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2012e9 No.391203

Someone gets charged with the right one just for wearing a black moroccan djellaba with a black balaclava which is up to 5 years in prison, meanwhile a child molester charged with the left only gets a max of 1 year in county jail.

Reminder that the same crime on the left is a class 2 felony in florida

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4fcd3c No.391207

Facebook wants you back

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605b75 No.391209


Because America has corrupt, often insanely bad arrogant political leadership and the country has been subverted to all hell with common sense becoming something of rare value these days.

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fdabf0 No.391215


No law in the history of the United States has ever been changed by people whining on the internet.

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605b75 No.391216


Years in the past, some to-become laws have been prevented and shot down due to large amount of organizations and online users petitioning dissent and calling up Congress to voice their dissent. Back during the Bush Jr. era the Real ID Act which included bio-metric tagging of people… later during the Obama era SOPA (ISP-level censorship) being another legislation that was shot down… and during Trump era leftists successfully sabotaged and shot down his Border wall funding proposals in Congress.

The problem is people like you gave up while most social media platforms are censoring and outright blocking dissent because of federal intervention. And worse, less and less Americans seem to care about petitioning their grievances anymore (some even mock the minority who still do try). Everything is now slapped down as "conspiracy theory" so everything will continue to get worse and worse and worse as time goes on.

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3ad445 No.391259


Less Americans care about voicing opinions or whatever because way more Americans know it’s the jews and their federal lackeys hellbent on ruining everyone else’s lives. And we just let them continue to record themselves so when we erase them from the planet we can have a lot of supporting documentation for the reasoning behind such comprehensive violence

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871364 No.391261


All that will really happen is what has happened to past fallen empires. The economy will be destroyed, supply chains will falter, shortages and hyperinflation will run amok, and people will be killing one another over basic essentials trying to survive a third world nightmare collapse. Anyone who is smart and has any wealth will be nowhere near any American cities, if they are even in America anymore not having fled to another country before the collapse gets too chaotic.

What you will witness is a rapid increase in crime and desperation. This will follow with the government behaving more abusive and despotic as time goes on. It will continue to get worse and worse until the whole system breaks apart, all public confidence and trust lost, and inevitably civil victims will start to welcome foreign interventions due to hellish living standards and fear.

It absolutely does not have to turn out this way but I'm almost convinced it will at this point outside some miracle reform and drastic change of leadership. Good luck to anyone naive enough to believe this is going to be easy for them and their livelihoods won't be threatened too.

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