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File: c7d7dc69d2cc2c6⋯.jpg (65.59 KB,864x648,4:3,FingeWizard.jpg)

dc7005 No.391371

Guess who finally killed himself!

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dc4dbd No.391372


Don't know but I do know one thing. Suicide among the youth in America is at record high these days. It kinda goes to prove we are living in a rapidly falling empire where the corrupted government and selfish politicians have abandoned the average citizen and this country's interests. Behold, another young life taken, yet another person has told the cruel world where they can shove all their evil bullshit. This is not only how you lose wars, this is how, inevitably, you lose your country too.

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ac2386 No.391415


the thread is a satire, DUMBASS

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e30e0d No.391417


How exactly is that a joke? It's not a very funny one.

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