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File: 275a0514ca7d774⋯.png (731.57 KB,986x1209,986:1209,23557.png)

0c5f7a No.391235

>He outlines very clearly, what is at stake for the collective West as it relates to the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, and how if the West loses, it falls apart politically and loses respect of the entire world, but if Russia loses, their country "will no longer exist as it is shaped today."

MY COMMENT: Oh GOD! Please! Please just "fall apart politically" already! We The People really….. and I mean really…. DO NOT NEED YOU DOLTS! You have been fucking up our countries for DECADES! You have been pissing civilians off for DECADES! Nothing you dolts do is in our own interest or national interest, so please just "fall apart politically" already! Our families are not going to fight for you morons or your radical idiotic ideological "Green New Deal Agenda 21 Great Reset" agendas that NO ONE WANTS!!!! Please just "fall apart politically" already!! The West can recover and we can only recover WITHOUT YOU DOLTS in political power!! Please just "fall apart politically" already! You have already lost all respect among the vast majority of your own population!!! YOU ALREADY LOST RESPECT AROUND THE GLOBE AND AT HOME YOU NEO-CON DOLTS!!!! No one trusts you, no one believes you anymore!!! No one wants you, no one wants your wars anymore!! Go away! Scram! Resign already!

>I have suggested, advised, cajoled, and even implored you to get emergency water, emergency food, extra medicine that you need to live, and other "preps" like flashlights for every room in the house, spare batteries for them, a first aid kit with bandages to treat wounds or injuries, a generator to supply electric to your refrigerator so your food won't go bad if the electric grid goes down, spare fuel for that generator, COMMUNICATIONS GEAR like CB or HAM radio, to talk with locals and be able to hear news from around the world by shortwave (HAM).

Thank you for your Common Sense. The Western world needs a lot more of it!


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043c9f No.391239

File: e2c6ec01d290187⋯.png (401.84 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240613_080140….png)


Saged, Filtered, REPORTED

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043c9f No.391240

File: eda209f22876e62⋯.png (537.49 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240613_080322….png)


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043c9f No.391241


are 'dolts' what you call underage children?

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209f76 No.391508

File: 44f46a63d03f6b8⋯.jpg (215.85 KB,1851x1388,1851:1388,waw.jpg)

he is right you know

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6040ba No.391514


You God damn asshole dolts have created this war, but fuck you if you think me or my family will partake in any of it. YOU STARTED THIS WAR. YOUR GOING TO FIND YOURSELVES DESTROYED OVER IT.

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6040ba No.391519


Our so-called political "leaders" today sure do act like spoiled children. Grown men and women throwing tantrums because they can't keep playing supreme emperor of the class on the school playground. They need to grow up, realize the world is changing and consider diplomacy and cooperate with others. The other option is they eventually get themselves in a big ruffle and get a massive black eye before being sent to the principle's office to be punished for starting a fight!!

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6040ba No.391520


>He outlines very clearly, what is at stake for the collective West as it relates to the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, and how if the West loses, it falls apart politically and loses respect of the entire world, but if Russia loses, their country "will no longer exist as it is shaped today."

The hard truth is the US Govt has already LOST respect among the world and at least have the American population at this point. So the question is, *how do you regain that respect!? First off, you stop trying to escalate more war around the world. You have to become diplomats and try to stop those wars and all the war mongering. If also have to listen to your fellow citizens when they are upset and angry! You cannot possibly win any major war when you constantly and routinely piss off the very people you depend on winning such a war! Doing so takes negotiations and some compromise. You won't get everything you want or have planned, that's normal, that's the way the world works! So to fix this, our so-called leaders better WISE UP and FAST.

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