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File: 27b905e2dee931e⋯.jpg (6.26 KB, 262x193, 262:193, download.jpg)

adcfc1  No.99921

Hello do you have your papers?

Some bad goy came around, did some things, and now you need papers. We won't give you much trouble if you don't have papers on you.

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8eddb3  No.99929


I have a passport, a state issued driver's license, a social security card, a voter registration card, and a medical insurance card. If you're an adult and don't have these "papers", then you're a faggot and should die poor, naked, hungry, and alone.

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7370ed  No.99941

File: 40070f59a24b195⋯.jpg (261.01 KB, 1280x916, 320:229, 1280px_Alexandria_VA_Dodge….JPG)


"asking for papers" is becoming obsolete unless you somewhere that requires high security like a sporting event or club, they just mail you the ticket your license plate is already scanned.


Why do carry a passport and a social security card everywhere you go? Are you trying to get your Identification stolen?

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8eddb3  No.99950


>Are you trying to get your Identification stolen?

Any nigger dumb enough to steal my identification is going to have to vastly improve my credit before they can do anything with it. I wouldn't complain about that.

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30c235  No.99957


That's a lot of IDs you're carryin around, son. Hand them over. We need to check they're not stolen.

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6eccc3  No.100239


Id give them my )))“essential worker”((( paper and tell said cop to kindly leave me the fuck alone so i can go and die in that nursing home like our residents will be in a week or so

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14f76a  No.100255


do you have dubs to prove you're 4 real?

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