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File: 600c767c9e940a4⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, slide.jpg)

cf4fa1 No.2302494

Its it just me, or is general thread full of nothing but slides that go nowhere? I don't understand the notables.

a84bc6 No.2302843


Not just you anon.

a84bc6 No.2303102

File: e5639a9e737f4fb⋯.png (297.48 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5639a9e737f4fb⋯.png (297.48 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

How are comms?

How is the bread?

Feeling comfy?

Feel surrounded by idiots chasing the wind?

Is BO comped?

Are they working together?

Archive everything offline.


a84bc6 No.2303195

Archive R's posts in QResearch#2899 to prove R coordination with BO.

Note the continued existence of R "proof" threads on /qresearch/ to prove R coordination with BO.

New threads discussing R may not be allowed.

BO requires pure counter-intel existing in old R "proof" threads.

Sigils that provide optics for MSM to cover Ranon.

Sigils that cast a spell to keep R in /qresearch/.

Coming soon to a theater near you.


a84bc6 No.2303204

BO tracking all of R's IP hashes.

BO won't delete R "proof" threads on /qresearch/.

BO absent for weeks, now here just for R?


a84bc6 No.2303264

Global Notable:

>>2296345 To Quell the BO is MIA crap, a message from a Board Volunteer

Is this true?

Was BO here this morning?

Bread #2899


709d49 No.2303309

File: efbb1dbdd215ca5⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 300x100, 3:1, IMB_SyaqzR.GIF)


you would have saved face by disappearing. now you are ruining it forever with each post. You understand in a split second your game was ended by Q. its over but you keep typing?

a84bc6 No.2303318

I think we really need to come together and have a discussion about BO.

a36e8b No.2303351


R go away

Go build your own kingdom somewhere else, like aRgentina.

U R despeRate

635a0b No.2303444

Any real anons here?

565148 No.2303593


I'm thinkin' so.

ff14e0 No.2303792


sup R how you doing bud

565148 No.2303826

File: ae936e4b4e038a7⋯.jpg (169.78 KB, 775x719, 775:719, R's post.jpg)

File: 26e47905352da56⋯.jpg (117.32 KB, 1281x227, 1281:227, Q's post.jpg)

R's post.

Q's post.

Check timestamp.

Comms understood?


565148 No.2303925

File: 9c6ce65db5f29f5⋯.png (137.36 KB, 869x345, 869:345, ClipboardImage.png)



295ccf No.2304049

File: 170be28f03cea78⋯.jpg (55.41 KB, 600x698, 300:349, nice-try-jidf.jpg)

f2e609 No.2304112


Think militarily

How do you draw the enemies fire? Why?

This is actually a tactic of Manuever warfare.

The point of drawing fire is to allow the movement of friendly units that otherwise would not be able to maneuver. This allows a fireteam that can flank the enemy to get out of the area of suppressive fire.

Suppressive fire is meant to keep someone pinned down until they can either be flanked or destroyed by indirect fire.

To draw fire towards you is fairly easy, make yourself a threat. Preferably one would want fire superiority through accurate volume of fire. If this is unattainable then simply providing accurate fire is distracting enough to get someones attention.

Once the focus is on a single area, friendly units move to flank or get better positions. After they are in a position to where they can destroy the enemy, they proceed to lay waste and hate in that general direction until the enemy is done

Comms understood?

4dae33 No.2304310

File: 094ad8496515144⋯.jpg (105.87 KB, 610x941, 610:941, youstandownassholes.JPG)

Note to Clowns. Not one of us assumes any real anon status here. Both sides have the capability to track IPs and fake IPs, VPNs be damned.

We get it douchebags. Come get us. Really. Give it a try. Looking forward to wetwork.

Be careful who YOU fuck with.

f2e609 No.2308750


Could you help me understand how BGP routing tables handle a fake IP address?

Asking for a friend

f2e609 No.2308760


And wouldn't you need access to the internal NAT tables on a VPN?

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