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2d0248 No.391475

MY COMMENT TO JOE BIDEN'S MANAGERS: You do realize there is enormous potential to still save your campaign and Joe's dignity, right? I'll kindly tell Joe's handlers how to do that! Although we may disagree, profoundly so, on many issues…. Joe Biden is largely resented by the public for his awful economic policies and the neo-con war hawks he surrounds himself with! All "Joe" would have to do to redeem himself in the eyes of the American people would be to push a peace deal for Ukraine, stop supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza and elsewhere, and open up America's oil and natural gas production to boost our domestic economy! If Joe ran on global peace and domestic economic production/self-sufficiency then he would easily satisfy most American voters. This is not "conspiracy" this is simply FACT. I'm presenting fact not fiction. But you people seem to do as you please despite reality, I assume you people always will.

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bbf30e No.391496


go bother your daughter & son in law

we don't waste our time reading your bullshit

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2d0248 No.391497

They probably just want America destroyed.

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bbf30e No.391510

lol @ 'MANAGER'

as if the presidency is a shitty job at McDonald's

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bbf30e No.391511


you're SO stupid

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bbf30e No.391512

"the president's MANAGER', huh?

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bbf30e No.391513


I think you meant to say CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR, you stupid uneducated white trash high school dropout with an embarrassingly low iq

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2d0248 No.391521


WRONG. Joe doesn't have coordinators, he has managers. Like he has someone who manages wiping his ass for him.

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