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da0574 No.391158

Congratulations to Tyler Durden for achieving the New International Award for the most popular prestigious Real News Website, visited by hundreds of millions every year globally, Zerohedge.

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88273d No.391161


filtered blocked and reported

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da0574 No.391179

Bumped and congratulated, many world leaders now read Zerohedge.

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1ea89e No.391190


the ironic part:

you are not intelligent enough to even understand the movie FIGHT CLUB, and although you probably watched it one time, you didn't really pay attention, Don't know the Tyler durden connection, don't understand the ending of the movie, and couldn't encapsulate the plot line in your own words, not even if your life depended on it.

Because you're not an intelligent person. You are a stupid little man, with a learning inability, and a raging drug addiction.


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