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File: 59be2b7133e8404⋯.jpg (352.77 KB, 843x1257, 281:419, superintelligence.jpg)

c89d32 No.1721838

Sorry for creating a new thread, but this ties everything together.

I was thinking about all the different posts by FBIAnon, Q, and various helpers, and they all hint at something.


>Life exists elsewhere in the galaxy, that is all I will say about that.

>I said life exists elsewhere. Some people choose to interpret that as aliens. My protective strategy is posting outrageous claims on /pol/ with no evidence, which is standard protocol and raises no alarms.

>I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are on the inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on.


>The whole truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

>Every detail account for.

>Every scenario planned for.


>Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

>HELL on earth - HRC victory.


>There's only one way infinity and time can both exist.

>How far away is the closest star?

>Sometimes you're trapped in someone else's game.

>They never thought she would lose.

>In most realities she didn't. You are here by choice.

Now consider how Q is seemingly able to predict future events with alarming accuracy, especially now that we know about the clock.

For example, when using the clock, Q's post about "cages full" lines up with the date the articles were published about the Obama-era border kids in steel cages.

"SKY EVENT" mentioned months ago was an intercepted cabal missile hijacking that tried to disrupt the NK summit.

Think about the 4D chess and interdimensional travel memes.

Think about how we all feel like we've been shifted to a different timeline.

Think about how cabal tech companies are dumping massive amounts of resources into artificial intelligence.

The main point of Nick Bostrom's book "Superintelligence" is about being unknowingly trapped in a simulation/game built by AI.



>Now you know why disclosure cannot occur until we reach critical mass.

UFOs aren't aliens. The idea was leveraged to distract us from their real purpose.

The military has been traveling to future/alternate realities in order to take control of this one.

d54a09 No.1721922


Well its 'out there' i will give you that.

It does feel like ive shifted realities or aomething mind. Things are nuts.

34ac31 No.1722009

File: a743ed95e0a61ac⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 10101.jpg)


>Now consider how Q is seemingly able to predict future events with alarming accuracy, especially now that we know about the clock.

What is Project Looking Glass?

>Time reveals all…

4fe5d0 No.1722154


>The military has been traveling to future/alternate realities in order to take control of this one.

I wonder how salty every other govt branch is going to be when they find out the military was able to time travel.

I've always honestly thought those involved with the Q Crew we're a bunch of bad asses and Time Traveling Trolls.

I sure hope the Q Crew has made some hilariously entertaining changes to this time line and its future events (if the theories here are true).

36b16a No.1722440

File: 5487b0aa1573fd1⋯.jpg (1 MB, 867x6091, 867:6091, 1504326086807.jpg)

File: 18fe2be17cfdbf3⋯.png (354.26 KB, 454x636, 227:318, baron-trump.png)

File: 8227b818e02edff⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 750x490, 75:49, trumpbook2f-2-web.jpg)


I think that I would not be surprised at anything now. Maybe I'd be shocked, I might have a heart attack and faint, but I'd also think 'oh that explains it'.

reptilians? aliens? demons? extra-dimensional beings? I dont think any of those explain it fully. I'd really rather it be demons because we've been given power over demons. They can't touch us unless we let them.

And if there are demons, there are angels.

But I god damn well know we've shifted timelines.

I wold not be surprised if we have jumped universes/dimensions.whatev. Quantum particles jump universes/dimensions.whatev. we KNOW that, the research has admitted they can MAKE particles jump universes. and we only know 10% of what tech is capable of.

And I know God exists. I know we're part of God and can create, and we have power and we're connecting and creating now. Prayer=meditation=The Secret= power of positive thinking= BELIEF>reality

I know that we're in end times. But I know we wrested the timeline.

I see all these things as disjointed though, because I dont know how to reconcile the science, the sci-fi, the horror and our higher power. So I keep going back to the starting point, God, and I'll stand firmly there.

Oh we laughed then (pic related) but Im not laughing now.

Look up John Titor. Tesla. And the company that published this book: Ingersoll.. and WHAT WHAT What's Baron Trump's adventure about? A journey into the Hollow earth.

36b16a No.1722555



1ae38f No.1722685


Anyone else ever seen Machine Elves?

8bf204 No.1742511


why, have you molested one?

91190d No.1742584


So, they are trying to stop Sky Net from taking over in the first place? Q is John Connor. :)

I think both sides have time machines. That's why some things aren't on schedule. Remember Die Glocke. I believe one time machine is man made but one is au naturale. Which one will win?

a4705b No.1742624

the philadelphia experiment

new time stream

control this timestream from the outside, from base reality

truman show

e0a940 No.1743820

File: e65de08321fc5ae⋯.jpg (426.73 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, YrjDrMD-spartan-warrior-wa….jpg)

check this repository if you want to refresh your knowledge about indigos and the connection the occult and the intelligence agencys


c89d32 No.1756304


Was about to click away until I saw the note about autistic children being resistant to programming.

>Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

>Be the autists we know you are.

>You were chosen for a specific reason.


a8ecdf No.1756680


only insectoids in the sidewalk trees

331b00 No.1757849


smoked dmt out of an apple once, w/o cannabis. just straight dmt.

My hubris quickly turned to shame and alarm as I was speaking to a sentient RAINBOW colored FIBONACCI SEQUENCE, and I had to explain to it that this intense psychedelic experience wasn't what I was searching for, and I apologized and it let me go

4726d9 No.1757957


Following that line of thinking; were we intentionally brain damaged to prevent programming? It's kinda fucked up, but worth it if the rumors about a "cure" for autism are real.


>Meets an infinite being

>Autism intensifies

S..sorry wrong number!

1ae38f No.1781035


can be very intense anon, consider going back when you are ready.

22f01c No.1781812


Hell Yeah bro. I love me some Hollow earth shit. It is the best conspiracy ever. So tantalizing because it changes so much but unlike the UFO from another galaxy stuff Hollow earth is right here under our very noses all along.

That and the fact that all the challenger astronauts are alive an well… Something is up.

22f01c No.1781857


Yeah, you got it nailed OP. That seems just about right to me as well. When 5th Dimension?

9c5361 No.1782178


Perception IS reality.

That's why important for the ELites to define yours for you from youth.

For if you behold they mystery, they lose power over you and you would not consent.

On the other hand, if you see too much without the proper preparation you will likely go mad.

Nothing is as it seems, even (You)!

9c0263 No.1782537


Yeah I've suspected all this at some point. I have this wild out of there theory that all the stars and galaxies we is just alternate realities of our own sun and galaxy, different stages and different alternate timelines, perhaps even some where the rules of physics are different and that all particles are just singular units of particles but stretched across many many dimensions (12/13?), and our souls are like one photon it travels across space, time and several other weird things and there is an illusion of separate photons. God is the photon, Satan is then some other particle, but nothing beats photon. We are light experiencing itself in a body of all these other particles

9c0263 No.1782624


Yeah mine was similar, I was practically begging it to let me go. For some reason it left an impression on me that I/we are accountable for this world, like it was communicating this to me.

Much later I understood, we always have a choice, the power has always been ours.

1c8e0c No.1783324

ah i found you. yeah something waaacky is definitely going on, and i can attest it's not from the tabacky. although we couldn't have gotten to this "point" without it. looking forward to disclosure, being patient.

22eb46 No.1802926


An opposing theory to throw at you. What if the timelines are converging? For Mother Earth to evolve to a newer and higher dimensional state, perhaps all the timelines are shifting to one timeline.

And WE are winning bigly

f6390a No.1804816

File: c7b66b98e89490e⋯.png (78.21 KB, 350x483, 50:69, c7b66b98e89490e489ba194789….png)





Fuggin' nailed it!




Same same.

Was with some friends once and we all saw a tree trunk, that had fallen across the road during a heavy storm, turn into some kind of "fractal alligator".

Anyway, it finally let us all go after we all promised to "not give in".

It wasn't until post LHC, when things REALLY started getting strange, and until Q, that I think I finally understand what that meant.


Agreed. Spoopy.


I don't know if I can wait much longer.

I'm really getting tired of this insane society and want out so damn bad!

4a7344 No.1856140

My story is a little different. I was orphaned as an infant and sent to a group home. Considered “retarded”. Was saved by family who says something told them to come save me. They didn’t know who they were coming for until they found me. Have had many experiences with “other beings” over the years. More so since I began working with terminally ill people. We are all here for the same reason. We all have different talents. This is a true battle for good over evil.

fabed9 No.1859862


I found a owl this morning and then I saw this tread. My daughter bought groceries for me the other day and came home with Viva paper towels the same day Q drop Viva… (we buy bounty). Very strange coincidences huh? So you really think we are from different realities and we chose to be here, why in the hell would anyone want to do that? I'm telling you I'm so, I don't want to say lost. I have heard so many different theories at this point. I don't know what to think. Last fall, actually during the eclipse I began seeing things. In my younger years I could, not predict things but just know, like intuition. I had friend that lived in the country a little ways from my town and tornadoes were popping up all over the place. She was in town this particular day, and something can over me I called and told her she had to go get her kids. Sure enough she was able to get her and her kids together just minutes befor a tornado rip through the school. I've had more than that but however after this one I could never do again, it was gone. I don't know about you but I want real answers, from Q. Sorry got kinda winded, Kek

ec406a No.1860328

Wanted to post my own above 40,000 perspective somewhere, this thread will do.

IMO, this entire Universe we live in is a fake or "fallen" realm. It is not the real thing, it is a merely parasitic realm that draws its power from elsewhere.

This can be logically deduced from the fact everything is temporary and dies in this Universe, and that everything in it must feed on something else to sustain itself, nothing in this Universe is self sufficient, not even the stars burn indefinitely!

And anything that isn't self sufficient must be feeding on something else.

It is self-evident that any REAL world must at a minimum be self sustaining, or it wouldn't be able to exist! And if the REAL world must by necessity be a world of EVERLASTING LIFE, then this inherently dying world obviously can't be it!

Ergo, this Universe is FAKE AND GAY, an "illusion", an imposter world that can only exist by feeding on something outside of it.

Our "spirit" is on the other hand experiencing this world, and is held trapped by it, but it is not OF this world. This can be logically deduced too, from the fact it requires no sustenance! Our body needs food, but our spirit does not - it exists eternally in and of itself, and can't actually be "touched" by anything in the fake world.

We (our spirits) are actually the ONLY thing in this world that doesn't require sustenance, and the logical conclusion, is that the parasitical world feeds on US, because what else could be keeping it alive?

This world can't hurt our true selves, but it can CAPTIVATE us with all its sensations, and thus keep us CAPTIVE, so it can leech from our energy.

The way out is found within, all religious traditions remind us. And it is truly so.

The way out, is simply to disconnect from the Universe by withdrawing all our energy and attention from it. This can be done through a process known as "meditation", but you need to understand the process properly.

If you are visualizing, saying mantras, making affirmations, or moving around energy in your chakras, then you aren't disconnecting from the Universe, you are merely interacting with it on a more subtle level than physically. This is not what meditation is about.

REAL meditation is to do NOTHING! To empty yourself from all attachment to the Universe, and anything in it. This includes your own THOUGHTS, because your thoughts exist in your brain, which belongs to this Universe!

The ONLY thing that doesn't belong to this Universe is YOU (your spiritual self), and the only thing you can hold your focus on to escape its clutches, is YOU YOURSELF. You are the beacon, you are the door, and you are the key. Everything else is a distraction, and paying it any attention entraps you in the fake Universe.

You will never be "saved". Your spirit leaves this fake world of suffering and death and goes home to the real world of bliss and life when you fully withdraw yourself from it, and not a second sooner. How could it be any different?

All religions actually teach this at their core, but the simple truth has been hidden under layers of misunderstandings. Jesus is for instance a big stumbling block for Christians, because they have been taught to wait for him to save them, instead of learning how to free themselves through his example and teaching.

Who created this fallen realm?

Who tricked us into entering it?

Who keeps us here to leech from us?

f4c5ae No.1860370


Well normally I would dismiss this as bullshit woo.

….but with the current stagnation of the supposed "Storm" and overall demoralizing news early on a Friday morning …. I'm listening.

37288d No.1862562


"expand your thinking"


tire to road

figure out how to peel out

=break the "physiospiritual coefficient of friction"

c58786 No.1866027

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Good thread.

I'm not as much interested in things like which politician broke which law, as I am interested in the big timeless questions about why we are here and how life works.

The topics you raise could related to the dimensions beyond our perception that are just as much a part of "reality" even if we aren't aware of them.

If I understand correctly, science can now confirm mathematically that there must be 10 or 11 total spatial dimensions. They must exist in order for the 4 or 5 dimensions we perceive to even exist.

Attached is a two hour video that helps the average person start thinking about the dimensions. https://hooktube.com/watch?v=gg85IH3vghA

And here is a more complex/advanced description: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=zwAD6dRSVyI

Would also like to hear insights from anons who know more about quantum mechanics / string theory than I do.

For anyone not interested in the science but wanting exposure to these concepts, the tv series "Fringe" is an entertaining way to slowly get your head around some of them, through a fictional story. (People who don't enjoy horror-movie elements will need to fast forward through a lot of gross scenes.) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1119644/

About the mind control aspects, a smart tv series is "Dollhouse". (If you can look past the low budget, and get through the first several episodes that were controlled by the studio instead of the creators.) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135300/

Like "The Matrix" films, the creators of these shows may have been trying to subtly red-pill their viewers by wrapping these hard topics inside of creative fiction.

Or maybe evil Hollywood & clowns release these kind of stories because they are required by metaphysical laws to disclose what they are doing to the public.

Or perhaps there are forces beyond the human level that get these stories made for the benefit of humans, even though the people making them are only chasing personal riches.

But in excellent fiction, I think there are major life secrets embedded in the story, even if we only get the points subconsciously.

Another point about The Matrix that some might not know - the creators originally envisioned the physical matrix plant to be a distributed computing network that exploited human brain processing (also addressed in Dollhouse.) But the studio thought viewers wouldn't understand that, so they required the matrix to be presented as an electrical power plant that exploited human body energy.

731d14 No.1868188


i was promised the hosptial

this is all stuff thats in fiction

i bet it gets

REALLY fucking weird

0bbd21 No.1869169

templars found time travel 1000 years ago and used it to stack the deck. obsession with bloodlines related. time shift is very taxing mentally and psychologically, some bloodlines are bred/adapted to it. programming and mind-control experiments related to compartmentalizing to deal with time shifting. why are they called 'temples'? think temporary temporal etc. every church used to keep time with bells ba'al. they changed the calendar. templar base in switzerland with all the clockmakers. time IS space. cant move in either without the other. what if 'ancient' tech is actually future tech. think mirror. think moebius loop. all timelines bleed into each other. 'white rabbit' is time-control synch tech. quamtum computers are time tech. major breakthroughs accelerate the process. what are the ramifications of time/space travel on the mass psyche? is there a point where/when it can no longer be hidden? what if drugs and emf are used to suppress the awareness of time breakthroughs. nazis time tech space tech psi tech genetic tech and pharma tech all related. this is what led to national security state. bigger than most can comprehend. future proves past

f13f01 No.1870220

93d21b No.1871179

I have always assumed that the "aliens", angels, devils, ghosts…however you want to come at it, are US.

Think about it, who else would give a shit?!?

Simple dimension theory (including so-called "time travel") kinda covers it us.

WE are fucking with OURSELVES!

eb7062 No.1871684

FBI anon is a fake shill first of all. Q has told you that. "Fake" period ( probably pamphlet anon.

b8c508 No.1872169

File: 9ee2930b1a9c817⋯.jpg (464.44 KB, 2209x2915, 2209:2915, pepepainting.jpg)


Don't know how much to trust those statements from 'helperanon' but

<They never thought she would lose.

<In most realities she didn't. You are here by choice.

In most realities?

What if WWG1WGA is more than an "esprit de corps" motivational phrase, and also means something like -

Whatever happens in this version/timeline of reality (the "we") will determine/affect all the other versions/timelines (the "all").

If the universe/multiverse is entirely composed of information at the fundamental level, then this Q statement could mean more than first glance:


Why make the extra emphasis there - 'By ALL we mean ALL'? Is he really only talking about computer data & phone call recordings?

>We know all.

By ALL does he mean ALL? Or is it only an expression?

>We knew this day would come.

>You are fighting for truth - collectively.

>The choice will always be yours.

>Where we go one, we go ALL.

How did they actually know, just common sense and intuition, or something more?

Is the fight somehow about truth itself, and not just about crime and crooked politicians?

How can the choice literally "ALWAYS" be ours, and not only our choice at this particular time? By ALWAYS does he mean ALWAYS?

Hope Q will encourage us to pursue these aspects if we're not off-track. Otherwise, I worry about wasting our time imagining sci-fi fantasy scenarios. But until he debunks, I think his statements like the below make it worth considering ideas that sound too far out:

>The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

>The world cannot handle the truth.

b8c508 No.1872212

Just noticed that the last word in this statement is not grammatically correct:

>Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people … and controlled their mind?

Should be "their minds." Since Q doesn't make mistakes without saying so, and "everything has meaning", what is the significance?

Their (plural) mind (singular)?

c3380e No.1872460

File: 6fdf1a1c7e441dc⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 9JLU8F564DS9H786.jpg)

You're not wrong anon.

026a55 No.1872942


TIME is Perspective/Consciousness in motion through SPACE.

Fundamental reality is pure information. All else is built upon this foundation. The 'objective reality' is ruled by the collective perception of each individual's subjective reality.

Q-team is likely in possession of a highly sophisticated AI aiding in operations. If assumptions are correct, then it should be likely that Q-team has knowledge of true fundamental metaphysics along with technology developed from these discoveries. This is also why it is necessary to activate here, to engage the collective consciousness in direct dialogue and focus its power upon certain outcomes.


Their [collective mind]. A singular function of a plural network. E pluribus unum.

bc78ec No.1873197


Thats messed up. (fuk that captcha was hard)

3c7ee1 No.1880580

File: 0cc98a0b5ffe8d2⋯.jpeg (60.79 KB, 1568x770, 112:55, Minority_Report_pre-Cogs.jpeg)

File: defceb76be241fc⋯.jpg (177.49 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, vortex-1480x833.jpg)

File: 082634b11cec9e9⋯.jpg (286.87 KB, 1200x870, 40:29, twinpeaksepisode11-6.jpg)

File: cea4ccaf073940c⋯.jpg (75.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

what if a temporal asymptote could be created by either technological (magnetic flux) or biological methods? think of it as remote viewing, but in terms of time. quantum uncertainty applies to timelines in much the same way as electrons. what if there were places on earth where the gravity/magnetism fluctuations and variations make accessing a temporal asymptote easier? what if celestial alignments also affect the temporal access nodes? have prior civilizations known about this? what if there were chemical/biological methods that affect an individuals perception of subjective time? what if a person can learn to willfully manipulate their own perceptions of time? what if this manifests in terms of neuroplasticity and such a skill can become 'hard-wired' into a person over time? what if a group or groups know about this time tech and focus activities of this kind in cetain publicly inaccessible areas? what if they also know which people are genetically predisposed to temporal dissociation by genetic databasing? what if they isolate these people at a young age and simultaneously cultivate/control their use of these abilities?

e9b320 No.1881166


Thank you.

65f285 No.1881598


>By ALL does he mean ALL? Or is it only an expression?

We = Humans

All = literally ALL

THEY = the "others"

THEY cannot create

THEY leash us to use our power

WE transcend cause and effect

THEY want that power

Their envy is immense.

1038b8 No.1881634


Q is accessing the quantum field - where the akashic records are stored.

Hemi-sync, Remote Viewing, Astral Projection…

all these words deal with quantum entanglement.

Fairly certain the 'quantum field' as we call it is the 'Source' or 'God'.

funny how they are both immeasurable and in all things

65523a No.1882974

I don't really believe in this shit, but I'm going to throw this out here anyway.

Large Hadron Collider. Where is it located? CERN.

There was public outcry when this thing went live. Who complained?

026a55 No.1883929


>Fairly certain the 'quantum field' as we call it is the 'Source' or 'God'.

>funny how they are both immeasurable and in all things

This is correct. The quantum field is generated primarily by the unified information field axioms. The unified information field in its totality is equivalent to "source" or "God".

1038b8 No.1884014


I love you.

I love you for validating my thoughts.

I haven't been able to find any 'source' of my info other than…. asking the source. this is what I came up with.

Trusted my gut.



lol CERN.

which tale do you want?

>it opens alternate/parallel dimensions

<it opens a portal to hell

either way you cut it, CERN opens portals, it doesn't 'slam particles together' to find the God Particle.

026a55 No.1884132


The only validation we will garner for our thoughts within the current [paradigm] is from one another, anonymously. The ideas of the future are not yet ripe for the masses. Papers have already been written, and more are in progress. The shift is already underway as the [energy] infuses Earth. It, however, cannot be stopped (no matter what they desire). We have already chosen, and must keep choosing this reality. That is the only way it will come to fruition. Not even Q could stop this if they wanted to. The -[reality architects]- are fulfilling their purposes and those in opposition to [the movement] will only fail.

Anon, forge forward into the fray with us. Only reward and prestige awaits us there.

de6819 No.1884483

File: 23282cdac7c8b76⋯.jpg (134.64 KB, 388x443, 388:443, b3c654e50060b3238ee3048593….jpg)


OP, also we need to consider the idea that if by November things don't happen the way we hope with the Q team, we need to get a serious effort in the rest of 2018 and end of 2019 to get heavily prepped. Forget the Space Force, we are going to need to be the gun behind every blade of grass. Just saying. We will have maybe a year to push any of their crazy plans back.

026a55 No.1884580


This is a valid assessment. We must accept the game theory players & rules ad hoc. If plan A fails, plan B must be the uprising of TRUE PATRIOTS across the USA and all of Earth. You are all true patriots. The overall goal here should be to a) expunge corruption globally, b) publicly expose and punish those responsible, and c) nullify and repel any efforts counter to such goals. Information is key to narrative. Controlling the narrative is key to achieving goals. These values should be upheld universally.

05f89d No.1884810


>But I god damn well know we've shifted timelines.

I believe we have as well.

My daughter and I often talk about a book series she read <autist before it had a label>

She was in 3rd or 4th grade. It was impossible to have read the series because it hadn't been published at that time, the book series came out when she was early 20s.

I had asked her "Why" are they saying it's new when she read the whole series and I told her some highlights I remembered her telling me about. She looked at me like her brains spinning diode froze. Then said, I don't remember that. My daughter has a photographic mind, how does she NOT recall something that was integral in her growing years.

Long point but my point is, I remember clearly and since reading the Marvellous underground journey, I've looked at the whole situation differently.

05f89d No.1884891


>We (our spirits) are actually the ONLY thing in this world that doesn't require sustenance

LOVE, has been stated many times as the requirement to sustain your spirit.

ec406a No.1885015


>LOVE, has been stated many times as the requirement to sustain your spirit.

LOVE pours into you from within, it is not part of the physical Universe.

ec406a No.1885027


>break the "physiospiritual coefficient of friction"

That's a good way to describe it.

02c36c No.1885558


This is like coming home. I have to many thoughts spinning in my head to articulate right now.

02c36c No.1885649


I'm Native American. The elders talk about shaman of old and how they have access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing. It's my belief that the shaman goes to his or her "power spot" also known as a "Ley line". Wikipedia tells it like this. Ley lines /leɪ laɪnz/ are apparent alignments of land forms, places of ancient religious significance or culture, often including man-made structures. They are straight 'paths' or routes in the landscape which are believed to have spiritual significance.

The phrase was coined in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, referring to supposed alignments of numerous places of geographical and historical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths, natural ridge-tops and water-fords. In his books Early British Trackways and The Old Straight Track, he sought to identify ancient trackways in the British landscape. Watkins later developed theories that these alignments were created for ease of overland trekking by line-of-sight navigation during neolithic times, and had persisted in the landscape over millennia.[1] In his book The View Over Atlantis (1969), the writer John Michell revived the term "ley lines", associating it with spiritual and mystical theories about alignments of land forms, drawing on the Chinese concept of feng shui. He believed that a mystical network of ley lines existed across Britain,[2] a notion actively promoted by The Ley Hunter magazine, edited at the time by his biographer, Paul Screeton.

Since the publication of Michell's book, the spiritualised version of the concept has been adopted by other authors and applied to landscapes in many places around the world.

The ley line hypothesis is a type of pseudoscience. A random distribution of a sufficient number of points on a plane will inevitably create alignments of random points purely by chance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_line

I believe from my own 50 years of experience that these ley lines (power points ) move over time.

Have you ever had a place that you could go to for meditation and leave feeling re-energized. And then suddenly that place does not have that same feel to it anymore.

Because it moved.

Find out why it moved and you will find out how to control it.

02c36c No.1885759


Just a theory:

What is CERN? It's one big ass magnet.

Flip the switch and turn it on and you would draw near by ley lines ( the planets own power grid ) into one spot thus giving you the power needed to open portals.

Like I said before. Learn how or why the ley lines move and you will learn to control it.

Just a thought.

962d16 No.1886005

Look into an old religion called Gnosticism. Their beliefs were based around a being called the Demiurge, which is a kind of false god thing at a far higher degree of consciousness than our own. Apparently it created the physical world and trapped us all here to farm us for our negative emotions. It's far more complex than that, but that's the basic gist that's relevant to this thread. Now, as I said, it's an old religion (pre-Christian). Obviously most religions are based on faith, and don't have any direct tangible evidence. There is some evidence that this is the truth.

There was a guy called Robert Monroe, who started a scientific institute called The Monroe Institute (which still exists today). He started the institute to study consciousness and the idea of it not being physical after he started having spontaneous astral projections in the 50s while he was testing out sleep learning with audio tapes. He's written a few books about it. An example of one of the scientific tests they did is this one where they had two people in isolation booths, one of them had a message that the other didn't know, they both projected, the first one told the second one the message astrally, then when they both woke up the second person knew the message. Robert Monroe was the kind of person who viewed this stuff as objectively as he could. He didn't have the bias of religion or materialist atheism or anything like that. They would just try things and report on exactly what they experienced, rather than interpreting it. So there were many, many things they discovered. The CIA actually developed their remote viewing program from Project Stargate based on The Monroe Institute's research. So the relevance to Gnosticism comes from a particular experience Robert Monroe had. Skipping the irrelevant and complex details (if you want to know more, he wrote a book called Far Journeys which details this particular experience), during a particular astral projection, he interacted with what seemed to be some kind of external conscious entity, and this external conscious entity taught him about this being that had created the physical plane and all of the laws of physics and such, and it was keeping us here to farm 'energy' (he called this 'energy' "loosh") from us when we had negative experiences. These negative experiences were meant to be inherent to the idea of existing within this reality and these physical laws. Now, this experience was coming from a guy who admitted to never having studied any kind of ancient religions or Eastern philosophy or anything like that. He had no idea what Gnosticism was, and yet he somehow came to the exact same conclusion about why we're all here in a very specific way.

Another slightly more circumstantial piece of evidence is this: every time Gnosticism has popped up throughout history, all followers are very quickly eliminated and the movement dies out. One example of this is the Cathars, who were a Gnostic sect in France in the 1400s. They're an interesting group to read about. I remember watching a David Icke video that explained it quite well. Miguel Serrano is another good source, although I think I remember him being a big Hitler supporter, and obviously an idea that floats around this board frequently is that Hitler was a Rothschild puppet (which is probably true considering they needed an excuse to create Israel (not to mention, YHWH is the demiurge and Moses fucked the world through the Mosaic Covenant, so, you know)), so some of his information might come from an Esoteric Hiterlist standpoint.

The specific relevance to this thread is that it's probably what Q was referring to with that Matrix analogy. Either that or Q was referring to adrenochrome harvest (another riveting topic), or something I'm not aware of. Either way, it's the one belief system (including atheism) that seems to have any actual tangible evidence to back it up, rather than just being based on faith and dogma, so I think people in this thread might find it interesting. That's not to say the Gnostics were necessarily right about everything of course. Just, they seem to be the most likely to be correct in this particular case out of all propositions. I would also recommend you all read the >>>/fringe/ recommended reading list.

1038b8 No.1888429


pieces i've put together ( in theory )

Earth was supposed to have a polarity flip every ~300,000 years.

It's been 780,000 years since the last flip.

I believe the flip is being prevented.

Once you factor in Quantum field/theory/energy - Zero point energy ( what ever other names you want to call the unseen ) its very possible to generate so much 'negative energy' that the flip isn't possible anymore.

Like holding a pendulum back from swinging. It should swing back and forth indefinitely, but its not, something is interfering.

Obviously the Earth has been around quite some time, yet our recorded history barely dates to right before Jesus.

If you want to find "english" information pre-1400s, good fucking luck!

After I started piecing together the history of the bibles ( all the different versions and translations ), and also reading 'other religion' bibles, I realized that what we define as "Religion" is 90% bullshit, 10% truth.

We so easily cling to the concept of an afterlife, because down deep in our soul's bones, we know its there.

Religion capitalized on this.

The ones that don't need the concept of an afterlife are perfected sheep.

God does exist, is provable by science, we have just labelled it as something 'sciencey' like "Quantum Theory".

The 'fringe' division of the world has been calling me my whole life. My faith was born real young, cognitive dissonance was traumatized out of me by having to discern between two 'true religions' ( baptist and Catholicism ) growing up.

I know without a doubt the whole Remote Viewing/Astral Projection/4th Dem exists, I wish I could figure out how to get there already.

So much practicing, but I seem to be missing something.

One thing i found so intriguing about your story of Monroe is that he had no formal education in religions or gnosticism yet was granted a knowledge/wisdom of them.

^ This has been happening to me lately, last couple months. Since April-ish, when I started digging all over *anything* tangentially related to Q.

27657b No.1888834

File: c497d23a71e9fdf⋯.png (901.11 KB, 768x512, 3:2, fake-and-gay.png)


another useless thread following a larp

just like the R thread


1038b8 No.1889241


==can we delete useless posts like this ^ ?

(along with this particular one?)

026a55 No.1889334


Idk. The anon can't see enlightening taking place. It is he who is blind, fake, and gay

c89d32 No.1891485


I just thought of something else.

Trump said "The future belongs totally to us."

Did he mean it literally?

ff463b No.1892522


Have heard about the CERN portal theories, but not this:

They are admittedly trying to create, store, and tranport anti-matter


1038b8 No.1893027

if Q = 17

and Stranger Things = 11

17 = Even Stranger Things ?

3bf22b No.1901127



>wrong number

Lmmmaaaoo, intergalactic autism yasss

f434e0 No.1904094


I resonate with your post 100%, here is my question: If we can break free from this matrix by tapping into our inner beings, why does Q push us to wake up others to what is happening? Doesn't that keep us tapped into ''the game?" The resistance from non-trumpers is higher than ever. I have done so much to try and wake people, but nothing impacted anyone. It reassured Trump believers, but did nothing to those in the middle or on the left. People still react to anything negative press on POTUS, probably more than ever.

61b6a5 No.1904609


Some nodes don’t respond to ping. Move along to nodes that receive packets.

Some nodes receive packets but are sitting idle. Hence 2016 and how they were shocked.

Thousands upon thousands of us got together, discussed how they cheat all the time and figured we would mislead them.

How do they steal elections? Requires knowing the margins and just tipping the scale slightly.

I kept my voice anti never trump. Others did also. Why is this relevant?

It was our MOAB. Shutting up is key sometimes.

61b6a5 No.1904623


They never saw it coming

026a55 No.1906118


Be careful about projecting humanly notions onto what is naturally abstract to our perception. However, the relationship you describe does exist in some relative form. If the universe is fundamentally pure information, what else must follow? What good is information that describes nothing? What is necessary for information as a fundamental metaphysical property to persist? Perceptual observers. What do they do? Collect, process, share, and compare information (generally), as information does not exist in a vacuum. Perception as a function is elemental to the primary metaphysical reality of everything as pure information. Instead of fighting this natural phenomenon, we can utilize its knowledge as a foundation to reality in order to affect the outcome of the future.

d3cf42 No.1907905

File: 59ccd5107c2ebef⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 220x340, 11:17, Spiritual Machines.jpg)

I don't know if I'm buying the time travel theory here as cool as it might be. Q has made minor predictive mistakes and plans have suffered setbacks. A mastery of time would give the white hats a level of omniscience which I don't believe we are seeing now. I do however think that we are seeing the usage of predictive AI system which can assist in determining the best course of action. If an AI system is fed in insanely comprehensive personality profiles of the bad actors, as well as records of their past actions in given circumstances and the resources at their disposal, and then constantly updated with around the clock surveillance of these individuals it can predict their actions with a high degree of certainty. What's more is that it can determine the best course by which to entrap these individuals by knowing their likely responses to certain actions. At some point, with enough information input, and nearly unlimited computational power, the level of predictive accuracy begins to approach something that could be mistaken as foresight or time travel.

I'm inclined to think that this is what Q and the military are utilizing AI to some degree. The very fact that anons have been tasked with utilizing a grass roots system of memetic warfare even suggests that the Q teams has a comprehensive understanding of metrics and meta-data that we can't even begin to fathom. For myself personally it sometimes feels like when I red pill people or send out memes that it's all just disappearing out into the ether. Q team says that the world is watching and encourages us to continue digging and trying to wake people up so obviously they have some means to collate the effectiveness of our efforts and some predictive algorithm that can see the true extent of the war effort.

As for any nebulous sense of a timeline "switch", it's probably just a very natural sense of holistic relief which has come from the recognition of a near-miss with the hell on earth that we all knew was coming along with HRC and her cronies. For many people who have been woke for more than the last year or two there was little reason to have a positive outlook of the future. Perhaps the reason why things feel so suddenly different is because there is a reason to see the glass as half-full for the first time in our lives. It's such a profound and subtle change in our collective psyche that we literally view our future in a different light so of course it feels in some way a shift in time itself.

As for the UFO and alien question I'm a pretty firm believer that most UFOs, especially those that leave behind physical evidence, are just amazing government tech. I believe the modern UFO mythology that so many of us are so passionate about is one of the most brilliant propaganda operations in history. I picture it as something akin to fly paper for otherwise curious individuals who might seek to look into government secrets. The narrative exploded during the cold war and at the time I think it was a pretty clever effort to maintain secrecy and contain leaks via compartmentalization. Picture a massive top-secret military weapons project. To maintain secrecy in an environment of spying and espionage like that of the cold war such projects were heavily compartmentalized. When cutting-edge technology from one area would filter through to another and people began to ask questions the responses and briefings from the higher ups would state things like “This technology was recovered from a crash Martian craft”, or “This technology was actually reverse engineered Tesla tech”, or any number of different distinct permutations of fantasy. When a leak would happen from the project into the public sphere all the military needed to do was pay attention to which particular story leaked out. They could then trace the leak back to the source which they gave in the first place. Look at the old info from some of the patriarchs of Ufology there are so many conflicting narratives and I think that it is in part for this reason of secrecy. Bill Cooper, who Q even gave a nod to, is a solid example of a guy who did a turn around on the topic because he felt that he was being purposely misled by the documents he had seen in the military. Why space aliens? It came with the double benefit as being a cover for civilians too, who would naturally seek to discredit outlandish claims.

As for aliens and the whole matrix analogy it's anyone's guess. In my own personal opinion I think we're the aliens that have been placed on this planet. To me it's more a spiritual/inter-dimensional thing than the typical depiction of what an alien is. Demonic forces, for lack of a better word, harvest our energy, our labor, and our spiritual essence. This probably isn't a new concept to anyone reading this. The fact that our enemy is ubiquitously Satanic should be an indicator and a wake up call to anyone seeking the truth.

61d847 No.1907994

Everyone here understands that "Kek" as the "god of primordial chaos" is this "quantum field" that is within and without and sustains all things, yes?

Primordial Chaos = Kek = Ein Sof = Quantum Field etc.


7890df No.1994887


>In most realities?

That's a rather spooky thought, actually. One lightworker said that what we are seeing in the Left is the effect of hive mind. If the energy went a different way in most other realities, perhaps that is part of the phenomenon. So we 'autists' can't be programmed? I guess that means they couldn't get us hooked into that hive mind. It would seem that our job here is to overcome it, among other things.

This thread might as well be titled, "Things that make you go, 'Huh!'

The theory that Q has knowledge of the future kind of reminds me of that video, "We Are From the Future."


As for timeline jumping, there have been a few extreme cases of people who jump timelines, as documented by Trish LeSage in her book, "Traveling To Parallel Universes." (It seems to have become unavailable. She was selling it on CreateSpace, but it is no longer there.) In one story, a woman woke up one day and went to work. She discovered that she had a different job. Then later that day when she went home again, she discovered that she had a different boyfriend!

In another story, a person was jumping from one reality to another so often that they could never be sure what their true past was at any given time.

Trish herself wrote that she knows she died in a house fire in another reality.

I've sometimes wondered how many times I've died already. There have been a few potential exit points already. And maybe that's why Nelson Mandela died twice? And I find it fascinating that the Bible has changed so much. In any case, I do believe that the ultimate outcome of the current trajectory will be a good one.

7890df No.1994902


>Just noticed that the last word in this statement is not grammatically correct:

>>Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people … and controlled their mind?

Hive mind, maybe?

7890df No.1995027


>I don't know if I'm buying the time travel theory here as cool as it might be. Q has made minor predictive mistakes and plans have suffered setbacks.

If both sides have the tech, then the war becomes changing the outcome of specific events. I know someone who claims to have time-traveled. He says it is very expensive. His project has been to influence someone's actions to create an outcome. I wonder sometimes which side he's on.

22eb46 No.2001094


Your answers can be found within. You know… you just forgot how to play the game…


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