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File (hide): 6e219154b9b5709⋯.png (11.12 KB, 755x755, 1:1, weed-leaf.png) (h) (u)


452394 (1)  No.1212676>>1213757 >>1241939 >>1245333 >>1329333 >>1547076 >>1567915 >>1642945 >>1673531 >>1709538 >>1769861 >>2499462 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

With all the people talking about kanye and candace. Trump should legalize pot. It would get more of the dems to come over.

523ad9 (4)  No.1213757>>1574223

>>1212676 (OP)

Agreed. However, he will leave it up to a legitimate vote of the people.

I'm more curious if the states are adding in or removing compounds and how that affects the overall… health profile? The benefits and the negatives.

The non-flower option is isolated to remove terpines and other natural compounds, like CBG and CBN. as far as I can tell. Certain formulas leave me irritable while others are very powerful. It's too early to pin down without more data. Anecdotally, flower does not leave me itchy and irritable like an addict. And as a recovering addict, I recognize the symptoms very well.

CBD, IMO, is a wonder-compound.

Explored it a bit more here:




07aa99 (1)  No.1213830

Definitely. It's the perfect olive branch to offer them. Plus it's been proven to help opiod addiction. We're going to need something to help people get off much worse stuff.

aa0717 (1)  No.1213954>>1216768 >>1217033 >>1227388 >>1553881 >>1637266 >>1646049 >>1661929 >>2411652

Tricky one. It also lowers IQ, triggers schizophrenia etc. It's not a 100% safe thing - although nothing is, maybe water :)

b5c48f (1)  No.1214017

I'm ALL for legalization, but the way things are going…nope. Unless there is an across the board agreement to treat cannabis like alcohol then legalization is only going to end up as back door gun control, especially for vets who would benefit from the amazing PTSD healing. Currently they institute that if you have a medical prescription you cannot have guns. That is bullshit. You can be a drunk all day long and have guns, but smoke a joint for pain…nope.

Cannabis is far less harmful in every single way than alcohol. Pilots can get shit faced drunk as long as it's not within their flight time window…but smoke a joint? NOPE…the double standard is insane.

Who would you rather meet in a back alley? A shit faced drunk or someone who smoked a doob?

Unless the feds rule that cannabis be treated like alcohol in regards to employment (IE don't go to work drunk OR stoned and don't get drunk or stoned at work) AND gun ownership they can stick their legalization up their ass sideways. What good is it to have the legal right to use cannabis instead of opiod pain killers if you're going to lose your job for doing so? I'd rather be working with someone who smoked a joint at bed time or even upon waking than someone taking five or six oxy a day, driving, working, etc…insane. And xanex? Are you kidding me? Have few puffs of a joint for anxiety be normal…but take your xanex and be doped up? Right now people drive on antipsychotics with serious side effects, benzos, and pain killers but do so on pot, go to jail. HA and what happens if the two martini business lunch got treated the same way as a few puffs off the clock?

Cannabis legalization as backdoor gun control…nope.

154e77 (1)  No.1214055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be3367 (1)  No.1215369>>1792426

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Give it about two to five years to get the established degenerates in prison. It's coming, just unequally distributed. The places that had it for a long time also have inconvenient ties to the underworld. Compare with ending alcohol prohibition and Vegas/Atlantic City. (Trump is an expert at moving illegal to legal markets while filtering out the bad actors.)

4f740a (1)  No.1216557

Put this on the pro list… it disrupts the MK-Ultra programming. Probably explains why Kanye went rouge!

f69b19 (1)  No.1216768>>1554045 >>1792500


You can literally OD on water. You cannot OD on weed. I've tried

b4195e (2)  No.1216991>>1221478

POTUS: use EO to declare all free people free to grow and consume any natural plant or substance. It is our right to put whatever we want into our own bodies. NO FURTHER DISCUSSION OR JUSTIFICATION IS NEEDED!! Are WE Fn Free or not!? This should and will end the marketization, corporatization($$) and nefarious corruption of cannibis and other earth given plants.

b4195e (2)  No.1217033


WFT ever? Do we need any person or govt to babysit us??? Wake the f up! Grow the f up --- we keep handing our freedom over to "authority" then we don't deserve freedom. Lame-ass faggots!

4216f1 (1)  No.1217995

I absolutely agree with legalizing the CBD oil. If I could take this & it helped to take away all the over-the-counter pills & 3 prescribed meds I take every day--it would be so much healthier & way less expensive.

No more every month dr. visits; no more anxiety & depression & no more chronic pain. How marvelous would that be?

POTUS I hope you get to this thread--it's worth reading. Please heavily consider the legalization of marijuana for all.

from: A Never Pot Smoker; but is willing to give it a chance thru CBD oil.

c1b2f1 (1)  No.1218528

agreed. Ridiculous when sovergn human beings are restricted from a plant.

Did anyone see the sessions recently agreeing he needed to see more science? I get the feeling sessions is just a product of how he was raised and will have his eyes opened. Positives far outweigh negatives here.

And for shits and grins wouldn't it be super fun to watch the liberals with TDR mental gymnastics if POTUS came out in support of legalization?

523ad9 (4)  No.1221369

523ad9 (4)  No.1221376>>1226438

523ad9 (4)  No.1221382

And I'm spent.

da830b (1)  No.1221478>>1224726 >>1642793


are you retarded? serious question

f3189d (3)  No.1224726>>1226233


They're not wrong, just not acknowledging current realities.

I think that would be the end goal for some of us, it's just a matter of how it's approached and how long it takes.

"Substance" can have a very broad interpretation. Think of what else this board looks into. Maybe just clarify that do what you want to yourself just don't harm others. That's just the way it is/should be, IMO.

cd8e6b (1)  No.1226233


Exactly- personal choice. Why insult those that promote personal freedom (prev poster)… unless you are against personal freedom and have no arguments to back it up. (((they))) fear personal freedom.

c3f0bf (1)  No.1226438>>1228931


With all due respect. THC is the most powerful of the cannibanoids for stimulating the immune system - to the point of killing abnormal cells aka cancer cells. The big push for CDB seems to be there to hide the much stronger compound - THC. CDB does not even come close the the power of THC… and yes it is pychoactive… so use high dose THC oil from Indica (body) not Sativa (mind) and you will simply sleep for 18 hours while completely curing your cancer, among many other diseases…

Rick Simpson:


Dennis Hill - cured his prostrate cancer:


Ronnie Smith


18fdc6 (1)  No.1226877>>1227266 >>1243595 >>1546636

I agree for medical use but look at Colorado as an example of overall legal use. I guess alcohol would do similar but with that we have a way to monitor the use of it.. as in you don't drive drunk etc.. would we put marijuana under the same type of restrictions? because there would have to be at least some.. i've been around pot smoking people and even some of you can attest you're not making the best judgements while high..

b6292f (4)  No.1227236

Regardless of what any of us thinks or believes it's going to be legalized and regulated via the FDA unfortunately.

The big pharma opiod profit making cycle is exposed and exhausted and will be replaced by cannabis as the safer non-addictive replacement.

I believe that pot will be rescheduled and states rights in regards to recreational pot legaluzation will be allowed by EO decreeing so.

Trump is anti-opiod. He and Sessions will reschedule it.The DEA will have no choice.

The FDA getting involved in anyway is trouble.

b6292f (4)  No.1227266


Try not to judge others by the company YOU'VE kept or tolerated.

bfc34c (1)  No.1227388>>1616866 >>1689824


>It also lowers IQ, triggers schizophrenia etc

Other than the movie "Reefer Madness" I bet you can't find any peer-reviewed papers that substantiate your claims.

Check out the latest research: https://www.israel21c.org/is-cannabis-the-new-wonder-drug/

f3a7de (3)  No.1228278>>1228283

I do think that TRUMP will reschedule marijuana. I am hopeful that it will be on the same level as alcohol and tobacco.

The evidence is there that it has a medicinal benefit, if not many benefits. Even SESSIONS, who has been a staunch opponent of legalization admitted recently that there is evidence of marijuana's medicinal properties. Because of that, I am not going to make my case based on medical reasons. There are plenty of studies, many of which are from outside of the USA (because you can't even fully study the damn plant due to our laws) that show TONS of medicinal benefits. Go look there.

What I am going to debate or point out:

1. Gateway drug theory.

This is often one of the rallying points for the naysayers. Marijuana itself does not make people want to try harder drugs. In fact, it has been shown to help addicts of everything from tobacco and alcohol to heroin, ween themselves off the drug. It is more akin to a "stepdown drug" than a "gateway drug".

The only connection that there may be is the dealer connection. By keeping marijuana on the black market, often times the same person peddling marijuana will also be peddling harder drugs. Take away the black market by allowing for legalization and you take away the association.

Another negative to keeping marijuana illegal is that it turns out that it is not that EVIL WACKY WEED that we have all been told in the D.A.R.E. programs growing up (dating myself here). Well, what happens when someone learns that it is not that bad? Some will think, well maybe meth isn't so bad either! It is a negative that comes from our own government being completely wrong.

So those last two points may support the "gateway drug theory", but really it supports "gateway government assistance".

f3a7de (3)  No.1228283>>1240595 >>1662402


2. It makes you lazy, stupid, etc.

Are those effects of SOME STRANDS? Maybe. But only while under the influence! It is not permanent. It is akin to me saying the same thing about alcohol! Because you drank a few beers last night, doesn't make you stupid the next week. But it might while under the influence!

In fact, varying strands of marijuana have different effects. Some strands can actually make some become harder workers. Cleaning the kitchen has never been so easy! Some strands can make creatives reach places that all benefit from in the form of music or art.

3. Legalization will cause more kids to use.

Studies in places like Colorado have proven this to be incorrect. Legalization and regulation is often the best avenue to keep something away from the kids. I believe this to be the case marijuana, online poker, and many other so-called "vices".

4. It will create more dangerous roads.

While fender benders have gone up in Colorado, fatal crashes are down since legalization and I am not familiar with the THC level of those involved. It is hard to test for "how high someone is". It effects everyone differently, and it will likely require a blood test. Even then, it is not all too accurate Most do not want to drive when heavily under the influence of marijuana. Most people under the influence of most strands prefer to sit and watch something on the TV while downing some Doritos.

Do I think it is a good thing to have more people driving while under the influence of drugs? NO! But I would rather have high drivers than drunk drivers.

There was even a study that showed that marijuana doesn't really make people poor drivers! I know, hard to believe. But it mostly made people "slower drivers" and "more cautious".


With all that said, I would love to see TRUMP take it off schedule 1 before the midterms. The democrats are using this issue just as they have used the DACA situation. To gain votes. The could have rescheduled it under Obama. But why do it when they get a huge turnout for it. When I say huge, I bet at least 5% of the vote for some of the candidates out there are won strictly on this one issue. It may seem trivial to you or me on the grand scheme of things, but to many it is a reason to vote.

You take away this vote getter from the dems and it will just ADD to the decimation of what is currently the Democrat Party.

Ending NOTE- If you disagree with anything in the above as far as "supposed facts" are concerned. Know that this issue, while not a huge user myself, has been one of the red pills for me. As I learned about the plant, I became aware of how things can be so twisted due to propaganda. I can pull studies to support all of the above. Just as I am sure naysayers can pull studies that refute what I have said.

Just like "fake news" there are "fake studies". There are also ways to pull different information from the same study to support different agendas. At the end of the day, just know this: Marijuana is not the "devil's lettuce" that we all grew up to believe. It should be 100% legal for those consenting adults of proper age. The government should not be in the business of telling you or me what I can or cannot do as a night cap in my own home as long as it is not detrimental to others.

In my opinion, legalization is coming. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. So why not get in front of the issue and take it away from those that look to get more votes because of it.

f3189d (3)  No.1228931>>1243766


No qualifiers necessary. Speak your mind, Anon.

Not arguing efficacy. Arguing political realities as they currently stand.

I think the THC's psychoactive ability puts you in the state where you can heal your mind and therefore your body.

I believe CBD Heals your Body to allow you to focus your mind. It's a synergy.

The Rick Simpson oil idea is near and dear to me as a friend has a two year old with leukemia who is currently beginning Chemo. It is crushing. I've tried to inform them about Rick Simpson Oil. I have a relative who had cancer and I pointed it out.

They're too involved to take a step back and I don't blame them. I would be the same. I can only provide the information and see if they try it.

Personal choice. It's both the problem and the solution.

I'm seeing more and more stuff with the terpenes mixed in, and that's great. There's definitely a synergistic effect that isn't explored enough, IMO./

b6292f (4)  No.1240595>>1240879


*strains* not strands.

2ce6ca (1)  No.1240842>>1355776

As far as a gsteway drug. Any truth to that deals more with the types of people who engage in selling illicit substance, and less with people askung for them after smoking pot.

If the feds reclassified cannabis it would be left up to the state how they wanted to treat it. In sure just like with alcohol and prohibition. There will be "dry" countries/ states.

Also hemp would produce so many goods uncluding paper, clothes, and ect. It grows and can be cultivated much faster than trees. It's goid for the environment. People generally tend to act much calmer when compared to alcohol. It has honest clinical uses.

It would take the wind right out of their sails.

f3a7de (3)  No.1240879>>1246834


Sorry, not up to date on the lingo. Like I said, I am not a huge user myself. I do not have access to medicinal or recreational in my state.

But I hope my message still resonates.

BTW- CNN is now running their Weed 4 (on commercial break now) and they are about to lay it on Sessions according to the pre-break preview. Shaking my head that they are using this issue to turn people against the administration.

7e6e2a (1)  No.1241752

We need a referendum nationally, or statewide during midterms. It would be the highest participation

cab2b3 (1)  No.1241939

>>1212676 (OP)

Cannabis prohibition has been a cornerstone of the cabal's policies. To keep it illegal is in bad faith.

edf609 (2)  No.1243595


I agree about the affect on some decision making… I attribute a lot of it to the corporatization of it by monsanto ect and corporate growing. There has been a complete change in the the commercial cannabis in the last 5 years. Part of it is the higher strength but there is something more that is being done to it. I've been around high grade Sensimilla since the 70's - which was about 15-18% thc. now it's up into the 25-28% which is completely unneccesary. and completely suspicious. I've had much of the imported varieties as well as the US grown as well as imported "real" hash. I have not been able to find anything that is like this "classic" Sense for at least 5 years. It seemed to start when the varieties were named "Diesel" --- and all of the new varieties actually do taste like gasoline or seemed to have a hint of the 'old school' flavor to start but end up being the same chemical/gasoline flavor. Why would you call it Diesel? it's rediculous. and nobody seems to care or even notice. We are being sold a BS bill of goods by the big $$$ money being made. If it was EO made free to grow and give away freely it would end the bastardization of it. Fuck the (((merchants))). This stuff can be grown just like tomatoes…even easier. Boycott. Demand EO freedom to grow and consume this earth-given natural medicine. What kind of fucking babies are we???

edf609 (2)  No.1243766


All do respect THC heals your body.(as well as the mind) It works directly with the immune system. CDB is fine as well but THC is the moab… this big push for CDB is very very suspicious. (((They))) don't want the THC genie getting out of the bottle.

ca8f0a (1)  No.1245333>>1726430

>>1212676 (OP)

Even better, Trump should round up stoners and put them in concentration camps. Then we wouldn't need to worry about them voting.

b6292f (4)  No.1246834


Yep, thnx for the effort and info.

It's common for people to say strand vs strain.

Learning to differentiate between strains and their attributes takes a discerning eye and lots of practice. ;-)

f3189d (3)  No.1249971

File (hide): 82b57ee31120605⋯.png (76.54 KB, 1016x807, 1016:807, HempAct.PNG) (h) (u)

Just received this if you're into CBD.

https:// hempsupporter.com/resources/

Has proposed amendment to the "Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946" pdf link.

35d0a0 (1)  No.1249998


06b172 (1)  No.1313075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"tricked by the government"

bbcad6 (1)  No.1325616

How many dems will be gained, vs how many conservatives lost?

13456f (1)  No.1329333

>>1212676 (OP)

Yes legalize already.

023840 (3)  No.1355710>>1357271

Cannabis could help our cause. It's been surrounded by controversy, conspiracy and the prohibition can even work to our advantage to show how the government has no problem taxing the ever living fuck out of something when the day before, it was illegal and they were locking people up.

Can't make money from the For-Profit-Prisons, better get it from taxing them instead!!!

Taxation is theft.

023840 (3)  No.1355776


>Cannabis gets legalized in 25 states

>Cannabis remains illegal in 25 states

>hemp products get produced in the 25 states that legalized

Can those products be sold in the illegal states??


Money to be made.

eafa8f (1)  No.1357271>>1546722


Drug laws are a convenient way to keep niggers locked in cages where they belong. Often times you cannot prove that a nigger has committed a violent crime (even though he is almost certainly guilty of one), so you have to get him on drug charges.

7098c4 (1)  No.1361724>>1546191

File (hide): 9f3d6e9f5c69803⋯.jpg (19.59 KB, 474x316, 3:2, gandw.jpg) (h) (u)

There is no way going from hemp being #1 cash crop in America to being #1 prison ticket is the right direction. Taking 2nd amendment rights for using natural medication is absurd.

b18c70 (1)  No.1546191>>2538989 >>2539094


What does weed mean to you?

Does it help your soul?

Does it help your health?

Does it help someone you love?

Compare weed to alcohol!

Do you get aggressive on weed?

What does weed mean to you?

I smoke weed once and a while!

Who should you talk about the benefits of weed?



Do you talk about weed in a responsible manner?

What are guns?

What does a gun mean to you?

Do guns kill?

Who is pulling the trigger?

Love to you all…

97b0ef (16)  No.1546563>>1792588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legalize Nature Now

daab31 (1)  No.1546632>>1546691 >>1564833

You don't need to destroy your memory to feel at peace, but it should be legal for medical purposes.

97b0ef (16)  No.1546636


I have been smoking for nearly 40 years and Vaping, Cooking and eating etc - I have served a longish sentence (5years) over it and my growing was second to none - and I believe that there should be some restrictions when it comes to driving, even though it makes most people better drivers and I don't like saying this but god forbid if there was any accidents where people were hurt and blood test were carried out and cannabis found in the drivers system you know what would get blamed.

All this is down to education and sensible dialogue.

97b0ef (16)  No.1546691>>1547542


It's about education Anon, think of it like drinking, no one would or should start drinking large Brandy's for their first drink, it's the same or even more important with the Holy Herb, people need to be educated, guided and shown the right way, with strength, dosage etc - just like drinking when a young teenager wants to drink you don't let them find their way on their own on the street or in the park with a bunch of other young Herberts who don't know anything - you let them have their first drinks at home with some of their friends in safety - like some Shandy or a couple of light beers. You definitely don't let them damage or destroy themselves.

All the best Anon.

97b0ef (16)  No.1546722>>1584983


Total shit you racist fucktard.

Educate yourself Anon.

I suggest reading "The Emporer wears no clothes" by Jack Herer as a good starting point.

97b0ef (16)  No.1546881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

97b0ef (16)  No.1547000

File (hide): 0b7e37592704861⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 198.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, assgarden.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f52f4de2f830955⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 424.4 KB, 1465x900, 293:180, assgardenplusone.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 70a3b1807183528⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 66.36 KB, 640x640, 1:1, bigbudgirl.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a157217ae25eacc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.84 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, blondesmellsbud.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c71843202b55ec6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 99.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, brunettesmoking.jpg) (h) (u)

TY Baker

97b0ef (16)  No.1547038

If you haven't read it you should it is well worth it.


97b0ef (16)  No.1547076

File (hide): b1536f1a11c7be3⋯.jpg (87.56 KB, 871x1089, 871:1089, tricolorgirlandbud.jpg) (h) (u)

>>1212676 (OP)


814e68 (1)  No.1547083

I agree. But this isn't a job for POTUS. What is needed is contact existing pot lobbist/advocates and the emerging growers groups and bundle up or merge. Look to support a common bill, already written, and submit it to your state and federal reps by email, social media, and snail mail. If you can book a meeting with your fed when they return home, specifically with members of other pro pt groups. Don't attack your rep. keep it professional and make your case. There are alos petitions on whitehouse dot gov that can be supported. I am not on twitter, but how about another meme storm?

f1fc64 (1)  No.1547542


>Holy Herb

ONLY the Creator Almighty, who embodies us in our souls, is holy. Also, I don't feel a need to drink at all.

f6a353 (1)  No.1553881


Depends on where you get your water from and what is in it

48f212 (3)  No.1554000>>1554110

File (hide): 4998cc6b8d6f163⋯.png (46.17 KB, 596x768, 149:192, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 7bc3560468feb42⋯.png (1.12 MB, 815x533, 815:533, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

48f212 (3)  No.1554045


EXACLY! OMG! Common freaking sense….

48f212 (3)  No.1554110

File (hide): 3b84bd45c9fa5be⋯.png (10.34 KB, 958x156, 479:78, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

97b0ef (16)  No.1558346

File (hide): 457005809f617c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 98.78 KB, 612x612, 1:1, eve.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 88fd90b92f6669c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.23 KB, 450x600, 3:4, bongbabe.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fc74ddc63475efe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 319.49 KB, 594x874, 297:437, tokingbabe.jpg) (h) (u)

78cb94 (1)  No.1564833


I'd like to see evidence it destroys memory. Pro tip, there is none!

97b0ef (16)  No.1566605

File (hide): 09ba8c81396018b⋯.jpg (10.15 KB, 332x152, 83:38, chefchaouen.jpg) (h) (u)

97b0ef (16)  No.1566606

File (hide): a122d25bbf6b1a4⋯.jpg (333.07 KB, 900x924, 75:77, ketama.jpg) (h) (u)

97b0ef (16)  No.1566640

File (hide): b6724b3b38af59d⋯.jpg (674.76 KB, 3072x2304, 4:3, california.jpg) (h) (u)

d1cadd (3)  No.1567915>>1568697 >>1575217 >>1575252 >>2191084 >>2356526

>>1212676 (OP)

Humanity isn't ready for it, least not as an over-the-counter "medicine" because we live in a society of over-indulgence. Your average citizen isn't looking for medicine, they're looking for an out from reality, in all honesty the system needs to be fixed before I'll support recreational legalization and many in America feel the same.

97b0ef (16)  No.1568697>>1569046


I don't like it but what you have just stated is on the money, I think a lot of people most probably are thinking like this, sadly. fuck we to bring this shit down and get real, the normies need to open their eyes and wake the F up

d1cadd (3)  No.1569046>>1571292


I know it might seem kinda asshole-ish to say so but America ain't had a daddy to guide it down a morally-sound path in a long time. Trump's administration is feathering the brakes on progressives for good reason, don't get me wrong I love cannabis as much as the next freedom-loving American but I wanna see it do good in the world, instead of just being another vice or cash crop for the cabal. It's why I trust Sessions' and Trump's stance on the matter.

97b0ef (16)  No.1571292


Another sound comment Anon.

I agree also that it is very difficult to keep big money/corporations/cabal away from such a lucrative business - the one thing that I don't think they do get about it is the uniqueness of the flavours etc and what real people want from it like the hands on experience of growing it for yourself.

Thanks mate I like your reasoning, your down to earth.

313b79 (1)  No.1574223




It was never 'legitimately' voted out

8cb60d (1)  No.1575217>>1588859 >>2539235


given that there is no provision for fedgov to say anything about weed in the constitution, it should be deregulated and nothing more.

once q team is done cleaning house, fedgov must step back into its constitutional boundaries - for good.

47de25 (1)  No.1575252>>1588859


It's much better to throw those people in prison & destroy their lives in the mean time, though.

0af255 (1)  No.1584983>>1596456


It's not. Tons of niggers are in prison on drug charges. This is why the crime rate has been steadily dropping for decades. Because more and more niggers get locked up for drugs.

If we didn't lock blacks up for drugs, the USA would have South America tier murder rates.

d1cadd (3)  No.1588859


You're right, no precedent at it's founding or thereafter, yet has it's roots firmly locked in the bible. The People only quote the constitution when they're told no, much like many religious folks only quote scripture in times where they've screwed up. I'm very proud of Q and team for doing what they're doing, they're holding people to a higher standard and instilling a sense of personal responsibility, rather than entitlement. I agree that it should be deregulated eventually, just not yet. Steps.


You know it's not, as do I but people are making the conscious choice to partake of it knowing full-well the possible consequences. Absolving them of personal responsibility is in no way going to do them any favors.

97b0ef (16)  No.1596456>>1598247


If you didn't have a pot to piss in you would do crime and that goes for anyone no matter what colour or race they are.

If on the other hand people actually had real freedom and were able to generate or grow their own income there is no way generally they would risk screwing that up - then you would see a real drop in the crime rate - holding people back causes problems - so less of the racist shit.

973039 (1)  No.1598247>>1606506


>If you didn't have a pot to piss in you would do crime and that goes for anyone no matter what colour or race they are

This is false. Violent crime rate with poor niggers is much higher than with poor whites. Violent crime rate with rich niggers is much higher than rich whites. And being poor doesn't cause people to rape either, which niggers engage in at astronomical rates at all income levels. Stop being a moron. Niggers are violent subhuman apes. The solution to the problem is to lock them up before they can commit violent crimes. Drug laws provide an easy way to do this.

97b0ef (16)  No.1606506>>1608231


Racist MF like you are the problem - are you a Policeman? STFU

336b46 (1)  No.1608231>>1642061


Facts don't care about your feelings, commie scum

728341 (1)  No.1616866




a5332e (16)  No.1637266>>1642807








5eb72e (1)  No.1642061



efd60b (3)  No.1642793

>>1221478 do you choose to consume adrenochrome from terrorized and slaughtered sentient beings?

serious question

efd60b (3)  No.1642807

>>1637266 b4 u knock cannabis you better not be on adrenochrome.

efd60b (3)  No.1642945

>>1212676 (OP)

Here's the Trivium and Quadrivium for your thread

1. Phytoremediation

2. Medicine

3. Food

4. Clothes

5. Fuel

6. Shelter

7. Transport

Trivium WHAT : 1 is first F.O.R. clean air, water and earth. 2 and 3 can alternate without causing Hegelian dilemma.

Quadrivium WHY : Really? go back to 1 and THINK about it. 4 to 7 are solely dependent on comfort.

Q Why kNOT? u travel naked to the stars

26aae3 (2)  No.1646049>>1646212


Smoke moar then talk, until then don’t. Enough disinfo abound.. if u don’t know read and move on.

26aae3 (2)  No.1646212>>1661889 >>1673084


How many hear have consumed,grown, or been in industry? By the sidebars about niggers being locked up and a host of topics that are not really what you would be talking about if a true cannibus decriminaliztion was being discussed… my guess is not many on a real level.

I guess all i can say is that you have to talk intelligently about it, disspell rumors and possibly just educate people on the plant. Be mature about it if you want change. I’m stoned as fuck and function like anyone else. Also.. kratom.. have you been around the plant? Know ANYTHING about it? SE Asian tree that you consume the leaves of. Cool plant and mild internal “ok” feeling when if you Have panic attacks or the like.

All natural is the way to be.

3f783b (2)  No.1661889


kratom : only stupid hu-mans try to make plants (nature) illegal.

and you can be sure the believers are adrenochrome junkies.

3f783b (2)  No.1661929


fuck off back to hell you obfuscating cunt parasite.

adrenochrome addiction IS schizophrenia you STUPID MEAT TARD fucktoid.

a5332e (16)  No.1662402>>1672447


RE: "4. It will create more dangerous roads.

While fender benders have gone up in Colorado, fatal crashes are down since legalization and I am not familiar with the THC level of those involved. It is hard to test for "how high someone is". It effects everyone differently, and it will likely require a blood test. "

The VERY BEST test is one that covers ALL STATES OF MIND AND BODY..

Not blood, breath, urine or saliva….

Like a Handheld Video Game console that checks hand eye coordination and reaction times…that would cover drunks and pill poppers as well

c61638 (1)  No.1672447

>>1662402 yes - testing hand eye coordination and reaction times ; psychometrics and or psychotronics test feed-back response.

a5332e (16)  No.1673084


consuming raw buds right off the plant, with a mouthfull of gouda cheese, and a rolling rock chaser, YUM

a5332e (16)  No.1673531

>>1212676 (OP)

Kaneh Bosm: The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament


8baf95 (2)  No.1677191>>1681596

Researchanon into the endocannabinoid system…

Good day yesterday from DJT and TY @POTUS!

Was asked yesterday to testify before the FDA at a local level to explain the endocannabinoid system and explain how it can be targeted to help with addiction (and it can!). Addiction actually works neuologically somewhat like "feeding and craving"..the lack of neurological signaling (with drug) creates a "craving" situation in the body similar to a food craving..but 100% endocannabinoid…

Consider this..the endocannabinoid is shared by most life on the planet…it is looking like it is your master regulatory system…and it is a resources driven system=you have to eat for it….

So, how does you dog feed their endocannabinoid system? Bird? Reptile? Fish? We feed this system in nature and thru food and in particular omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids…

66cf64 (1)  No.1681596


Great Work You !

I grow cannabis and mix cannabis C60 in hemp seed oil. the growing, harvesting and extraction process (cold) captures trichomes.

better than adrenochrome

a5332e (16)  No.1689824



a5332e (16)  No.1709538>>1709546

>>1212676 (OP)


a5332e (16)  No.1709546




b24552 (8)  No.1710056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cannabis: A Lost History (Full Documentary)

a5332e (16)  No.1726430>>1751127


Descheduling Cannabis federally and hemp, will bring all those who would have voted democrat to the trump platform in 2018 and 2020..we need an Executive Order because Scheduling is Unconstitutional.

If I Were Trump I would do a Commercial:

" I Have a message for our youth. The war on drugs was and is a failure. We are going after the end users instead of the bad people who sell dangerous and deadly drugs. For many years Cannabis has been demonized as a drug, and the public was told that smoking it lead to this or that. In reality my focus is not on the end users of Cannabis, it is not dangerous, but that said it should not be something you go to to escape lifes problems. Actually when people in the past implemented prohibition of Cannabis, they wanted to create an entire class of "Stoners", people who smoke it, because they needed to create an illegal black market for profit and various corrupt industries to benefit.

I am speaking to our youth today to simply say this…If i decide to Deschedule Cannabis thru executive order, it is NOT because i want you to go out and get Baked. I believe this plant is a Gift from GOD when properly used medicinally, and i also have been studying information from doctors doing research into the benefit of growing and eating fresh cannabis flowers. Kids, please don't smoke it, and if someone passes you a bong or a joint and your not yet at least 21 years old, please say "no Thanks, i'm too young for that". If you respect yourselves and your future, we can all Make America Great Again, we can boost our economy with all natural hemp products, we can stop jailing people of color for minor crimes and we can all become healthier and happier.

Thank You

b4e1b8 (1)  No.1751127

>>1726430 yes - i believe he will. and any Good (worthy) Man gains support as the cannabis narrative spreads. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

b24552 (8)  No.1751231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An old classic…..

b24552 (8)  No.1751325>>1756311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another classic…..

4d11e0 (6)  No.1756311>>1757780

>>1751325 Willie Nelson - Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn-AB78kvvE

b24552 (8)  No.1757780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b24552 (8)  No.1758027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mary Jane

a5332e (16)  No.1769861>>1781527 >>1859536

>>1212676 (OP)

Come on…. Come on…. Come on with all the data that's dumped here on the chan, do you really believe that Jeff Sessions can continue the BULLSHIT NARRATIVE that Cannabis is a dangerous Drug and fool all of us into some stupid Pro Pharma mind game? we ALL know he is playing dirty with that crap, everyone knows Cannabis should be grown like tomatoes, in every back yard, whats with the Probition Narrative alreay, we are not buying it any more, and what exactly have you done on this issue mr Trump? not a thing…. waiting, tick tock, tick tock…..

4d11e0 (6)  No.1781527>>1781634

>>1769861 instead of emoting like a confrontational circle-jerk ; ask Mr. Trump, "is CBD oil good for the Barron?"

Israel concurs : all the ancient knowledge of man and cannabis symbiosis …

a5332e (16)  No.1781634>>1792307


fuck CBD..we want the whole plant

4d11e0 (6)  No.1792307>>1793428

>>1781634 hey kNEW rule: keep chans clean enough for the Barron to read - if you want to be heard…

no your science is all backwards. non-psychotropic is perfect for mainlining ECS balance. check Q (cal. too) note that implies ECS is WHAT? think Trivium please. also, enter Dr. Lexus - CBD -> THC how? and u can answer your own Quadrivium WHY yourself.

And Yes - Rick Simpson et al agree with you.

me too :-)

4d11e0 (6)  No.1792426


>(Trump is an expert at moving illegal to legal markets while filtering out the bad actors.)

Yes. many agree. Why?

4d11e0 (6)  No.1792500

>>1216768 c60 is strong is this one ! look fwd to enjoying with you what u grow 1 day… :-)

4d11e0 (6)  No.1792588

>>1546563 Lorax sings Like what he eats too.

Q BOOM DRAW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STNiH8CXI_I

add83a (1)  No.1793327>>1838739

A plant with more possitive effects than negative, part of our history and evolution of society for thousands of years, not toxic, doesn't cause addiction, lowers other drugs intake, etc, etc, etc. Illegal for a couple of decades. Don't you see how stupid this is?


(and don't come back to tell me "but muh negative effects", because I'm a pharmaceutical chemist, literally expert on drugs, done my research for years, althoug illegal, we studied it in the lab, and this is my conclusion)

Didn't post medical standpoints because the cost/benefit ratio is all of what people talks about without even considering the big picture.

a5332e (16)  No.1793428>>1838560


Entourage effect…

023978 (3)  No.1838560

>>1793428 Trump was about to expose Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's

smoothy (UpgreyedD says they're highest paid)

but now cannabis is legal

so it's ok'd :-)

Trump's a Smooth Operator


023978 (3)  No.1838739

>>1793327 thank you for being a "guinea pig" and exposing the dangers of drugs.

what does adrenochrome mixed with (enter what you wish to expose here) do?

and if you really want to play ; i think cannabis and some other Entheogens stop adrenochrome addiction. what do M.A.P.S. say …?

b24552 (8)  No.1847291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1964 Original by Don Bowman on the record "Our Man In Trouble"

5ab373 (4)  No.1851970

''test test test dsdcsldkcs dclkascnlascknaslcknasclkanclasckna""

5ab373 (4)  No.1851977

''"test test test dsdcsldkcs dclkascnlascknaslcknasclkanclasckna""

5ab373 (4)  No.1851989

''"test test test dsdcsldkcs"" ""dclkascnlascknaslcknasclkanclasckna""

5ab373 (4)  No.1851995

test test test dsdcsldkcs dclkascnlascknaslcknasclkanclasckna

c62120 (1)  No.1859358

Hemp seeds No 1 food


Doctor John Bergman - Foods that heal & Foods that kill.

012dc3 (3)  No.1859518>>1859550

File (hide): e0a82b5a91b1eb8⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3619.PNG) (h) (u)

Sour kraut dead

012dc3 (3)  No.1859536


Exactly, to other anon being superior douche.. piss off. Q Potus.. stop persecuting people for cannabis.. seriously fucking lame. Drug war was lost the second it was started. CIA blacksites (afgh/NKorea) for the poppy to fund covert ops.. the peopleare fucking SICK of it.. we are. It has claimed too many loves. End it already.

202d33 (1)  No.1859547>>1872341 >>1890070

File (hide): 565f42479d98946⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 900x506, 450:253, 1503702816331.gif) (h) (u)

Weed is kinda degenerate. It allows us access to dopamine when we have done nothing to earn it.

That said I would not be a flag waving patriot without it. I would be a nervous wreck. Weed got me to chill, tame the autism, and start to think about the world I live in. Its degenerate, but degeneracy still has its uses.

012dc3 (3)  No.1859550


Sonofabitch. Sorry me post Kraut in here.. i did not chose this thread.. err my apologies.

a5332e (16)  No.1872341


" Weed is kinda degenerate. It allows us access to dopamine when we have done nothing to earn it. " SO DOES PRAYER…..DOPAMINE LEVELS GO UP WITH PRAYER…AND VIDEO GAME KILLS….

b24552 (8)  No.1887168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The perfect high…..

023978 (3)  No.1890070

>>1859547 you write cannabis is "degenerate, but degeneracy still has its uses "

you blame a plant for your degeneracy.

Q Calibration: do you take adrenochrome and flesh?

Q Ethics : Is it ethical to kill for taste?

adrenochrome addiction is degeneracy.

667cb5 (1)  No.1890201

Why no questions Q? This plan of yours is going to lose us our country. The left is full batshit crazy, and they will never let up.

0ae598 (2)  No.1899869>>1902549

File (hide): a25b94230acd35c⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3785.PNG) (h) (u)

Q and team.. Trump/Sessions MUST legalize cannabis. Its a plant, you grow it and it gives medicine. Why is it okay for Big Pharm to produce a sythetic drug from it?? Yet the people cannot pop a few seeds and in a few months have their natural medicine? Its unnatural.

43734c (1)  No.1902549>>1902687

>>1899869 big pharma (that's humans ) believe other humans are dangerously suicidal and - without supporting eugenics - protect themselves by offering cbd with sesame ethanol, sucralose, and strawberry flavoring. all the while enjoying the support from the suicidal humans.

what do you expect from kakistocracy? meat, money and military are consequences of insanity.

can the cbd entourage effect align and balance with sesame, ethanol, sucralose, and strawberry flavoring? … depends:

and meat-tards would pour it on popcorn regardless

0ae598 (2)  No.1902687>>1930141


Dude im not as far out there as you are talking. I just want cannabis to be legal, no reason for it not to be.

You. Grow from seed, you do NOTHING during the life of the plant to get the properties of the plant to be what it is.. its all natural. That is all, and more meat for me if you dont consume.

9c9fe1 (1)  No.1930141

>>1902687 7 billion twoofy sangs need to change for good or depart earth.

593233 (1)  No.1956525

No one should be in a court room for a plant

fc13b9 (1)  No.1956664>>2028334

If you're reading this POTUS, if you legalize, please insert laws disallowing weed advertising. Denver Colorado just looks like big weed billboard and it's not pretty. If we're going to allow our people to make bad decisions like cigarettes and alcohol, we don't need to advertise and encourage it.

a4d173 (1)  No.1957639>>2027418 >>2191118

>>legalize pot

With all this crazy shit going on be careful what you wish for. Rapp music prophecy clearly states that the day pot is legalized, that is the day that will probably be the end.

f0a6ea (7)  No.2027418


I always thought that music was shit - thanks for confirming it

1e954a (2)  No.2027919

Carry On Anons


b24552 (8)  No.2028334


> "If we're going to allow our people to…."

I understand the point that you are trying to make, BUT

Do you realize how much your quoted above, beginning statement makes you sound like a TOTALITARIAN SELF ABSORBED PRICK?

f0a6ea (7)  No.2033587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f0a6ea (7)  No.2054093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f0a6ea (7)  No.2054097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f0a6ea (7)  No.2054101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I meant this

f0a6ea (7)  No.2054106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f0a6ea (7)  No.2067894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8f0acc (1)  No.2072389

7a67c7 (1)  No.2076677>>2095377

who here is a cannabis gardner?

If you just partake, you really should throw some beans in the soil and try it out.. it will elevate your ability to grow normal agricultural crops.

80bfb2 (1)  No.2095377>>2095610 >>2185313


snip the leaf tips off your clones, they'll go root faster

Vegetative Stage

N - P - K

3 - 1 - 2

Flowering Stage

N - P - K

1 - 1 - 2

Final Flowering Stage

N - P - K

0 - 1 - 2

5ffb33 (2)  No.2095610>>2095627


at 620 ppm and 6.2 ph

5ffb33 (2)  No.2095627


root temps at 62 degrees F. notice a pattern?

41399f (2)  No.2185313


If you give that to a Sativa strain that wouldn't finish and would hit the roof - after a very short vegetative period, maybe just 1 or 2 feeds - then more phosphorus in flowering using the conductivity factor to control the height, also fluctuate the PH. All of which is determined by the amount of light.

for Sativa

8baf95 (2)  No.2185643

Some info…and also we sure could use FOCUS on Oklahoma..we have done a really cool thing WE THE PEOPLE have truly come together in a UNITY effort to pass SQ788…now we are being fucked with hugely by the powers that be…but we are #winning bigly!

Watch and help if you can, but this movement lead by anons and about anons…


759bf2 (1)  No.2186489

File (hide): 5e3578d17bb5262⋯.jpg (169.57 KB, 547x550, 547:550, pepe canna dream.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d33cb170ce9346⋯.jpg (106.79 KB, 547x550, 547:550, pepe pot head.jpg) (h) (u)

cd64d0 (1)  No.2186608

File (hide): 8290aa41c221f4d⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1500x993, 500:331, constitution2.jpg) (h) (u)

Congress make the laws, President simply executes them and the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution. Trump cannot legalize pot but Congress can if the court will uphold it as constitutional. I think this type of thing is in the works but much of it is waiting on RBG to die and congress swamp dems to be cleared out. Do you even Constitution bro?

36a0b5 (2)  No.2191084>>2356526


>> Ketamine does a better job at that

36a0b5 (2)  No.2191118


Rather see rap music banned than weed

41399f (2)  No.2250462

Everyone should become "Joo-ish" to take over (((their))) religion - then smoke shit tons of weed - to become so apathetic that no one goes to work - that would fuck (((their))) NWO plans totally

1e954a (2)  No.2252486

Stay high anons


a3aa3e (1)  No.2295154

The only Plant that can save the world

80326f (1)  No.2296251

whats kanye up to these days? news cycles.. meh

023840 (3)  No.2307629

what if cannabis cultivators started naming their cannabis strains as miniature red pills.

Yugeeeee population of ripe red-pill targets.

292646 (1)  No.2307847

This is perfect. Trump can use the recent EO for people to use any drug if they’re terminally ill as an excuse.

Also veterans suicide PTSD.

Most importantly the government itself holds at least 3 patents on its medicinal use so just on that basis alone it can’t be Schedule 1.

eae4b5 (5)  No.2356526




what's over-indulgence? is it over-indulgence when you slaughter and eat a sentient being because YOU BELIEVE its taste more important than its life? is it over-indulgence when you support caging MAN for healing themselves with cannabis?

pedovores NEED to stop their adrenochrome and flesh addiction before telling others what to do.

6b439c (1)  No.2410742>>2445887

Please don't let this board slide Anons

6783f2 (1)  No.2411652


>lowers IQ

<No, unless it's been sprayed with nasty chemicals, that's bullshit.

>triggers schizophrenia

<You're thinking of LSD, and even then only in people predisposed to mental illness

>it's not 100% safe

<iTs NOt a HunnID PurrSeNt SaFe ReeEeeE

eae4b5 (5)  No.2445887

File (hide): f595a2bb37af3f7⋯.jpeg (499.39 KB, 1610x969, 1610:969, Terpenes Know your.jpeg) (h) (u)

>>2410742 Terpenes

a5332e (16)  No.2499462>>2537355

>>1212676 (OP)


dont get high…get better


eae4b5 (5)  No.2537355


>Trivium and Quadrivium for your thread

>1. Phytoremediation

>2. Medicine

>3. Food

>4. Clothes

>5. Fuel

>6. Shelter

>7. Transport

>Trivium WHAT : 1 is first F.O.R. clean air, water and earth. 2 and 3 can alternate without causing Hegelian dilemma.

>Quadrivium WHY : Really? go back to 1 and THINK about it. 4 to 7 are solely dependent on comfort.

>Q Why kNOT? u travel naked to the stars

and why is THIS knot being discussed here???

https://archive.fo/qERv5 or https://ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html

eae4b5 (5)  No.2537365

File (hide): 7afc784b98e158a⋯.jpg (230.78 KB, 1179x926, 1179:926, Trivim Quadrivium The-Seve….jpg) (h) (u)


75f2c2 (1)  No.2538989



a5332e (16)  No.2539094>>2539133 >>2655619


made by GOD for a purpose.

can be eaten RAW for health.

Juiced with other veges…

its not about weed…its about freedom

a5332e (16)  No.2539133


banning cannabis is equal to youtube censoring alex jones…we did it because we can so FU…that is the general attitude of prohibition..

the elites pretending to care, while profiting from the prison schemes etc.

a5332e (16)  No.2539235>>2569519

File (hide): f2cca7499d27d71⋯.jpg (210.42 KB, 1440x860, 72:43, prohibition of hammers.jpg) (h) (u)


Marijuana is a schedule I drug under the Controlled Substance Act passed by the Congress in 1970. A schedule I drug is a dangerous substance that has no recognized medical use and that has a high potential for abuse.

eae4b5 (5)  No.2569519

>>2539235 butt muh hamma !

856653 (1)  No.2655619



Absolutely agree. There are so many other uses than recreational. Also, (((they))) knew what they were doing; schedule all plant medicines that open the door to the mind/soul so we will remain asleep and miserable. Life-changing ayahuasca, psilocybin, and ibogaine should be also be legal. We should have the freedom to use the plants that God gave us.


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