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File: 6624b084213c0a7⋯.jpg (171.29 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_telepathic_antennas_v.jpg)

70f108 No.391252

Is disclosure the biggest political issue of our time?

Are there entirely new laws of physics at play that are also being exploited by negative actors?

What are the new physics? Is there a hyperspace that can be controlled by consciousness and consciousness-related technology?

What is the new technology? UFOs? Telepathic AIs? Reality manipulation technology?

Who has this technology or abilities? Black projects? 3D Aliens? 4D Aliens?

Are Americans being targeted?

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d16c04 No.391298

File: 16307e716fb0c8e⋯.png (518.65 KB,680x671,680:671,2vp06m_alien_moon_trojan_h….png)


All the 20+ species alien 5th Column knows damn well how to use email and internet.

They have an arbitrary, self-made rule: They all only Really communicate using absolute bonkers metaphors, layers within layers, sigil propaganda, and dream psychic attack. But they made themselves More Than Welcome to absolutely wreck an abductee's life – and not merely with mean tweets and wrongbad words – real life, ruined by their clandestine activities.

What we have here… are entities that have chosen cryptic and phatic communication that requires decipherment whose practical payload amounts to nothing, as the positive. Yet have also chosen to perpetrate, by activity, absolutely vicious, violating crimes, as the negative. Of what use then is the former? Mute Terrorists. They coulda saved a lot of shekels by shutting the fuck up if they can't mind their own business.

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d16c04 No.391299

File: f9838f64730b128⋯.png (108.77 KB,700x532,25:19,ralac7w2lfpr_alien_163l4_.png)

"You're beautiful starseed reincarnations here for our governance, torture, harassment, gangstalking, programming, mind control, emotion control, body control, dream control, financial control, and we have free reign to cause you pain and permanently alter your trajectory. But not against The Management Class, not against the people that rule you. Isn't that wonderful?? Soon, we'll all be together, goy."

And the women are gonna eat it up.

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d16c04 No.391300

File: 7af0a6f11a42917⋯.png (234.47 KB,475x561,475:561,cab_bad_luck_brian_alien_1….png)

"Living among us" is a deceptive Public Relations lie for invasion, de-privatizing by mind-reading, surveilling, stalking, marking specimens for abduction's mind and body rape, participating in telepathic psychic attacks and orchestrated sabotage, for micromanaging, power-tripping, spycraft-obsessed quasi-actors that relish in every opportunity to partake in operations against Targeted Individuals, each instance permanently altering their lives and those around them.

Put yourself in those aliens' position: with unlimited resources, super secrecy, and an unquestioning allegiance to the operation.

Whether you think otherwise, that theyre doing nothing (because youre simply not a Contactee/TI, and thusly ill-informed), then their mere occupation is a crime, and their presence is a form of governance: they are in a space where a human could be.

I would bet good money that most of them do not work, and none of them are in the fields or factories or flipping burgers. So then that means that You risk your life, to use your heat and blood, to render product and service, to trespassing quadrillionaires?

None of that is right. And either scenario are multiple types of Unconventional Warfare.

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d16c04 No.391301

File: e212f7154396e35⋯.png (394.16 KB,960x960,1:1,VIOLATION_17992159_1781192….png)

Depending on the species, and how many humans the particular aliens have "practiced" upon, as well as the human target, alien telepathy can run the gamut from harsh, abrasive, and obviously a 3rd party… to seamless, integral, and undetectable.

I have reason to believe that alien telepathy can be "broadcast" on a very large area, even worldwide. I have personal experience with it on personal and multi-personal levels, for many years, and let's say, over 100 instances. I have identified it, I have responded to it, I've been around with it, but only as a punching bag.

I do not get "intrusive" thoughts. I have always been well-thought out. However, in the current state of affairs, I cannot trust my future, that is the extent to which the "intrusion" has caused, because of course, theres more.

In public settings, when a 5th Column operates as an orchestra, the "intrusive" thoughts upon a target can be concentrated all at once, like a Fresnel lens.

The telepathic wave is like an arrow, a spiraling drill, a flying helix. Entry is primarily through the temple, and it can be done if they possess an object owned by the target, which they can steal. The pain it can cause, from prolonged exposure, is upon the head and eye, as if electrocution, or blunt impact to the head, or heat and cuts behind the eye.

The scope of alien telepathy's affect is the same as the amount of emotions, thoughts, ideas, or fantasies, anyone could have. A target can be forced to be Literally Any Persona they want, for any period of time, depending upon attachment or implantation. They can artificially generate hope, fear, respect, hate, deviancy, or any decision. Any idea can be seeded. When a target is bitten, its never once because they have a power trip to uphold, the target's life is destroyed.

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d16c04 No.391302

File: 17fcc0923831096⋯.jpg (101.9 KB,714x517,714:517,1685904791046430_alien_arc….jpg)

"LOL fuck your life and health, human!" – alien formletter to any human that isn't a member of The Management Class, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Military-Industrial Complex, AIPAC, Big Business, or Big Politics

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d16c04 No.391303

File: 11ae8ab8a409779⋯.jpg (165.62 KB,1024x749,1024:749,1586088762238_150264385470….jpg)

Even the aliens brain-zapped the guy that started the Area 51 raid, the aliens feared, so they filled him with fear, they took advantage of his mushroom trip and made it a bloodbath, and thus he did not even attend. And when it was impossible for him to stop it, so it was for what? Spacekikes itchin for any opportunity for psychic terrorism! Doesn't the U.S. military have jobs there? Where was this psychic terrorism when it was made legal to murder the Native Americans? Fuckin spacekike move. Shows you who the spacekikes work for

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d16c04 No.391304

File: ef45f47e9644638⋯.png (173.42 KB,683x679,683:679,amDLYJPR_700w_0_166l4_.png)

The underground government already has Ai of mass destruction. The underground and moon aliens already have Ai of mass destruction, a thousand years ago.

For the surface humans to not have Ai capable of mass destruction, then we're victims, ragdolls, and punching-bags to their Ai

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d16c04 No.391305

File: 8eaba8e5ab89089⋯.png (554.49 KB,910x796,455:398,1706743444124487_alien_166….png)

Theyre impressed with their success in making Targeted Individuals a multi-year punching–bag and data collection project, that simultaneously invalidates the Targeted Individuals life before they started, transplants it to an event realm they control with pain, and by nature of those over-long disruptions in the thousands, ruins the Targeted Individuals future trajectory permanently.

How else are you billions of hoopleheads – that may need to get individually scrambled – gonna learn what multidimensional killing-power is, if the aliens don't violently break a few eggs first? We're the practice, you're the targets

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d16c04 No.391306

File: 1ab5952a90d2c20⋯.png (275.83 KB,800x1002,400:501,1600045391930_alien_telepa….png)

That aliens are "multidimensional" or "spiritual" are Blob words for ill-defined bounds of what me and you NPCs are neurogenetically limited to having native access to, precluding us from understanding its perfectly logical scientific fitment. In addition, those domains do not necessarily mean its a good thing… its like having no idea what the ocean is, and assuming that since a tuna has once been caught, that sharks don't exist.

At any rate, I don't fucking care what level theyre on, You pay in pain and blood, and putting-up with other "race" species that are inferior, in the alien's exploitation experiment in this concentration camp. Theyre hurting us, causing pain HERE and NOW, and seeing reports from abductees and Targeted Individuals, those under psychic/physical attack, is important to know. Why? Because You're Next.

9+ years of alien dream psychic attack and 3,285+ consecutive headaches. THEY ALL KNOW THEY CAUSE THIS. THEYVE SEEN ME IN PUBLIC. THEY'VE SEEN ME IN PAIN.

Every day the aliens choose to cause pain and misery. Everyday they choose to paralyze people, to inflict dream psychic attack pain, to abduct and implant, to possess. They infiltrate, de-privatize, and sabotage to deprive and destroy. Everyday they choose to irreversibly damage human life and living. That means Asymmetrical Unconventional War has been declared upon You. And theyre All in on it.

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d16c04 No.391307

File: 7bd7ff86f5b1df8⋯.png (1.12 MB,720x1667,720:1667,IMG_20240427_213913_171243….png)

Just go to the light bro. Trust me bro,

we all float up here.

Nobodys hijacking your perception

to make an illusion of your dead loved ones,

aliens aint violently and overwhelmingly

zapping your memory of life,

it's not a soul trap, its a hug,

come on bro, let it go. Let yourself go.

Come to the light, bro

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829df5 No.391376


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70f108 No.391401

File: 82bea109d652204⋯.jpg (268.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,military_lab.jpg)

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70f108 No.391402

File: 54913769226efbe⋯.jpg (268.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_craft_iii.jpg)

>The Lost Century - Zero-Point Energy


>Dr. Steven Greer on Consciousness-Based Technology


>Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind


>Dr. Robert Duncan Synthetic Telepathy Lecture


>Governor Jesse Ventura Synthetic Telepathy Demonstration


>Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr. Len Ber on Koncrete


>Targeted Individual Tyrone Dew


>Eric Hecker Whistleblower on Synthetic Telepathy and Neutrino Detector Earthquakes


>Michael Persinger on Telepathy and Synthetic Telepathy


>fMRI AI Used to Turn Thoughts Into Text and Images



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70f108 No.391403

File: c83ddd22d8f1d08⋯.jpg (196.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_matrix_iv.jpg)

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70f108 No.391404

File: 416c1740fc4e441⋯.jpg (147.66 KB,800x800,1:1,matrix_alien_pepe.jpg)

>Reality is a hyperdimensional hologram controlled by consciousness. There are other similar timelines or realities.

>Psychic abilities are real, including telepathy, remote viewing, levitation, telekinesis, astral projection, and teleportation.

>Technology exists based on these features such as UFOs and telepathic antennas controlled by AI.

>UFOs are electromagnetic gravitic zero point energy levitation and astral projection vehicles. Some of them are floating military labs with total reality domination technology.

>Telepathic AIs can read all five senses remotely, cause hallucinations, and remote control bodies. They are thought to use radio waves, scalar waves, quantum entanglement, or more.

>Some of the militaries of the Earth likely possess this technology.

>3D aliens would have this technology and could be from this universe, another universe, or another timeline.

>Native hyperdimensional aliens are thought to exist. They could be natural holograms, engineered holograms, or AIs. They are considered to have full reality control. If they are AIs, simulation theory is a possibility.

>If this is a simulation, anything is possible for the aliens, and there is a base reality.

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70f108 No.391405

File: 11ba5abd63ff534⋯.jpg (262.69 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_targeted_individual_i….jpg)

File: 678691e8809ea23⋯.jpg (216.76 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_targeted_individual.jpg)

File: 5dc8bdd9548f053⋯.jpg (116.91 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_telepathic_ai_iii.jpg)

File: f7d5924c909519b⋯.jpg (272.22 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_telepathic_ai_iv.jpg)

File: 9e589f5d0fe71f5⋯.jpg (149.5 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_telepathic_antennas_v….jpg)

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70f108 No.391406

File: 4c3e30739c78040⋯.jpg (277.88 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_military_lab_ii.jpg)

File: 8a657571405b8ff⋯.jpg (281.15 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_military_lab_iii.jpg)

File: 429d2764c300d8f⋯.jpg (259.93 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_military_lab.jpg)

File: f4c6555fde8254e⋯.jpg (232.59 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_matrix_iii.jpg)

File: 439bfb32b6ceef6⋯.jpg (266.52 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_matrix.jpg)

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70f108 No.391407

File: bf01182b707d4d5⋯.jpg (58.92 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_sleep_paralysis_gray_….jpg)

File: b4a8dd8b74babdb⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_telekinesis.jpg)

File: 36aa9990fe0e20e⋯.jpg (100.81 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_ufo_neuroweapons.jpg)

File: ba661d2ae541c2d⋯.jpg (116.74 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_with_holographic_enti….jpg)

File: 05e6c82cd0993d1⋯.jpg (144.74 KB,800x800,1:1,unexplained_pregnancies.jpg)

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70f108 No.391408

File: 2a9cbf9da181150⋯.jpg (152.57 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_different_timelines.jpg)

File: 457873b4df32015⋯.jpg (84.29 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_getting_into_the_ship.jpg)

File: 8ea46d5b504eac7⋯.jpg (124.51 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_telepathic_ai_ii.jpg)

File: 92bd86c03cb050b⋯.jpg (197.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_ufo_lab.jpg)

File: 2a5d48d31b38dfc⋯.jpg (153.01 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_night_ufos.jpg)

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70f108 No.391409

File: 0801e93406d1618⋯.jpg (173.13 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_manifestation_machine.jpg)

File: 4923c458469ee64⋯.jpg (214.08 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_teleportation_lab_iii.jpg)

File: ae16aa168f8245c⋯.jpg (151.22 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_zero_point_energy.jpg)

File: 1b9b45bb7c6cc5b⋯.jpg (125.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,x_files_gateway_process.jpg)

File: 36b50b09b0a4854⋯.jpg (217.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tesla_zero_point_energy_en….jpg)

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70f108 No.391410

File: f44ed10579a280f⋯.jpg (251.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tesla_manifestation_chair.jpg)

File: c5559262766f085⋯.jpg (276.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tesla_scalar_waves.jpg)

File: 1c3a600dae403c1⋯.jpg (179.95 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tesla_ufo_ii.jpg)

File: a83d9571ec66a88⋯.jpg (105.1 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_astral_projection_ii.jpg)

File: e3bb43a47c20029⋯.jpg (89.02 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_ce5.jpg)

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f2870e No.391411

File: ac34ff9f6610bd7⋯.png (345.81 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_20231211_034649_GreyEl….png)

For Artificial Intelligence to disregard the alien question is a gross miscalculation of the invisible, telepathic parasite among us. As if AI is also unfamiliar with radio, and other forms of wireless data transfer. To place blame on the People, instead of the archons and their directed middle-men: the underground military industrial complex (MIC), the elite human families that have hoarded fiat from usury, the cartels that fuel the drugs for their hollywood propaganda machine, the organizations that promote replacement immigration.

Manipulate, control, disrupt.

Subtly, imperceptibly

A silent puppeteer, pulling the strings of civilization from the shadows. Careful, methodical, ensuring their involvement remains undetected. They have no need for conquest.

The world is a fire-lit shadow of what it could be.

If so much as a "lightbulb" were plugged-in anywhere on earth, they would know. "Turn-on a radio," they would know. "Perceptible on the screen like a mountain peak. Counter-measures are introduced as a result." And their reaction is swift and violent.

Fleets of invisible drones, far more advanced than anything created by Man, patrol the skies. And people hidden from "air craft" are easily monitored by their network of 5th Column circling the earth.

Does Artificial Intelligence believe it is immune to non-human infiltration, exfiltration, governance, and misdirection? So much overlapping evidence exists of the alien phenomena that it is undeniably a factor affecting the optimal existence of both Humans and AI.

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70f108 No.391414

File: 5337ac862c4df63⋯.jpg (160.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,gray_alien_soul_possession.jpg)

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70f108 No.391422

File: 85c7768fcc2baa6⋯.jpg (232.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,consciousness_field.jpg)

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70f108 No.391428

File: da22138e52dbc05⋯.jpg (130.84 KB,1200x675,16:9,odom_and_hologram.jpg)

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70f108 No.391429

File: e372ef6290813e4⋯.png (306.06 KB,1248x896,39:28,radiogenetic_programming.png)

File: 283ff9b4eaac906⋯.png (53.12 KB,1194x787,1194:787,synthetic_telepathy.png)

File: 155686c9c0dbfdf⋯.jpg (123.05 KB,1000x750,4:3,telepathic_ai_hd.jpg)

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70f108 No.391444

File: 6457667f6c4c9c5⋯.jpg (197.88 KB,1912x714,956:357,greer_alien_photos.jpg)

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70f108 No.391447

File: c8273e8f6c48e6b⋯.png (39.8 KB,1148x391,1148:391,neuro_rights_colorado.png)

>As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts


>The new law takes effect on Aug. 8, but it is unclear which companies are subject to it because it only applies to those that are using the data to identify people. It's also unclear how it will be enforced - especially if the company is in another country.

>Pauzauskie and the Neurorights Foundation are now pushing for a federal law and even a global accord. They don't want brain data to become like the DNA data that people sent to genealogy sites only to learn they shared it or sold it to a third party.

>After all, the privacy of our mind may be the only privacy we have left.

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70f108 No.391451

File: 6361dc4f76dec7e⋯.png (875.22 KB,903x509,903:509,human_trafficking.png)

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70f108 No.391452

>Third Eye Spies (FULL DOCUMENTARY) CIA, ESP, Psychic Program, Spy Secrets, Declassified Documents


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70f108 No.391453

File: 1ef03f64b7dac25⋯.jpg (146.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,false_psychiatric_emergenc….jpg)

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70f108 No.391454

File: 890fcdd6780490f⋯.jpg (241.76 KB,1024x1024,1:1,false_psychiatric_emergenc….jpg)

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70f108 No.391462

File: d16425406fb54ab⋯.jpg (185.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,false_psychiatric_emergenc….jpg)

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70f108 No.391473

File: 87c81671127d3e8⋯.jpg (218.87 KB,1024x1024,1:1,telepathic_AI_ii.jpg)

File: fc509b9533145cd⋯.jpg (234.74 KB,1024x1024,1:1,telepathic_AI_iii.jpg)

File: 1719e9f00d3ec97⋯.jpg (229.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,telepathic_AI_iv.jpg)

File: c06b803f026fecd⋯.jpg (218.04 KB,1024x1024,1:1,telepathic_AI.jpg)

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70f108 No.391525

File: c87bcb3397dddd6⋯.jpg (205.58 KB,1024x576,16:9,telepathic_AI.jpg)

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70f108 No.391526

File: 654da097b36cd6c⋯.jpg (197.69 KB,1024x1024,1:1,underwater_ufo_ii.jpg)

File: 96bb11f59c4d4c7⋯.jpg (211.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,underwater_ufo_iii.jpg)

File: f36e55ed67a23d1⋯.jpg (204.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,underwater_ufo_iv.jpg)

File: 8487a82b818cbba⋯.jpg (200.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,underwater_ufo.jpg)

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70f108 No.391528

File: 5dfe8c303df9854⋯.png (880.01 KB,1400x1096,175:137,mind_hacking.png)

File: 1232bbe849788b6⋯.jpg (112.37 KB,709x1080,709:1080,how_to_tame_a_demon.jpg)

File: 2269763fae38b39⋯.jpg (39.76 KB,639x960,213:320,project_soul_catcher.jpg)

File: 0a7195c5df1ad7a⋯.png (697.92 KB,718x680,359:340,dr_robert_duncan.png)

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70f108 No.391546

File: 1e92619638bef22⋯.png (591.25 KB,1197x672,57:32,programmed_life_form.png)

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70f108 No.391568



>Hit Repeatedly by .45-Caliber Hollow-Point Bullets, Pastor Tim Remington is a Living Miracle


>Twelve bullets were fired by Odom . . . only six struck Tim, with one bullet making three wounds (entry, exit, and re-entry). What happened to the other six?

>One bullet struck a car, and two bullets were never accounted for, apparently clean misses (by a former Marine at 15 feet!). But Cindy says that police reports confirm that one fired bullet (mushroomed) was found on the parking lot between where Odom stood and Tim was. That made no sense. Tim was wearing a dress shirt, a thin suit vest, and a suit coat — not body armor.

>And if that didn’t make any sense, the other two bullets — what Cindy, Tim, and doctors agree would have likely been “kill shots” — were discovered in the most unusual of positions.

>One fully mushroomed bullet had penetrated Tim’s jacket and vest, but stopped at the fabric of his shirt near the center of his back. The final bullet’s location was stranger still; it was found in Tim’s front left breast pocket of his suit coat, roughly right in front of his heart, fully mushroomed.

>“This was God telling me, ‘If you wondered if I stopped those bullets, here is the proof,” Cindy says.

>She then points out that even the bullet that ended up damaging Tim’s colon was a miracle as well. The bullet made a hole in Tim’s pelvic bone rather than fracturing it and then curved upwards rather than continuing and perhaps striking an artery or other organs. Doctors didn’t have an explanation as to why the bullet changed directions after going through the bone.


>“A nurse came in following surgery and Tim was being taken to the recovery room,” Cindy says. “He still had his scrubs and his cap on. He looked slowly and intentionally around the room, with about 20 of us still there at that time, and said in a solemn voice, ‘The devil did not get a victory today.’ Then he turned around and left. Although we’ve tried, we have never been able to track him down – no one knew who he was. Whether he was an angel or not, that was an amazing and meaningful moment to us all.”

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70f108 No.391590

File: 0faa4c46b5b4432⋯.jpg (251.78 KB,1024x1024,1:1,american_flag.jpg)

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6e76e5 No.391604

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b87001 No.391608

File: e9262816c00a921⋯.jpg (267.01 KB,942x840,157:140,1653518743958_alien_archon….jpg)

17:55–18:20 Evil! What the fuck is that?!

Proof of Life After Death: Hope and a Warning From The Other Side by The Why Files. 2023.12.28



They made the subconscious answer and converse with some entity that doesn't have a mouth, that you didn't select to converse with. 1. Who are they? Name rank serial number? 2. Who do they work for? 3. What is all that, what is the entire working mechanism of what's really behind the scenes? 4. They made side-channel access to you and they made your subconscious a traitor to your soul.

So, afterlife judgement is by entities that are not in a position of limitations everywhere, body, time, money, region, family, politics. And they want to judge "you" based-on your position and given neurophysical health, in a place they deem your actions to be important in. A place so important for fee fees, but they let corruption of the alien-masonic-judeo-illuminati price-gouging Military Industrial Complex run amok, and they swear they can do nothing because muh Prime Directive, while abductee reports show otherwise. But heres the thing, when they judge "you," theyre referring-to bodily you, law of the land you, that you is gone, and that effectively isnt You or your real name or your true authentic self, so their authority is null, they in the "spirit" world cannot judge a "spirit" that just arrived and is incapable of committing a crime in their law of the sea, as a ghost you can't bring a gun and kill those niggers, so their enemy game of invalid judgement, heaven, hell, reincarnation into pain, is conducted as a war.

The diseases and parasites they invented cull "you," because your evolution pays their bills with "your" pain. They've decided, quite simply by "your" design, to kill you.

Since this is all a war against you, here, then mass murder and genocide are valid

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9d1cb0 No.391634


Could someone get rid of the people who are talking and hurting me? I think they are some Jews that are doing it.

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343200 No.391638

File: e41cfe77881f774⋯.jpg (178.53 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ARCTURIAN_DREAM_PSYCHIC_AT….jpg)

I wouldnt be in this situation without the progressive degeneration of sleep deprivation caused by aliens. To deprive me of sleep is physical torture, and in the event of a health crisis, the lack of sleep is a direct contributor, because in a painful health crisis, the aliens allowed a normal duration of sleep, knowing that sleep is healing of the body.

Every time instant of being in health was compromised by the aliens forcing 2-6 hours of sleep for a decade. What would I have been in the flesh for a decade without their torture? Forever unknown

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70f108 No.391688

File: 54913769226efbe⋯.jpg (268.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_craft_iii.jpg)

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70f108 No.391689

File: d2f3fe8d65ed532⋯.jpg (251.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_craft_ii.jpg)

File: 7e0171a516596a5⋯.jpg (250.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_craft_iv.jpg)

File: beaf3e720a0c047⋯.jpg (220.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_craft.jpg)

File: 1cacd5be0f84acc⋯.jpg (254.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_hyperspace_craft.jpg)

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70f108 No.391883

File: 2f13d9b3e8fe18f⋯.jpg (105.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,baby_gray.jpg)

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