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090a27 No.391094

Anti-Israel Protesters at White House!!


Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the White House on Saturday to protest President Joe Biden's response to Israel's military strikes on Gaza.

Chants of "Free Palestine!", "Genocide is our red line", and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities.

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3d402c No.391098


very informative article! I had no idea they were shipping protesters in from other states.

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c3ec33 No.391099


if the protesters were bussed in from other states, what hotel did they stay in?

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b3eee3 No.391100


Maybe they all thought they were smart, because they stayed at a Holiday Inn last night?

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a47c6b No.391101


my wife talks about you all day long. 8kp this, 8kp that. I'll be the first to admit that yes, you are indeed a very handsome man.

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4f5f0e No.391102


have you by any chance seen the creepy old alcoholic bum in here that spends his entire life trying to imitate you?

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47a789 No.391103


you always have the best reporting. you are one of the most talented journalists and Prepper's I've ever seen.

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47a789 No.391104


yes, I created a thread about him yesterday. he's an 80 year old pedophile who posts CP in here all the time. I'm having him arrested.

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548191 No.391107


as always, I learned so much from your article. this impactful and well researched article changed my perspective.

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548191 No.391108


goi! because he needs to be in a prison cell for posting CO and I heard he abused his wife and daughter for years.

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548191 No.391109


yep. he only abuses women, children & animals because he's nothing more than a weak powerless coward.

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eb7370 No.391110


Femanon here. are you single ?

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eb7370 No.391111


Femanon here. are you single ?

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eb7370 No.391112


ahh now I understand. cowards like him are too afraid of confronting another man, so they victimize the weak (women children & animals) to make them feel like a 'tough guy'.

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8a53ae No.391113

Samefag talking to himself over VPN proxies lol.

The difference between the News Reporter and the samefag troll is astounding really. Samefag cares about what others think and believe. News Reporter does not. News Reporter is not interested in lecturing dummies or anyone, truth is reported and nothing else. Samefag will lie and troll trying to demonize News Reporter aut News Reporter never cares, only bumping back his own threads once in a while and abruptly leaving the board to rot. Real News is all that matters at the end of the day and others are left to make their own decisions. News Reporter doesn't need other people online, while Samefag relies on others to antagonize and troll. Samefag could learn from News Reporter but doesn't want to, News Reporter can't really learn much from gaslighting on the other hand. It's really funny to see this happening.

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090a27 No.391116


you're no 8KP™

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cdf757 No.391126



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517b08 No.391127


>news reporter

you inadvertently misspelled "copy & paste alcoholic"

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