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c28e0c No.392005

I reported you to the US Secret Service and the FBI yesterday.

Here's what happened to a guy I reported in 4chan recently

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ab57b6 No.392009


fuck off migapedo

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c2e375 No.392045


I'm a federal informant, you unemployed broke effeminate sack of videogame-playing feces

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c2e375 No.392046


go paint another Warhammer figurine, sissyboy

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22a546 No.392047


feds are gay niggers, the NSA pre-reports any post I make, so it doesnt matter.

With homeless dealing fetanyl in public parks, a lot of low level cops arent really gonna go do the feds dirty work basically anywhere.

and you also overstep jurisdiction when you crack down on free speech (i care not for what any jew law says about what people cant say, we can say anything, and the jews only expose themselves by trying to push all this censorship), so all this does is accelerate us towards whatever comes next.

someday, we'll have lists of people like you :)))

Im so fucking excited. I dont even need to be alive to see it, it's very awesome knowing they will have a list and your name will appear on it, and theyll re-read the comments you've made here and elsewhere…

where are you gonna hide? Israel? looooooooool

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22a546 No.392049


maybe if you are lucky you will be dead before anyone ever gets ahold of such a list! then you wont really have to cower in fear, youll just be dead.

But absolutely without question this entire jewish illusion is collapsing and people are gonna want to find WHO WAS WHERE SAYING WHAT TRYING TO SCREW OVER ALL NON JEWS


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