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File: a0d4ddf2c9992ee⋯.png (483.43 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

81aad8  No.51262

What do you think about the NSA or CIA spying on based Anon's? I find it far worse that there are Ad Services blatantly selling our personal information on some Amazon Webservices background service. No wonder whenever I go on eBay it always suggests me hunting knifes, fishing gear, or rifle scopes.

DuckDuckGo sounds like a good alternative, but it comes off to me like some kind of search engine equivalent of Aldi's. It still makes you fat but they say they're giving you some kind of feature like cheaper food or "less data collecting".

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a695da  No.51274

File: 38f9faa0b62ef9d⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1768x3464, 221:433, Palantir - the wikileaks t….png)


Peleus and In-Q-Tel made sure that every since device has a backdoor in it.

Also, while working at the Rose law firm Hillary handed over the patent application for transmission encryption (eg. Secure Socket Layer/HTTPS) to the fbi.

Combine the two efforts and you get PALANTIR.

there is nothing left unmolested by these fucking wastes of life

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000000  No.51370

The ability to correlate patters (which site you visit first, what combinations of sites you use) can establish identity with high precision. Also patterns of language - if Google can translate, it can correlate turns of phrase you use.

It takes very good opsec to evade, even without hardware backdoors

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00e35e  No.51405


I don't mind that they're "spying," because I am not an extremist and regularly disagree with those that are. Despite it's edge and cringe this place truly is a bastion of free speech and I appreciate that. I don't appreciate the people who use it as a means to find or meet an extreme that is ideologically retarded as hell but those people would likely act and manifest regardless. What we have here is everything else that is great about being open. Consideration and formatting are strengths and invaluable. You simply couldn't have these discussions anywhere else or discuss with people you disagree with.

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6bf4eb  No.52019

File: d5503c37ff39781⋯.png (12.78 KB, 484x589, 484:589, home.png)

File: c4c0320cc05202b⋯.gif (142.94 KB, 693x1227, 231:409, nothing to hide, nothing t….gif)

File: d59e1ce38c6b53d⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, user_replay_fullstory_demo.mp4)

File: 4b2014dc0a845c6⋯.png (34.59 KB, 690x200, 69:20, the open internet.png)


I think that is all enabled by a dying, obsolete approach to communication that is simply an extension of the prior century of television and telephone networks - one that is to be cast off, as soon as possible.


>Also patterns of language

It goes far deeper than that. Along with the standard points of entropy that are given away with any contemporary web browser (see Panopticlick), the act of allowing JS scripts anywhere gives any such party your entire history of physical interactions with and on the website. Going further than that, they could even use click, scrolling and other behaviour to infer the psychographic or phrenological profiles of their users. This kind of mining is inherent to the web 2.0 advertisement model, and allows the full extent of surveillance and censorship that the System depends upon to maintain its presence.

As long as we continue to use location-based addressing and routing systems, including traditional DNS registries, web hosts, websites and the HTTP protocol altogether, and to a lesser extent, the physical infrastructure behind our ISPs and transnational connections, we will continue to suffer. Fortunately, alternative protocols are already starting to flood the market in an attempt to solve the former. What is necessary is that we settle on a system of user indexing (wherein indexes or catalogues of content and its metadata is not kept and moderately entirely by unaccountable administrators, but by anybody with the ability to share them), as well as a set of technologies on top of which to build the new platforms we will inevitably need to draw in the necessary popularity for these systems. Personally, I opt for NDN, IPFS and NNTP.







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bba884  No.52053


Already a thread about browser spying and how/where they collect this info:



I would recommend using something like Tor, Epic and/or Palemoon. Maybe try all three of those alternative browsers. Understand that browsers are built to store users' data/history/logs/caches by default to make browsing more personalized and convenient for normies. There are solutions like wiping those sqlite files from the local browser directories. You can also install add-ons in browsers like Waterfox or Tor that can auto-spoof browser metadata (something like Chameleon).

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