The USA Patriot Group Must Setup New Party To Educate People & Win The Game
The problem of United States Of America is lack of a real godlike leader.
They are losing on trade because they are too stupid, despite the fact they are holding the most powerful tool of the game, which is technology.
If Donald Trump the best CEO in USA who have the most real life experience cannot fix help America, then there is no any other CEO of any cooperation or any other American people can help. Because running a business to take money from the sleepy public people is not as the same as take money from the same “level” opponent which are other leader groups from other nations.
You can only deceive the stupid public people, but you cannot deceive the smart people.
The last hope for the USA is me the real savior Messiah Buddha.
This article is the last signal I can give you for free of charge.
I have provided few ideologies about the future system. But in particular the USA situation, the solution should be like this:
Step 1: Setup new political party which ideology of “everybody is equal, everybody can become president”. No left, no right, no central, only “good, suitable”policies, all people from all background are welcome.
Step 2: Educate the public people about the political system and what is corruption, and explain to them the only way to reduce corruption which is give back power to local government and the people.
Step 3: Win the election and allow new states to be established. In the new states, minimum wage will start from $0, and not under the federal government rule. Some example new states such as “only undocumented migrants” or “only black/white/yellow skin people”.
With this strategy, even in the current global financial system rule the problem around trade will be solved.
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