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File (hide): e7ba1b1cc28b4a9⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 255x191, 255:191, chem thread.jpg) (h) (u)


9b1697 (7) No.2063221>>2116083 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Too Soon or Just Right ?

Time to start tallying daily activity?

consecutive days streak of no streaks?

BUMP chemtrails(or lack thereof) here daily!

There's been many starts, stops, thought it was over, only to see another trail another day, but perhaps it is time to start a thread

log your activities here anons?


clear cali skies anons. good sun real clouds

zero trails in my sky


Was thinking of that this morning when I left the house.

Coincidence or are the trials (experiments) simply over?


can confirm 2 days now


same here - weather also wasn't a blistering humid 98 in IL today.. no chemicals up there to cook us faster


Sky is Clear.


ce9be1 (1) No.2064307

Been noticing a crazy blue sky for days with fluffy clouds and no trails. It’s amazing looking.

00b05e (1) No.2069512>>2168154

Here to report that the Heartland is still being sprayed. I can recall as far back as November 2017 that chemtrails were heavy. Of course it could go back a lot farther than that, though. There has not been one day since November that spraying as not occurred and it is done in morning and evening

c90ac5 (1) No.2070691

File (hide): 8f3d5e5987ccc28⋯.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2684.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9805af79627542d⋯.png (2.82 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2685.PNG) (h) (u)

day 2

cali morning

clear skies photo- normal clouds in shot intentinally

effc0c (1) No.2072684>>2074335

Georgia sky has been clear since mid March. I've always payed attention and it was horrible for the past 16 years. And I always noticed. Day after day. Didn't matter if it was cold or hot, summer or winter. My sky was heavily criss crossed all the time.

It all stopped mid March.

Blue skies every day.

Since March I've seen chemtrails maybe a total of 5 days, and not heavy at all…

I'm loving everything about it. Will update this thread if I see any shit criss crossing my sky. Otherwise, please assume Georgia is clear

Thank God, thank Q, POTUS or whoever…

e7c2a0 (1) No.2073048

Greetings from Europe. Have to report utterly clear skies here. Kept trying to convince the wife but she said no it's aircraft contrails at freezing altitude yada yada… Even my mate noticed the "Noughts and Crosses / tic tac toe skies before. Ever since God Emperor signed that Paris thing the sky has been clear blue and the best summer in year!

486d8b (1) No.2073199>>2073287

Aware of cemtrails for 18 years. None or much fewer in Idaho for several days

7ee6fd (1) No.2073287


zero since start of july

Canada here

218336 (1) No.2073704


cb3b7a (1) No.2074335


You've had clear blue skies every day in Georgia since March? I need to move back! Was staioned at WRAFB several years ago and it rained quite often.

e73749 (1) No.2075737

File (hide): 7bf6f40d95bca09⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2698.JPG) (h) (u)

day 2 was clear whever i looked up

94c7fa (1) No.2076031

was in DC mid april and had never seen so many chemtrails in the 10 years i've been aware of the situation. they were bombing it to hell. live in nyc and today was the clearest it's been in those 10 years. clear as a bell, crystal clear blue skies. feels like a weight off my psyche. "seems" as if they've been slowing down. i'll check back in in a few weeks.

9b1697 (7) No.2080885>>2086397

bump for Clear Skies

morning of Day 3 looks clear

i was thinking, one thing about Chemtrails and Conspiracy Theory compared to Air Traffic ← i doubt clear skies is due to changes in air traffic

bc54ad (1) No.2081371

We definitely don't have full control of the skies yet. Chemtrails are fewer in New England, but there's still a ton of them. Plus, the deep state's fleet of Cessna's and helicopters still rule the skies and are plugged into the evil Fusion Centers (can't wait for Trump to dismantle those).

75bc7f (1) No.2082135

File (hide): 42ab4e991dd775d⋯.jpg (542.67 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180329_141606_001.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12515fef65a2611⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180329_141603.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee79967718fc9dd⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180329_141558.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d0bcacb7f58b1b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180708_110911.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d0bcacb7f58b1b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180708_110911.jpg) (h) (u)

10 years sky watching. March 29,2018 vs. Today. Much better! Western Washington

f85a7f (6) No.2082455>>2091306

Chemtrailing Holden and West Boylston Mass started about 2pm EST

no planefags? is there such a thing as chemtrail fags? couldn't the two hook up? where is the air defense of this country?

have photos will post. also photos from june 16th and from june 17th Newport, Narrangenset, Scarbouorgh Beach RI

The skies were great the last two days and now this again. Where are our super special attack interceptor sqaudrons?

Why the silence about this? Its like no one wants to ask if this is bad, why are they over-flying us and where are they taking off from and landing? Who is refueling them and servicing them?

f85a7f (6) No.2082650>>2091277

File (hide): 331f67d759b36f3⋯.jpg (703.41 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0815 - Copy.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): a87f43b61b6a157⋯.jpg (584.14 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0816 - Copy.JPG) (h) (u)

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File (hide): c9904b653cca34f⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0809 - Copy.JPG) (h) (u)

Holden / West Boylston Mass, Sunday July 8th 1415 hrs EST.

f85a7f (6) No.2082732

File (hide): 109271cbbdd2fbc⋯.jpg (429.64 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0764 - Copy (2).JPG) (h) (u)

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File (hide): c7eb58203f99031⋯.jpg (755.24 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0770 - Copy.JPG) (h) (u)

Worcester / West Boylston route 12 Saturday June 16th 2018 approx 10.30am

f85a7f (6) No.2082941>>2091292

File (hide): 4524f3d3d7dd62a⋯.jpg (1006.59 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0756 - Copy.JPG) (h) (u)

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Worcester / West Boylston, Route 12, Saturday 16th of June 2018, approx. 10:30am

d5436b (1) No.2084623>>2091435

Last 2+ days in Michigan clear as a bell.

Fingers crossed it stays that way.

f85a7f (6) No.2084795

Much better than it has been. Just a bit today. 7pm now. So the earlier flying around central Mass. seems all they had. Still thy hazed it all up usual. I wonder who the pilots are and if they have families and what bullshit excuses they are making to themselves.

4e27cd (1) No.2085221

Big 'ol puffy beautiful clouds here in North Texas.

Looks like something out of a picture book

2a411e (1) No.2085894

The last 2 days Chicago area not a cloud for 2 days. Very noticeable for anyone that pays attention. I am hoping for more to come

9b1697 (7) No.2086397


6:39 PST day 3 clear skies

bay area

7e4efe (2) No.2086867>>2086880 >>2116083

File (hide): 58f4e81b6f73372⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 607x607, 1:1, 1531100881665.jpg) (h) (u)

Clear skies south Indiana for about 6-7 months now

Can't say how things are closer to city but we are actually starting to see comtrails that disappear instead of chem trails all day.

7e4efe (2) No.2086880


Contrails!!!!! Lag and spell check fuqed me

57299f (1) No.2089420>>2113598

Pacific North West reporting in. I notice the end of Chemtrails in mid April here, Around the time Qanon said "Sky Event". There was a single spraying that happened on June 12. strangest one I have ever seen. Even made a silvery halo around the sun. That was the end. Never seen one since out here.

df7b28 (3) No.2091277>>2116083


That haze layer is the new formula. They are trying to disguise it now.

df7b28 (3) No.2091292>>2116804


Looks like the new formula. To see and compare to real natural wispy clouds look back at old outdoor tv shows/films etc.

df7b28 (3) No.2091306>>2220399


I was hoping to ask Q about that but we never got the Q&A. The persistence of chemtrails could be an indicator of what powers are real in the US. Maybe they have more to drain but Inwould suspect a national threat could be handled with an executive order and the Air Force!!

0d8a5a (2) No.2091435


There was definitely spraying in SE Michigan over the weekend. The trails are dispersing much more quickly, though. It's like they're trying to hide it better..

1e8e66 (2) No.2097940>>2098038

File (hide): 28ed88d8e8ff874⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2729.JPG) (h) (u)

day 4 streak of no streaks


bay area

470384 (1) No.2098038


I drive by that area all the time. I haven't noticed trails in weeks, almost 2 months counting

I've been watching the sky consistently

29a1ac (1) No.2101365

Fewer seen, however when a weather front comes thru north louisiana, I have seen some. But nothing like the past.

COULD IT BE POSSIBLE THAT THEY HAVE STOPPED KILLING US!!!!!!! Barium and aluminum causes Alzheimer's and CA.

Now can we stop all unnecessary vaccines?????????

1e8e66 (2) No.2112173

day 4

im driving sacramento to bay area

no streaks

no clouds at all currently

105ed0 (1) No.2113598


Not in Southern Oregon. The geoengineering is manipulating the high pressure systems keeping the drought going.

0d8a5a (2) No.2116083

File (hide): a59f122ff2b81cc⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 631x826, 631:826, K47J.jpg) (h) (u)

940b7d (1) No.2116804>>2116904 >>2128151 >>2128164 >>2136339 >>2136388


You guys kill me ! Do you go around sniffing car exhaust pipes in the winter ? It’s water vapor from fuel burn. 2C12H26 (l) + 37O2(g) -→ 24CO2(g) + 26H2O(g)

496586 (1) No.2116904


What does a jet engine smell like when it's running?

Man, to me that water vapor smells just like kerosene

I wonder what additives they put in it?

Oh or does a jet engine run soo efficient that it ONLY puts out water vapor, what an achievement !!

9b1697 (7) No.2116950

im about to embark of possible day 5 of this streak of no streaks in my neck of the woods here is Silicon Valley ← have a great day anons!!

9b1697 (7) No.2128134

im going on day 6 here in the bay. today i see a few clouds out my window. i like skies with clouds compared to skies with zero clouds, to compare/contrast with chemtrailing days

9b1697 (7) No.2128151


it may be. but look up. it is not consistent. are you saying that air traffic is consistent or nah

f85a7f (6) No.2128164

c60ab3 (2) No.2136339>>2136813


Fuck off you dumbass shill.

UKfag here. Skies much clearer this year.

Last year was a horrendous blanket of white haze that started from 6am every day.

Isn't hard to blanket a country as small as England.

David Keith and his cronies recently came out and said their geoengineering efforts weren't working.

Could be why they're trying different things.

Trailers are definitely out but in nowhere near as large a number this year.

Eyes open.

c60ab3 (2) No.2136388


Must be hard to be as stupid as you are.

You think they aren't testing shit like this already?



972ca4 (1) No.2136813


A friend and I noticed it all last year in Canada, starting mid march 2017. We all noticed the sun was burning our skin much faster. Haze in the sky all year. At 3 am at night, bright white sky because of the city lights hitting the haze. We both also heard what seemed like a drone hover over the city and planes fly into re fuel. I became a plane fag last year, managed to track many strange paths around Nov 2017. Seemed to end here around December 26th but a little back in January. NOTHING since then except for one foggy day which I pray was just that, fog.

9b4e63 (5) No.2141734>>2148620

Spraying had stopped for a few days, but it's back again in SE Pennsylvania. A clear blue sky was turned to thick haze this morning.

41177e (1) No.2141762

Western Oregon reporting in: Some HUGE trails this morning. even one where a place did an obvious 180 degree turn to return from its destination somewhere to the north.

d311c0 (1) No.2143645

File (hide): cebd660ef12e2bd⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2784.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): c96f649743ed354⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2785.JPG) (h) (u)

bumpin clear skies day 6 Bay area

1b7119 (1) No.2145738>>2149023

North Metro Georgia Anon here. I've been watching the trails for some years now. This year we haven't had trails for months in my area. Such a difference having blue sky again! Not sure if a factor, but we have also had unusually large amounts of rain this year.

ee19dd (3) No.2147198

Anon from germany reporting in

we had some really blue sky days in july but then after 3 or 4 days this happened again

ee19dd (3) No.2147229>>2147291

File (hide): ba916de65cd204a⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 1280x292, 320:73, photo_2018-07-14_01-58-48.jpg) (h) (u)

ee19dd (3) No.2147291

File (hide): aba8871cdaeb044⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 8191x1867, 8191:1867, rsz_img-7130.jpg) (h) (u)


full resolution

dabd10 (1) No.2147519

e9ae8f (1) No.2148620


Connecticut anon here and I second this. Had the longest string of trail free days in a long time last week and then couple lighter spray days towards western skies earlier this week, but woke up to super heavy spraying today. Came home and found my tomato plants stressed and wilted and fine white sand like substance covering the soil. Was thinking of getting it analyzed. Would like to verify independently WTF they're poisoning us with.

09be6a (4) No.2148992

Gulf Coast area - only two or three trails since Easter.

09be6a (4) No.2149000

Come to think of it, so have we! Everyone is talking about the weird weather pattern.

09be6a (4) No.2149023>>2168339


Newfag; sorry, I have been messing up posting but wanted to say that our skies (Gulf Coast) have been virtually clear since Easter -- only two or three trails sighted. AND we, too, have had abnormal rain.

f2525d (1) No.2149040

File (hide): e5a48b046137d4f⋯.jpg (124.62 KB, 500x614, 250:307, trudeau_chemtrails.jpg) (h) (u)

09be6a (4) No.2149046>>2149691 >>2149824 >>2206379

OK, but who is "they"? If "we" have control of the military, then the planes have to be privately owned. By whom? How do they get flight clearance?

9e7868 (1) No.2149691


Have we considered that this is all due to a fuel additive. If I was going to spray the whole world I would add nano shit to the fuel at the refinery. Then all planes are my transport system and I don't need flight clearance. There are plane routes world wide.

Of course that doesn't explain the phots of dedicated spray vehicles. But maybe those are weather mod experiment planes leaked to throw us off? Just a theory I have been brewing for a while.

3c5762 (1) No.2149824


The FAA:

FAA Regulations


9b1697 (7) No.2153231

bump for clear skies

starting day 7 Bay Area

like most days, i am on the road. today is one of my typical routes. Bay Area to Sacramento

thanks to this page i havent been forgetting to do something daily to catalog this current streak of no streaks

05b05f (1) No.2155112

File (hide): fcb22e100066f4e⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2795.JPG) (h) (u)


6ed22e (1) No.2157538>>2165314

File (hide): 82c43d5d4de67f0⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20180714_163435847.jpg) (h) (u)

Up in Humboldt county just now, these niggers need to be shot out of the sky

1a6fec (2) No.2165311

File (hide): 15175de8297ae4f⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2797.JPG) (h) (u)

day 8 bay

no streaks

no clouds curr et al

1a6fec (2) No.2165314

f74803 (1) No.2165373

File (hide): 7bfdf9b8a57e605⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 230x219, 230:219, images-371.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c95e32f26ac1eab⋯.jpg (8.13 KB, 210x240, 7:8, images-441.jpg) (h) (u)

Not just in the air.

Take a dip in the ocean,

get flesh eating bacteria?

What chemicals did they put in the oil spill clean up solution that eats organic oil? Does it live on to eat humans, fish and aquatic plants and creatures?

db270f (2) No.2168154


I'm midwest and skies are gorgeous…have been for weeks…maybe a month or more. Bluest blues…clear definition btn sky and storm clouds when they roll in. 7/15/2018

129017 (2) No.2168191>>2168197

We get hit everyday…. Been watching for years, I can conclude that they are trying to block/hide/manipulate the Sun/Sunlight/Sunrays.

129017 (2) No.2168197


This was yesterday.

db270f (2) No.2168339


clear skies in midwest. Nice rainfall pattern. Farmers are loving it. Grass is green everywhere. Usually by end of July browning is really taking effect but this year will be diff. Had great rainfall this am and more projected for balance of week. Garden is most productive it has ever been. I have a 3 ft by 4 ft green bean plot and have pulled out 15 lbs and just getting started. Tomato plants are 6 + feet and so loaded the cages are bending and collapsing. I have never seen anything like it in all my years gardening.

9dd774 (1) No.2168669

I didn't see any trails at all from late may to early July here in Central TX. They've started up again but don't seem to have staying power, skies are usually clear by mid-afternoon.

316fa1 (1) No.2168702

File (hide): 3618bff016ff6d7⋯.png (311.36 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, eqbrokenbowNE.png) (h) (u)

EQ update

This one is odd.

Broken Bow Nebraska 5 KM

c839be (1) No.2173748

Haven't seen any in a few weeks here in the western great lakes region. Is it maybe because of the time of year and how hot and dry it has been? It seemed that they were crisscrossing the sky daily all year for quite a few years though

9670ec (2) No.2195123

File (hide): 43379df4dede665⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2817.JPG) (h) (u)

bump for clear skies

day 9 on my watch

no trails all day

4b61fe (1) No.2201821>>2202144

Here in Cali today it's pretty bad

They started spraying again after almost a month of clear skies

9670ec (2) No.2202144


streak ended here in my cali locale


lotta lotta streaks in the bay area skies

9b4e63 (5) No.2206379


Evergreen Aviation advertises tankers for "weather modification": https://www.evergreenaviation.com/supertanker/

I did a simple Google search a couple of months ago and quickly found 2 companies advertising drones for strategic aerosol injection programs. Both companies' websites said chemtrailing with commercial craft is too inefficient and expensive. They said drones were the way to go because they can fly higher with less fuel. Tonight, I am unable, after an hour of different searches on different search engines, to find those two companies.

I think the deep state is funding private companies and universities to do the spraying through slush funds. I'm hoping that those slush funds are drying up and so is the chemtrailing.

ce1f74 (1) No.2209436

3 of them this morning, western great lakes on a normal flight path. First time in weeks

c55eca (1) No.2209595

They started spraying here since trump and putin meeting took place…before that all good.

Getting sick of this shit.

16fc63 (1) No.2209676

Yep up until Monday it had been great here in SoCal. No joke I've been feeling heavy and worn out since Tuesday… and normally I'm high energy/light

781ba8 (1) No.2210472>>2220037

Serious question, just trying to understand where you guys are coming from. If these chem-trails were real couldn't detect the chemicals in some way? Couldn't we collect samples of the air with No Chem-Trails and samples with Chem-Trails to determine what the chemicals are?…..or something along these lines?

d5898e (1) No.2211347

Chicago was clear since July 4th, started spraying again this morning

d3eaed (1) No.2211650>>2220330

Here in central California chemtrails have been fairly rare for the last three months. Most jet aircraft going overhead have no trails whatsoever. There is a pattern though. Whenever there is a possibility of rain, single chemtrails appear. There was one last night right after sunset, illuminated by the half moon.

I think that they're trying to maintain a certain level of nano-particulates in the upper atmosphere to accomplish their goals. The Ridiculously Resilient Ridge phenomenon is still active in the northeast Pacific, acting as a barrier to weather systems approaching the U.S. west coast. I'm almost certain that geoengineering aerosols sprayed over the western U.S., the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge and the California drought are all related.

9b4e63 (5) No.2220037


For years, scientists have been finding elevated levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in soil samples from areas with heavy chemtrailing. It just isn't being reported by MSM.

9b4e63 (5) No.2220330


You could be right about spraying around weather patterns. This winter, spraying was exceptionally heavy for one or two days after big storms. In July, SE Pennsylvania had very little spraying between July 6 (rain) and July 12. Heavy spraying on July 13, followed by heavy rain on July 15. Spraying had just about stopped this week (just one or two trails), until this morning. We are getting heavy spraying now, and it is supposed to rain tomorrow.

9b4e63 (5) No.2220399


No EO or AF necessary. Existing EPA regs can put an end to it. I think that's one reason why the libs wanted Pruitt out. I'm wondering what Pruitt did with the slush funds he found, and whether spraying will start up again, now that Pruitt is out.

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