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File: 0697e0b8b450f6f⋯.jpg (56.15 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, curtains_reveal.jpg)

d6126e No.1955010

Here's my theory based on Q's drops so far:

>Kingsman: The Secret Service was a strong hint

There is a cult.

Many of its members are celebrities, journalists, moguls, and bankers.

By joining the cult, you effectively get guaranteed success in life and immunity from prosecution.

You can live like a god, provided you are a little careful.

The cult can give you this because it has powerful members with absolute allegiance to its cause.


When you join, a suicide device is installed inside you for life.

>Career installed

>If they ask.

>They self destruct.

But for that price you can do anything or be anyone you want.


The cult doesn't judge.

In fact, if your desires are deeply sinful, that will just make you a more reliable asset.

>Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Just one rule: You cannot do anything that would harm the cult or any of its members.

Any action against the cult is stopped the moment it is discovered.

No member would dare mention the cult's existence.

If the cult asks a member to kill someone, they have no choice.

So even without a device installed, any serious action against the cult will result in quick retaliation.

Thanks to blackmail and the threat of violence, the cult's tentacles extend deep into all of the world's important systems.

Total control.

Control is key because many of the members have committed unspeakable crimes, by choice or otherwise.

A loss of control would mean the death of ALL the cult's suicide-device members and life imprisonment for any accomplices.

A HelperAnon:

>They don't think that way. Individualism has no place in their agenda. Why fear when you 'know' you're just an agent of the greater invincible force

This is why incompetent people constantly reach the heights of our society.

This is why celebrities are going off the rails.

This is why there were so many twenty-something billionaires recently.

This is why they commit so much treason - no allegiance to anyone but themselves.

This is why they are invincible.

Until now.

4c154f No.1955043


Naw. Thats not big enough. I mean, that is flat-out killer analysis my Anon, but it would not put "90 % of us in the hospital". Nothing but popcorn time. I think it is bigger than that. Wait, I thinkyou are probably spot-on but wait… There's more. My guess is its Aliens and Fake NASA shit. I mean' did you know all the Challenger astronauts are still alive? Let that sink in a minute. They didn't even change their names. They just use a middle name or whatever. Claim they had a twin. Its all bullshit man. There are SO MANY crazy convincing UFO sightings with video. Like hundreds without even looking too hard. Hell there are some with many many different people seeing them. If EVEN ONE is not a hoax then everything changes. My guess is nearly ALL of them are real. That would be big enough that people would drop dead in the street.

1a93c3 No.1955396

File: 057a90611d3b0e3⋯.jpg (388.71 KB, 1340x1547, 1340:1547, 1513404157379.jpg)


Aliens are fake too..what I learned today….We are at the center of the universe, it's us and only us.

Implications even bigger than both of you.

It's not just rules…if god is real so is magick,….

POTUS wants to show us our real place in the universe!

You both have some theories considered crazy for normies.

But it's much worse.

People will learn that most of the thing they thought are fake.

And the very few that will go to end, will find out that literally all is fake.

And maybe WE are the creators of our fake reality, and contructed reality ourself.

Link with possible/fake and gay trump interview not at hand…was here before..the one from early 2017

>"We are the center of the universe, us and >only us"

I think trump saw the diff possibilities "reality" can go.

Damn…until now "many diff Aliens-theory" was my fav

150876 No.1955478

i think it's good that Qanon has started to dip into actual hoax shootings but I still think Qanon is a total LARP, yes even if it is whitehouse backed

it's a psyop to drive support towards Donald Trump who appears to be a puppet of jewish supremacists and to stop the public from asking questions and demanding answers

the basics are that Q has run out of time, if Q really is a team of insiders, why are they the ones still asking questions/larping ?

Q is bullshit excuses, and I think it's going to be funny to see how the psyop team manages Q getting just as big as they want but not too big. That's the thing right, if Q gets to big, then Q is official. So sick of this scam. Thr good guys wouldn't be messing around delaying justice on a handfull of high profile FBI agents, they would have got something done by now. Instead you got a b-grade actress and one Hollywood producer. That's it, that's your alliance of light, no one is any woke than they were before and nothing much has really been done, but hey, don't forget to vote for Jared lubavitch, I mean Donald.

1a93c3 No.1955580

File: 275b3c6664ee9e3⋯.jpg (522.13 KB, 741x738, 247:246, 645-04.jpg)


That possibility was always on my screen. But less likely. I don't think it's an all out jewish plan, and trump will fool us all.

But must say that feeling was always sitting in the back.

The jews play a major role, reason why they will be also taken care of. Many good red pillers in the midst of them, who tell the thruth.

Don't think that they are all same,…but hardly leaning towards higly intelligent/human enslaved through banking and entertainment.

But there is much more to it I think…

and I wanna help to construct a positive future by choosing a good outcome, of all the outcomes this could take. I am sure the biggest crosssroad in history….we choose.

If trump/fake and gay, than it's already too late.

But I believe, my heart tells me the truth.

Just listen.

What is intuition.

Where does knowledge come from?

We are in for a ride……90% if all known.

19d38f No.1956808

I don't think there is a physical device. More like:

1. You have to give up blackmail material to join the cult. NXIVM did this and they likely learned it from the main cult. The main cult may demand that you commit a crime that you can be prosecuted for if you step out of line.

2. They can have you killed and call it a suicide and justify it on national security grounds, so people don't step out of line.

3. They control enough of the media that they can simply ruin your reputation if killing you is unnecessary.

621a2f No.1958719

OP - interesting theory, but so much is missing.The internal suicide device I don't buy. The control mechanism within any social system, especially one based on manipulation and control, is mostly just that, manipulation and control. Huge rewards, income, security, a seat at the table of power, freedom to be sinful, protection, unbridled pleasure, needs, wants - all of that can and has been used to control and manipulate people for as long as human life has existed.

We as a people have been dealing with this crap for a long time. If you are at all a student of history and ancient cultures going back as little as 2 or 3 thousand years, you'll find the same fucking nonsense behavior and thinking. Being an evil asshole is in our DNA, some more so than others. Certain bloodlines and cultures, specifically.

In fact, that is my current theory: That compromise of character, corruption, and all who are part of this cabal with all it's operatives, players and methods and tactics, is genetic. These are primal instincts, to outwit, outsmart, fool the other guy to get what you want, to survive. Those are of course the lesser instincts in man, the worst of which are recognized as evil.

Our modern culture with all it's technology has complicated the picture. In many respects it has made control and manipulation (pop culture entertainment, Hollywood, TV, social media…) much easier, with so many more options for cover and concealment. White hats throughout history have been aware of this evil, and attempted to warn people about it. Much of religion is based on avoiding it.

Q? White hats both outside and inside the military have been watching corrupt and compromised developments for a long time. They created a plan, and a NY real estate developer was chosen to be the one to enact it. One way or the other, it had to happen. I believe plan A was to find that person who could take the reins of the executive branch and direct this awakening, and plan B was a coup, a shut down of all media and internet, followed by informing the public, control of rioting and panic, mass arrests, exposure and punishment of cabalists. Reset of freedom.

The 90% in the hospital theory I believe is partly because of the shock finding out how much we all have been under control, who is behind it, how they operate, the complete picture of evil (the rituals and sacrifices, going back to ancient times, that genetic string awakened). That plus many other things that have been kept from the public, and what most have been lead to believe about so many things. The 40,000 foot view of humanity looks different when you are free to observe it without controls. Suddenly finding yourself 40,000 feet above earth suspended out the door of a craft in and of itself would be terrifying for most people, the land creatures that we are.

4412c5 No.1959324


Yes. I agree with your general theory and statements.

This all boils down to ethics / philosophy. Everything in life does.

(((They))) believe that we're stupid. They have the right to dominate and control us. We have let this happen we need to fight back. Because this is evil and evil is real. (((They))) want to dominate and control us. That is what this is all about. Their symbolism, the serpent, the phoenix, ying and yang all represent this battle, this system of control.


The key is knowledge. Which has been suppressed, and hidden from greater society. (((They))) have the keys. We're getting the keys. It just depends on what keys you get and how many doors you want to open. A lot of information is open source.


I too have this feeling about potential Larp. It's healthy. Don't trust anything 100% or there is no room for change and growth to new different perspectives.

621a2f No.1959953


The only larpy component that I have considered is an ongoing carrot on a stick approach to those of us who have been Q alert from day 1. It is all about numbers of those awakened. The more the better when those indictments begin to be unsealed, the perp walks and mil tribunals. Even then, all that could be a ruse, a tactic for force the crooks (that's basically what they are) to expose themselves.

And at the end, if the R's were chosen as the only political party with enough good sense remaining to help restore order and freedom once the dust settles, then so be it. If that's all we end up with, just a strong 100 plus year of good old American freedom, then we bought ourselves some time to come up with a better system of governance and avoidance of the worst (much of the 20th century). Kinda depressing to think that: Just a puny victory. Great Awakening Lite. If that's all it turns out to be, and this Q larp helped create it, the lowly anon patriot in me would still smile. Good one, you magnificent bastards!

621a2f No.1959972


100 plus years of good old American freedom is what I meant to type.

19d38f No.1960176

File: 4a7661f2658b600⋯.png (196.22 KB, 482x324, 241:162, thetruth.png)

1dfed5 No.1960423

I think 40,000 ft refers to the dark star. The Winged Sun that the elites worship as the one true God. In reality it's our Sun binary twin with its own set of planets. The systems cross…poles flip on earth. Reset.. The devil the rapture Christ's resurrection…all stories based on this event. The chemtrails are always around the sun why? Because the system approaches from behind the sun. Derp.

I wonder if another star system coming right at us would cause our climate to get all crazy…hmm..

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d8ea75 No.1961412

I sometimes think it's 90+% because whatever it is could trigger a nuclear war.

I don't think 90+% of the people are gonna mentally break down due to new information being too overwhelming.

There can't be that high of a percentage of mentally weak people.

457fdc No.1964127


Maybe not too far off, anyway. Consider, for instance, if we have been engaging in cannibalism without consenting or even being aware of it ( Planned Parenthood may have much more to do with our collective nutrition than most people would be able to conceive ) and if certain beloved / trusted people coordinate the ritual kidnapping of children for unimaginable abuse underground, right below people's houses. Or if European royalty's favorite sport is causing brutal pain in innocent people, often infants and newborns ( it is ). It goes on.

If we expand our thinking to understand that we are all living in a Satanic superstructure designed to debase us to extreme levels and to generate continuous, dense pain and suffering to fuel their Satanic rituals, it starts to become clearer how bad it can be for the average person. Not to mention the absolute misery, chaos and doom they had planned for us had Hillary won.

It is the extreme hatred that will devastate the normal person. They are unconcerned, unaware and thus haven't been building mental defenses for any of that. The drops regarding human sacrifices [worst] haven't started yet. That's why Q continually admonishes us to pray; it is rather an exercise in mental strength. Believe me, we are going to need much strength for the absolute horrors that will come to light.

930922 No.1965425

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

If you are not a Bible Fag yet, I suggest you become one quickly. The team is awesome, we have a lot to do, and the time is short.

if we are willing to think big enough, Q points it out many times.

Quick recap of the Bible explanation of the world we live in:

Revelation 4:11

“You are worthy, [a]O Lord,

To receive glory and honor and power;

For You created all things,

And by Your will they [b]exist and were created.”

Romans 3:11-12

11 “There is none who understands;

There is none who seeks after God.

12 They have all turned aside;

They have together become unprofitable;

There is none who does good, no, not one.”

Hebrews 9:27

7” ”And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,”

1 Peter 3:18

18 “For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive by the Spirit,”

1 Peter 1:3

3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”

John 3:36

36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life. He who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”

If you want more proof and evidence for this presented by members of the Cabal themselves, please see ‘The Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll’.

Aleister Crowley, avowed Satanist and hater of Jesus Christ, 1875-1947, is the man who developed the principle “<>Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” If Aleister believed in Jesus Christ, though he fought on the wrong side, maybe we should take Jesus Christ seriously.

Pic related to bottom line. The end of the Rabbit Hole. The reason 99% of people’s heads will explode. This is because, if the Bible is real, that means God is real. We are all facing the most intense judgement - see verses above - judgement beyond all imagine, for our sins. Terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living GOD.

Since the Bible is real, it means the explanation of reality expressed in the Bible is real - a horrifying thought not many can handle. This whole world we know and live in, is just a passing stage demonstrating God’s truth and character. The forces of God (Good) and Evil (Satan) are on full display, 100% of the time. This fully explains the world, the conflict, the cults, the evil, aliens (demons – not like those things were ever created to be on this planet). As Q says, ‘READ THE BIBLE. GOD WINS.’

If you are not a Bible Fag yet, I suggest you become one quickly. The team is awesome, we have a lot to do, and the time is short.

930922 No.1965426

File: e7cfe32b49ba78d⋯.png (24.4 KB, 366x625, 366:625, ClipboardImage.png)

454f91 No.1967462



wow much better in here than all the research threads…Great people here! smell Q everywhere.



b47afd No.1979879


I dont believe it is a LARP, but i do believe Q is using us as a mechanism to push another agenda (f'duh) for the opposition faction of the illuminati/m12/DS whatever you want to call them.

Question really is though, which fate is better? Because i am damn convinced under HRC things would be all out war right now.

Atleast this narrative seems to be leading us somewhere, perhaps galactically if certain theories are correct.

Either way, I am personally okay knowing that YES IT IS A PSY-OP .

Does that necessarilly mean it is bad for us?

No. PSY-OPs are merely tools. The intent behind it will be reveal eventually.

ea5bef No.1981251


This stuff will be the final end of this story,. Probably here REALLY soon.



ea5bef No.1981280


Yeah a 40000ft answer I was thinking of would be that at 40000ft you could see all of Antarctica. You know there is a TON of crazy shit going on down there.

acc7a4 No.1982128

I can't see the 100th monkey hanging from 40,000 ft. Although I have seen a real life UFO hovering at around 5 to 800 feet. And three things struck me as particularly important about this sighting which BTW was on Christmas Day, 2001, a time when everyone was likely to be keenly aware of any and all anomalies in the sky.

So my first question was how and why was this big black triangle being pursued by two advanced US military helicopters? At what point in space did the first gunship intersept occur? And as the two craft approached this machine from the rear, the second a primer orange twin rotor troop loader, were they at any point seriously determined to attack/inspect/retrieve this bird, or was it actually one of ours?

As form follows function, I chose to illustrate this machine's apparent features to assist those in need of verification in the future. This is the machine that was best recorded years ago in Holland, where a clever musician was able to synthesize the actual whirring sounds to a fairly accurate level of fidelity. Sound is/was important to anyone with a vague understanding of motor mechanics. It is freakin able to hover after all. And anything that can hover is strictly off topic to any enlisted man or woman, least they receive a court marshal and no pension at all.

A fusillage formed like a canoe, surrounded by an ever so lightly curvilinear perimiter form covered by a jet black membrane that could likely be reflective/photo reactive by day? Features not unlike the iPhone 10.

Why then, as it hovered above I-40, did it jiggle to and fro, it's triangle corner lamps run through a program as if manufactured by Varilight, and travel on from there as if it were being piloted by a crew or US cadets?

More pertinent here, I can only hope that the outcome of this Great Awakening /Federation Purge does result in technological transparency, least we all suffer another two thousand years of Stanley Meyers -type inventor Arkancide.

4dc03d No.1982960

>>1958719 Cabal members have to,have periodic doses of an antidote to a systemic poison or they croak. Want to live? Do what you are told. Theory. Jason Bourne injections?

d6126e No.2007152


In hindsight, if there is a suicide-device involved, it would probably be installed involuntarily i.e. with a glass of water (remember Melania covering her bottle after surgery).

Overall, I think we are looking at several "brands" of revelations:

1. History - Many or all major conflicts were managed/sponsored by the cabal, some historical figures never existed, the US founding fathers weren't good guys, etc.

2. Religion - The old-time cabal had a role in creating the Abrahamic religions, and writing themselves out of the picture, to make us think they no longer existed.

3. Medicine - Pharmacology is fake. Not that the scientific facts are wrong, just that maybe they are pointless and unnecessary, and that real solutions have been right in front of us this whole time.

4. Energy - Energy is limitless and easy to produce, but the cabal has shoehorned our civilization into using fossil fuel engines for transportation to avoid losing power over the rest of us.

5. Space - We've been misinformed about space to keep us trapped. What if stellar parallax has some fundamental error and stars are nowhere near as far away as we've been told?

These are (admittedly uneducated) guesses, but maybe ET is visiting our civilization because we are in a really unique situation where an ancient cult of elites have us using all these extremely inefficient technologies like oil, aircraft, wired electricity, and antibiotics to power it.

>The depths of their treason are unimaginable

Also, I've thought that Q keeps using Bible verses and hinting at a loving God because the universe isn't actually as apathetic or brutal as it seems - that it always provided enough for its inhabitants, but we've been brainwashed into believing in a variety of imaginary limitations.

Maybe that's the ultimate truth.

904bb9 No.2007645

Ultimate truth is that we live inside concave, sky is literally glassball with octahedron inside that powers whole system. All esoteric shit is to keep this ultimate secret hidden.

1c2be8 No.2010520


>Space - We've been misinformed about space to keep us trapped. What if stellar parallax has some fundamental error and stars are nowhere near as far away as we've been told?

Because it is not solely determined by stellar parallax.

For example, we now the universal gravitational constant that correlates mass of an object to the force of gravity based on just behaviour of objects falling on earth.

=> we know the rotation period of the earth around the sun

=> we know the mass of the sun

=> we know ball park figures of the mass of stellar objects

Therefore the galaxy cant be an order of magnitude smaller but remain in a stable rotational motion.

You can make a similar argument using the brightness of stars in the night sky btw.

4bb8f4 No.2011046

File: 7d4224f7146d88a⋯.jpg (127.32 KB, 845x298, 845:298, brain zap.jpg)


Are (((they))) trying to get ahead of the hangings?

"Muh brain zaps can fix muh child eating addiction…"


d6126e No.2077545


As I keep reading, I think it all goes back to the money. I think that's going to be the umbrella "ultimate truth" because so many things derive from that.

Many of us have made jokes about our modern fiat money not being real, but I think it's going to turn out to be much worse than we imagined.

Basically, the central banking system is a financial prison that prints literally fake money with nothing backing it.

Terms like "fiat" or "quantitative easing" are just bullshit terms regurgitated by naive academics that have no basis in a functioning financial system.

The libertarians will be vindicated as much as they could have ever hoped for.

And when Trump said "There are trillions of dollars at stake in this election" he might have been partially referring to this:


Reagan quietly giving a patriot the keys to a fortune that would save the USA one day would explain why Q/Donald are fans and would go down as one of the greatest plotlines in history.

I'm not that familiar with the Wanta case, though. Maybe it's nothing.

On a less down-to-Earth note, I've gone back and looked into UFOs again, and there's no question in my mind now that anti-gravity craft are real.

There's too many compelling military-oriented cases.

And I don't really buy that these are all experimental / cabal craft, given their behavior and variety.

If we're going to assume some UFOs are Aliens, I'm guessing that:

1. Knowledge of aliens would trigger a unifying effect as well as research into better energy technologies that would destroy the bankers control, so bankers would do anything to discourage that discovery (see CIA 1953 panel on UFOs).


2. Aliens could very well be aware of our situation and that the bankers have had weapons pointed at the world population in the event that their control goes tits up. So they would stay mostly out of sight until things are resolved.

c3cbd4 No.2078166


Sounds like the masons.

c3cbd4 No.2078180


>Donald Trump who appears to be a puppet of jewish supremacists


Why does every jew, mason and mormon I know hate him then?

c3cbd4 No.2078199

File: 68494a840913b7c⋯.jpg (8.39 KB, 183x275, 183:275, bane.jpg)


>Suddenly finding yourself 40,000 feet above earth suspended out the door of a craft

Wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out.

c3cbd4 No.2078218



>He told them this parable. "Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn't leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. When he comes home, he calls together his friends, his family and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!' I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance." — Luke 15:3-7

c3cbd4 No.2078240



Maybe that's what all this 'tinnitus' is, and that in some of the Holy Spirit is getting them to malfunction, to the consternation of the satanic cabal.

c3cbd4 No.2078249


>There's too many compelling military-oriented cases.

I saw one over a US base on Christmas Morning of all times (you're drunk, it's Santa, kids, etc..)

a76a9b No.2271327

I think a lot of this is a system snow white. 7 super computers that are linked into quantum system, 4 dimension. I've heard of the looking glass. Like the movie deja vu. They can see back and forth in time. That is why they thought she would not lose. When she did they could only think Russia must have that tech also. Their only explanation. Forget prayer they are Godless. Q always says to pray. Go back to snow white post..he talks of 40000 ft view . Is this a broader look at time lines. Q said never again.

f6d74a No.2271706


I may agree with you.

33354b No.2272183


>We are at the center of the universe, it's us and only us.

This right here is the shit we need to get over. We're special but not THAT special. Jesus. >>1958719

>We as a people have been dealing with this crap for a long time. If you are at all a student of history and ancient cultures going back as little as 2 or 3 thousand years, you'll find the same fucking nonsense behavior and thinking. Being an evil asshole is in our DNA, some more so than others. Certain bloodlines and cultures, specifically.


>I only know, that I know nothing - That Socrates faggot.

33354b No.2272207


>I know hate him then?

You just answered your own question "I haven't seen it, therefor it doesn't exist"

The word for this delusion is called "Solipsism"

33354b No.2272247


>Basically, the central banking system is a financial prison that prints literally fake money with nothing backing it.

Nope. Not the real problem. The real problem is I am loaning you 100 dollars, the only 100 bucks in existence. I want you to pay me back a penny in interest. How you gonna get that penny from a hundred? You can't, you need me to loan you a penny, which I charge interest on and so on ad infinitum. The problem is much deeper than the perceived fiat currency issue.

It isn't about money, it's control on a level you haven't begun to imagine and it's most heinous because of the Law of One.

33354b No.2272372


>For example, we now the universal gravitational constant that correlates mass of an object to the force of gravity based on just behaviour of objects falling on earth.

Incorrect. Grativtational flux is based on magnetism. The universe is a plasma based electric universe. G1 is created by a Tauroidal field. The theory of gravity has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. As does the Theory of relativity. Those who bother to study the men behind the theories and their thoughts on their theories will find that these men were disstatisfied with their pertinent answers to the questions.

Ask yourself, does it make sense that we've been told the real Truth? We've been viewed as slaves for Millenia. Occulted knowledge was purposely hidden to hold back mankind for a while. All we know is that which we can observe in this reality.

Hillary Clinton was a patent lawyer, there are 5500+ patents pulled for 'national security reasons' related to infinite free energy.

Do you know how we have an infinite universe? It's found in our mathematical system.

The numbers create a perfect pattern of equal and opposing force they are a marvelous device of such incredible precision. For an example, 9 is both All and Nothing. Watch



But, 9+any other number breaks down to 9 being illusory



and so on

Wanna have some real fun?

1, 2, 4, 8, 16(7) 32(5) 64(1) 128(2), 256(4) 512(8) 1024(7) 2048(5) 4096(1)…

Our universe is expressable in pure mathematical form because of a perfection hidden away from the mass consciousness.

We are All One. We are All within the mind of the All Creator. The Law of One.

8caed3 No.2319812



This seems to be what you refer to?

2e7c7a No.2320703


It's controlling the "idea of money" rather than the money itself.

If I control the idea of money, you will always be in my debt.

3c3c52 No.2320917


Yes, that's more of my thinking as well, but the rest


Seems spot on…total control once you sell your soul

56b62a No.2322042

File: 1079a60c22423b8⋯.png (102.24 KB, 294x171, 98:57, ClipboardImage.png)

f00ac8 No.2323343


If you are truly a slave, you will still be one forever.

Just like the serf that working the fields for the Barons, you will just sit there and talk it

You have been conditioned and no one is going to free you.

Your bonds are in your mind and can't find there way out.

There are no bars, nor chains, no guards.

Only your mind keeps you weak and enslaved.

Only the brave con't break their own chains, and one slave cannot free another slave.

You like among slaves so not one there is able to set you free.

You are on your own - deal with

3c238b No.2323800


DING DING DING — Research https://twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft. Prepare yourself and those you love. Love and knowledge will be our weapon so to speak. WWG1WGA

5092a0 No.2323835

File: fadcececc26e59a⋯.png (68.95 KB, 500x303, 500:303, 1532785358506.png)


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood Anon posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts

>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private

He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year…

He was demanding you talk to Admin…

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days…

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!


Hollywood is the Royalty of America…

And commit just as much evil as them also….

cf2189 No.2324489

Why did the rothschilds put all their fiat into biotech?


This is one topic sorely under-discussed on all these boards. The vast majority have no clue about the leading edge of this field. Remember In-Q-Tel? A private arm of the Clowns.

From Wiki Biotech section on their page:

Biomatrica – biolab tech anhydrobiosis storage

SpectraFluidics – detection of trace airborne chemicals

Arcxis Biotechnologies – sample processing and pathogen detection

febit group – DNA

Boreal Genomics – DNA fingerprints

T2 Biosystems – medical diagnostic devices, miniaturized magnetic resonance (MR)

OpGen – microbial genome analysis

Infobionics – biotech cellular database

Microchip Biotechnologies – analysis instrumentation for biodefense

Cambrios Technologies – biomaterials for solid-state electronic devices

Seahawk Biosystems – diagnosis biosensor products

Sionex – chemical and biological sensors

Polychromix – material analysis and chemical sensing

IatroQuest – detect biological and chemical agents

IntegenX – NanoBioProcessor & molecular diagnostics

Seventh Sense Biosystems – health monitoring and medical diagnostics

Sonitus Medical – transmits sound via the teeth

MedShape – orthopedic devices from shape memory materials

Imagine unlimited money and access to the best people. The cabal has been at this for a long time. What are their capabilties? What are these companies creating?

We know publically that we can make molecualr machines. What if the cabal implanted devices into everyone? Different devices for different players.

- For cabal: Life saving, serving, and protecting devices

- For all others: Tracker, torture, emotion control, body augments, disease, and mind control devices. and so many more.

What if a chip was implanted onto someones brain? It would 'zap' the brain with a specific frequency for a desired response (like a negative thought). There are chips the size of a grain of sand. Delivery methods for it are endless - vaccines, food, medications, water, clothing, cell phones, …

cf2189 No.2324552


What if they use frequencies against us? Specific to our individual DNA? That's why collecting blood samples from people is important to them. Blood bank, taken at birth, doc, wherever. all that info is sitting on some server for the taking

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