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File: 1b1d754202a7647⋯.jpg (149.33 KB, 535x434, 535:434, e2fedb803c7059bd60c86d1e0a….jpg)

f75086 No.1086549

I say we utterly destroy and discredit him.

He does us no favours.

His base will easily find better outlets.

He's totally Mockingbird. Through and through.

I found it astounding that Clinton mentioned him by name in a key speech for the Presidency. His association with Trump was supposed to discredit Trump. They waited decades to use that card, and finally thought Trump was threatening enough to finally capitalize on their Jones investment.

Look for AJ's response to the alt right speech. He claims to have never said 911 Was An Inside Job!! Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? AJ is famous for bullhorning Giraldo in NYC live on air chanting that!

All the sudden he's a cop loving, Republican cheerleader?

Fuck this guy. His sole purpose is to make us all look unhinged like him. Consider what Bill Cooper said of his lies.

I say let loose the autists of war. He wants an info war? LET IT RAIN!!!

4c4fe0 No.1086578

Agree. The research on Bill Hicks = AJ is pretty damn crazy as well. It really brings this full circle.

f75086 No.1086659


Please share any and all AJ theories! I've never heard of the hicks one?

As for Cooper. BC was a Q. AJ only wishes he was a Q. He's a false wannabe Q.

2e5187 No.1086954

meh… this thread is useless. We are way past Aj here. This is a distraction

143228 No.1086985

-Alex Jones' facial recognition matches 100% with Bill Hicks

-Alex Jones' teeth match 100% with Bill Hicks'

-Alex Jones and Bill Hicks have two identical moles on the right side of their necks

-Alex Jones has clearly had a mole removed on the left side of his neck exactly where Bill had one

-Alex Jones has characteristics of a nose job and facelift, dyes his hair/eyebrows and has the same hair-line as Hicks

-Bill Hicks' mannerisms, viewpoints, and attitudes are all present in Alex Jones

-Bill Hicks' best friend and producer Kevin Booth is now Alex Jones' friend and producer!

-Bill Hicks' last work with Kevin Booth and Alex Jones' first work with Booth were both about the Waco incident

-Bill Hicks last interview was on Austin public access TV, Alex Jones first TV show was on Austin public access

-Alex Jones randomly accepted a framed picture award of Bill Hicks from Kevin Booth at Hicks' 10th Anniversary Event

-Bill Hicks "died" in 1994 and Alex Jones has no verifiable history before then

-Bill Hicks had no public funeral and was supposedly buried in his parents yard

-Alex Jones claims to have attended Anderson high school but they have no record of him and classmates have never heard of him

143228 No.1086994

Bill was also a big fan of Andy Kaufman, the comedian who would go to great lengths to disguise himself and create separate personas, much like it seems Bill is doing with this "Alex" character.

2110f0 No.1086999


I agree with other Anon, we are beyond this. There is a lot of distractions. Alex, like AIM, are psyops which have been activated to distract. Don't take bait.

Here is Bill Hicks playing Alex Jones character, case closed. He is the definition of LARP.

https:// youtu.be/p2dC0p7d9do

2110f0 No.1087006


With that being said, please proceed as you all see fit. My comment was not meant to discourage. Respect

143228 No.1087010

File: f3cee22a32dadd2⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 504x338, 252:169, PondX.jpg)

921be1 No.1087027

Dear Q, I want to believe. I really do. Evidence abounds to wrap a lot of stuff up, vindicate Trump, and red pill the world quickly. Why is this not being done? What power do they have that is dragging this out? Do you guys know about Monetary Reform? Easily implementable Monetary Reform with a seamless transition? The American Monetary Act, based on a plan that was developed by the University of Chicago in the 1930's in response to the Great Depression, would fix everything financially. GET SOME SMART PEOPLE TO LOOK INTO THIS. No danger of financial collapse after that is implemented. And the TRUTH would protect us from physical threats (military stuff from deep state and/or foreign states), for we would all unite and get behind you. What more is there? Are DEWs a major threat? Are there weapons pointed at us that are beyond our capability to defend against? Are you really in control? Should I be shitting my pants?

fb3faa No.1087042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's what the great Bill Copper said about Alex Jones. BTW, Bill was murdered by the Cops. If Alex Jones was such a threat to the elites, why is he still alive?

15a63e No.1087054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a clip from the Alex Jones Y2K rant of December, 1999. It went on for hours. I've transcribed just the first 22 seconds of the 7-1/2 minutes:

Cash machines are failing in Britain and now other European countries. They're finding large amounts of explosives in France. Vladimir Putin, who is known as Vladimir the Ruthless, and using all his profanity on national TV, you name it, we won't read the profanity here….

1ce03b No.1087102


Andy Kaufman also apparently did a fake death. I studied that one a bit. And the data points to it. There are people who have studied that a lot.

And Jim Carrey played the part of Kauffman in the movie of Kauffman's life. And supposedly one of Kauffman's "characters" showed up to a question and answer promotion of the movie.

These assholes love to hoax.

1ce03b No.1087119

File: 7d286e3174fd234⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 345x500, 69:100, coopersbook.jpg)


Cooper called him out soon before Cooper was dead. He wanted everyone to know "Jones" was a liar, since made up lies about him to discredit him.

He also made up lies about researchers in the 9/11 truth movement that he wanted to discredit - many years ago now, it seems.

1ce03b No.1087157

File: 3a2ca02c2316541⋯.jpg (37.94 KB, 600x416, 75:52, 0281.jpg)


The people who feel they are beyond this don't have to come here. KEK

Or do they?

At least it gives me a good laugh.

Too funny. People post images of giant clitoris but what they think is useless is the discussion of infiltration of the Truth movement?

Believe me, I've seen it before. And yeah, they will call you shills.

If you understood Propaganda you'd see it comes from each side?

ea1485 No.1087210

File: bb7320aa92ec9c4⋯.png (94.92 KB, 500x447, 500:447, thank-you-master-15838885.png)


Sounds like someone is butthurt your ZOG puppet president faggot isn't getting his ass kissed unconditionally at an outlet your assumed was perpetually friendly.

1ce03b No.1087269

File: 106681c4a1ca1c3⋯.jpg (403.66 KB, 704x556, 176:139, kevin-booth-alex-jones.jpg)

File: 39be4868af364fc⋯.png (209.06 KB, 359x367, 359:367, 2qd1lqs.png)

File: 2123c1c6e8c2e8d⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 304x190, 8:5, 28wctv4.jpg)

File: 11060b1631163f7⋯.gif (76.39 KB, 742x286, 371:143, alex-jones-gets-bill-hicks….gif)


The best site which didn't get taken down, but was under threat for long long time:

Quigley's site is only now in archive

https:// web.archive.org/web/20180410210957/https:// mackquigley.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/11616/

That ^^^ is what will take you through it step by step.

His page now on the subject states that's it's a dead issue and only gives a collage of images; which may not be enough to convince someone not familiar with the material.

https:// mackquigley.wordpress.com/alex-jones-is-bill-hicks/

https:// mackquigley.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/11616/

The Quigley site won't come up on the search engines.

All the work has already been done.

https:// worldtruth.tv/irrefutable-proof-that-alex-jones-is-really-bill-hicks/

It'd be cool to put it all together into an info map. I realized today. before even the conversation began on "Jones," that he stole the "Inforwars" name; and dirtied it. Also "Prison Planet" He co-opted the terms. Also "9/11 Truth" he stole and changed it to "We Are Change."

If it were so ridiculous why would they be taking down all the web pages? The company people have associated him with Strafor [?] - many of those correspondences have come out in Wikileaks. It's a UK Intel company. Others have probably done more work on that aspect than I have.

And the dude is not a Christian, so don't be crazy.

People in Austin have known it for decades and some are afraid to speak out. He will ruin your career.

I have a spotty collection of archives on the subject.

"Jones" scary face

http:// archive.is/33wiO

"jones" "hicks" magazine

http:// archive.is/1ovBO

"jones" "hicks" comedy routine

http:// archive.is/GBF3b

"jones" wife is a guy

http:// archive.is/RoTIw

"Jones" without his shirt

http:// archive.is/Abniq

"hicks" "jones' with devil sign

http:// archive.is/Abniq

Jones / Comic "Hick"

http:// archive.is/mQcOt

Erika Wulff

http:// archive.is/k2t72#selection-519.0-519.11

Alex Jones was killed and replaced.

http:// archive.is/BGFrk#selection-611.8-611.34

Hypocrite Alex Jones as fake as Obama when crying

http:// archive.is/wTmV2#selection-43.0-43.49

Revelation of the Method and Alex Jones

https:// archive.is/Nnuoz

NLP and Alex Jones

http:// archive.is/32NP5

Irrefutable Proof that Alex Jones is Really Bill Hicks

http:// archive.is/p7pVk#selection-1897.0-1897.54

Dancing as Hicks

http:// archive.is/GBF3b

Irrefutable Proof that Alex Jones is Really Bill Hicks

http:// archive.is/p7pVk#selection-1897.0-1897.54

http:// imgur.com/a/T2aQU

hicks / jones satan hand sign.

I'll post more images later. Even if nothing comes of it as far a a campaign, at least those interested, who are here, can see what's been collected.

16c3e2 No.1087305

What abt Jerome Corsi? He was on the Q bandwagon fairly early, and his books seem to have really ruffled some feathers. He was only a recent addition to Infowars (2017).

So what do you think: Patriot or Shill? My guess is Patriot.

95e7a3 No.1087436

Clip where he says POTUS' actions on Syria are not Q's plan.

https:// gifs.com/gif/alex-jones-says-potus-actions-in-syria-are-not-qanon-s-plan-59grL8?muted=false

95e7a3 No.1087439


Corsi is a Patriot. IMO

95e7a3 No.1087488

How about we ask his ex? She is active on Twitter @AlexJones_Ex and very outspoken in her criticism of him.

I would really like to know if he is only 40something.

95e7a3 No.1087491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

95e7a3 No.1087643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b12193 No.1087922


Therefore, attacking AJ can't possibly be a wise use of time and energy.

ANY focus on attacking anyone that even just MAY be supportive of our cause is ALWAYS highly suspicious. Because THEY WANT US DIVIDED.

This should be very obvious. There is so much fight that needs to happen against the absolutely unambiguous enemies of our cause, that no one should worry about DIVISIVE internecine attacks.

b12193 No.1087928

Personally, I've always ignored AJ. Just not my style.

254b6d No.1087943

Take a break man he isn't cabal and he moderately spreads awareness.

Save the witch hunts for those that deserve it.

6eebeb No.1087969

Alex Jones admitted he was Bill Hicks.

I am not wasting time beating up Alex Jones. The whole fake stream media is a way bigger problem than Alex Jones. Internet Censorship is a way bigger issue than Alex Jones. Alex Jones, like or hate him, is actually effective in fighting some of these issues.

So, priorities anon. I am not contributing to this as part of Qanon research. This is not a priority for Q.

4f7318 No.1089223





Who cares about alex jones? I only see lefties reeeee about him and want to "Destroy" him.

Just let him rant about his alien people.

This is just celeb bullshit. Why bother?

0044ec No.1089282

Even the shills bring eyes.

453a9a No.1092847

>>1086549 Do we really need more enemies at this point? Besides, he discredits himself all the time, why bother? Too easy.

0c32e7 No.1100744

File: 1f1fde835d807d9⋯.png (84.69 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 1509645963585.png)

Let's get real.

Jones messaging is pro-Qanon and pro-Trump.

Yes, he can be a loose cannon. But the idea that he is Mockingbird is ridiculous.

We have real enemies of humanity to focus on. These people are cannibals, child molesters, and Satanists.

Jones is an ally, albeit an imperfect one.

Anyone who wants to divert energy from the real fight to harass Jones is a total shill.

dfe831 No.1100978


Great Point Alex. Fuck Frank!

c8bcae No.1101283

Hes tied to Stratfor at least.

Hired an ex-stratfor girl.

Wasnt there an Alex Jones on wikileaks also?

Pretty sure there was.

ALSO: Alex currently being sued by 4 jews.

Is Alex a jew?

If he hijacked 911 truthers to misdirect, what motivates him?

Loyalty to israel? I dont see what else could possibly motivate him.

Maybe being blackmailed?

Only a shill would unironically speak to RDS.

Also he hosts shows with laura loomer, david seaman, etc.

His show does occasionally call out israel, so it's confusing.

Who is he working for?

79aeb5 No.1101315

File: 74f68e6b1979565⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 480x334, 240:167, 28ouqc~2.jpg)

OP is mad faggot, Jones ain't going anywhere.

c8bcae No.1101318


Also never mind , I dont think he calls out Israel. I was talking about the syria thing.

The most confusing one is netanyahu. Is he /ourkike/ since he's friendly with trump and kushner? how the fuck did he become head of kikes, then?

AJ seems to align with trump with their pro-israel stance.

c8bcae No.1101342


Yeah alex has had a positive effect regardless of his intentions… just a matter of who he'll side with in the end days.

If we can get alex to stop being a shill, then he'd be a powerful ally.

f74a0f No.1101716


What great logic. Let's win the man over who says Trump has gone over to the dark side about every two weeks. Or calls Trump compromised and needs to be impeached bc of Syria. I wouldn't waste my time going after him, but I wouldn't spend anytime on him at all. I measure no man's heart, but it would be nice for the guy just to admit he bought into the hysteria and was a fool of the Deep State this time. Instead, he claims secret intel many here in 8chan knew about Syria before he opened his trap trying to save his ass after the strikes on the spook chemical bldings. Jones, I think, gets fed mixed intel because he is off the cuff and keeps the DS and MSM distracted. My theory.

5820c3 No.1101968

File: 3c1f0c9c5352850⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1302x4340, 3:10, 3c1f0c9c5352850a7080479b62….png)


>time to Audit

>we utterly destroy and discredit him


Kikes literally shaking in fear. Onward humble waterfilter salesman.

@Jack Dorsey is going to prison.

d06111 No.1102797

Time will tell which way Alex Jones will go.

Something tells me he's trolling to try to pull the left, and his "I don't agree with war" argument against Trump could be fueling that grab of the left. The left, slowly, if they pay interest, becomes more aware of things they may not have known prior, regarding the left, because Alex Jones can't go 5 minutes without changing subject.

However, I don't think he trusts the plan; I don't think he's aware of the plan. Despite his and Roger Stone's connections with Trump, I don't think Trump would give them any intel. Only chance of Trump giving them any intel is if they were sworn to secrecy, and to play the media in the right direction (in this case, misdirection, sounds like a paradox, I know) but I still don't think Trump would give them intel.

Alex Jones is still a great guy for bits of info, and is 10x better background news than most of the bullshit on TV, but take everything he says with a grain of salt because the reality is, as a media outlet, you can't always call them at face value.

dfe831 No.1103208


The Enemy of my Enemies is my Friend.

9da758 No.1109321


Realize in war everyone in the platoon can't carry the guidon.

Everyone has a role.

Jone's role is to run interference while other are freed up to do work.

AJ is the bright shiny object to distract, confuse, and annoy the enemy.

He excels at doing just that…

AJ has been told what he can and can't talk about.

He basically says nothing about Q. Only Corsi can talk about Q.

That is because AJ was told to keep his mouth shut and let Corsi handle it.

Step back and look at the big picture, the people, the players, and the roles. All of this is by design.

d24105 No.1120811

AJ is many things. Sometimes useful, usually not. The value of his show is in the guests, as long as you know how to filter through overbearing sensationalism and product ads

5154db No.1122644

File: a556e6ce14b1aea⋯.jpg (37 KB, 480x318, 80:53, 28srqq~2.jpg)

Alex Jones 100% Patriot.

c64439 No.1123412

File: 259e51811ef66b0⋯.jpg (86.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, db_gutted-chuck-clown-45.jpg)

Nice try, clowns. Jones is a "crazy like a fox' patriot.

"I will not let you down." - 4 10 20

67c690 No.1158322

I doubt Jones is 100% on the up and up, but you can't deny he has woken a LOT of people up to a lot of the rubbish.

Controlled opposition maybe, outlet on a pressure cooker, yells alot, does nothing.

Unsurprisingly, went limp on Pizzagate.

a6676e No.1164640


Look into the Hicks family. Second tier illuminati but still super prominent. old radio family. Tom hicks owned a few pro teams but sold most cus he's an idiot. all his kids are d bags and cum stains.

f32f4e No.1164765

File: 9d365524bcae197⋯.jpeg (96.49 KB, 750x752, 375:376, QvAJ.jpeg)

51d756 No.1165197

AJ has awoken millions you fuck for brains! The ignorance of some of you is what makes this world such a dangerous place. My God fight the real enemy.

439d17 No.1166936

Alex Jones is the proverbial turd in the punchbowl sometimes. He's wise, knows how to discredit himself, if that's a nice thing to say about the man. What he does is tap into a perception of fears and anger and channels it, but it's like running and running to exhaustion over time. Does he remember everything he's said? Just google it for yourself "alex jones fema camps", for example. He's losing the edge, it's been too long since he's done a good rant about Jekyll Island. He should probably focus on narrating and producing feature length documentary style, bequeath the InfoWars show to his Owen Clone guy.

bdb1bc No.1167643


>AJ has awoken millions you fuck for brains! The ignorance of some of you is what makes this world such a dangerous place. My God fight the real enemy.

Alex Jones imitates a real patriot and earns your trust. Then, when you least expect it, HE LIES about something EXTREMELY important.

Examples (paraphrasing - but these are all things I've actually heard him claim - I'm sure there is MUCH MUCH more):


"The elites smoke DMT in order to acquire technology from the clockwork elves"

"North Korea is about to strike, retreat to your bunkers! Buy my stuff!"

"They are drugging the president with a mind control agent! He is controlled by McMaster and deep state operatives in the White House"

"The president is banging the whole white house and now the deep state owns him!"

"They have a gun to his head and now the deep state owns him."

"They threatened to kill his family, and now they own him."

bdb1bc No.1167665


He also rants and cries and yells so that he intentionally sounds like a Dale Dribble crazy conspiracy theorist who just pieces together some sketchy rumors to create a narrative that he seems entirely too sure of. And he never gives the real sauce -

For example, he'll call school shootings false flags, but NEVER NEVER NEVER discuss trauma-based mind control. You cannot understand how these false flags are really executed if you don't know anything about MK Ultra. So he just calls them fake with very little real explanation for how it could be possible - in order to sound crazy to normies.

bdb1bc No.1167678


And he went limp on Sandy Hook - and now he even denies that he ever said that 9/11 was an inside job . Does he ever mention that David Hogg isn't a real a student at Parkland? Nope!!!

c010f5 No.1167820

File: a031bf8cdf89659⋯.png (854.78 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

c010f5 No.1167828

File: a031bf8cdf89659⋯.png (854.78 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// isgp-studies.com/alex-jones-of-infowars-is-cia-army-disinformation

dfaf31 No.1168262

The elites want Alex Jones to be the final word on "alternative media."

Anything he touches is supposed to turn to shit. That's the idea.

Not only does any narrative immediately lose crediblity once he embraces it, but once he denies it, we're all supposed to go "Even c-r-a-z-y Alex Jones denies it! If you believe it, then you're even crazier than him!"

d06111 No.1168694


Yeah, actually, he does.

If Jones is a CIA job, it's as contradictory as the Q being an inside job theory.

Honestly, this is getting so bad we might all us well stop following anyone that leans to the right and offers "conspiracy" info because they're bought and paid for by CIA to MK-ULTRA us.


If he gives "real sauce" he ends up 6 feet under. I don't see Q straight up giving "real sauce", do you? Where's this HRC video? Jones drops bits of info for the viewer to put together and he's an idiot, but Q does it and he's our lord and savior! Morons.

He has discussed trauma based mind control. You must have missed it. I could waste a day replying to all the shill arguments in this thread but I honestly have better things to do.

Congrats on continuing to divide us, shills. I'm sure Soros loves you for it.

dfaf31 No.1168732


How long have you been watching Alex Jones? He has betrayed my trust so many times. He can sound like the greatest guy on earth for months at a time sometimes, but if you really pay attention, you can see how he does more harm than good in the end. The devil is in the details. He is as INSIDIOUS as a cancer that get missed on a CAT scan.

3e0664 No.1173728


Hi Jones.

3e0664 No.1173791

File: 3f98232d51e8917⋯.jpg (171.15 KB, 585x509, 585:509, liarclown.jpg)


What motivated him?

He's Agency / CIA

look closer

He actually worse than a regular bad guy

Because he pretends to be good and sucks in the innocent and good hearted.

Why is he attacking Trump and creating confusion?


No nuance. Why should there be? It's a schtick.

3e0664 No.1173983

File: f49b4b5938bec61⋯.jpg (347.47 KB, 590x644, 295:322, infowars-bill-hicks-hoax-f….jpg)


"Jones" is a clown, 100%

Make all the excuses you want to explain his behavior, it won't change the reality of what he is.

I expect him to retire or "Die," a second time.

Don't be surprised if he doesn't make it through "the Storm" - there's dark stuff on him, no doubt. Don't let it break your heart. Remember the good that he taught you and thank him for that.

I respect his followers and honor their loyalty to him, which he does not deserve.

3e0664 No.1174070

File: a27d5041ea42afd⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 626x360, 313:180, Alex Jones Sings Behind Bl….mp4)

Think how far ahead we'd be if there was a real truther with "Jones" audience, working at it for all those years. He's a deliberate human information bottle-neck.

He's a liar and a traitor. He actually claimed he never believed "9/11 was an inside job?" and I suppose his followers now believe him?


3e0664 No.1174150

File: 03150fa2ae606fd⋯.jpg (52.53 KB, 375x500, 3:4, rat.jpg)

e683ad No.1175240


So Bill Hicks "got rid of" [killed] the real Alex Jones and took his place. I fucking knew it.. .they replaced him with a jew.

5ce475 No.1178326


all that info-shit for brains did was bring the idea of the "crazy conspiracy theorist" to the public eye……

Cooper told us all ages ago. fbi propped up Jones, gave him airwaves, TV.

He was highly rejected by the truth community when he came into the scene.

clowns needed a new plan and it's called at best 30% truth and 70% bs fear mongering lies

if your own bs filter doesn't tell you that then go back to watching cnn.

dcddf9 No.1192740

Do all of you expect everyone to agree with you 100%? Really?

Do you think that just because someone has a different viewpoint that they are evil?

Do you think it's wise to try to take down someone simply for disagreeing with you on a few points?

What if you are the one whos wrong?

Nobody is right about everything. Those who think they are, are usually the ones who are wrong.

We have people who are truly evil, raping children, comitting treason, and you are worried about alex jones?

48cc5f No.1192994


>Do all of you expect everyone to agree with you 100%? Really?

Nope, never said that.

>Do you think that just because someone has a different viewpoint that they are evil?

Nope, never said that.

>Do you think it's wise to try to take down someone simply for disagreeing with you on a few points?

That's not what I'm doing. He's a liar and a fraud, and yes, it's wise to take down worthless minions like ALEX JONES.

>What if you are the one whos wrong?

We're not.

>Nobody is right about everything. Those who think they are, are usually the ones who are wrong.

Kill yourself.

>We have people who are truly evil, raping children, comitting treason, and you are worried about alex jones?

Yep. Alex Jones is responsible for perpetuating the "crazy conspiracy theorist" label. This causes people to turn a blind eye to what going on as the children continue to suffer.

Alex Jones has overstayed his welcome and the best thing he can hope for is for this thread to get buried. Thanks for bumping it again.

3105b6 No.1195443

KEK puke KEK

I had to add to this pile of cer-RAP.

Listened to AJ the very first day he broadcasted on the SW many years ago. Thought he was an egomaniac and self absorbed, but hey, if the truth flows thru it can be utilized minus the personality.

I have some good friends that work for a theatre lighting company in SF called Holzmueller. They light up the grove, since the late 1800's, almost from the beginning. They are the only vendor there with there own campsite. While AJ was talking about "infiltrating" I was talking to them about it and saying yea, connect with him and blow this wide open. Well, good thing they didn't - but they were aware of his presence and saw his Dark Secrets vid that followed. He never snuck in. The area he shows himself being let out of the car to "sneak" thru the woods was like 20 feet from the entrance. Everyone there has a card, plastic CC type card that must be shown when asked and thru multiple checkpoints. Even the vehicle he rode in on checks these cards before transporting anyone. There were 13 Joneses on the membership roster at the time and whether one of them was a relative or some other way, he was INVITED and had a card. He was not scared when security approached, and mr. never turn the camera off hardy friggin har, turned it off while he presented his card to security.

I explained this to myself as a …. well he is just protecting his source and pretending to sneak in to bring us all the truth. Hopeless optimist I can be. Well needless to say I have not listened to him for at least 15 or so years now, can't stand the sound of his voice. At best he is an unwitting tool, and at worst…. People like him are responsible for the lack of information being shared from the most heinous events that have happened in this country because of the incredibly ridiculous and disrespectful, utterly terrorizing nature of his gathering of "truthful revelations" that are so very wrong that NO ONE would want to share anything close to the truth with this attack and destroy agent.

Like any and all of these radio ops, there is enough real truth and heavy info that comes thru to keep the average anon tuned in, but that missing stuff or the distortions they disseminate are the REAL reasons they are there, on the air, untouched and paid.


8ac069 No.1195834

Jesus. I have to say something.

Bill Hicks is a pioneer. Ahead of his time. Please try to tell Hicks' mother her son was never in a casket. some of you need to stop believing everything fucking word on the internet. Common sense.

So…Bill Hicks decided to pretend he had a rare cancer at 33, "die", fall off the earth for 8 years, gain 130lbs, lower his voice and take on a radical approach while losing all of his sense of humor.

So either this was the most successful mkultra ever pulled off, or there's alot of piss poor assumptions going on here.

This shit is an insult to Bill Hicks. Jones is a CIA plant made to make theorists look bat-shit crazy.

e121b2 No.1199042


Corsi is a Jesuit with his words "above Mossad" connections. Very questionable character IMO.

Tune into the CBTS Stream on yt sometime and watch all the noobs try to suck him off. Total Shill…. but do buy his book mmmkay.

19578a No.1199624

Agree total tool

1487c8 No.1222245

AJ totally showing his true colors as a FRAUD. "Zach" keeps dumping fake intel. It's not the Russians anymore - it's the KKK! What a joke!

685eeb No.1222477

File: 46cd9b2f2b79b65⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 551x401, 551:401, 06-dreyfuss-jaws.jpg)

Alex Jones is like a gateway drug to the truth, he gets a lot of people hooked but he needs to keep you away from the harder stuff or he will lose his audience and therefore his profits. No doubt he is only in this for the money and the fame.

The reason he doesn't touch Q is that he would lose his audience so fast his empire would crumble. He has Zach and he has his new CIA source (hahaha, he is really trusting a CIA insider).

He needs to keep traffic on his sites and on his videos to plug his products, and let me tell you there is nothing wrong with that as he does get some good information out there and they do good work, I don't know about his products as I have never tried them but again whats wrong with selling health supplements.

He is a very shrewd businessman who is probably terrified of the Great Awakening because it will kill him financially…unless he decides to rebrand as a new-era CNN style operation, now that would be worth watching for KEK's.

Lets not become like the left and start eating our own…

b4784b No.1223108

This entire thread has Clown Op written all over it. If you support Donald Trump, and you think Alex Jones is a shill you are a moron. Trump would not be president had Alex Jones not endorsed him, period. Info wars employees Jerome Corsi who is making better sense of Q shit than anyone out there.Oh yea and he's been Donald Trump's friend for over 30 years. Alex Jones also employees Roger Stone. In case you are retarded(or a straight up clown) Roger was a campaign advisor to Trump and another close friend of 30 plus years.

Bill Cooper was a patriot, but he had zero personality, and he wasnt god. Yes he and alex had disagreements in the same sense that Eminem and the Insane Clown Posse had disagreements. But there is a reason very few people knew who Cooper was until he was brought up on the Q post.

Oh but wait theres more…

What might Donald Trump himself have to say about Alex Jones

Donald Trump to Prominent Conspiracy Theorist: “Your Reputation Is Amazing”

“I will not let you down,” he told Alex Jones during an interview. “You’ll be very, very impressed.”


685eeb No.1223443


Right on brother

38b40d No.1223561


Get lost Info-shill. Alex Jones is the Clown Op.

Donald Trump got elected because of Alex Jones? Do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you make statements like that?

And Bill Cooper had a wonderful personality - Alex Jones's name doesn't even belong in the same sentence with a real patriot like Bill Cooper's.

cac261 No.1304109


cac261 No.1304115


166b6c No.1305270



69093f No.1309103

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Cooper was murdered a short time after he was "discredited" by Jones. They couldn't have 2 anti-government '"Guru-s" after 9/11? The field was crowded for "Jones" if Cooper wasn't out of the way?

There is also the death of Dan Wallace that we have associated with "Jones" . Happened right around the time he corrupted and broke up the 9/11 movement to become it's "leader" only to declare years later that he never believed it was an inside job? [couldn't have real researchers in the mix]?

e1524e No.1309633


Yep, true dat.

At least this thread provides a place for those who insist on character assassinations to be able to do it outside of Qresearch.

Buy some Brain-Force today ! ! !

e1524e No.1309661


>He is a very shrewd businessman who is probably terrified of the Great Awakening because it will kill him financially…

I stopped going there soon after finding Q. Many did. His stories all used to recieve thousands of comments. Upon checking in recently I noticed that most stories have less than 50 comments. Certainly he has lost traffic due to Q, and because he annoys the fuck out of his own listeners with constant advertising.

b6f734 No.1316921

File: cd881cecadcbce3⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 640x460, 32:23, 911tvfakery640.jpg)


Everybody should watch the Dan Wallace tape closely.

He "just didn't wake up" a few months after making this speech at St. Mark's

Think of it; Had he live we would have no Luke R. as spokesperson for "We Are Change"

The fact they changed the named, away from "9/11 Truth" to "We Are Change" - soon after Dan mysteriously died, shows that it was planned to gradually move the focus of the movement to something else. [claims/rumors were he died from drug overdose - ["and that's why we can't talk about it; don't upset the relatives"] but no hard evidence, plus he did not take drugs. [Someone in his crowd may have slipped him something to kill him ]

Something to remember, y'all.

As far as I know "Hicks/Jones" never speaks about Dan Wallace - who left the youth leadership field open for "Hicks / Jones" protege, Luke R.

Luke has lately been discovered to be embezzling money and not keeping proper track of "We Are Change" money.

His partner, Sabrina, the same. The local patriots - those who watch them - have the money issue down cold, I am told.

Truly anyone watching closely could've seen this from the very beginning. Luke promised transparency and "Voting" - Both things were not provided from the very beginning, though he did promise it. They took a vote. Members wanted "9/11 Truth" name to remains. Luke over-rode it.

464e9f No.1317159

File: c354af2d29d254b⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 300x415, 60:83, AJ.jpg)

e45c18 No.1320862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's analyze the net good/bad impact Alex has on society. (For CE5anons, he DID stick the Infowars brand name on Jon Rappoport's exposé of Luis Elizondo's TTSA rat pack being a hostile cointelOP… What more could contactee's ask for out of AJ). For the rest of us, how many people has Alex Redpilled? Millions. How many fake news narratives has he disrupted? Countless. How many people has he introduced to "Tragedy and Hope," and other occult literature? IDK but I am one of them. Good stuff abounds.

Alex is bound by NDA on some issues. He probably has executive protection which implies he is beholden to certain deep state factions. Factions which some of us may be totally at odds with - but better for all of us that we can find common ground with anyone in the deep state thru Alex Jones or anyone for that matter. Does that make sense? Does WWG1WGA make sense?

Anons can get lost for days dissecting Alex. But those of us who heeded his warnings in July 2001 are better off for it. Who cares if he is or isn't bill Hicks? Myopicanons do. And libtards

e45c18 No.1320929

Just as a side note Bill Cooper got a lot of things right but he was wrong about Aliens bc he portrayed them as hostile. Which they absolutely are not. You could say bill Cooper was not a CE5anon.

Hostile ≠ Self Defense

66e8b4 No.1325543

File: 44efe6730c97d8e⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 280x158, 140:79, 44efe6730c97d8e3ec7911709d….jpg)


>he was wrong about Aliens bc he portrayed them as hostile. Which they absolutely are not.

Can't prove a negative (e.g. there are no hostile ETs in the multiverse)– but when did he ever say that? He mentioned seeing a football shaped UFO, or should I say USO come out of the ocean, but i don't recall him mentioning anything out ETs.

6e867e No.1328910

File: 6b75befe4b9edcb⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 555x509, 555:509, krill.jpg)

File: 298396ca8ff673e⋯.jpg (28.45 KB, 555x354, 185:118, krillsim.jpg)

File: a531278a2e69844⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 537x316, 537:316, compare-bill-hicks.jpg)


From what I remember Copper wrote the "ET" was in with the U.S. gov. And he found documents regarding CRAY / Krill? That's consistent with a gov op.

So if or if not it's real? The op is real. What Cooper knew or not? Uncertain. If or if not "ET" "UFO" is another Gov OP? That's still uncertain.

Cooper released a document call the "Krill papers?"

What is certain is the Cooper was either killed or taken off-stage soon after having "Jones" lie and bear false witness against him.

And soon after 9/11 event. which was an event predicted by Cooper and used as a fame vehicle by "Jones"

6e867e No.1329223

File: a531278a2e69844⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 537x316, 537:316, compare-bill-hicks.jpg)

File: 298396ca8ff673e⋯.jpg (28.45 KB, 555x354, 185:118, krillsim.jpg)

File: 2477acb539a8e55⋯.jpg (189.83 KB, 1000x1004, 250:251, cooper.jpg)

Sorry for the bad proofreading

I'm trying again.

"From what I remember Cooper wrote the "ET" information was "in with" the U.S. Gov. And he found documents [or they were provided to him] regarding CRAY / Krill? That's all consistent with a gov operation.

So if, or if not, [UFO] is real; The op is real. What Cooper knew or did not know?


If or if not "ET" "UFO" is another Gov OP?

Yes it is. Likely.

Cooper released a document call the "Krill papers" and perhaps believe "Aliens" were real?

What is certain is the Cooper was either killed or taken off-stage soon after having "Jones" lie and bear false witness against him.

And that moment was also soon after the 9/11 event; an event predicted by Cooper and used as a vehicle for fame, by "Jones."

"Jones" does not call -out the "shooter" simulations as fake, most of the time. That means he's part of the plan to take away guns even though "Jones" pretends the opposite.

He blocks important info on the GLADIO simulations. "UFO or not" is a distraction.

d2f9d2 No.1343091

File: 914f345b996ad7a⋯.jpg (135.49 KB, 874x869, 874:869, falseflag.jpg)

File: c854617459095bd⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 473x314, 473:314, mug.jpg)

File: d36a7c0976a2732⋯.jpg (116.45 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, dopple.jpg)

File: 81de6be06d7365e⋯.jpg (264.99 KB, 1740x1224, 145:102, jokerboyfriend.jpg)

Reality is: the nutty shooters are a fiction. They would never let their schemes be in the hands of someone they have mentally damaged. The patsy is just there to take the blame. Some are merely actors.

6ab75d No.1367237

File: 945aba62a1dcbdd⋯.jpg (837.05 KB, 1512x1688, 189:211, lifeimitatesart.JPG)

File: 94b09b623c8579f⋯.png (294.98 KB, 800x945, 160:189, 5SynTxC.png)

File: 793a03d459df429⋯.png (184.38 KB, 800x643, 800:643, EK4b7Aw.png)

File: 442f4a505442755⋯.png (141.46 KB, 800x511, 800:511, NwsrQxP.png)

Now Lionel Nation is shilling for "Jones"

Seemed like Lionel's bit on "Jones'" show today was written or outlined for him by the "Jones'" apologists.

"Jones" and his backers must be concerned. What will happen as things unfold and "Jones" is seen to have blocked information and been a spinmeister, fraud agent? Even more so than as he is now. That's a big Empire $$$ of Propaganda control to have go down the drain. I guess they plan to keep on needing it.

So they are started the "back-pedaling" and apologias already, to get a head-start - for what is expected to be coming down the road a ways?.

Lionel has now lost my respect. He always got a few things wrong, every show. Now Lionel is saying "There will never be peace in the Middle East" I wonder who that opinion favors?

This article I found on 8chan today gave a run down in great detail of the Propaganda efforts "Alex" has made against the "Q" movement since last year. Yes I think "Jones" does hypnotism and NLP on his "program" as did "Obama"

Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/

0726e1 No.1371985

File: abf0e3f3ac5bd77⋯.jpg (710.56 KB, 1512x1688, 189:211, havenofear.JPG)

I spoke to soon about Lionel Nation.

If "Alex" wants to give him a leg-up to try to salvage his own credibility - what does it hurt?

Lionel gave a good report this morning which made up for the "Alex-Bill" sell-out?


Blessing "HAVE NO FEAR"

is done with the right hand.

Sign of Protection.

6ddab8 No.1374797

File: 8e85f91afcafb09⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, spraygun.jpg)

General Board is exploding with "Alex Jones" comments since "Q" today posted the link a lot of us looked at yesterday analyzing "Jones" and his "Corsi" op



you gotta admit Jones-Hicks and their ilk are somewhat good in instilling fear and doubt. I suspect because they are really fucked -up - Psychos. Psychos sit up nights figuring ways to unsettle and disturb others.

They are on the left and the right.

As Q pointed to : it's evil vs good.

6ddab8 No.1377660

File: c645aecce7192d4⋯.png (292.33 KB, 587x638, 587:638, joneshicksmirror.png)


He appears totally drunk here.|

Amazing how the mirror-unwind works every time.

3e83b1 No.1377755


What ought we to make of everyone who has appeared on InfoWars or has anything to do with it? Does these cast a shadow on Matt Bracken? Steve Piecenik?

25a43e No.1378081


>If he gives "real sauce" he ends up 6 feet under.


he backtracked on Sandy Hoax on purpose to discredit the truth community

James Fetzer has been giving sauce on 9/11 and many more for over a decade

here's his great take on zionist Jones


c0358a No.1378421

I look at Jones like Art Bell. He's in it for money. I'm in it for entertainment and a grain of truth. Jones played a significant role championing for Trump pre-election. That doesn't buy a free pass but he was there on the right side of history along with many Americans. If he's paid disinfo he'll be unable to tow the line after this challenge. Q is right. "Information should be free." People should also be smart enough to discern. That's not currently the case for most. If media isn't helping bear truth they need to be discredited. Don't care what side they are on. AJ will get Q's message. Lots of people watching.

so here's a challenge AJ. If Q is a larp wouldn't now be the time to cash in on that Presidential special interview you claims to have in back pocket. Cause Trump appreciates your work. Let's see it.

90d3c4 No.1378580

I haven't participated much in the discussion over AJ and Corsi lately, in large part because I've known he was comped for a year now. I forget where I saw it, it might be taken down now, but I remember seeing a video of AJ saying him and his family were being threatened over the phone. It's my belief AJ started out with good intentions, I don't think he would've gotten such a big following otherwise, and was later threatened to hold off on some topics.

90d3c4 No.1378627


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but he also he received an email from stratfor

https:// wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/35/3517235_re-update-transaction-processing-.html

8da41e No.1379670

So the Deep State faked the death of a leftist comedian, gave him the NWO gamplan so he could be reborn as a parody of the right wing talk radio persona he hated and the truth movement could be discredited as conspiracy theory. Probably one of the most sensible theories I've read on the chans.

848e09 No.1379912


AJ = Judas goat.

Every time.


Sandy Hook


and on and on.

They should call that show infowardens.

His interviews are complete bullshit, you never really get to hear enough of what the guest wants to communicate because AJ dominates the entire conversation with his raspy unwashed ass of a voice instead of STFU and learning.

Judas goat.

b9614d No.1381074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS and Q out Alex Jones as a supreme loser

66e8b4 No.1381812

File: 04531aba2b77265⋯.png (449.98 KB, 686x900, 343:450, Alex Dancing With Jews.png)

66e8b4 No.1381818


Don't be a supreme loser, yourself by lumping JS together with AJ and JC.

2e1ec5 No.1382187

File: 1b895a96f983d1d⋯.png (57.38 KB, 690x402, 115:67, fbi_anon_aj.png)

Remember FBIAnon?

07151f No.1382205


I retract this and apologize for my stupid faggotry

5867b8 No.1382250

The only two worth their salt were Bill Cooper and Jesus Christ. that includes Q.

everything else is disinfo.

e98bce No.1382685

As the dust from Building 7 was still falling I prepared a submission for AJ concerning info far more relevant and viable to the facts of this case than any he has presented since. Never claiming to be an able danger, all I knew is what I saw and was explicitly instructed to forget upon project termination. AJ denied receipt of registered mail and was outright rude toward me each and every time I attempted to breach the topic of direct concern. Free fall. How does this happen? We have it all. No shit!!

e98bce No.1382718

AJ attempted to build credibility in his station by hiring some great tits. Then everything took a dive.

Interestingly, this has happened to several people I've known who randomly tank up on supplements, medicinal 'boosters' which quite literally drive their systems into toxic overload.

So hear this, and get things right.

ALL NUTRITIONAL EFFECTS are subject to POSITIVE and NEGATIVE spatial interactions and dislocations. They body performs a constant balancing act. And those who fail to recognize actual food content (reading from the gut, but not AJ's sense of 'gut,') will always misuse supplements to a greater or lesser degree.

Restated, EATING and ingesting NOTHING can be much healthier than eating the wrong things.

46e5ca No.1383772


If we can all agree that the Deep State has been pushing for civil war in America, then it is not far-fetched to see what some of Alex Jones' purpose has been:

1- AJ rants and raves with fabricated emotions for hours, with little(if any) genuine information.

- serves multiple purposes: taint the image of "conspiracy theorists" / create mass amounts of material to boost viewing analytics / distract from more important research / increase opportunities for advertisements / etc.

2- AJ repeatedly interrupts his guests at critical points in their statements. If something substantial is said by anyone who isn't AJ, then AJ takes over and claims prior knowledge like it's old news to him.

- just like MSM, he has to micro-manage the conversation, in order to prevent certain intel from reaching the surface. Him claiming prior knowledge boosts his "credibility" so he can remain relevant and continue to moderate the convo.

3- AJ hints at bombshell intel, which is then placed on the backburner to make way for his merchandise advertisements.

- He can't remain in control of the narrative if he doesn't have the resources available to grow/protect his operation.

4- AJ has pulled multiple public stunts(I.e. RNC convention/Young Turks feud/Pierce Morgan interview/Bohemian Grove) that puts him in the MSM limelight.

- multiple reasons: taint the image of Patriots / increase the tensions between the Left and Right / build his followers / remain the "conspiracy theorists" mascot / etc.

In my opinion, all of this has been intentional. The Deep State knew their would be an uprising at some point, especially towards the end of their plans. This could NOT be led by a true Patriot, since he/she would have enough resources/influence to potentially derail any DS plans. Instead, having some major FFs occur, coupled with AJ switching gears and calling for violence/riots, would better ensure the civil war that the DS has always wanted.

What they didn't plan on was a mega-Patriot like Trump having control of the mechanism they created over decades…As well as an army of anons supporting his every move.

e70064 No.1384529

File: f939de57f0c05c1⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 580x300, 29:15, alex-jones-bill-hicks3.jpg)

File: d6a64b299a300c1⋯.gif (278.49 KB, 1000x571, 1000:571, alex-jones-infowars.gif)

File: 0955688014d358a⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 237x216, 79:72, hick-jones-thanksgiving.jpg)

File: 2744927e3e94744⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 296x181, 296:181, alex-jones-is-bill-hicks.jpg)



- He's an actor; he says what he is told. That's why, when you see him, for instance, claim Michelle O. is a tranny, then backpedal. He's controlled. So in a way you can't say he's lying. He's just doing a job. He's an agent of other forces. He's not his own man. So it really doesn't matter what he believes or not. He was not a free agent from the very beginning.

AT his last shows in NYC as "Bill Hicks" - which I think might also be a fake name - he appeared completely healthy. He said he was offered a gig and a lot of money was thrown in his lap. And that he was going to take it and that he was looking forward to it.

This was in public. Many people saw this.

He talked about his future career to such a degree with such enthusiasm that many believed he was not sick and would not die.

It might even be on tape or text, but I don't have that at the moment.

He did not appear as someone who had gone through many months of Chemo.

So he was not a sincere "Patriot" from the very start.

Do you see the mole and where it was removed?

9e455f No.1384777

File: accd5a69970beef⋯.jpg (212.86 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, itsallofthem.jpg)

File: 0169c60e30c3c11⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 485x354, 485:354, noplanersbsreg22513 (2).jpg)


It's hard to stand alone against a crowd.

President Donald Trump knows that.

Everybody's mocking those who doubt "Jones"

(In the same way "Everybody's"mocking those who stand with POTUS,) so it's difficult to stand against that.

It's an understandable mistake?

How could all these people be wrong.

And this one or two people be correct?

What's that fallacy?

Anyway I've learned one person who stands their ground can turn the tide.

They use that fallacy with the "don't say that, it's bad for the movement" to shut up some questions or analysis?

Is that the strength of 8chan? Dissent can get through the static here?

That's a communist thing? You have to stand with the crowd, even if the crowd is wrong

Telling projection that our group is being accused of "Communism" Funny. They always seem to find a way to give themselves away.

Thinking about why "Jones" appeared more authentic in the beginning? Perhaps he was more careful and fresh. As time went on he got sloppy and lazy and seduced by his own success?

He definitely got sloppy about wearing the blue - eyed contact lens.

d67166 No.1384853

File: 626d65eacdecca1⋯.png (492.46 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 1DCEA5E9-8D5D-4A56-B2AA-19….png)

d022f9 No.1385091



9437ad No.1385882

File: a711fc71a1484e4⋯.jpg (433.69 KB, 1000x957, 1000:957, hicks-eyesbrown.jpg)

File: 61891aa25436522⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, blueeyes.jpg)

File: 20bc2cdd92c068b⋯.jpg (77.3 KB, 1000x655, 200:131, browneyes.jpg)

File: 8cd90c88f9c3e49⋯.jpg (301.68 KB, 1000x756, 250:189, eyecolorconparison.jpg)


Is someone attempting to block the discussion?

"Move on" nothing to see here?

Or do they mean to move on to the Activism - really taking him down - meaning strong propagation of this info, as the person who started this thread suggested?

"Hicks-Jones" apparently got lazy about wearing his blue-eye contacts. Maybe it was all too easy for him or maybe subconsciously he wanted to get caught?

370a7b No.1386610

File: 905a2c9f39a22c9⋯.jpg (66.52 KB, 375x250, 3:2, bill-hicks-dr-death.jpg)

File: 5d81237d83af479⋯.jpg (24.22 KB, 163x272, 163:272, jonestown.jpg)

File: 67799c14e370d77⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 279x220, 279:220, tony-clifton-alex-jones.jpg)

File: 545ce0a1e6c85c1⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, jokerriddler911aj.jpg)

"Hicks-Jones" apparently got lazy about wearing his blue-eye contacts. Maybe it was all too easy for him or maybe subconsciously he wanted to get caught?

He even sang "Behind Blue Eyes" - Sort of daring the audience to catch on, mocking them. That's a Joker-ish / Riddler type act - if you compare his behavior to dramatic characters from the theater.

But the characters are based upon things which happen in real life! And putting the inside joke in people's face is something "The Riddler"/ Joker's villains would do.

e22a29 No.1386811

File: 2e97f8c674fb017⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 195x169, 15:13, Waaaambulance.jpg)

99f2d2 No.1386955

File: 38fbd539069825d⋯.jpg (138.89 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, jokerriddler911jones2.jpg)

Here's maybe a better version of the side by side.

More discussion on the subverted "9/11 Truth" movement at the "History Fags" thread.


69093f No.1406203

File: d09beaaf714bfa1⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Alex Jones' Hero is Howard….mp4)


How he harmed us and continues to try to harm us. He dresses it up as "Entertainment" "Satire." He makes fun of Patriots; that's his gig. He's a sick man. And a traitor.

The movie "Network" is extremely instructive - on many levels. The character "Beale" is someone who tells the truth on TV and is co opted. The movie portrays how the originally honest broadcaster is used to become a demagogue and hypnotize the audience.

Life follows Art? 'Cept "Jones" was never honest.

b009ad No.1407675

File: 3c83cd19690d176⋯.jpeg (46.74 KB, 630x692, 315:346, JdifHatesThisImage.jpeg)

We need to ask ourselves real questions like we used too!!!

>is Q a fraud?

>is Q disinfo?

>why wait so long?? So Podesta escapes or takes his death like Barbara Bush

We need to know what happened last week and WHY THE NEW TRIPCODE


VIDEO also discusses

>Vanguard Group

The Major owner and controller of Western financial power … THEY OWN EVERYTHING AND ARE CONNECTED TO


the rabbit hole goes deep!!! Follow that white rabbit!

>why is DPRK folding

>what did Pompeo do/say

>why is pizzagate being hidden and slid!!!



Why is David Seaman and Titus Frost asking the real questions while you QNiggers are stuck on the plantation

df4ba1 No.1409835

File: d3615cefa42ec98⋯.jpg (141.31 KB, 1024x514, 512:257, afa4f2ecffc2ba0c1f96ace6b7….jpg)


I think you are only the 2nd or 3rd tier of the offensive flank.

8633be No.1410708


The guy hinted at this in his article:

We know the cabal makes shows and performance arts in public that are in fact satanic rituals. That's black magic. (((They))) hypnotize the normies, and the energy from the viewers' minds is used to accelerate the materialization of what (((they))) want.

AJ is always very bombastic. What if all his antics as a "performance art" could be like some ritual/black magic? He's always bringing up in a theatrical way the threats to POTUS's life. All that drama generates fear and anxiety in the hypnotized viewers. It feeds the bad energy to materialize what (((they want))) that AJ keeps repeating again and again, planting the image in people's minds.

f8cb50 No.1410884


AJ talks in all capitalized letters with exclamation marks. It's irritating and grating. I quit watching him a long time ago because I couldn't stand the noise. If he IS a performance artist, his talent is seriously lacking. I like your word - bombastic. It gets old quick.

f8cb50 No.1410900


And is not a talented artist, if artist is what he is. He is a kook. A lunatic. Offensive. And a liar. His "performance" stinks.

86aab7 No.1411185


>David Seaman


1180d7 No.1411217


Recently in DC, AJ was talking to some lefitst journalist outside the press club and AJ admitted he was Bill Hicks. Case closed.

86aab7 No.1411238


Sounds delicious, but needs sauce.

a5b02f No.1411323

When do we start the Audit of the "We the People" staff? Bet there's some scary shit there. Right Pam.

1180d7 No.1411540



Start around the 40 sec mark. You will hear AJ say, I'm Bill Hicks. He's not saying like a joke. Says it quietly. Surprised they didn't edit it.

1180d7 No.1411594


I get the reddit guy. But when I heard SToen say those words, I didn't think that was Q basing, but Sharia blue, move on,h illbot bashing. Like shills here on 8 chan. So I dont see how the redditor got that from Stone. Maybe I am dense, but I am excessively literal to a fault.

c30fd2 No.1413864




86aab7 No.1416439



As much as I'm inclined to believe that AJ is Bill Hicks, to me he's obviously being sarcastic.

46b8f9 No.1416556


LOL bill hicks converted himself to Alex Jones via plastic surgery…but to completely forgot to tell the Surgeon to change the shape of his cartilage of his ears.

The Bill Hicks is Alex Jones thing is overrated and over analyzed. Its bullshit detailing the issues we face. Its a dupes trap! Its a distraction. Any idiot can see it.

Some People just look very similar in life. Doesn't mean they are.

46b8f9 No.1416603


You are a disinfoFag.

Go home…and you can skip home chanting "tip top tippy top" motherfucker!!!

David Seaman. Don't make me start ROTFLMFAO

122502 No.1417077

government supported con man. the government gives him a monopoly, and in return he just sells out in any way he's supposed to

Unfortunately it's doubtful to me that this sham wil ever be exposed properly, if you believe that Qanon isn't a load of bullshit just look at how 'they' expose Jones. In a completely safe, fake, go nowhere way. In the way where he's just a humble water filter salesman instead of a hardcore government supported sociopath. He's exposed in a way where he gets to carry on with his 'show' and probably allows another money laundering operation to occur under the guise of a court case.

Nah, unfortunately in my opinion the only way anything gets done about Jones is if someone from the inside actually spills the beans, because from the outside, this guy can be exposed as all get out but he just turns up the next day and pretends nothing happens, looks the camera directly in the eye and lies through his teeth, but hey, maybe he's just parroting whatever words he hears in his earpiece

f8cb50 No.1419991


He means he is Bill Hicks, as in an entertainer, not a journalist.

4a1c8c No.1420835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching Jimmy Dore spit water in Jones's face during the InfoWars vs Young Turks fiasco is all the proof you need that this is all an illusion. The two sides of the multi-million infotainment industry providing you with the Hegelian dialectic. Which side of this fake manufactured paradigm will you choose?

49b8e7 No.1421076

File: 1b3c96dcefd80ac⋯.jpeg (224.87 KB, 1270x712, 635:356, D105625E-0858-471C-BCBA-1….jpeg)


UPDATED- He's Gaining - GO:

#CorPSY #SiOP #UnfollowCorsi

Exposing DIVISIVE people is NOT divisive in itself. Let that sink in. Let go of your attachments. Truth time.

@jerome_corsi @RealAlexJones @infowars @Redankulous13 #qanon #maga

RETWEET! Don't RETREAT. #Patriotsfight

7626d0 No.1423441

This looks interesting, sorry if already posted


6ff65d No.1423880


Is it me or are there some masonic imagery in those banners behind him?

594585 No.1424007

File: 0d7d21590165685⋯.jpg (145.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, actorjones4.jpg)

File: 374a74f0704b33d⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 461x762, 461:762, qrival.jpg)




Corsi outed himself as a "Q" Hater.

Amazing how many commentators are jealous of "Q". George Webb repeated maybe 15 - "I'm not in competition with "Q" meanwhil he was laughing with a big grin and insinuating that he had scooped "Q" = got the story better or first.

Too strange. I never would've expected the intense jealousy. Weird. I wouid've thought they'd be happy.

File under "ConintelPro" - Much bigger than we expected.

594585 No.1425430

File: 8af4d3b21e50bb6⋯.jpg (214.35 KB, 1200x1152, 25:24, fraudjones.jpg)

Good illustrations of what went down between Fraud Jones and "Q" community. Why are they all so jealous. There's only ~700 here. "Jones" has 35 million viewers at one time, sometimes. He's got millions of viewers. What an asshole.

The see him claim. "I play golf with "Q"


38cfea No.1432509

File: a43d6e747ded549⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 212x219, 212:219, otoplasty-alex-jones-bill-….jpg)


They did do his ears.

Dig before you spout.

You didn't read the material.

And you hope others will believe your lies before they read the evidence for themselves.

ab56b9 No.1432675

File: 7d2ae2519a797ec⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 383x298, 383:298, alex-jones-says-i-am-bill-….jpg)


If you read the material evidence you won't find it so "obvious?"

"The best lie is the truth."

You tell people the truth and they won't believe it.

Ain't that so?

They absolutely adore telling you the truth right to your face and having you disbelieve them. That is the ultimate feat.

It's also argued that in some karmic way it's absolves them from blame. "But I told them." That part is just speculation.

But they consider it the top hoot.

If you've been watching him for years and can't figure out he's an asshole. Or worse, you identified with it? Look closer.

e57b2e No.1434308

File: 029eb67217e0fc9⋯.jpg (452.64 KB, 1000x1980, 50:99, JOKERgiant.jpg)

This link was in a post in General.to here:

"Q-ANON UPDATE 5/13/2018 TRUST THE PLAN (REPUBLISHED) - Lets get this straight and MOVE-ON"


And looking at it for myself from there.

https:// youtu.be/r1fhFHe9ihs

was embedded in the link which was posted by "Q" a few days ago.

Which is referenced in the above summary; in the discussion @ "Q-Anon" update,

This is only one aspect. There's more. It's said that Roger Stone is "Jones'" handler, not Booth.

by the almost end [I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing to the bitter end] it was apparent the entire thing was scripted.

Really "Jones" did that "I am Bill Hicks" on purpose.

It's a mis-direction since many people who don't know the difference or the truth will believe "If he was really Bill Hicks he would never do that."

You can see him here go in and out of the "Alex Jones" character. The "voice" is a put-on.


"Actually I'm Bill Hicks. *And a Crisis Actor" start at 40seconds.

[Looks right at the interviewer and says it seriously]

"I don't want to take you out of context. I just want to know if you are Alex Jones."

Then "Jones"

Accuses the interviewer of being an actor not a journalist.

"You're a wannabe commedian"

"Im sorry. Who are we describing?" cc

"I'm talking about YOU." "alex"

[And they are each pointing to each other]

"An actor pretending to be a journalist. That's me." says Chuckie Cheese

"You're an actor pretending to be a journalist, pretending to be a commendian." says "Jones"

"so you can confuse your audience like you are news show" he continues.


[Nope. Actually the whole thing is scripted for chuckles]

Or is it scripted [YES]. (If it's real, Kudos to Chuckie Cheese, whoever he is.)

"I don't think a person putting on a big performance show and claiming to be a journalist would get much of a following" -CC

"Okay, Yeah, really. But this is all about being snarky. The whole point is you're Fake-news and that's why you are falling apart so keep mis-representing the thinking people in this country know what's going on" -"AJ" [looking bored ready to run off]

Someone from the peanut gallery/chorus asks "Chucky" "If you're a journalist [something ] Seth Rich?"

Jones says, "I bet you won't report on the dead babies in the incubators ["hold on" (talking over people as usual)] I bet you won't put this on Tapper's[?] show[?]

CC, "No, you're probably not going to hear that."

AJ "No No, not the dead babies [AJ goes into the Fake News story from back in the day; Kuwait excuse for Iraq War. FIRST Iraq War H.W. Bush] Jones now elaborates. ANTIFA - truth on ANTIFA - but told in a ridiculous manneer "They really break things." "But they do it in a scripted way"


I think it's scripted. I think it's a joke. You can see the duper's delight on "Jones" face

CC " But If you're the "ALEX JONES why haven't you tried to sell me any suppliments" ["AJ gets some "duper's delight" amusemnet here / slight smirk - he's joyful]

"AJ" "I know I'm not like Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos

["AJ" starts to rant "Jeff Bezos can sell suppliments, but I can't; shouting over everyone; turns his back to the camera so you probably can't see him grinning]

CC "You sound scripted sir. Sir, you sound scripted"

AJ "But that response is real" [more intense "duper's delight" in his face"] "Suppliments, blah blah blah"

[A big part of his "joke" is pretending to sell suppliments. Interesting. Just like he pretends to be a hick, but is not HICKS. Coincidence?]

[Cross-talk ; overtalking each other. Some very cheezy actors doing shitty improv. They think they are better at it than they are]

[Anyone who believes Alex Jones is for real, after looking at this closely, needs to get out more? Attend a few acting classes]

[Hicks start shilling right there for the onlookers. Ever wonder why they call it "shill?]

[Now they are hamming up / broad schmalz / Have you ever wondered why they call it "clowns?"

CC "I have a question." ["AJ" looks off into the distance as though he has to go somewhere fast. Or someone is waiting for him. I wonder if that's an act too?]

"AJ" says "Oh my god, they are going to see the scripting." [As he turns toward the camera one can see the gapped teeth in front. [ Everybody [in Hollywood] must know he is fake ]

[AJ tries to feed CC , pours the pills onto the ground, Tries to pour them into CC's mouth]

CC: "I think the real Alex Jones would be more respectful to me"

[Jones gets a pill into his mouth. Slap - stick. Why is slap-stick connected to Joker?]

Jones dodges CC's question about his ethical responsibility. Doesn't give a straight answer.

b6f734 No.1437019

File: 3298e8b7afec103⋯.webm (5.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, joneshickshatetrump.webm)

The undulating stuff on the wall behind Jones-HIck's is hypnotic.

>>1423089 from the General



I dont have a twatter acct or I would do it

Corsi keeps complaining about FOUL-LANGUAGE HATE-CORSI tweets posted to demonize him, example: "F U" -literally!

YET NO ANON has posted AJ's F bomb Tirade against Trump AND HIS FAMILY!

CAN one of you ANONs PLEASE POST THIS EMBEDED VIDEO ON CORSI'S Twatter to SHUT HIM THE HELL UP and EXPOSE his HYPOCRISY to his remaining Christian Supporters and expose this fraud fake Christian?


Here is the twat:


Here's AJ's unhinged true-colors fake Christian RANT against our Prez


I will be forever GRATEFUL! THANKQ!"

b6f734 No.1437048

File: 5d7c24b0d2a26da⋯.webm (15.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, joneshickshatetrump2.webm)

Sorry above version didn't have sound.

Trying again.

76c4c4 No.1446945


I listen to Alex Jones daily, but I also follow Q. So it's very bothersome that there seems to be some sort of 'feud'.

I was thinking about this last night and I remembered Q's post where he said that some would use the movement to go 'mainstream', and to 'be careful who you follow'. Well I know of one person who did this. She did exactly this- used the movement (mainly Alex Jones) and went mainstream, after she went mainstream, she wouldn't even accept phone calls from Alex Jones (after he helped her, defended her, and really boosted her audience) and this person would be- Candice Owens.

So maybe this was who Q was initially talking about, and somehow it got off track, onto an Alex Jones thing.

4c473d No.1462783

File: f5ed493404c478e⋯.jpg (213.56 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, bill-hicks-is-now-alex-jon….jpg)

Alex Jones was killed and replaced.

http:// archive.is/BGFrk#selection-611.8-611.34


You've gotta be kidding.

Have you ever thought of refining your taste to someone who isn't a crude scumbag fraud piece of shit liar?

He can't act. Doesn't that bother you? Did you see the video above where he admitted he was Bill Hicks and a Crisis Actor? Did you see the shitty acting?

He's a fuck-head shill.


^^^ did you watch this? Where he viciously insulted President Trump?

Why did you inject yourself in here. If you're his fan why would you come here?

It's good that someone ripped off his show. He deserves it. Maybe a female will be able to communicate to females better than he can. All the woman I know hate his guts and can't stand to listen to his fucking voice.

971e11 No.1468416


Move on. The faggot got burned by the alliance.

98de2d No.1469661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But I don't feel sorry for him!

This thread is about taking him down.

It's not about apologizing for him

He's still doing his destruction and harmful actions. He's still harming citizens of the U.S.A. Doesn't matter who he works for. That's up to him. What up to us is that we attempt to block the spead of his harmfullness.

Watching this Vid, I became physically agitated. He is inflicting MKUltra onto his audince.

This video will make you feel ashamed for being human. He's terrorizing his audience. There is no slight smidgen of humor in it.

OP should be the one to "let it go" and "move on? And not attempt to lecture others and be a bodyguard for perp Jones.

I belive that when "Jones" played the role of "Hicks" he did not write his own material. He is utterly devoid of humor now. So either they changed writers on him . Or someone else wrote for Hicks and now Jones writes his own material - thinking he is much smarter and funnier than he really is.

98de2d No.1469711

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Somebody posted this yesterday to the bread and it 's a good round-up of the evidence of "AJ"'s fraud.

As heros have said about 9/11 "I will never forget" Per "AJ Fraud" - there will be no consideration of ever dropping it unless and untile he comes clean and stops his BS.

Apparently his vitamin schtick is just a money laundering scheme for the C.A - it was reported yesterday on the board by an insider.

"Jones" needs to be audited at the very least. His company is shady.

66e8b4 No.1479389

File: e73d8ab0b70ce0a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, a.png)

File: 9cd02f062823007⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, b.png)

File: f4014ccd09c56e1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, c.png)

File: 1501125d654a6af⋯.png (798.93 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, d.png)

File: 98199f50a1f948d⋯.png (835.17 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, e.png)

66e8b4 No.1479394

File: d78df86ceeaf434⋯.png (958.1 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, f.png)

File: 0829ea6d50c765d⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, g.png)

File: de1323493cc1b1b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, h.png)

File: f76b0e674e3af06⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, i.png)

File: 724c7379d3ffd98⋯.png (765.41 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, j.png)

66e8b4 No.1479396

File: 3e16b8442fdebee⋯.png (938.29 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, k.png)

File: 1cae901dde331f0⋯.png (1 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, l.png)

File: c436e852008ce10⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, m.png)

File: 5ac176aa131d23f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, n.png)

File: c33c4eb79f9bc02⋯.png (897.7 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, o.png)

66e8b4 No.1479400

File: 923f340908124d6⋯.png (481.99 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 0.png)

File: cf1fb0331a5b31b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 1.png)

File: 6818563a8f09578⋯.png (278.16 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 2.png)

File: 16038e842f1c2e3⋯.png (299.83 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 3.png)

File: d405e077e886171⋯.png (184.42 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 4.png)

66e8b4 No.1479401

File: 86662654e76388f⋯.png (978.9 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 5.png)

File: 1c50adef70fa15a⋯.png (344.75 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 6.png)

File: a8130d293db24f7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 7.png)

File: 8ae3674259ee25c⋯.png (395.92 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 8.png)

File: 62a2cd95bbb2c38⋯.png (951.23 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 9.png)

66e8b4 No.1479403

File: 2f30188cf1501b8⋯.png (169.23 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 10.png)

File: d9e7742b7028fab⋯.png (307.91 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 11.png)

File: 3a768ca9e52b322⋯.png (319.07 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 12.png)

File: 3f0f84c33af9d41⋯.png (691.31 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 13.png)

File: 1bd56744048546b⋯.png (347.66 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 14.png)

66e8b4 No.1479409

File: 89cb813b5cd4b85⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 15.png)

File: 3f28bb978df31c8⋯.png (303.71 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 16.png)

File: e7b09b0f83d2e10⋯.png (212.24 KB, 300x319, 300:319, e7b09b0f83d2e10e35f42cbf34….png)

File: b680967447bcc6f⋯.jpg (109.13 KB, 774x809, 774:809, psyops.jpg)

66e8b4 No.1483743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8edb57 No.1483767

so bill clitnon is Q?? whuuuuuuuuuuuuuut?

66e8b4 No.1483813

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.mp4)


Wish how guilty we was acting on the JRE early 2017, I'm surprised I didn't pick up on it. But that was before Q… Always thought there was something off with the dude–like he's always playing a character. Dropping about 70% legit info passionately, mixed with about 30% disinfo and over the top theatrics.

To him, it's aways been a game. He's been living a lie for so many decades, he doesn't even know who he is. He can blatantly admit he's Bill Hicks at on point on his show, and then later just dismiss it as sarcasm and a rant. That's how he's able to lie so effectively–he tells himself he's playing a character. He doesn't know any different.

66e8b4 No.1483858

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alex_Jones_Ive_Talked_to_Q….mp4)


He it's really blatant how full of shit he really is. Looking directly into the camera and saying: "I've talked to Qanon." Give me a fucking break–what a CLOWN!

66e8b4 No.1483947


Funny how he immediately tries to dismiss the notion that he's Bill Hicks as a crazy conspiracy theory, and compares it to Flat Earth. For a conspiracy theorist, he sure does seem nervous/sensitive about him (potentially) being Bill Hicks.

66e8b4 No.1483956

66e8b4 No.1483963


oops, meant to link this one: >>1483743

8043ed No.1512024


Baruch the Scribe and Pamphlet Anon on Infowars.

Who remembers this?

5a5351 No.1519052

File: af84c698a043769⋯.png (322.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, yaboialex.png)

b6f734 No.1520045

File: acf1987ab9ae23b⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 640x361, 640:361, jones.jpg)


See Rant above where he viciously attacks President Trump. He's so overbloated with ego he actually believes he was the King Maker here?

Doesn't he remind you of Podesta or or Hitler in how the anger and viciousness gets ramped-up off the meter? How does he do that, on the dime. Seemingly at a trigger or signal.

If you can bear to watch the vid closely you will see him know he fucked up and try for a re-take. That's what actors do. How does he get himself ramped up like that? Is he on drugs? Maybe the hormones he takes to beef up his body affects his temperament and makes him violent. Prednizone? What gives?

b6f734 No.1520217

File: 7db8b60afa5eaeb⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 625x625, 1:1, bill-hicks-joe-rogan.jpg)

File: 69b2748abeb00de⋯.jpg (28.85 KB, 400x266, 200:133, joe-rogan-lavey1.jpg)

File: 6259854fa54e73b⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 207x138, 3:2, alex_rogan.jpg)


I think he also uses doubles.

Check 2:03 I've seen other examples but didn't have the time to take screen shots and check it more closely. Someone who watches his show would have a better idea?

He's not only an ACTOR but uses body doubles or doubles when he doesn't want to work or isn't able to?

Rogan was with him before he had his ID change. Fucking lies about is age here. Again. Doesn't he get tired of lying?

The more I see him lie the more I detest him. It's a linear relationship.

Real researcher / journalists are serious-ish, level headed, not pompous asshats. They care about details; "Jones" does not.

He's acting.

Maybe whoever is his director / manager should be blamed. Actor's job is to read their lines; not to be smarter than who is directing them.

And they don't need to be really smart in abstract issues to be good actors.

"Jones" is a smartASS; and I bet he gives his handlers a bunch of headaches. Maybe they will fire him soon?

b6f734 No.1520309

File: 196e0157032ddcb⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 308x312, 77:78, joneshicks.gif)

I mis-wrote this:

"Actor's job is to read their lines;"

should be

"Actor's job is to speak their lines."

Would be interesting to know who's writing his script.

adccf6 No.1530566



Alex Jones Exposed


adccf6 No.1530608


I've listened to brief interview with some of his ex employees about 6 months ago, when anyone resigns they have to sign non disclosure and he is brutal if anyone discusses/discloses his BS The couple in the interview seem legitimately afraid of his wrath

adccf6 No.1531414

>>1520045 during my rabbit hole dives I learned that while the President seems to communicate with Bill Jones or is it Alex Hicks, no matter fake is fake, word is the President is well aware of who he is and is 'watching him'. In the meantime, no doubt he can use him in his game of 5D chess.

Come to think of it I don't think I've ever heard him diss MSM specifically as 'Fake News' either

I also found reports on Mark Dice as also being pretty much the same as AJ somehow related to Israel mossad? here is one of the links https://youtu.be/K5-bHXcXtmg

THEN remember this:

Ryan ISIS Gun Running For McCain Exposed, Awan Air Cover Gone https://youtu.be/VFq76e13UNg via @YouTube

027303 No.1532320

File: 8eda937e8ed53bb⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 275x183, 275:183, index.jpg)


c28068 No.1597559

File: f243d78de993047⋯.png (93.55 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180531-105424.png)

Video is deleted

66e8b4 No.1671644

File: 75c0a08677938ed⋯.png (552.4 KB, 865x456, 865:456, 1528493596931.png)

File: cf0a9897197448c⋯.png (391.91 KB, 865x448, 865:448, 1528492525108.png)

File: 96df2d595e8a678⋯.png (471.05 KB, 865x485, 173:97, 1528492922093.png)

File: cc3a29484b161ee⋯.png (238.55 KB, 392x428, 98:107, 1528492252268.png)

File: 9d1cd22a86001fe⋯.png (486.26 KB, 865x403, 865:403, 1528492685706.png)

e223f9 No.1671816

File: a16b2857d4492f1⋯.png (149.62 KB, 304x264, 38:33, 1527546757694.png)

"This isn't a UFO show. I only talk about things I can prove." -Jones the rat

42d2ce No.1802669




ad6eeb No.1956699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Jones and Bill Hicks

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