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File: 9351b62835d167c⋯.jpg (29.5 KB,437x253,19:11,Hal_Turner.jpg)

9e6415 No.391678

HTRS-06-26-2024 Wednesday Radio Show - Attacked Off The Air – AGAIN!

My Wednesday night, two hour radio show, was attacked so badly (again) it was repeatedly knocked off the net and the radio! As such is a FREE ARCHIVE of that show, so you can all hear what you missed.




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d6b661 No.391679


I already have this one archived and burned to CD. I would like to give Hal some advice, he could simply upload his archives to a legit Bitchute or Rumble account (have them verify he is indeed legit too) and all that bandwidth from downloading he complains about would no longer be a problem for him.

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b50d4c No.391683



Q: who gives a fuck about your broke alcoholic mentally ill emotionally unstable advice?

Not even a stupid nigger would care about anything you have to say

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b50d4c No.391684


>burned to cd


CDs and 8track tapes, right geezer?

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b50d4c No.391685


If I ever wanted advice on how to become an uneducated alcoholic schizophrenic pain in the ass who mooches off his daughter and son-in-law…

I would ask you for advice

You're not qualified to advise anybody on anything other than failure

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ea5851 No.391719

Good radio show.

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