaac is attempting to give his support and acknowledgement from his followers to those he believes are survivors. isaac doesnt have the time to do the research that we do.

all of your posts are attempting to discredit isaac. isaac has redpilled more people than you ever have. the real question is what is your fucking agenda dude?

1d94e4  No.2474858


Not to mention that in the LiftTheVeil video they state that he has to leave his apartment in 2 days. Very convenient time to come out with your story.

KLTV and him also allude to a bunch of stuff they talked about privately that wasn't shared.

Smells like stale dog shit to me.

Good digging btw.

1d94e4  No.2474868


I noticed that! Last night he only had 2 tweets.

0f6da8  No.2475038



we will have to wait and see. he eludes to having significant names and information so if true could be very very big stuff. the fact he mentioned he had pizzagate info 1.5 years ago lends creedence to his story.

everyone knows that voodoo donouts is involved in trafficking this should come as no surprise. if he is leading us astray it will not take long for us to find out hea taking us off the scent but i agree with the other poster kappy is trying to help everyone he can right now. kappy called out alex jones for gaslighting and friwned upon alex jones multiple times during the infowars interview. kappy is far more credible than AJ at this point.

f4c086  No.2475303

File: eda0c22317cd69c⋯.png (357.66 KB, 843x395, 843:395, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: fc9f47d438e7dd5⋯.png (403.59 KB, 844x443, 844:443, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: 21e900e6a3adb77⋯.png (205.94 KB, 972x620, 243:155, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: 921924d4f951b38⋯.png (211.25 KB, 962x667, 962:667, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)


The Voodoo Doughnut place was talked about in 2016 when Comet Ping Pong #pizzagate stuff happened. People were connecting the places long before he wrote on the voat forum. He could have just taken info published about it and formed in his head that their business is also tied into pedophilia too. Who knows if has any real ties to the Voodoo Doughnut place or not.

This Michael guy use to make and sell some questionable T-shirts.

"I swear I'm 18"

"I hate cocaine I just like the way it smells"

d3df44  No.2475423


Betancourt…now where have I heard that name before? Oh right. NXIVM. https://frankreport.com/2018/04/02/son-of-former-mexican-pres-salinas-throws-nxivm-sex-trafficking-cult-leader-raniere-under-the-bus/

d3df44  No.2475657

File: 2845c9c6c6f6190⋯.jpg (317.77 KB, 1282x473, 1282:473, renegade_cap.jpg)



Renegade talked about the Betancourts being big into human trafficking. Turns out that Emiliano Salinas (NXIVM Mexico) has a boyfriend named Alejandro ‘Alex’ Betancourt. Link in previous post. It also just so happens that Salinas and his boyfriend run Prorsus Capital. https://prorsuscapital.com/team.php?teammember=alejandro Shit getting real up in here.

f4c086  No.2475674

File: 0a18985f302742e⋯.png (100.22 KB, 834x476, 417:238, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: 8533c534640c6d6⋯.png (707.86 KB, 1059x734, 1059:734, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)


Most of my posts are supportive of Isaac but being a healthy skeptic is required when it comes to such allegations and conspiracy theories. Many people lie and will prey on gullible minds.




What I would like answers to:

1. Why is this guy saying his name is Michael Whalen when other social media pages of his claim it's Mikey Connelly? What is his real name?

2. Why did he delete his past tweets and hide his instagram?

3. How old is this guy really? Official records I can find about him under the name Mikey Connelly online has him listed as being 54? WTF? Why is he using a fake age on documents or on social media sites causing these sites to pick up his age as being 54? What is his real age?

0f6da8  No.2475770


those are all very good questions and should definitely be answered. email them to LTV

f4c086  No.2475777

File: 03952a056275db8⋯.png (79.55 KB, 960x635, 192:127, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)


4. Why is this guy accepting donations under a paypal account owned by someone named Michael Whalen if his name is Mikey Connelly?

Is this his friend taking donations on behalf of him? Did he change his name? Is he committing fraud?

745eba  No.2476000


I believe Michael Whalen is one of Fiona Barnett's friends.

f4c086  No.2476131

File: d4c6f7c725906a2⋯.png (380.64 KB, 893x606, 893:606, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: 6b810d0c8724985⋯.png (430.13 KB, 879x586, 3:2, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: 403dd154574b874⋯.png (303.54 KB, 1366x3242, 683:1621, screencapture-webportal-co….png)

Searching through Portland court records:


I found a case from 2014 regarding a Michael Connelly and a property management person who had to take him to small claims court to evict him.

There's other records for Michael Connelly and Michael Whalen but they seem to be too old to be him or they don't give a birthdate.

Couldn't find anything from 2018 with his given name Michael Whalen or Michael Connelly or Mikey Whalen/Connelly.

You would think there would be something about his landlord eviction case in their books.

1d94e4  No.2476196


Yeah this dude is full of shit. Full transparency is needed with things like this to EVER be seen as credible.

Aside from that there has been NO legitimate proof of Voodoo Doughnuts. He probably just chose it because everyone is burnt out on hearing Comet Pizza, so it’s a fresh avenue.

f4c086  No.2476205

File: 33b3d4b2876a670⋯.png (687.64 KB, 1366x7047, 1366:7047, screencapture-webportal-co….png)



I found his case.

His listed name in the court documents is Michael P. Whalen, born in 1986.

It basically says he has to vacate by August 6th 2018.

Typical landlord eviction. There's nothing strange or odd about it.

1d94e4  No.2476230


Homeboy just can’t afford another small claims case.

I feel bad for the people giving him cash.

f4c086  No.2476256


the people who're evicting him:


They own the Pig'N Pancake restaurant chain in Portland:


f4c086  No.2476331


I don't understand why he has 2 different names he's using.

Michael P. Whalen

Mikey Connelly

Very weird.

f4c086  No.2476367

File: f5ce2da15e3f8bd⋯.jpeg (48.4 KB, 585x376, 585:376, isaac.jpeg)

Shouldn't the #1 priority be to make sure those who're making such claims of abuse are legit before offering your house to them?

Isaac has a God complex. Why doesn't he just invite all victims to live with him?

8e75ed  No.2476526


Don't ever trust Jews.

Even if we need to in order to advance, we may as well not advance.

We have over a millennium of documented evidence telling us not to trust them.


We can do this without him. Owen Benjamin is legit, but Kappy will sabotage the movement.

0dd222  No.2476546

File: 4468c2c59556a9d⋯.png (59.09 KB, 708x401, 708:401, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 2….png)

File: 036fbb5fafe0128⋯.png (442.84 KB, 1376x2591, 1376:2591, screencapture-apps-supreme….png)

File: b2e26042274c20a⋯.png (329.1 KB, 1376x1733, 1376:1733, screencapture-apps-supreme….png)

Some more court/criminal cases involving Michael from when he lived in Arizona:


Cases mention: Assault with deadly weapon, threats, disorderly conduct, noise complaints, driving without a license or valid registration or insurance, DUI, drugs/alcohol, speeding, traffic violations,etc.

Apparenly he served jail time.

His real name seems to be Michael P. Whalen.

Why is he using the name Mikey Connelly though? to hide from the cult?

These are the types of people Isaac wants us to let in our homes? >>2476367

8e75ed  No.2476619


Very odd they got the DOB wrong in the first one.

0dd222  No.2476650


very odd that a 18yo is committing assault and intimidating threats in 2004, causing him to serve jail time..then in 2008 he commits assault with a deadly weapon

Some people never learn. Perhaps he just likes to be caged up?

8e75ed  No.2476784


The criminal record supports his story more than not.

My past is similar. Acts of violence are common when males get emasculated (molested by men). It's a coping mechanism for feeling powerless.

However, my past you can track. I grew up in the South Bay, I went to McMartin Preschool. Like many SRA cases, it was thrown out because a jury couldn't be convinced that something so outlandish was real.

His record lends credence to his story.

What I have a big problem with is this Michael guy looking straight into the camera and saying he never abused drugs. BULLSHIT!

If he's going to be honest about being raped by men, he should have no fucking problem admitting drug abuse. FFS, that's the least embarrassing part of my past.

This fucking Kappy Kike is controlled op. I know these MF'ers. I know how they work. He has absolutely nothing from before this came to light signifying he's "our guy."

We have to fucking learn at some point to NOT TRUST JEWS! EVER!

f4c086  No.2476851

Listening to the Lift The Veil interview he talks about all of the cult stuff happening in Arizona when he was younger.

>brought to large estate

>kids in cages in large clearing in the back of estate

>we were screamed at and abused for hours

>would hide under bushes/leaves

There is no "woods" in Arizona where these child hunts could take place as there's very few trees there. The children have nowhere to hide.

>mentions abuse by Michael Kohler

>says he would be in his 50s now

>had circular frame glasses, dressed nice/proper, shoulder-length hippy hair, 6ft+ tall, white guy, no tattoos

Anyone have a photo of his abuser?

f4c086  No.2476937


>The criminal record supports his story more than not.

>His record lends credence to his story.

No they don't. It just shows he's mentally unstable. It also tells us why he hides under the name Mikey Connelly.

f4c086  No.2476980

File: 5319b78335a93ea⋯.png (56.9 KB, 614x348, 307:174, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 3….png)


> Fiona Barnett

I'll look her up next. Oh God.. I just googled her and her story seems just as fake as all the others. She claims she was raped by so many different people.

Oh look another criminal making outlandish claims.

eac9f4  No.2476985

File: 7f6d50dd2eb4cb6⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 474x474, 1:1, pepe_le_khan.jpg)



You're going to argue that someone who was subjected to rape, torture and torment as well as abandonment through their childhood more likely than not won't have a vast criminal record?

Good luck with that argument there, bud. I'm sure you'll get one or two people to believe you.

f4c086  No.2476994


Nearly all blacks have criminal records, are you telling e they were all raped/tortured/tormented and abandoned by their parents?

f4c086  No.2477013


still doesn't explain why he uses a fake name Mikey Connelly for facebook/soundcloud/etc.

Only reason it could be is that he doesn't want his past to be known about or digged up.

eac9f4  No.2477016


yeah, I am.

Maybe you don't know much about ghetto's but incest is rampant. Mothers fucking sons, aunts fucking nephews, some ridiculous number like 8 out of 10 girls are molested by 12 yrs old in ghettos.

Yes, most blacks are subjected to terrible childhoods.

Blacks are not the enemy they're made out to be. Naive and low IQ are not threats to our existence.

15% today

That's the number of 2 parent black households in the US.

In your words, that is "nearly all."

eac9f4  No.2477035


Couldn't agree more

He's shady AF and the fact he came out on (((Lift the Veil))) Makes me question him even more.

LTV is 100% controlled OP so he may have contacted this "Michael" character knowing he was trying to speak out and knowing his past would come to bite him. Hell, I would believe LTV coached "Michael" to say he didn't have a drug riddled past.

I would like to get "Michael" in here for a direct discussion since I share (allegedly) a similar background. I know certain cues and how to see his reactions. I would like that for my own curiosity, but I want to know if he's legit because if he is, he's being led by illegitimate characters in LTV.

We need to protect our own and IF "Michael" is one of our own, we need to get him the fuck away from LTV.

f4c086  No.2477043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're an idiot trying to make excuses for a convict who is most likely mentally ill & lying.

BTW, its commonly known that a tear drop tattoo under the eye means someone who got raped in prison and turned out.

It also could mean that they killed someone.

f4c086  No.2477049

File: 60962cb2c200338⋯.png (41.24 KB, 174x230, 87:115, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 3….png)

eac9f4  No.2477081

File: 4fb3a936df8f779⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 3188x8257, 3188:8257, Blue_Manifesto.jpg)


You're an idiot for trying to get people on this board to believe I'm making excuses for this guy.

You're not on Reddit, Kikey and honestly, you're leading me to believe this Michael cunt more by the minute.

Why aren't you addressing the Kike from Lift the Veil?

That's the fucking problem with you fucking heathens, your fucking hubris is so big you can't help but chime in as an expert in every fucking subject. You're as transparent as glass. Good part is you're soft as glass, too.

Keep going, Shlomo. Try to deflect the argument some more.

Here, lets post your fucking rule book!

f4c086  No.2477108


I haven't looked into the LTV guy to address.

He seems creepy though.

I don't chime in as an expert. I simply google shit and look at public records, and do the proper research necessary and it always makes me think all these people involved and claiming to be victims are full of shit and are hard to believe due to their shady ass backgrounds.

I'm not trying to argue with you. I just feel not everyone who gets abused as a child or raped or dealt with cult abuse ends up with a record for being a violent dumbass.

3e4c4e  No.2477135


From my understanding and a lifetime of experience and relating to the world, searching for my place, seeking out others, attaching too quickly, too intensely, then just not at all, I can say with confidence that not a one of us is what you would consider conformable.

The brain has to develop and when that process is retarded or obstructed, consequences come about. Every action has a reaction and all that shit.

So although it's not possible to run a case study on all persons who have undergone extreme childhood trauma (at least not for me) I feel confident in saying that everyone that I've met while dredging the sewage-people culled from society, every single one of them underwent childhood trauma and not just a spanking here and there.

I've never found myself in a meth house sitting next to a guy or girl who had a good childhood.

Does that make it a rule? no. I'll admit it doesn't but it does make it most probable, which is exactly what I stated above. It is more an indication that Michael is legit than he is not legit.

f03f21  No.2477138


Kind of a big difference wouldn't you say.

Since you speak with some air of authority, just tell us which it is.

Even idiot convicts would not be so ambiguous since it would send a mixed message/

That is kinds why is exists - "a" message

Or both? (e.g I got raped but I am a killer)

3e4c4e  No.2477148


I can't speak for the other anon, but a tear drop, at least in California system, means you killed someone.

AZ is the next state over, so I'd assume it's the same.

It's also not something someone going to prison would get to pose as something they are not. ie: nobody would get a tear drop to make others think they are a killer. Prison is not a place where lies carry you far. Bad people have access to the best intel.

e17661  No.2477152

File: 7c6fac0e3001d47⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 500x667, 500:667, tumblr_lmopn6aL441qame4so1….jpg)

File: 83d25c97730e430⋯.jpeg (123.47 KB, 640x640, 1:1, securedownload.jpeg)

File: 1ae6e570c251c77⋯.jpg (105.47 KB, 640x480, 4:3, tumblr_llmdah5rXZ1qafp6qo3….jpg)

File: a373324075bc2d6⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, tumblr_kvuqabEKV51qafp6qo1….jpg)

File: 7f3dd448b86ec97⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 540x800, 27:40, fag.jpg)



He looks like a hipster, he most likely got the tattoo to appear like a bad ass. Doubt it's jail related at all. He most likely watched the movie CRY BABY and decided to get it after jerking off to Johnny Depp like a fag.

f03f21  No.2477155


Guess we don't have to worry about MSM making us look like idiots.

We are doing a super job all by ourselves.

But hey, if it gives you some small personal satisfaction, keep at it.

Maybe they will give you an on air interview and you will be a 30 second "media darling"

e17661  No.2477179


Based on his tumblr blog he didn't have the tattoo in some of his photos from 2010. It didn't show up until 2011 or so in one of his photos. lol He's a hipster and got it to appear "cool".

3e4c4e  No.2477190


here's a challenge for you.

Name the specific part of what I'm saying you have an argument against.

Good luck

e51e1c  No.2477198


true story

e17661  No.2477209

File: b5f27b2f2b4b664⋯.png (798.98 KB, 1023x677, 1023:677, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)

File: d066c74a248053d⋯.png (207.41 KB, 866x219, 866:219, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)

what did he mean by this..

"Are we raping?"

3e4c4e  No.2477228

File: fec0062d62bd7b5⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 480x468, 40:39, It_100percent_is_the_jew.jpg)



Not gonna happen, is it?

haha, you fucking disgusting filthy degenerate heathens. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

e17661  No.2477236

File: b17172a1c2ce13d⋯.png (140.4 KB, 859x259, 859:259, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)

File: 16cabb062dfc198⋯.png (193.18 KB, 863x524, 863:524, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)

File: 84715ae8476bed7⋯.png (139.44 KB, 848x342, 424:171, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)

File: 315dff2e155f937⋯.png (319.7 KB, 873x688, 873:688, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)

File: a88603ef9ac0806⋯.png (105.19 KB, 860x254, 430:127, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)


f4c086  No.2477250

File: 5446bc475451a68⋯.png (13.69 KB, 667x101, 667:101, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 2….png)


>What I have a big problem with is this Michael guy looking straight into the camera and saying he never abused drugs. BULLSHIT!

Yeah it is BS.

f4c086  No.2477264

File: ef4daac7fb04946⋯.png (134.92 KB, 736x557, 736:557, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)


This doesn't look good at all. How many court cases in different states does he have?

f03f21  No.2477284


Who cares?

3e4c4e  No.2477286



yeah, I think the most likely scenario is our friend Michael took a deal.

He wasn't due out til 2025

Federal District court in Southern California, the most corrupt west coast state.

Fuck him, at best he was a loose cannon telling the truth about his SRA past, but who gives a shit with this hanging over him?

I've already reported LTV for hate-speech. I'm using their Marxist tactics against them.

f03f21  No.2477287


Draino activated

7114f6  No.2477290


shouldn't be in jail if that's him?

>140 month sentence

fa325c  No.2477307


Yeah he should

He took a deal. I wonder if we could find out what judge signed off on the deal?


You have any way of checking?

fa325c  No.2477339

File: c6a7b61e8a1cbd8⋯.png (58.84 KB, 920x680, 23:17, Baverman_Lasater.PNG)


Hold up a second why is Braverman ringing a bell for me?

1d94e4  No.2477342


Is Eric Braverman a name?

Makes that ring in my mind pre-search.

1d94e4  No.2477347


Eric Braverman

Missing FORMER Clinton Foundation CEO

1d94e4  No.2477353




Clinton Foundation CEO

Heres his Twitter:


fa325c  No.2477359


How bout family?

Lets see if these two are related

1d94e4  No.2477362


Busy ATM, but i’m pretty damn confident that a link will be found quickly…

f4c086  No.2477399

File: f64c69ee8c70160⋯.png (153.33 KB, 760x665, 8:7, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 5….png)










appears to be a different guy with the same name born in 1970, my bad

b262a9  No.2477436




fa325c  No.2477453


Well, then lets go back to before

At best he is telling the truth about SRA but has lied to us about drug abuse, which means he can't be trusted.

I think he's just a distraction. He has no tangible benefit to us and is not really anyone we would want championing the movement.

fa325c  No.2477459



I fucking hate half chan but this is good baking material.

Fuck here comes the frustration. Thanks for posting

1d94e4  No.2477468


Personally done here. Done with Kapy as well unless he shows real proof, which he probably won’t…sadly…

fa325c  No.2477484



Kappy is 100% not legit.

Screen shot now that I'm telling you he is meant to be "killed" in a shoot out. I don't want to say how I know, but I know. I'm hoping that now that they know we have documented proof of their bullshit plan, they will shit can it.

See you on half chan

f4c086  No.2477527



What is proof to you?

7a02bc  No.2477545


Screenshot all relevant info from these threads and post them in here. I'd do it, but my laptop is acting up.

aa3cc9  No.2478438


yeah I started doubting her stories when she brought up a lot of Nixon shit, but nothing on Bush. Also claims Scalia was killed by a 13yo sex slave, which seems like BS.

Reminds me of Boystown and how 'good guys' like Gunderson and DeCamp were supposedly 'fighting the good fight'.

8043bc  No.2478665

File: e40c2a1a9de7256⋯.png (771.33 KB, 794x556, 397:278, IMG_0182.PNG)

File: a73d5672708c74d⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Calm.jpg)

File: 79471635d3eb980⋯.jpg (87.96 KB, 576x768, 3:4, -IBsB7Rz5HWASbxr57HGGapqce….jpg)

File: 5933379a38ccb74⋯.jpg (235.34 KB, 1050x1500, 7:10, tumblr_nw7v1oIipo1rkekquo5….jpg)

File: dffa1c9e4e1fd0d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 798x800, 399:400, Opiuchus1313.png)

Wow, thread has turned to shit recently,

shills out in force.

< Divisionfags BTFO.

c07b5e  No.2479433


this is the stupidest fucking thing i have ever heard. youre a fucking idiot. i doubt Isaac even packs heat you fucking moron you arent from L.A. i am and this dude would be laughed at by any fucking thug out there. whos he going to go on a shoot out with? this is fucking stupid. say what you will about LTV & Connely but Isaac clearly is preaching the truth.

weak bait you fucking faggot

f4c086  No.2480322



My intentions were never to shit up the thread or be a shill.

I only dig up things about the "accusers" because more often than not they seem to be hiding skeletons in their own closet and seem shady as fuck which makes me not believe what they have to say. Most accusations are far-fetched and they never come with any solid proof or evidence besides instagram/twitter messages which are questionable and people taking things out of context.

Isaac, Fiona, Mikey, Cathy, Alex, and other "survivors" & "truthers" are all following the same, "If I'm telling the truth why don't they sue me?" playbook as they make so many outlandish accusations.

Alex Jones is currently being sued by Sandy Hook parents due to shit he said in the past which resulted in people literally stalking and sending death threats to the parents of children who died in Sandy Hook. Google & Apple both have ended Alex Jones/Infowar accounts due to that. I hope he goes to jail for his false accusations and the pain he caused these parents who lost their children.

f4c086  No.2480398

File: f44ea3071c43705⋯.png (22.17 KB, 582x196, 291:98, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

This is all they have to say about Alex Jones when he has shit up people's minds for years with conspiracy bullshit while trying to sell them infomerical products promising them to protect & restore their health due to the chemtrails and whatever the fuck else he claims. Alex has made millions off spreading falsehoods. It's about time he gets what he deserves.

f4c086  No.2480433

The TRUTH is that the real conspiracy is in the conspiracy itself.

This is why none of us get Proof & Evidence in 90% of the conspiracies we hear about and buy into. We are sent down these endless rabbit holes because of people like Alex Jones & Isaac Kappy that lead us nowhere and damage people's minds and connection to this world and other people. It causes people to become fearful of everything.

f4c086  No.2480717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Isaac's new "survivor story" by Jason VonIrsik that he's promoting:


c07b5e  No.2480919


i wasnt wasnt fucking talking to you genius. how about you go fuck off back to Above Top Secret you Phage faggot. Chemtraios ARE real sandy hook WAS a false flag 9/11 WAS a inside job PARKLAND was a OBVIOUS fucking false flag. you are an agent of disnformation and while i respect you may legitimately BELIEVE what you are saying - this isnt your little faggot hugbox like ATS is and you arent convincing anyone here of fucking anything. go suck some ATS mod cock and enjoy not being able to have certain discussions your faggot moderators deem inappropriate. I am a 8 veteran of ATS and when ATS started censoring anything regarding hillary and the womb of artemis i fucking bailed. those faggot piece of shit mods are so blatantly and obviously compromised

you are either a die hard skeptic or a fucking shill. this is not the board you fucking belong on cunt. if kappy was lieing about seth then WHY has seth made NO public statement denying the fucking incident? are you going to tell us that laura silsby(CLINTON FOUNDATION) wasnt trafficking children out of haiti next? piss off queer you dont fucking belong here

protip: it doesnt matter what you fucking say here - we stand with kappy.

f4c086  No.2481254


Jason Vonirsik recap:

An 83 minute rant which mentions:

>2 boys did things with me as a child in their basement

>the mother of these boys put me in dresses and my hair in pigtails which made me feel embarrassed

>the mother and her husband had sex together while I was in the same bed which made me feel disgusted

>2 boys put my head in a hole in the sand that I dug and kicked me in the butt which made me feel bullied

>the mother pierced my ears when I was 5

>1 of the boys put his hand down my brothers pants

>pants down and ass spanked behind barn with leather straps by the 2 boys father which traumatized me

c07b5e  No.2481374


go fuck off back to your ATS safespace queer. you outted yourself as a fucking shill more than enough already.

let me give you a piece of fucking advice faggot - pedogate is real and we are going to fucking destroy all of these sick peoples lives. the fact you are actively attempting to dissuade people from looking into this information and "debunking" it simply lends more authenticity to the subject at hand. you dont belong here. im sure you think Q isnt real as well. there are real people being tortured and killed by real occultist pedophiles and it has been happening for 1000s of years. laura silsby is a fucking smoking gun not to mention all the other recent arrests connected to haiti. kappy has redpilled massive amounts of people on this subject and the momentum will not be stopped by some pathetic fuck like yourself.

i hope you die a terrible death faggot

f4c086  No.2481384


>Chemtrails ARE REAL

>SANDYHOOK was a false flag

>9/11 was a Inside Job

>Parkland was a false flag

>Laura Silsby was trafficking children out of Haiti for the Clinton Foundation

>Isaac says Seth Green is a pedo therefore it's true because he hasn't made a public announcement denying the accusations

You fell into these rabbit holes and now your stuck in them.

No one has proved Chemtrails are real.

No one has proved SandyHook was a false flag.

No one has proved 9/11 was a inside job.

No one has proved Parkland was a false flag.

No one has proved Laura Silsby trafficking children of Haiti.

No one has proved Seth Green is a pedophile.

Ever heard of "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY"? THAT'S THE FUCKING LAW IN AMERICA if you like it or not. So shut your fucking pie hole you coward or show undeniable proof!

f4c086  No.2481494


>laura silsby is a fucking smoking gun

Nope. Laura along with 9 others from the Central Valley Baptist Church in Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border with 33 Haitian children to bring them to a Dominican hotel which was being transformed into an orphanage. 9/10 of the missionaries were released except Laura who was prosecuted for "arranging irregular travel" and sentenced to 6 months.

There's no proof she was trafficking children for the Clintons or to bring them somewhere so celebs/elites can use them for sex. She was part of a christian missionary group who sets up orphanages.

You gullible idiots believe in anything.

2b62be  No.2481587

File: 33228a1a4940c19⋯.png (1.17 MB, 563x3600, 563:3600, silsby full.png)

File: 73acd78b811a256⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 242x220, 11:10, silsbylockedup.jpg)



YOU have just outted yourself as a fucking SHILL and you should be HUNG in the fucking gallows faggot







f4c086  No.2481709


You're correlating things that don't fit together.

The two MALE missionaries who sexually abused children have nothing to do with Laura Silsby. They weren't part of the same church or missionary group.

There's no proof Laura was trying to traffic children for sex/Clintons/etc.. They were creating an orphanage, a safe place for the children to live at.

Laura Silsby married a man named Norman Gayler which is why her last name changed.

2b62be  No.2481738





f4c086  No.2481752



I'm not shilling just trying to bring this thread some common sense.

2b62be  No.2481781



2b62be  No.2481836


>Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby's arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications.

>Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton.

>her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti.





f4c086  No.2481926


Proof is needed. Connecting dots doesn't necessarily show the truth.

By your way of doing things since Trump is connected with Epstein who is connected with the Clintons he must be a pedophile too!


Show proof Bill Clinton intervened on her behalf to get her sentence reduced?

According to the attorneys of Silsby and the other missionaries they all claimed "My clients have never met Mr. Puello and know nothing about him.” There is no proof Laura Silsby had any ties to Jorge Puello.

2b62be  No.2481942


piss of queer we've done all the research for ourselves

f4c086  No.2481967


Your research isn't good enough. It's literally hogwash.

2b62be  No.2481984

File: 451d21253e01ad4⋯.png (1007.89 KB, 1229x689, 1229:689, 1523106581141.png)


you are so fucking blatantly and obviously a glow in the dark cianigger faggot shill it's fucking blinding you do know that right? i hope you die a fucking brutal, nasty fucking death. a woodchipper would be appropriate. you are on the wrong fucking side of history motherfucker. pedoelite is fucking dead.

2b62be  No.2482012


you're a faggot fucking shill shut the fuck up and kill yourself there is people on this very board right now as we speak who would not blink an eye putting a fucking bullet through your head. if you think that you're going to preserve the old guard and your pedo occultist overlords you're in a fucking world of hurt. this is it. you're fucking done.

go sacrifice a fucking chicken in the backyard to moloch and hope for some good luck faggot because all you're going to receive is PAIN

f4c086  No.2482228


lol, you know nothing about me at all


so angered and upset, ever seen a psychologist or psychiatrist? Sounds like you need one.

Listen, I'm simply saying such allegations requires real tangible proof. A lot of the "proof" shown is just someone connecting dots they found on the internet that aren't really there. Omgz they're using a "spiral symbol" they must all be pedophiles!

2b62be  No.2482265


no you're a fucking shill and we all know it and you deserve to be executed for sedition.

i'm through arguing with you. you're a fucking glownigger and have proved yourself as one beyond the shadow of a doubt. i hope you suffer a extremely excruciating and terrible fucking death. what you are defending is unforgivable. you deserve every terrible fucking thing that is soon going to happen to you and your kind.

read these words very, very carefully:

pedoelite is fucking DEAD

f4c086  No.2482285

Can we discuss why none of these "victims" and "truthers" seem to have jobs?

Isaak doesn't have a job.

Fiona doesn't have a job.

Mikey doesn't have a job.

They all have too much time on their hands to make shit up and correlate things that aren't true.


whatever you say brah

I wish you Jesus. You need it.

2b62be  No.2482316


jesus will guide my hand as i strike demons like you down.

f4c086  No.2482357


Alex Jones job was literally to get people to buy his shiity "dooms day" products via infomericals.

Mike Cernovich doesn't have a job, he authors crappy books though and apparently raped a woman in his past.

It's really sad when people ride on the bandwagon of these "truther agents" and "victim agents" while the real victims and those who know the truth are never listened to or trying to create fan circles for themselves so they can profit off of in some way.

f4c086  No.2482517


You obviously don't know Jesus….

"A lone witness is not sufficient to establish any wrongdoing or sin against a man, regardless of what offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." - Deuteronomy 19:15

All of you claiming things without the testimony of 2-3+ witnesses are an abomination!

Where's Isaac's witnesses about Seth & Clare green? Where's yours?

It's better to shut up and say nothing then to be wrong……

"Whoever keeps his mouth closed and his tongue still keeps himself out of trouble." Proverbs 21:23

"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless." James 1:26

2b62be  No.2482570


there's more than enough witnesses here to corroborate you're a fucking shill and more than enough volunteers to perform the duty of executing YOU

how's that? now piss off back to your faggot hugboxes shill lord.

e2bd49  No.2482571


>says other poster doesn't know Jesus

>quotes the old testament

f4c086  No.2482614


Jesus is God and he told moses what to write.

2b62be  No.2482650


>64 posts by this ID

totally not a (((shill)))

f4c086  No.2482710


Unless you have 2-3+ witnesses to back what you're claiming, you should keep your mouth shut.

Without witnesses your story alone is not sufficient enough to be believed.

No other friends of Seth & Clare have come out to support Isaac with what he's claiming. Therefore according to the bible no one should believe him. A lone witness is not sufficient!

It's the same with Fiona, Cathy, Mikey and other "victim" stories. None should be believed unless they have witnesses.

f4c086  No.2482760


In the modern era we have cameras which can act as our witness in court or prove without a doubt something occurred.

None of the witnesses mentioned in this thread have any footage of their abuses, witnesses, or any proof.

8043bc  No.2482857

File: 8c0c32e116e5c7b⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 680x673, 680:673, 1526565422166.jpg)

File: dae783deb6baef0⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 480x720, 2:3, dae783deb6baef07452fa89379….jpg)

File: df984a947eb2519⋯.jpg (226.43 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_2763.JPG)

File: ba143ac90486f3d⋯.jpg (413.82 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, download (2).jpg)


Shills have nothing but



and doubt.

They're all digging their own graves.

f4c086  No.2482977

Here's the TRUTH:

1. Hollywood has a pedophile/rape problem. Many witnesses have come forward and certain actors and those involved have been jailed for their crimes.

2. The Government has a pedophile/rape problem. Many witnesses have come forward about politicians and many have been jailed.

3. Child/human sex trafficking is real. Many witnesses have come forward about it and many have been arrested for their involvement over the years.

Until more witnesses come forward about Seth/Clare Green, Voodoo Doughnuts, and the accusations of specific victims I take it with a grain of salt. You can call me a shill all day but I only believe in what's true, not gossip!

e2bd49  No.2483063


Jew detected

a70037  No.2483426

File: be1a5295eaefd62⋯.png (26.71 KB, 586x149, 586:149, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 3….png)

Mikey's tweet on the allegations in this thread.

Typical response of a shill.

f4c086  No.2483481


never trust a fucking vegan

"Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."

f4c086  No.2483565


He still has yet to give a solid answer for why…

1. Why is this guy saying his name is Michael Whalen when other social media pages of his claim it's Mikey Connelly? Did he change his name legally? Why is he using another name? Is it to hide from his shady criminal past?

2. Why did he delete his past tweets and hide his instagram?

3. Why did he serve jail time? Why did he commit assault with a deadly weapon? Why did he threaten people's lives?

4. How did "child hunts" happen in Arizona when there is no woods to hide in? and hardly any brush/plants for a child to hide under? Wouldn't people be able to hear the cries and screams of children? Sound easily travels when there is nothing blocking sound (trees,woods,tall buildings, etc.)

f4c086  No.2483637




He's a coward who won't answer my questions. He's claiming he's being attacked by me! I'm literally the sole person who found everything about him in this thread.

3b1846  No.2483708

File: 36b0991b7905a32⋯.png (18.34 KB, 623x125, 623:125, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4….png)


Of course Isaac chimes in to make it seems as if all these people are attacking Mikey when it's literally just one person on 8chan who digged up weird shit about him.

How many more deranged lunatics will come out of the woodwork?

1d94e4  No.2484567


Keep spreading the light Anon. We’ve got your back.

I tried to send /qresearch over here last night to check the info and was attacked…..funny huh…

1d94e4  No.2484594


>Tells Mikey to get all info out ASAP

>Neither drop any new info

>People still hanging on their every word


2b62be  No.2485538


shut the fuck up bitch ass shill and go back to ATS and stay there where you fucking belong you pathetic fuck.

you aren't fucking welcome here

f4c086  No.2485817


You've contributed nothing to this thread. You're a barking dog with no bite.

2b62be  No.2485936

File: 0e3749505102b58⋯.png (3.83 MB, 1899x2283, 633:761, jidf kikery.png)

File: 77af428db51f7e3⋯.jpg (681.62 KB, 2106x3240, 13:20, hillary zionists.jpg)

File: d02b03fbaeed405⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 1880x2880, 47:72, cnn zionists.jpg)

File: ab39ed0db694f1b⋯.jpg (880.73 KB, 1259x936, 1259:936, shareblue jidf map.jpg)

File: 2a0534a767da102⋯.png (146.57 KB, 1304x856, 163:107, mindgeek.png)


like I said I am not arguing with you. all your 71 posts have contribute is proving you're a fucking shill.

what have YOU done to redpill the masses on pedogate? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. Kappy has repilled 100s of thousands if not MILLIONS. You have done NOTHING! FUCKING NOTHING!

All you have done is point at Laura Silsby and say NOTHING TO SEE HERE. You're on fucking QRESEARCH MOTHERFUCKER! NOT ABOVETOPSECRET.COM

We fucking MURDER fuckers like you with our text for SPORT here and I have already DEMOLISHED you and PROVED you are a fucking shill you fucking faggot. Now go sit on a fucking barbed clowncock and put a gun in your bitch mouth and pull the trigger you absolute fucking glownigger.

2b62be  No.2485949

File: 960ac9acffc85de⋯.png (91.04 KB, 661x585, 661:585, clown2.png)

File: 97cabc2ddaa6ec6⋯.jpg (227.17 KB, 1091x1018, 1091:1018, clown1.jpg)

File: 90a0bb556b70384⋯.png (53.34 KB, 1328x400, 83:25, clown3.png)



71041e  No.2485967


What kind of 40yo writes letters like this? These are creepy as hell. He sounds like a paranoid schizo & mentally immature. What is mentally wrong with this Isaac guy? I haven't been following pizzgate but these letters indicate mental issues. A 40yo guy write this.

2b62be  No.2485999


>t. shill

71041e  No.2486020


Also why did he write the letters in ALL CAPS like an annoying TROLL on the internet would?

8043bc  No.2486030

File: 593b97edda7981d⋯.jpg (292.81 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, toz23595l.jpg)

2b62be  No.2486068


you just admitted to not following pizzagate and you think what you say here fucking matters? go back to reddit/ATS/GLP you little faggot

2b62be  No.2486076


based frogposter is based.

f4c086  No.2486364



Both are very good questions and anyone who thinks logically and has a proper education would think similar things -but- you can't reason with gullible idiots who have been taken advantage of by paranoid goons. Isaac has his groupies out in full force to try to shill for him every step of the way. It's quite sad the lengths they will go to to not answer any of our questions or bring anything new to the table except mentally ill "survivors".

f4c086  No.2486573


>Kappy has repilled 100s of thousands if not MILLIONS

Your ego is so far up your ass if you actually believe that. 60%+ of his followers are considered "fake" by twitteraudit.com. Meaning they only created accounts are started tweeting after Kappy did so. This means Kappy most likely bought followers.

2b62be  No.2486661

File: ec0d2746ef4cd14⋯.png (77.22 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1512280070962.png)


>Your ego is so far up your ass if you actually believe that. 60%+ of his followers are considered "fake" by twitteraudit.com.

Oh are you going to tell us snopes.com is a accurate resource as well? Is it baby's first day shilling? Am I a verified russian bot? do I get a red X for my services? Have I BEEPBOOPd enough for you yet?

kek. get the fuck off our board you little bitch

e51e1c  No.2486757


kys faggot

5cce83  No.2486763

POLL: Do you believe Isaac Kappy?




POLL: Do you believe Michael Patrick Whalen (aka Mikey Connelly)?




POLL: Do you believe Fiona Barnett?




POLL: Do you believe Sara Ruth Ashcraft?




f4c086  No.2486843


they'll just rig the polls by voting "YES" multiple times to feel as if they "won" something so it's pretty pointless

2b62be  No.2486963


your life is fucking pointless kill yourself faggot

f4c086  No.2487023

File: 7e81ef9ff4b633e⋯.gif (3.66 MB, 426x236, 213:118, evidence.gif)


why are you so angry?

did your parents over-vaccinate you?

your posts only make me laugh and feel bad for you

2b62be  No.2487208


we are angry because faggots like you try and subvert us 24/7/365 and you've only ramped up your shilling since Kappy came forward.

we will be doing all the laughing when you are hung from fucking lamposts faggots

f4c086  No.2487357


I've only called for real proof & evidence.

Spinning together a weave of unconnected dots in such a way to make people believe there is a huge conspiracy or cover-up is downright being dishonest!

It leads to illogicial reasoning & thinking.

2b62be  No.2487555


>I've only called for real proof & evidence.

shove your red herrings up your fucking ass faggot you completely dismissed laura silsby you're a fucking shill. end of fucking story. now fuck off our fucking board you faggot glownigger

2b62be  No.2487745


Guess what bill is going to be fucking REPEALED soon - HOPEFULLY by EXECUTIVE FUCKING ORDER


Then you're going to be out of a paycheck you little faggot fuck

f4c086  No.2487858


I dismissed it because I knew of no hard evidence that suggested Clinton was involved or that Laura had ill intentions until I searched more on google about it.

Now that I know Clinton was involved and that Laura Silsby was caught prior trying to take 40 other children over the border this suggests to me that there is foul play and a cover-up going on involving child trafficking.

Here's the news reports from CNN & Sunday Times which convinced me:



I suggest you put them in your screenshots.


Lol. I wish I was paid for this.

a2e4e9  No.2487900

Mandy Bombard did a body language video on Kappy today.

Worth the watch. Her videos are generally on point.


f4c086  No.2487970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Youtube video of her body language assessment.

f4c086  No.2488004


I'd love to know what a hand writing analyzer has to say about his letters…

2b62be  No.2488034


i suggest you fuck off our board you're not welcome here and you haven't done due diligence in your research(which we have) and you are a fucking shill so stop trying to save your face it's already destroyed.

your opinions are fucking worthless faggot

f4c086  No.2488058


You don't own this board and don't speak for everyone here.

2b62be  No.2488095



piss off queer. how about that faggot does a fucking body language analyzation on Harvey from TMZ:


You know what that body language is? That's fucking FEAR. Both broadcasters constantly look away from the camera while making outlandish and completely INCORRECT statements. Flat out LIES. Doesn't take some supposed faggot body language analyzer to figure that out.

would you shut the fuck up already? you're fucking worthless shill

2b62be  No.2488102


I speak for the majority of this board. You do not.

f4c086  No.2488171


The majority on this board would rather you leave.

2b62be  No.2488189


the majority of the board would rather you be worm fertilizer

you want a fucking pissing contest? you have no clue who you're up against. i was born and raised on the fucking chans. you're reading from a fucking manual on how to formulate your posts you little bitch

766cc1  No.2488302


>trying this hard

fuck you are a loser

d98313  No.2488346

File: a916ff6231b9810⋯.png (34.75 KB, 402x136, 201:68, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 8….png)


bye felicia

2b62be  No.2488390



>.04 shekels have been distributed to your shill factory

2b62be  No.2489580

File: c0ff6bda73069c5⋯.png (32.14 KB, 586x183, 586:183, got some explaining to do ….png)

@AnOpenSecret which has far more clout than anyone else in pedowood whistle blowing world just dropped this bomb.

I will be the first to admit my being led astray if this comes to be found to be true.

you've got some explaining to do Kappy

This isn't a fucking game to me. I have fought tooth and nail for 2.5 years now redpilling everyone I possibly can on pizza/pedogate. I will not be taking anyone who FUCKS with the exposure of the truth of the pedo elite lightly.

That being said - either side theoretically could be compromised. Now we are entering the obfuscation shitshow.

f4c086  No.2489835


It's not a game to me either which is why proof & evidence is needed more than anything else right now.

Isaac says on his periscope that Michael has all kinds of documented proof/evidence about Voodoo Doughnuts and the pedoAZcult he was abused by, so we'll have to wait and see if it checks out.

f4c086  No.2490480

File: 7cd7991b0da6046⋯.png (43.21 KB, 570x360, 19:12, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)

File: 9ff3afb081c7d7d⋯.png (38.3 KB, 581x293, 581:293, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 1….png)


more from @AnOpenSecret

615ce4  No.2491248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These owners definitely look like pedophiles. Weird vibes from them. Their hipster symbolism is what sells the donuts. Has anyone ate them? Are they better than Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts?

28891e  No.2491328



How do I get millennials to open their eyes to reality? They all drinking the liberal Kool aid

546298  No.2491629


Reading,listening and learning

{Do not doxx yourself. Leave the name and email fields blank.}

Post last edited at

347614  No.2491680


that you the based blackman hotep? one on fox news?

the best way is at bars. loosen em u a bit and droo subtle redpills. its not going to be easy for anyone. for real - they need to bust some high level hollywood names to prepare the conscious for the nature of our fucked up reality

673fff  No.2493057

>>2462971 https://mega.nz/#F!42ZngbBZ!0MHCT7ipQvCUNsjgUVjong

673fff  No.2493394

>>2491248 if this isn't a pedovile honypot i wouldn't be surprised.




e3d11e  No.2493715



His Seth Green impersonation is all the evidence I need. It was so dead on, you can practically see Seth's face as he says it (this is where we keep the chiiiiiiiiiiildren). As soon as I heard that, I was on board in terms of belief.

He also names names I've had an instinct about for a long time, particularly Stephen Colbert. Ever since I saw him make some kind of weird, off-color bdsm-themed joke on the Late Show, with a dark glint in his eye…. I knew.

"Muh evidence" give it a fucking rest. If there was evidence, these people would not still be doing what they are doing. We have to listen to people's stories and corroborate them to weigh them as evidence. Deal with it.

e3d11e  No.2493788


obviously he is advocating for safe refuge for LEAKERS not children. jesus fucking christ that's daft.

f03f21  No.2493943


Why don't you just go full Vigilante on him?

Need someone else to ease your conscience

You sound like a professional provocateur to me

Seen the type before

f03f21  No.2493973


They are still stuck in Bread & Circuses stage.

Can't be red pilled due to programming they received in Education system.

The will need personal crisis to wise them up.

They have already perfected perpetual childhood and made it a badge of honor.

Self-centered focus so they don't respond to concepts of social responsibility with others

The Selfie Generation - Facebook & twitter replaces the old Roman Colosseum

f03f21  No.2493984


Big kids took his lunch money in grade school.

He thinks he is getting even now.

673fff  No.2494165

>>2493973 it's nouned solipsism . and pedovores are parasitic solipsists. known by their deeds. check your fridge for evidence - any slaughtered sentient beings in it?

f62e2e  No.2494179

If you google earth Columbia university in Chicago, the main paved area In the middle has designs that resemble epsteins temple tile design, even the dual buildings in Columbia in the same courtyard semi resemble the epstein temples dome. Is there a connection?

f4c086  No.2494335


>His Seth Green impersonation is all the evidence I need.

>It was so dead on, you can practically see Seth's face as he says it.

Actors are trained in pretending to impersonate others.

Even Satan impersonates Jesus and tricks many people by appearing as a loving angel, a spirit guide, a dead loved one, a helper. He is the ultimate impersonator. May God help your soul if you get fooled.

>"Muh evidence" give it a fucking rest.

All people making accusations & claims must be tested to make sure they're being truthful & honest. This is common sense. Many people can spin a false story. Fiona Barnett seems to be great at that.

f4c086  No.2494368


Isaac is literally trying to get his followers to open their homes to "leakers" without anyone doing a background check on them or having them showing proof/evidence of their claims.

This Michael guy he helped find a place for has a history of criminal activity (in 2004 & 2008) that he served jail time for, which most likely is the reason he was eventually evicted from his place to begin with once his landlord found out and why he has had issues in the past finding a place to live. It sucks for him but it's what every ex-felon has to deal with.

f4c086  No.2494472

File: a40a731c19c0eda⋯.png (710.7 KB, 1278x649, 1278:649, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

File: c036a7b7bd63402⋯.png (541.92 KB, 1277x649, 1277:649, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

File: 1aad682a9431a4f⋯.png (456.44 KB, 1279x648, 1279:648, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

File: 61a8c3d0f9f8045⋯.png (528.31 KB, 1275x650, 51:26, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

File: d331ea181250b41⋯.png (202.06 KB, 1278x650, 639:325, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

Fiona Barnett's own words "I was trafficked to the USA (from Australia), to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM - Richard Nixon's pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo Whacko Jacko build a Neverland based on Disneyland? "


f4c086  No.2494481

File: b4ac86833fd440f⋯.png (351.8 KB, 1278x650, 639:325, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

File: 154a34ea984639e⋯.png (366.63 KB, 1277x648, 1277:648, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

File: 1aad682a9431a4f⋯.png (456.44 KB, 1279x648, 1279:648, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 5….png)

c29fbb  No.2494639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They're really good doughnuts, more flavorful than the others.

fa32a2  No.2498038

Kappy is speaking mostly truth, the names are definitely legit but this is an elaborate psyop. It's hard to pinpoint exact motives and implications. Be very careful with this.

035cfa  No.2498581

You can find Isaac's mom (Wendy Kappy) & brother (David Kappy) on facebook to contact them. His mom's a retired teacher/professor from the University of New Mexico. His brother's an artist. I'm not going to repeat what they told me about Isaac but it's quite sad. :/

1d94e4  No.2501411


If you would rather come here and cause MORE people to go bother his family instead of just saying what you “claim” they said, then fuck off.

f4c086  No.2502093


Sounds like the poster is just baiting kind of like what Isaac, Nathan of LiftTheVeil, and MikEy are doing by withholding information. Where's the hardcore proof/evidence? There never seems to be any. We're all still waiting…….

f4c086  No.2502675



>this is an elaborate psyop

>it's hard to pinpoint exact motives and implications

>be very careful with this

The motive I see that is going on is that Isaac, Nathan (of LiftTheVeil), and other Alex Jone wannabes want to have the "exclusive" interview and be "middlemen" for all possible alleged victims/whistleblowers instead of these victims going directly on 4chan or 8chan and revealing everything to the chans. This is a typical Jewish tactic to subvert and undermine them imo.

With this Mikey guy 1.5 years ago he was on Voat talking about how he had sensitive info regarding pizzagate which he never revealed: >>2472466

Thread: https://voat.co/v/AskPizzagate/1579012

He didn't mention Voodoo Doughnuts at all in the post. He just said he had sensitive information about players in PIzzagate. Why did he wait 1.5 years until now to reveal things in the LiftTheVeil interview? Why didn't he post things on Voat? He had all this time to gather information but apparently he needs more time to write his story/experience for Isaac/Nathan's audience? Why? What a fucking joke. Why didn't he directly go to /pol/ and reveal shit? Are you telling me has no idea what chan boards are?

Having a middleman deliver your message or being interviewed just makes you look less legit. He's had this info for at least 1.5 years so it better be good.

f4c086  No.2502739


Also it's interesting to note he said, "well versed in pizzagate and have been researching SRA and the whole situation since before comet and the pizzagate hashtag,"

No mention of being a victim of SRA that he claims he went through, he just says he's been researching pizzagate and SRA since before comet ping pong.

f4c086  No.2502990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video by Johnny Supertramp

f4c086  No.2503119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Johnny talks about the false accuser strategy.

f4c086  No.2503144


"TMZ produced letters Kappy sent to Seth Green, almost as if TMZ already had the letters before Kappy made accusations against Green. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!!!!!"

f03f21  No.2503311


They have an audience - we have shit posters

You pick

f4c086  No.2503331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


/pol/ on 4chan gets at least a million views a day alone and gets more traffic than all of these retards cobined

1d94e4  No.2503517



If someone had real proof and brains the they would make a data dump, spread it to as many as possible in their circle without mentioning that anyone else has a copy, find the most visible platform possible, tease stuff for a day or 2 t get everyone watching and then DROP IT ALL.

If the proof is there then the works does itself.

Just like dude the other day who doxed Alefantis, Kappy, and a bunch of other people.

“Oh muh full data dump in 3 days wewawewagugjubgug!”

3 Days Later…

533ba4  No.2505782

File: f43a9d96d602f96⋯.png (27.88 KB, 579x160, 579:160, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 1….png)

>Mikey's new tweet

533ba4  No.2505807


"We're working on getting the rest of the information out."

You had over 1.5 years as mentioned in >>2502675

What's taking you so long?

f03f21  No.2506068


MSM keeps mentioning them since there are better "news fodder" than we are. A very few meention 8 chan w/o /qsresearch/ so we are harder to find

More neo-Nazis

Arent they lucky to get all the media attention?

f4c086  No.2506783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video.

54adb3  No.2508048


Contact a city/county/state organization and you will gain city/county/state protection if you are in fact in need of it. My best to all.

84159e  No.2508864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For anons that want to dig. What venues/events did Pizza Underground play?

6ce53f  No.2508989


If I were Seth Green I would sue Isaac Kappy for every nickel he had. I'd a least file a request for a restraining order against him with a judge – don't know if that would stop the allegations but he wouldn't have to hire a lawyer and he'd get it on record that he's not afraid to tangle with him in the legal system.

What have we heard from Green? Crickets.

6ce53f  No.2509022


The guy who made this vid also says Q is a hoax and Seth Rich is a hoax. Kappy might be on to something.

And what about John Ashe?

ce5723  No.2512422

File: ca5605f4481c15f⋯.jpg (236.09 KB, 1352x860, 338:215, sheedyagent.jpg)

File: 6f16f81f65db0c5⋯.jpg (302.13 KB, 1308x904, 327:226, sheedygerman.jpg)

File: 9d0cafafe7459e4⋯.jpg (234.89 KB, 1388x902, 694:451, sheedybf.jpg)

clare grants agent rachel sheedy IG

1f786f  No.2513519

File: 56a121995bb2b0c⋯.jpg (145.41 KB, 750x1432, 375:716, tumblr_nde2qy3KXk1t0uqx9o1….jpg)

File: f0e02062a4d65a5⋯.jpg (192.28 KB, 750x1125, 2:3, tumblr_n5mdeuKlLh1t0uqx9o1….jpg)

File: 8ec6cff712b9b99⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 500x750, 2:3, tumblr_mysr9lzePc1t0uqx9o1….jpg)


Seems to have only played in 2014:


1f786f  No.2513556


Seth and others he has accused of things will strike at the right time. Isaac will get the Alex Jones treatment and than a lawsuit.

1f786f  No.2513568


Q is part of the NSA but 4chan made it into a meme. It is a hoax.

ea9caf  No.2514610


Back and prichan is now fully looking into this Issac. One question before it is fully delved into, is there anything else that you believe we should know? If not, no problem.

2b62be  No.2514942


anyone who says seth rich is a hoax deserves to be fucking executed.

526ce4  No.2515943

Isaac Kappy needs to look into what's going on in the film industry in Vancouver, BC. They shoot huge movies here, and lots of creepy stuff happens on the sets. NXIVM was based in Vancouver. Many people go missing in Vancouver. Look into this shit, Kappy.

1d94e4  No.2517975


Takes time to write a story. Aside from that if he dropped his “info” too quick people wouldn’t send money because they’d already have what they wanted.

f03f21  No.2518061


Thought is was the MSM that made it a meme about 100 times?

Sorry but 4 chan doesn't have the "reach" to create a meme. Just exercise their "bandwagon" option

Delusional children

f4c086  No.2518654


Pedophile & Child trafficking allegations require way more evidence than what has been provided by Isaac.

All he has is:

"They have a hidden room behind a bookshelf"

"They have a upstair room with stuffed animals & toys"

"This is where we keeeeeeep the chilllldrreeeennnnn"

"Let's talkkkkkk abouttttt chickkkken"

"A black boy and his parents asked about Seth at Paris Jackson's party"

"An illuminati FB page in a comment on an article contacted me about joining them."

"Some guy knew what car I was driving at a party."

It's also ironic that he never said "Seth & Clare told me directly they were into having sex with children at the dinner table." until the 3rd interview he did or whatever. In the first interview I listened to he didn't mention that at all. It's as if it's something he decided to add to lend more credence to his claims.


So he's milking people for donations instead of getting a job or selling things he doesn't need?

I hope he doesn't try to get people to buy his awful music next.

Isn't it ironic how Isaac, Mikey, and Nathan of LiftTheVeil don't seem to have jobs? Nathan constantly wants people to buy his stupid merchandise shit that he pitches in his videos. Mikey most likely has been sent a few hundred in donations now because he claims he's being gangstalked (also has called his Landlord up to ask why he was evicted?). Isaac doesn't work right now and he never has sold any of the artwork he claims to make and has never been featured at any art stupio/gallery. He doesn't even have a website for his artwork or even an etsy page.

Does Fiona Barnett & Sarah Ruth Ashcraft work? They seem to have way too much time on their hands to make more ridiculous imaginary allegations up. Perhaps they should try prostitution, all their previous sexual experiences should make them the best whores in the industry.

All liars who lie about child sexual abuse & pedophile rings should be executed.

1d94e4  No.2518742


No idea, all I can say is that Barnett is the most credible, given her mentioning of Nicole Kidmans dad WAY before he died and stuff campout.

As for the rest, until they, or anyone else, can give a detailed and legitimate story, that can then be backed up with as much proof as possible, if possible, then they are just distractions.

If someone has info, then do what you need to do beforehand to secure the info, and DONT COME OUT ABOUT IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO DROP ALL INFO DAMN NEAR IMMEDIATELY!

Being credible is that simple. Anyone who stretches it out weeks is either full of shit or part of the problem.

LTV doesn’t need a job because he has a lucrative Youtube channel, and march on the side.

Happy, don’t know, but his inability to repeat exactly what Seth Green told him in relation to his ACTUAL confirmation that he is into kids makes him completely suss. Every time I watch him I feel more and more that he’s just fucking around.

You don't forget the way that somebody tells you they rape children, no matter how shocked you are, if anything it makes you remember that much more. I ean how could you forget the words that your friends speaks when they tell you something like that.

His “tried to get drafted by the Illuminati” claim wen’t from they offered me all of this shit to it was a Facebook page offering me this shit.

Like c’mon, it seems like it’s just a game to see HOW GULLIBLE the public really are. What can we get away with making these low class dumbasses believe. How many hole filled vague statements can we make before they just say fuck this dude.

Anyone who reads this, follow these people if you want, but until one of them drops legitimate information/peroof it is a waste of your time taking away from the people trying to make real change in the world.

f4c086  No.2518873


>Barnett is the most credible, given her mentioning of Nicole Kidmans dad WAY before he died and stuff campout.

Barnett has mentioned so many names over the years. 1/100 is credible?

It's also interesting how she says, "The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse was Antony Kidman." in one of her rants. Yet in another rant I remember reading a few days ago she said "The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse was Billy Graham". Which is it?

916cda  No.2519366

File: c40d8644846dc0c⋯.png (84.72 KB, 303x360, 101:120, Screenshot 2018-08-08 at 1….png)

VeganMikey with bunny ears. Coincidence?

They're throwing it in your guys faces that this is an elaborate joke most likely for a future Macaulay Culkin bunnyears.com podcast where they blow their cover.

916cda  No.2519437

File: a7bfe3a495e24c2⋯.png (64.63 KB, 285x300, 19:20, Screenshot 2018-08-08 at 1….png)

File: cd189b247c2f295⋯.png (39.56 KB, 159x160, 159:160, Screenshot 2018-08-08 at 1….png)


he changed the photo to one where he's sticking his tongue out like a faggot

kind of like what Isaac appears to be doing in this video after he claims he's basically a pedo protecting another pedo: >>2503119

Both Isaac & Mikey look like pedophiles.

Isaac is a 41yo man with no children. How pathetic.

Mikey is a 30+yo man with no children but his facebook shows him being kissed by a really young boy (a nephew) apparently.

Wouldn't be surprising if Isaac & MIkey were pedo creeps covering for bigger pedophiles.

6ce53f  No.2519707


>Pedophile & Child trafficking allegations require way more evidence than what has been provided by Isaac.

Not saying you should believe it unquestioningly but unlike a lot of the claims, Kappy indisputably knows those who is accusing and pretty much screwed up his career by making the allegations.

Seth Green and wife have not denied them, btw, much less brought legal action much less threaten to break every bone in Kappy's body.

6ce53f  No.2519733


>Seth and others he has accused of things will strike at the right time. Isaac will get the Alex Jones treatment and than a lawsuit.

The right time to speak up was about a week ago. And how would Kappy getting banned on social media – hasn't happened yet – convince anyone that Green isn't a pedophile?

f03f21  No.2519952


What is the conviction rate?

f03f21  No.2519977


Ignoring him is a strategy in itself.

A dare.

eb536f  No.2522840

Time for this guy to shit or get off the pot… no more group hugs and fucking chit chat about your split ends…

if you are gonna expose people then do this shit .. otherwise move the fuck on Kappy…

f4c086  No.2523786


>Kappy indisputably knows those who is accusing and pretty much screwed up his career by making the allegations.

He never really had a career to begin with if you look at his IMDB page. He only ever played minor roles in anything he's ever done. His last movie role was in 2011. Last actor credit in a TV show was in 2016.

He was just a "groupie" of more famous actors.

f4c086  No.2523974


If he was truly "good friends" with the industry and "it's all about who you know" why wasn't he getting better movie/tv roles?

No one knew who Isaac Kappy was prior to his allegations. He only had like 200 followers on twitter.

6ce53f  No.2524310


>He was just a "groupie" of more famous actors.

He hung out at their homes and was friends even.

Now he's not.

He's not acting like someone who wants to be in the entourage.

6ce53f  No.2524318


>Ignoring him is a strategy in itself.

Especially if you don't want to end up testifying under oath.

6ce53f  No.2524332


>if you are gonna expose people then do this shit

Like what? Publicly call them out?

eb536f  No.2524546


Yeah cause thats working….

Time for the NEXT STEP I would say.. surely there is a plan… surely he didnt put life and limb at risk without a better plan… Seth Green walks free…

35b8a9  No.2524876


Having no children at 40 is pathetic now? Or indicative of being a pedo? Fuck off idiot

6e9dd7  No.2529007



No one is going to sue Kappy. What has he done that's illegal? Nothing. Anyone can shout lies. No one in MSM or hollywood believe Kappy so he can't even be sued for defamation. His "pudding proof" sounds like paranoid nonsense and even Alex Jones & other truth seekers see through his bullshit. BTW if Twitter isn't shutting down Jones, they're not shutting down Wacky Kappy.

Kappy just makes anyone searching for the truth there look like imbeciles. Maybe that's his true mission. But it looks more like he wants to be famous and he failed in hollywood.

I wouldn't expect comments from the accused about the mad ravings of a lunatic. Why would they?

He needs to drop real proof. REAL proof. We've all wasted enough time researching people based on this bullshit.

6ce53f  No.2529832


>No one is going to sue Kappy. What has he done that's illegal?

You really don't understand defamation law and civil court system, do you?

ddd563  No.2536296

File: 4be7727aea63217⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 760x429, 760:429, Kappy_Conan.jpg)

File: 291c63fc18821ed⋯.jpeg (1017.37 KB, 1913x2000, 1913:2000, Conan O'Brien & Owl.jpeg)

File: 8d856605e590cfb⋯.jpg (148.51 KB, 1242x940, 621:470, n962zzmijqc11.jpg)

File: 01c70b620bff517⋯.jpg (191.8 KB, 1080x770, 108:77, 986f30afbd11b2a18d929e01e1….jpg)

File: 94171348de8554e⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 564x402, 94:67, dc2d4212353b10b55287f24a6b….jpg)


>Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

e51e1c  No.2536590

File: 1c6753b564a1fe3⋯.jpg (23.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG00129-20180802-1247.jpg)


After the SEALS are broken

SKYKINGS and Queens?

NATO knows



Where is McCain?

37a131  No.2542777



I do, but clearly you don't. Let me break it down for you. "Defamation of character" means to hurt someone's reputation. Written defamation is called "libel" and spoken defamation is called "slander". Sure, Wacky Kappy is doing both-but to what end? Green, Hanks, Spielberg…none of their reputations have been hurt. Their careers are not damaged.

Like I previously said, MSM and hollywood, and if we are to believe Kappy's claims to have repeatedly called the LAPD, NSA & FBI, do not believe Kappy because he is obviously lying FOR FAME and MONEY. So what damages have been done to the above mentioned, among others, that warrant a civil suit? None. Kappy just screams loudly about Green saying to him "We have to talk about the chicken" while they were EATING DINNER. They were most likely eating chicken for dinner.

I'm just saying we've put a lot of time and energy into investigating Green based on nonsense coming out of Kappy's mouth. We should be investing the people who we have solid evidence against. We're wasting time and Kappy is making us look like fools. It infuriates me that the MSM even know we exist and are working to expose the truth about their golden gods.

Seems more likely that Kappy hadn't gotten an acting job in years and couldn't pay his bills. He was already following Q and wants to BE Q. For fuck's sake, he calls his periscope streams CHURCH. Why? He wants to be THE golden god. And we all fell for it. He is manipulating us and manipulating the true survivors and truth seekers. "Hollywood Whistleblower" is by far the best acting role Kappy has ever gotten.

But sure, keep following him. Keep believing his obvious lies. Kappy will be the one laughing last.

ddd563  No.2549569

File: fda602ed9a7204a⋯.jpg (150.09 KB, 757x477, 757:477, Kappy_La_Cienega.jpg)

>At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.

f03f21  No.2549930


He want to goad you into action based on his word.

Seems like he tried that and wasn't taken seriously.

What proof do you have to take to authorities.

Borrow some common sense and try it out

a6bbe9  No.2552347

File: d9b8ece0a1e9028⋯.jpg (89.67 KB, 434x621, 434:621, todd88.jpg)

“When the Lights of New York City go out for the last time, we will have the World.”


6ce53f  No.2557374


> Green, Hanks, Spielberg…none of their reputations have been hurt. Their careers are not damaged.

Calling someone a child molester doesn't hurt a reputation? You don't need a damaged career to win a defamation suit. A ruined marriage, a ruined friendship, being held in contempt by a neighbor all can result in monetary damages.

Like I said, you don't know the law but I credit you for looking up defamation on Wikipedia before responding.

Hopefully, you also now realize that you don't have to violate the criminal code to be subject to a lawsuit.

a3fd12  No.2558659

File: 4a817986333c562⋯.png (788.15 KB, 1146x644, 573:322, creep.png)


-2nd Interview LifeTheVeil has done with VeganMikey

Nothing new is revealed but keep on donating to this Mikey guy who hasn't revealed any proof/evidence! What the fuck kind of shit show is this? They all made it sound like Mikey was going to be the biggest whistler blower of them all with all this information & evidence to back up his claims. He has shown absolutely nothing! At least Isaac had text proof and there was photo evidence that he was friends with Seth/Clare and their pedo gang.

It's also very funny how they says Mikey is in a safe place when he's obviously in a hotel/motel room.

f4c086  No.2559168

File: 0b8526de202a20c⋯.png (40.45 KB, 673x295, 673:295, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 8c6e197b7c62ca7⋯.png (20.46 KB, 664x192, 83:24, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: a7ca1ddd3723165⋯.png (37.38 KB, 679x313, 679:313, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: a9db8e1943c757b⋯.png (30.62 KB, 670x219, 670:219, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 0e6a793478b97df⋯.png (55.11 KB, 663x308, 663:308, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)


Mikey basically talked about child trafficking happening via underground Portland tunnels.

Portland has underground tunnels (called the Shanghai tunnels) BUT most of them have been closed off (building owners have filled them in so no one can access the tunnels or created basements where tunnels use to be) so I highly doubt they could be used to traffic children underground.

There is a company called Shanghai Tunnel tours that basically takes you down into the underground tunnel system but many seem to be disappointed by it.

f4c086  No.2559216

File: a33321fa9712dd3⋯.png (42.55 KB, 684x385, 684:385, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 91f7add1d7ebafa⋯.png (934.17 KB, 1341x690, 447:230, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 2e922206a88b39f⋯.png (525.59 KB, 1362x702, 227:117, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 4046f1cdf136153⋯.png (707.08 KB, 1365x701, 1365:701, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 23e6d71801e41c0⋯.png (481.78 KB, 1361x698, 1361:698, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

f4c086  No.2559248

File: 3adcfc9c71cccb0⋯.png (407.86 KB, 1365x703, 1365:703, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 4289e5dea48a8c6⋯.png (973.71 KB, 1363x706, 1363:706, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: b28e244adde78c0⋯.png (486.93 KB, 1365x701, 1365:701, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: b4112b35398f080⋯.png (253.58 KB, 1365x698, 1365:698, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

File: 818d06327149336⋯.png (791.69 KB, 1362x699, 454:233, Screenshot 2018-08-11 at 5….png)

f4c086  No.2559273

File: 53dde9fe9f9d9c5⋯.jpeg (134.61 KB, 1544x611, 1544:611, shanghai tunnel.jpeg)

The tunnel system does go past voodoo doughnuts apparently.

f4c086  No.2559725

File: 1185deaf98d100f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1027x700, 1027:700, tunnel entrance 1.png)

File: af0698670322978⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1146x660, 191:110, tunnel entrance 2.png)

File: 0dbe7199234129c⋯.png (1 MB, 1049x688, 1049:688, tunnel entrance 3.png)

File: db2d14259b585b5⋯.png (1.03 MB, 945x697, 945:697, tunnel entrance 4.png)

File: 3dcd239e0573f34⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1081x701, 1081:701, tunnel entrance 5.png)

Some tunnel entrances around the Portland area where Voodoo Doughnuts & Dante's is.

ddd563  No.2562821

File: 699fdf216be1301⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Green-Culkin-buddy.jpg)

File: ec517b7318507ef⋯.webm (7.13 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Seth Green & Macaulay Cul….webm)

File: 10d32c2d3ff3c30⋯.webm (4.37 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Seth green and Macaulay C….webm)

Seth Green & Macaulay Culkin Face Lick @NYCC | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim

Published on Oct 19, 2011

Macaulay Culkin loves the taste of sweat and stubble, but unfortunately, Seth Green tastes like chicken. ROBOT chicken.


Seth green and Macaulay Culkin at NYC COMIC CON lickin seth green

Published on Oct 16, 2011

Robot Chicken Panel @ NYC comic con 2011.A fan asked again for Seth green to do a sexy pose this year and it wasn't quite a pose but it was hella better!! Macaulay Culkin slightly licked his face….My camera isn't the best at super zoom. ENJOY!!!


NYCC 2011 Full Panel (with Seth Green, Macaulay Culkin & Matt Senreich) | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim

Published on Nov 8, 2011

NYCC 2011 Robot Chicken Panel Complete (with Seth Green, Macaulay Culkin & Matt Senreich)


>Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you.

320f38  No.2573184


>The motive I see that is going on is that Isaac, Nathan (of LiftTheVeil), and other Alex Jone wannabes want to have the "exclusive" interview and be "middlemen" for all possible alleged victims/whistleblowers instead of these victims going directly on 4chan or 8chan and revealing everything to the chans.


354872  No.2574581

File: e018a5bff2d7ad7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 786x1194, 131:199, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)



1d94e4  No.2578877


Thats a cool shirt, too bad Iain’t buying shit from that dude without some corroboration.

I think that if a person needs money to s[pread truth, selling things that they created is about the only respectable way to go about it.

That being said I have been gone a few days and don’t know the status of Kappy at this time.

Anyone wanna ==FILL ME IN==

God bless.

1d94e4  No.2578905


All things aside, that would be SUPER fun. It would be awesome if someone could take the tour and keep a look out for any restricted/blocked/somewhat hidden areas in the tunnels, and try to keep track of their location in relation to the road above.\ to anything seen.

Peacefully and quietly though, spouting out truth about what goes on in the tunnels would only hurt one taking the trip.

1d94e4  No.2579383


Heres a REALLY good 33 minute documentary of a tour guide telling the stories and walking through the tunnels.

A VERY good primer.


934797  No.2583577


Is the pic of Tom Hanks with a sign about

rape kit real?

52182d  No.2583764

File: c93a114519186f0⋯.png (545.23 KB, 564x905, 564:905, ClipboardImage.png)



Thats my meme

Here is the original

4ebb3c  No.2583793


The tour they give is just of a basement area with 2 rooms under Hobo's Restaurant. The main tour happens above ground with a tour guide telling you where the tunnels use to be. Apparently parts of tunnels have been filled in and can no longer be accessed (or so they say).

ddd563  No.2612570

File: 962b5cc2893dd1c⋯.jpg (154.77 KB, 759x511, 759:511, Kappy_twtr.jpg)

>They are in full blown panic mode.

c85189  No.2625772

man, i just wanna know who the good celebs and who the bad celebs are. Who I should boycott and who can stay. Until then, i'm staying the fuck away from hwood in general.

67a600  No.2626408

You don’t need them, prove a point cut them out till it’s sussed out>>2625772

67a600  No.2626420

I get feeling too>>2573184

67a600  No.2626438

File: 3bffba06dc70c16⋯.jpeg (143.22 KB, 500x1056, 125:264, 2680C8A1-09A6-41DC-B261-F….jpeg)

IK can you answer if Dakota Culkins death was actually an accident or did Christopher Cornelius have to keep her quiet?

ddd563  No.2680133

Anybody know what is happening with Isaac? He hasn't tweeted for a while. I hope he is OK.

b8178d  No.2696757


Do you really believe Issac isn’t controlled opposition?

8043bc  No.2697744

File: 6a682e8961bf347⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, download (5).jpg)



>Do you really believe

Stop believing.

dd5f8f  No.2697840


Isaac got banned from Twitter. You can catch him on Youtube and he just created a group on Keybase yesterday.

02f45d  No.2697909


He got banned off of Twitter for a week for tweeting if he was Trump he'd have thrown a bunch of commies off a helicopter by now (not sure which commies). He should be back in a day or two.


I was suspicious of Kappy initially. But my best guess is that he's a sincere person and has experienced what he claims to have. Ultimately, my allegiance is to the truth, not to any person, so I'll update my estimate of Kappy if and when more info becomes available.

If he were controlled, it'd say a lot about just how desperate and/or stupid (((they))) have become. If controlled opposition's best tactic is to accuse some people of being pedophiles (who *sure as fuck* appear to be actual pedophiles) to distract attention from other pedophiles, well the end game is near.

2b62be  No.2710037



Kappy is on Keybase.io

team: kappykrew

a48eb3  No.2710445


Is it of any consequence that MOST traitors swept up to date are JEWS, or is this just another coincidence, or is this inconsequent?






- COHEN(?)









- (PODESTA apparently not)


- …

2b62be  No.2710677


jesus was a jew.

2b62be  No.2710681


but yeah i know jews are a problem.over representation all of that. kappy names the jews all the time

8d82d1  No.2711376

File: b2da4936152630d⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, JEWS RAPE KIDS PEDOPHILIA ….jpg)

File: 3977375f1f9deb0⋯.jpg (256.51 KB, 1613x1210, 1613:1210, JEWS RAPE KIDS PEDOPHILIA ….jpg)

File: c8b9521e96f9665⋯.jpg (207.96 KB, 660x865, 132:173, JEWS RAPE KIDS PEDOPHILIA ….jpg)

File: 52c3c575bc609e2⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1096x5636, 274:1409, JEWS RAPE KIDS WHY ISRAEL ….Png)

File: 7074bfdd80e5db9⋯.png (405.78 KB, 347x3574, 347:3574, SOON 05.PNG)


>jesus was a jew.

Damnit, I guess that means we can't hold any Jewish criminals to account then because Jesus. Checkmate, goyim!

Repent, KYS or just wait. Because rope comes.


2b62be  No.2719214


apparently you didn't see my next comment:


Kappy is legit. I've watched quite a few of his streams he drops nonstop redpills.

9607a2  No.2719682

Jesus was not a Jew in the "religious sense". He was a Jew for the fact he was of the tribe of Judah. That is 1 definition of Jew as there are many.

If Jesus was a "good Jew" he would have bought into what the Rabbis have been teaching going back to Solomon. Jesus called it the "customs and traditions of elders that make the Law of no effect". Today it is called the "oral law" or Talmud - which codified this oral law into the basis of modern day Judaism NOT base don the written law of Moses or Torah.

The Jews are not under this written law. and when Paul left them he left the oral law and went back to the written law. As Paul says…

Act 24:14  But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets: 

Jesus and Paul are what you would call a "Spiritual Israelite" not a Jew.

49be83  No.2747252

everything begins and ends with jews. talmud, kabbalah, freemasonry, banks, finances, sacrifices,pedos. just look into it it aint no conspiracy it is fact!!

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