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File: 0dcc54ad2d12951⋯.png (445.67 KB,956x1069,956:1069,Can_t_Even_Build_Planes_An….png)

593afc No.391666

America can't even build planes anymore, how sad.

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d584d7 No.391667


I see you've recovered from the Fireworks Accident. Good! We were all worried about you.

and when I say 'we were ALL worried', Im talking about ME

and the two FBI Analysts who have been assigned to this board.

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d584d7 No.391668

File: 655b2145b0c0956⋯.png (1 MB,1080x1537,1080:1537,Screenshot_20240709_105010….png)


Boeing's StarLiner spacecraft production and launch were delayed for months due to incompetence.

When they finally got ready to launch the rocket, they had to cancel at the last minute because of helium leaks.

Then a couple weeks later they decided to go ahead with the launch without repairing the leaks.

And as the starliner approached the international space station, the thrusters wouldn't work properly because there were more leaks than before.

And now the two astronauts are stranded on the space station.

Good times

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d584d7 No.391670

I was really worried about you. One of the FBI guys said something about you being so drunk that you insisted on showing off, standing half naked on top of your pickup truck, lighting roman candles while pouring discount well-brand whiskey on your head, and inadvertently set yourself on fire in front of your horrified daughter and son in law

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d584d7 No.391671

glad you healed quickly

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