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The apocalypse isn't all that bad

File: 7fcbecfcf1f1d6f⋯.jpg (420.93 KB, 1050x717, 350:239, Galli_IMG_7817_crop2_side.jpg)

cb2a7a  No.9138


>The piece, attributed to Christianity Today Editor in Chief Mark Galli, notes that the magazine’s “typical approach” is to “stay above the fray,” allowing readers to “make their arguments in the public square, to encourage all to pursue justice according to their convictions and treat their political opposition as charitably as possible.”

>But the editorial criticized Trump, saying “[T]he facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”

That's it! I'm cancelling my subscription! That's what I would say if I actually had a subscription.

Anyways, the author looks jewy as fuck.

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486d8e  No.9144

File: 69ef7e60f8e2ff0⋯.jpg (201.19 KB, 800x744, 100:93, Tocqueville warns of Warre….jpg)

yeah, by selling out the president, he's getting a lot of free advertising.

While Trump isn't much of a Christian, the alternative is a bunch of communist that includes sodomites and racist who hate whites and want to enslave white people into giving free stuff to their voters.

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486d8e  No.9148

Oh yeah, their lying about Trump and bearing false witness against him (or their disregard to check to see if what they're saying is true) is a violation of God's commandment.

These are not very diligent Christians.

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711e44  No.9218

Oh no, a subverted magazine editor doesn't support another ZOG puppet. Truly an outrage.

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9f5c0b  No.9228


I don't really give a shit about the magazine or the editorial. Not really my thing. What makes me smile and gets me through the day is the massive, blustering, rage-filled whining that goes on for days after anyone says mean things about Trump. He's so easily triggered and seeing how it hurts him to the core whenever someone doesn't praise him turns my dick to diamonds.

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2fb17d  No.9364


Trump is the best for the country. Doesn't matter who's in office dem or republican, the kikes will always get their way. So the choice has to be based on which president is the least destructive to the country. A demoRAT president is always a bad choice.

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0587f5  No.9371

Look at the face of that faggot. A poster child for the leftist takeover of Christianity if ever there was one. He is the reason that everyone hates Christians. He will get the rope.

>in the article

>blah blah blah blah blah

Fucking commies. Everything they say is a lie.

>However, it called on “the many evangelicals who continue to support” the president to “remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior."

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.


D&C kike.

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0587f5  No.9372


<drumph triggered!!!!!!!!!

Lefty fag projecting. Shill harder you fucking kike.

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0587f5  No.9374


>seeing how it hurts him to the core whenever someone doesn't praise

You lying fucking cunt. You worthless sack of shit. You fucking kike of a thousand kikes. The entire media is after him. How do you spew such bare-faced lies day after day?

You God will not kill. You God will have the righteous remove the tongue from his mouth as a message to any who would doubt. A quick death is too good for you. Only a slow torture will suffice, followed by an eternity of flame in the house of your master.

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9f5c0b  No.9389




>replying 3 times

It helps if you change your IP if you want to create false consensus.

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0587f5  No.9394


Fuck off fag I know /pnd/ has IDs. Besides, I AM consensus. I walk with the Lord. You on the other hand do not deserve the tub of fetid human waste that you will be drowned in.

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3f1778  No.10309

They're right, but for the wrong reason, obviously. Trump's jewish Executive Order uses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's "working definition of anti-Semitism" which includes "claims of jews killing Jesus". Given that the New Testament makes that "claim", Trump has effectively banned The Bible on college campuses.

How could anyone claim to be a Christian and support someone who would ban The Bibble to protect Christ's killers?

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000000  No.10317

WTF? I hate Christianity and love Trump now!

Thanks rabbi!

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3add2f  No.10459


Trump is arguably worse than Obama at this point between the EO on antisemitism, provoking NGOs to accelerate importing spics while failing to actually do anything but talk tough to stop it, mainstreaming homosexuality in the republican party, failing to go after antifa while going after right wing groups, and doing nothing to protect 2nd amendment rights.

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3757ee  No.10467






Never post here again.

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6d99b2  No.10514

File: dab2747cba89a8c⋯.jpeg (81.67 KB, 671x886, 671:886, 003B76A4-AEF2-4D1D-AF4A-3….jpeg)

Whenever Trump appears to be vulnerable an assumed ally always attempts to plunge a knife in his back. Like the rest , Mark Galli will be forgotten about until it’s time to quote him in an attack ad come October.

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91eeca  No.10528

It is funded through (((Soros))), and (((Soros))) furthermore funneled money to Snopes for a rather well-written yet propagandistic article which, through its lefty shibboleths

>dignity and humanity of displaced migrants

>immigration reform

and convoluted money laundering logic

>(((Soros))) paid money to into THIS bucket

>but money from THAT bucket paid for the ads

shows that the articles that it attempts to debunk are most likely true.


tl;dr (((Soros))) leaned on Christianity Today to write this article.

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50e756  No.10535

File: a34ab4879a82386⋯.png (395.44 KB, 606x850, 303:425, Trump-Kushner-Chabad.png)


Assuming that's 100% true, does it still make it ok for Christians to support someone who banned The Bible on college campuses because it says jews killed Jesus Christ? What about someone who donated to Chabad (even before Yael's conversion and joining a Chabad synagogue), a fanatical jewish sect that advocates for the Noahide Laws, which deem Christians to be idolaters, the punishment for which is decapitation.

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91eeca  No.10537


The arrow of funding in your case goes in the wrong direction for that. Kushner Foundation gives money to Chabad and therefore Chabad should answer to Kushner.

>does it still make it ok for Christians to support someone who banned The Bible on college campuses because it says jews killed Jesus Christ?

Link please. I cannot answer your argument without knowing what it is.

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50e756  No.10543

File: 3c9f11baabf7ba0⋯.png (11.29 KB, 618x102, 103:17, xScreen-Shot-2019-12-24-at….png)

File: eeb330db2105401⋯.png (16.27 KB, 684x342, 2:1, Screen-Shot-2019-12-24-at-….png)


No, they're funding Chabad because they support it, and want to advance its anti-gentile agenda. Are you postulating that Kushner took over Chabaed and made it BASED now, in the same way that Qcumbers say Trump "freed" Saudi Arabia?

>Link please. I cannot answer your argument without knowing what it is.

Trump's antisemitism executive order.

>It is being implemented under the guise of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on race by institutions receiving government funding. But Title VI had always just meant that you can’t tell black people (or whoever) that they can’t join an organization based on their race.

>Conversely, the Trump EO uses the “working definition of Anti-Semitism” laid out by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), and so bans entire categories of speech. The goal is not to stop organizations from discriminating against Jews in terms of blocking them from joining organizations – it is to prevent people from speaking out against Israel on campus.

>However, this goes beyond simply banning criticism of the State of Israel. The IHRA’s “working definition” says that it is anti-Semitic to blame the Jews for killing Jesus, which means that reading from the New Testament will now be illegal on campus. It isn’t clear if it will be illegal to have a Bible on campus, or simply illegal to read from it, but there is no question at all in the definition that passages of the New Testament are now illegal on American university campuses.

>Shockingly, no one other than me is pointing this out. There is a lot of discussion as to whether or not it is okay to ban all criticism of the State of Israel from campuses.

>But the definition cited clearly says you cannot “claim” Jews killed Jesus.

>The Bible is very clear that the Jews did kill Jesus.

>So the Trump EO bans believing in Christianity, or at least professing the Bible, from campuses.


There's also a Russia Insider article by Chuck Baldwin >>10328

if Obongo or any other Demokike would have done anything that even resembled either of those things (not involving jews, obviously), kosher conservatives would never shut up about it, but because it's Yael Kushner's dad and being done to protect jews and Israel, there's no problem whatsoever,

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dbad15  No.10560


>No, they're funding Chabad because they support it, and want to advance its anti-gentile agenda. Are you postulating that Kushner took over Chabaed and made it BASED now, in the same way that Qcumbers say Trump "freed" Saudi Arabia?

You know more about this than I do. I will need to do some more research before forming a conclusion. What I do know is this:

The Pharisees killed Jesus, and Israel paid for their sins. Jerusalem was sacked. The remaining Jews were doomed to wander the earth for the next two millennia. The Romans also paid. The cowardice of Pontius Pilate in dealing with the Pharisees marks the approximate high point of the Roman Empire. After this it was invaded and its people were replaced.

All who reject Jesus, die.

John 14:6

>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>Trump's antisemitism executive order.

Trump's EO is in support of Israel. This is why

>Shockingly, Jews are not thankful to Trump for this extraordinary action done for them, and are still trying to impeach him.

Because they are different Jews, Jews who have given their souls to the devil, as did the Pharisees some two thousand years ago, and as with the Pharisees, they will be subject to fire and bloodshed, after which their souls will burn for an eternity in Hell.

In your first picture, you state:

>Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis

This is somewhat reasonable, apart from labeling simple facts (some Jews killed Jesus; some Jews predate upon the goyim) as antisemitism. It would be reasonable entirely if they were to qualify their statement:

>Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis in general

For this would mean that we could single out particularly evil Israeli Jews for harsher treatment, whereas the statement as written could be used to give protection from criticism to any Israeli, being evil or not.

Trump has chosen Israel as an ally, because Israel gives him cover to attack evil diaspora Jews, but Trump appears to have erred in his judgement in returning this favor using the language of Holocaustianity. Trump is a merchant, not a warrior. A warrior, or a priest who supports warriors, would write

>A Jewish Israel is my ally because the idea of Israel is congruent with ethnonationalism, which is natural, and incongruent with globalism, which is unnatural.

Instead, Trump has acted in a cowardly manner, and this manner will alienate him from his natural constituency, being straight white Christian males.

>if Obongo or any other Demokike would have done anything that even resembled either of those things (not involving jews, obviously), kosher conservatives would never shut up about it, but because it's Yael Kushner's dad and being done to protect jews and Israel, there's no problem whatsoever,

Trump is borrowing some of the victimhood status points from Israeli Jews. Again, it is a cowardly strategy, and a failure in the long term, and Trump needs to know that straight white Christian males do not support it.

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c51ac6  No.10601

He's now claiming the article was hyperbole. I noticed anytime some jackass writes a controversial article and there is a backlash they use the hyperbole excuse. So convenient. I still think that guy is a jew…

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eeee0a  No.10691

File: a74a317b664c62d⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 700x543, 700:543, Final Solution.jpg)



Good. I don't want to wait for another 4 years before Mike's fury is set loose against the sodomites.

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f31d32  No.11108

>christcucks do'nt support another christcuck

Always nice to see the semite worshippers infighting about how to worship kikes the right way.

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000000  No.47121


He's right on the money. The real glaring abuse of power is using the 2001 AUMF to go after Iran.

Ron Paul:



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787806  No.50070

>imagine being a christfaggot

>imagine being a trumpnigger

please kill yourself OP, you sound like you suck the cock of the controlled opposition like the best goy in the field

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