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626b8e (1) No.1546485>>1547003 >>1551210 >>1923808 >>1993217 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Personally I'm just getting 11:11s but I'm interested to read about other Anons

d2c9f8 (1) No.1546582>>1585308 >>1993165

I'm finding when I drop red pills on zuckbook the same topic gets mentioned in the msm news.

Recently, I made a post about Meghan Markle running for President would let the crown regain control of US and that she didn't marry for love but power. Boom, msn discusses her for President.

Then I posted about MH370 search called off and how that's likely the plane downed in Ukraine to blame Russia. Boom, reports claim Russia dropped the plane.

fdc447 (1) No.1547003>>1585308

>>1546485 (OP)

kek keep them red pills up anon might save some kids

69d539 (1) No.1551210

File (hide): bdbb91c30beb447⋯.jpg (195.98 KB, 560x642, 280:321, 5f776a3e32628f198b1885363d….jpg) (h) (u)

>>1546485 (OP)

Recently dropped a red-pill to some normies about Tesla's works, then not 5 minutes later on the board, someone had posted links on the general to a torrent for the first season/first episode of the Tesla Files show, which just recently started airing, that I hadn't known about.

13780f (1) No.1551967

CNN seems to have a 5 second delay whenever they are forced to show POTUS live.

d04add (1) No.1552298>>1585267

I'm an 11:11er! But also 222 and others….One of my best sync's was after a few weeks of the 2 wave hitting me, I woke one morning and started listening to great tunes on youtube…had a great time by myself and the universe…I played this one song, "seasons of love' like 10 times, but finally got my fill of it.

Anyway, later in the night I was in the other room and heard a commotion. I walk into the living room, where my laptop had powered down hours earlier and saw that it had turned on at….2:22am…AND started playing the 'seasons of love' song all by its self.

Twas a crazy jaw dropper for me. Still don't know how that happened except the fairies of the universe perhaps…lol.

I have so many number syncs that it's like 'they' are my friends. I always know I'm in the zone when they show up in the really crazy ways.

That's just one story though ;)

7f407b (2) No.1553556

it's all 23s for me. starting when i was 16, i'd see 1:23 on the clock and it'd always stick out. it's very prevalent.

my most recent ex girlfriend lived in a house number 321. the first night we kissed while leaving her place, i walked outside, looked at my watch and it was 1:23am.

two of my best friends were born on 11/23 and 2/23

there's a wiki for a "23 enigma" which was quite a shock to me


2 and 3 are used to symbolize earth and heaven in i ching divination

i went to las vegas last year and played roulette with my uncle. a couple sat down and put a heap on 23. it was "their number". next thing i know, 23 came up twice in the span of 10 minutes

annnd i'm 23 right now. it's a beautiful number, and a fascinating part of my life

3d063b (1) No.1553923>>1553957 >>1559042 >>1585267 >>1757314

File (hide): 75ed52ce9cd61fc⋯.jpg (153.14 KB, 1024x548, 256:137, 19233be135c2aa9947b2fe328e….jpg) (h) (u)

I've been an 1111 for years. But since 2015 and kek and 4chan pol coincidences and synchronicities are off the hook. I know I've become part of anons as a group.

You know how you can scroll through the board and automatically see the shills, bleep by stuff that you know somehow means nothing, and stop scrolling right on the important things?

You know you are away from anons doing regular life stuff and you think oh wow, I just thought of a connection and I better get back to the board after I get home and post it, and you get home and you get on and DANG IF EVERYONE ISN"T ALREADY TALKING ABOUT IT.

b180cd (1) No.1553957


Well dun anon

684588 (1) No.1554130

just ignore them femanon

7f407b (2) No.1559042>>1585267


and 23 gets posted after me lol

f79a94 (2) No.1560684

used to be 11:11's

now i'm 555 or 333's

last two weeks have been really crazy with the 555's

eebe8e (3) No.1585267>>1586346


digits confirm


that's amazing! I've had it happen too but now I'm back to being as confused as I've never been

I'd love to read that thread if you know which one it is.. wonder what that could mean about "base" reality if there is such a thing


that's scary but good scary kek maybe high positive energy could power it up idk

eebe8e (3) No.1585308


sorry I meant >>1546582

7e8b43 (1) No.1585382>>1585487 >>1586346

File (hide): 4bbd1c8cbd77272⋯.png (579.77 KB, 1256x983, 1256:983, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Anything like this?

eebe8e (3) No.1585487


nice anon

unless you make 30 posts per bread… digits confirm, universe approves

f79a94 (2) No.1586346



yep - not just posts here, but totals at the grocery store, restaurant bills, license plates in front of me in rush hour, texts from my kids on when they'll be home, etc…and the 5's are continuing like crazy right now

5318a6 (1) No.1639311

On a long drive home from Massachusetts to New York - my fiancée asked me to explain what happened on 9/11.

After about a 40 minute explanation, we drove under an overpass that had large graffiti stating "911 TRUTH"

8b2263 (1) No.1642957


Started tracking in AUG 2017

i stopped tracking screenshots after i changed phones in november.

60+ instances in ~120 days

happens upwards of 5x in a day now.

I just smile and go 'yeah yeah i get it' now

b7a33e (1) No.1651852>>1808195

File (hide): 7754153b53ddf71⋯.png (93.13 KB, 236x293, 236:293, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

About 5 years ago I had a dream with a Wizard he had white hair beard and all, we were in a cloud or mist he had a large clock (not a normal clock it was color coded) he pointed at the clock and it was at 3 o'clock it was also in the red section of the clock, I asked what does that mean? and he said it's Time, I said time for what? he said its going to be easier now? for some reason this dream really impacted me and I have been trying to figure out what it meant it seemed so important, Then Q came along Wizard & Warlocks, Future proves past, wind the clock, It was more than a coincidence for me, the dream now has meaning as the Wizard said "its Time"

d777a4 (1) No.1652104






b592d3 (2) No.1757314>>1761776 >>1762006


A lot of times I wake up in the middle of the night with one thought repeating over and over. I know it's really important whatever is being said. One night I woke up with this thought. We (mankind) created all this darkness and it is now time to undo what was created. It is time for a new reality. Then I saw myself with a doll and the doll was Satan. I put him on a shelf because I didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. I realized I'm the one who gives him power. I'm the one who makes him move just as a child plays with a doll. I literally make the doll walk and talk and everything else. Not long after that Q. Posted Is Satan real? Is the thought of Satan real? That was a big synchronicity for me. Not that i 100% understand this but too much has been said to this fact. I always believed he was real. It had never come into my mind that he might not be. This also goes right along with what you are saying here, how we create our reality.

I think one big thing to hinders people waking up is the fear of being deceived. People are deathly afraid of being wrong. I used to fear being wrong and I really don't know why. It's a huge handicap. It keeps you from going from point A to point B. Anyway Im hoping on this board we can really start piecing some of this stuff together. I am 1 puzzle piece on the table of many. I am so ready to see the whole picture!

10df0e (1) No.1760678>>1762110 >>1770004 >>1792822 >>1792882 >>1870750

I suppose this is a reminder that Late Night QResearch does not recognize time…

When I meditated today, after I met and talked with the other anons, I was taken into a deeper state.

In this state, I saw the numbers 3, 6, and 9, one after another and they arranged themselves in a row. I flew through them as they shrank and spun into an infinitely small point.

I was taken to the top of a great mountain and the entire landscape was covered in snow. I couldn't feel the cold, but I immediately began climbing down the mountain with ease. Hidden in the side of the mountain, I saw an opening and I went into it.

Inside, was like a cavern that also worked like a hall of stone and ice. At the end of this 'hall' was a gigantic gate made of stone. There were symbols all along the edges of the gate, though I can't remember the symbols were.

Then, I was told that the gate to Shambala was in Antartica.

I asked what Shambala was, and I was told that it is the realm where thoughts actually manifest into existence; an aspect of God that allows Creation to create with their thoughts. The Gate allowed direct access to it, even if the person was not capable of spiritually reaching it otherwise. Its original purpose was to be used as a gate to travel, since great distances could crossed through the gate.

I was told that the cabal wants access to it because it would allow them to recreate reality in full, by their own thoughts: something that they are not actually capable of on their own otherwise (though the rest of humanity largely is), which is why they resort to their evil rituals. This is also why they depend on brainwashing the population, because they use our collective consciousness since they cannot do so themselves.

I was told that there hearts are full of evil, however, as is their thoughts. They would bring Hell on earth if they got past or opened the Gate.

3b7360 (1) No.1761776>>1762046 >>1771432


your dream about Satan being under your control, is Satan's way of minimizing your belief system to the point where you become God,

( in the Garden, that was his plan as well, he got eve to question God and disrespect Adams direct orders to not touch the section of the garden that belonged to God, it was a test, she failed and we are all paying the price for her disobedience, but since Adam was the prophet priest and king of his family, he took the blame judicially) satan gets you to question God's Existence and by questioning Satans existence, satan is winning the battle. Dont believe dreams because they can manipulate your mind..dont fall victim to your puny subconscious, trust God, when He says Satan fell from Grace and rules the earth, believe it, because it is the truth. If Satan didnt exist, we wouldnt be chasing down a satanic pedophile Cabal Network of deep state scum, would we ?

ae37dd (4) No.1762006

>>1757314 that'll crank the religare meat-tards. you wan't to STOP serving anti-live EVIL: Choose to stop EATING it.

ae37dd (4) No.1762046

>>1761776 i bet you say "amen" as you devour lambs and other sentient beings that you believe in eating for pleasure. your every meaty mouthful enables kakistocracy - the thing you proclaim you are fighting. you are sick.

ae37dd (4) No.1762110

>>1760678 welcome to the tori. manifest with care, learn from your mistakes. carnists bring hell but self-destruct when exposed.

d29f2d (4) No.1770004>>1770559 >>1770606 >>1779875 >>1792882 >>1793407


Again, I was invited to be taken into a deeper state.

This time, I watched as a modern man explored the jungle with scant supplies and alone. He disappeared in the brush. When I went after him, what I saw was not modern.

It was an almost city, then it was a bustling city. A city of people with bronze skin and dark hair. They were not modern-looking at all. Their clothing was much older. Their buildings stacked upon each other in a pyramid-esque style.

The people there were happy. They were well-provided for. The people from the stars came and provided for them, in a way. The relationship was mutually beneficial, I was told. It wasn't often, it felt like once a year or so.

Yet, for some reason, (part of my mind became that of the people there), the people from the stars stopped coming. Then disease and famine became widespread.

They did not know what was happening. They thought the people from the stars had shown disdain for them. They did not know that there were others from different, darker places that not only distracted these people's benefactors with an ongoing war, but also created the famine and disease these native people suffered through.

As the people suffered and searched for answers, these entities infiltrated their religious sect and, at the height of their desperation, their religious leaders came out with a solution:

They declared that the beings from the stars were gods and they were angry for not being properly honored. The people were confused. Never before had these beings ever actually asked them of anything than to care for one another. Still, knowing how much these beings had done for them, they reasoned there were might be some truth to it.

It started with gold.

It quickly became human sacrifice.

The first I saw was a very young girl. A pretty girl with long, black hair and bright green eyes. Her name meant "sunrise" because she was her mother's Light. She was chosen by the corrupt religious leaders of that place because of her name. Symbolic.

They were going to eat the Sunrise and bring about an age of darkness.

The people stood in abject horror as they held the screaming child down, defiled her, then ate her. She was still sobbing when they tore out her heart.

But the people still stood. They might not have watched, but there was nothing to hide the terrible sounds.

Sunrise was first, but she was not the last. After the child was sacrificed, the evil beings cured the diseases and stopped the famine. They claimed they had pleased the gods with their sacrifice and now. In reality, they 'solved' the problem they intentionally started.

But the results were not ignored. The streets ran with blood.

d29f2d (4) No.1770559

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Started investigating and found pic related. Highlighted portions seem to point out connections in my meditation and prayer vision.

>Rising Star = Sun Rise

That may be a bit of a stretch, but I don't think too much of one at all.

Name Source: http://archive.is/Q7i1F

Everything else seems to be spot on, though, save for the lack of disease to go with the drought. Mind you, this is from wikipedia: http://archive.is/fOGKR

ae37dd (4) No.1770606>>1770645 >>1770654

>>1770004 concise. good

>others from different, darker places

do you know where they are now?

d29f2d (4) No.1770645


I do not. I have my suspicions, but that was not included in my meditation experience, so I left it out so as to avoid adding bias to the information.

d29f2d (4) No.1770654


Also, if you don't mind me asking, what is "tori"? I meant to ask before, but I had forgotten to.

b592d3 (2) No.1771432


you would have to know my relationship with the Father and Jesus to know I would never NOT believe in them. I know them and have been learning one on one for over 30 years. I've been in their presence, been totally overwhelmed by their love. I will always believe in them. But I think there is something to this about the thought of Satan vs reality of Satan. I am missing something here. That's why I'm hoping on this thread, if we can share what we know, the picture can be clearly seen.

I have learned through the years, when He is teaching me something new, there will be confirmation or synchronicities. I trust Jesus to always have my back even if I go off some weird rabbit hole and it's not the truth, he will bring me back to where I need to be.

My dad had this dream a long time ago and it shows how important combining what we know so we can get the whole picture.

He was in grocery store. His isle was the canned vegetable isle. When he would leave his isle, He was in total darkness couldn't see his hand. He couldn't see anything. He was content to stay on his isle where he knew about every canned vegetable.

The Father then asked him to prepare a 7 course meal. He, not thinking, says ok. He realizes he can only prepare what he has on his isle. He couldn't pull the right ingredients from other isles because it was in total darkness. He didn't know if he was grabbing sour cream or yogurt, white bread or wheat bread etc.

He tells the Father, I can't do it. I can't get the other ingredients right. The Father says well don't you think you need to ask the people on the other isles. They have what you need to make the meal. He did and he got the right stuff and prepared a meal.

This is how important it is to combine what we have learned. I know what's on my isle. But I don't know what's on other peoples isle. I know which food is cheap and not worth eating vs the really good stuff on my isle. But I can't say that about someone else's isle. Only they know that.

This is why we need each other so we can eat the 7 course meal. we also have to realize what we have is not the full picture. If I think that, then I'm going to reject what others have. I do know that Father will confirm things or tell you no that's not right but we have to ask that. I usually get at least 2 confirmations when it's the truth sometimes a lot more when it's something really out there. Which I've had a lot of really out there shit in the last 2 years. I get no confirmations when it's not.

My dad knew about the cabal/illuminati way back in the early 80's. We were not raised in church because he knew what was going on. I was taught to go directly to God himself if I wanted know him and that he wanted a relationship with me and he would answer me and that I wouldn't find this in religion. Oh how right he was…

I need what you other crazyanons have! Love my anon famalam!

ba11c9 (2) No.1779875>>1779883



While I was meditating, a flashing spark that opened up into a tunnel of multicolor light, arranged in a very angular shape like looking through a hexagonal tube. I passed through it and found myself sitting down next to an old Native American woman; both of us were inside of a tent(?). Strange enough, I wasn'tin my 'astral' clothing. I was in my regular clothing.

Both of us were watching as men marched away from the village and towards the horizon. Some of them were her sons and they were going off to fight a war with another part of the tribe. A intratribe conflict. What is doubly strange is that I remember this exact moment.

When my friend was over one time, he mentioned that the medium said that he would get signs of a past life through his daydreams. At that moment, I saw that woman in that tent watching the men leave. I wasn't there when I saw it, though and it only lasted a split second.

The old woman was me in a past life; this much I knew for sure and she recognized me as well. She knew I was there, Red, and recognized that we were the same person but in different incarnations. We talked. She said that her name was Chipinaw and that she was the late Chief's daughter.

I asked her what I had learned in this life and she said: "How to carry the weight of anticipation when you know something terrible is going to happen." She told me that she knew that her sons were not coming back. She also knew that she was going to die before the news of their deaths arrived, so she would not be physically present to comfort what remained of her family after the fact.

I talked to her about my own fears of the future and she held and consoled me, then gave me some advice. I was afraid because I didn't think I was the right one for any of this, I don't know if I'd be ready when it was time, how to even get ready in the first place and what was really happening. She said that I shouldn't worry because it's all going to come to me and that I already know it; it'll be like remembering.

I had also seen this same old woman during one of my first meditations when I was intent on finding on who I originally was: my very first manifestation/incarnation, I suppose. My spiritual birth?

Well, I found myself walking through a great hall and on the walls, there were pictures of various people doing things. Like seamless movie screens. I instinctively knew that those were all of my lives, but that didn't matter because I wanted the original. Her face was on one of those movies.

Here is where it gets weird, if it already hasn't.

ba11c9 (2) No.1779883

File (hide): d0531af4429bdd6⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 1094x890, 547:445, Not THere.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e797e4bed28fb0⋯.jpg (163.83 KB, 1320x848, 165:106, Chipinaw.JPG) (h) (u)


=Chipinaw may actually be a Native American name.=

That's not even the craziest part. I had a hell of a time finding out if it was, which makes sense. There were a lot of Native American tribes spread out that had very different languages and there was very little record keeping of their language. Even if it was a possible name, the meaning of the name could be lost forever and then, it'd just be a word.

My first ray of hope was when I found this reference from Urban Dictionary. (Pic Related)

But it's not actually in Urban dictionary. If you search for it in Urban Dictionary, you come up with nothing. (Pic related)

So, that got me thinking: Maybe it is an actual name. Why would someone, in 2009, write that exact word and suggest a definition for it? Problem is, it's just a suggestion and with more downvotes than upvotes at that.

Well, I found something else. (Pic related)

Chipinaw summer camp. Nothing really by itself, but it did give me a bit hope. Summer camps are often named after Native Americans words, tribes, people, etc. So, there was a chance that Chipinaw was a legitimate Native American word. I couldn't find any real history on the page, though:

http://archive.is/rFAXB (https://www.chipinaw.com/)

So, I called them. Granted, it is Saturday, so people were out and there weren't many manning the station. I think I got a volunteer intern or something. But she did tell me that Chipinaw is a Native American name, but she couldn't remember what it meant and that, the founder of the camp was actually Native American, too.

Now, this camp is based in New York apparently, just so you know the geographic relation to myself.

Something else interesting about this camp?

The Color War and the Camp Alma Mater.

http://archive.is/eitgF (http://www.thefullwiki.org/Camp_Chipinaw)

=The Color War=

"Every year at Camp Chipinaw during the seventh week, (3rd and 7th at Chipinaw @ Silver Lake), there is the traditional "Color War". Two teams, Red and Gray, compete in many activities for points and the win. During Color War campers and counselors cannot talk during meals, must have a letter every night, and the line-up for each meal is a "running line-up". This involves the two teams racing from the bottom of the hill to the top where they stand to be inspected. Teams get points or lose points depending on these things. Other activies include sports such as soccer, baseball, football, tennis, hockey, swimming, and boating. Every year campers anticipate the start of Color War. No one except the directors know exactly how it will "break out". There are traditional fake-outs where the campers are led to believe Color has started, and they are told to go get their team assignments. There they find nothing but a sign saying FAKEOUT. Eventually they get the real thing. What happens is that the entire camp is gathered for a fictious reason. They then are surprised by a large sign, a scream of "This Is Color War!", "Go to the Gym!" At the gym or anywhere else they find many trinkets, red and grey ones. Campers and counselors find their name on these and it gives them a leadership rank, or nothing. One year the trinket was a whistle, one year there was a small towel. Some breakouts include ice cream sandwich wrappers that say COLOR WAR. One rumored planned breakout was a helicopter dropping papers saying COLOR WAR. One of the biggest events is Sing. Sing is an event where each team sings three or four songs or cheers. They are: Cheer, Allamata, Team Song-Make Fun of Others, and an Introduction. This activity is heavily weighted."

What does that sounds like to you, anons?

Camp Alma Mater

Every Camp Has a Legend,

Passed on From Year to Year,

To Wish We Pledge Allegiance,

And Cherish All That’s Dear,

But Of All the Other Camps,

The One That Stands The Test,

Is the Loyal Red and Gray Camp,

The Symbol Of The Best,

>Camp Chipinaw,

>Sing Out Our Praise,

>Camp Chipinaw,

>Sing of Happy Days,

>Our Camp Forever,

>>>>Mother of Men,

>>>>Fight for Her Honor,

>Fight and Victory Again…

I don't believe in coincidences, anons.

Who are we?

Who are we really?

1099dc (5) No.1792822>>1792882


Around 2:30EST?

f0af3c (1) No.1792882>>1792951 >>1792971




Occurred around 2:30 EST if you meant in the AM.

If you meant the PM, then, yes:


This happened around that time.

1099dc (5) No.1792951


I can't even begin to explain.

Have the words.

Simply can't display them.


1099dc (5) No.1792971>>1793005

File (hide): f8153d240601802⋯.jpeg (12.84 KB, 312x162, 52:27, serveimage (13).jpeg) (h) (u)


To be clear

I didn't even know this board existed.

Linked to it from qresearch general.

Got lost looking for this post in general.

Retraced steps

Just now thought to check the board.

Mind blown.

bdb3c8 (1) No.1793005>>1793050


Sounds like something amazing happened to you.

1099dc (5) No.1793050>>1793157


Not to me.

Involving me.

I cannot explain without doxxing.

How I arrived here?

Not really sure.

Had been wondering where everyone had been.

Got lonely.

I wasn't.


4bf656 (3) No.1793157>>1793243


Take care, anon.

I hope you got the answers that you were waiting for.

1099dc (5) No.1793243


I did.

4bf656 (3) No.1793407>>1793427


I meditated for a short time tonight, because I felt a great anxiousness. Like dread, but without the fear. Unsettled without being disgusted.

I emerged in the jungle again, at the very moment when I first spotted the little girl with the strange, green eyes: she was holding her mother's hand and they were standing there, preparing for the evil priests to call "Citlalic" up to the sacrificial altar. That moment that I first saw her, she had seen me as well. She had looked at me.

I had thought nothing of it until my experience with "Chipinaw", but now I realized that she had noticed me because her and I were the same soul. The little girl was another incarnation.

When they called her forward, assured that she did not understand that she was walking to her terrible death, I grabbed her hand and the scene stopped.

We stood there for a moment and I told her that she did not have to do this; that this scene didn't need to play out. I asked her what I could have possibly learned from this life and this moment and her answer was this:

"I learned that there is no compromising with evil."

I asked her what she meant and she explained that compromising with evil sets precedence: that one sacrifice to abate evil instead of destroying it simply give credence that there will be some times that one needs to submit to evil in the name of good. That is never the case.

I thanked her and offered her a way out, I suppose. Knowing that she is a past me, and having found her again reliving this terrible memory, I offered her a place in the 'here and now'; to become a part of the total 'myself'.

She accepted the offer. As I accepted her presence, I was flooded with pleasant images: of making clothing, of trying to catch fish in the river with my hands, of running through the 'streets' laughing. Of holding a 'doll' that my mother mended for me.

Even now, I can feel her presence. It is like I am a little marveled at everything that I'm seeing once more. I felt/heard her/me interested in the headphones that I wear while meditating. I felt her/me reach up and touch one of the cans, though my physical body did not move, I don't think. My eyes were closed.

4bf656 (3) No.1793427


She also told me that she knew very well what was going to happen to her, but she chose to allow it to happen, because she was hopeful that, perhaps, she'd be able to deal with the negativity between incarnations better than the others around her. She says that she knew very well what she was back, then, and so did most everyone.

Green eyes among her people were a sign, albeit a rare one.

4efc9f (1) No.1803620

Been lurking for the past 5-6 months and trying to figure all this stuff out. This is my first post. I hope at some point I can help out here as I too see the evil that has infested our world. It must be stopped. Been a lot of info to absorb being here. Got a friend that has been looking through the catalog and is beginning to see the state of politics and business for what it is, a stinking mess.

Synchronicity is an interesting subject and something I studied many years ago. It seems like more and more I'm seeing double numbers on clocks - post counts - articles I read on the web, etc. Especially prominent lately has been the number 33, or 3:33, or 12:34, and just a couple hours ago I looked up at my computer time which displays hr:mi:se format and it read 12:34:56. I don't believe in coincidences.

A month or so ago I was listening to a radio talk show called 'Ground Zero' - the host Clyde Lewis often talks about such synchronicity and on one evening he talked about the recurring number he was seeing so much of of late, 23. I didn't think a lot about that until I woke up at 1:23 in the morning, and woke up again at 5:23! After having listened to that talk show just hours earlier. I don't believe in coincidences.

You annons are quite amazing. As is our president, and the job Q is doing is simply amazing.

Thats all I have to say for the time being. I'll creep back into the shadows and lurk for a while longer but I'm 'getting it' - how this place works. And it is wonderful to see so many patriots working in unison for a better world. Kudos to each of you, and Q, of course. In my mind I see tens of thousands, (hundreds of thousands?) of annons scouring the internet for for the links that bring needed information to a single point.

We will win this war!

9d8897 (1) No.1808195


I had a dream a few years ago, the man talking to me had white hair and beard also. He told me of things that were going to happen. The very last thing he said was 'it will happen on the equinox'. Those words are all I remember that he said, I couldn't remember the things that he said would happen.

I dreamt of the man again in early 2017. I was walking with him along a long road, he was walking with a large walking stick. There were people lined up on this road, so many people, as far as the eye could see there were people, they were Chinese and Russian. A few of the people captured my attention, such as a Chinese soldier, his gun was thrown over his back. Also a Chinese family, they had twin girls, the girls were wearing matching pink dresses. All of the people were fleeing something, they weren't running, but I knew they were fleeing. The man showed me the line of people, and he said 'the line stretches all the way from Russia, through the state of China'. Then I woke up.

4be5ed (1) No.1870750>>1923665

File (hide): d41e90bfbecf95c⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, It's a Mess.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a988449bdf58518⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 754x475, 754:475, Uranus in Taurus.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c15799cba9f390⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 762x753, 254:251, NK 01.JPG) (h) (u)


Bumping with new information that I've found.

I'll probably post it elsewhere.

Just too many links to ignore.

8565a4 (1) No.1910413

Ever since I created my Twitter account to launch my artwork, I've been seeing 33 && 11 EVERYWHERE. Especially after I started a piece in regards to symbolism..

672c29 (1) No.1923665


Our plan is working nicely.

308616 (1) No.1923808

File (hide): 2cc90ca69ba7d1d⋯.png (376.88 KB, 1784x546, 892:273, Q - Coincidence 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ae90a5b1706054⋯.png (695.89 KB, 1566x614, 783:307, Q - COINCIDENCE.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): aa6ab0407ed6e55⋯.png (167.41 KB, 635x271, 635:271, Helping Hand.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9da37522c32d294⋯.png (509.04 KB, 1797x816, 599:272, Q - Coincidence Time.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f1e780239e881aa⋯.png (409.42 KB, 1440x471, 480:157, Q - Coincidences Times 7.png) (h) (u)

>>1546485 (OP)

>Time reveals all - The Magician

a7cdb8 (2) No.1993165


I don't think Meghan Markle would still qualify to run for president. She now has a royal title.

As for MH370, I'm convinced people PRETENDING to be Russian dropped the plane.

a7cdb8 (2) No.1993217

>>1546485 (OP)

I was seeing 11:11 a lot nearly 20 years ago. These days, I sometimes see 11:11, but these days I'm usually seeing just about any triple digit number almost every day and often a few of them in the same day. And sometimes I'll see a quad digit number.

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